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posted by whatupiloveyou
I told you that I would update soon. I knew some of you wouldn't believe me, so I am proving you wrong. I'm still on bed-rest so I'm updating. So far this is the longest…I know I am so excited. Ok, back to my story.

Disclaimer: Again, I really don't own twilight.


I can't believe that I was doing this! I never thought that I would ever be back at Forks. Ever since Edward, I was so happy it didn't hurt to say his name, left. I felt a little happier since I had a part of Edward with me. I think I at least owe my dad to see me happier. I wish Edward was here with me, but I knew he would meet me at Charlie's house. I settled into my seat and started to let my sub-conciseness take over.

~~ (5 hours later) ~~

The flight attendant's voice over the intercom woke me up. "Ladies and gentleman prepare for landing." I wiped the drool running down my cheek. Got already for landing, and felt our plane descend. When we finally came to a stop, the pilot's voice echoed through the airplane, "we have just landed in Seattle, Washington; the time is 9:42 p.m. It is 56 degrees outside. Have a nice night, and thank you for flying with us."

Since I was in seat 23A, I was going to be one of the last ones off. So I sat and started to imagine how school is going to be tomorrow. I'm kinda excited. Maybe 'they' have returned because they heard I was gone. I hoped so, I want to see if they are way happier without me. Maybe I was a problem in their life. I knew Rosalie hated me, and Jasper couldn't be near me that much. But Alice was my best friend, and Edwards was my one true love. But I guess things can change.

"Miss, wake up," the flight attendant said in an annoyed voice. "Sorry," I replied flatly. Remember, Ghost Edward is going to be waiting for you. That put a small smile on my face. Just then I saw my dad and I smiled even more. I ran over to him and gave him the best hug I could. It took him a couple of moments before he hugged me back.

"Bella, it's so good to see you, I missed you so much," whispered Charlie. "I know daddy. I'm sorry I left, never again. I love you daddy," I whispered back. I haven't called him 'daddy' since I was 7. I don't where those words came from, but I somehow knew to say it. I think we both needed to hear that. I think I wanted to hear that from Edward, but I knew this was as good as it gets.

The ride home wasn't bad at all, it wasn't awkward silence, it was happy silence. If that is even possible. When we finally pulled up to Charlie's house, I knew I was home. I was ecstatic when I saw my truck and my bedroom window. I was so glad to be back! "Well, school starts tomorrow you better go head off to bed," said Charlie. "Thanks dad," I smiled knowing Ghost Edward would be up there waiting for me. I grabbed my bags and headed upstairs.

"Edward?" I whispered, I hoped he was here I don't think I could stand if he let me, again. "Yes, love," Edward said calmly. Thank goodness! He was sitting on my bed; I somehow forgot to look there. He gave me a small smile, "Bella, I think its time for bed." He must have seen how exhausted I was. "Fine, I guess so," I replied lazily. I grabbed my P.J.s and headed to the bathroom. When I came back I saw Ghost Edward sitting in the rocking chair. "Goodnight, Bella," wow how tired do I look? "Night."

~~ (The Next Day) ~~

I woke up and saw that there was no sun, just a bunch of clouds. Great, why did I want to leave sunny place for this? Then I saw Ghost Edward, and remember. "Hi," I stated. "Good morning," he replied, "So, are you ready for school?" I hated how awkward it was to talk to him compared the real one. "I guess so, will you be there?" I asked hopefully. "Yes, but not right by your side, but close," he answered (a/n: explanation at the bottom). I was just about to say something, when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Bells?" time to get ready for school," my dad said through the door. "Kay," I told him.

~~ (15 minutes later) ~~

I was all dressed and ready to go to school. I was out the door so I could get my schedule and get to my class. When I finally arrived I saw a lot of my old friends. Maybe today won't be so bad, after all. I got out of my truck and headed to the office. When I opened the doors I saw Mrs. Cope organizing papers at her desk. I walked up to her desk and said, "Mrs. Cope?" "Oh, sorry. Bella? Bella Swan? What are you doing back?" she asked. "I decided to move back with my dad. Do you have my schedule?" I asked starting to get impatient. She shuffled through some papers and finally pulled one out. "Here you are," she finally said. "Thanks," I replied.

I walked to my first class. English. The next couple of classes went by in a blur. Finally it was lunch. I wasn't that hungry so I was trying to find some of my old friends, well the ones that still like me. Angela found me before I found her. "Bella!" exclaimed Angela. She came running over and hugged me. "Hey Angela, how are you?" I asked actually curious. "I missed you so much, why did you come back. Oh, I'm just so glad you are back!" she practically shouted. "I missed you too," I said feeling very awkward with everyone staring at us in the middle of the cafeteria. "Come on you can sit with me," she said with the hugest smile plastered on her face. Wow I didn't think anyone would be that excited to have me back in Forks.

We walked over to the table where we always sat before I left. Everyone was there. Lauren, Jessica, Eric, Mike, and Tyler. They all looked up as we came over. "Oh great Bella's back," I heard Lauren not so quietly say to Jessica. "Hey Bella," Mike said grinning from ear to ear. "Hi guys," I said while sitting down next to Mike and Angela. They apparently had no problem with me being back. I was bombarded with questions like: What have you been up to? Why are you back? What made you come back? Things like that. After about five minutes Jessica and Lauren left abruptly. They stood up from the table, gave me an evil glare and walked away. "Just ignore them, they are just like that," said Mike. I didn't care I knew how they felt before I even left, so what would change when I came back.

After lunch, I went through the rest of my classes; these seemed to go by slower. I had Jessica and Lauren in a couple of my later classes; I guess that could be why. I was so relieved when the final bell rang. I raced out to my truck and pulled out. I haven't seen Ghost Edward all day. I knew he wasn't going to be right next to me, but I thought I would have seen him watching from a distance. Maybe he left me to, maybe no part of Edward wants anything to do with me. Was I really that bad? I sighed and started to drive a little faster, I just wanted to get home to see if he was there. It seemed like forever, but I finally was home. Charlie wasn't home, that was good, if Ghost Edward really did leave, I wouldn't want Charlie to see me break down again. I don't really want to go back with my mom again.

I opened the door and quickly ran upstairs. There he was sitting in my rocking chair like he never left this morning. "Hey," I said a little breathless. "Hi Bella, how was your first day of school," great he was starting to sound like Charlie. "You should know, you were supposed to be there," I replied. "I was there, you just didn't notice me," he responded with a small smile, maybe he knew how much I worried when I thought he wasn't there. "You were there. Why couldn't I see you, I am supposed to be the only one that can see you." "Of course I was there, I even saw how many times you fell in P.E., I was there because you made a wish that I would be here and never leave so I can't be very far away from you," that made me feel a whole lot better. I felt silly for worrying.

After all my homework was done, and I had a lot, apparently I had to catch up with a lot of things. I started to make dinner for Charlie; I wasn't going overboard so I thought lasagna would be perfect.

I was just pulling it out of the oven, when I heard Charlie's cruiser pull up. The table was already set all I had to do was put a piece of lasagna on each plate and fill the glasses with water, and every thing would be set. "Hey Bells, smells good, what's for dinner?" Charlie asked as he came into the kitchen and put his gun and boots away. "Lasagna," I replied. "You're the best, there was nothing good to eat when you were gone," he said with a sigh, "let's eat."

~~ (after dinner) ~~

I grabbed all the plates and started washing them. After they were done I went upstairs to read a book. A couple minutes later I heard my phone ringing, it was downstairs. "Bells, your phone is ringing," yelled Charlie. "Can you get it?" I asked trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Why couldn't he pick it up when it first started to ring, he was downstairs after all. After three rings I heard my dad pick up, "Hello?" I heard him pause. "Dad, who is it?" I asked feeling actually content reading while Ghost Edward was in the rocking chair watching me.

The reason Ghost Edward can't be by her side is because he is afraid she would get distracted and ask him something. He doesn't people to think that she is crazy and talks to herself, so he just watched from afar. But don't worry he was there the whole time.

Please R&R…comments, ideas, and constructive critics(only) are loved.

I don't really know where this story is going, but when I figure it out I will update as fast as I can! Just heads up Edward might be in the next chapter, and maybe not sitting in a corner. It all depends how generous I feel, so review it might help.
posted by Natalia94
----------Edward and his family leave Forks because he believes he is endangering Bella's life. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with werewolf Jacob Black. Jacob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Victoria, a vampire seeking to avenge her mate James' death by killing Bella. A misunderstanding occurs, and Edward believes Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice, Edward's sister. They meet with the Volturi, a powerful coven of vampires, and are released on the condition...
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Bella's Pov.

I ran and ran in the castle. The middle door. There was Jasper and the man

"So, you decided to marry me, my love?"

"Well...let's just say that I'm ready to defeat you! AND YOUR SO CALLED
'MASTER'" I said loudly.

I grabbed Rosalie untied her and said quickly to get the others free.

"Now, it's time to deal with YOU!!"

I threw a potion at Jasper that Carisle gave me for my birthday. Jasper
yelled and screamed. I threw the potion at the "Master" too.
Then he fell to the fround, and the cloak disappeared. I saw his bare face.
Then, an image appeared. Then, I realized there was a mask! The real trouble
maker was...ESME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edward's Pov

We were having a wonderful time at the party. We ate cake and we sang songs and
I was enjoying myself until I felt I needed to talk to Bella. Alice looked really worried. Her mind
said that she regreted keeping the secret from Bella. So I looked for Bella wondering,
what's the secret. The strangest thing was, where is Bella when this is her party? I searched everywhere
until I found the note"

I went to find out why Jasper is upset. I will be back soon.

Now I started to realize why Alice regreted a secret and why Bella left. She wanted to know
where Jasper was and that Jasper was...
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Bella's POV

I turned around and saw the rest of my family, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett. All of their eyes were wide opened and their mouths were open with shock when they saw what was left with the red house.

"Woah! My little sister has some new moves!" Emmett yelled.
" Um yeah....." I said.
" Bella, how in the world did you do that!?!?!?" Carlisle said.
"Long story." I told them.

Then behind us I saw Aro and the rest of the guards. They had the same expression on their faces when they saw what was left of the red house.

Aro knew right away who caused this..
" BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!"...
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Bella's POV

I watch both Edward's and Royce horror-strucked faces. At first, I didn't know why lightning bolts came out of my hand. Then I remembered that I drank Royce potions. There were over than 500,000 of them! I drank them all! They give powers, all the powers that vampires had. From Alice's power to see the future to Jane's power of giving pain. I have ALL the powers. I had the ability to calm everyone down, just like Jasper.
I can even read everyone's mind, just like Edward! This news is giving me the freaks.

"Bella?" Edward asked with a scared and worried tone. " How.... What.........
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posted by renesmeblack
You know Robert's song, Never Think, is on the Twilight soundtrack, right? Well my dad overheard me listening to the song and said he has NO TALENT.
I don't geddit. He says the bands I listen to have no talent. I say Robert has tons of talent, but some people just don't SEE it. I think he's great for the role of Edward, and his voice is awesome, but I guess it's the way he sang for the recording.

Anyways, I want to let all of you know is that my dad will never change his tastes. I hate that. He'll keep bothering me because I'd ended my Jonas Brothers' Stage. He'll bother me because my sister listens to Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus. Why does he bother me further when I stay in the Twilight Stage?!!! I saw how big this fanspot is, and whoa, if my dad saw this, he'd lay off.
I love Twilight, and hopefully, that'll NEVER change. Oops, baby brother on the prowl.
See ya!
posted by Isabellaashley
Hey everyone, I modified some parts of my story and I hope you like this even better than the previous!!!


The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby tree and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself....
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posted by elinochka
Bella was sitting in her house..She thought about her future with Edward.She was a vampire.He was a human..She was worried about him.She loved him but she was scared,knowing in what danger she was putting Edward.
Bella,what are you thinking about-said Rosa
Nothing really imortant-lied Bella..Rosalie was worried about Bella.She have never seen her like that since Bella got killed..
-Is that about Edward?-ask Rosalie..
-No..answered Bella..
With Jacob and Edward at La Push..
Jacob-so how is your bloodsucker is doing?
Edward-shut up,she is my girlfriend..
Edward-have you ever been madly...
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Writting part 30 on my spot! ^_^

[i]Jacob's POV [i]

I still can't believe this... Bella? Why would for any reason she would do that? I know that she like "mind controlled" but still!!!

Then we saw a small red house. The Volturi can't fit in there! It's too small. Edward knocked on the door and the door opened. I looked around, the place was old, but fully decorated with picture frames, red flags, and some maps of the world. This place is larger than what it looked like outside.

In the end of the hall there were three chairs, thrones I guess. I couldn't reconize who was in the center or...
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posted by Isabellaashley

The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby tree and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing...
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posted by Isabellaashley

The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby tree and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing...
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Hi, hope you like it :D
Pleasse comment and rate :) thanks.

Chapter three

I took a step back automatically. My eyes still wide taking in the view. Four males walked out into the clearing. I knew for sure that they were vampires because there skin sparkled like mine. They didnt look like they were going to kill me but i couldnt take the chance.
I knew i wouldnt win this fight so i started to back away. I was preparing to run when the blonde one spoke.
"We are not here to harm you, we are here to explain this way of life more clearly to you!" He gave me a friendly smile and held out his hand. But...
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posted by Isabellaashley

''Everybody wants to know where his pea coat came from!'' exclaims the costumer. Unfortunately, it is a one-of-a-kind piece (er, sort of: three to four were made for filming purposes) which Chuck herself crafted after not being able to find the perfect one. ''We needed the right fit, [and] I couldn't find anything in the right shade of gray,'' she recalls. ''Catherine [Hardwicke, the director] is really big on back story for her characters and anything that can help that, even if it's in a texture or color of clothes.'' After considering ''probably 20 swatches,'' Chuck went with one from Mood Fabrics and based her final design on a combination of other styles of pea coats. In the end, his turned out as ''a classic shape with a modern twist.''
I promoted my stories and my confessions by making a new spot. It's name is my username patrisha727. I will post up more articles there than here. So if you would want to read more, cheack out my spot and check news in the forum for rules and rewards if you participate ( it'll explain what I'm talking about ) and for additional news in the future. I'll post announcements from there and if there are any delays. PLEASE JOIN MY SPOT!!!!! YOU'LL BE REWARDED IF YOU DO!!!!!!

Bella's POV

After that call with Rosalie, I announced to everyone, the Cullens and the pack on where Alice and Rosalie werre...
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Edwards pov

"Bella family meeting " I said while eating my elk.
"okay i am ready are you?"
"yes "
So we so we started to run or race i would say to the family meeting . When we all got there and got seated the meeting started .

Carlise Pov
"thank you guys for coming to the meeting , and sorry for interrupted your hunting time . But we have some important news " i said
" what is it Carlise " edward said very serious
"Well esmee and i have decied to leave are coven and come back in a year or so okay and you guys can leave if you want to . But I am Going to start by asking rose and emmett . so what is your desion ."isaid "well rose and i have decideed to go away for a little while and come back when you come back ,and we will not be enrolling in forks this year.." emment said
"okay alice ,jasper are you leaving or staying" i said " well we are staying " alice chimed in.
posted by Doopey
Hey hope you like this... If you have any ideas of how to make my writing better.. please comment :D

Chapter three

My body froze. I couldnt breathe. I couldnt move any muscle in my body. I just thought. What have i done to deserve this. What has my family done to deserve me. Then my fear broke through. I was on the floor sobbing my tearless sobs. When Edward pulled me into his arms.
"Bella love it will all be ok. Alice saw what they are planning to do. We can surprise them. Please dont worry. I wont let anyone hurt you."
Edward said this with so much love in his voice. I knew he meant it. But...
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posted by jamiesue00
Nessie POV
I’m not sure what day it is. I know I’ve been here for almost three days now. My capture has been doing some experiments on me. I have marks all over my body. Some days the experiments are not too painful, other days I scream in pain and beg him to stop or kill me. Yesterday was not a good day. He had decided to try and see what insect poison would do to me; scorpion bites, snake bites and others. Some days it would take a lot out of me others I would be up at a normal time. After all the bites I endured yesterday I was in no hurry to get out and see what he had in store for me...
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posted by bet-on-alice
When she walked into the dull room i did not notice at first. But suddenly a gush of wind blew her sweet and beutiful scent tingling down my throat. Never had i felt such pain and anguish yet the thrill of a new adventure. She clumsily walked over to the seat opposite me and offered a big smile. This was when i could have killed her, this innocent girl looking at me through the locks of her deep brown hair. Her eyes looked deeply and yet shallowly into mine. This was the moment when i knew i could not ravish her. This was the moment i started to fall in love. The mystery of Love.

Please comment and rate!!!! :)
posted by angiehomas
im in the devils playground
dont know anyone round here
i will try to stand my ground
and not let anyone sense my fear
cant confisgate a reality that is based on lies
i will not negociate with my pride
foolish as i was i am no longer that person
yes try to hold my gaze
my will wont lesson
and i am in the devils playground
i have my own toys
i try to not look around
to the erie noise
scrapping nails apon the pavement
and dried blood up on the walls
a smell that so nauseating
i feel i might fall
light headed i cant be
not in this place anyways
i walk further trying to find a way out of this place.
how did i get here where did i go wrong my morbid curisoty
of a unrealistic song.driven to a brink thats almost sickning
i cant find myself.a way out of the devils playground. my own personal hell
Robert Pattinson Reaches Final Deal to Star on 'Breaking Dawn'
Tue, 19 May 2009 23:21:11 ET

© Eliot Press/Bauer-Griffin

23-year-old hottie Robert Pattinson told The Hollywood Reporter in Cannes on Tuesday, May 19 that he will star on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn", the fourth and final installment of the vampire drama movies, which are based on the novels of Stephenie Meyer.

However, Summit Entertainment hasn't set the production date of the flick because the British actor has a "jam-packed shooting schedule". He will fly to Vancouver, Canada in October to finish the filming of "Eclipse",...
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