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posted by Tatti
As the fight started again I realized that Volturi was much more careful than before, I guess it was related to the fact that I could use my physical shield and turn Jane's and others' abilities against them. I just wonder if they suspect how much strength it requires - I already felt pretty tired. I broke some of their relationships using Chelsea and saw how dozen of guards retreated more than necessary. Battle was getting more and more intensive and advantage was on our side, Volturi lost five or six soldiers while we didn't lose a single person. I hated the smell of lilac smokes, it made my stomach clench but I knew it's important to stay accurate or someone will be ripped apart. When guards noticed that they could be easily killed while I paralyse them with Jane's illusions, they changed strategy. Instead of attacking the most dangerous groups with Edward or Jasper they concentrated on reaching me and Nessie. Of course, that wasn't an easy task since Cullens and werewolves almost instantly regrouped to protect us.
I was helping Esme get rid of one huge and very dangerous vampire whom I heard being called Felix when he suddenly stepped back. At first I thought that he simply scared but then I noticed all Volturi guards backing off. Were they giving up? Could it be so easy? But Aro's smile was too satisfied to mean a retreat. I needed few minutes to realize that they were changing strategy again. They gathered in one big group leaving no space between them and it reminded me a bit of Romanian legions. They were going to attack us with all force at the same time. And I was pretty sure that their aim is to reach me. Nessie squeezed my hand tighter while our side also concentrated in front of us.
"We'll make it" she whispered and I nodded. There was one good thing in their arrangement after all - I will be able to make suffer more guards then before when they were split. I prepared and when they reached Cullens I send a wave of pain. Though I saw some more fires which meant more Volturi soldiers was killed, I wasn't happy. Actually to my terror I felt my knees getting weaker - my ability sucked almost all strength I had. I didn't know how long I'll be able to help our side. I watched how Emmett lost his finger, how couple werewolves were injured and how Rosalie were thrown to woods. I watched and I knew that if I will help I won't be able to fight later when my abilities will be needed the most.
Nessie jumped in front of me and I screamed when I noticed three vampires breaking through all the chaos and running toward us. I stopped one with my shield while Nessie attacked the other one. I even didn't have time to react to third one, just turned my head to see him jumping on me. I closed my eyes waiting for pain but then I heard sharp noise. I opened my eyes to see how werewolf whom I suspected to be Embry took off vampire's head. I looked at Nessie - she was also helped by werewolf so I smiled. But apparently it was too early for me to smile. The first guard I threw away was back and ready for new attempt to kill me. Embry growled on him and jumped. I was so afraid that he might get hurt that I didn't noticed the vampire grabbing a rock and throwing at me. It wasn't a huge rock, it was smaller than fist but thrown with such force that when it hit me I flew back about ten feet. The pain was terrible and I knew that my ribs were crushed. I couldn't take a breath and started coughing and suffocating. A cold hand touched me and I heard Carlisle's voice.
"Lilly? Can you hear me? Lilly?" he seemed desperate so probably I don't have many chances. His hands touched my side and I screamed from pain. Screamed? Though Carlisle's touch was very painful it did something that let me breath again.
"Lilly? Please, stay conscious, you're seriously hurt, we need to take you to hospital"
"No" my voice was as weak as I was now "No. Please. Help others"
"No. There is no other way out" I stared at his eyes and I guess he finally understood that he can't just take me and run to hospital.
"Fine, but you should know that soon it'll be over and we'll help you" I didn't believe in these words either so I just nodded. I could feel Embry's hot body next to me. I knew it's stupid for him to stay with me now when I'm completely useless and when others also need help but I didn't say anything. I bet he won't listen.
I heard many sharp noises and smelled more smoke. I closed my eyes to pray for Cullens and werewolves. They all are so good, so kind... Why such things are happening to them at all? I tried to think about something else besides unbearable pain. I remembered my colleagues at police station - will my body ever be found? If so, what reason will be given? I don't think that they'll be informed "Lilibeth Wells, death cause: crushed by rock during vampire-werewolf war". Something in the word "vampire" made me shudder. It was one of those feelings when you know something important but you can't remember. I gently tried to pull up my T-shirts and saw a huge bruise becoming apparent. I think I am bleeding inside. That's it! Suddenly I remembered one of many stories told at Cullens house, I remember how Edward talked about Bella once being very stupid and cutting herself to help him and Seth though it was unnecessary. Can I do the same? Will my blood distract them? The only problem was Cullens, I didn't want them to lose their minds over my blood. But how? I lifted my head to look over the field but it was too painful so I gave up. Embry came closer and I could feel his breath. Wait a minute! Vampires doesn't need to breath! So I simply have to warn Cullens not to breath. Again - how? Think, think, think... Everyone here has great senses so I won't be able to say it out loud. What then? Let Edward read my mind? But then how he is going to tell it to others? There is no way to tell anything anyone without Voturi hearing it too. Then maybe I should forget speaking, what about showing? I turned my head and whispered for Nessie. She quickly came to me and took my hand.
"Rest, Lilly. You going to be OK. Rest" she tried to sooth me but that's wasn't what I wanted right now. I pulled out my Swiss pocketknife which were sort of my talisman. Nessie looked at it surprised.
"What are you going to do with it?" apparently she didn't understand yet and that's good. I closed my eyes and concentrated on her ability. I hope I'll be able to use her gift to show everyone what I'm going to do. I took one deep and painful breath and...
"Don't do this!"
I heard Cullens shouting at the same time and I hoped my little picture didn't hinder them very much but I couldn't wait any longer. I squeezed the blade and hot blood started running through my fingers.

So there is only one chapter left and I really hope that you're gonna like it. Thanks for reading, please comment.
I felt uncomfortable as I rode by on my Suzuki GSX 1300 R Hayabusa 2008 because I heard whispers from the guys start up and I got stared at by many people in the parking lot, basically all except for five people who only glanced in my direction once then went back to talking amoungst them selves. I could tell that they knew what I was immedtiately.
I had blocked my mind from the mind-reader, that was infact a student here, because I like my mind to be as private as possible. I could tell that they all asked him the same question in their own minds, "What is she thinking". All he did was shake...
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posted by Cotay11
So, as Twilight fans we all have one thing maybe more but the movie was AWSOME and the book was AWESOME. My friends have no taste in movies or books those Twilight stuff I can't stay away from. I read Twilight 5 times I didn't start new moon wet. The movie Edward was hoooooooooottttttt, but Emmet was very very hot U can bake cookies on him ( I would eat those cookies)So would you eat those cookies.
YOu know what my friend Adriana I got her this awesome Chritmas preasent it is a Twilight shrit that I got a the Willowbrick Mall (Also Adriana is obsesed with Twlight)
posted by twilightcrazy12
okey so when i first started reading twilight my friend who is a guy was like all talking crap about it.... and i told him off because twilight is the best book ever. so he wanted to know why i was so hooked onto the the twilight books and so this year he started rreading them and it turns out that he LOVES the twilight series. and i was like see i told you that it wasn't just a chick flick. i know tons of guys who have read twilight and they all liked it and im glad that some guys read it no matter what other people thought about them..... so what i guess im trying to say is that we as girls should give those guys who have read the book some credit for having courage then them finding out that once again the girls were right....... because TWILIGHT IS THE BEST BOOK EVER.............
thanks for reading im really new at this as some of guys can tell
how cool is that
how cool is that
Hello twilighters! :)

Today I'll be talking (well typing) many ways to prove you are a real twi-hard!

1. You've got to own shirts. Not a single fan I know doesn't have merchandise!
2. Have at least 2 of the dolls/action figures. I got Alice, Bella, Edward, and Victoria. You should have at least two!
3. Seriously, own a poster. It can be from a MAGAZINE or BOOK! But your not a real fan if you don't got this!
4. Read all 4 books. I don't know a single Twi-Hard who hasn't read any of the books!
5. Own all the movies (that came out). If you don't have at least one, what kind of fan ARE YOU?! [ Renting...
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