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Edward pulled two tickets out of his coat pocket with an unusually questionable grin on his face. I hadn’t seen this expression before. His eyes were bigger than normal, and black. I could see that he needed to hunt. His head tilted slightly downwards, and while one side of his lips curled up, somehow the other side seemed to curl down. Edward looked as though he didn’t know if he wanted to smile, or frown.

“Are those plane tickets?” It sounded more eager out loud than it did in my head.

Edward shifted his dark gaze down at the two tickets he held between his long, porcelain-like fingers, his body stiff, statuesque. His smooth lips looked flat now, and his eyebrows knitted together like they always do when he’s thinking of the right thing to say.

“Yes. One is for you, of course, Bella.” He reached his hand out and handed me one of the tickets, watching me intently. “I would like for you to take a trip to Chicago with me, if that’s okay.”

Edward reminded me of a boy asking a girl to be his date for a school dance. I thought about it for half a second - not because I didn’t want to go, but because I was waiting for the catch. I could tell by Edward’s expression that there was more than just taking a trip to Chicago involved.

“Well, you already got the plane tickets…” I bit my lower lip, stalling, in hopes that he would interrupt and give me a little more information. He didn’t. Instead he grinned, a more familiar looking grin this time, then placed his ticket back in his pocket and mumbled a quick “great, we leave soon.”

Our flight was in almost exactly three hours, and although Edward didn’t give me many details, he did let me know that I wouldn’t need to pack anything. It was Christmas Eve, and we would be back by early Christmas morning to celebrate with Nessie and the rest of our family. The Denali’s were expected to come by during the evening on Christmas, too.

I went hunting with Edward before we left. My eyes were starting to darken, like Edward’s, and my throat was turning into a dry, blistering fire every time I caught even the slightest scent of warm, sweet smelling human blood. We were going to be on an airplane, too, and that is the last place thirsty vampires want to be. Accidents do happen.

The flight was short, just over an hour and a half, but seemed much quicker than that. Edward and I got caught up in a debate about Romeo and Juliet. He gets short with me when I compare our relationship to Romeo and Juliet’s. He doesn’t like being compared to “fickle” Romeo. I get that. But our relationship as a whole does have a few similarities.

Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline, but meets and falls in love with Juliet. Edward was supposed to be with Rosalie - and that didn’t work out, for obvious reasons. He then eventually met and fell in love with me.

During the”balcony scene,” Romeo sneaks into the Capulet courtyard and overhears Juliet vowing her love to him, despite the fact that their families are feuding. Edward used to surreptitiously watch me sleep - and overheard me say his name as I dreamt of him.

Paris is like my Jacob. He tried to woo and attract Juliet - similar to how Jacob tried to attract me. I of course, picked Edward, despite our differences and the fact that our love was almost forbidden… dangerous.

I couldn’t leave out how Romeo thought Juliet was dead, and killed himself - just like Edward was about to have himself killed when he thought that “arranging a funeral” meant my funeral. He thought I was dead and was about to have himself destroyed.

I could have debated for hours with Edward, but he’s stubborn, and unwilling to be compared to Romeo, who he believes thoroughly destroyed his own happiness by making countless mistakes.

Right before the plane landed, Edward looked at me with his beautiful golden eyes, and concluded our debate with words so smooth they stopped my train of thought completely. “Besides, Romeo and Juliet had a tragic ending. You and I are for forever. Eternity. There will be no tragedy, no ending. Romeo lost his Juliet, but I’ll never lose my Bella.” He looked down at me, lovingly and reiterated the word ‘never‘ in a factual tone.

I wondered for a second if a vampires cold, granite-like body could turn to mush and melt into the seat? I had to look down to make sure my body was intact - thanks to Edward and his ability to send my mind into a complete haze, and make my body feel like melting snow.

When we got off the plane, we picked up the rental car- which surprisingly wasn’t fancy, shiny or insanely expensive. It looked like the type of car you would see a busy Mother driving her children to soccer practice in. I laughed to myself at the image of Edward behind the wheel of such a effeminate car.

We didn’t drive far, just outside the city limits on the north side of Chicago. Edward parked the car and we ran for a short time until we reached the most gorgeous cemetery I have ever seen. It was huge, and full of architectural masterpieces. The cemeteries I have seen were usually row after row of tomb stones, some larger than others - but these were capacious monuments.

Edward took my hand and we slowly, almost glidingly walked over the perfectly landscaped grass. I knew exactly where we were, and what we were doing here, and I didn’t know what emotion to feel. I wasn’t sure how Edward felt, either. Mind reading would have come in handy right about now.

When we reached the gravestone of Elizabeth Masen, I felt honored to be this close to the woman who created the love of my life. And the woman responsible for demanding that Carlisle save him.

My memory is vague, but I do recall certain parts of Carlisle’s story. Elizabeth demanded that he do everything in his power to save Edward during the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic. He described her eyes as “hard, like stones, like emeralds.” Carlisle believes that Elizabeth knew that he was different, somehow. Edward’s life was slipping away with each tick of the clock, but because of his Mother’s demand, he was here with me. Standing beside me, looking down at the ground of her grave.

“I haven’t been here in a while.” Edward began, his face now expressionless. “I wanted you to come with me, so I could have the chance to introduce you to my Mother in the best way I can. I have never been more grateful for her telling Carlisle to save me than I am now. Because of her, I get to live an eternity with you, Bella. I get to be happy every day. The type of happiness that will never end.” His eyes darted back towards the beautiful gravestone.

I thanked Edward, countless times, for bringing me somewhere that meant so much to him. For letting me have the chance to get so close to a part of his life from before he became an immortal. He doesn’t remember Elizabeth very well, but he will forever have a connection to her. Although he may have resented the fact that he never got to make the choice, to be turned, he is now gratified.

We didn’t stay long. It was just long enough to pay our respects. I left the cemetery feeling closer to Edward than I ever thought possible. Honored. Maybe even a little shocked. I didn’t see this coming. He really did surprise me this time.

The next day was Christmas and we couldn’t wait to give Nessie her present. Edward picked it out. It wasn’t something she could actually use, but Edward didn’t care, he couldn’t wait to buy his daughter her first car. Although the 2011 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Cabriolet isn’t available to buy until May, 2010, Edward worked his magic and got one in ‘frosty blue’ for Renesmee. Her eyes lit up…. with confusion. She loved the color, and the fact that it was sparkly, but in her sweet, soft voice she whispered “I can’t use this. I don’t have a license Daddy.” Luckily I stocked up on real presents. Things she can actually use. And Alice, of course, got her a lot of pretty things to wear.

We all called Jacob, who was in La Push with his family, and wished them all a Merry Christmas. We wanted Jake to know that even though he was gone for the day, we were still thinking of him.

The Denali’s were fun. They adore Nessie, and although it’s gross for me to think about, Tanya had fun flirting with Charlie. They got along really well, and it’s great to see Charlie’s face light up. After all, he is a terminal bachelor… famous ladies man.

Tanya remembered Charlie from the wedding, and of course asked about his change. He told her the entire story and she nearly melted when he explained that he became a vampire to save me. Great. Now he’s using the story of how he became a vampire to save his vampire daughter from being killed by a coven of vampires to impress women. Vampire women. I still believe that there are things about my new life that I will never get used to.

(i do not take any credit for any of his u can find it at and P.S. this was written by bella)
posted by JennyRocker197
See I live in the real vampire world were vampires burn in the sun.

Bella is orphaned when she was 2 when her parents burned up in a house fire, she ends up in a foster home when a family called the Swans adopt her. Cassie Swan is her new step-sister who is like her protecter from the bullies at school and just everyday people, she meets Vincent an older boy that always watches Cassie and wants to be with her. As Bella and Cassie age they see that Vincent never does, Cassie is taken aback when she discovers that Vincent is a vampire that got turned back in the 20's. As a surprise Cassie doesn't...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Okay, so maybe I was wrong, he did leave, and I let go of him, but I didn't fall down a hole without a way to dig myself out. I just stayed on the bed, a bit sad and wanting him to return, but after five minutes of laying there, I knew this must have been pretty damn important to interrupt our kissing, so I got up and left the room, seeking out the woman who took my man, and what she needed him for.
    "Is everything okay?" I asked once I reached Shropee's doctor's office.
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posted by NeeNee14
I tried on all the clothes in my closet, and nothing would fit.I gave up and decided to put on a robe and just stay in for the day.The door bell rang and I got up and answered it.
"Hi Aunt Alice."I said.She looked at what I was wearing, shaking her head.I let her in, she was carrying a thousand bags of clothes.Joesph was behind her with more.Joesph was Aunt Alice's and Uncle Jasper's twelve year old son.
"Sweetie what are you wearing?"She asked me after we sat back down.I pouted.
"All my clothes shrunk"I said.She looked at me and laughed.
"Sweetie, you're pregnant remember?"She said and laughed.I...
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posted by NeeNee14
Kammie's Tattoo
Kammie's Tattoo
Thx shiver-zimmy for helping me write this chapter!!

I cried for days. I lied and said I was fine when my parents asked. They were so excited that I was home, I was too, until it happened. They went out again tonight. It was funny how often my parents went out, yet they never came home drunk, just extremly happy. I wished I had that, but it was taken from me. I crawled under my covers and let the tears come, more forcefully then before.

I wanted to make myself hurt. I figured that if I cried about everything tonight, I would be out of tears. He wasn't the only guy in the world. Everyone...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode nineteen*
*Bella’s P.O.V*
Bella: This is nice…I think we’re bonding!
Rosalie: Yeah, but we’ve already bonding tons.
Alice: Rose is right…but now we’re *whispers* pregnant *back to normal voice*
Rosalie: Good point, Ali. *smiles and takes a sip of Alice’s blood*
Alice: *sees her* Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you drinking that?
Rosalie: *rolls eyes* Duh, I’m pregnant too.
Bella: Hey, so am I!
Alice: Yeah, well then let me get more for you…don’t drink mine! *leaves*
Bella: Thanks, Cupcake!
Alice: Yeah, Belly…BRB!

~Inside Emmett’s Game~
(key: virtual...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by mia1emmett
"hey, my name's Mike Newton" i said "hey, Elizabeth Cullen. but i think you knew that" he laughed and said "walk you to class?" i smiled and said "no thanks, Emmett and I have all the same classes" Mike looked sad but he just nodded and walked away. I ran into Alice and she said "hey, your brother Jasper is so nice!" i smiled at her and said "did he tell you my name?" she nodded and i told her "call me Liz" she smiled and nodded. i started walking to class Alice is so nice and she does seem perfect for Jasper! i smiled to myself and i bumped into something that felt like a brick wall....
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posted by LexisFaith
This is a VAMPIRE DIARIES one-shot in Stefan's POV. If I didn't put it on here, it would never get read so, before you starting chewing me out for that, I KNOW!! Okay, I really hope you guys like this.
I laid back on my bed, shoving my palms into my eyes, to try and stop the tears. Despite my efforts, tears seaped through and soaked my hair and pillow.

Just a week ago, Elena was laying beside me, bringing light into my old battered room. She was running her fingers though my hair, telling me how everything would work out. She was kissing me with...
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posted by mia1emmett
i made the Cullen's human and i added a character.
Idea: Dr.Cullen and his wife Esme have 4 adopted children.Emmett and Elizabeth twins, then Edward and Jasper and Renesmee
**twilight is not owned by me, a.k.a all the characters that belong to the book belong to S.Meyer. the only thing owned by me is Elizabeth**
***The characters might be different, they are in the way i thought of them***
*Elizabeth :: 6'4", dark brown hair that looks almost black that was wavy, light brown eyes.*

Elizabeth's P.O.V:
Renesmee ran down the stairs she was holding out BoB Emmett's pet duck. Emmett jumped off the...
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posted by NeeNee14
I got out of the bed, but Cords were puling me back.I ripped them out my arm and the machines started beeping rapidly. Carlisle came in, he looked at me and walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms. I stood there and cried. I didn't notice he was gone and someone else came in to hug me. These arms where warm...
I looked up at who was holding me.She looked back at me and smiled. I saw my reflection in her eyes. I looked horrible, my eyes where puffy and my hair was a mess.
"He loves you, he would never do anything to hurt you...and if he ever did hurt you.I will kill him..I don't care if He's...
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posted by basketballstar
This is a follow on to my story of Alice's Obsession. It was slightly difficult to write, as I never intended a follow on for the first one! Please comment and tell me what you think!

The night was pitch black as I approached my house. The moon shone down upon it, creating an eerie shadow across the meadow. The fact that there were no lights on inside didn’t strike me as strange, as I could hear the thoughts inside. I managed to shut them out before I could get too grossed out.... I made a mental note to stay away from all their rooms.
I scaled the side of the building quickly....
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posted by mia1emmett
:) ;) i love how i ended this chapter
Chapter 14
            School is fun
    Today was my first day at the packs school. Me Paul and Jared are in the same grade then Jake, Quill, Embry, Leah then Seth. It was 6:30 I got up and walked to Jake’s bathroom quickly showered and grabbed a t-shirt with a peace sign and all over writing that said peace. Then I grabbed cut off shorts. I changed and walked out grabbed my white nikes and let Jake in to change and get ready. I made us breakfast and I noticed that Billy was...
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posted by mia1emmett
Tell me if you want to see *sparks* ;)
Chapter 13
     Welcome to the pack
    I drove into Jakes drive way and I turned my car off. It was raining so my vampire scent had gone. I walked out into the soaking rain and knocked on jakes door. Jacob answered it and said “right this way”. I walked in and saw the whole pack was there jake, embry, seth, paul, sam, leah, jared, quil. them all and sat down on the empty chair I said “um.. I am guessing jake told you all to come. Well thing is the Volturi are coming they smelt me, Edward, and Emmett in Italy...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Later that night, I got out of the shower, ready to go to bed, anxious for Verona's arrival tomorrow morning. I was tired and anxious. If you're anxious, doesn't that mean that you should be awake and a bit energized? Anyways, I am tired and anxious, and if that wasn't possible before, it now is.
    "You tired?" I asked Jerek once I crawled into bed.
    "Yea. Being nervous, and now anxious, made me tired. Plus, I had to fight a few people in...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Five minutes later, seven knocks came to the door again, and I let Ethan back into the room.
    "He's there. I told him to lock the door, and watch out for people." Ethan said, and I felt better now.
    "Thanks so much." I said, and he nodded.
    "So, when does Shropee get here?" He asked.
    "We don't know. She said she'll knock ten times on the door so we know it's her and Jerek." Tabra answered.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Cydnee, right?" The doctor said, and I nodded. "You must be Tabra." Tabra nodded. "Hi, I'm Dr. Black. But call me Ethan, please."
    "Alright, Ethan." Tabra rose to his feet and shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya'."
    "Yea. Can I ask you something, Ethan?" I sat on my bed, and he nodded.
    "Did you ever have Verona as a patient?" I asked him. "She's on this floor, room 23."
    "Yes, I did. I know why...
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posted by mia1emmett
i know this is short sorry.
Chapter 12
    I was running with Embry and Seth. Embry stopped me and I asked “what? We have to go!” but then I heard Sam say “Embry don’t do it she’s not ready” Jake grabbed my hand but Embry smacked it away and growled. I tried to run but he held tighter, I screamed ‘help!’ and Paul came running to my side. He pushed Embry and grabbed me and started running with me but then Embry pushed Paul and Paul got mad. But then I gave Paul a look and he walked away and that’s when...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is how i pictured Estella
this is how i pictured Estella
ok this is very simple and short but you'll love the next chapter :)

Chapter 6
            WOULD YOU? O.o
Emmett honked his horn in my face and my face must have been funny
because I saw jasper and Emmett laugh, Alice came to my rescue and
smacked both of them. I laughed and opened the door. Alice and jasper
gave me a hard time about wanting to leave for Italy. I noticed rose was all silent. It puzzled me. I felt a change in emotion and I instantly hit jasper, Emmett laughed and I said "don't play with my emotions!" then jasper said...
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This is a sequel to "When The Stars Align" I hope you like it.☺☺☺

I lay in the bed, waiting for Tala to burst through my door and "wake" me up. I sighed, wishing that Seth was here with us, but he couldn't be, he was dead. I started to get up to see why she wasn't up yet. I peeked into her room, she was still asleep.
"Wake up Sunshine" I whispered in her ear. She opened her eyes and smiled.
"Morin' Mommy" She said and got out of bed. She went into the kitchen and sat in her chair.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her.
"PANCAKES!" She yelled and smiled. She looked so much like Seth...
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Edwards’s pov

Approaching the meadow was weird I mean we were about to try and get my daughter back os it was like I don’t know it’s really hard to explain it right now.
Bella has been playing with her hair all the way here and now stood here she is crying tearless tears.
She looked so helpless without our baby and I remembered back to the time she use to look like that when I first got her back when she didn’t have any life in them eyes. It pained me so.

It hit me a minute later their thoughts about whom and which one they are after I scanned across them until I reached nessies.
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