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posted by LexisFaith
Bella's POV

Last night I did something I hadn't doe since Edward had come home a week ago. I cried myself to sleep. Edwards words were still taunting me. 'And I like Miss Elena.' I wanted to burst into tears all over again but there was a small knock on my door and I held my composer.

"Momma? Will you read this to me?" Alicen was holding up a folded peice of paper being held together by a gold stick.

"Sure, Baby." I nodded and pushed myself up with my hands. She climbed on my bed and sat next to me, handing me her letter.

To: Princess Alicen

I imeditly noticed Rosalie's elegant cursive scrawl. I popped the gold sticker and unfolding it, reading it alowed.

It is with great pleaser that I say to you, you are invited to attend the Masquerade Ball with Prince Edward Cullen. Your dressings have been sent to your castle and your lady in waiting will be by around dinner to tend to you. I do hope to see you at the ball.

King Emmett-ROCK ON!!
Queen Rosalie.

I had to laugh at Emmett's little note on the side.

"I'm going to a ball!" Alicen squeeled and jumped up. "I have to go get ready!"

I grabbed her around her belly and pulled her back. "Woah, there." I giggled. "How about breakfast first?"

Her stomach growled in responce. "Good idea." We laughed.

We reached downstairs and Edward was on the phone. "Great. I can't wait. See you at seven. Bye." He hung up and scooped up Alicen. "And how is my little princess this morning?" He asked.

"Rather hungry." She told him in her 'Princess voice'. "Please do fix me some pancakes."

Edward and I laughed. She had to stop hanging around Alice.

"Of course, Princess." He nodded and towed her into the kitchen while I answered a knock at the door.

"Morning Bella!" Alice smiled. "Is Sin awake?" She asked.

"Is it seven o'clock in the freakin morning?" I laughed. "Come on in." I opened the door wider for her to walk through. "What are you doing here so early?" I asked and walked over to her.

"I am Alicen's lady in waiting. I have a mani-pedi set up for her at nine and we are going to get her hair done and look for shoes to go with her dress!" She smiled. "Speaking of dress, wanna' see it?" She asked.

"Of course."

She handed me the white dress beg that was drapped over her arm and I unzipped it, showing teh perfect green dress.(A/N: Picture below)
"Alice! It's beautiful!" I goggled at the dress and butterfly mask.

"Thanks! Edward called a few days ago and asked if I could make one."

"You did this?" I zipped the bag back up.

"Yup." She smiled.

"Alicen! Come one sweetie we have to get you ready to go with Lady Alice!"

She came running out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "Well, unless you want her dressed with her pants backwards and her shirt inside out, I may go and see if she needs help." I laughed and followed up to her with her dress in hand.

Edward was such an amazing father. He did al of this just for a few hours of amazing fun for Alicen. I smiled as I helped her into her white sundress and sandels.

Once Alicen and Alice were gone I hopped in the shower quickly and got out. I threw on a pair og light wash denim shorts, a cream loose fitting tank top and I tucked it into my shorts, tying a light brown leather cord through the belt loops.

I tied my hair in a loose bun at the nape of my neck, leaving a few peices framing my face. I only added a little mascara and sweeped a light brown shadow over my eyelids.

Jacob called earlier and told me he couldn't make it because Billy needed him around the house. Great. Edward would be out with who ever that was on the phone earlier and my little gir, and I would be home alone. That was untill Alice insisted she and I do something later before she left with Alicen. I was fully ready for the day.

When I passed Edward's door I heard the shower running. Good. I had some time to myself.

I walked around the kitchen looking for something to do, seeing the pictures scattered all over the stainless steal fridge. I looked at a couple of my favorites.

Alicen's newborn picture. She was swaddled in a pink blanket, her white bow glued to her bronze curls.

When Edward came home and met her the first time, ha was holding her Alice had takin a picture of him putting his fourhead to hers.

Edward, Alicen and I on the front porch of Esme and Carlisle's house. We were sitting on the steps and Alice was standing on my thighs while I held onto her legs. She was holding onto Edward's hands to keep her balance. She was turning one soon.

When Sin was three we had "family' pictures made. Edward and I were in white button ups and dark jeans. Alicen was in a white sundress, barefoot, and a huge dark blue denim was in her hair. She was running a little infront of Edward and I laughing and sqeeling which caused ud to have plasterd grins on our faces.

Three weeks ago I had met up with Jacob in town and we went back to his place to catch up. Alicen looked borde so out of no where he picked her up and put her on his brode shoulders. I had taken the picture just in time to get him looking up at her, her hands holdin onto his short black hair and laughing.

"I wish I could get her to smile like that." Edward's voice was right at my ear. I gasped but didn't turn.

"You do Edward." I let out a deep breath. "Just by comming home." I turned around and looked up into his eyes. "You're her father and she loves you more than anything. She couldn't imagine loving anyother man." I patted myself on the back at my choice of words. Double meaning.

"Father." He snorted and I crouched my eyebrows. "I'm no father. I leave her during and I'm gone for months with no call, no letter. I just...leave." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I left. I left you and her. I wasn't here for you. I wasn't here when you were crying with her because you had no idea how to get her to stop! I was out showing idiots how to shoot people! You were jugling school, a job, bills, her...all by yourself! I had no idea about her because we both know that over the phone or on paper was no way to find out I had a beautiful daughter I just freakin left!"

"Edward!" I had to cut in. I placed my hands on the side of my face. "You are her father! You leave for a reason and you always come back! You're showing idiots how to shoot people so Alicen can live in a country were she can go to school and play in her own back yard without getting shot! You call Rose and tell her to send a letter, ask Alice to make her a dress, and even let her take our little girl and torcher her with nailpolish and hairbrushes for her to have a few hours of fun! You are there for her, love her, care for her! And I love you....for doing that." Tears were streaming my face. Nice save there, Bella.

He reached up with his thumb to whipe away my tears and pulled me in for a hug. I gripped on to the back of his shirt as we both calmed down. The phone stared ringing and Edward pulled away. I almost whimpered at the loss of contact. "I'll get it." He stated and walked into the living room.

Edward POV

I straighted up my bowtie and vest and picked up my mask.

Alicen came running into my room smiling. "Daddy, Daddy! Look at me!" She chanted.

"You look beautiful, Princess." I bowed.

"Daddy? How come there are horsies on your mask?" She pointed to my hands.

"Well, it lets people know that I'm the prince. The princess wears a mask with 'diamonds'." If there was a princess. Elena had called right after mine and Bella's little show, saying she was now sick with a stomach bug and couldn't make it.

"Oh." She nodded. "Well, come one! We are going to be late!" She ran out and down the stairs.

I followed her laughing and Saw her hugging Alice. "Have a great time, Princess!" Alice smiled.

"Keep your Daddy in line." Bella smirked.

"I will." Sin smiled back. She turned on her heela and started walking away but stopped suddenly and ran back to Bella, hugging her close.

"I love you, Momma." Alicen told her.

"I love you too, Sin." Bella snuggled into her.


"Daddy!" Alicen called. "Did you see me dancing with Uncle Emmett?" She smiled.

"I sure did." I smiled back.

"Yeah." Emmett popped his collar. "I got skillzzz."

Rose snorted.

I laughed at her and Emmett scowled at her for ruining his moment.

"Would the prince please make his way to the stage?"

Lutenit Mike spoke into the mic. I walked though the crowed and up onto the red velvet framed stage.

"I have just been told that the princess has arrived." Princess? At ten till 12?? The spot light was shining on the doors that were pulled awat by men on either side showing the girl behind.

She was in a light blue dress, her curly hair piled up on her head. Her mask deffently showed she was the princess.

We met at the bottom of the staircase and I kissed her gloved hand. "Princess." I greeted her. She nodded once and the corners of her beautiful mouth turned up slightly. The lights were gone and it was so dark I barly saw it.

We danced for what seemed like hours. I didn't know her name, what she looked like, where she was from. But I did know that when ever we touched my body was a live wire and we were the only two people here. Maybe this was who I was supposed to be with. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be with Bella after all. Maybe the girl in my arms was my sould mate.

I knew without a doubt she was by the way she made me feel and I didn't even know what she fully looked like. Yes. This was the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. (A/N: I thought about stopping here...but you all might have killed me lol)

I bent down to her ear. "I don't know who you are, what your name is, or anything else about you for that matter. But I would like to know everything over dinner tomorrow night."

I pulled back and she nodded. I bent down and kissed her quickly once. Brave move Cullen.

"When I say one, everyone remove their masks." Mike's voice echoed through the room.
The girl kissed me quickly her self before backing out of my arms. She was even more brave than I was.

"3, 2, 1." He counted and we removed our masks. But before I could see what she looked like her head turned to look down beside her.

Alicen had pulled on her dress. Sin's face went from confusion before lighting up. If this girl could do that to my daughter, I was marrying this woman.

Alicen opened her mouth to sqeel but spoke two little words that made my heart race and my stomach flip and turn. "Hi, Momma!!!"
Alicen's dress for the ball
Alicen's dress for the ball
Alicen's mask
Alicen's mask
Edward's mask
Edward's mask
Bella's mask
Bella's mask
Bella's dress for the ball
Bella's dress for the ball
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added by SAdryana