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posted by mrsblack_1089
This is a long one...

I stayed up most of the night, brainstorming ideas for the wedding, while Jacob slept. Aunt Alice came in the cottage when the sky was a light pink. I gasped, seeing her frame in the doorway, though there was nothing scary about a four foot eleven height. "Aunt Alice!" I said, one hand over my heart. I got off the bed, careful not to wake Jacob. "You nearly scared me to death! What do you need?" "I need YOU!" she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. "What for?" "To PLAN, silly!" she picked me up and ran at a dangerously fast speed across the forest and hopped over the creek. She ran in the front door and sat me on her bed and went over to her sketchpad. "Sheesh." I said, smoothing my pajamas. Pushy.
"Do you have any ideas?" Aunt Alice asked, sketchpad in hand. She looked at me expectantly. "Of course I do," I told her, taking the sketchbook. I began to tell her about the bridesmaids' dresses as I drew. "I was thinking they would be white, with a ribbon of pink around the bottom. They won't be very long, just above the knees. Sleeveless..." I paused then, trying to figure out how to describe it better. "I--I can't quite describe it." I told her. But Aunt Alice was staring at me, her eyes shining with eagerness. "I love it!" she said. "Go on." So I just drew the pattern I had invisioned; the same swirly flowery pattern as my dress but with pink beads and thread. "The neckline comes low, and there's more lining on the neckline and around the shoulders..." I put down the pencil, because I was done sketching. Aunt Alice stared at the final drawing. "That's amazing!" she said. "I can definetly make that." She was a blur as she went around, snipping fabric, sewing thread. In a few minutes, a manican was wearing the dress. "You're amazing, Aunt Alice," I told her, touching the silky fabric. "It's perfect! Just a little tweak..." I snipped off a thread she had missed. "There!" For a few hours we took measurements of all my bridesmaids and made their dresses. Six manicans were lined up in a row across Aunt Alice's room, with my dress on the end.
"Now on to Jacob," Aunt Alice said briskly, taking the sketch pad. "Classic black tux? With a hint of pink silk trimming?" I nodded. She drew, and without glancing up said, "Go get Jacob for me. I'll need his measurements. And go get Rose to buy some more black fabric. I have a feeling I'll be needing more." I slipped out of the room and went downstairs. Jacob was lounging on the couch with Dad and Uncle Emmett watching a game. He saw me and smiled. "There you are! I thought you'd been abducted!" I rolled my eyes, thinking of this morning. "Close enough," I said. I gave him a kiss before telling him the bad news. "Aunt Alice needs your measurements." He gulped. Uncle Emmett laughed. "Tough luck, bro! We'll come rescue you if you're not back in ten minutes." "Make it five," Jacob said, his voice shaking a little. Everyone knew how out-of-hand Aunt Alice could get. One minute she'd be taking his measurements, the next she would be designing a complete wardrobe for him. Dad grinned, reading his thoughts and mental pictures. "C'mon, you," I said, half shoving him up the stairs. "Don't be a baby." Ridiculously, his arms were trembling from nervousness.
I held his trembling hand coming in to Aunt Alice's room. "Good, you're here!" she said, pulling him away from me. She had to stand on a stepladder balanced on her bed to get all of Jacob's height. Only a vampire could, I thought, marveling at her amazing balance. Jacob glared down at me the entire time, arms crosses tightly across his chest, fists balled up. In a few minutes she had all of the measurements and told Jacob he could go. I went with him, to tell Aunt Rose about buying the fabric before I forgot. "That wasn't so bad," I told him as we walked down the stairs. "Are you kidding?" he replied. "I would have rather slammed my hand in a car door. At least the pain from that would have faded quicker. That was the worst three minutes of my life!" But he smiled down at me and I grinned back. "Baby. Oh, Aunt Rose! We need more black silk fabric." I said. Aunt Rose sneered at Jacob from where she was playing on the computer. She let out a big sigh. "Fine!" she snapped, making a big show of unwillingly putting on shoes, grabbing money and her purse, and her keys. Dad, Uncle Emmett, Jacob, and I all grinned after her. She had made a huge, phoney show of being unpleasant to Jacob ever since that day in the airport. I gave Jacob a kiss and sighed as I went back upstairs.
"What's next on the agenda?" I asked Aunt Alice. "I was thinking the guest list. You'd better get Jacob again--" "We can work on that in the cottage tonight," I told her quickly, smiling. I think Jacob had had enough of Aunt Alice's crazy planning for one day. She smiled back. "Fair enough. We can't talk food until we have the guest list, so...decorations!" I recalled my image in my head from yesterday and told her about it. She thought it was a great idea. "We could completely flood the house with roses!" Aunt Alice said, gesturing wildly. "We could twist them around the banisters, altering pink and white. Then twist some more around the seats the guests will sit in, fill crystal vases and put them on every table; one on each side of the cake table..." she wrote down the approxomate cost of all of this, and my eyes popped wide. "Um...we could tone it down a little," I suggested. "Nonsence!" she said. "It's no big deal." I still wasn't sure, but I lost myself again in planning the decorations. We were going to fill crystal bowls, two on each step, with a mixture of pink and white roses. We would scatter rose petals on the steps and twist them around the banisters. The bridesmaids and I would each hold a bouquet of pink and white roses. Finally, the flower arrangements were done. Aunt Alice carefully wrote down the cost in a checkbook. I tried not to glance at it.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Aunt Alice stood up and flitted to her closet and came back with seven boxes in her hands. "The shoes! Open them, open them, open them!" I lifted the lid on the top one. "Oh, cute!" I said, lifting out a white high-heel. "I love these!" They were stilletto high heels with an open toe. They went with the dresses very nicely.
That night I sat Jacob down with me and we worked on the guest list. "All of my bridesmaids, of course," I said. "And all the groomsmen. But I want Grandpa Charlie (he'd insisted on visiting me so much during my rapid growth spurt that we had to tell him the real secret; that we were vampires. He'd taken it pretty well, but he was still a little shocked by our cold arms, beauty, and blurry movements.) and Grandma Sue (she had married Grandpa Charlie a few years ago.)." "Rachel, Paul, and Rebecca could come down," Jacob said. "Claire, also. And Embry's parents, Old Quil, Jared and Kim, Brady, and Collin." We sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking. "I'm sure Alice will invite someone," I said. "Probably Tanya and her family." "So basically vampires and werewolves with two humans?" Jacob clucked his toungue. "Not very wise." I laughed. "We can buy a Taser or something to keep them all in line," I said. I went to go give the list to Aunt Alice. She looked it over. "Twenty nine people? Good. Anyone else you were thinking of?" "Actually, I was thinking of Tanya, Eleazar, Carmen, Kate, Garrett, Zafrina, Benjamin, Peter, and Charlotte," I admitted. I could still remember them from when they had witnessed for my parents in front of the Volturi. They were all very good friends, especially Zafrina. "Yay!" Aunt Alice squealed, writing down all of them on the guest list. "That's thirty eight! We'll need lots of food, regardless of all the vampires, for the werewolves and Charlie and Sue. I'll do that. Right now, I need you to pick a date." Her eyes shone.
A huge grin split across my face. A date? So soon? Did this mean that I could marry Jacob in just a few days?! "How long will it take you to work out the menu?" I whispered. She waved it away with her hand. "I can work on it tonight. It'll be finished by tomorrow morning. But I'll need to call all of the guests, and if Jacob's sisters want to come..." "Saturday, then. One week from today." I answered immediately.
"That's perfect!" Aunt Alice squealed, giving me a hug. "Now go rest," she commanded. "I'll take care of the guests."
Yeah, like I could sleep. I was getting married in only one week! I expected to be married in a month or so. "Okay," I said anyway. I was a little unsteady as I walked from the room.
Jacob would be all mine by Saturday night. I would be Mrs. Renesmee Carlie Black. I loved the sound of that!
I crawled into Jacob's arms. "Saturday," I told him, kissing his arm as he wrapped it around me. "We will be married." I heard his heart accelerate with excitement. "Thank-you," he said simply. I turned to kiss him and he kissed me back very eagerly. "So this is your last week being my fiancee, I guess," he said. After a pause he added. "I don't mind." "And this is your last week as my fiancee. I don't mind that either." We laid in silence for a few minutes, until my eyes got too heavy to keep open.
I closed my eyes and slipped into last day week of being Renesmee Cullen.
madapanda's favourite character: Edward
madapanda's favourite character: Edward
1. Who is your favourite male character and why?

Edward's my favorite male character. I've always been interested in characters that have lived for a certain amount of time, and they carry something with them all those years. They aren't able to let it go so to speak. For Edward, it's guilt. Everything that he's done, he thinks he's a monster and that he's damned to live an eternity of emptiness. But Bella comes into the picture and appeases that guilt. She fills that emptiness. And you see Edward change. She works in Edward and he eventually realizes that he is capable and worthy of love....
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posted by bluemc24
Okay! It’s my first day of high school, so I have to make a good impression! I thought to myself as I walked into my new high school but, as I walked in everyone turned. Their expressions like I had something on my shirt, I looked down no nothing there. Then I realised it was a sunny day. On a sunny day my skin glinted like diamonds, not as beautiful as my family but, it still made everyone stare. Oh well1 they will just have to get used to it!
Just then a girl came up to me. “hi, im kirsty!” she said in a slightly stunned voice. I replied quickly “hello I am renesme!”
Kirsty told me about herself and she told me that it was also her first day at this high school. Me and kirsty became friends quickly and turns out that she knows about vampires and were wolves, for her auntie is Emily (sam’s Emily.)
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
(Attention: this chapter is in Jerek's Point Of View. Enjoy!)
    I parked the car, jumping out and slamming the door shut, holding onto the blade so tightly my knuckles were white. I walked around the car to where five guards were standing with guns in their hands, circling me.
    "Hey guys," I said, and they raised their guns. "Guess we can't settle this over a cup of tea?"
    "No." A man said, and...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Okay, I don't know who pissed you off, but it surely wasn't me. So, here's the sitch, you will sit down and fight along side of us, or you can get your ass out of here, before I do it for you." Not onlly did this guy piss me off, he really got under my skin.
    He was silent for a minute, and a girl behind him stood up, put a hand on his shoulder, and pulled him back down into his seat.
    "He's with us. Isn't that right?" We all looked at him, and he looked...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode twenty-one*
*Worms with Water*
Emmett: *nods* fine…now I’m positive I heard Jazz scream…maybe we should check on him.
Bella: Me too…*snickers* Sorry Al, but his scream kinda sounded like a girl.
Alice: I noticed that…I wonder why?
Edward: *rolls eyes* Sure.
Alice: Oh, Edward! Get over it…you’re going to be a dad!
Bella: *not very happy* Uh, yeah…lighten up, Edward.
Edward: *mumbling* Sure.
Alice: *rolls eyes* Ignore him, Bells, he’s just a boy.
Bella: Sure.
~With Jasper~
Emmett: *runs in* *sees him in the hot tub* Dude, what the crap?
Jasper: *stuttering* W-w-w-worms!...
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posted by beachchick
What was really going on now that was going to be hard to explain. Well more like I didn’t want to. “Sarah.” Bella said again. I sat down “This has been going on for awhile.” I said “How long in awhile?” Carlisle asked. “Since I was seven and my sister was five.” I replied. “You had a sister?” Esme asked concerned. Alice came over to sit next to me and put her arm around me. I started to tell them my story. “My sister was very smart for her age, well gifted is more like it. She could tell what age you were and what month you were born just by looking at you. My parents...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bella's POV
I read Romeo and Juilet like 1000 times. But why am I so nervous? Was it that acting was a new thing for me? Or was it that I am afraid people will laugh if I mess up? In my mind probably a bit of both. The good thing is I am doing this with Edward. He promised me; that he will guide me through it. Lets hope it will work. We done more and more rehersals as time went by. I learned my lines a little better, (thank you Edward,) and I am not scared. But when it's time, seeing the curtains go up and all the people staring... I hope I don't faint or drop dead. To ease my mind Edward was...
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posted by moolah
Chapter Five:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
“I really don’t want to do this, Ren. I’m going to get fat anyways. It doesn’t matter.” Renesmee shook her head, “No. You’re getting a dress and we’ll pick it up when you’re nearly nine months.” I sighed and let her and Alice drag me to the back bridesmaid section of “Honey Hive Dresses” shop in Port Angeles. While Alice looked on the blue rack, Renny looked on the pink rack, Mom looked on the black rack (I was hoping I was going to get one of those), and Rosalie and I (the official smart ones) looked on the maternity racks.
“Aunt Ali!...
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posted by karpach_13
this might be my last chapter because my mom is taking the computer from me and i wont be able to write at all, so i need at least 3 reasons why i need to write more or she'll take it away from me forever. the more reasons the better. thanks.
Chapter 23

In the morning I woke up and got ready and helt for school. I drove to la push. I held my arm close to me and got out of the car and everybody was looking at my car.i closed it and went to class. I went to history first and sat at the back of the class. My teacher was talking and I didn’t even pay attention. I put my head on the deest...
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posted by Passion_5
Hear out my tortured soul
For I have nowhere else to go
You captured my dead, frozen heart
Now yours and mine’ll never be apart

You took my breath away
And in my heart you’ll always stay
You are my life now
Believe me, for this I vow

My brave and trusting love
From the heavens above
I’ll do everything for you
And I’ll always be true

When you called out my name
My life had never been the same
You kept my feet on the ground
‘Cause my purpose had been found

Your chocolate brown eyes
Are honest and wise
Through them I could see
How you irrevocably love me
posted by beachchick
I looked up surprised. Her, my sister that was impossible. She held out her hand to me and I looked at it. Finally she laughed. "Well I'm not going to hurt you, your my sister gosh people these days." I took it and she helped me up. As soon as I stood up a curly haired vampire was standing behind me holding my arms. "Jasper" the girl said again "she isn’t going to hurt anyone well maybe you if you don’t let go of her arms." "Alice," Jasper said "she couldn’t hurt me if she tried!" Overconfident fool I thought. I hope this makes him think before he talks. Suddenly Jasper hit the ground...
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"So what do you think Justin will get you for your birthday?" Hayden asked me, I was sitting with her since Justin was out sick. My birthday was a few days away. It was snowing outside. I shrugged my shoulders. My phone vibrated and I took it out looking under the desk. I felt someone behind me. I looked up and saw Mr. Henderson.
"Is there anything you wold like to share with the class Miss. Clearwater?" He asked me. I stood up.
"Yes, actually there is." I said and cleared my throat.
"Excuse me everyone,Mr.H asked me share the text message I just got."Everyone looked at me, most of them stifled...
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posted by karpach_13
nessies first day of school outfit
nessies first day of school outfit
Chapter 19
Ivan opened his eyes a little and then a little more until he opened ham all the way.
“nessie?” he said quietly. He remembers me. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face and then I tried to put up a smile too but I failed miserably.
“ivan , how did u get in an accident?” I asked him. Eager to know.
“when I left the reservation I was driving back home but then I remembered your face how you looked at me before you left so I turned around and started driving back to the reservation but then a car came out of nowhere and that’s all I remember” he told me.
“the good...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 15

“relax” Ivan told me. I looked at him confused I was late for school not for a party or something.
“ur aunt alice and the rest of ur family is coming over to tell you something” he toold me.
“oh, them ima get dressed and eat some breakfast” I tol him I got an outfir. Since it was sunny I wore a mini skirt and a t shirt I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast but I went through the spells that my mother wrote down for me. Some of them were really good like trap someone in a room or make someone agree with u for six hours, but then she wrote use these spells carefully...
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posted by mia1emmett
Sorry i wont be writing Just a twist for a little until i get this writers block out of my head. :( this is all i thought for Stella and Embry

Stella's P.O.V

They were talking about me and a whole bunch of other stuff. i wasn't really bored because i started talking to these 4 people. their names are Seth who is the youngest and adorable, Paul who i clicked with right away like me and Seth, Jared was like Paul, Embry the guy i had imprinted on was very quiet around me. I must have been talking with them for an hour about my old life as a farmer and how i could kick their buts, because Jacob...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
I am going to throw a contest, so keep reading

Many of you may remember my name from Hello, My Name Is: Death because, I am the author of it. Anyways, I looked at Summer_Leanne's story "Cold Roses" some of you may have read it, and saw the wonderful art she made for her novel, and so I am wanting really cool pictures for mine Hello, My Name Is: Death

I asked Summer_Leanne to do one for me too, but if I see two that are excellent, I'll post both of them on every chapter when I post them on the Hello, My Name Is: Death club here on fanpop! I made.

If you read the comments, then you have heard of...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Verona?" He asked, and I nodded. "Oh my...god."
    He looked in the window then, and saw her. He pushed the door open, and I stopped him.
    "Let go." He said. "We need to see if she's okay!"
    "Yes, but she's asleep. We can come back later." I told him and nodded my head to room 26. "We have to go."
    He hesitated, and then shut the door quietly. "Fine. Let's go."
    We passed up...
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posted by mia1emmett
hope you like this.. =)

Chapter 4
When I woke up I was in an un-familiar place I Jumped from where I was laying down and walked down a flight of stairs
To a room full of people who were pale, I saw Edward and Bella so I
Thought this must be something that Bella knows about. I walked down the
Stairs and demanded I know what was going on, this pale man with blonde
Hair who looked so young came up to me and told me that Bella had come
To save me from losing my life and that Edward brought you here. I
Started asking questions:
"Why are you guys so pale?"
"Well we are vampires like you"
"But I am not...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Thankies to EVERYONE for reading and commenting on my last post! You guys are the absolute best! <3 I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! lol :P Don't worry! It doesn't stop here as yet ;) Much love to each of you all, from me! Enjoy! (:
Miracles Happen

It was twenty-four hours after little Anakin was born, but happiness still hadn’t filled the air. In their minds, the Cullens were convinced Summer was dying. They only had an hour left to see whether that was true or not. She slipped away to sleep in Carlisle’s arms, and hadn’t awaken since then. Chloe’s...
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posted by NeeNee14
I climbed out of bed, making sure not to disturb Seth. I peeked into Tala's room and was happy that she was still sleep. I got her bag ready for the sleepover should would be having with Jamie, her best-friend. I needed to go out and get the things I needed for her party.
Seth came out the room and wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Morning" He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled.
"I need you to go in the room and look in the closet. There are a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for you." I told him.
"Why do you have clothes my size?" He asked as He went into the bathroom with the clothes in his hand....
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