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Hi again everyone! I honestly like this chapter because it's one of the turning points in Cold Roses. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Thankies for reading :D Love each of you guys <333
Unexpected Reunion
Summer drifted off to sleep eventually, the tears remaining in her eyes. She never wanted to hurt anyone, particularly not Jake. She woke up four hours later, unable to sleep much longer. She rolled to her other side and faced her already waking daughter. Chloe’s eyes were bright and shining at her mother, “Good morning, mommy!” Summer kissed her daughter’s forehead, “Good morning, darling. Slept well?” Chloe beamed warmly, “Yup!” She studied Summer’s face, her smile vanishing, “What’s wrong, mama?” Her sweet voice had touches of an Italian girl’s accent. Summer stroked her daughter’s cheek, “Nothing, honey. Everything will be okay now.” Chloe’s countenance remained worried, “You’re lying, mommy.” She warned. Summer couldn’t help it, she had to laugh. “No, sweets. It will be okay. I simply need to convince myself of that fact.” “Okay.” Summer neatly pulled the blankets off of them and sat up, “Let’s get you dressed, angel.” Chloe stretched her arms in the air and Summer picked her up. They fixed their hair, dressed, and gracefully walked into the kitchen, where Alice and Esme were. Alice was flipping through a bridal gown magazine in search of a dress for Bella, and Esme was writing out checks for their bills. Carlisle had left for work earlier, and Alice insisted Edward take Bella someplace where they could spend some alone time together. Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper were out hunting, since they hadn’t killed much on their previous run with Summer and Chloe. Alice’s eyes darted up from the magazine to Summer. She rushed to Summer’s side and embraced her tightly, “Are you alright, honey? It broke our hearts to see you in tears last night! Do you want me to smack him for you?” Summer placed Chloe onto the floor and hugged Alice by the shoulders, “I’m fine, Alice. It had to be done. Don’t fret about it, okay?”Alice was not about to believe her, “I understand, but you’re still hurt.” Summer released her grip, “Never mind that. I’m well capable of handling these situations myself.” Esme walked over to Summer and pulled her into yet another embrace. She took Summer by surprise. This family really knew how to hug someone when they were feeling upset. Dissimilar to Alice, Esme didn’t question her, “Don’t you go on worrying about Jacob, dear. He doesn’t hate easily, and I’m sure when he knows, he’ll understand that you had no other choice.” Summer closed her eyes and rested her head on Esme, “I’ll remember that, Esme. Thanks.” She smiled at Summer and returned to her work. Alice coiled a strand of Summer’s thick, black hair around her index finger, “Would you like to start practicing now, Summer,” she asked innocently, “or would you rather do something relaxing?” “Most definitely practice, Alice.” Alice put her hands on her hips and sighed, “I strongly disagree with that. I think you should—“ “No, missy, we’re practicing, and that’s final.” Summer interrupted her firmly with a dazzling smile. Alice’s eyes narrowed, “Esme, what do you think she should do?” Esme momentarily glanced up at Alice, smirking, “Whatever Summer wants, dear.” “Ugh, I’m slowly losing my power over you all.” Summer and Esme chuckled. “Let’s get going then.” Alice tugged Summer’s arm, “At least if I come with you outside, I can hear if anyone’s approaching.” Summer endeavored not to think back on last night’s horrible confrontation. “Esme, will you keep an eye on Chloe for me? She’s playing with a puzzle in the living room, so she should be okay for now.” “Of course, hun. I love watching after her for you.” Summer’s thankful grin sparkled, “She loves that too, Esme. Thanks.” Alice and Summer made their way to small grass field behind their home. They sat down opposite to one another, “Okay, girly,” Alice began, “Let’s see if we can get through this without you draining every ounce of your energy.” Summer faintly giggled, “I slept fairly well, so hopefully that helps!” “It WILL work this time, Summer. Have faith in yourself.” Alice encouraged. Summer tried to believe her words, “Okay.” She felt her stomach churning because of anxiety, “Here goes…” She swathed Alice’s small figure in her shield. “Wow, I feel like Aro and Edward.” Alice squealed inside her head. Summer giggled at her sister’s delight. Next she focused a portion of her energy on erasing her thoughts of Jake. She hoped this wouldn’t feel like déjà vu. “It won’t, silly. You’re going to do it.” Alice protested, “Just try to maintain your focus.” Summer regulated the amount of energy she was using so she could avoid fainting. Her focus was strong and unbreakable. At once, Alice yelled out in surprise. “Summer, it’s working, it’s working! You did it! You made your thoughts of Jake disappear! They’re gone! I can hardly believe you managed to do it so quickly!”
Summer’s eyes fluttered open, “You’re joking! Tell me you’re joking, Alice. It worked?!!” “Yes!” Alice belted out proudly, “that was all you, sweetheart!” Summer retracted her shield to see if she lost an excessive amount of energy, but she was still completely awake. Alice smiled widely, pouncing on Summer to give her a gigantic hug. Summer chuckled heartily as she laid on the soft, green grass alongside Alice. Alice turned her head to look at her, “So, the key ingredient for erasing memories is half energy and half concentration.” “It looks like that’s right, Alice!” She let out a contented sigh, “I owe you so much.” Alice arched an eyebrow, “For what?” “For encouraging me!” Alice patted her hand, “No, Summer. That was absolutely nothing. I think Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper returned home. Let’s go tell them the great news!” The girls ran back to the house, giggling the whole way. Alice flung the door open, “She did it!” “We know!” Esme interjected. “Congratulations, dear! When Carlisle said you were the most talented vampire he’s met, he truly wasn’t exaggerating.” “Wonderful job, Summer.” Rosalie smiled at her pleasantly. “Yes indeed. Excellent work, Summer.” Jasper added. Emmett stood before Summer with crossed arms, making his enormous muscles expand. “Nice work, sis, but don’t let your power get to your pretty little head. You still can’t take me.” “You don’t want to challenge her, Emmett,” Alice cautioned, “you still don’t know the rest of her powers.” “Ha, that doesn’t matter.” He glared down at her. Summer playfully shoved him out of the way and walked over to her daughter. Emmett gaped, “What was that for?” She didn’t turn to look at him, “You were becoming egotistical. I knocked you back into reality.” The rest of the family laughed, but Emmett only pouted and sat back down next to Rosalie. Summer kneeled over he daughter, “Let’s you and I spend some time together, darling. I haven’t done too much with you lately. What do you say, honey?” “Yay!” Chloe clapped her hands excitedly. She and her mother spent the remainder of the morning and early afternoon doing puzzles, playing dolls, hopscotch, and baseball with everyone who was at home. Chloe even outran Emmett, which was almost overly difficult for him to cope with. When Carlisle came home, Esme told him the wonderful news Summer had to offer. Carlisle was impressed, “Amazing, honey, practically AMAZING!” He spun her around the room in his arms. “It was your idea, Carlisle.” Summer pointed out. “But it was up to you to make it happen.” He laughed. “I’m so proud of you, dear.” She beamed at him, “Thank you, Carlisle.” As usual, the Cullens spent their evening together as a family in the living room, the most lively room in the entire house, mainly because Emmett was screaming cheers at the TV while watching yet another soccer match.
Now that she was fully capable of hiding her memories of Jake, she could finally be with him again. She didn’t have his number though, but Bella knew it, so Summer reminded herself to ask Bella for it when she and Edward returned home. “Summer, I have a rather random question to ask you.” Alice said, lounging next to her on the sofa. “Ask away, Alice!” “Are you sure?” She hesitated, “It’s kinda personal.” Summer cocked her head to the side, “I’m sure.” “Well, I was just wondering…if you were positive Aro would never find you and Chloe, would you marry Jake?” The question threw her thoughts into disarray. She hadn’t seen that coming at all. “Summer?” Alice waved her hand in front of Summer’s face. She shook herself out of the daze, “Um, yes, I guess, if he proposed. Why?” Alice shrugged casually, “I was wondering how strong this werewolf imprinting was for you, the ‘imprintee.’” “Hmmmm…well, I’m not sure how strong it is for him.” She wished she knew for certain, but she wasn’t even sure if Jake would want to speak with her after what had happened last night. Suddenly, in her peripheral vision, Summer detected Alice’s frame became taut. She shifted her stressed gaze toward Alice; she knew she was seeing something unpleasant about to happen in the future. “Carlisle!” Alice spurted out immediately in terror. Carlisle stared at her, his gentle hands crumpling the newspaper he was holding. “No,” he uttered beneath his breath, “it can’t be…” Summer gripped the chair, angst pouring through her veins. The faces of her adopted family expressed pure fear. Summer’s torment hindered her from sensing what they sensed. “We have to get her away from here now, Carlisle!” Alice yelled, taking a defensive stance over Summer. Carlisle rose to his feet and clenched his fists, “There’s no time, Alice. We have to protect her to the best of our abilities.” At his command, Emmett and Jasper crouched down next to Summer, as if they were preparing to claw at someone. Rosalie swiftly placed scared Chloe in her mother’s arms; she and Esme covered Summer from the side and behind. Carlisle handsomely strode toward the foyer, his features laden with apprehension and distrust. Leisurely, he unbolted the door. He glared in silence at the person standing in front of him, “Hello, Aro.” Summer’s jaw dropped, her heart racing more and more by the second. She involuntarily pressed Chloe’s tiny body against her chest. “Ah, Carlisle,” Aro’s subtle voice rang through the still night air, “how wonderful it is to see you again, my good friend.” Thoughts barged into Summer’s mind by the dozens. How did Aro find her? Did he bring the Volturi guard with him? Would this be the night of the Cullens’ deaths?
So in Alice&Jaspers wierd&love Alice finds out she has a daughter and Alex(her daughter)changes her diet and brings her home to the family,everyone likes her!!

So in the New Story Alex and Renesmee become best friends and they start school together and go through everything together like with family,friends,crush's,the imprinting and maybe falling in love!

hope u like it!!!when it comes out!!
Read to find out what happens!!in this new story!!!
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
No, lets suprise them! Jake said. How? I asked. We can get into an agrument about something. Jake said. About what? I asked. Do I have to come up with a plan? Jake asked. Yes! Your such a selfish little child! Jake said. Okay kid is one thing but chil and I am not selfish! I yelled. Jake, your the selfish little wolf! I yelled. You have a short fuse! You blow up about everything! Jake screamed. Me blow up about everything? You started the fight! I yelled. Than he wispered phase now. I closed my eye and phased. I leaped into the air and culided with Jake in his wolf form. We turned around...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up to the birds chirping. I wished it would be rainy all day. I couldn't hear anyone in the house, that was the best sigh ever. I didn't know why Jake was mad but I didn't really care. I heard the phone ring but no on answeredi heard the answering machine pick up. It was Carisle! Hey Taylor, I got your new hearing aid in. Stop by anytime so I can put it in for you. Bye. Than he hung up. I unlocked the door, went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. There was a not on the table saying " Taylor, I went to the store, probably will be there a while, Jake is doing shift back to back....
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look for edward's reveiw of breaking dawn is hilarious really!!!
and i have a question are robert p. and kristen s. really dating now cause i saw some pics of them on a concert but im not sure????????????

Alice's pov

it had been 4 months since noah and i had join the volturi well not join force to join would be the right words.

they had been the most miserables months in my life.....

the only thing they make us do is practice our powers our fighting abilities and then go hunting
(noah and i had been teach sooo many thing about fighting that i think i could take jasper easily
i miss jasper

i hadn't...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Hope you all like this one:)

All was quiet. Embelline stood in back of Laurent crouched by the ground.
“You always want to attack from the position that they least expect it.” She demonstrated by pinning Laurent to the ground and biting his neck. “See, Laurent expected nothing.” She started laughing. Laurent got of the floor and brushed the dirt of his knee. “You got it Vic?” I looked once more at the hole on the ground, the one Embelline had just tackled Laurent through.
“Yeah. Seems simple enough. “ She stood up as well, towering over me, her blonde hair sticking out in every...
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posted by teamalice_0

I hesitated, she told me about them, there was alot of vampires. More tha I liked, actualy. Alot of guys too. Girls I could deal with, I grew up around them, guys... I was dead scared of. A man, hurt me so emotionaly, I could never get over it.

I cringe near them, I shook if I touched them. Just touching them was bad enough. I nodded. I couldn't be afraid of them forever now could I? I would have to get over it soon. Anyways she wanted to know more abput me. Since she was done describing what little she knew. But her gift surpirsed...
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nessie's pov

noah wasn't here ........
pain in my heart was horrible
how many days have i been in our room crying ???
but now i was so hungry i needed to eat noah wouldn't like that i starve myself...
i went downstairs everybody had a pain look in there faces
jake had come the 30 day but he went back to la push he has extremley surprized when he found me crying so hard , he thought it was just a crush with noah ....
i went to the kitchen i eat everything from the frige and the donated blood they had
"honey i know it's hard but you'll see things will get better" my granma said hugging me

but i fetl...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Ever since I was a little girl, I had watched the birds dive and swoop through the air. Gliding and soaring over tree-tops and houses. When I had walked, hand-in-hand, with my Gramps through the park we’d collect their feathers. Duck feathers, swan feathers. If we were lucky and searched hard we would sometimes come across abandoned nests with hollow eggs left inside. I would handle them with great care, like they were going to crack any minute and out would pop a brand new baby bird.
‘Can I be a bird, Gramps?’ I always used to ask.
‘You can. Do you want me to teach you how to be a bird?’...
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey all I'm gonna post 1 chapter today for my friend ashesandwine and of course for all of YOU thx for reading.Now I'm gonna shut up and let you read. P.S. Don't kill me

Bella's POV

"Alice have you hunted yet?" I asked her ,looking her straight in the eyes."Well no.I kinda forgot with all the planning for your party.But who cares." Alice said in her It Doesn't Matter voice.I rolled my eyes.It was so Alice to forget hunting while planning a party."Let's take a few pictures before open any more presents"Esme said.I Took pictures with all of them even Rosalie.Then Alice shoved a wrapped box into...
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posted by surfergal
That morning I woke up and decided that I didn't want to go school. Sure I had been missing a lot of school but I didn't care. I looked over and Nathen as still by my side as I had fallen asleep that night. It was nice to wake up and Nathen was still by me I was so warm and comfy I didn't want to get out of bed but I had a feeling that the waves were going to be good today.I went over to the computer and checked the surf report and of course my feelin was right the perfect swells were here. I went to my bathroom and put on my bathingsuit and then grabbed my wetsuit that I leave hangin up in...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He stopped, for a few seconds, which let me get out of his grip since I was stronger than him. It was funny to me that I was stronger than Emmett. Emmett was so much taller and really big, I was short and skinny. Okay, very good Zoe, but I think I'll let some others try. Whos next? It was Alice's turn. I went back to Sawyer side. You did great, He said as he held my hand. Alice was great at fighting Jasper. She captured Jasper and kissed him on his neck. Alice had won. Next it was Sawer's turn. He did pretty good and he tied like me. Everyone went back in side. We dicided that this wold be...
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Boo Stewart: I’m Signed On For Three Movies
By Twilight_News |
Access Hollywood managed to get Boo Boo Stewart on their Dish of Salt program and got the following info:
“I heard there’s going to be three more movies,” he told Access Hollywood’s Laura “Dish of Salt” Saltman in a new interview. “‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there should be one more.”
The star’s rep also noted the additional films when Boo Boo’s casting was announced to Access.
“Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’...
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posted by RATHBONE07
“So, Victoria, you don’t know why you’re here, you don’t even know where. You must be really worried, it must be killing you.” Mary was standing in front of me, I was tied to a chair. She was leaning forward, looking stunningly beautiful, whispering her plans to me. “Your not going to die, at least not today. But trust me, every freakin second, you will be wishing you were dead.” Her smile got wider, showing her bloody teeth. I cringed. “You’re the most important thing right now, for the first time ever, if you fail, I will personally kill you, slowly. And trust me, I have...
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renesmee's pov

i couldn't let nothing happen to Noah or to Jacob it was my fault

i run as fast as i could between noah and jacob because jacob was going to attack Noah and Noah was looking at me so he had no idea


i was just in time to put myself in front of noah just a second before jacob attack him

"NO NESSIE!!!!" i heard noah and daddy scream but it was too late jacob's teeth were on my neck

i felt the pain in my neck and then a blow of aire pushing me away toward my dad that was running towards me

the aire must had been noah trying to safe me, how could...
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thanks for the great comments im writing as fast as i can go lol

Noah's pov

While this jacob was in the air i raised a wall from the floor to protect my love my world
how this Dog could tell me that the girl i love is his and then attack me while she was so close of course he didn't love her as much as i do

Nessie was crying her deep brown eyes were so miserable
i had to make this stop seeing her like this was worst than any toruture i've been through
i kissed her in her forhead both her cheeks and at her lips and walk to face ,and kill the dog that had make so miserable my reason for...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up I was lying in a hospital. Alice and jasper were sitting on a loveseat holding hands and Emmet was sitting in a chair and Rose was sitting in his lap and Esme was standing by the window with Carlisle. Nathen was sitting in a chair right beside my bed holding my hand with his head down like he was asleep. Everyone looked supper worried and then all of the sudden everything hit at once all the flashbacks of what happen a coue if days ago. Carlisle came over to my bed and ask;
Hey Addi, everything is gonna be okay. He said.
It feels like a truck hit me in my side. I told him.
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posted by teamalice_0
I have this story on two spots, Twiight Fanfictio and The Twilight spot. Enjoy!

I paced the room with 10 minutes 'till the others would wake. I had to get dressd. I went to my suitcase and pulled some clothes out.

I pulled, some dark washed designer jeans. Black turtle neck, A black baseball hat, and a hoodie. It was just in case thing. IF my aunt was alive I looked just liked her. I could have someone noticing me as her.

But I know I would see the Dr. so I couldn't be noticed by him. I would be at the back of the group, I can...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Thanks for all the good feed back:) this ones for you guys:)

“What’d you do over the weekend?” Lizzie asked me as we ate our lunch.
“Nothing. Cleaned, did my homework, the usual.” She looked down at her half eaten sandwich, and then carefully put it back in her bag.
“Have you noticed Ashley lately. She’s gotten so skinny, all the boys are paying to much attention to her, especially David.” She said, that last part a whisper. Lizzie had like David for as long as I could remember, she never really admitted it, but I knew that this really bothered her.
“Its Okay, trust me, he’s...
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today was monday and after school i was going home jacob would watch vic while i do my home work then i would help jacob with his and we would make super for billy and charlie, as i was walking out of my last class with angela jassica came up to us "so bella what are you doing after school?"she asked
"well i have a buddy coming over and we are going to do homework and make diner for are dads when they get back from fishing."i said smiling at her

"oh well fun got to run bye"she said and ran off
"wow she is such a bitch."angela said i laughed
"well i dont care"i said
"so what...
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posted by surfergal
Once I got up stairs and into my room I checked the surf report and it said it was flat. Great what am I gonna do now. I can't stop thinking about Cody he kent so much to me and he was always there for and always protected me from everything from other vamps or just tripping and falling. He was always there to catch me and now he wasn't and I didn't know what to do. I went back to my bed and just lyed there thinking of Cody. I couldn't help it, we had been together ever sinse we meet. I guess the pull the love I felt toward him was only me. I feel asleep crying again. I hated when that would...
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