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posted by Alex_XcullenX
"Motherfucker," Bella screamed as Edward held her hand. He was worried about the discomfort and pain he had caused her, he was the source of her pain. Although he was truly happy about what would eventually come from her pain, he did not like it.

"Jesus, Bella, I'm so sorry. It will be fine. You just need to get through this. Breathe baby, breathe." He held her hand and placed gentle kisses on her knuckles.

"Get through this? Don't tell me to get through this. You," she shouted at him, "You did this to me, just fuck…" she cried out in pain. Bella knew she shouldn't be so mean but pain took over any rational thought that roamed her mind.

"God, it hurts. Make it stop, please Carlisle make it stop," she begged. Wishing the pain to be gone, wishing for it all to be over. Bella felt as though she had been lying there for days, when in reality it had only been four hours. Carlisle walked over to Bella with joy and compassion in his eyes. Esme rubbed Bella's back.

"I know it hurts," Carlisle tried to calm Bella's frazzled nerves.

"You know nothing," she spat. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so rude but have you been here? Have you done this?" Carlisle shook his head and Esme laughed. Edward held onto Bella's hand while her grip and hold intensified by the second.

"No? I didn't think so," Bella stated as the pain ricocheted through her body. Bella just wanted this over and done with.

"Another one?" Edward cautiously asked fearing Bella would lash out. He did not blame her for he could not imagine the agony she was in.

"Jasper, go get Bella some ice," Alice demanded and Jasper happily obliged. Jasper did not like seeing people in pain regardless of the situation, and he was more than happy to get away from the screams. Alice beamed from the corner of the hospital room, she was happy about what came after the pain and she was excited she got to be there for it.

Just then the doctor walked in asking everyone but Edward to leave. Bella felt scared and wished she had her mom. So she asked Esme to stay, she was the closest thing to a mother in Bella's life.

"Esme, I'm scared. Please stay, what if I can't do this? What if it's too much?" Bella rambled. Esme stayed right next to Bella, thankful and overjoyed Bella had asked her stay. Edward just held his wife's hand unsure of what to do. He wanted to comfort her and tell her it would be okay, but he was petrified himself.

"You'll do just fine honey," Esme cooed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I won't leave. You can do this, you will get through this," she assured Bella.

"It hurts," Bella wailed. She tried hard to supress and down play the tightness and pressure she was feeling.

The doctor looked her over examining her body, heart beat and blood pressure. He checked the machines and numbers to make sure Bella was progressing nicely. To his shock, she had advanced rather quickly in under an hour and he needed to act quickly.

"Bella, it's time," he said as he walked out the door to grab the nurses.

"Oh, my god, Edward it's time, it's really time. We can do this, right?" Bella questioned Edward. Edward smiled; happiness and excitement overcame his fear. Esme's joy showed clear as day across her face as she pulled Bella's hair into a ponytail. Esme had everything prepared at her house for any stays that would result or any help that was needed.

"It's going to be fine; no it's going to be perfect. We will be perfect." Edward planted a large kiss against Bella's lips. Just then Alice waltzed in with an exuberant smile stretched across her face.

"Everyone is waiting outside, they are all here. Your dad says he loves you, but there are just some things he doesn't need to see. Emmett is consoling an overly emotional Rose. Jasper is hiding in the corner and Jake is just being Jake. Bella, I can't believe this is real, it seems like yesterday you two got married." Alice rambled and thought back on the day she watched her brother get married. Edward was happy but today she could tell he was elated, he was over the moon. She never thought she would ever see him this content, in her opinion, Bella was the best thing to ever happen to him.

The doctor walked in with a trio of nurses, he enjoyed his job despite the fact that he had to deal with some outspoken and vocal women.

"Are you ready Bella?" he questioned her knowing her answer would be the same as the rest.

"No, no I'm not ready, but I don't know if I ever will be. I just want to go home at this point, does that make sense?" she replied. Bella looked into Edward's emerald eyes for reassurance and he gave her a goofy smile, which was all she needed. She noticed the small tear trickling from the corner of his eye as he whispered "I love you."

"Please," she bawled. "Please get them out. It hurts, it's painful, there's pressure." Bella gripped and clawed at Edwards's hand. Edward cringed from the force but kept silent knowing it would all be over soon; her pain would be gone soon.

The doctor instructed Bella to place her legs in the stir-ups spreading her legs wide. Esme held Bella's left hand and Edward held her right.

"Okay, Bella, when you feel the need to push, big breath in and push, alright?" The doctor waited for her response and he got it in the form of a loud scream.

"Yesssss…how about now?" Bella felt intense pressure in her stomach and bowels. "I need to poop; I swear I need to poop." Everyone in the room let out a small chuckle.

"Bella, that's baby A. You are crowning and I just need you to push. Push," he coached her.

"Push, baby push," Edward chanted, "I can see the head, baby, I can see the head. Oh, god baby look you're doing it."

Bella pushed and pushed past that pain, willing the baby to come. She just wanted them out, it was time and she was done. It had been a long thirty-four weeks and she never thought she would make it. Her pregnancy was rough and tough, with trips to the hospital every second day for IV therapy. Bella's morning sickness lasted the whole pregnancy, it didn't stop after three months. Carrying twins was not easy. They enjoyed taking turns playing soccer with her bladder, one would sleep the other wouldn't, they constantly had hiccups. But despite her troubles, she enjoyed it all. When they found out they were having twins during the first ultrasound, the look on Edward's face was priceless. First, shock took over his face followed by a wide, blinding smile and then him flat on the ground. He had passed out. They did not know the sexes because they wanted to be surprised.

"One more push, Bella, baby A is almost out," the doctor requested. Bella took in another large breath of air releasing as she pushed. "It's a girl," the doctor said as he handed the baby off to the first nurse.

"A girl, a girl. It's a girl," Alice cheered and ran out into the hallway to tell everyone. Alice was happy her baby would have a little girl to play with too. The family would have two little girls running around.

Esme was crying tears of joy, "Bella I'm so proud of you, she's beautiful." Little cries filled the room. Edward was speechless as he kissed his wife, silently thanking her with the tears falling from his face. He rushed to be with his baby girl.

"One more, Bella, you can do this now we need to get baby B out." More contractions racked her body; she was tired and really wanted to sleep, but above the fatigue, she was thrilled. She and Edward had a little princess. She drew in another breath, nodding her head she pushed again. Esme continued to coach her as Edward walked over to her with their little girl.

Edward held and cradled that baby who was swaddled in a pink blanket. He vowed to love and protect her until the end of time. He watched his wife give life to their second child. She was exhausted he could see it, but she just kept going, she was a fighter.

"I see baby B," the doctor spoke excitement in his voice. "You can do this."

"You can do this sweetheart, you've given me a granddaughter. You can give me one more," Esme laughed. Alice came bounding back through the door, her swollen belly bouncing with her.

"Can I hold her, Edward?" He nodded and handed his little girl over to her aunt. He then quickly resumed his position next to his wife as she delivered their second child.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," he whispered in her ear. "She's beautiful just like you. She has a head full of hair and she has your nose, she's perfect."

"I love you," Bella grunted through her last push.

"And it's a boy," the doctor announced. Bella let her head fall back against the pillow, letting the tears stream freely down her face.

"Can I see him? Can I see her?" she asked. Edward threw a fist pump into the air and kissed his wife. Alice walked over with her niece and gave her to her mother.

"She's so precious Bella, I can't wait." Alice hugged her sister-in-law.

"It's a boy, it's a boy," Edward laughed, stalking towards his son who was crying. "And a girl, we have one of each. God, I love you so much Bella," he sobbed. He had never felt so complete; he wanted to tell the world. He ran into the hallway to alert his family that they now had a nephew too.

Emmett was ecstatic while Rosalie wept in his arms a smile graced her face. Rosalie was emotional for she too was due any day now and her hormones ran wild.

"That's just so fuck…congratulations man," Emmett embraced his brother Edward in a large bear hug. Jasper walked over to shake Edward's hand for he too would be in the same position in a couple months time. However, he was silently thankful he and Alice were only expecting one child. Rosalie silently walked into Bella's hospital room wanting to meet the new additions; Carlisle and Charlie joined her.

Charlie rushed to his daughter's side, "You okay Bells?"

"Just great Dad, I'm perfect." Charlie bent down to hug his daughter before he went to meet and hold his grandchildren. The hospital room was a whirlwind of doctors, nurses and family, but all Bella wanted was to hold her children. The noise increased and increased until Bella finally yelled.

"I don't mean to be rude or pushy but would you all mind if I had a moment alone with my husband and my babies? I haven't held them yet." Everyone turned to look at her, scrambling to let her see and touch her children.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Edward whispered against her lips. Esme brought Bella her daughter and Charlie her son, they had still yet to be named. Although she and Edward had names picked out, nothing had actually been decided on.

With both babies rested on her chest, the room became silent. Everyone had left giving her the time she needed.

"Edward, what are we going to name them?" she asked as she tried to get her daughter to latch on to her breast. "Ow, that hurts."

Edward chuckled.

"Well we talked about Renee for a girl, after your mom. So why don't we call her Renee Grace?" Bella hummed in agreement.

"And him?" she asked while trying to latch her son to her other breast, it was like she was supporting two footballs. Their son caught on quickly, greedily sucking her nipple into his mouth.

Edward laughed again, "He's his father's son." He brushed the loose hair from Bella's face, "I thought we agreed on Anthony?"

"Yes, but what about his middle name?" She tenderly stroked her babies' cheeks, smiling with content.

"Can I be selfish and ask for Edward?"

"If you want Edward," she smirked at her husband. Edward leaned in and kissed his wife passionately, quietly thanking her for everything she had given him over the last five years.

"I love you," he murmured against her lips. "Can I go get everyone? Please," Bella nodded her head and Edward silently left the room to get his family, letting her have some quiet time with their children.

While Bella was left to her peace and quiet, she thought about her mom and how much she missed her. Four years ago she never thought she'd make it down the aisle without her there, but she did and she knew her mother was there in spirit. Today she never thought she could do it, but she did and she knew her mother stood behind her. She thought back to the night when she and Edward first made love and the many times that followed. She remembered the night he proposed and the romance he gave her. The memories flitted through her mind: their first house, the opening of Edward's surf shop and the start of her photography company. Everything he had given her in life was perfect along with everything they shared.

Now they had two more reasons to feel whole: their daughter Renee Grace Cullen and their son whom Edward ended up naming Anthony Charles Edward Cullen.
posted by 2468244
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end

Sitting pretty, uptightly
The knots keep you at my side
Upstairs in corners eyes blink for the call
Up and out, my beacon
Will choke, if yours is taken
I'd have four more lines
Four more lines

Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end to
Sellotape an end

Harder thoughts, mosquito
Right down my fickle hands
Machine surprises meant for me
Up and out, my beacon
Will choke, if yours is taken
I'd have four more lines
Four more lines

(Sellotape an end to)
It was broken way
(Sellotape an end to)
So we’re on the pages first
continue reading...
You keepin’ on a holdin'
A holdin' on a keepin’
No giving into taking more but still, still feedin'
You're clearly disturbed
All you want is allegiance
Hear them what you saw
You hear them what you saw
You hear them what you saw
You hear them with believin'
Oh holy, holy water washing on the vessel

Collecting all the people you love to sing you a song
Even if they stick to humming
Holding on a song to see them
When you're really sick a sick a sick of love
Leaving with their heart
To shape them within
Even if they stay to running
Hold 'em on the soul, believing
Till you wanna stick a stick a stick to love...
continue reading...
The moon is always full for us
The road is always clear
That's not what you want to hear
One is born so one can die
You must wait a real long time
That's more than you can bear

And the days will come and go
And the band will march alone
Till the day you cast a shadow
And it's nothing like your own

Rolling in on a burning tire
You're gonna set my house on fire
Just to show me that you were there
Flowers raised up like a snake
You will raise to leave me bait
And always, always take

And the days will come and go
And the band will march alone
Till the day you cast a shadow
And it's nothing like your own

The moon is always full for us
The road is always clear
That’s not what you want to hear
That’s not what you want to hear
posted by 2468244
It's all hats off now, all drum rolls and applause
By slight of the hand you will turn them into dust
A face to face you will lead them by the fall

A track fiend and the saw dust
You're allowed to stare it out

It’s all good luck charms
All trying to understand
Indeed inside me will always hope for worse
You say you keep them close by
They're closer than you think

A track fiend and the saw dust
You're allowed to stare it out

Next spring will bring you back again
You'll sigh and crack the whip for us
And maybe you will be the one
Who'll draw the line in the sand
For us to crawl

It's all past bats now
All painting gorgeous time
And maybe when the night comes
You'll open up the cage
You'll open up the cage
posted by 2468244
Situations are critical
You got to look first before you go
If you wasn’t too sure then now you know
The situations are critical

Wait, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
Wait, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
Deep into the darkness where I hide

The monsters are buried down deep inside
You never know when they’re satisfied
Buried down deep where the sun don’t shine
The monsters are buried down deep inside but

Wait, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
You’re wasting away, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
Deep into the darkness where I hide
Deep into the darkness where I hide

Wait, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
Oh wait, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
You’re wasting away, ok, you’ve got to look before you go
Deep into the darkness where I hide
Deep into the darkness where I hide
Deep into the darkness
posted by 2468244
All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something I can’t put my finger on
Maybe I’ve been living for the weekend
Maybe I’ve been living for this cyber soul
But every Friday just about midnight
All my problems seem to disappear
Everyone that I miss when I’m distant
Everybody’s here

I need love
‘Cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
And my friends ‘cause they’re so beautiful
Yeah my friends they are so beautiful
They’re my friends

All my life I’ve been wasting, wasting
Wasting all my money, all my time
All the time that I’m waiting, waiting
Waiting for the moment...
continue reading...
posted by emmaliecullen18
Edward's Pov.

How could we miss out such an important part of Emmett's human life? I wondered disappointed in myself as I was the one who got all his belongings from his original home after his transformation. If rose found out about this ugly truth...only God knows what will she do. I feel very sorry for Rose. She has suffered a lot before and after her change.
What should I do..ah...yes!! "Esme!!" I screamed out loud.

She was there within seconds wearing a white Puicillico gown. From the day Rose entered our lives she has changed every bit of us... you know in a better way....Esme was one...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Rose Pov.

(I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT...and I'm not going to repeat this :'(

And he wasn't far away....I thought as Edward shot me a confused glance. I smiled at his expression and then quickly explained him about what I had found out.


I was getting extremely bored as Emmett had left to have some "Lost and Alone Vampire time " huh!! I felt like throwing up when he actually said it but I didn't because....
Firstly - I couldn't...I mean I'm a vampire. Duh!..puking blood....seriously???!!??

Secondly - he looked kinda serious. And believe me that face you will not like to see. So I switched...
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posted by 2468244
Down to you
You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don’t know what I

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should’ve never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should’ve never thought of you

Of you
You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don’t know what I want
No, I don’t know what I want

You got it, you got it, some kid of magic
Hypnotic, hypnotic, you’re leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this, you’re not the one I believe in
With God as my witness

Now when I caught myself, I...
continue reading...
posted by karlygirl26
Hey guys, my name is Karly and I've decided to write my own fan fiction. Okay, imagine Edward never came back because Alice never told Roslie anything, so Edward never assumed Bella died. And now it's just Jacob and Bella. Here's the start of my story- lengthy by the way- and let me know what you think or any ideas you have that you would like me to add in. I appriciate all thoughts negative or positive. :) Thanks. :)

*Full Moon*

The piercing shrill of my alarm clock woke me up out of my deep sleep. I threw my arm at it hitting the buttons, hoping it was snooze. I sat up slowly and rubbed...
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posted by mrscullen43299
Chapter 2 yay!!!!:)

Edward's POV:
Today was the best day so far... It could never be ruined. The Volturi were gone. They were so gone. They were never going to return. They were gone for good. I really couldnt think of why they had given up so easily. It really racked up my head with questions. But, it didnt matter anymore. We were together- Forever. Never to be separated. Bella, Renesmee, and I Had forever together. We had all the time in the world. We all loved each other. "Nessie, are you done hunting?" I asked her. "Yes, Im ready daddy," she replied....
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posted by marvel517639
Here’s chapter 7 enjoyJ
Hala’s Pov
Embry and Natalia came over. I couldn’t get over how beautiful was. Seth and I told him we have sex and he freaked. But I told him that it was a joke. It was so funny. We were watching Edward and Alice playing Mortal Kombat. Mind Reader against Alice who can see the future. It was so much fun watching them. Hope came home bring an angel? The angel was like twelve a beautiful blonde angel. She walked in and looked at me “Are you Hala Call?” I nodded “Yes why are you asking?” Everyone was confused. She pointed at me “You will be the one to protect...
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posted by marvel517639
Here's chapter 6 :)
Seth's Pov
I watched as Hala in wolf form angrily ripped that vampire from limbs. I knew she was wounded messed up vision in her right eye. Broken ribs and I didn’t do anything. I was shocked. After Hala killed the vampire she wined realized what she did. She thought as herself as a killer a murder not the person she was. I walked next to her licking her cut on her right eye as she flinched at the pain showing her the memories on day at the beach and earlier today. She was smiling licking my cheek. She looked back me “Look I can see again!” She was happy and jumping...
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Breaking Dawn may have been a smash hit with Twihards all over the world, but the Golden Raspberry foundation was impressed for a different reason.

They've nominated the flick for 8 of their Razzie awards, which are like the Oscars but for the "worsts" of the year, so they're a little more fun.

Breaking Dawn was nominated for:
•Worst Picture
•Worst Screenplay
•Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off, or Sequel
•Worst Director
•Worst Screen Ensemble
•Worst Actor: Taylor Lautner
•Worst Actress: Kristen Stewart
•Worst Screen Couple

Do you think Breaking Dawn deserves the nominations?
posted by marvel517639
K here's the redo of chapter 2!:) i hope you enjoy!

Natalia's Pov

I was dreaming of me and Embry making love. I've always wanted to make Embry happier than he alredy is and give him children. But everytime we're in the mode he pushes me away and I look at him with pleading eyes "Please Embry please!" He shakes his head just like that last hundred times I pleaded. My hands are on his face leaning my head to his until he grabs my wrists looking at me seriuosly "Natalia no." My head falling and then he let go my wrists. He pulls my chin up making me look at him "Natalia please don't be upset....
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posted by vampnarutogirl1
"you have no idea what you have done!" Mrs Chridils voice was bleak "Her wings are not fake, just as her note is not fake" she turns to me with a warm and caring smile on her face "Come with me Maria we'll go fix your wing" I slowly get up and glare at the english teacher one more time before i slowly start to walk out the room. "she's such a freak. I bet she can't fly" says the boy in the back row thinking i can't hear him. I stoped dead in my tracks frozen with anger and rage. "I think she heard you" says the little girl to the left of the boy. I disappear then reappear next to the boy and...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
Authors Note

1.    This story is about Jacob and Bella’s daughter
2.    If Bella and Jacob had ended up together after Eclipse
3.    The whole Cullen family and everyone who was in the story is still in the story except for Reneesme of course
4.    I am not a team Jacob, Trust me I’m Team Edward, but I don’t have anything against Jacob
5.    Jacob and Bella’s daughter is born December 6th, 2010
6.    Her name is Lauren Savannah Black
7.    She has a older...
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posted by VivienneJane
Karina pov.

they where upstairs fight with the volturi just to save me i felt bad, my best friends mother and father and her family were fighting to save me, when i had almost killed her during birth, this wasnt fair. My bff had had many occasions when he had hit Demitri in the head with a brick, that had made me laugh.when i walked into a room and finds something that the wolski's are hidding is this what the volturi came for this little piontless rock.
the volturi want me to join them and i didn't so when i didn't now i have to turn my back on my family but i'm really trying to find out more...
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Chapter 1

Click link for Chapter 1

Title:New Begginings Chapter 2
Themes: Love, marriage,
Coupling: Jacob/Bella, Edward/Bella.

Edward's POV

I continued to watch even after he had walked through the door.
I was compelled to. I couldn't pinpoint that face, but his marking on his should rang like a bell.

Who was he? Why does he live at Bella's home? Is he? Is he really? Is he really her new lover?

I knew I shouldn't assume, nor should I should dissappointed, I asked her to. Right?
I told her to, I told her directly, it was my pure intention.
I wanted her to move on and live...
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[A New Story From the Author of HELLO, MY NAME IS: DEATH Series - BuffyFaithfan1]
Chapter Three: A House is Not a Home
    Jessika had packed everything she would need, miscellaneous wise anyways. She wouldn’t pack her clothes until a day or two before they left because what if she needed to wear something she packed away? Then she would have to dig through everything just to find it. Jessika zipped the last bag and put it by the other one by the door. So far she only had two bags. For her clothes she...
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