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posted by LexisFaith
Everyone who likes this story plese thank NeeNee14 because she won my artical contest earning herself a short story. With her permission I am able to continue, but only if you guys like it. So again, congratz NeeNee14 on your win! :)
Bella POV

I stared at the case file in my hands thinking that this little girl went through the same thing I did. It was her father that wanted her. Not her mother. As soon as she was born, her mother walked out, leaving her father to care for her. To love her. I had seen this case and asked for it myself because of my connection. I knew what this little girl was feeling not having a mother. Some how, this was supposed to be mine.

I sighed laying the file on my desk and dialing the number written on a bright yellow tab.

"Hello?" The father's voice was smooth like velvet and sweet like honey.

"Is this Edward Cullen speaking?" I asked, only slightly studdering.

"This is he."

"Yes, this is Bella Swan. I am going to representing you for your custody of your daughter Lily."

"Oh, hello. Thank you so much for doing this. You have no idea how much I appreciate this." He chuckled at the end.

"It is my pleaser Mr. Cullen." I smiled.

"Please, call me Edward." He corrected me.

"Well, Edward. I was wondering if there was anyway you could meet with me this afternoon?" I had to meet this voice. Edward.

"Absolutly. My daughter get's out of school at 2:30. Would 3 this afternoon suit you?" He asked.

"It would be perfect." I flipped through my appointment book crossing out Jacob Blacks name. He could wait. "I will see you at 3." I smiled into the phone.

"I will. Goodbye, Bella."

I set my phone into it's cradle and pressed page.

"Yes, Bella?" Alice my assistant answered.

"Alice, could you please call Jacob Black and tell him I'm not able to meet with him this afternoon."

There was silence. "Alice?" My door suddenly opened and she was sitting in one of the black leather chair infront of my desk.

"You have never, and I mean never cancled. What's going on?" She was leaning so far over I expected her to fall foward and smack her face on my desk on her way down the the hardwood floor.

"I have something more importent that has come up." I shrugged and stood up smoothing my dress pants and standing infront of one of my large windows.

"Bella, I'm your sister. You can tell me anything." She sighed and was suddenly standing beside of me. "Remember?" She asked holding up her pinky. "I, Mary Alice Swan, swear, that any secret is tucked away and safe to the grave."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, wrapping my pinky around hers. "This case. It's like us." I told her. "This little girl Lilly Faith Cullen, her mother didn't want her and is left with her father, Edward Cullen."

"I understand this is very improtent for you, but that's not the only reason is it?" She asked. Her heels clicked as she walked back to the chair and sat down.

I sat back down in my own chair. "You know me to well for your own good Mary Alice."

"Isabella." She curled her nose.

"Okay, sorry." We both hated our full names. "No. No, that's not the only reason." I sighed and leaned foward. "I talked to Edward a few minutes ago. His voice is like hot honey."

Alice gasped and leaned foward again. "That's major for you Bella."

"I konw. I have never in my life heard a mans voice so smooth, sweet and husky all at the same time. I'm glad I was sitting down or you would had to of come and mopped me up off the floor and into a bucket."

We both laughed and Emmett came bursting through the door. "I am in the mood to take my favorite sisters to lunch. Who wants Mexican?"

"Leave it to Emmett to break the mood with food." Alice smiled and rolled her eyes, standing up. I guess it wasn't so bad working with your sibblings.

Edward POV

I was glancing back at Lilly every so often, watching her play with her two new dolls. I had just picked her up from school so she was still in her uniform, her blond ringletts still in her blue plaid headband. She had gotten her hair color from her mother. I didn't even like to think of Tanya's name. Ugh. But she had my mother's curly hair and my green eyes and matching dimple. I was glad she looked more like me than..her.

"Daddy?" I heard her little voice in the back.

"Yes, Princess?" I glanced at her through the mirror, my eyes meeting hers.

"Is Miss Bella's work very far away?" She asked.

"No. It's right around this corner." I pointed as I turned. "See that tall builing?"

Lilly nodded.

"That's where we are going." I pulled into and parking space and took my key out of the ignition.

"All the way up at the top?" She asked. Already out of her carseat, her face pressed against the cold glass window.

"Yup." We got out of the car and I held onto her hand.

A door man opened the door for us nodded at me and smiling down at Lilly, giving her a gracefull hello. Lilly beamed a hello back. So much like my mother.

I walked out of the elevator and opened the glass door with black letters printing "Swan Law Firm".

A small woman sitting behind a large cherry wood desk looked up at me, a smile wide across her face. "You muct be Edward Cullen." She stuck her hand out.

"Yes." I nodded taking her hand in mine.

"I'm Alice Cullen. It's nice to meet you." She let go of my hand and crouched down at Lilly's eye view. "And you muct be the pretty Miss Lilly. I got something special for you." She grabbed a rather large lolly pop off the desk and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Miss Alice!" Lilly smiled.

Alice laughed and stood up. "Well, you're very welcome Lilly. Just don't let Mr. Emmett see it. He loves suckers."

"I won't." Lilly smiled.

"I will tell Bella you're hear." Yes please. Alice smiled at me and called Bella on her phone.

"Edward Cullen is here to see you." She smiled and giggled a little. Must be and inside joke.

She hung up and sat back down. "You can go ahead. It's the last door down the hall. Bye Miss Lilly. It's was nice meeting you."

Lilly smiled back. "Bye."

I read the signs on the doors as I passed. The first a bathroom next and gold plac read "Emmett Cullen. Attorny at Law". The next was a full wall of glass and a sign that read "Public Meeting Room". The last door at the very end of the hall read "Isabella Swan. Attorny at Law."

I smiled down at Lilly who smiled back assuringly and I knocked on the door. I was finally meeting a face to the bellous voice.

I heard the handel turn and the door opend reveling a slender woman. She looked to be about 23 or 24. Her brown eyes where the same color as her long wavy hair. She smiled nad stuck out her hand just as Alice did. "Bella. It's nice to finally meet you, Edward."

I could only nodd and she bent down to Lilly. "Hello. You must be Lilly. It's very nice to meet you."

"You're pretty, Miss Bella." Lilly smiled.

Bella laughed and I swear my heart thudded so loudly she could hear it. "Why thank you. So are you."

"Thank you." Lilly smiled shyly.

Bella stood up and opened her door wider. Please come in and have a seat." She smiled. "And Lilly, on that table over there," She pointed to a corner that had a small book shelf full of childrens books, coloring books, toys and boxes of crayons and marker. "Is where you can play while your Daddy and I talk if you'd like."

"Okay." Lilly smiled and let go of my hand running over to the area.

Bella lead me over to her desk and when I sat down she crossed her legs and pulled her self closer to the desk. "Before we get started, I would like you to know that I chose this case for myself. Normally ALice just hands Emmett and I files. But I chose this because I went through the same thing. My mother left us."

I couldn't belive what I was hearing. How could anyone want to give this beautiful girl up. Wait. She said us.

"When Alice and I were 4 my mom walked out on us one night. We woke up and she was just...gone. No note, no way of knowing where she was going or why she left. Emmett was 10 she he remembers better than ALice and I do. Yes, we are all bother and sister. Alice is my twin though you wouldn't know by just looking at her." She smiled. "Anyway, I felt like this was ment to be my case. I hope you don't mind for any reason."

"No." I answered quickly. "I think it's amazing. Honesely." I smiled.

She smiled and relaxed into her chair a bit more. "All I need you to do is fill out this paper work." She pushed about five papers across her desk with a pen. I could smell the cherry sent of Bella rising off the paper and pen. I suddenly loved cheeries.

After filling out the nessary papers and signing my name at least 3 times I handed them back.

"I will be calling you soon." She stood up as did I. "Thank you so much for stopping by."

She walked Lilly and I to the elavator. "It was very nice meeting you Lilly. I hope I will see you soon."

"It was nice meeting you too, Miss Bella." She smiled.

"Bye, Edward. I will let you know very soon about the papers."

I nodded and stepped into the elavator. "I hope so." I smiled crookedly.

As the doors closed the last thing vision that stuck in my head was the sight of Bella biting her bottom lip, smiliy slightly and she sent of cheeries.

3 weeks later

I was thinking about calling up Bella and making up an excuse to see her again. It had been three weeks. Too damn long. I should be hearing about Lilly's custody any day now and it was nawing at me slowly. They had to get...her...signature as well. Who know's where the hell she was.

"Daddy?" Lilly looked up from coloring Snow White. "Will you color with me?"

I smiled and got down in the floor with her. I had just started on Dopey when the doorbell rang. "I will be right back." I kissed Lilly's head and answered the door.

"Hi." Bella was smiling staning in t the hall of my apartment.

I smiled back. "Hey. Come on in." I ushered her in. "What brings you down here?" I asked running a hand through my hair.

"I wanted to show you this in person." She smiled holding out a file.

I took it and flipped it open. Circled in red, was where the judge sign in agreement. "Congradulations." Bella smiled.

I smiled back and pulled her in for a hug. I couldn't help myself. I pulled back to a blushing Bella and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Would you like to go to dinner?"

She blushed deeper and looked up at me. "Absolutly" She smiled.
Now remember the only way this is going to be continued is if you guys comment :)

I am having another contest. Make a one shot (a one page story) about Bella and Edward. It can bu human or nonhuman. Please email it to me on here and I will pick the top 3 and place them on my page. It doen't have to end happy, it can end sad. The contest will be closed October 23. Please enter!!!!
posted by a-jforever
“Bella, you don’t know what it’s like to see you best friend and then with a stupid decision your brother makes, lose her for as long as your brother can keep away.” By the end Alice, sounded more like she was talking more to herself than to me.

And she was right. I didn’t know what it was like, because I wasn’t Alice. But in a way I did know what it was like, because when HE had left; I had to lose Alice just like she had lost me. But vampires could forget if they wanted to. Alice could have forgotten me, more easily than I could have forgotten her if she wanted to.

“Wants you...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
Nessie Black
Nessie Black
Jake and I haven't been really speaking today. He thinks I messed up big time yesterday by telling the truth. I think he messed up big time by being rude. Sometimes girls just get moody, and he should know that by now.

The problem with being upset is that it brings all the negative things in your life to attention. Jake and I are not doing so well money wise. His repair shop is okay but not making enough money to support us. I haven't been to work since the wedding. I thought that once I was married, I wouldn't have to worry about working. Wrong idea.

I kinda feel like I am just useless, and...
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posted by a-jforever
I stood up, shrugging Jakes arm off my shoulder. I couldn’t be around anyone when they were acting like this, especially not Jacob. Why would dad be right? I loved Jacob and he loved my right? That’s how imprinting works.

“Renesmee.” Jacob called after me.

I ignored him. Did he really think that? When I was younger I always dreamed that when I graduated, Jacob would ask me to marry him. That we would be happy together, for eternity. That we would have our own children and our own house. But life isn’t a fairy tale, or something you can just plan out in front of you. It’s something...
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posted by kiwi12

I followed Carlisle into the living room. Rosalie sat in a rather secluded chair. I knew she didn't trust us. Carlisle and Esme headed toward a couch, so I walked with Jasper to a loveseat across from them. Esme smiled when she saw Jasper wait until the ladies were seated before sitting next to me. I took Jasper's hand and looked at Carlisle. "Well.. I umm... well I saw you and your family I can see the future and I don't want to kill people and neither does Jasper (Jasper and I are mates) so we came here and we're all going to be great friends so can Jasper and I please stay?" I offered...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"A son, bella" Edwards hand caressed my face adoringly.
My ribs hurt with extreme pain. I was exhusted, and like being kicked in the gut put on top.
"Emmett, fetch my more morphine" Carlisle struggled, holding my new screaming boy.
"Who wants to cut the chord?" Edward suggested.
A small voice sounded from the the back of the room. Rosalie.
"I will" She slowly approuched me and smiled a wide grin once she came into my eyeshot.
Emmett wiped back with a large needle.
oh god, i dont like the size of that needle. I graped onto Edward wrist.
"It's alright Bella, it wont hurt" Carlisle assured me....
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posted by a-jforever
Finally finished part four. Its not the most interesting but I hope you like it

Edwards POV

It was just another normal day. There was a new girl, who every male was already picturing them with. She had long brown hair and muddy brown eyes. She went by the name of Isabella although she preferred Bella. I didn’t really see what was so special about her. She was looking at us but we didn’t pay any attention. I was surprised to hear her asked the other human girl, Jessica, who we were. “Who are they?” Bella asked throwing a glance in our direction. I looked from Jessica to Bella who quickly...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
I'm so sorry It's been so long! Sorry I don't think this chapter is as long as the other's. I've been really excited because I heard Kristen Stewart! Is coming to Australia!!! Then I got really upset because its most likely that I can't go! Because mum has to work that day! So i've also been really sad lately :( Anyway hope you enjoy, Please comment! Also sorry it just stops, I thought since I haven't put up a chapter in ages I should do it now, but i promise that I will try to get chapert 5 up within the next week, if not you guys can keep on bugging me until I do get it up. Please Comment!!!...
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posted by KATYrebekah

"Oh for goodness sakes, Emmett, just stand up already!" Edward hissed from underneath him. "Not until you come to your senses!" Emmett said. Rosalie ran across the room at an almighty speed just as Edward reached out to grab Emmett, and she thumped him on his chest. "ENOUGH!" Esme spoke for the first time in the whole 7 and a half hours we'd been here. Everyone turned to look-even Emmett. "This is madness! Emmett, you and Emmett are the closest of brothers- so why throw away all of that time on one stupid decision? Edward, I want you to stay as much as Emmett, maybe even more-...
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Team Edward versus Team Jacob - Twilight fans will surely become one of the two largest Clan , whether it vampire clan or werewolft clan . When the official Press New Moon on the question of who would win if a war between Team Edward and Team Jacob. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have a different opinion about this. wether it will be add to scene in film?
Cek This Out in
it still fresh and come on this is hot topic if u are truly twilight fans

It Snippet Opini from Robert And Taylor
Robert Pattinson laughed when he said who would win between his character Edward Cullen and the character of Cullen Taylor Lautner Jacob Black.
art video I wouldn’t do something unless I had a weapon. "
Meanwhile, Taylor responded with more analysis. "Oh man. I do not know between me and Rob. He often exercises boxing when he was off duty. This will probably be the fight interesting. we've already discussed this when filming,
After the little scare we had, it has been confirmed Kellan and Ashley will be in Breaking Dawn.

The actors have reached an agreement with producers and will get an increase of $1.6 million. Both Ashley and Kellan had asked for a whole lot more, but they decided to take a lower amount and be in the movies than refuse and not finish out the saga.

All Twilight fans out there can breathe a sigh of relief because these two important actors will be staying on board. It is hard to lose or change a character so far into the saga, because those who follow Twilight develop a relationship with the actors, especially Alice.

So, with all these money matters settled, the two actors will be ready to promote Eclipse and start filming the rest of the saga later this year.
posted by Darktimes104
(It feels like forever since I updated this story.)

Emmett's POV:
The footsteps continued to come closer then a voice came to match them, "You two better get back to the house and be social, stop running off, Carlisle said so."
I know that angelic voice anywhere, it was Rose. It slowly stepped out from the cover of the tress and then I knew It was the right time to ask her to be my wife.
Edward started to run off into the forest and called after us, "you better hurry or I will send Irina."
"We are coming Edward." Rose said as she started to run after him but I caught her and spun her around to...
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posted by KATYrebekah
Edward after being with the Volturi for around 3 or 4 years.
Edward after being with the Volturi for around 3 or 4 years.
Carlisle's P.O.V.

Emmett growled. He seemed to be doing that quite a massive amount of time these days. It all started when Edward went away to Vancouver. Or, at least, that's where we though he had gone. You see, the only way he would be able to go to Italy alone, to confront Jane, was to tell the rest of us he was heading somewhere completely different. His reasons for leaving to go to the Volturi were not intentional. Jane was hazing him, willing him near her if you like. Edward wasn't at all wary of his decisions, as he wasn't the one making them. That was when we got the call from Aro.....
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sorry i have took so long in writeing this lol i was really busy so i wrote a little more and i promise i will try and be quicker im writing them :0 hope you enjoy and onse again i am sorry about the spelling and please comment :)

"edward whats happerning?" esme asked
"its nothing he is just talkin to her" what els could i tell them ?? oh yeah i asked jacob to ask bella that he would help her make a baby if she wonted? i couldnt tell them i mean what would they say?.
this was something that was i could live throught sure bella might fall for jacob but that didnt matter to me. all that matter is...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys, Thank you all for your support!!! Sorry it took me so long to write. I had a lot of homework. And sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger for so long. This is dedicated to 3434girl, Thank you for all your support! Love ya!

Bella's POV

As I walked over too the single bed I woke up in, I wasn't feeling well, it must have been from hitting my head twice, why did I have to be such a Klutz? The Vampire sat down, I sat crossed legged next to her.
"So bella, I know you probably want to ask me a thousand questions right now but before you do i just want to say something first, if that's okay?"...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
Nessie in the rain
Nessie in the rain
My eyes flutter open and I see Jake kneeling beside me. His face is crossed with worry.

"Nessie, can you hear me?" He says gently as he strokes my face. I feel a sudden pain on the back of my head.

"Ow.." I muster. I must have hit my head when I passed out. Normally I would not have felt that but I guess all that has changed.

Jake lifts me off the floor and carries me to the couch. He sets me down and leans in and kisses my forehead.

He starts to walk away, but I reach for his arm just in time to brush it lightly. "Wait," I say as he turns around. "where are you going?" I ask once his body...
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According to HitFix, Academy Award winner Bill Condon will direct Breaking Dawn!

As reported earlier, Summit Entertainment has found its next “Twilight” filmmaker and now formally locked up Oscar-winner Bill Condon to direct “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.” While none of the stars have signed deals yet, the entire cast including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are expected to return. This is possibly one reason the studio has not confirmed whether, as rumored, there will be one or two “Breaking Dawn” films.

“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring...
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We had just gotten home from a camping trip/ hunting trip when we heard this heart beat and a baby's cry. I looked out the front door and saw nothing. When I looked down there was a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a box.
Carisle! There is a baby by the front door. I said.
Esme was right by me, she picked the baby up.
Esme followed Carisle up stairs. They were going to make sure that the baby was okay.
Why should we name her? I asked as I appeared at the door.
We can't keep her, I am sure she has a family. Carisle said.
I walked out of the room and to the front door. I wanted to check...
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By Twilight_News

So there’s a bunch out there circulating. Here’s what we make of it.

Rumor 1: The Host casting in full swing and Ian Somhalder cast as Ian. Now as much as Alphie would personally love nothing better than to have this be true, at the moment it’s rumor. A number of sources that we checked with were surprised to learn of this because the movie is still actively being developed. What we think sparked this was a German fansite stating Ian would be great for the role combined with a casting website that puts out general information about projects.

Rumor 2: Kristen Stewart is...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thanks 4 reading...I was able to post this one earlier than I thought, I got off early...YAY, I get to write(type). :D LOL

Emmett's POV

We continued to sit on the log and wait for the rest of her family to come. I was looking in her eyes listening intently as she told me how and why Carlisle changed Edward, Esme, and her. As I was listening to her story my mind trailed off into another direction. I was thinking how beautiful her eyes are, like pools of gold, I felt as if I would drown from the depths of her eyes.
A rustling of bushes and footsteps on the dead leaves brought my mind back in the...
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posted by Darktimes104
I'm going to try to make this one and the rest of them longer. Thanks for reading!

Emmett's POV

My chest ached from were my heart was beating against it. My throat was sore probably from all my screaming. I haven't screamed so much in my life. I felt a soft hand on my arm and what felt like a damp cloth on my forehead. I was very soothing. The pain wasn't there anymore, I felt the aftermath of it though. My bones hurt, my chest ached, and my throat is sore. I was afraid to open my mouth to speak, I was afraid if I did, the screams would start again. I settled for opening my eyes, a large room...
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