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posted by team_edward_
Chapter One-Hunting

I pulled into the school parking lot. Most of the cars were old so my old truck didn`t stand out to much. “Oh my gosh you must be Isabella Swan right? I`m like Jessica and this is Angela, Mike, Eric, and Tyler. I`m so glad you’re coming here what’s your first class?” A girl about 5 foot 5 has wild, curly, dark brown hair and blue eyes was introducing me to her friends. “Hey please call me Bella not Isabella. Nice to meet yous. I have English first. What do you guys have?” The guys just stared at me. Jessica said she and Mike had English too. The other three had trigonometry.

I walked with Jessica and Mike to class they wanted to know where I lived before and why I left. I told them my life story minus the whole turning into a vampire thing. My next class was History I had that with Eric and Angela. I repeated my story to them before the lunch bell rang.

Eric walked with me to lunch and Angela went to find Jessica and the others. We walked into the cafeteria and everyone stopped and looked at me. Jessica ran over and dragged me to a table. “OMG I haven`t seen people react to someone this way since the Cullen moved there. Speaking of the Cullen’s there they are. They were all adopted by Dr. Cullen and his wife. She can`t have kids.” I looked at them they were gorgeous and pale and they didn`t have the same gross blood smell as the rest of the students. Their vampires. “Does anyone have a phone I can use, mines still in my locker.” I had 12 people push a phone in my face. I grabbed Eric`s simple phone and walked out of the cafeteria and dialled Jacobs number (he gave it to me before he left).

”Hello?” Oh my god he is dead now.”God Jake I hate you, why couldn`t you just tell me they were more like me going here? Did you think it would be funny?”He started laughing.”Yes Bells I thought it would be funny for me not you.”Oh my god he`s dead now. “Jake I changed my mind I think I will kill you next time I see you. I swear I’m going to enjoy draining you of ever last drop of blood.” I closed the phone and went back into ‘eat’ lunch. “OMG do you know what you look like the Cullen’s. Did you know that you`re just like them, graceful and beautiful and pale and your eyes are like the same colour.” Why did she have to point out everything that made us the same? That`s when I heard them talk.”...she has to be one of us look at her...shut up Edward, I’m not kidding......if you don`t I will!” I looked away not wanting to hear anymore. “Hey Jessica what are their names?” She looked at me then started talking really low.”Their names are well, you see the blond that`s Rosalie and she`s with Emmett the one who looks like he could wrestle a bear. Alice is the short one she`s with Jasper the other blond. And then there’s Edward he`s the one who doesn`t have a girl draped over him. He doesn`t date cause I guess no one here is good enough for him. It`s strange but their whole family is like together, and Rosalie and Jasper are twins they kept their last name Hale. The others changed their last name.”

That`s when it hit me and hard.’why won`t he just ask me out I mean look at me I’m perfect .Look at him he’s perfect. Together we’d be perfect.’.....’God I wonder if Bella would go to the dance with me.’.....’Hey cool another vampire hey Eddie maybe you should date her I hate seeing you like this, you need a girl.’ Why the hell can I hear people`s thoughts in my head, and why is Emmett talking to his brother in his head. Oh my god Edward can read minds. Oh my god. What if he can hear mine. Wait why can I hear them? Oh my god I need to stop talking to myself in or out of my head. “I`ll be right back.”

I got up and walked over to the Cullen`s table. “Hello I`m Bella. I have a question for yous the Cullen`s right? OK I know what all of you are and how people like us have special abilities. What is your? And the rest of you what are your? I know it`s not the best way to get to know someone but I also need help find out what mine is.” Alice looked at me and then she squealed “Oh my gosh, hi I’m Alice and I`m psychic.” She was beaming and motioned for me to sit. I sat down.”This is Jasper he can detect and control emotions. That`s Emmett and Rosalie they don`t have a special ability. And last but not least there’s Edward he can read minds, but you know that already.” They were all looking at her.”What I told yous if you don`t tell her I will.” OK then.”Umm see I need help, when I’m close enough to another vampire I can use their ability. I`m not sure if that’s one but also I can block other vampires abilities if I choose.” Alice looked at me “That is so cool, you are so lucky. Hey Edward can you hear her thoughts?” He looked at me and I feel into a daze. I stopped breathing it’s not like I have to anyway. “No, are you blocking me out?” I looked down and removed my shield down and let him in to my mind. ’Hello Edward how are you?'...I started to listen to his thoughts. ’Hello Bella. I`m fine thank you.’ I shut him out again. My head was spinning. Jasper started to laugh I looked at him and started to read his thoughts.Wow she has confused feelings for you Edward. She`s nervous, confused, upset, mad and what`s that love?’I looked at him trying to see how his ability worked. I closed my eyes and focused on everyone feeling then I picked one person and tried to read just theirs then change it. After figured it out I looked at him and sent him as much laughter I could. I used ever happy and funny thought I could come up with and then I pushed it out in waves at him. He started laughing so much he fell out of his chair. Edward looked at me again this time he was smiling.”Now that was cool. You’re lucky you can use his gift against him.” Then he smiled. I looked down and made sure my mind closed from every one. If I could blush my face would have been bright red. Wait I had a question ’Edward what happen if we go in the sun?’ I looked him in the eye`s and waited for him to answer. He did with a picture. It was beautiful the picture was a meadow and he was standing in the middle without a shirt then the sun hit him. He didn`t disappear or catch on fire, he started to sparkle. I closed my mind off before he could know what I thought of him with no shirt. “How will I come to school I can`t walk around sparkling all day and my dad doesn`t know what I am, and I can`t just ditch.” I put my head in my hand. Edward grabbed the other “Hey don`t worry about it. How old are you to still live with your father?”I opened my mind it was easier there talking and more private.’I`m only seventeen I`ve only been this way for 2 months. What about you how old are you really?'He answered with his mind not out loud(A/N Bella’s mind will be in italics and Edwards will be both in italics and underlined from here down)’Your still a new born. You have great control over your thirst. I`m about 106. I`m pretty old.’

He laughed and looked at Alice. She was biting her lip singing ‘I’m a Barbie girl’ in her head.‘Why is she singing?’ ‘She`s hiding something from us. Most likely a vision.’ 'One sec I can see if I can get what she got. Let’s see if I can use her gift.’ I looked at Alice and then closed my eyes closing my mind from Edward just in case. My face went blank and I could see the vision she just had: It`s a room, a bedroom I`m on my bed kissing someone.....Edward!?! I looked at Alice when my vision was over she was giggling and biting her lip trying to stop. I forced a wave of calm over her and she relaxed a little. ‘Oh my god!’ Edward looked at me “Did you see what she was trying to hide?” I couldn`t talk ‘Yes.’ He grabbed my hand.‘Why didn`t you let me to see? I wanted to know what she saw and you are my only way ’ I bite my lip and looked down.”Alice do your visions always come true? I mean the future isn’t set in stone right.” Alice started giggling “No it`s not set in stone if one of you decides against whatever caused that then it won`t.”

I need to change the mood in here and answer some questions of my own.” Hey do you guys know of a good place to hunt. I mean I know just by your eyes you only hunt animals. Do you know of anywhere I can go tonight, I really need to hunt.” Alice was still beaming “Edward you should take her to that spot you go to hunt. I mean she really needs to hunt cause I can`t see her future so she must be with one of those dogs and I don’t want her to get hurt.” Wait.”Wait what do you mean dogs do you mean.....Jacob damn I might keep my promise of killing him. I need to hunt if I`m going to be within 10 feet of him.”Edward looked at me shocked “And why would you kill him.” God why do people have to ask so many questions? “Cause I can`t stand human blood and he has wolf in him so he smells so good I’m surprised I didn`t kill him the other night” I shook that thought from my head. “Really you don’t like the smell of human blood? I think we should get you hunting before you see him then. Do you have any way to skip out on a period or two before the end of the day I’ll take you.” Was he really asking to take me hunting? That`s like taking a girl to dinner in our world. God I need to calm down he`s just doing it to be nice. I think. “Ok I have gym and biology next then trigonometry. I can skip gym and biology. Where do you want me to meet you?”
We planned on meeting by the forest on the side of the parking lot. After I talked to the Cullen`s I had went back and talked to Jessica who’s thoughts towards me were anything but nice. I couldn`t wait for lunch to end. I walked into class and told my teacher I had an emergency at home and would miss two periods of school. He really didn`t care so I left and headed toward to forest.

Edward was already there when I showed up. “Hello!” I looked at him and bit my lip. He was so beautiful I want to run my hand through his messy bronze hair and kiss his pale lips. I looked away not wanting to give into these emotions. “So where are we going?” He smiled “We can`t go to my favourite place cause we would have to have more time. But I want to know what your favourite animal to drink is.” I started laughing.”Right now it`s wolf. I find it funny that my best friend can turn into a wolf.” Stopped dead in my tracks. I took in a deep breath and smiled at Edward “There are two wolves ahead. One each?” He nodded and we started running. We found them and before long we had killed them and were on our way back. “Hey thanks for coming with me.” I wanted to thank him I had to I would have gone alone but I might not of had the time after school. “Anytime.” We walked back and I headed to trigonometry. When that was done I went to my truck to head home only find Jacob sitting by my side.............
posted by Cullens4eva
I LOVE MY SISTER SOOOOOOO MUCH! We all screamed till our throats hurt, this is just amazing. As we stopped mom walked in and started to tidy up the lounge. To be honest I'd forgotten she was actually here.

"Girls that's enough. Now what's all this screaming about hey? There's no need for it." She finished doing some light dusting and sat down with a book. Probably some romance knowing mom, she was so predictable. Her life is a romance novel, her meeting my dad after nearly jumping off a cliff, falling helplessly in love, having 3 beautiful girls, living in a house to die for...

We all sat down...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
This was like no other Monday. Why you ask? Well, maybe if a knife flew at your head, you would agree with me. And it wasn't like magic flying, it was like an assassain threw a knife at my head and tried to kill me! At first, all I could think of was RUN, but later on I knew why he was after me. Here is exactly what happened...
I was driving to the store, and I got out of my car and went inside. I was almost done, I just needed milk and cookie dough, and they were in the same isle, so I picked up...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I sighed with relief as the phone conversation was over and snapped it shut. God! Edward, is way too curious, and pushy, he asks too many questions, as if he was interrogating me; which he kind of was. I thought over tonight, and Renesmee's little adventure. I had to get rid of those bottles, so that would NEVER happen again, (and my new shoes, which i had just started to like). I'm not sure what would best for us right now, and Edward was asking what’s going on, and where precisely Renesmee was, I was glad he couldn’t read my mind from the phone.


What a throbbing headache!...
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posted by amy_r_cullen
Edward's pov

"Daddy say somthing, you haven't said anything for about ten miniits i'll read you're mind if you don't tell me". Renesmee pushed.

"Sorry Renesmee i was just thinking can you read you're mothers mind". I questioned.

"Errr I think so why, do you wan't me to". Renesmee replied.

"well yes please, it's just you'r mother only lets me in her head when she wants me there, and the rest of the time I have to guess". I was trying to persuade Renesmee to help me.

"Why do you want to know what goes on in momma's head". Renesmee pushed.

"I just want to know if she is happy or not or if she worries...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I haven't posted this in ages.

6 Years later.
I’m now twenty-four years old. I’m married to Edward and we live in Canada together. I still have my job as a fashion designer and I do model. But lately I’ve been asked to do other things. I got a letter through the post a few days ago about being in a film. I didn’t show Edward because I knew he would say no, so I kept it to myself. I really would like to be in the film, but it would mean I would be away from Edward for ages. I was already spending a lot of time away from Edward. He’s at home right now whilst I’m in New Zealand....
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posted by CarlislesLover
We finished shopping finally. “I’m sorry I have to go now”

“Ok, I’ll see you whenever I next wake you”

“Ok bye”


She left me going back to her grave. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t go back and see the faces of my family. Jasper was likely to kill me if I went back. Edward would be like oh Bella I love you so much none of this is your fault and Jasper would be like she knocked my wife unconscious I hate you and I’d be sat there like whatever guys leave me alone. So I decided to go back. I walked in and they were all sat in the living room on the sofa. “I’m...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This may sound like the end but it isn't.

I did what I did with every other country. I saw the Cullen’s in the audience along with Charlie, Jacob and Billy. Jessica, mike, Angela and Eric were all there too. I knew so many people in the audience, but I had to ignore them and carry on. I finished at last and went back stage. My boss was going back early and said I could stay here for as long as I wanted. I got changed in to something else. Then Charlie walked in. He drove me home, the Cullen’s following behind. We all entered the house and sat down on the sofa. “What happened to you?”...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry for the delay.

We got back to my apartment and I got changed back into the clothes I was wearing before I had the piercing. “Now you need to go back to work to see if they have your dress for you”

“Ok” We drove back to where my dress was being made. “Aren’t you coming in Lucy?

“No sorry I have to go”

“Oh ok” I walked in to the large building and back into the lift up to the floor my dress was being made on. “We have finished” The man said happily as I walked in. “Go try it on for me” I went and tried it on. I looked in the mirror it was amazing. “Wow...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Part 11 finaly !!!!

I was then blind folded and knocked out. I woke up in a huge white room. “This is where we’re going to train you to fight. Our way” Edward hadn’t even taught me how to fight yet but when the man said ‘our way’ it was obviously going to be a different way to how my family fight. Vampires started to enter the room. “Now watch us” A woman told me “And if you don’t you’ll be in trouble” She took a man and they started showing me a fight. It looked complicated as each one of them took it in turn fighting each other it looked so hard. “I can’t do...
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Chapter One: All the way from Tennessee
Rosalie POV
    Two short years ago I was turned into a monster. I'm beautiful, yet still a monster. Being a vampire wasn't fun at all. I personally don't like eating animals. Well, their blood that is. But, rather a deer than a human I guess.
    I was hunting in the deep woods of Tennessee. It was far from where we were staying in the Appalachian Mountains, but, once again, Edward had gotten on my last nerve. Sometimes, no most of the time, I just want to rip Edward apart limb from limb....
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posted by a-jforever
No...No he has to be joking right.
“Victoria got away?” I whimpered. She would be back for me and there would be no delay on killing me this time. It would be so quick that Alice and Jacob wouldn’t be able to save me.

“Bella, are you ok?” Alice asked entering the kitchen.

Jacob stiffened. And Alice scrunched up her nose.

“WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL?” she complained.

“It’s me, Leech. And I have to say, you don’t smell that good either.”

“Guys please.” I begged. I couldn’t be dealing with this right now.

“I guess we don’t smell that appealing to each other then.” Alice...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
We pull up to the house just seconds after my Dad. I leap out of the car and dash towards the front door.

Quickly, I run inside and to the garage.

"Jake!" I try to catch his attention before Dad gets to him. But I know I am too late because I can already hear my Dad talking.

"What's up with you, Edward?" I hear Jake ask from the other room.

"How could you do this to my daughter?" His demands are loud and angry. I can almost hear the frown on his lips.

"What are you talking about?" Jake naturally seems a little joyed by driving him nuts. Even though they have this so called friend ship. Well...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This isn't the end!

I stood there shocked no normal vampire was this skinny and I didn’t think that if a vampire didn’t have blood for a while that it would make them lose weight. He breathed in and turned around to face me. “WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU MONSTER?” I screamed at him. I was so angry that he had threatened to kill my friend and that he’d been following me and my daughter. “I want you” He whispered “WHO ARE YOU?” Alice put her hand on my shoulder wanting me to calm down. Renesmee was sat behind Hannah terrified and Hannah was just beyond shocked and scared. I could...
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posted by xroylex
"nessie are you sure this is what you want ? i mean you only just got here and now you want to leave i wont stop you if thats what you-" i cut him of its not what i wanted but its what i had to do to i dont know why i was leaving but my stomach felt like i had to.
"bye grandad its been great really"
he waved as i got on the plane even thought i knew it was the right thing to do it still hurt saying goodbye like that like i have left a peice of me here..

days weeks months passed and soon enough it was my 17th birthday party nothing could go wrong could it??
well i thought it couldnt

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posted by xroylex
"yeah i guess i am im sorry i lied to you grandma but i really didnt know what mum wanted me to say im so so so sorry"
"oh baby just stop right there of corse you didnt want me to know your mum i mean she will tell me the truth soon enough" she hugged me and said the words i didnt want to hear
"i have to get home to phile baby i will call you soon" she hugged me one last time and kissed me lightly on the cheek
"goodbye" i whispered when she turned her back on me i couldnt help myself from breaking down in to tears.

"charlie? charlie? are you here?" a deep voise asked from the door way i looked...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Heyy guys this is part 4 of break up. And this is mainly just a convo she has wiv her friend hannah at work :)XXX

The next day I was back to work. “Where were you yesterday?” Hannah asked “Long story” I told her. “Ok” she said. This was one of the good points about Hannah, if she asked you what had happened to you or where were you and you replied it doesn’t matter or I don’t want to talk about it. She would leave it and get on with whatever she was doing before. I was really worried about Renesmee after what had happened last night. I guessed it was the man in the black cloak...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hey guys this is part 3 of break up finalyy XXX

I woke up in a hospital bed with Renesmee holding my hand. “Thank God you’re alive”

“Mum why are you so pleased that I’m alive. You should be pleased that you’re alive!”

“What happened? Did a man with a black cloak come into your school? If he did, did he say anything to you?”

“Mum what are you on about. I think you’re seeing things. Let me get the doctor back in here”

“NO!!! I don’t need a doctor. I saw a man in a black cloak on the way to work, he was a vampire. I noticed he was walking towards your school so I turned...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This is the second part of break up and it's 10 years on from before. Enjoy!!XX

It had been ten year’s since I last saw Edward and the rest of the family. I hardly ever thought about them now, I just got on with life. Renesmee and I lived in England now. We had a massive house with gorgeous views. I sat and watched the sun rise over the fields lighting each one of them up. Farmers started putting their animals into the field. It was spring time and all the lambs had just been born. Renesmee liked the lambs they were always a joy to her seeing them play in the field. Occasionally the farmer...
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posted by a-jforever
The idea is hopefully I will get in all the cullen's POV's eventually. Please let me know what you think Xxx

Carlisle POV
I was sat reading in my study, out of boredom more than anything else. I think I had read this book about three times already. “Honey, you’re going to be late to work.” Esme smiled leaning against the door frame. I looked up at her putting the book down. “Thanks” I caught her waist kissing her softly on the lips before grabbing my bag and heading down the stairs. “I’ll see you later.” I called to everyone. Rose peeked her head around the door to wave. I chuckled...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys this is my new fan fiction break up.
I'm writing 4 articles at the moent lol.
So I hope you all like this one.

It was a relief after the Volturi had gone everything was back to normal well almost.

I’d just come back from a new club in Las Vegas it was three o’clock in the morning and I knew Edward wouldn’t be happy. The only reason I went to the club was because I was hunting when a poster blew into my face about it. I hadn’t had fun in ages and I’d never been to a club before so I decided to go. I had a great time anyway, yes I nearly ended up playing strip poker...
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