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Yup, the wedding.

The week passed in a blur. Alice was able to successfully invite all of the guests. Rachel, Paul and Rebecca stopped by on Monday, taking the quickest flight to Washington they could manage. Jacob had been overjoyed to see Paul (who had married Rachel last year) and they had a boys-night-out, I guess you'd say. I talked endlessly to Rachel and Rebecca, my new sisters-in-law. I loved them immediately.
Leah and Emily came by more often as well, first to try on their dresses, then to simply visit me. Emily was a sweetheart, while Leah took some more getting used to, but we became friends soon enough. Rachel, Rebecca, Leah, Emily, and I all sat in the cottage for long hours, talking and laughing.
Aunt Alice made a long checklist and set about completing it. I was happy to help her, but Jacob and I had less time together, and I didn't like that. Aunt Alice and I made the rest of the tuxes and bought their shoes, we got a great caterer, and Aunt Alice bought the cake behind my back. It had thirteen layers, and it was covered in white frosting and pink frosting flowers. It was beautiful, but a little much, and I told her that but she dismissed it. Aunt Alice had no bounderies or common sense when she set about to do something.
The dress rehearsal was Friday night, and all too soon, but not quickly enough, Saturday arrived.
Jacob and I woke up, facing each other, and I smiled at him. "Happy wedding day," I said, giving him a kiss. "Same to you," he replied, smiling back. We laid in each other's arms for a while, staring at the rising sun.
"Get up you sleepy heads!" Aunt Alice said, clapping her hands from behind us. "Nessie, you need to call the caterers with me. Jacob, stay out of the way. Nessie, you also have to help Rose and I decorate. Let's move!" I sighed, stood up, and gave Jacob a long kiss, dragging it out, while Aunt Alice impatiently tapped her foot on the stone floor behind me. I stood on my tiptoes to make myself closer to him and he tightened his hold eagerly on my waist, lifting me off the ground. She tugged on my arm, but I shook her off, wrapping them around Jacob's neck instead...
Suddenly I was outside and Jacob was staring at me, his expression one of surprise, through the window. Aunt Alice had ripped me away from him and was now running with me cradled in her arms, a glare fixed on her face. As soon as I figured out what happened, I appologized imediately. "Sorry." I was making everything hard for her, and she'd been nothing but nice to me after I'd asked her to plan the wedding. "Really, Nessie," she said. "You could at least help me a LITTLE. You'll have Jacob to yourself soon enough, but for now you're MINE, and I'd appreciate it if you could help me out instead of practically super-glueing yourself to Jacob. Thank-you!" "Sorry," I said again. She sighed. "It's okay. I don't think you can help yourself. You're worse than your mother with Edward." she sighed again but smiled at me and I was glad I was forgiven.
For the rest of that morning I willingly and obediantly helped Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice decorate the house. We worked slowly and carefully so every flower was perfectly positioned. Aunt Alice insisted on covering the rest of the house--the piano, the tables--with roses as well, so the entire house smelled like a rose garden when we were finished.
Aunt Alice and I talked to the caterers. The menu was fairly simple: lobster, steak, chicken, three types of salad, three types of bread rolls, cheesy potatoes, and a few things that Aunt Alice had added as well. I wanted it to be basic, not too fancy, but I couldn't resist the lobster or steak. Aunt Alice also told the caterers to whip up an assortment of desserts, which by my calculations would take up two extra tables. I rolled my eyes at that request. She was getting more and more ridiculous every day.
Soon it was time for me to get ready. Aunt Alice set me down in a chair in her gigantic bathroom. She gave me a manni/peddi and a face mask. She put cool cucumber slices on my eyes to sooth them. Then Aunt Rose came in to help wash my hair until it was smooth as silk and shone. They debated for a while on what style to put it in, but finally curled it a little more and let it hang down my back.
My bridesmaids started to arrive and get ready. They all looked so beautiful in their dresses, though I could tell that Leah was a little uncomfortable being in such a fancy dress.
"You look amazing," I said, coming up behind her. She was nervously adjusting the straps.
"You think?" she asked nervously.
She spun around to face me, her face breaking into that beautiful smile she didn't know she had. "Thanks, Nessie. And I'm really happy for you. And Jake. He's finally found someone special. He couldn't have done any better than you."
I smiled, glad for her approval. "Thanks."
Leah smiled back and turned to the mirror again.
Mom found me then and hugged me, careful not to wrinkle the dress or ruin my hair. "You look beautiful, Nessie," she said. "Thanks, Mom," I said. "Now do you have any advice on how to survive this?" She laughed. "I wish someone was there to give me advice on MY wedding day. Um...don't trip? Make sure to hold onto Dad's arm tightly so you don't. Watch your footing on the stairs; they can be hazardous! Don't look at Emmett; he'll make you laugh, especially when he's reading the vows. Look at Jacob the whole time. But most importantly..." she looked at me as if she was about to cry and her voice lost the teasing tone. "Enjoy your wedding, Nessie. You and Jacob are ready for marraige and you guys are perfect together! You're only married once, so don't worry about anything, just enjoy every minute that happens." I could feel myself starting to get misty. "Thank-you." I hugged her again. "Nuh-uh!" Aunt Alice said, coming up to us. "Don't you DARE make her cry, Bella! You'll ruin her makeup!" She retouched me and Mom and I shared a smile behind her back.
The sounds of footsteps could be heard through the bathroom door. The groomsmen were in the hallway, ready to walk down the aisle with the bridesmaids. Aunt Alice stayed behind for a minute as the other bridesmaids hurried out the door. "Breathe," she reminded me. "Don't be nervous. That's Jacob down there. You're fine. Edward!" Dad stepped in and looked at my appearance for a long time, seeming at a loss for words. "Nessie..." he gave me hug. "You're still my beautiful little girl. How is it that this is your wedding day?" I smiled, but managed not to cry this time. "Thanks Dad. I love you." I took his arm and we paused out of view by the big staircase, waiting for Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rosalie to get to their places.
We walked slowly down, one stair at a time, in harmony with the music. I took Mom's advice and didn't let go of Dad's arm for a second. We came in view of the guests and they all murmurred. I blushed a little and searched for Jacob.
He was staring at me from beside Billy, at the front of the aisle. He was staring at me with wonder on his face, like he'd never seen me clearly before this moment. It was the expression I'd always hoped I'd get someday. I stared back at him, smiling shyly. His face broke into a huge grin as I reached the front of the aisle and took his arm. We stood in front of Uncle Emmett and I risked one dangerous glance at his face. He had, no joke, SPECTACLES on the bridge of his nose, and his face was serious, eyes half closed and mouth a solemn pucker. He began the service in a low solemn voice, faking a little bit of a Brittish accent that only the people around him could hear. I quickly looked away, to Jacob's face, as Mom suggested. He was staring back at me, with the purest expression of true love, that I completely lost myself. I only zoned back in when Uncle Emmett was asking me to repeat after him the vows. I was nervous that I'd stammer or laugh, but managed to repeat them without a mistake. Jacob did the same. We put our rings on each other, and Uncle Emmett declared us husband and wife.
I turned to Jacob again and I wrapped my arms around his neck, his around my waist, and we kissed. After that, we turned to the audiance who applauded madly for us. I was grinning like I'd never stop. I was Mrs. Renesmee Carlie Black, and Jacob was finally mine.
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added by neeki
British actress, Emma Watson, says that her Harry Potter movies doesn't "sell sex" like Robert Pattinson's Twilight Saga movies. Says they are "too sexy". What? Even I became dumbfounded by that one. Emma has said that it was exciting to kiss co-star Rupert Grint while they were shooting The Deathly Hallows. Because the films aren't filled with "saucy" scenes like the vampire films.

"This kiss between Hermione and Ron is highly anticipated, it's been building up for eight films now. And Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex.

"So, whenever there is any hint of that, everybody gets terribly excited. In fact, it was horribly awkward; we couldn't stop laughing." says Emma Watson.

What do you think? Do you think Twilight is selling sex as Emma said?
here is one more chapter. Please comment and tell me if you have some ideas. And of course, thanks for reading.

After near 15 minutes of our trip and my growing tense, I spotted the isle on a horizon. I knew it was too small and dark for Bella to notice it. so I waited for another 5 minutes and called her:
“Bella, look there” I pointed. I hoped that now it was close enough for her to see the dark spot on a horizon. As we moved towards, the silhouette of the isle became more clear and detailed. at first Bella’s expression was concentrated and after a few moments, it seemed like she understood,...
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posted by Tenkic
"How can someone so tiny be so annoying?"
―Edward Cullen to Alice[src]

Alice Cullen, born in 1901 as Mary Alice Brandon, is a vampire with the ability of precognition who is a member of the Olympic Coven. She is the wife of Jasper Hale and the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. Alice is the adoptive sister of Emmett and Edward Cullen, as well as the adoptive sister of Rosalie Hale. Alice is the adoptive sister-in-law of Bella Cullen and the adoptive aunt of Renesmee Cullen, as well as the sister of Cynthia Brandon.

In 1920, after having been institutionalized by her family, an...
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posted by cajas
chapter 14. FAMILY
I COWERED INTO JACOB'S SIDE, MY EYES SCANNING the forest for the other werewolves. When they appeared, striding out from between the trees, they weren't what I was expecting. I'd gotten the image of the wolves stuck in my head. These were just four really big half-naked boys.
Again, they reminded me of brothers, quadruplets. Something about the way they moved almost in synchronization to stand across the road from us, the way they all had the same long, round muscles under the same red-brown skin, the same cropped black hair, and the way their expressions altered at exactly...
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Chapter 1 – Engaged

Where was Alice? I want to have another try…

I was trying my best to bore into Alice’s head, I desperately wanted to see it, the beautiful dress she had chosen for Bella, my Bella...I reminded myself and smiled. She was making it very very difficult; she was translating Battle Hymm of the Republic into various languages. I was as curious to know about the dress as I was to read Bella’s thoughts.

Alice had gone shopping all alone for the dress of course; long before Bella even agreed to marry me. She was always ready for a dozen different futures. So there was no hope...
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Renesmee "Nessie" Carlie Cullen is the half-vampire, half-human daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, born on September 10, three days before Bella's nineteenth birthday in Breaking Dawn. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a combination of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has her grandfather, Charlie Swan's, curly hair, and brown eyes like Bella. Bella and Jacob describe her...
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A scene fades in, deep in the forest. Bella's standing with her back to Edward, with Edward a few feet behind her.

Bella : How old are you?
Edward (voice almost a whisper): 17

The camera pans around and focuses in on her face, which is full of shock and a bit of fear, her eyes cut to him as if she wants to turn and face him but doesn't quite have the courage.

Bella: How long have you been 17?

Cuts to a clip of Edward crouched, as if hunting. A quick sequence of a deer running, trees and leaves flying past follows and...
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Hey guys, I found this on the internet, and I thought I might share it with all of you. It's the process of becoming a vampire put into detail.

Becoming A Vampire

The transition from human to vampire is said to be very painful, in fact it’s so bad that "The pain of transformation is the sharpest memory they have of their human life."(TW20). When James bites Bella in TW23, we witness this clearly. She compares the sensation in her hand to "fire", and words such as "screamed", "writhed" and "torture" enhance the agony that Bella endures even at the very beginning of the transformation process....
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The plane ride to the island was long than it took forever once we were done with the planes just to get to the island. But we finally made it. “Wow it’s beautiful.” Jacob helped me out of the boat then grabbed the suitcases. “Jump on my back, I’ll carry you there.” Jacob said turning around. I jumped on and kissed his neck. “I love you, when we drop of the suitcases you wanna go swimming?” I asked him just as we made it to the door. “Of course as long as I’m with you I will.” He said opening the door. We walked to the beach and got undressed and jumped in.

The water was...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


I slep dreamlessly that night, exhausted from beginning my day so early, and sleeping so poorly the night before. I woke, for the second time since arriving in Forks, to the bright yellow light of a sunny day. I skipped to the window, stunned to see that there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and those there were just fleecy little white puffs that couldn't possible be carrying any rain. I opened the window - surprised when it opened silently, without sticking, not having opened it in who knows how many years - and sucked in the relatively...
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added by greyswan618