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posted by hayleyhoo
This is quite a long one...
He took a deep breath and started speaking slowly at first but then after a while with more confidence, “ My name is Kaleb, and my mother died saving my life as well, when my mother was pregnant with me she was ill and nearly died, she was left in the woods to die by her village, while she was in the woods, a vampire and a werewolf who were hunting found her and they fought over who would get her, during the fight they both came into contact with her and caused me. Because of what I am my mother healed quickly and survived, the werewolf and vampire had killed each other in the fight over her. When she returned to the village, she told them what had happened and they knew straight away what she carried in her. They feared what I was and so told her to terminate me. She refused and they tried to kill her, but she managed to escape unharmed. She ran away and found refuge somewhere, she never told me where, and gave birth to me. When I was 10 years old a werewolf tracked us down and tried to kill me, my other to protect me shut me in a panic room that she had found and drew the werewolf away from my hiding place. When it was safe left the panic room and for 7 years now I have travelled on my own protecting myself. Then when that vampire was stalling you and your sister was killed I saw a chance to have a companion and maybe a better chance of survival.”
After this he was silent and left Meya to consider all that he had said and she looked the boy up and down and in that instance decided to allow him to travel with her. “I believe your story and as long as you don't cause me any problem's you may travel with me. I need a while to grieve for my sister but after that we can not stay here long though else vampires or werewolves will find us whether we have a scent or not, I don't know how but they seem to be able to sense our presence pretty quickly once we enter an area and with two of us they will detect us even more quicker. I don't know where we can go but we must move on before they track our exact position.”
“Yes they do seem to be able to sense us which is strange. Take as long as you need to grieve I will help in any way I can, just tell me how.”
“Thanks but for now I need to sleep, can you keep watch till midnight and then wake me and ill take over?”
“Yes, certainly.”
Meya took a blanket out of her own backpack and settled into her original corner and was soon fast asleep, dreaming of happier times. While Kaleb sat keeping watch occasionally looked at Meya studying her face, wondering if he would ever be able to tell her how he felt and wondering if she felt the same. He knew he could never tell her that he had been following far longer than he had told her. But he had sent his whole life thinking he was the only one of his kind and a year ago he had seen Meya with her sister. From the moment he had first seen her he had decided that he must protect her, and from then he had followed them and distracted any vampires or werewolves that had come anywhere near her. He had slipped up in Scotland, he had had to abandon protecting her for a couple of hours to go hunting, he had not hunted in months. He had been too busy watching Meya and her sister to think of hunting but eventually it had gotten too bad and he had had to hunt. You may be wondering what it is that vampiwolfs hunt, well they do need blood but they do not crave human blood, the only blood that they crave is animal but they don’t have to drink blood that often they can survive on human food but to be able to keep their senses alert and to stop a scent forming they need to drink blood, it also helps there speed and other abilities if they do drink animal blood every few months.
While Kaleb had been away hunting, the vampire had been able to track Meya down and by the time Kaleb realised it was too late, he had attacked and killed her sister, and she had ran, it had taken all of his strength to keep up with her. But now watching her sleeping his feelings for her was magnified, her face was beautiful in a strange sort of way with her eyes a pink colour, she had to keep her eyes hidden from humans who would have known she was not human as soon as they saw her eyes, and her face was symmetrical but not entirely, her hair was sprayed out around her head in a tangled mess but that only added to her beauty. He had to keep reminding himself that he was on guard and he reluctantly tore his eyes away from her face. Nothing was near so took advantage of this to watch Meya sleeping, she was a very peaceful sleeper and silent, she didn't move or make a sound and before he knew it, it was midnight. He shook her awake and it took her a minute to remember who he was and where she was. “Has anything happened” Was the first thing that she asked.
“No, no one or nothing has come within a mile of this house, which is quite strange, what is this house and how did you find it?”
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