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Bellas POV
I am at school just like normal. I've been mainly chatting to my friends; but they got their own lives and boyfriends. And yet- I haven't got one. I am perfectly fine with that; but I can't help wondering what it would be like if I had one. Mike is just a good friend, so is Tyler and all the other guys at school, but Edward... was different. I met him on my first day in class, (in bio,) cause we are parteners. But I don't know because we are kinda rivals in a way because he hates me for some reason. I done nothing to him, but he judges me before he even knows me. He doesn't speak to me but today; while I was getting books out of my locker; he asked to speak to me. "Hi Bella I am just trying to let you know, that it isn't safe for us to be friends." Confused I spoke "We are friends? You should rethink that because you never even spoke to me, you never said hi. " I just did. But I
got to go." That was all of the convosation. Who is he? I am really confused....

So after school, I was walking home as it was a nice day when a familiar voice called out to me. Suprise, suprise it was Edward. Another conversation began, (well more of an argumant,)
"You know I just wanted to warn you," He made his point. "I don't know you Edward, for all I know you are trying to hurt me." "I would nver hurt you Bella." He spoke more calm. "Oh yeah?" I just had to question. "Yeah." He replied. What was weird was that he then grabbed me and kissed me. Which I didn't get at all. But I was helpless, and I was enjoying it. For the first few seconds I was trying to get out of his hard,safe, firm and yet cold grip, but I was really weak like a helpless lamb, while he was a mighty lion. What was weird was I started kissing him back. It really was weird but romantic and he made me blush and grin. Hopefully, it was and wasn't a dream because kissing him feels like heaven, but then I saw his family from school, (ooops forgot to mention he has family in the school. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper and their parents are Esme and Carlise.) Anyway, his family was there while we were kissing and I didn't notice till Emmett spoke "Well bro you know how to pick them and make the dame swoon." He was only joking, but I could tell Edward was sensetive and growled at his comment. "But why didn't you tell us?" Rosalie and Jasper said in unison. I was a bit hypnotised by Jaspers voice cause I never heard him spoke before. He is really silent. Edward had to confess. At least they know me at school, but they never spoke to me either. Finally, He informed "I wasn't sure, but I felt something when I was with her in class. But I kept away for obvious reasons cause I wasn't sure as I just said." They all understood and took it in, but then I saw Alice with a smug smile. I was to scared to ask why she has got that look on her face, but I think her siblins knew the answer. "Edwar-" Alice began; but Rosalie cut her off. "We got to go home now. Edward come on." Oh well at least we finished kissing before they spoke; but somehow, I wanted more- more of him. Edward suddenly said, "Bye see you soon Bella. My helpless little lamb." And gave me a wink. How did he know?...
Chapter 3

Edward’s POV

We went out of the school – cutting classes. Bella was still silent sitting on the front seat with me. Alice was not with us, she’s riding her Porsche. Every minute, I glanced at Bella. I can’t stand it when she’s in bad mood. I’m uncomfortable when she’s not talking with me.
“Hey, are you okay?” I finally managed to ask.
She didn’t respond as if she didn’t hear me. Bella was really good when it comes to ‘pretending’. She didn’t even look at me. She was still staring at the window. Her eyes were expressionless. Her lips pursed.
“Are you mad at...
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey everyone this is my first story and I hope all of you like it.

Bella's POV

Ugh! The day I have been wishing would never come is here. It's September 13th. I'm offically 18. Great the sun picks today to shine. I hope Charlie and Renee listened to me when I said I don't want any presents. I don't want to act happy on the day I want to mourn. I dressed in a gray shirt and jeans. I went downstairs to get breakfast started. "Happy Birthday,Bells" Charlie greeted me tis morning.CRAP. "Thanks,Dad" I replied."Your mom sent you this" Charlie wrapped box. I took the box and unwrapped it. It was a...
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posted by renesmeblack
9. The Semi-Sweet Taste of Reunion

I couldn't sit up. I couldn't even move my eyes. The angel looked into them for a fleeting second, with bright crimson eyes. In that same second they grew darker until they were the dark brown I knew. I wish my energy would return. The angel placed his hand over my heart.
"No," he whispered. "No, not my love. NO!!!"
He screamed with rage and ran at Mark.
"You! I saw you! You were killing her, now she's dead! She's dead!!!" he screamed.
"Renesmee asked for this, personally, Jacob. She wouldn't take no for an answer. She wanted the baby out before she...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I pulled her onto the bed and wrapped the blanket around her, there was no way I wanted to freeze her to death. Then I wrapped my arms around her. Already, she was falling asleep. She was thinking about tomorrow and the wedding that was in two days. I smiled at her pictures, she didn't at all think of the wedding dress though.
I could tell when she was out. Her mind went dark, then it was filled with different pictures and my face was the background. We zoomed into a picture, one that hadn't happened. One that, I never wanted to have, of course the experience would be wonderful, but it was...
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posted by KrystenPeres
Dylan (Matt Dallas) and Gianna (Krysten Peres)
Dylan (Matt Dallas) and Gianna (Krysten Peres)
1. Hello Past

It's hot. I loved the weather in Arizona for that reason. Rain and cold are as scarce as an ace of spades. The windows of Carols, my mother, mini-van were rolled down. The air was slowly but surely getting colder. I inched towards Dylan, my boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around me causing my heart to race. He was looking out the window. I stared at his face lit by the sunset. The contrast shadows from the sun on his fair skin are beautiful; making him look like an angel.
"I still don't know why we're moving to Massachusetts...," my little sister Marcie announced; drawing my attention...
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Chapter 13 Pizza Boy (Nessie's POV)

I opened my eyes and saw Jake, my father, Sam and my grandfather standing over me. Sam had a strange look on his face like a deer caught in headlights; almost as though he wanted to run out of the room but he couldn’t. He was carrying a freshly killed elk. I swallowed hard trying not to think about what I was about to do.
    “Nessie, you don’t have to do this we can try to find another way…”
    I looked at my husband and wanted to cry. He looked horrible. His hair was standing up in every direction I could...
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I'm a Twilight fan myself, but this HAS to be said.

Since the movie came out, did you see a significant rise of it's fans on Fanpop? I did. It jumped alot. My question is, and maybe I'm wrong, are some of the new fans for the story or for the hot vampires/werewovles?

I can see why Twilight can be hated, even though I am a fan. Some Twilight fans are nuts. They scream "OMG I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN?JACOB BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!" Not that that isn't true, but is that all there is in Twilight? Do those 'fans' care for the story at all? At first, I thought it would pass, but it's gotten pretty bad where...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Sorry this took so long to get up. I have been working on other writing projects. So here it is, the long awaited Chapter 4.


I glanced around the room at everyone’s faces. They were all looking at Alice. Sheesh, I thought to myself Enough visions for one day! I knew my dad would have smiled if he wasn’t concentrating on what Aunt Alice was seeing so hard.
    In the same second, both there heads snapped up.
    “Soon” They whispered in synchronization....
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Russet Noon Official Cover Artwork by Stephanie Lostimolo
Russet Noon Official Cover Artwork by Stephanie Lostimolo
According to an official statement issued today by independent publisher AV Paranormal, the talisman image currently being used as the cover art for the novel Russet Noon will be the same one featured on the book cover when it is released as a paperback this Fall of 2009.

Numerous allegations of "theft" and "copyright infringement" have been made against author Lady Sybilla for using the talisman image "without permission" from its creator, artist Stephanie Lostimolo.

On May 11, 2009, Lady Sybilla responded to these accusations with the following statement: "I have every intention of giving credit...
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posted by renesmeblack

I was crying. Jacob knelt down on one knee, looking up at me with hope in his eyes. In his hands was a small, velvet box. It was opened to reveal a gold ring with rubies scattered around the surface.
"Will you marry, me? I've been waiting for this moment for seven years, and I can't wait any longer," he said in a mushy-lover's voice.
I couldn't either. I threw myself at him, kissing him. I felt warmer. He stood up, holding me tighter and tighter. Then he broke away.
"Let's put up the tent," he said excitedly.
After he slid the ring on my left ring finger, we worked real hard to put up...
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posted by twilight-7
“Dad, how’s it him?” I asked. “How can he be alive?”
He didn’t answer but continued to stare at the broken pieces as if he could see Loren there.
“How is he alive?” I demanded. “I killed him! I put a bullet through his brain! I saw his dead eyes!”
The fear was back as it no longer needed to be squashed as my mother wasn’t here. I was panicking. The guy I had killed had called me to tell me he was coming to kill me. That did not happen!
“Kayla calm down,” Charlie said. “There’s no need to panic.”
“There’s every need,” I said. “I don’t know if you noticed...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I open my and light lift off the sheets. I slip on a teeshirt. As I rush down the stairs I can hear jake leaving.

"Where you going jake?" I ask slyly nodding my head.

"I going out with the pack." He says as he opens the door.

"Wait I thought we could spend the day together maybe we could see a movie." I say as I touch his shoulder lightly.

"Lets do that tonight babe." He says as he kisses my forhead.

"Whats with all the flattery?"

"I have to go.......let's just talk later." He says as he kisses my cheek. He runs out the door.

"Well that was weird." I say to my self.

I take a long shower...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, it's me, at a slumber party with renesmeblack! Jacob is here and everything! Oh and I'm not supposed to tell you his name but I can tell you this: her BF is here as well! This is at her house, BTW, so no Daddy until 12:00 PM! SWEEEEEEEET!!! I should warn renesmeblack to cancel Spin-the-Bottle...
Whoops, got ahead of myself there. renesmeblack invited me here a while back. When my dad heard Jacob was gonna be there, he almost refused. Ugh. Can't a teenager get a break? Mom souded the all-clear when she made Jacob promise-no, SWEAR- that I would come home safely. My dad wasn't too happy about...
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posted by UchihaYuki
It was Saturday morning, I sat up in the bed and looked over to where Edward was supposed to be, but I figured he was outside doing something, or up at the house with the family, As he usually was, when I “woke” up for the day. I got out of bed and went into my closet to find something to wear, I had so many clothes it wasn’t funny, Alice had stocked it Full when me and
Edward moved in, Then with all of mine and Alice’s shopping trips, it got even fuller..
I didn’t wear half the stuff in my closet not because I didn’t like the clothes but because I’m a Jeans and T-shirt girl, not...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie’s POV

Loren was on his knees in front of me, staring up into the barrel of my gun. I never thought I would live to do this to this pathetic excuse for a Jenzi.
“Are you going to kill me, Charles?” Loren laughed.
My finger itched on the trigger. I wanted to kill him, right here right now.
“Hunters!” Loren shouted. “Assemble!”
Out of nowhere, Shadow Hunters appeared. They grabbed my arms, their hands cold and dragged me away from Loren. One of them pulled the gun from my hand and threw it on the floor. It slid away from me and stopped at the entrance. Loren stood up and dusted...
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posted by just_bella
Ok last one for the night, maybe one or two tomorrow...we'll see ;)

End of Chapter 12

"Alice just saw Bella jump off a cliff." Jasper said, his tone making me more angry.

I turned back and glared at all of them, none of them were as close to Bella as I was/am. It made me angry that they weren't taking this more serious, how could they all be so rude.

"Someone should call him." Rosalie said, a smile showing.

"NO! No one calls Edward! I have to figure out what happened first." I said as I turned and glared at all of them.

"NO ONE CALLS EDWARD! I mean it! Let me find out what's going on, then...
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It will be only these 2article today, because me being sick and all :( :S . I can't really focus for the moment, I'll put 3 article back up when I'm feeling better.I promise :D

Bella's pov

I woke up in bed again, starting to think that it was all dream. That I was still Franco’s prisoner till I saw an IV cable with blood running into my veins. I jumped up on the bed.
“Bella, Bella. It’s okay, your safe now” I heard Alice sousing me down. I looked around the room and noticed that Jasper walked in looking at me. Alice came sitting next to me and just hold me tight.
“Is it over” I whispered...
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posted by Twi-Freak14
The party was pretty quiet yet it was a total crazy house, Nessie had wrapping paper all over the floor and had stuck cake in Jacob's hair.
While Leah and Jacob tried despretely to get the frosting out of his shaggy doo I went to my house to get the ticktes, they were last on the surprise list.
I looked for them on the counter, there was no sign of them.
I looked everywhere, trying to remember where I had put them.
"Love, they are under the bed in the little purple gift bag."
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and then darted out of the room.

When we got out of the house, Jacob had given up and...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Finally! The weekend is here. I packed my bag, and got ready to spend the weekend with Alice. What Charlie dosen't know is that, everyone is going hunting. Except Edward. Alice picked me up in Edwards Volo. She drove us to her house. Everyone was there excpet Edward. Where was he? "Alice where is Edward." "Dont worry, Bella. Edward went hunting so that it would be easier for him to be around you." She took me to Edwards room. There was like 100 yrs. worth of journals. He also had a lot of music. He had a lot of my favorites. Clare De Lune, Debb Usee. I pushed play on the CD player. There was...
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yeah i completely forgot about this story because i was so wrapped up in Our Worst Show sob yeah its mostly just a filler of edwards POV of when Bella got kidnapped so here u go!!!please please review and comment it would mean alot to me and i will dedicate the next chapter to the first person to comment and id o put these on different and bigger sites, but this is the first one ok stop my blabbing and on with the story! this one is kinda short the next one will be longer i promise

Chapter 4 Bella (Edward’s P.O.V. of The Party)
    “The mutt is...
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