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posted by nichole22
please leave comments so i no if this story sucks or not and please read it even if its not the whole story.

Chapter 1: The unexpected

Have you ever had one of those dreams, were you try and run fast but you just keep getting slower, well that's the dream I was having. This is the most strangest dream I have ever had. I was being chased by two wannabe snobs from school, Rachel was the leader from between them, who was tall with black hair tied up in to a curly mini style afro like a thick puff ball at the back of her head. she also had long, sleek legs built for running. Along side her was her follower Jessica, who was slightly shorter with long sandy blond waves down to her waist as well as having caramel skin and catlike green eyes. It was amazing In my dream how they were just hoping over fences as if they weren't even there it was as if most of the time they were flying, but doing so they were inching there way closer and closer to me. Me on the other hand being so clumsy tripped over as I attempted to climb over a fence and made the the whole chase easy for them. I stumbled to my feet and tried to get my balance back, but as usual was to slow and the terror twins- although they looked nothing like each other but it was almost scary how they acted so much like each other- grabbed me so they pinched my skin- which unfortunately bruised like a peach. “were do you think your going weed?” -that was Rachel stupid little name for me because she thought I was as skinny as a weed. Rachel laughed, “ye were do you think your going weed, stick , think?” Jessica coped although Rachel giving her a dirty look at her trying to give a funny, joke. That were so not funny. “so were are you going?” Rachel repeated while tugging on my top. Then she looked at me, I could almost see something evil swirling in her eyes, she gave a little witch cackle, she was really annoying me now with her stupid laugh just the way she was ugh, there were no words for her. I kicked her, which sent her going backwards. While I had the chance I sprang up and began to run but “AAARRGH” Rachel screeched while she jumped on me at such a perfect angle -another reason I didn't like, she was to perfect- that it sent me toppling and rolling and I finally stopped with a thud of Jessica's foot slammed into my side. A shadow cast over me and as I looked up Rachel rolled me over and pined me down. “I was going to let you go, but now I'm going to give you what you deserve” Rachel leaned very closely to my neck and whispered “sorry if this hurts, but I don't care”. From the bad view from the corner of me eye I thought I saw her grow a few inches taller and, OMG FANGS! She winked at me ....”aahhhhh!!!!”

I woke up screaming, gasping for air as I tried to recover from my bad nightmare not dream..-I inhaled as much air as my lung would allow. I sat up in my bed still gasping for air, after I had got my self together I was still feeling a little shocked and shaken from my dream.
Once I had myself under control I checked the time on my stupid bed side clock, that my grandma had given me for my 13th birthday,” I hate it, its what you give a three year old not a thirteen year old” I told my mum after my party because I didn't want anybody and I do mean anybody to see it; I hide it when my friends come over; my mum thought it looked nice but it was heart shaped and bright pink, with plastic stick-on multicoloured flowers; I had already pop a bunch of in a attempt to make it look better but doesn't seem to be working- well slightly. I slumped back into my pillow finding out it was only two in the morning, although after about half an hour I realised I couldn't sleep, so I started pacing.
I could hear flutters outside my window “uhhh!” there was a bat flying around out there, as soon as it heard me it gave me a side glance, then carried on on its 'all you can eat buffet of bugs'. It was nice and peaceful to just look outside, the sky was almost black but surprisingly I could only count 6 stars and in pretty sure there are supposed to be more then that.
I was leaning on the widow sill feeling drowsy “hhhuuuhh” I yawned, every time I blinked it would get slower and slower “hhuh” I gasp at the shock of an old woman out side. She looked suspicious I thought to my self. She just kept stopping and looking around, I backed up and hide behind the curtain so I could still see her- I have to admit it is a bit stalkerish- hopefully she wouldn't be able to see me. The old lady finally stopped to a halt, she was intriguing , she just stood there motionless. All of a sudden the old ladies skin started to ripple and her bones began to shift and move with it, she was growing, straitening up the hump on her back, she dropped her walking stick. she gave a gagging noise so vile it made my stomach churn. then a snarl broke through her lips to revel the extending canines still growing longer and as sharper the any needle I had seen, finally they just stopped grow at an amazing length of about 2 inches. The old lady was still for only 2 seconds then she clenched her fists so tight that I saw a thin, dark red line of blood- which somehow didn't look quite right, to dark or to thick. As soon as a blood drop touched the ground she straitened her fingers showing her new growing claws appear just like her canines, grown longer and almost as sharp. She growled and hissed then looked up past were I was and towards the bat that was still at its 'all you can eat buffet'. She was still growling, 'whoosh' she leapt of the ground at an impossible high that just became possible, grabbed the bat in mid-air and got back to earth again, still on her feet. She looked at the bat which was squealing and flapping about, the old lady gave an amused expression, laughed, then bit the bat, which squealed once more then flopped motionless as the old lady sucked its blood until its body was dry and as some people would say 'it was skin and bone.'. The bat was very small now and I think the old lady new that to, she looked around for somewhere to throw or hide it but she went with the most disgusting option, she through it in her mouth and swallowed it whole from the looks of it. I couldn't look any more I closed my eyes for a while, but when I opened them she was shrinking her claws and teeth were going back to normal and her back looking painful arched over and formed her hump back once again causing her to collapse on the floor, she picked up her walking stick and got back to her feet. She was normal again; if I can call her that, although she had a painful expression on her face.. Hold on I cant believe that I'm taking this so well, am I imagining all this? Was that a dream? I looked out side but the lady was gone or... wasn't even there. What's wrong with me I thought. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, sight then opened my eyes. “aahh!” the old lady was back and looking at me, I stumbled back in the shock, tripped over some books and hit my head of the floor; that's going to hurt in the morning if not sooner. I got back onto my feet, now what should I do I thought, TAP! TAP! TAP!, there was some thing banging at my window; now that really freaked me out. I ran to my mom's room but there was no one there. I ran down the stairs as fast I could in case whatever was tapping on my window got in.
I got to the kitchen and I could no longer hear the taping but now that was the least of my worries, in front of me was my mum sucking on a raw stake looking like the old lady but different she, my mum was the same hight but she had the same long gleaming blood covered fangs with the same long claws but she had red eyes which swirled like a pool of blood. As soon as my mum saw me she dropped the stake which landed with a thud splashing blood all over the floor and any thing a meter around it. My mum never seemed more scary. She walked towards me but I took a step back resulting in her to stop. This thing although it looks like my mum can't be my mum
posted by Cotay11
So, as Twilight fans we all have one thing maybe more but the movie was AWSOME and the book was AWESOME. My friends have no taste in movies or books those Twilight stuff I can't stay away from. I read Twilight 5 times I didn't start new moon wet. The movie Edward was hoooooooooottttttt, but Emmet was very very hot U can bake cookies on him ( I would eat those cookies)So would you eat those cookies.
YOu know what my friend Adriana I got her this awesome Chritmas preasent it is a Twilight shrit that I got a the Willowbrick Mall (Also Adriana is obsesed with Twlight)
posted by hayleyhoo
This is quite a long one...
He took a deep breath and started speaking slowly at first but then after a while with more confidence, “ My name is Kaleb, and my mother died saving my life as well, when my mother was pregnant with me she was ill and nearly died, she was left in the woods to die by her village, while she was in the woods, a vampire and a werewolf who were hunting found her and they fought over who would get her, during the fight they both came into contact with her and caused me. Because of what I am my mother healed quickly and survived, the werewolf and vampire had killed each...
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Twilight's going to keep a lot of people up all night.

Across the country, more than 1,100 midnight Friday screenings were reported sold out. In Los Angeles, pairs of tickets were hawked for upwards of $50 on Craigslist. On Facebook, members were planning their opening-night wardrobe.

Suffice to say, Team Edward T-shirts—and the fans wearing them—will be out in force.

"I think the opening day is going to be huge," says Bruce Nash of the box-office data site, the Numbers.

But how huge? That's a trickier answer.

"There are certain movies that are hard to gauge," says box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian...
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The news is enough to make Brad Pitt anemic: He's not the sexiest bloodsucker to hit the big screen. According to a new poll from the U.S.-based theatre information website Moviefone, Pitt placed second to Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson in a public vote that asked respondents to name the sexiest male and female vampires of all time.

Pitt fell far behind Pattinson's 112,794 votes for sexiest pale male with a mere 96,307 votes, while Salma Hayek, who appeared in Robert Rodriguez's kitschy From Dusk Till Dawn, pulled in 264,718 votes to edge out number two gal Kate Beckinsale (Underworld),...
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LOS ANGELES -- The screaming was enough to wake the dead. Or the undead.

And receiving the brunt of it? Angular, immaculately-coifed Brit Robert Pattinson, on stage in front of thousands of shrieking females at this past July's Comic-Con in San Diego.

Yes, his fellow Twilight cast members were there too, but it was the 22-year-old who had the throngs swooning. After all, for devotees of Stephenie Meyer's novels, Pattinson is Edward Cullen sprung to life.

Edward who? Don't worry. Even if you don't know him, you probably know a 'tweener or teenager who squeals at the mention of the virtuous vampire's...
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LOS ANGELES (AP) - Girl-meets-boy stories are not the usual stuff of Hollywood blockbusters, even when it's girl-meets-vampire.

Neither are stories created by women, with a predominantly female audience, shot on a bargain budget with a cast of relative unknowns and released by an independent distributor trying to establish a niche among Hollywood's half-dozen studio behemoths.

Yet Summit Entertainment has good reason to believe "Twilight" will have more box-office bite than your typical teen soap about an awkward high school babe and her cool new mystery beau.

"Twilight" has a few stunts and clever...
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posted by vampiress015
So, the other day I dug out my old CD's and found 'The Feelings Twelve Stops and Home', which I must confess has kind of been rejected since their latest album came out. So anyway, I thought 'why not put it on?'. So I did, only to realise that loads of the songs relate to the Twilight saga in their own little ways. However there was one song that was perfect, I even found a hidden track! And oh look at that, this album is now at the top of my CD pile again. Here's the song lyrics I metioned below, I've also included a link to a video on Youtube. Enjoy!

The Feeling- Blue Picadilly
I think this...
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posted by ilurvedward
i know this has already been posted.... but i am so moved that i have to put my two cents.

first off, i have to say that i am extreemly disappionted at whoever did this. the person that leaked the draft was trusted enough by Stephenie to even HVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! if stephenie trusted that one dip---t enough to entrust them the draft, they shouldv'e respected her and the millions of twilighters out there and kept it to themselves.

now, the true fans, the ones who didn't give in to temptation and read the leaked draft, can maybe never get the satisfaction of seeing our Edward's book bound...
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Hello, I begin with an introduction to myself. Greetings I am Karolyn from sunny SoCal and I am a Twihard. =]
From So Cal?, you may ask. How can you have a Twilight experience there?
Well, it was just a lil' thing. I shouldn't even call it an experience. But...I want the truck my neighbor has. It looks exactly like the one Bella has! O___O It mesmerizes me each day I see it there. Sitting w/no one who knows it's significance. With no one taking it out to hear it's thunderous roar!

Well, that's all... =[

But, while I am writing this I will state an opiniion of mine. Why does everyone hate on Jacob?...
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I might be generalizing when I say this, but this fandom is none too friendly. I am willingly to bet my life that there /are/ level-minded people here, who love the series for what it is, a great epic story-one that we all adore.

But I think it must be my fault that I can't get to these people. There is an army of irrational fangirls that stand between me and some relaxed chats with some admirable fans.

I thought maybe after the initial "outrage" of Eclipse then people will chill out. But I was wrong.

With all the Anti-Jacob Black groups that spans all the way to Deviantart to fanpop, I can't...
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posted by kctjohnson
I thought I'd post this poem and try to get constructive feedback ;)


To Know Her

She is who I see and all that I see.
Every minute with her is a minute to know her.
What does she like? What makes her angry?
What makes her laugh like no other?

I watch her move and learn her moods.
Her needs, I read like a book unbound.
I study her eyes as they speak to me
When words aren’t enough, when they can’t be found.

Her joy is mine, her emotions move me.
To be what she wants is no arduous task.
To protect her and know her – that’s what I do
So I find it amusing when she would ask:

“How is it that you know me so well?
Sometimes it seems you can read my mind.”
“Nah,” I smile. “I just pay attention.”
I become what she wants and needs, by design.
added by aprildawn73
added by nessie-eska
Source: Summit Entertainment + nessie-eska
added by gbyaln
added by t_cullen17
added by sunrise_90
added by sinai114
Source: sinai114
added by fatoshleo
added by izzzolda
added by t_cullen17