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posted by LexisFaith
I had just finished dinner and settled into my couch when my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Edward, Dear. Hi. It's your mother. Your father told me you were having lunch with Bella? How did it go? It's she lovely? And that sweet boy of hers?"

I laughed at my mothers lack of filter for her questions. "Hi, Mom. Yes, I had lunch with Bella. It went well. She's more than lovely and yes Mason is quite the kid."

"Oh." she squealed. "I'm so happy for you. Have you thought of Sara any today? Your father told me you dreamt of her last night."

I was caught back by the question. I hadn't thought of Sara any today excpet this morning. Right before I took my ring off. "No. I haven't." I whispered.

"It's okay to let go, Son." She spoke softly.

"I took my ring off." I told her. "I was so afraid that if i took it off I would forget her. And I did. I forgot her today. I hadn't thought of her all day untill you said something." Tears were staring to well in my eyes. "I loved her. I'm not supposed to forget her. I'm supposed to remember her and think about her all the time because I loved her."

"Hear youreself son. You said 'I loved her.' Loved is in the past tense."

I shook my head, tears streaming my face. "You don't understand! You don't know what it feels like. You still have Dad and he still has you! Bella knows what it feels like because she lost Riley!"

"Then maybe you need to talk to Bella." She stated simply.
Bella POV
Rain was pelting on my windows, my fireplace roaring with heat. Other than that, there was no noise. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my old photo albam. I traced the over with my finger. Riley, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, was standing behind me, arms wrapped around my waist with a huge smile on his face. I had just found out I was pregnant with Mason.

I took a deep breath and flipped the cover open. The pictures progressed with my stomache getting larger, Riley's 5 o'clock shaddows would dissapear then reapear. I always like this scruff. There were pictures of us putting together Mason's crib, painting his room, patining eachother's noses and fourheads. I wiped a tear from my cheek.

Next were the pictures of Riley and I right after he purposed. There was no ring when he asked. Just love in his eyes and words. I loved him. More than anything. And he loved me just the same. I shut the book not able to look anymore as I remembered.

My phone was ringing on my side table lighting up my room. "Hello?" My voice was thick with sleep.

"Bella Swan?" A man asked on the other end.

"Yes?" I sat up in the dark.

"Miss Swan, this is Officiar Black. I'm sorry to inform you that your fience Riley Biers had been in an accedent."

"Is he okay?" I was begining to panic.

"Miss Swan, I'm Sorry. He was hit by a drunk driver head on. He didn't make it."

"Thank you." My throat was constricting.

"Goodnight, Miss Swan."
Unable to speak I ended the call. I sat in my bed. staring into the darkness, unable to move.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. He couldn't be dead. Mason was going to be born anyday. He had to be there for Mason. We were going to get married and be a real family. Tears had been dripping sore long before, but a short sobb broke through my lips and it opened a dam.

"No!" I screamed. "Please!" I sobbed into my pillow. "Riley!"

I wiped my cheeks, sniffing., when my doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 7:30. Puzzled, I straighted myself up and answered the door. "Edward?" He was soaked from the down poor of rain, his eyes were red rimbed. I was sure he had been crying but I couldn't tell his tears from the raindropps. "Come in." I ushered him in. "Let me grab you some of Emmett's clothes.

I had given him a pair of Emmetts sweats and a t-shirt, and threw his clothes in the drier.

"I need to talk to you." His eyes were begining to well with fresh tears. He fished something out of his sweats pocket and held it up. Wedding band?

"You came here to tell me you're married?" I asked.

"I came here to tell you I was married. I need someone to talk to who know's the pain I feel. I know you do Bella. My father told me." Normally I would be angry...but I wasn't.

"Go ahead." I nodded toward him. "Start from the begining."

"Sara and I married when I was 21. She was beautiful. Blonde hair that hung to the middle of her back, bright blue eyes. We had been married for a year. She went in for a normal check up and my life was turned unside down. We were told she had brain cancer. It had spread before they could catch it before hand so sugery wouldn't have helped." His tears were spilling over. "She went through radiation fine. Then cemotherepy. she was sick all the time, she couldn't eat, she was so upset she was losing her hair. No matter how many times I told her that her hair wasn't why I loved her, she was still upset. Because she wouldn't eat,, she was losing weight much too fast. Thining, weakening right before my eyes. I had never felt so helpless when I would wtch her brush her hair and just cry."

I couldn't keep my own tears from falling. "Keep going." I incouraged him.

"Not matter how bad she would get, she always kept hope. She ran on hope. Hope that she would make it through this. Hope that we would still grow old together, have our own children, grandchilderen." He ran his hand through his hair, still avoiding my eyes. "One day when we went back in....we..." He took a deep breath. "They told us it had spread to brain stem. There was nothing else they could do. It was over. She had a month left..max. We went home and stayed curled up in the bed and stayed like that for a few days. One night we were just laying there, filling ourself up with eachother and she told me. (EDWARD POV FLASHBACK)

"Edward." Sara's voice was rough and low. "I can't fight anymore. I'm not strong enough. "

"You don't have too." My throat was raging with pain as I tried to keep from breaking down infront of her.

"I love you, Edward." She kissed me.

"I love you, too." I cried. This was it. She was going to die right here in my arms.

"Thank you. For loving me. For giving me hope." She smiled slightly.

I was nearly sobbing.

"I just want you to know, I'm always going to be here. I'm always going to love you. I will always remember you."

"I will remember." I cried. "I promise. I swear to you, baby I will always remember you. I will never forget you." As I held her in my arms, I felt her breathing slow, her grip on my shirt start to lighten. All too soon, it was only my lungs that let in and out oxygen. Only my heart was beating. Only I was still here.

"I felt her leave. It was like only her body was in my arms. She was gone." He sobbed.

Without thinking I threw myself at him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"I broke my promise to her, today." He spoke. "I forget to think of her. To rememer her." I pulled back. "When I'm with you, it's easier. There's still a hole but the raw edges numb and I barely notice it. You can make everything around me better just by smiling or laughing or looking at me. I need someone like you, Bella. I need a friend that can help me forget and tell me it's okay."

"It's okay to forget a little Edward. You will never fully forget her. Ever. You just learn to live again." I told him. "You can forget. It's okay." I nodded and hugged him again. His arms wound around my lower back and held held me close to him.

"Thank you." He wispered into my shoulder.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    We fixed up our suits and trained, and once we were done, it was almost time to go. We had an hour and a half left until it was time to go, and I was ready. Nervous, but ready. As I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror, wondering if I looked good enough to pull being a female doctor off, I sighed. I was ready. I pulled my hair back into it's pony-tail, looked myself over once more, gave myself that positive nod and told myself we'd pass this test with flying colors!
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posted by mia1emmett
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
Chapter 11
            “oh boy”
    Edward and everyone greeted us at the door, rose walked up to Nessie and said “you spent to much time with dogs, other then one of your aunts being a dog” I rolled my eyes and I walked up stairs thinking about how me and Seth were talking about how it would be so cool if we swam all the way from La push to where ever. I must have been so deep in thought I didn’t hear the door open because Emmett’s face was in my face. I rolled off my bed “ok I am ready” Emmett’s...
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posted by karleetaylor
This is more to the fanfic i wrote Rensmee C. Cullen. If you didnt read that then this probably wont make much sense (:

“Renesmee, what do you think of all this?” my mom asked.
    “Well, I think it all makes more sense now. I think I was ready to know this. I always thought of Jacob. I always missed Jacob. I always wanted to be with Jacob. I never knew why. Now that I know he imprinted, it makes more sense.”
    My mother nodded.
    “We should probably get going,” I suggested. “I need to apologize to Uncle Emmett.”
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    To beat the odds is to overcome a loss, or the loss of something that challenged you. When I was younger, beating the newest level on a video game after losing 20 times in a row, had me overcome the losses that were in my way so I could move on to the end. Every year, that loss grows, and as you enter the new level of your life every year once you've reached the new aging mark of your life, you start to face challenges that are about to come into your way. Such as high school, or...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Nobody knows where they might end up. Well, suppose you do know. What if you woke up from a dream, and remembered that in your dream, when you reached age 35, you were going to be a surgeon or a scrub nurse. Suppose you were happy with that dream, and that's the turning point that changed your mind. Now let's say, in your dream, you died in a car crash. Would you be afraid to drive still, or would you face that fear with a dead on stare and get your license the very chance you could?...
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posted by mia1emmett
>>if you see car-- that means i forgot how to spell dr.cullens name :/ not a very good twilight fan i know :(
            Chapter 5
As I was walking down my stairs I saw a jeep pull up in front of my
House. When Emmett poked his head out he said "Ella come on" I got in to
Find rose Alice jasper and Emmett all in the car I smiled to everyone.
Then I felt something sharp as if it was hitting me in the gut. I said
"Thank you guys you didn't have to pick me up. I know me finding my
Brother isn't something that you guys should be doing...
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"Ughhh. Damn it!" I yelled and threw the phone against the wall. Why would everything go wrong when things were going right. I heard my dad enter, and foot steps into the kitchen. I looked at him and he saw my face. He rushed to my side.
"Bells,What's wrong??"My dad said."Did he do this to you?" He asked. Charlie hasn't been able to refer to Edward as his name since he left,but I always knew who he was talking about. I shook my head no.
"Dad, You remember that job I was telling you about in New York?" I asked him. He shook his head, so he knew what I was talking about."Well they called and Offered...
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Vampire Empire Announces Winner of Contest To Win Bella's Engagement Ring announced the winner of the fashion reproduction of the engagement ring Edward Cullen gave to Bella Swan in Stephanie Meyers Twilight Series.


Jul 16, 2010 – Popular vampire enthusiasts and fine art site, Vampire Empire, announced a winner for it's Bella Swan's Engagement ring contest. The contest offered Twilight fans a chance to win an official fashion reproduction of the ring Edward Cullen gives to Bella when her proposes to her.

The contest started on June 26, 2010 and ran...
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posted by groovychicklisa
When I got home, Charlie, Renée and Phil were just sitting down to have dinner, and I joined them.

"Hey dad, I wanted to talk to you about something." I said as I put some salad on my plate. Charlie insisted that I have vegetables with every meal. He was the one who told me what I could and couldn't eat, and also made sure I followed the "rules". Which was why I always went to Angela's for ice cream. Nowhere had I found anything to indicate that I shouldn't eat ice cream – I'd even asked Doctor Jamieson, who had said that it was fine – but Charlie insisted that too much sugar wasn't good....
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was the next day,i looked at my alarm clock it was 7.35.
Mom and dad had already woken,the smell of bacon was lingering underneath my door. Dad walked in with a bacon sandwich and told me to wake up,but i was already awake i looked at him and smiled he handed me the sandwich and sat down near me.
"I'm proud of you princess,i mean taking this baby on,you will be a great mother.Okay Jacob will be a great father too,Aha.Maybe this baby will bring me and jacob closer togeather and we could stop all this argueing."
Dad said to me in a happy voice.

Cough* Cough* i started to choke on my sandwich.
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After u readd this u need 2 add a comit and i will thank u.tell me wat u think and if u r sad it is almost over...if u r then do u want to beg i MIGHT make a bonuz chapter after its all over...would u like dat?

Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I smelt the ground that stood beneath my feet. It smelled Victoria. She challenged us to a fight-we get our army she gets hers. Of course she wasn’t fighting. She had her little Riley and Bree-who was a scared as a pissing dog about to get smacked by the furious owner. I stalked over to Jasper and let out all my instincts. He was training us to fight the...
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Sorry its SO short

I got out my car Monday and walked over to Maci.
"Hey Maci, who are you waiting on?" I asked her.
"No one just thinking about Seth." I heard her heart accelerate and a smile broke across her face when she said it.
"Someone's in looovvee."I said and laughed.
"I know" she replied." Is Jake still in High School?" she asked me.
"No, he graduated last year." I said to her. I wondered if Seth told her about Vamps and Wolfs yet.
We started towards our first class when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned to see who it was. It was Jake. I smiled and he wrapped me up in a Bear...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 13


She was standing there. Shivering in the night. She was nothing like the girl i knew- her dress ripped, her hair pulled out and chaotic. Blood pouring from what appeared to be a bust lip. It was 1am. What the hell was she doing here “can i come in” she whispered – tremors of shivers running through her body. I didn’t even know if i could speak- looking at her- hurting was physically torturing me. I stepped aside letting her walk in. I closed the door behind her. She jumped slightly at the noise it made. She looked a million years from the girl i saw at the party- she...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 12


I knew what my subconscious wanted. It wanted Edward. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door.
Carlisle and Esme were on a trip visiting Emmet and had only left a few hours ago. Edward was home alone. I knocked lightly in case he was asleep. After about 5 minutes he came to the door- his eyes swollen, tired. Like he’d been crying. “can i come in?” i whispered. My teeth chattering. He nodded and moved aside. I entered his house- i heard the door close behind me. “Are you alright?” he whispered as i rubbed my arms to get friction to warm me up. “Just cold”...
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I ran all the way back to Jake's. I knocked on the door until someone came to the door. It was Billy.
"Hey Billy. Is Jake home?'I asked.
"He's in his room Nessie."He said back. Billy moved out of my way so I could come in. I knocked on Jacob's door.
"Come in" He said. I opened his door. He looked at me and took in my red-rimmed eyes.
"Ness, what's wrong?" He asked. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his cheek to show him what happened. When it was over he hugged me and rubbed my back.
"Do you wanna stay here for tonight?" He asked me after I calmed down. I shook my head yes.
Later that night...
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posted by basketballstar
This short story is not really based on any one of the four books. I suppose it could be after Twilight and before New Moon. It's a comical piece, in my mind, as Alice drags the complaining Emmett and Edward around a department store. Please comment and tell me what you think!!

Alice was the one who was into fashion in our family. Rosalie and Esme were too of course, but Alice was the most interested in it. She was the one who dressed us, never letting us wear the same outfit twice. She usually went shopping with Rosalie or Esme, or on a rare occasion, Jasper; never Emmett or...
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posted by summerlynn1978
Since the Twilight movie came out, There has been a fued between Jacob and Edward. "Jacob's better! "Edward's better! Is all I hear all day by furious teenagers. Well, take a look at this, a fight between me and my BFF.
"JACOB'S BETTER THAN A PASTY, PALE VAMPIRE!!" "eDWARD DOESN'T HOWL!" It was just terrible. It ended very ugly with her ripping Jacob posters off my wall and me ripping her Edward shirt. After she left, I realized that they're just two people, just like everyone else. We should respect other people's likes and dislikes and we can have friends. I've seen so many friendships get ripped apart because of this. So here's a valuable lesson, "Respect Others Likes and Dislikes And Everyone Wll Be Friends" So the next time you see two people fighting over Twilight, tell them this important lesson, and friendships will stop getting teared apart.
Hey everyone! Thankies SO VERY MUCH for the support! I'm wowed by each of guys are so sweet <333 :] This chapter is kinda short because I was in a rush last night lol and since this weekened is American Independence weekend, my family and I are taking a trip down to the beach (yay! :P) so I won't be able to update till tuesday (which makes me VERY sad :[ ) So, being the sweeties you are, I know you all will patiently and anxiously wait till I update again. Thanks from the top and bottom of my heart, everyone! Much love to each of you, from me! Enjoy! :D
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 3

The ride to school that day was beyond hellish. Neither one talked. When Bella arrived at school she had to get Edward form his day dream (B) Edward? (B) (E) What…? Oh sorry I was day dreaming(E) A small smile spread across my face at just how childish he was, (B) Yeh I guessed that Edward! Do you need me to give you a ride home after school? (B) Oh god if he says that bitch Tanya is taking him home I may cry! It’s no secret that Esme and Carlisle don’t like her; infect no one but Edward and herself like her! (E)Erm ofcourse! Why do you have something else planned with...
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posted by karpach_13
this is renesmee's hotel room
this is renesmee's hotel room
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs more attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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