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posted by GothicGirl0525

Enjouy :)

Chapter 6:

    “Hello Daughter” Says my scary excuse for a father responded. His voice always holding that evil glint and never the loving touch I always longed for as a young girl. “Isabella, how have you been?” He asked, trying to sound sweet but failing.
    “Charlie how about you and I get one thing straight shall we?” I asked taking a deep breath and continuing before he could say anything. “I am not your daughter. The right of you calling me your daughter was taken away the day you decided to hit me.” I stated, pausing for second before continuing. “We may share DNA but Charlie all you will ever be is a sperm donor.” I stated as calmly as I could.
    “Isabella, you will regret saying those words to me. I promise to make your life a living hell if I have to just to make a point.”He said, after a few seconds of pausing he said. “I am your father, you will never ever get rid of me” He paused again. “I promise you, I have kept every promise so far. So do not under estimate me at all young lady.” He breathed into the phone making me squirm in my seat.
    “Charlie, you don’t scare me one but I am not little teenage girl who was too scared to fight back. The day you come near me or my family and friends is the day I accidently shoot you with the lovely gun in my home. I will make sure to kill you and let you suffer. So if I were you I would think twice my sperm donor before threaten me.” I said. I was calm and being careful of everything I say over the phone.
    “My daughter, mark my words you have not scene the last of me.” He ended, and then he hung up. I sighed, oddly feeling much better with myself at this moment, and then I have my whole life. I took a deep breath and then I turned around towards the people who were eavesdropping and were engrossed into every word I spit through my mouth towards the on person I hate out of my entire life.
    “Are you guys done looking at me like I just lost my mind?” I stated with a smile on my face.
    “Yes, we are done looking at you like that but my thing is what the hell happened between Charlie and you?” Alice asked. I swear she is always the first one to be nosey. I swear the shorter people are the shorter the temper and also the shorter the patience level. Alice Cullen is my perfect example to this situation.
    “Yeah Bella, would u care to explain why your sperm donor and you are getting into heated argument on the phone and then your threaten to kill him the next minute.” Emmett said with a smile.
    “Well, one to answer Alice’s question he started to say crap about how I am still his daughter but I nipped that in the butt. He just threatened basically to make my life a living hell and I did the same as you heard. I made him mad and the only thing I can say to that is boo hoo.” I stated all in one breathe. It felt good to be able to stand up for myself and be the strong independent women my mother would want me to be. “Secondly, to answer Emmett’s question about the gun, Charlie said that he would do something because he promised I would regret everything I said. In conclusion I promised him in returned if he tried anything on my family and friends then I would accidently use the gun in my home to shoot him in self-defense.” I stated with a smile. I could most likely get used to being the care free and strong women I have become.
    “Bella, I am glad that you stood up for yourself but you need to be careful. This is Charlie we are talking about. Hun, he just threatened to take your life away because he wants you to regret the words you said. That’s a little bit scary if you think about it.” Edward said, lacing his voice with real worry. I could see the worry and the fear on his face. It was a look I was not used to seeing on people when the emotion of worry and fear were concerned.
    “Yeah Bells, I think I would have to agree with Eddie boy on this one” Emmett said, while chuckling always the bear teddy bear that lightened the mood in a silenced room.
    “DON’T CALL ME EDDIE” Edward yelled, at Emmett. When it came to people calling him Eddie or Ed he did not like it at all. He would freak but when I say freak it never went to the lengths of Charlie. Edward will only yell and then rant for a few seconds, after a few minutes he will laugh with the rest of us.
    “Eddie, don’t be rude. I was not done talking to Bells. What I was saying before be rudely interrupted was that I agree. I think we should wait awhile and make sure you are never alone.” He said, we all know and love the funny and kid-like Emmett but when the serious he came we didn’t mess around. Well I did but everyone else just listened. I sighed just as he stated “Bella Swan, you better not be hard to deal with because I don’t have the patience and I wont take or deal with it. Do you understand me?” He stated, with an authority voice.
    “Yes Father” I said sarcastically. I was not a big fan of everyone fusing, caring, or even really pretending to care about me. Though, when it came to Emmett I had a special place for him. He was always the on answering the midnight calls when Charlie ever went over board. Emmett was the big brother that I never had; therefore he was there with the first aid-kit to stitch me up. Emmett and I never told the gang about the arrangement we had together. It wasn’t about trust or anything silly like that it was just the simple fact that the less people that were involved the less to get hurt. Though we both kind of thought Esme and Carlisle were starting to think something was up because Emmett was leaving the house so much during the weekend and at night that it would explain why they never asked nor commented.
    “Yes smartass. We understand that you don’t like this plan but personally I don’t give two shits what you think right now because as your friend and you being my little sister and all it’s my job to make sure you’re safe. I have done it scene you were sixteen and I am not about to stop now just because you want to be a stubborn pain in my ass. Understand sis?” He ranted and ranted. God I didn’t know someone could go on that long.
    “All right, you win for right now but once this is done I will get you back you back mister. Do we understand bro?” I stated, using the same teasing but serious tone. He nodded and I smiled. Everything is back to normal again. Emmett’s the non-serious and I am the non- smartass.
    “ Can someone please explain what just happened?” Alice asked, Edward. He just gave us both a look and just simply stated.
    “ Nope. Its Emmett and Bella what else can we do besides sit back and relax.” He stated calmly. A few mintues later, a door slammed from the froce of someone walking in but I could swear we locked that door. We all look at eachother and Emmett and Edward walk out frist but before we could walk out the door. The person who slammed the front door walked right into the kitchen wearing a shit eating grin.

Sorry about the hanger. I will make sure to post up next one soon. hope you enjoyed
added by neeki
added by neeki
added by neeki
These are my fave quotes from Edward from the Twilight book.Hope you enjoy them.

Forks must be a difficult place for you to live.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.48

No blood, no foul.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.61

Someone has to spread the good news that we survived.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.62

I saved your life – I don’t owe you anything.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.64

You think I lifted a van off you?

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.65

I hope you enjoy disappointment.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.65

It’s better if we’re not friends. Trust...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
[A New Story From the Author of HELLO, MY NAME IS: DEATH Series - BuffyFaithfan1]
Chapter One: Fish Out of Water
Jessika sat on the edge of her seat. She was sitting at the dining room table in, well, the dining room while her parents stared at her from the other end. Their eyes bore into her like hot coals pressing into rubber, burning through once they've made themselves clear.
"What?" She stammered out, glad that her voice found itself before her parents jumped down her throat.
"Well," Jessika's father said, his eyes softening as he looked...
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posted by LexisFaith
*comes out from hiding*
Sorry guys. I was away Tracking down James...This guy is a tough nut to crack.
Anyway, I'm back and so is this story:)
Bella Pov

Right now, I wasn't going to worry about what our parents would think. What our sibblings would say, and how everything would work out once this James case was over and done. I was only thinking about Edward's touch. How my skin caught fire in his fingertip's trail. How my heart pounded in my chest when his lips traveled across my jaw and down my neck were he stopped and nipped on...
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Chapter 17: Less Worry - More Sun.

This is a small book i am writing about the life of Renesmee cullen after (Breaking Dawn) It is in he rpoint of view for almost the whole time (with a few exceptions) I suggest starting from chapter 1 to get the full impact and information (:

I have been out of town and unable to write, although i am working on the next chapter as we speak! (: Please Comment, Like, Share and become a friend! The higher demand i have, the more i will write

Chapter 17: Less Worry - More Sun.

I watched the towns pass below me, observing the mass amounts of builidings...
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**NOTE this is a mini book i am writing, based off of breaking done. This is placed in the time that renesmee is now 14. This book is not only filled with the relattionship between renesmee and jacob, but the action will volturi, and possibly another boy. It focuses on all aspects of her life


Chapter 2: The truth.

They dismissed school early due to Not finding the animals. i was suddenly furious with jacob, he had always been over protective, but this, this was pushing the line. I love him, he's like my big brother. I knew i couldnt stay mad at him though, but...
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Full Summery: Twenty-two year old Princess Bella Swan thinks she knows what she wants out of life, a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet and rescue her from a life of service. When quiet, intuitive, pianist Edward Cullen is invited to Court though, Bella's world is a thrown a curve ball. Love may come easy, but life in Court, modern though it maybe, is never easy. Surrounded by scheming lords and power hungry men, Bella and Edward may be doomed to the same fate as every other star-crossed lover in history. As Bella learns more about herself she's pulled between choices far greater than...
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posted by disneygood
I do not own any of these characters, only Ely, Amelia and Alex. I do not own the Twilight Saga either.

Authors Words:

Hello. My Name is actually Eli, but our names our spelt differently. Ely is a made up character that I made. I hope you enjoy this book, if you do not understand a bit, please ask! Now, Lets Begin...


I woke up on a Stone cold Marble floor, looking up into red, evil eyes.
"Ely, my dear. Remember me? You will obey me and will talk to kill Vampires. Understood?" A voice said.

I was too dizzy and I couldn't nod, i managed too in the end. I picked myself up and walked on over to...
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"I'd never given much though how I would die.But dying in place of someone I love,seems like a good way to go.I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death.They also brought me to Edward."-Bella

Bella:"Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?"
Edward:"Yeah.Um...I had an adrenaline rush.It's very common.You can Google it."

Bella:"Will you tell me the truth?"
Edward:"No,probably not.[Bella turns away slightly angry]I'd reather hear your theories."
Bella:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite."
Edward:"All superhero stuff right?But...
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Jacob's POV
I slowly approached the line of the territory. Looking at it closely. If i was to go to school with the bloodsuckers, with Paul, Jered, Sam, Embre and Quil. Things would be rather hectic. A small girl had approached the line staying back enough on bloodsucker territory. She was pale, she had distinct brown hair and light hazel eyes. I knelt down. "Hello there." She looked at me keeping her eyes on focus. "Hello." She seemed fine. I began to take a step over the line picking the small girl...
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Summit has announced that "Breaking Dawn" will be made into two movies like it was previously speculated, and that Miley Cyrus has joined the cast as a supporting vampire.!

The first part of Breaking Dawn is tentatively scheduled for a June 2011 release, with the second part tentatively scheduled for a December 2011 release. Shooting for both parts will be done simultaneously between August 2010 and February 2011 at Vancouver Film Studios.

Fans of the classic "Angel" TV series will want to check out Breaking Dawn (not sure if it's the first, second, or both parts) as David Boreanaz is set to make a cameo in a role that has not been revealed.
[Full] Link : link
posted by emma-cotsford
Renesmee's point after breaking dawn

chapter 1 rnesmees point of view

"Jake, I really don't want to leave you right now," I moaned as Jake made me get ready to leave.
It was unfair, I didn't HAVE to go home now, but Jake was in enough trouble as it is. "Honey,
your father hates me enough as it is. Besides, Bella wants you back home with her." Jake held
his hand out and helped pulled me off his couch, "Jake, please, we haven't seen each other for
a long time," I pleaded. I pulled Jake down next to me, "Besides, I love you," I tried to
hypnotize Jake to let me stay with him for a few minutes more....
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Bella and Edward
Bella and Edward
Thank you for the comments. Please tell me if there is anything I can do to improve. I'd like to dedicate this to Halunik thanks for all the support!

Bella's POV

"Bella!?" I heard someone call my name. I know that voice, I would know it anywhere.
"Edward!!" I yelled out.
Edward came into my view, he was too far away for my liking. It was only then that I realised where I was. I looked around, where am I? I have never seen this place before. It was a small village. There were small and simple houses made out of bricks. There were people walking around all in old fashioned clothes. I realised Edward...
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“Well we don’t have time to sit here discussing this Carlisle can we try?” Rosalie asked impatiently
“Well ask Bella” I hope this works Edward I can’t stand having Bella being taken away from any of us. Not now. Not this way.
Rosalie’s thoughts were instantly smug. She will do it I ill make her this baby will survive. She will listen to me if not them.
We all rushed inside the house Jacob a little behind he was expecting monsters and blood even guts maybe. At any other time this would of made em laugh.
Bella hadn’t moved much she was still lay on the sofa a mounting under the...
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Thankies for all of you who've been following this story so intently. I appreciate all the kindhearted support you give! This is the last chapter...and I hope you like it! I was thinking to do a short follow up, but idk. What do you think I should do? Hope you enjoy! Much love to each of you, from me!! (:
Eternally Faithless, Forever Hopeful
“Are there any other reasons as to why they’re here, Edward?” Carlisle inquired hastily. “No,” Edward replied, slightly taken aback, “They don’t even care to see whether Bella’s an immortal...
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I had to call, to see if the rumors where true. I picked up the phone and dialed the number I forgot. Its been three years since they left, a lot had happened that he needed to know about. The phone rang twice before someone answered. I imagined his green eyes.
"Hello, Cullen Residence." A female voice said.
"Hi,Is Edward there?" I said.
"UM yes,Hold on." I heard the voice yell Edward away from the phone."May I ask who's calling?" The voice said when it came back to the phone.
"It's Bella,Bella Swan." I said.
"Oh,Bella! " I heard the voice squeal."It's Alice,How have you been?" She asked. I should...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 1
Cuddled up in my bed I remember the better days when Edward and I could tell each other everything. But how could I tell him something that could evidently ruin our friendship? I can’t bear not to have him in my life, no matter how small or large a part he plays in it I shall keep the secret from him. Jacob knows something is wrong but what does he expect he knows I am in love with Edward but won’t let me go. All I am to him is a punch bag! I and everyone else in Forks knows how he sleeps around and also wonder why I take him back, but how can I not as hard as it is to admit I...
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posted by DestinyGirl
This is my first Twilight fanfiction ever!:) So plz be nice and give me a comment on what you think about it, please!:D

Bella is the origin of vampires, but she was put to sleep for the past century and forgot most of her memories! Her and her siblings move to Forks and find... a family of vampires?! Will Bella be able to remember her lost memories? E&B

1. Beginning

this is where we're moving?" I asked Annie——my 'sister,' though we're really just best friends who claim each other as sisters. And Kyle, my actual older brother.

We were standing at the, "Welcome to Forks" sign——all...
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