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posted by mikaela_isabela
third chapter, full of shocks and crazy twists...enjoy!

The La Push students stood out among the vast amounts of students at school. They were tanner, and wore brighter colors than us, a very unusual; thing to do in Forks where your covered in an unclear haze of rain and shadow. The La Push kids mostly kept to themselves, at lunch in most classes, but there would be a rare occasion that they would have to communicate with you for an assignment or for something they needed help with. I was lucky to be in mostly senior classes, so I didn’t have to worry about that too much. If I sounded stupid, they didn’t say anything. Edward and Alice were avoided by them. I guess they do take their superstitions and old tales seriously on the reservation. Most of my classes were the same, no new students except for 3 girls in my Spanish and Paul and Jared, Jacobs other pack brothers in my History class. By this point I was getting accustomed to seeing Jacob around the campus, even though he tried his hardest to ignore me, although Edward said he was thinking about me a lot, about leaving me alone and how he would feel responsible if something happened to me, but what with Jacobs extra sensitive hearing, he scowled towards us and sped up his pace to get away from us. But it seriously surprised me when I walked into the Gym Wednesday afternoon and saw Jacob, Quil, Embry, Jared and Paul standing with a bunch of other La Push students just inside the door. Edward stiffened and wrinkled his nose, as the Pack did the same. You could feel the tension in the air, like static, and with me standing in the middle of them both; it was a very uncomfortable feeling. Mike Newton and Tyler Crowley, who were standing by the other side of the door, caught my attention by waving at me. “Bella!” Tyler was waving so hard it looked like his arm would hurt. “Hey, Bella, get your cute butt over here!” he teased. I heard Edward hiss under his breath and turned his glare on Mike and Tyler, who stopped shouting at his look, but kept waving half heartedly. I looked out the corner of my eye, and saw both Quil and Embry with a hand on Jacob’s shoulders, looking as though they were restraining him. “Um, I better go see what they want before one of them hits the other with his arm.” I said quietly and dropped Edwards hand and went over to the boys. “Hey guys,” I greeted them honestly curious. “What’s up?” They both looked so excited it was hard not to smile myself. “You’ll never guess what I just scored!” Tyler was practically bouncing out of his skin. There was a pause.
“Oh, am I seriously supposed to guess?” I asked unsure.
“No, you’d be wrong any way.” Mike laughed.
“I just got the hottest tickets in all of Washington to go and see…drum roll please…” Mike and Tyler pretended to play the drums in mid air. “Dah, Dah, Da-Da! Harajuku Dolls!” my jaw dropped, and my eyes widened. I had been looking for tickets to that concert for months! “Oh my god! No way!” I screamed mock punching Tyler’s shoulder. “Yes way!” he laughed returning the mock punch. “I got 4 tickets, one for me, one for Mike, one for Angela and one for…you!” I screamed and jumped at Tyler hugging him as tightly as I could. He laughed again. “Happy belated birthday Bella!” I laughed too this time, when I heard Coach Clapp come in and told everyone to settle down. I turned around and saw everyone crowding around the Coach. It was then I realized the severe lack of girls in the class. I found Edward in the see of heads and grabbed his hand, I was about to ask where all the girls were, when Coach Clapp said, “Ms. Swan? What are you doing here?” he looked at me with a confused look on his face. I looked around the room and saw my confused expression on everyone else’s face. “Um, I’m doing my daily recommendation of physical exercise?” I said uncertainly, all the boys laughed and the coach shook his head. “No, I meant, why aren’t you at home like the rest of the girls? Didn’t you eat the meat loaf?”
I shook my head. I hadn’t been eating much at all lately. Depression seems to do that to people.
“Oh,” he said still surprised. “Well, that uh, complicates things. See I heard all the girls went home with food poisoning…bad meat in the meat loaf. I hear there’s only 3 or 4 girls left in the entire school right now, and they have been put into a different class…”
I nodded not really listening. He was going to send me to the class of girls, and leave Edward with half of the Quileute werewolf pack, I just knew it. That would only start trouble. Usually I’m the barrier which stops them from doing anything to the other, because I could get hurt or it would upset me. I knew that Edward knows that too, I glanced up at his face and it was expressionless as he stared at the coach and the Quileute boys behind him.
“So, um, there in Building 6, Mr. Varner’s History classroom. I think Ms. Cope is supervising…so, uh, on your way.” He tried to hide the confusion in his voice by being stern. I turned away so he wouldn’t see the smile on my face at that miserable attempt and sternness.
“Okay guys,” his voice was normal now. “We’re playing basketball, so you guys go get into your gym clothes while I set up the hoops, then come back out and I’ll sort you into teams.” I heard the boys all mutter and walked towards their bags for their clothes. I was at the other side of the gym by then, picking up my bag, when Quil was beside me. “Hey Bella!” his voice was happy, Quil was really a sweet kid.
“Hey Quil!” I couldn’t help sounding not as depressed as I did before. His attitude was the best anti-depressants. “How are you? How’s Claire? She has to be in pre-school by now doesn’t she?” Quil had imprinted in a 2 year old girl named Claire about a year ago, I found out from one of the secret conversations we had when Jacob and the other wolves (besides Embry) were elsewhere.
He beamed. “No, not yet. But her mom’s moving to La Push, so I get to see her more now, so that’s good.”
I smiled at him. Claire was a lucky little girl t have Quil as a protector. “So, how have you b--?” he was about to question me about myself when Jacob was at his side.
“Quil, hurry up and get dressed. Clapp is getting impatient.” He used a serene voice that matched the mask he was wearing. I hated that face. It reminded me of Sam, the packs Alfa male. Although I got to know Sam and his fiancée Emily, I always hated when Jacob copied that expression. He wasn’t my Jacob when he wore it.
“Bella, Coach said you’d better go, or else he will make you participate, which none of the guys want.” He didn’t mean to make it sound as harsh as it came out I told myself. I nodded silently. “Cya, Quil.”
I headed toward the door, when Edwards arms wrapped around my waist. I turned and looked him in the eye. It was a tormented expression that looked back at me. “I’ll meet you outside building 6 as soon as class is done okay?” his eyes were smoldering in a manner that was over whelming. “Don’t come here, or to the car, I will get you and Alice from building 6 as soon as the bell rings. Do you understand?” breathless, I just nodded. He kissed my forehead and pushed me towards the gym doors. As I walked across the campus to building 6, I was wondering what he meant. Why did he want us to wait? Was something going to happen? I tried to calm my hysteria when I got to the right building. I knocked on the door timidly and waited. “Come in.” Ms. Cope said in her wistful voice. I opened the door and stepped into the classroom. Oh, this just kept getting better and better I thought to myself. The first person I saw was Alice sitting on the windowsill on the far right of the classroom. As I glanced around I saw Angela sitting just a few inches away from Alice, she smiled and waved. My heart skipped a beat when I looked on the closest side of the classroom to me. Leah Clearwater stared at me, not meanly, but not nicely either. Just next to her was Lauren Mallory, my human enemy, even though I had done nothing intentional to her in my past. Not that I’d known anyway. “Come in dear.” Ms. Cope said smiling.
I took an unsteady step forward into the classroom towards the desk at the front of the room.
“Sorry I’m late,” I mumbled to her. “I didn’t know that the classes were split up.”
Alice waved to me to come and join her and Angela. “That’s okay, dear, it’s just all the boys are playing sport and Mr. Greene thought the girls might just like to relax…you know talk about girlie stuff and stuff…” she finished awkwardly. I just nodded and shuffled towards Angela and Alice. As I approached I saw Angela shudder delicately. “You okay Ange?” her face was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and it was very pale.
“I don’t feel so good…” she groaned to her feet. I was about to tell her to go and see the nurse, but Ms. Copes hearing was better than I expected. “Ms. Mallory, would you take Ms. Weber to the nurse’s office please?” Lauren looked up from her magazine annoyed. She sighed, “Fine…” she got up and put Angels arm over her shoulders and heaved.
“I’m going to go and open the doors for her girls; will you be okay for ten minutes alone?”
I gaped at her. She couldn’t be serious. One vampire, one werewolf (correction, one mentally unbalanced, heart broken werewolf) and me. A measly little human, who has to stop the two before they can kill each other?
“Yeah, we’ll be fine Ms. Cope.”
My jaw dropped lower when Leah answered the question. I looked at Alice and she looked equally as shocked, and also a little frustrated. Oh yeah, she can’t see werewolves with her visions. She wanted to know what Leah was up to. So I was I actually, though I would never admit it.
Ms. Cope, Lauren and Angela left the room, and it was silent. I was staring at the floor, Leah was looking at the door, and Alice was glaring at Leah.
“So, I hear you’re getting left behind as well.” My head snapped up, and I saw Leah looking at me. Her face wasn’t as angry as the last time I remembered her looking at me last. Her expression was sympathetic.
I was still gaping at her when she continued. “I have to stay here too. Seth too. We’re not old enough apparently, even though I’m older than Jacob, Quil and Embry and their going.” She was still staring at me. I tried to rearrange my facial features into a less obvious form of shock.
“Sam told Emily last night. She told him that if he leaves her, then he shouldn’t come back. He’s devastated. The real reason I’m staying here, is to take care of her…and you.” She met my gaze evenly even though mine were almost popping out of my head.
“Your stronger than you look though.” She added lightly, as if talking to herself now. “I bet, as soon as their gone, you’ll be better off. Emily will be better off. Let’s face it, we all will.”
Alice hissed and jumped to her feet. I got to my feet as well and stood in Alice’s path. This was so strange. Leah didn’t move at all when Alice jumped up. She just stared at us.
The door opened and Ms. Cope’s head was in the tiny crack. “Ms. Cullen? Could you give me a hand please? Ms. Mallory has gotten sick as well and I can’t take them both.” She shot a pleading look at Alice, who nodded, her eyes still on Leah, and walked quickly and silently to the door. It was quiet for a while. Leah and I just looked at each other. I felt tears in my eyes. She got up and sat next to me. Hesitantly, she put her arm gently over my shoulders. I lost control then, and just cried. I turned into her shoulder and sobbed harder. She patted my head, not in a condescending way, but in a sympathetic manner.
“We’ll be okay.” She promised quietly. “I’ll take care of you and Emily, and you guys can take care of me.”
I nodded weakly. “It hurts!” I cried furiously. “They say that they love me, but they always hurt me! And it hurts and I try not to feel and I try to forget, but it doesn’t work and the pain is too much to handle and it hurts!” it was such a relief to get this off my chest. I had been suffering in silence for the past 3 days and now it finally bubbled to the surface.
“For the past few days, I have tried to be strong, and have been keeping my emotions in check by not saying anything and pretending that this isn’t happening, but it is and I can’t handle it! I haven’t eaten for 3 days because my chest hurts and I know that they will come back, I know that, but I don’t know when, and that fact…it-it-kills me! If they keep doing this to me, I don’t know if I can trust them anymore! I don’t know who to trust!”
Leah rocked us back and forth for a while, as I tried to control my crying.
“You can trust me, Bella.”
I looked at her and her beautiful face was full of honesty. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
“You know? I think I always knew that I could trust you, Leah. You’re the only one not afraid of telling me the truth whether it hurts or not.”
She smiled a half a smile, and said, “You can count on that, dude.”
We laughed in synchronization, and I could tell even though we weren’t there yet, this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
posted by rubytuesday101
This is when Edward leaves but different story to what happenes to when he is gone.

Edward and i were in my bedroom,we had just got back from my 18th birthday party.It went horribley wrong Jasper almost killed me.It was 11 o'clock when edward said"charlie is coming"then he jumped out my window.Charlie came in and said"Bella i have to go to the station i will be there all night something happened","thats fine dad cya tomorrow".Then he left and edward came back,edward hadnt talked to me all night all he said was charlie is coming.He said"I am so sorry bella",I jumped out of the bed and went to...
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posted by c_j_clark
Edward took the hand in front of him uncertainly and shook it. Damon smirked at him as they both tried to subtly crush each others hand. But neither of them succeeded.
“I’m Edward Cullen, nice to meet you” Edward said through gritted teeth, introducing himself.
“Nice to meet you Edward,” Damon said in a mock politeness. They still had their eyes fixed warily on each other. “So what exactly were you hunting? Because I don’t see a human in sight,” Damon said, glancing around into the surrounding forest.
“I don’t hunt humans. I only hunt animals,” Edward replied smoothly....
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It was unendurable.
Thats all i could say. Nothing had ever seemed so painful in my entire memory. The pain of becoming a immortal. Searing- unbearable pain for days on end. I would get down on my knees and beg for that now.Atleast it might take my mind away for a few seconds.
Her face in my mind- was the thing i always saw. No matter what i looked at. Her voice was all i heard no matter what i heard. And her touch was all i could feel- not matter what i touched.
Sometimes i would wonder how she was coping. A hard topic to set my mind to. Maybe she was Ok?living a normal, happy life. Like i always...
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This is our take on what happens after breaking dawn! Hope you enjoy! If you have any ideas, we would be very happy for you to tell us about them.


“I have to tell them.” I thought “Today’s the day.” Hesitantly I approached my family, hoping my father, Edward, wouldn’t read my thoughts. My father shifted his eyes and met mine, they turned cold and dark and after a few moments, he grimaced. He did it. “I told you not to.” I thought angrily. My mother, Bella, noticed my expression. She looked at us several times and finally asked, “What is it?” No one answered and...
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posted by allisoncarleton
This is just a little extended ending for breaking dawn. I loved the cute ending where Bella removed her shield, so Edward could hear her thoughts for the first time ever. I don't want to change that, I just had this idea, and decided to write it down. I'm not a great writer, it was just an idea. Just imagine it added on the end of the book.

I finally felt at home again. After 100 years I was finally able to come back to Forks, Washington. I had been back at Forks high school for two months now, and of course it being the small town it is, we were the most exciting event in months, the Cullen...
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posted by decullen
Edwards POV

It was my birthday.I only want my love Bella back in my arms,but that wasn't going to happen.

I hared a knock at my door,it was Alice.

"Come in Alice." I said.She was thinking I hope you have fun at school because were going hunting and you cant come haha

"Well that's nice "I said.She just smiled

"Well I don't think you will say that when you see why you cant come. But you have to go to school to see to see it.Happy birthday"She said she didn't think of what was at school all morning.They all sang Happy birthday but I wasn't a happy birthday i still miss her I know she would of been...
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Dear Twilighters,

Greetings to all of you from the link club! I'm Dearheart, and I'm one of the people who first founded the CAT.

Before I say anything else, let me clarify some things for you: No, I don't like Twilight and probably never will. That's just me. But I respect the people who DO like it, and I won't bite any of your heads off just because you happen to have different tastes than me. If you're crazy about Twilight, that's awesome! I won't ever criticize you for that or try to force you to "convert" to the anti side.

I'm writing this to you now because I want to let you all know, once...
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posted by Kamakan
I'm writing to introduce you to Kamakan The Vampire Slug. Its my kids book and live stage show.

Kamakan is a particularly evil monster who kidnaps two children and takes them to his lair at the bottom of a huge hole in Peru. The story follows the kids as they try to escape.

Its written in rhyme and is very original, funny and popular with everyone who reads it.

There's a cool website at and a clip of the show on You Tube if you search Kamakan The Vampire Slug Live.

I hope you can take a look and let me know what you think. Its becoming quite successful now and I hope it will become well know worldwide soon.

All the best!

The Author
"none of us have an idea but its stronger then her allready" we had no idea what that ment either. we knew less then them. i think
he thought of the thing ripping her out from the inside
"help me stop it he me stop this from happerning" i whispered. almost begged.
"how offer her my stud servises? this is really sick she will never listern" he flinched like it was desusting to him but to me it was what would help bella to live.
"try there is nothing to lose now how can it hurt?"
and how could it she was allready dieing. so was i nothing could hurt anymore. or was there?
it would hurt me havnt...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
(continued from chapter 18)

I step back into the shower, thoughts racing through my head. I suddenly notice the water is freezing cold. I scream and leap out of the shower, soaking wet.

I can her Jake running up the stairs. He suddenly punds on the door.

"Ness you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine, I forgot the water heater was broken. Just go back to cleaning the kitchen." I tell him. As soon as he is gone, I grab my towel and dart to our bedroom. I slip on my sweat pants and a big tee-shirt.

The door opens and Jake walks into the room.

"Hey." I say as I flop down onto the bed.

"You really should pay more...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


The minutes passed and Edward's arrival grew closer. It was amazing how every cell in my body seemed to know he was coming, to long for his coming. That made it very hard. I found myself trying to think of excuses to stay, to see him first and then make my escape. But I knew that was impossible if I was going to have any chance to get away.
Several times Alice offered to go get breakfast with me. Later, I told her, not yet.
I stared at the arrival board, watching as flight after flight arrived on time. The flight from Seattle crept closer...
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these are things emmett cullen should never do no offense to emmett fans
1. dress as tinkerbell and run through the house saying hes a pixie like alice
2. pretend hes a striper and strip for edward on hes piano
3. take alices porche for a joy ride
4.go to school and yell that jasper thinks he is his boyfriend
5. emmett is never allowed to run through the hospital yelling DADDY!
6. emmett is never allowed to tell alice pink is not her color
7. emmett is never allowed to drive a school bus
8. or drive the bus into a lake
9. emmett is never allowed to tell esma that he will go find a new "fake" mom
10. emmett is never allowed to tell jasper texans are hicks
thanks for reading my article please leave an comment
posted by KatiiCullen94
I was soo bored, flicking through the channels was pointles i knew i diddnt want to watch tv anyway. the room was soo quiet, i diddnt like it.
edward had woken me up a little while ago explaining that his family was going out for about hour and a bit for hunting,so i was home alone with Tanna. i couldn't hear Tanna show that she was awake, thank god.
i stood up and walked oout the door still wearing yesterdays clothes, now considering that im still human and i still have cravings like one, i went straight to the cupboard, and searched for the first thing that said PIG OUT! I also wanted to...
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First off, sorry for the title. Haha I didn't have a snazzy title, so I just made it original.

Now, I would like to point out... I actually liked this trailer! Most of you had probably seen me griping about the previous New Moon trailers saying as how they do not portray the books. (well, the first and second New Moon trailers didn't anyways)

But, I really liked this trailer. Of course I have to critique it, so there are positives and negatives, but overall, I'm a happy sailor... for now. :P

Enough of the introduction, onto the review!

I'm going to start off with the over all look of the trailer....
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


Alice was across the room before I could lift my head to look at it.
She pushed a botton and held the phone to her ear, but she didn't speak first.
"Carlisle," she breathed. She didn't seem surprised or relieved, the way I felt.
"Yes," she said, glancing at me. She listened for a long moment.
"I just saw him." She described again the vision she'd seen. "Whatever made him get on that plane... it was leading him to those rooms." She paused. "Yes," Alice said into the phone, and then spoke to me. "Bella?"
She held the phone out toward me....
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*by Steohenie Meyer*


It was a very long day.
We stayed in the room. Alice called down to the front desk and asked them to ignore our maid service for now. The windows stayed shut, the TV on, though no one watched it. At regular intervals, food was delivered for me. The silver phone resting on Alice's bag seemed to grow bigger as the hours passed.
My babysitters handled the suspense better than I did. As I fidgeted and paced, they simply grew more still, two statues whose eyes followed me imperceptibly as I moved. I occupied myself with memorizing the room;...
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posted by _madz_
sorry, it's short, but i had to work alot more than usual this week. hope you enjoy the split POV's. :P

part 6
Edward's POV
She flicked her hair back from her shoulder, an adorable expression playing on her face.
I wanted to feel her warm soft lips on mine again, but there were too many watching eyes. Damn children. Almost all of them were whispering, the gossip already spreading. If only they knew.
We walked into the small, badly lit front office together. The middle aged receptionist thought what a nice couple we would make. I couldn’t help but smile at her kindness.
I hung back near the door...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 19 - GOODBYES

Charlie was waiting up for me. All the house lights were on. My mind was blank as I tried to think of a way to make him let me go. This wasn't going to be pleasant.
Edward pulled up slowly, staying well back from my truck. All three of them were acutely alert, ramrod straight in their seats, listening to every sound of the wood, looking through every shadow, catching every scent, searching for something out of place. The engine cut off, and I sat, motionless, as they continued to listen.
"He's not here," Edward said tensely. "Let's go."
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Let me know what you think... particularly how I can make it better


She gently guided me toward a booth. I barely noticed the stares. For a moment, she looked very lost in thought, but it passed quickly. After she was seated, I slid into the booth. She beamed up at me "Always the gentleman" What did she mean "always"? She acted like we were old friends. Had I known her before? I felt sure I would remember if this angel ever crossed my path. She was short and had features. Her hair was black and short. It went in all directions, yet it didn't look messy. It was perfect. I looked into her...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 17 - THE GAME

"So I hear you're getting my girl to watch baseball." Only in Washington would the fact that it was raining buckets have no bearing at all on the playing of outdoor sports.
"Yes, sir, that's the plan." He didn't look surprised that I'd told my father the truth. He might have been listening, though.
"Well, more power to you, I guess."
Charlie laughed, and Edward joined in.
"Okay." I stood up. "Enough humor at my expense. Let's go." I walked back to the hall and pulled on my jacket. They followed.
"Not too late, Bella."
"Don't worry, Charlie,...
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