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A BIG BIG BIG thank you to everyone for ALL the support and, of course, reading my story. There's not enough I can do to repay you for your kindness <333 I like this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it too :] Thank you again.
Love Me, Hate Me, Lie to Me
The further Summer ran from Forks, she felt like an important piece of her life had recently gone missing. She was happy the Cullens weren’t physically hurt, and Aro hadn’t been thinking spiteful thoughts against them. But, there was a chance he was only thinking about killing them while she wasn’t around him. Aro didn’t even know Jake due to Summer’s enhanced skills, which was certainly a good thing. Although it grieved her to say this, she probably did belong with Aro. Summer wasn’t the cheating type and, considering Aro married her, that itself was a sign. She was linked to Aro for eternity. Yet, when she kissed Jake, it seemed…superlative, genuine, and enchanting. It was as if their hearts were two puzzle pieces that simply fit to create a bigger, brighter picture. Did it feel that way for her and Aro? She used to think so, but now, she was having second thoughts. Summer tried to shake that belief off. Since she’d been away from him for so long, her emotions were playing tricks on her mind and heart. Was that the truth? She sighed internally. It had to be; she must forever be with Aro, and frankly, she’d possibly never lay eyes on the Cullens or Jake in the future. If this was the new torment her spirit would need to deal with, then fine. Ultimately, she knew this wasn’t about her; it was about the safety of Jake and the Cullens, and, judging by what she comprehended, they were secure from harm. Then why did she keep on telling herself that? Ugh, she just needed to stop thinking for a little while; she was digging herself into a deeper hole with every thought. They had been running for five hours and already they had reached the east coast. They found themselves in a cramped, wooded area near a major beach site in Georgia. Summer’s energy was depleting, but sleep began overtaking Chloe first. Aro agilely came to a stop, “Perhaps we should stop here for the night, dear. The place is quite deserted, and Chloe is about ready to fall off my back.” He smoothed her lovely dark hair, “And look at you; I’m sure you can’t take another step without fainting.” The appeal of his voice sounded so caring. He hadn’t always been that way before Summer left. She nodded wearily, “I agree. Let’s find somewhere to lay her down.” He led her to a grassy clearing hidden away under a canopy of trees. Summer kneeled down and laid their daughter on the soft ground. She cocked her head to the side. Aro laughed and took off his jacket, “Here.” He folded it and handed it to Summer. She beamed at him, “How did you know?” He smirked, “You’re my wife. It’s my duty to know you by heart, inside and out.” She placed Aro’s folded jacket under Chloe’s head, “Perfect!” Aro sat next to Summer, looking her in the eyes.
“Now,” she began playfully, “I wonder what’s going to be my pillow?” Aro chuckled, carefully wrapping her in his cool arms, “What do you think?” He whispered into her ear. She flipped her hair back and laid on his chest, “Not the softest pillow in the world, but certainly an inviting one.” He continued stroking her hair. “You know,” she began, “I cried every night because you weren’t there to hold me as you always did.” She sensed him slightly cringe. She raised her chin to look at him, “Are you alright?” He sighed, “I can’t stand the thought of torturing you the way I did.” Summer’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean?” His countenance shone with clear discomfort, “I should have been more diligent in finding you.” Summer’s heart wanted to protest against that, but it would seem very awkward, “Aro, the important thing is that you and I are together now. Past mistakes don’t matter, so we shouldn’t act like they still exist.” He smiled, “Wow, I have a wise wife.” She giggled, caressing his cheek with her thumb. He pressed her hand affectionately against his face, never taking his eyes off her. She crawled up on him and kissed his sweet lips for several minutes, though it only seemed close to a few seconds for the married lovers. Summer hadn’t forgotten about Jake, despite being with her husband. However, she was trying to convince herself that she loved him as a friend instead of an admirer. She closed her eyes and breathed in Aro’s scent; fortunately for him, it still allured her. “So, I’m merely curious, but how did you manage to find Chloe and I, honey?” Aro gazed up at the sparkling night sky, “In the past, I had contemplated the Cullens befriending you making you a part of their coven, but I shied away from it after some time. Yesterday morning, I finally decided that it wouldn’t hurt to confirm my suspicions. And, sure enough,” he squeezed her warmly, “you were there.” She gave him her dazzling, lying smile, “I see why I couldn’t catch up to you, though.” He continued, “You’ve been to many different places.” Summer nodded, remembering the fun times she had travelling freely with her Chloe, a luxury she’d obviously need to give up now. “Why did you leave Volterra, darling?” Aro questioned innocently in his entrancing Italian voice. Summer bit her lower lip, “Didn’t you see why when you read my thoughts?” “Thoughts are not solid bases for all answers, dear.” He pointed out. She paused for a moment, “I didn’t approve of what you were doing to Chloe, Aro.” She stated flatly. He made no attempt to silence her. “You allow every other Volturi member the freedom of choice, but you had already made plans on where to position our only daughter. I understand you think she should stay within the Volturi, but if she has no desire to, then she should be allowed to go where she pleases.” His red eyes gazed at her apologetically, “I guessed that was the reason quite a while ago, and in no way do I blame you for it.” Summer’s eyes grew wide. Did he SERIOUSLY say that? This was not the Aro she remembered.
He was much more compassionate now than ever before. “It was my fault for pressurizing her. I became so entangled in the situation that I couldn’t see what I was doing. If she desires to leave when she is older, I will let her, although we both would miss her terribly.” Summer stared at him silently, gleaming, “What happened to you?” Aro arched an eyebrow. “You were never this considerate before, Aro.” Summer was totally shocked. He grinned, “When you left, many things changed, including me.” He seemed to be telling the truth, and Summer desperately wanted to believe it. Was it possible for a powerful man like Aro to drastically humble himself? She supposed anyone could change their ways. She hugged him, “I’m so proud of you.” “For?” “For changing. I mean, you didn’t even bring the Volturi guard with you—“ “Actually,” he interrupted, sounding rather guilty, “I did.” Summer stared at him, “You…you did? You lied to Carlisle?” Why on earth did that surprise her?! “I’m so sorry dear, but I had to. It was only in case they offered any kind of resistance.” He expression was lifeless, “You had intent to kill them if they resisted?” “No, of course not.” He defended, “Only intent to hold them back.” Summer gritted her teeth; this was an unexpected hurricane in her sunny view of Aro. “How come Carlisle couldn’t trace their scents?” “We’ve had a new addition to our guard a year ago. Her name is Dominique, and her power is masking any number of scents, something you do as well.” Summer could mask scents using the power of her shield. “Where are they now?” She inquired. “Well, I imagine they are back in Volterra, darling. As soon as you and I reunited, they left.” Summer stuck out her lip in a pout. She wasn’t certain what to make of this. “I lied for your safety, sweetheart. I would never hurt Carlisle, nor his family. He was a very dear friend of mine.” Summer knew that was probably not true either, considering Edward told her what had happened between him and the Volturi a while back. Aro nearly killed both Edward and Bella. He touched her rosy cheek with his icy palm, “Can you forgive me for being so overprotective, love, please?” “Yes, I do. At least no one was hurt.” She had to say yes. What could she do if she said no? Say she was in love with a werewolf and run back to Forks? HA, not likely. He kissed the top of her head, “Thank you. You should get to sleep now. It’s nearing dawn, honey.” She sealed her eyes shut, drifted off to sleep, and dreamed the same nightmare she had a few days ago.
As usual, Summer’s little alarm clock was there right on time to wake her. “Mommy, wake up!” She tugged a lock of her mother’s curls. “Let’s try this, sweetheart.” Aro suggested with a chuckle. He and Chloe started tickling Summer on her neck and stomach. Her eyes flew open as she writhed in laughter, “Okay, I’m awake, I’m awake! Stop!” The father and daughter laughed hysterically at Summer, “We have to get moving, sleepyhead.” “I don’t think I’m ready to swim across an ocean.” She smiled groggily. That was weird to say. Aro helped her off the grass, “I can always carry you.” He winked impishly at her. She patted his chest, “I’ll let you know if I need it. Let’s go.” Chloe climbed onto Aro’s back and hung on tightly, “Will this be scary, daddy?” He rubbed the little hands clung around his neck, “Not while mommy and I are here with you, dear.” Summer kissed her daughter’s cheek, “It’ll be fun, hun.” Aro and Summer walked to the empty neighboring beach. Summer scooped a handful of crystal blue water and splashed it at Aro. He wiped his wet face and ran after his wife, both roaring with amusement. When they could no longer feel the ocean floor beneath their feet, they submerged underwater and sped toward Italy’s coastline. Summer pointed out many schools of colorful fish to Chloe, and Aro showed Chloe a few whales and coral reefs. The three enjoyed spending time together. Summer forgot what it felt like to be with her husband without worrying about the different things going on around her. It was around 4 pm when the family reached Volterra, which majestically sat on the beautiful Italian west coast. “Do you remember how to get into the Volturi’s living space?” He teased. Summer smacked him on the arm, “No…” she said sarcastically, smiling. The three slipped through the back door of the bell tower where they couldn’t be seen. They walked down the narrow passageway that led to both a stairwell and elevator. “Which one, signorina?” Aro addressed to Chloe. Chloe beamed and pointed to the elevator. Summer shook her head, “She hates stairwells, oddly enough.” Chloe pressed the button and pulled her mommy and daddy inside. The doors opened up when they hit the bottom floor. They stepped out into a lobby that looked like something you’d see in a classy lawyer’s office. There was a pretty blonde human female sitting behind the receptionist desk, and Summer knew all too well why she was there. She was basically one with the false scenery. The girl grinned up at Summer, jealousy hinting in her eyes. Aro’s hand was mingled with Summer’s, so the girl correctly supposed Summer was Aro’s inamorata. Summer nodded to her politely. Chloe smiled at the human woman, also, for courtesy’s sake. She didn’t understand the purpose of her being there as yet.
Aro pushed open the large, rather old, wooden door and led his family down the corridor. Summer cupped her hand to Aro’s ear, “Are we going to see everyone else?” “Would you like to, love?” He asked her affectionately. “Sure. Why not say hello since we’re already here?” He stopped in front of two other large doors. He twisted the handle and walked into the room with a glowing smile, Summer and Chloe at his side. All the red-eyed vampires glared at Summer, some happily, and some in amazement. “Hello again, everyone.” Aro’s melodious voice sang out in the dead silence, “Each of you, except Dominique, knows Summer, my gorgeous wife.” His eyes smiled down at her. “Hello all. It’s wonderful to be back here with you.” The guard respected her because of her abilities, so they were, or at least pretended to beam back at her. Marcus welcomed her back with open arms. The only two people scowling at her was Caius, her self-proclaimed enemy, and Dominique, a teenaged, red-haired vampire who seemed like she was ready to murder her at any given time. Summer hadn’t the slightest clue why Dominique loathed her presence; what had she done to offend her? Summer held onto Aro, drawing closer to him. He lovingly put his arm around her tiny waist, and when he did, she was positive Dominique hissed at her. Summer could tell this would be a long evening.
posted by demilovatirocks
When she opened the door she saw...

Bella's P.O.V
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I walked into that house I wanted to scream.I saw a major make out session going on.Emmett and Rosalie,Joe and Sonny,Kevin and ashley,Selena and Nick,Alice and Jasper, Edward and ?????

Regular P.O.V
Everyone but Demi:running away scared out of there minds
Demi:{confused}Whatever[Sat down and watched TV]
Joe,Nick,Kevin came in with Adam and Sarah holding their ears.Then Edward,Jasper,and Emmett came in with Carlisle and Esme holding their ears.All of the boys yelling because it hurts.The girls walk in after them...
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posted by teamalice_0
Heyo! I'm not really in a good mood, where's JAsper when you need him, lol. I couldn't wait to do this chapter so I AM!!
(and yes, I'm still doing this!)


"You know how I'm a werewolf and all?"

"Shapshifter, actualy."

"How you know that? Anyhow, remember Jake and Nessie?"

"What about them, I don't how Alice will rip off your head, for what their doing."

"Kinda, I did the same thing Jake did to Nessie, but different."

I waited for him to go on, I could possibly see anyway for this to be connected to me, or us. I also didn't see where...
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Emmett's Comedy

Chapter One

It was the very first day of school in the small town of Forks, Washington. A pretty boring town if you ask me. Low crime rate, high optimism rate. Like I said- pretty darn boring!! Rose took the usual twenty hours to choose what outfit she wanted to wear. I was so close to just chucking her out the window, burning all of her clothes and making her go in a make-shift toga make out of a bed sheet. But I am too nice to do that. (Though, doing that would add a lot of fun to this boring town!! Forks would have their first albino Greek Goddess!)

So it was upstairs with Rose...
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Chapter 13-

8 Months Later
I heard footsteps in the hall outside the room I had been occupying for the past several months. I looked up from the book I was reading to pass the time. Suddenly the footsteps ceased right outside the door, seconds later the door began to creek Open. A very familiar face appeared in the opening, “Tom!!” I smiled, forcing myself to sit up.

“Hello Es!” he smiled back and walked to sit at the end of the bed. “Don’t strain yourself,” he added.

“I’m not,” I laughed. It was true, that...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
sorry it took so long.This Chapter is dedicated to Vanillamoon08!

i was still in shock. seconds before i'd expected Leah to land on me a sand coloured wolf had lept on her. Seth i'd thought immediately. i couldn't stand by and watch them rip each others heads off, but what if i got involved and they both turned on me. Why would that matter? whats more important Seth or me? Seth ofcourse. I have to stop them i thought and so i lept at Leah i pinned her to the ground but did not attack her Seth would be upset later if i hurt his sister. Leah growled and wriggled trying to break free of my hold...
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posted by leisha4
okay this storys set between eclipse and breaking dawn. i'd love it if more people to read this so i decided to try to post it on here. please read and if you like it then join my spot the link will be in the comments and maybe you could also read my other story on my spot too? thank you.

Doubled part 1
***Bella’s pov***

I don’t know why I agreed to marry Edward, I was terrified of my parent’s reactions but I know I won’t regret it.

I used to think maybe if I had chosen Jacob, my best friend the person that I’d hurt again and again for my own selfish reasons, and the person that was...
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posted by Gabstaaa
As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
As Close To Tristan As I Can Get.
Ok. I know I’m a vampire. I am almost invincible. Hard skin. Quick reflexes. Super speed. Magnified Hearing. Hot and cold. Light and Dark. High and Low. No problem, Simple. But water. Drowning, choking. Water filling your lungs. No, not water. I’ve never liked it since I was dropped in a pool against my own will by my own father. My own father almost killed me. I’d never learnt to swim, even to this day. The way it dragged me down when I ran out of energy to stay afloat. Stung my eyes. Filled my mouth. Pushed its way down my throat. Deeper and deeper into the darkness. More water down...
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Well at least I wasn’t the one pushing the boundaries this time. If Edward wanted more of me then I would give it to him. I wasn’t complaining. He then started moving his hand further up, going over my chest and then slid back down and he left his hand under my bra line. I opened my eyes in pure shock to find his open too. He smiled.

“Did you decide to rethink your boundaries?” I asked breathless again.

“ Did I do something you didn’t want me to do?” He asked alarmed.

“ No, it was nice actually” I said blushing a deep ruby.

He stroked my crimson cheek as he answered.

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posted by lollipopszx3

Aro :: Well that was a satisfing meal.

Gianna :: Barely.

Aro :: *ignoring Gianna* Tourist taste way better though.

Caius :: I agree.

Me :: Well emos cut themselves... They don't have as much blood as everyone else.

Aro :: *sighs* Good waste of blood.

Alec :: Yeah...

Jane :: Can we go now back to Italy? I want some fresh blood.

Me :: NO! You may not go back to Italy yet!

Jane :: Why is that?

Me :: Because Alec is not my mate yet. *tear*

Jane :: Well we're going to be waiting here forever!

Mysterious voice :: No we're not!

Gianna :: Who said that? *looks around*

Mysterious voice :: I did!

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posted by teamalice_0
SO sorry I haven't been writting latley. I've been so busy! Good news is I got lots of ideas.
I was still in shock, but after Akice insisted on carrying me I snapped out of it. I didn't want her to carry me like a child.

I was sure of one thing. I needed to talk to Jasper. As much as I didn't want to, I had to. I ran alittle faster, Alice and Seth trailing behind.

I saw the house and jumped, not bothering to use the steps, I jumped right on the porch a foot away from the door. I opened it and saw everyone in the living room, except...
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posted by stepphy-rox
I lived alone in this neverending universe.
It wasn't fair being the only one of your kind. It wasn't fair to have no one to talk to or relate to. I'm scared, even though I'm stronger than any other human or animal, I had no choice of this life but sometimes i didn't mind it. I had forever to find a family or friends, but i wasn't going to wait that long. I didn't have to wait really but I didn't wont those people to end up like me or even worse I didn't want to kill them in the process. But if I wanted a better life than sitting around and wasting it I had to try, succeed or not I would still keep trying.

I hope you like the start of my new story Midnight crest. Plz comment and rate.
Thanks for reading. Stepphy XD

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
[End Chorus]

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never...
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov

i slept really well the melody was amazing i hope that the pianist play every night ,i hope that i get to meet him

i change into some jeans and a blue polo tshirt
today again rose insisted to do my make up while she told me about emmet i was really surprize usually boys were the one that fall for rose not the other way around
"i can't believe it you hadn't spoke about yourself in 15 minutes only about emmet you must really like him" i said teasingly
she slap my arm
"yeah i do he is just"
someone knock at the door and it was alice! i hug her
"hi alice"
"hi bella you are so lucky to...
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posted by surfergal
I layed on the deck for about ten minutes until I couldn't take it anymore, I had to see the beach. I got down by myself from the ladder. I went and put on a t-shirt and shorts and called Oakley to see if he would answer his phone. He did. I was lucky.
Hey Oak. Can you come pick me up and take me to the beach? I ask him.
Yeah sure. I'll be there soon. He said.
Cool thanks. Bye. I said.
I went and told mom and dad that Oakley was taking me to the beach. Dad told me not to get my cast wet and not to get any sand down in it. I said I wouldn't and I figured that would be hard to do but I didn't...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
We all know the generic stuff about Rob; he was a model, starred in Harry Potter, grew up in the UK, and is BFF with the Brit Pack. But having obsessed on those details for the past year I am ready for new fun Rob trivia, how about you? We are ready to crack open Robert Pattinson and see what pops out.Some of his sayings:

1.I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone... I think people aim for me.

2.I went to do my first big movie when I was 17. I was in South Africa for three and half months, and I was by myself.

3.I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, "How did that happen?" I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume.

4.I've got a terrible memory -- I end up repeating myself quite a lot. The only thing I can remember is that I'm going to repeat myself!
posted by teamalice_0
Something intresting happenes, just a heads up.

I distangled myself from the hugs of death. Even though I couldn't be squeezed to death, I still didn't want to be hugged. Even when i was human I didn't like dto be hugged, she always called me a 'rebel' though I behaved. Everyone turned towards the door, Edward and Alice came in.

Their eyes gloden, they probably hunted. Which I needed to do.Maybe I could go do that soon....

"You can you know." Edward, I almost forgot that he could read...
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posted by anna0789
seth's pov

i was so happy im good at being a werewolf and that i can control my temper so i could finally see emma again
we were so close that being away of her was painful and nowing what happen last time i saw her..... i wanted to hug her and tell her everything is ok

i run in my human form to the beach jacob and sam were also going to come to help me if they saw any problem but they are going to stay in the forest hidden i wanted to be alone with emma

i arrived at the beach and saw her sitting on our favorite spot she was wearing my lucky hoodie

i was suddenly very nervous emily's broken face...
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posted by anna0789
emma's pov

it has been 3 days since seth had dissapear well the story was that he was at jacob black's house but i know it was a lie because everyday i went to look at the house it was empty today i pass by the house and saw the kitchen's light
i stop and run and knock furiously

jacob black open the door
"what did you did to him where is seth" i slap him so hard but jacob didn't move i didn't even hurt him a little i started to cry

i needed seth he was the one that hug me when i needed that calm me i needed seth

"seth is taking a shower" jacob said
"ok i'll wait him" i said sobbing
"no is late...
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6. Dangerous

I exhaled heavily behind my desk. Nothing better then a long day at work to keep my mind off what was going on at home. I went to the break room I have 30 minute before my shift is over. My past was creeping up on me everywhere I went. Even work, I felt like a teen again working at Newton’s. It was a bigger step, owning the only Safeway in Forks.

This wasn’t the only similarity; the fact that the pack was out and trying to save me didn’t help too much. But saving me from Vampires, I once concerned to love. Alice and Jasper. I knew I saw them. I wasn’t crazy. I am however...
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Again. Me trying to get people to read my stories. xPP Finished 4 chapters.

Off to Camp!


It was just the beginning of summer when Renee knocked on my door.

"Bella Swan! You know it's summer! A time for partying and hanging out with friends. Where are they?" she asked impatiently. We go through the same thing every summer. She ask me to go out I don't then she makes me go babysit the neighbours.

"Cheryl is on vacation again and everyone else isn't really my friend." That's right. I'm a loner at my school.

"So what are you going to do this summer. Sit in...
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