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I thought this commentary was on of the funniest things I have heard. Here are Mtv's top 12 quotes from it.

Scene: Xavier becomes a vampire
Rob: Xavier would make a wonderful hamburger... He's just dripping with spread.
Kristen: Ew, that's so gross.
Rob: Okay, how do we be serious about this?

Scene: The first meadow kiss
Rob: There's a lot of kissing in this film. I noticed that when I was watching. After a while, it made me a little uncomfortable.

Scene: Bella gets in her truck. Edward is waiting for her.
Bella (in movie): "You scared me."
Rob (in commentary): I was trying to. (low voice) I thought you'd like that. (lower voice) I'm Batman.

Scene: Bella goes to the Wolf Pack house for the first time
Kristen: She's allowed to have other relationships.
Rob (heated): Why? No, she's not allowed to have other relationships! If I ever saw my girlfriend go around to this bunch of guys' house with all their little shirt—with all their little bellies out and their fake tan nipples and their iron-on tattoos...
Kristen: Edward is just a little bit more mature than you.
Rob: Mature?
Kristen: Yep.
Rob: Nah.
Kristen: He can handle it.

Scene: Boo Boo Stewart comes on screen
Rob: (in Yogi Bear voice) Heya Boo Boo!

Scene: An establishing shot of a beautiful lake
Rob: Have you ever gone to like the bottom of a swimming pool and just looked up at the top?
Kristen: Yeah...
Rob: Very scary.
Kristen: I think it's really cool.
Rob: (quietly singing) Doo doo doo doooooo

Scene: I don't remember!
Rob: See, your wig looks really good there.
Kristen: No it does not.
Rob: It looks like Anne Hathaway's hair.

Scene: Carlisle talks to the group about fighting newborns
Rob: Peter also uses his wig as a cereal bowl... He'll sometimes have some, like, Top Ramen in it.

Scene: The tent
Rob: God, he's so brazen. I really don't like Jacob. Look at him with his tattoo. Ugh.
Kristen: Look at him cradling, his little head tucked in there.
Rob: You look like you're milking him.

Scene: The fight
Rob: That's the sequel, Kellan and the wolf. That's going to be a magical relationship in the next one.
Rob (later): My mouth hole looks really black.

Scene: Edward bites Victoria's head off
Rob: Come on, eat it! Mmmm, yummy. Butterscotch.

Scene: The meadow, part two
Rob: God, what is Edward going on about half the time?
Kristen: Does it matter?
Rob: It doesn't matter.
posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 2: The Look in His Eyes

“So what is it Aunt Rose?” I asked in exasperation “I should be open to new things? I need human experiences? My parents love me and want the best for me?” My Aunt Rose smiled at me and waited patiently as I vented. Most view her as being callous and hard to get along with. I have a special relationship with her though. She has never once been fierce towards me. Years ago my mother told me that she felt that my aunt looks at me as though I am her baby in a way. Her human life was cut short before she could have children of her own. My Aunt Rose was my...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Charlie’s POV

    I’m so furious, it’s scary. My daughter has been kidnapped! The chief’s daughter, kidnapped. I’m so angry. I’m not angry at her or Edward. I’m angry at whoever took her. I swear when I find out who it is, I’ll kill them. I will take my biggest gun I own and personally kill them.
    Rene and Phil flew in a couple of days ago. I met and talked with Phil. He was a nice guy. He was good for Rene. I was glad she was happy. Well, at this very moment she’s not. She’s got a mixture of emotions. Anger, sadness, and scared....
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posted by twilight-7
I landed hard on a cold leafy ground. I was lying in the middle of a forest. Great. I was flat on my back, having lost my balance and fallen.
“Let me help you up,” Mitchell’s soft voice spoke from above me. He was still standing.
“Don’t touch her!” Edward snarled. He was also standing. Was I the only one that fell?
Cold hands helped me to my feet. Edward looked me up and down, obviously checking for any damage.
“Are you ok?” he whispered. “You’re not hurt?”
“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Or I will be in just a second.”
I turned around and glared at Mitchell. This boy...
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Warning: Thist is just my fantasy coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for out little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

Even when your heart breaks...
I had to get over it, i kept telling that to myself, but love was such a cruel monster. Bella Swan. She was what i wanted, and yet the only thing that i couldnt get. Since she came into my life, all the other girls became grey and blurry. Everyone around thought i had lost my mind, and i couldnt blame them. I couldnt sleep, i only ate cause my...
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For the record: I did not write this, I love Twilight and I love Edward. I just found this really, really funny.
I think Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author, and this is not meant to be disrespectful to her in any way.


Edward leaned toward me, his perfect face inches from mine. His sweet, delicious breath ghosted over my face. His golden eyes glowed with love.

“How do you like it?” he whispered, his velvet voice purring in my ear.

I couldn’t respond, so dazzled was I by his sparkling skin. He shone like a diamond in the sun, a godlike...
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I spied on her – followed her a safe distance away. She was visiting Charlie. Luck must have been on my side today. No Edward. Nessie was out with Bella and her new friend Jenny. I’m pretty sure Bella knows I’m lurking in the shadows of the forest. She stared long and hard in my direction and then sighed. Nessie glanced every now and then, too, a forlorn look on her face, but Jenny’s non-stop chatter claimed most of her attention.

My heart rebelled when they took their time indoors. X-ray vision did not come with being a wolf. I wish it did. I couldn’t go near the house and take a...
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posted by just_bella
Here we go, next part. Hope people enjoy :)


I stopped and leaned against a tree wondering what Aaron could be up to, had he gone and gotten himself lost or worse had he found the bear?

I decided that I should head back and look for Aaron, dad would definitely notice that we were both gone and at that point it might be better if we didn't go back.

I was about 10 feet from the rock where we had started when I heard the brush being crushed again off to my north.

I leaned against the rock waiting for Aaron, a cougar or possibly a squirrel to come out of the woods. It seemed like I sat there...
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posted by twilight-7
As soon as Mitchell left I crawled under the blankets on my bed. It created a dark cave around me which I craved now because, in the dark, no one could see my tears. Maybe I should have listened to Edward because now that Mitchell was gone I could see what he was talking about. When I thought about it, Mitchell did confuse me. I was even more confuddled and tongue-tied when he was there. It was just something about him that did that to me but I didn’t know what. Was it smile or his touch or his eyes? Maybe it was his eyes. They were an incredible blue colour and I could stare at them all...
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First Day of Classes. Jenny was almost hyperventilating.

“I don’t know what to wear!” She shrieked, still in her pink bathrobe. I rolled my eyes. I was already dressed in the only pair of jeans my Aunt packed for me. They were artfully faded denim skinny jeans. I groaned when they hugged my legs snugly. I have no choice but to pair them off with the simplest blouse available – an off – shoulder black blouse. Again, having no other alternative, I wore deadly looking black strappy stilettos. I should really hit the mall and buy myself inoffensive jeans, comfy t-shirts and sneakers.
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
All That Is Missing, Is The Heart!
All That Is Missing, Is The Heart!
Blood Lust
by: BuffyFaithfan1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: Swimming Into Love...
"...6 billions people! 6 billion souls! And sometimes, all you need is one!"-Peyton Sawyer from OneTreeHill...
I walked out onto the deck after the credits rolled. Edward went to put the movie away and as I stared into the depths of the blue...
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posted by twilight-7
Edward’s POV. I wrote this because bitten_byedward asked me to and also because I think you guys want to know what Edward was thinking when he left. It’s basically just a rambling of what Edward’s thinking. Incoherent thought and nonsensical rambling. Nothing amazing.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly with one hand and with the other I pinched the bridge of my nose. How could she take his side? A guy she’s barely met twice and she’s choosing him over me! I wanted to go back there and rip his throat out but I contained my anger. I would only upset Kayla if I killed Mitchell. But...
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posted by twilight-7
The rest of the weekend was filled with revision. Edward was constantly at my side trying to cram as much knowledge as he could into my brain. The only time I wasn’t being drilled on the names of the bones in the body and analysis of poems was when I was in the bathroom, eating or sleeping. Charlie was glad that Edward kept me busy. I thought that this was because Edward was helping me to revise but I was sure there was another reason. If only that idiotic barrier would just go away. And then I had an idea. If Charlie could block his mind from me, maybe I could block my mind from Edward....
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posted by just_bella
I've spent a few days trying to figure out where I wanted this to go, I hope this works.

"I agree Alice, just remember that this can not change who you are now, unless you allow it. Call if you need us." Carlisle said as he touched my head and walked out the door.

"I'm scared Jazz." I whispered as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We will do this together love, unless you want to be alone." He said as he gave me options that he knew I would not take.

"Please stay." I said as I took the book in my hands and opened the journal.

The first entry was short, but what was strange about it, was that...
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posted by twilight0girl
today is going to be wonderful.i was getting married.i was getting married to my big teddy bear will be the second greatest day of my eternity.the first is when emmett told me he loves me and then asked me to marry him.
"rosalie honey,are you ready?" esme asked me.
" not yet esme,can you help me do my hair?"
i asked " of course honey " she said as she gracefuly walked into the bathroom.she gently
tugged and pulled my hair as i looked over my
wedding gown.snow white with a corset top and a
big puffy skirt.i looked perfect and flawless,i always do. "o.k rosalie,you look perfect."...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I hope you guys are enjoying this, because it's kind of fun to write. :)

Here's a quick flash back to remember the story up to this point.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We all broke into our smaller groups and waved/smacked the others as we made our way into the woods.

"All right Emmett, 1 weeks worth of mucking the stalls is the bet that I find the beast before you." Aaron said as he walked into the woods.

"Oh, that's a bet that I want a part of." John laughed as he followed Aaron in.

"OK, but remember that you are the one who made the bet Aaron. No whining when I win."...
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This is what my hair looked like Yesterday, when my sister did it!
This is what my hair looked like Yesterday, when my sister did it!
Hey guys!

Ok so this weekend i was flipping through Pictures of Kristen Stewart! I just love her hair!!! i wanted it sooo badly! So my bestfirend was over and she was like "I could so do you hair just like hers!" i was like really? and she was like yea!

So she did my hair and it did, i swear it really came out like Kristen's i was extreamly supprised!

So i had to go to the store to get dinner right. Well if you havn't already picked it up! The new issue of Life&Style has Robert and Kristen on the front page!

ITs a good articel seriously i recomned you guys going to get it! Its all about how...
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here is the next one!!

just before i start, if you read this and find a spelling mistake or anything else that's wrong, could you let me know? i know i sound like a perfectionist but it irritates me. thanks, hope you enjoy this bit!
p.s this story isnt mine all credit goes to steph meyer

Demetri and Felix relaxed instantly, and I dropped my arms in defeat.
“Jane.” I sighed in recognition and resignation.
Alice’s thoughts came from beside me. Just stick to the script, no deviations.
Alice crossed her arms and remained impassive. She had seen what would happen if a fight broke out now.
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posted by iluvtwilight123
"Congrats Nessie," i said awkwardly. I knew i should have prepared for this but i didnt know she would get it so soon.I mean she is only 12 years old physically but alive for 2 years now.
I moved her out of earshot and told her "Well honey you know about the birds and the bees so i just want to tell you be safe," i said it fast but i couldnt help it she was growing to fast. So i looked at Edward for help "Mood swings" he mouthed. Renesmee seemed to know that because wshe didnt want to hear anymore of it so she went to 1st base.
For a girl that has no atheletic ability i rule at baseball, I...
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posted by Yoss
Chapter 4 - Electric

I closed my eyes with great effort. I couldn’t take my eyes away from the electric sapphire blue eyes.

“Whirl around! Whirl around!” My mind screamed at me. I tried to move my body and follow my mind’s bidding but it seemed my body has a mind of its own. It refused to follow. I opened my eyes. The sapphire eyes that held me captive a while ago were no longer on the pond’s reflection. My body automatically turned its back on the pond. My eyes scanned the garden in front of me until my eyes found him.

He was casually leaning on a giant cherry blossom’s trunk. He...
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posted by Yoss
Chapter 2 - Playful

The soft, cool breeze stirred my hair. I purred in contentment – not wanting to open my eyes, though I’m fully awake now. I’m sure Aunt Alice would come – barreling, anytime soon. I rolled on my back hugging my pillow.

A light shone directly on my face.

“Uncle Emmett, quit it” I complained as I buried my face with my pillow. “Don’t you think its way too early for practical jokes?” I demanded, my voice muffled by the pillow. I’m sure my goofy uncle could still hear me clearly.

The light shone relentlessly, now making my arm, which holds my pillow, warm....
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