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posted by LexisFaith
Change of story (kind of) make sure you know that ,now, they had to postpone the reunion by a fewdays, leaving this first day of the reunion a week later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jacob laid his hand on the side of her shoulder, but she pulled back. "Hi, Jacob." She didn't bother to feel it with heart.

"Aw, com on, Bella." He rolled his eyes. "Don't be like that."

"Like what?" She asked.

"Pushing me away. I haven't see you in ten years." He smirked.

"I know." She smiled. More like grimced.

"Why don't you and I go catch up." He smiled...ugh.

"No, Jacob." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Bella." It wasn't pleading, more like comanding.

"She said no." I growled and stood prtectivly infront of her.

"You still after her, Cullen?" He laughed. "Still waiting for the night in bed?" He laughed louder and elbowed Pual's arm who was laughing with him.

"Already happened." Bella growled. I turned to Bella who was glaring at him around my shoulder.

Alice, I assume, giggled behind me.

Jacob stopped laughing. "Your serious?"

"You wanna' see a bruse?" She asked, her voice raising with her eyebrows.

Bruise?! She held up her arm straight in the air showing the bruise under her upper arm.

"You could have gotten that anywhere." Jacob huffed.

She grabbed my hand and placed my thumb directly on the bruise. A perfect fit. I felt my mouth gaping, but I couldn't close it.

"So he hurt you?" Jacob gloated.

"No." She smiled without humor. "I never felt it. My mind was to busy thinking about something else."

Jacob, clearly beyond angry, stomped out the hotel doors.

"I left a bruise?" I asked.

"Yea." She sighed.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I hugged her.

"Don't worry." She smiled. "I really didn't notice."

"Alright, alright." Emmett butt in. "I haven't eaten yet and the food here is amazing last I remember, so I would like to eat, and you two are ruining it."

"I'm sure if it were you and Rose you wouldn't think it was stomach churning." Jasper smiled.

"No, no I don't." Emmett stated.

"Hey, everyone, and Welcome. I'm glad you all could make it this week. It's been a long time since we have seen eachother last and as much as I like catching up, I'm starved. So, let's eat."
Jessica Stanley, or should I say, Jessica Newton turned away from the microphone and led the way to the buffett.


I wrapped my arm in Edward's as he led me to the food. When Jessica was up on stage, I noticed a baby bump. But it wasn't just a bump.

"I think Jessica is pregnant." I whispered to Edward.

He looked down at me, one eye brow raised. "Really? I didn't notice." He smiled.

I hit his arm with my clutch. "Shut up." I laughed.

We loaded our plates with food I more than usual. I didn't eat breakfast. We all sat at a round table just like high school. From right to left it was Me, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and then Back to me. Same seats, too.

"So, Bella." Alice wiped her mouth with her napkin. "What do you do now?"

I set down my fork and wiped my own mouth. "I'm a Vet. But not regular animals. For instence, I have a 2 year old white tiger named Saber."

"Like as a pet?" Emmett was dumb founded.

"Yes." I laughed. "Her mother was a tiger I treated but she died. So I have raised Saber since she was a cub."

"That's so cute." Alice smiled and everyone laughed at her. "Well, it is."

"What do you do?" I asked her.

"My own clothing line." She gleamed. "Pixie Dust."

"I should have known." Rose stood up and made a circle. "This is your dress." She smile.

It was a aqua blue dress that was the same color as her eyes and hit a little higher than her knees. It was tight at the bust but flowed everywhere else.

"I just designed that last month!" Alice squealed. "I even designed it with you in mind, to match your eyes and your style."

"Well, I LOVE it." She smiled and sat back down.

"What do you do Edward?" Rose said when she sat back down.

He pulled his wallett out of his jean pocket and fliped it open pulling out his FBI ID and tossed it at her. "FBI."

"No way! Let me see that!" Emmett snatched it from Rose but she got it back.

"This is cool." Rose smiled and gave it to Emmett when she was done. "Ageant Edward Anthony Cullen."

"It makes it sound like your a spy." I whispered to him.

Alice was the last person to look then she gave it to me. I had already seen it so I passed it to Edward. Alice nudged my side and I looked over at her. She shot up one eye brow and smirked. I blushed and turned back to my food.

Alice looked great to have a two year old son. He was adorable of course. Her hair was long, almost to her waist and it curled in large spiral curls and parted on the side.

Rose cropped her hair a little longer than her shoulers. And insted of it being SUPER wavy, it was straight, but full of body.

"So what do you do, Jazz?" Edward, stuffed his card back into it's slot.

"I'm a history professer at Seattle U." He smiled.
"I love working with all the students and they all seem to like me."

"One a little to much." Alice rolled her eyes. "This girl, Carly, flirts with him all the time, she even asked for his number. So one day," Alice started smiling, "I showed up with lunch for him. I was sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck while he ate his sandwhich. Kale was running around and beating the erasers together. It was so cute. Anyway," She waved her hand. "We where laughing at Kale and as soon as Jazz kissed me, Carly opened the door.

Talk about daggers." She laughed. "She stommped over to me and said 'What the hell do you think your doing?'. So I stood up and picked up Kale and told her, 'I came to visit my husband and brought Kale with me so Jasper could see his son.." She started laughing.

"I thought she was going to throw up." Jasper laughed.

*~*~*Later That Night*~*~*

"I knew Jessica was pregant." I smiled to Edward as I opened the door and let us in. "I talked to her and she said she was having a girl. How cute."

He had brought all his things over and was "staying" in the guest house. It was even Charlie's idea. Not that I am ccomplaining. I smiled to myself as I opened the door to my room and took off my shoes.

Edward took off his suit jacket leaving him in a white v neck and jeans.

I collapsed on the bed and a few minuted later sat up to see Edward with one knee on the couch looking at me.

"What?" I asked and yawned.

"Your tired?" He asked. I looked over at the clock it was only 7.

"I guess I just need a nap." I shrugged.

"You already had a nap before we went. Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"I feel fine. Just tired." I lied as I shimmied out of my dress. I heard him take in a sharp breath and I had to smile to my self as I pulled a tank top over my head and stepped in to a pair of red flannel pants.

I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV as Edward changed into flannel pants to match mine. We did this often. He picked up my feet and sat down, setting my feet in his lap. I rested my head on the back of the couch and my eye lids closed with ease.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I knew this place like the back of my hand. This was the place my grandmother was buried. Charlie's mom was like a second mother to me. I loved her more than anything and it killed me when she passed away. Every once in a while I would come out here to talk to her before I graduated.

Now I would have dreams I was here talking to her only I could see her and hear her. She would always tell me something improtent. Very importent. And this was one of those dreams.

"Hey Gram." I smiled.

"Bella." She cover her mouth with her hands. Her silver hair piled in a bun on top of her head. Her brown eyes sparkling. "You look, so grown. So beautiful." She moved her hands to her heart.

"Thank you, Gram." I smiled. "There must be something importent about to happen. Am I right?"

"Isabella. Things are going to change." She held my hand.

"What do you mean?" She wasn't going to tell me. I knew that. She only gave me hints.

She shook her head. "You know I can' tell you. We are only sent for warnings. Now, things are going to be different. Very defferent. You're going to have to tell yourself what is right, and you can't push people away. Don't jump to conclusions. And trust your instincts."

I nodded.

She pulle me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "Good luck, Bella."

"Bye, Gram."

My eyes fluttered open and I turned over. Light was starting to pour though my windows. I had slept through the entire night.

"Good morning." Edward smiled. His voice was husky from sleep. It made him even more sexy.

I smiled slighly and snuggled over to him. "I'm sorry I slept so long." I told him.

"It is perfectly fine." He kissed my head.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked into his bare chest.


I lifted my head to kiss him and then stood up to stretch. When I put my arms over my head, my stomach knotted and I ran to the bathroom. Shit! I knew I shouldn't have lied to him last night. Ugh. I hope this wasn't one of those viruses and that it was just something I ate last night.

I rinsed my mouth out and made my way back to the bed.

"Are you sick?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I feel fine now. I think it was something I ate last night."

I'm sure it twas something I ate last night because I felt perfect. I was back to normal.

Edward pulled me into a kiss. A kiss just like the one the kiss last week. My attention adverted to my dream last night. "Things are going to change." What did she mean? Oh, no.

I broke away from him and ran back into the bathroom. On my way back up I saw the box. "Things are going to change."

Oh, no. Oh, no, oh, no. No, no, no, no.

This couldn't way.

"Bella?" Edward knocked on the door.

I wiped my silent tears and opened the door.

"Bella? Bella, what's wrong?" He asked franticly.

"I...I don't uh...." I took a deep shaky breath. "I don't think I'm sick."
posted by basketballstar
This is a follow on to my story of Alice's Obsession. It was slightly difficult to write, as I never intended a follow on for the first one! Please comment and tell me what you think!

The night was pitch black as I approached my house. The moon shone down upon it, creating an eerie shadow across the meadow. The fact that there were no lights on inside didn’t strike me as strange, as I could hear the thoughts inside. I managed to shut them out before I could get too grossed out.... I made a mental note to stay away from all their rooms.
I scaled the side of the building quickly....
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posted by mia1emmett
:) ;) i love how i ended this chapter
Chapter 14
            School is fun
    Today was my first day at the packs school. Me Paul and Jared are in the same grade then Jake, Quill, Embry, Leah then Seth. It was 6:30 I got up and walked to Jake’s bathroom quickly showered and grabbed a t-shirt with a peace sign and all over writing that said peace. Then I grabbed cut off shorts. I changed and walked out grabbed my white nikes and let Jake in to change and get ready. I made us breakfast and I noticed that Billy was...
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posted by mia1emmett
Tell me if you want to see *sparks* ;)
Chapter 13
     Welcome to the pack
    I drove into Jakes drive way and I turned my car off. It was raining so my vampire scent had gone. I walked out into the soaking rain and knocked on jakes door. Jacob answered it and said “right this way”. I walked in and saw the whole pack was there jake, embry, seth, paul, sam, leah, jared, quil. them all and sat down on the empty chair I said “um.. I am guessing jake told you all to come. Well thing is the Volturi are coming they smelt me, Edward, and Emmett in Italy...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Later that night, I got out of the shower, ready to go to bed, anxious for Verona's arrival tomorrow morning. I was tired and anxious. If you're anxious, doesn't that mean that you should be awake and a bit energized? Anyways, I am tired and anxious, and if that wasn't possible before, it now is.
    "You tired?" I asked Jerek once I crawled into bed.
    "Yea. Being nervous, and now anxious, made me tired. Plus, I had to fight a few people in...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    Five minutes later, seven knocks came to the door again, and I let Ethan back into the room.
    "He's there. I told him to lock the door, and watch out for people." Ethan said, and I felt better now.
    "Thanks so much." I said, and he nodded.
    "So, when does Shropee get here?" He asked.
    "We don't know. She said she'll knock ten times on the door so we know it's her and Jerek." Tabra answered.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Cydnee, right?" The doctor said, and I nodded. "You must be Tabra." Tabra nodded. "Hi, I'm Dr. Black. But call me Ethan, please."
    "Alright, Ethan." Tabra rose to his feet and shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya'."
    "Yea. Can I ask you something, Ethan?" I sat on my bed, and he nodded.
    "Did you ever have Verona as a patient?" I asked him. "She's on this floor, room 23."
    "Yes, I did. I know why...
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posted by mia1emmett
i know this is short sorry.
Chapter 12
    I was running with Embry and Seth. Embry stopped me and I asked “what? We have to go!” but then I heard Sam say “Embry don’t do it she’s not ready” Jake grabbed my hand but Embry smacked it away and growled. I tried to run but he held tighter, I screamed ‘help!’ and Paul came running to my side. He pushed Embry and grabbed me and started running with me but then Embry pushed Paul and Paul got mad. But then I gave Paul a look and he walked away and that’s when...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is how i pictured Estella
this is how i pictured Estella
ok this is very simple and short but you'll love the next chapter :)

Chapter 6
            WOULD YOU? O.o
Emmett honked his horn in my face and my face must have been funny
because I saw jasper and Emmett laugh, Alice came to my rescue and
smacked both of them. I laughed and opened the door. Alice and jasper
gave me a hard time about wanting to leave for Italy. I noticed rose was all silent. It puzzled me. I felt a change in emotion and I instantly hit jasper, Emmett laughed and I said "don't play with my emotions!" then jasper said...
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This is a sequel to "When The Stars Align" I hope you like it.☺☺☺

I lay in the bed, waiting for Tala to burst through my door and "wake" me up. I sighed, wishing that Seth was here with us, but he couldn't be, he was dead. I started to get up to see why she wasn't up yet. I peeked into her room, she was still asleep.
"Wake up Sunshine" I whispered in her ear. She opened her eyes and smiled.
"Morin' Mommy" She said and got out of bed. She went into the kitchen and sat in her chair.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her.
"PANCAKES!" She yelled and smiled. She looked so much like Seth...
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Edwards’s pov

Approaching the meadow was weird I mean we were about to try and get my daughter back os it was like I don’t know it’s really hard to explain it right now.
Bella has been playing with her hair all the way here and now stood here she is crying tearless tears.
She looked so helpless without our baby and I remembered back to the time she use to look like that when I first got her back when she didn’t have any life in them eyes. It pained me so.

It hit me a minute later their thoughts about whom and which one they are after I scanned across them until I reached nessies.
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posted by groovychicklisa
Music and Memories

Charlie had left by the time I got up the next morning; he was fishing with Billy again, and probably wouldn't be back until late. I did the homework that had to be done by Monday and cleaned the house, but it was still barely noon by the time I had finished. Edward hadn't said when he would call, so when the phone rang a few minutes later, I almost fell down the stairs in my hurry to get to it.

"Hello?" I answered breathlessly.

"Hi honey!"

I let out a slightly disappointed sigh; mom.

"Hey mom." I started twirling the chord around my finger, hoping this wouldn't turn out to be...
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posted by karpach_13
this is ivan
this is ivan
we walked upto jake and he just looked at eric. i wondered what he was planning to do but i wasn't really good at guessing so theres no help. i looked at jake. his eyes were burning with anger.
"jake whats wrong?" i asked him. no answer, only two of them staring at each other, it was like a staring competition. them i saw sam and seth come to the school. then i knew there was going to be danger for sure.
"sam!" i yelled. he walked up to and started whispering something to seth.
"what is it nessie?" he asked me.
"whats happening with jake?" i asked him. he didnt look worried at all, like it was...
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posted by NeeNee14
When we got back to the hotel , it was about 3:00 so I decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I realized I needed a ponytail holder ,but it was in my bag. I took the towel and wrapped around me and stepped out. Seth wasn't in here so I hurried and grabbed one before he came back.
I went back into the bathroom and turned on the water. I heard a door open and close and saw Seth standing there. I looked at him as he began to take his shirt off. I looked at him like he was going crazy. He looked at me and smiled.
"We don't want to waste water" He said as he took...
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posted by NeeNee14
I got ready for school the next day, as I walked out the house. I saw Danny standing in my yard. I looked down the street and saw Seth standing there. Iran up to Danny and jumped into his arms and kissed him. I felt the tears pouring down my face, not because I missed Danny, but because I hurt Seth. He put me down and hugged me.
"I missed you so much Cookie" he said. I didn't say anything."Let's go okay." He walked me over to his car and shut the door after me. Just as he was about to get in, someone pulled him from the car and punched him in his face. I got up and saw Seth standing over him.
"Stay away from my girlfriend you prick!!" I heard him yell at Danny who was laying on the floor holding his nose. I stormed past them both and hopped into my car and drove off. I felt the tears streaming down my face. Next thing I know everything went black and I could her Seth calling my name.
"Lanise!!Lanise!!Somebody call the hospital!!!sSomebody please-"and evrything went silent....
posted by NeeNee14
I pulled in front of my house and Seth was sitting on my porch.
"Hey " he said and got up. he was going to give me a hug but I put my hand on his chest to stop him. he looked at me confused.
"I'm so sweaty." I said a little embarrassed. I put my hand down and walked towards the house. He picked my up from behind and carried me in. He carried me into my room and threw me on my bed. he laid next to me.
"Are you gonna wait here?"I asked him.
"I'll always wait for you." He said. I smiled and got up, grabbed my towel and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. I hurried...
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posted by NeeNee14
I had all my classes with Seth,but this one girl kept giving me the evil eye. I just ignored her.I sat with Seth and his friends Jacob, Paul, Quil,Kim, and Nessie.
Seth came over after school. He waited for me to change because I had to go to Ballet practice. I came down with my hair in a bun , my leotard and some shorts on. I sat my bag by the door.
Seth stared at me and smiled. He motioned for me to come sit by him on the couch.
"Lanise, I need to tell you something.OK?It may sound weired but its all true."He said to me. I shook my head
"Seth I will believe anything you say."
"I' m a werewolf...and...
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posted by basketballstar
This short story is told from Edward's point of view. It's based on Twilight, and maybe a bit of Midnight Sun. It's about Alice's obsession of wanting to talk with Bella. I guess it shows Alice's determination and Edward's stubborness. Please comment and tell me what you think!

Even before Bella, the strongest relationship I had in my family was with Alice. We had always been freaks among those who were already freaks, with my mind reading and her future seeing. We looked out for each other, we kept each other’s secrets, and we annoyed the hell out of one another.
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posted by jacob_lover5253
I skipped Jacob's chapter to put Bella's chapter in...Jacob's chapter will be next though.

Chapter 14. (Edward)

I stormed off the porch. I was going to look for no matter what. I found her. She was with Jacob and Leah. Leah? They heard my presence. Bella snapped her head up. Leah and Jacob growled. Bella tried her hardest to looked away but she couldn't. What's wrong with her. "Jake." Leah started. Her expression softened. Jacob looked from me to Bella then back to me. What!?!? I'm seriously confused.

Chapter 15. (Bella)

I couldn't help not to look. "Jake." Leah said. Jacob looked back and forth...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Chapter 14. (Edward)

Did Bella just phase in to a werewolf? When she wasn't looking I took off into the woods. What the hell just happened? I walked into the house with a horror struck expression. 'Edward what happened?' Jasper thought. "Bella just-just..." I trailed off. Alice came out of the kitchen. "Phased." She finished for me. "What?" Everyone asked together. I caught a glimpse of Alices vision. It was my future of course. And it was blank. Is this the end of my life?

'Edward what now?' Alice thought. "I don't know." I answered her thoughts. I stormed out of the house. I have to find Bella....
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posted by karpach_13
"uncle emmett when i said i can keep an eye on everybody i meant, i can keep an eye on everybody except my parents" i told him, and my parents relaxed.
"how can you have two powers?" my grandma esme asked me.
"three" i corrected her. her eyes widened. then i got an idea.
"uncle emmett wanna fight?" i asked him. and he turned to me with a great big smile.
"nessie no" my mom said.
"this is the best part of my power, relax mom" i told her.
"i'd love to fight, and i'd love to warn u watch your back," uncle emmett told me. i nodded. we went into the backyard to fight.
"you start" i told uncle emmett. he...
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