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posted by mikaela_isabela
I was uncomfortable.
My neck was lying on the couch at an awkward angle. I could feel Nate’s feet on my lap, and I could hear him snoring quietly. I opened my eyes and saw that my head was facing towards the ground. I must have moved in my sleep. I yawned hugely and rubbed my eyes. They felt weird. Like they were prickling.
I moved Nate’s feet and backward rolled off the couch. I got to my feet unsteadily, trying to regain my balance. I looked out the window. Charlie’s cruiser was gone. It must be later in the morning.
I went into the kitchen, to find some breakfast when the phone rang.
I answered it before I had time to think.
“Hello?” my voice was thick from sleep; it sounded as if I had a cold, or had just been crying.
“Bella!” Alice’s wind chime voice snapped me out of my reverie. “You finally answered; I’ve been calling all morning. Are you okay? Is Leah there?”
Her voice was full of worry and concern.
“Um, yeah I’m fine Alice, why wouldn’t I be?” I was tired and confused, she made absolutely no sense.
“So you’re okay?” her voice was still worried. “Is Leah there?”
Her train of thought was making me dizzy and my eyes burn.
“Yes, I’m fine, and no, Leah isn’t here, why?”
“Leah isn’t there?” her voice was sharp now.
“No, Alice, what’s going on? You’re confusing me.”
She was murmuring something to someone in the background. This was starting to irritate me.
My eyes felt really sore now. I closed my eyes and rubbed them furiously.
Alice was still talking to someone in hushed tones.
I cried out in pain. It felt like my eyes were on fire.
“Bella?” Fresh panic layered Alice’s voice. “Bella, what’s wrong?”
I was panting loudly, still rubbing my eyes. I couldn’t answer her.
“Bella! What’s wrong?” Edward’s voice was in the receiver now. “Bella honey, talk to me!” his voice was frightened.
I couldn’t control my scream.
It was as if someone was gouging my eyes.
“Bella?!” Nate’s voice was behind me, worried, yet slightly wary. “Bells?”
He rolled me over. Strange. I didn’t know I was on the floor.
“Oh my god…Bella, I’ve got to get you to the hospital.”
The hospital? What was wrong with me? I was still panting.
“BELLA?!” Edward was seriously frightened now. The phone was still in my hand, “WHATS HAPPENING?!”
There was wetness on my face, but it didn’t feel like tears.
Nate helped me to my feet, and took the phone out of my hands.
“Hello?” Nate was talking into the receiver; I could hear the panic in his voice.
I couldn’t see, everything was black.
“Her eyes…they’re…bleeding.” His voice was scared. “I have to take her to the hospital, call back later.” He hung up the phone and towed me towards the door.
He grabbed his keys and opened the door. The bright light made my eyes hurt more.
I cried out in pain again.
“Bella!” Angela’s voice came from nowhere. “What happened to you? What happened to her?” she went from asking me to asking Nate.
“I don’t know. She was on the phone, and then she screamed, I ran in there and she was on the floor screaming. I rolled her over and saw her like this. I was taking her to the hospital.” Nate’s voice was controlled, yet it seemed as if he knew the words, like he’d practiced them before.
“I’m coming.” Angela’s voice was worried, yet determined. “I’m the only one here for her right now, so I’m coming.”
Nate dragged me to his car, and slid me in the back seat. Angels sat in the seat next to me and pulled my head on her shoulder. I whimpered, as my eyes stung more.
We got to the hospital in record time, and went straight to Doctor Gerandy.
I got holed up to a bunch of machines and wheeled off to the Emergency room by myself. Nate and Angela weren’t allowed to come in until after I had some tests done.
I had never felt such a burning pain; not since James bit me all those months ago in Phoenix. This burn felt ten times worse than that, and more potent. But this one wouldn’t turn me into a vampire.
The medicine they drugged me with made me constantly drift in and out of consciousness.
I dreamt that I was walking along the cliff I had once jumped off, in my effort to hear Edwards voice.
But I was not alone.
I turned and saw Nate, with Ben Cheney, Angela’s ex-boyfriend, and another boy, who looked vaguely familiar. There was also a girl. She was sitting on the edge of the cliff, just watching me pace. Yet Everytime I asked what was going on; the consciousness came back.
I could hear Doctor Gerandy and Charlie murmuring close by, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
I was barely aware that I was being moved.
I must be getting placed in a room. I felt a warm hand on my forehead. This time I could hear what they were saying.
“Bella…my beautiful Bella…” it was Charlie, it sounded as if he were crying.
I stirred. “Dad…?” I mumbled, I tried to open my eyes, yet everything was still dark.
“Bella?!” relief was thick in his voice. “Oh, thank god!” I felt him kiss my forehead.
I reached my hand up to feel my eyes. There was gauze wrapping over them.
“Dad, what happened?” my voice was groggy, but the burning had stopped.
“They don’t know sweetie. Something happened to your eyes, but they’re about to take the covering off, so we’ll be able to see if there’s any damage.”
I nodded, trying to remember what happened. There was a phone call with Alice…then Edwards’s voice…then…nothing. I couldn’t remember anything else.
We stopped moving. I could hear Doctor Gerandy outside the door. I cringed back into my pillows, afraid of what he might say, or what the results will be.
The door opened.
“Ah, your awake Bella.” His voice was professional. “That’s good. Lets look at your test results, shall we?” I heard him approach the bed, flipping pages as he did.
“Hm…that’s odd.” His voice was confused.
“What’s odd?” Charlie and I asked this at the same time. If it weren’t a serious situation, we would have laughed.
“All of her results come back as normal…but how could they be normal? Your eyes were bleeding…” he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. “Well, let’s take a look see at your eyes, and see if they’re okay…”
I braced myself. Charlie squeezed my arms gently. He was just as anxious as I was.
Doctor Gerandy’s hands were taking off the gauze, I felt sick. Not a bad sick, just nervous.
It was no longer black. I could see a very white light, in my left eye.
“Unbelievable…” Charlie’s voice was stunned, but it didn’t sound bad.
I saw the white light in my right eye now. I blinked trying to focus on something. After about 6 blinks I could see. I saw both Doctor Gerandy and Charlie looking at me with stunned faces.
“What?” I asked, my voice shaking due to the nerves. “Is it that bad?”
I thought of several possibilities of why they weren’t saying anything. None of them good.
“Bella…” Charlie’s voice was full of awe. “No, it’s nothing bad…your eyes…their…their…”
“Green.” Doctor Gerandy finished his sentence for him, his voice equally filled with awe.
My jaw dropped. This had to be a joke. My eyes were a chocolate brown not green. I had never had green eyes, this couldn’t be real.
“A real pretty green too,” Charlie was saying. “Sort of a mix of blue and green…it looks like the ocean.” He smiled at me.
I looked from Gerandy to Charlie, trying to find hints of them joking.
There was none.
There was a light knock on the door.
“Can we come in?” it was Leah. She poked her head in just a fraction.
“Yeah, come on in Leah.” My voice sounded calm and sure, yet I felt anything but. She came in followed closely by Angela and Seth.
They all stopped dead when they looked at me.
Seth’s jaw actually dropped.
“Is that really you Bella?” Angela was squinting at me, but Leah had a smile playing around the edge of her mouth. Her voice was amused.
“Dude…that colour suits you!”
I looked at all the faces that surrounded me. My eyes stopped at Gerandy.
“Do you have a mirror?” I asked timidly; I was nervous, I was so used to having brown eyes; green would be an adjustment.
He nodded and left the room for a minute. It was silent while he was gone. Seth was still staring at me, his jaw slightly open, Angela was smiling at me fearfully, as if she didn’t think it was me, and Leah was trying her hardest not to laugh at my expression. I looked at Charlie.
“Bells, I’d better call your mom. She’s been calling every few seconds checking up on you. I’ll be back.”
I nodded as he headed to the door.
Almost exactly 2 seconds after Charlie left the room, Gerandy came in with a hand held mirror.
I took it from him nervously, holding it close to my chest.
I looked at the friends that surrounded me, and they all nodded in encouragement. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I lifted the mirror up to my face, and opened my eyes.
I gasped. It was like looking at a stranger. A very pretty stranger. The colour was like the water in the Caribbean ocean, that I’ve seen pictures of. Not quite green; not quite blue.
There was another knock at the door. I tore my eyes away from the stranger girl, and looked towards the door.
Nate was standing awkwardly in the doorway. He looked upset yet determined.
“Um, would you guys mind if I have a private minute with Bella?” his voice was strong and gruff. It sounded surprisingly like Charlie. I looked at him confused.
They all nodded and headed towards the door. Once they were all gone, he closed the door and sat beside me on the bed.
“What’s up Nate?” I asked, trying to catch his eyes. He made it hard by looking at the floor.
“I have to tell you something…about our family…and about what happened to your eyes…” he trailed off, finally looking up from the floor and meeting my eyes. I never noticed how green his eyes were before. Almost the colour of celery.
I stared right back never breaking contact.
“Go on.” I said when he didn’t seem inclined to go on.
He took a deep breath, and looked down.
He let out a gusty sigh and stared at me with such intensity that I felt the urge to step back.
“Bella…I know what kind of people you hang out with…and I use the term people loosely…I know that your boyfriend is a vampire and your best friend is a werewolf…”
My jaw dropped. How did Nate know this?
“Your not just some unimportant human Bella, you and I have a purpose in this world, and human doesn’t quite cover it.” he took another deep breath before he grabbed my shoulders in his hands. “Bella…you and I…we’re…we’re…” another breath, “Bella we are witches. It is our job to keep the vampires and werewolves out of the human eye; to protect the secrecy of the magical world, and to protect the human world from the unknown. You were born for this purpose, and your eyes mark you for what we are. Good witches. Green eyes are good, purple eyes are bad. We’re like vampires in that way.” He let go of my shoulders and put his hand under my chin so he could read my newly founded witch eyes.
“Bella, this was only the first of your transformations…the eyes are the starting point…your lucky…”he added bitterly, “Only your hair has to change now. Of course you’ll get thinner and stronger. And not to mention fast.”
I tried to figure out what my face felt like. It felt cold. I tired to blink in a healthy rhythm.
“You’re not the weak little human Bella now. Now; you’re the fast, strong and even more beautiful Bella. No more getting left behind, and no more of this damsel in distress business. Now you’re the hero…enjoy it.”
I stared at Nate’s eyes and held it for an immeasurable moment.
I smiled at him.
“When do I start?”
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
CHAPTER NINE: Life Comes At You Fast...So Dont Blink!...
PREVIOUSLY ON Storyteller:
"So, are we really free? From The Fear? Are we actually gone from that place?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, Kandice. We are. Were free! But that doesnt mean we can stop to smell the roses here. It just means that we need to get away from here as possible. And as far! So, where do you NEED or WANT to go?" He asked me.
"Well, theres a kick! Where are we?" I asked back.
"Missouri! We are in Kansas City, Missouri. And we need to go somewhere....
continue reading...
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
I'm a winner!
I'm a winner!
******************* Lust********************
Chapter Four: Fight! Fight! Fight! PART TWO...
**************By: BuffyFaithfan1*****************
I watched the water spray against the side of the boat, and against my face, as we headed to our car. I saw my reflection and saw a different me then usual. I then remembered when Edward said to me...
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...." he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
"What a stupid lamb," I sighed.
"What a sick, masochistic lion." He stared into the shadowy forest for a long moment, and I wondered where...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
People Always Lie!  Mom?  Dad?  Peyton?
People Always Lie! Mom? Dad? Peyton?
by: BuffyFaithfan1
Chapter Six: It's About Power!...
I looked at the horrified eyes of Mile, and he wanted to save me but he didnt have enough time to. Mandy swung the knife at my gut and I felt something cold hit me like thunder. I was now on the floor and was curious on how I got here and what just happened. I looked up at Mandy and saw her still gripping the knife like she just gutted something but I didnt see who or what it was till I then noticed Mile on the sharp end of the knife....
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posted by xxEmo92xx
Danie turned into a blob of apple sauce, then shape-shifted back into a human. "There" She said.
"Hey Erin! So I see you got my text."

"Yeah! Congrats! You have to tell me all about this Parick."

"No, you tell me about you being part of the Volturi."

"How did you know?"

"Well me being a vamp and everything, I get one power which is shape-shifting."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Oh nothing I just needed to tell you."

"Ok, how did you find out?"

"Your friend Alice told me."

"Oh,ok. Yeah, so you know my dad is Aro and my little sister is Jane."

"I didn't even know that!" Alice said."Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't ready to yet."

"Erin, you are my best friend; I tell you everything, you should tell me the same."


"It's fine. Now come on, let's go shopping for your friend's big day."

"Ok, let's go."

Two hours later, Alice, Erin, and Danie were still roaming around when they found the "perfect dress".
posted by vampiress015
I just have to say that this isn't really Twilight fan-fiction, nor Harry Potter for that matter. It's a mix. I noticed on that loads of people were writing them, so I thought I'd give it a go myself. So, anyway, here it is:

Chapter One- The Essence of a Fan

'Edward, we love you!'
'No, I love him more'
'I swear on Jacob's life that I love Edward more than you'
'How does that work? You don't even like Jacob'
'Do too, I'm on Team Switzerland'
'Then you can't love Edward more- you love them both'
'Edward come back!'
Harry jumped out the way as two screaming girls flew past. His...
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Ch 7
A/N: I own no characters. Plz R&R!

I climbed out of my rusty truck and stared into the eyes of 7 people. Laurn, Angela, Ben, Mike, Jessica, Eric, and Tyler.

"Bella!" cryed Angela, as she flung herself at me. "Sorry, you probaly don't remember me....I'm..."

"Angela!" I gave her a hug back. "I remember, all of you. Wow. News travels fast in this town, doesn't it."

"Yeah, that's the perks of livin' in a small town." Mike cheered. What was he so happy about?

The bell rang.

"Well, I see you guys later." I hollered. They were already leaving for class.

"Later." they replied.

"Um...."I called...
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If you're wondering about the quote in "Twilight" from Montague Summers I can explain.

Montague Summers was a 19th century British clergyman and writer. Most of his books were nonfiction works about witches and vampires.

The quote in "Twilight" is taken from the introduction to the book "The Vampire:His Kith And Kin". A volume that covers vampire legends from around the world. Along with familiar Europeon vampires that most are familiar with the book also covers vampire legends from Africa, Asia and other parts of the world.

This an excellent work about vampire legends that is worth seeking out.
Twilight's going to keep a lot of people up all night.

Across the country, more than 1,100 midnight Friday screenings were reported sold out. In Los Angeles, pairs of tickets were hawked for upwards of $50 on Craigslist. On Facebook, members were planning their opening-night wardrobe.

Suffice to say, Team Edward T-shirts—and the fans wearing them—will be out in force.

"I think the opening day is going to be huge," says Bruce Nash of the box-office data site, the Numbers.

But how huge? That's a trickier answer.

"There are certain movies that are hard to gauge," says box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian...
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The news is enough to make Brad Pitt anemic: He's not the sexiest bloodsucker to hit the big screen. According to a new poll from the U.S.-based theatre information website Moviefone, Pitt placed second to Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson in a public vote that asked respondents to name the sexiest male and female vampires of all time.

Pitt fell far behind Pattinson's 112,794 votes for sexiest pale male with a mere 96,307 votes, while Salma Hayek, who appeared in Robert Rodriguez's kitschy From Dusk Till Dawn, pulled in 264,718 votes to edge out number two gal Kate Beckinsale (Underworld),...
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LOS ANGELES -- The screaming was enough to wake the dead. Or the undead.

And receiving the brunt of it? Angular, immaculately-coifed Brit Robert Pattinson, on stage in front of thousands of shrieking females at this past July's Comic-Con in San Diego.

Yes, his fellow Twilight cast members were there too, but it was the 22-year-old who had the throngs swooning. After all, for devotees of Stephenie Meyer's novels, Pattinson is Edward Cullen sprung to life.

Edward who? Don't worry. Even if you don't know him, you probably know a 'tweener or teenager who squeals at the mention of the virtuous vampire's...
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posted by vampiress015
So, the other day I dug out my old CD's and found 'The Feelings Twelve Stops and Home', which I must confess has kind of been rejected since their latest album came out. So anyway, I thought 'why not put it on?'. So I did, only to realise that loads of the songs relate to the Twilight saga in their own little ways. However there was one song that was perfect, I even found a hidden track! And oh look at that, this album is now at the top of my CD pile again. Here's the song lyrics I metioned below, I've also included a link to a video on Youtube. Enjoy!

The Feeling- Blue Picadilly
I think this...
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posted by ilurvedward
i know this has already been posted.... but i am so moved that i have to put my two cents.

first off, i have to say that i am extreemly disappionted at whoever did this. the person that leaked the draft was trusted enough by Stephenie to even HVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! if stephenie trusted that one dip---t enough to entrust them the draft, they shouldv'e respected her and the millions of twilighters out there and kept it to themselves.

now, the true fans, the ones who didn't give in to temptation and read the leaked draft, can maybe never get the satisfaction of seeing our Edward's book bound...
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posted by kctjohnson
I thought I'd post this poem and try to get constructive feedback ;)


To Know Her

She is who I see and all that I see.
Every minute with her is a minute to know her.
What does she like? What makes her angry?
What makes her laugh like no other?

I watch her move and learn her moods.
Her needs, I read like a book unbound.
I study her eyes as they speak to me
When words aren’t enough, when they can’t be found.

Her joy is mine, her emotions move me.
To be what she wants is no arduous task.
To protect her and know her – that’s what I do
So I find it amusing when she would ask:

“How is it that you know me so well?
Sometimes it seems you can read my mind.”
“Nah,” I smile. “I just pay attention.”
I become what she wants and needs, by design.
added by nessie-eska
Source: Summit Entertainment + nessie-eska
added by gbyaln
added by t_cullen17
added by sunrise_90
added by sinai114
Source: sinai114
added by fatoshleo
added by izzzolda