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posted by LexisFaith
After Sarah's party, she had layed down on the couch beside Dad and fell asleep with her head on his lap. Mom was sitting on the other side of her and Jake and I gathered up all her presents and put them in the back of the Audi.
Jasper and Alice had gotten her more clothes and shoes, and a couple of dresses. She said they were for her to dress up in, but they looked like they were at least three hundred dollars a peice.
Emmet and Rosalie got her a pimped out power wheels. It was pink and went fifteen miles an hour. Good thing they got her a helmet to go with it.
Mom and Dad gave her a photo albam full of pictures of her. The very first picture was a copy of the one that sat on my side table. They also gave her a neckless with her name on it. She wanted it on as soon as she opened it.
Carlsile and Esme gave her a card and she read it aloud to us. "Sarah, our gift to you is in your new home. When you open your door we hope your face lights up with joy. Love Nana Esme and Grandpa Carlsile."
Jake's face fell as he found out not only could she write but she could read.
"She's smart." I whispered to him.
"Takes after you on that one." He kissed my head.
We could fit it all in the trunk and it shut with ease.
We walked back into the house to tell everyone our goodbyes.
"Thank you everyone." I told them after I was done hugging everyone.
"It was no trouble." Esme kissed my head. "We enjoyed it just as much as she did."
"We should get going." I was fixen to walk over and pick up Sarah when Edward stopped me.
"Let her stay here. She's asleep. She's had a full day."
"When she wakes up we will call you." Alice smiled.
"Okay." I sighed. "But as soon as she wakes up."
"Of course." She clapped.
"Come one you two." Esme touched my arm. "Don't you want to see your new home?"
We smiled and followed her out into the woods. We stopped about five miles past Mom and Dad's cottage into the woods.
She handed us the keys and smiled. "Go another mile North and you should come right up to it."
I took the key and smiled back. "Thank you Esme."
"Your welcome." And with that, she was gone.
We walked hand and hand to where Esme directed us, and met face to face to our new house.
It was a large two story log cabbin. The flower boxes were stoned and full of yellow roses.
The two front doors were dark and glass was decorated with twisting iron. I put the key in the lock and twisted pushed down on the twisting knob.
As soon as we opened the door a giant stair case.
The door opened into a huge living room. It was a olive green with a black leather couch that wrapped around a glass coffee table. Under it all was a oversized shagg rug. There was a jumbo fireplace with a giant plasma television hanging above.
To the left was the kitchen. It too was painted olive green with black granite counter tops. The appliences were stainless steal and the cabnits were the dark wood that matched the floors.
The black rod iron dining table was in the large kitchen. The chair's cushon's were cream colored.
We walked up the stairs and walked down the left hall first. We opened the first door but it was bare. It was large and spacious, with a closet to match.
The second room was as same as the first.
We reached the last door and on it hug a sign that said "Sarah Marie Black". It hung from a pink see though ribbon. We opened the door and both of us gasped.
Her walls were pink and sparkled. How they got the walls to sparkle was beyond me. It was very big and open. The window had a window seat, and nooks for her things on both sides of the seat. The curtins were white and laced all the way down.
Her dresser was tall and white like her bed at the old house. The nobbes were spirals and were silver. She now had a walk in closet to fit all her clothes. She now needed it more than ever. Selves were built in for her shoes and on the bottom for her toys.
There was a small book case, about two feet tall, to put her books in.
On the wall oppisite to where I would be going to put her bed, in large with letters was "Sarah Marie". I smiled in aw and looked over to Jacob. "This is perfect."
He smiled and took my hand. We walked into the bathroom on this end of the hall. It was fairly large for a normal bathroom. It had a tiled bathtub and floor. It was white with a pink shower curtin. "Sarah's." I laughed.
"Well, I know it's not mine." He laughed.
We walked to the right hall. The first door was a small closet for coats and the cleaning supplies.
We opened the door and both of us quit breathing for a moment. It was beautiful. The walls were light blue with white crown molding around the top. The bed was even bigger than a king and was dark oak. It was a white bed spread with blue and brown accent pillows. There were two oak dressers that matchd the bed. The nobbs were glass and long. One was mine and one was Jake's. Two bedside tables with white lamps that were supported by glass stands. Also on either said of the bed, were large windows, also with white laced curtins. The closet was almost as big as the room. It was lined wall to wall with selves and a couple drawers in the middle.
The bathroom was as big as the closet. It had the biggest shower I had ever seen, with shower spouts all the way down to the floor. It was fully tiled.
He had an extra large jet tub and two bowl sinks.
"Wow." Jake wrapped his arms around me.
"It's amaging." I told him.
Just then, the house phone rang and I searched the room for it. "Hello?" I answered when I fianlly found it on the desk in between the dressers.
"Sarah's awake. She's playing X-box with Emmett."
Rosalie's voice chimed on the other line. I could hear Sarah's giggles.
"Okay. We'll be there in a bit."
"See you soon."
"Bye." I hung up and hit my head on the flat screen that hung above the desk.
"Ow." I rubbed hy head and Jake laughed.
"Watch the T.V." He chuckled.
"Yea, thanks. Sarah'a awake."
"You ready?" He asked.

Once we picked up Sarah we went back to the old house to pack up everything. Sarah even grabbed her own box that was full of stuffed animals.
We made her sit on the couch and watch televison as we finished her room.
We placed the bed on the oppisite wall of her name. Her vanity went under name, beside her dresser. We put all her animals in the nooks by her window seat. We put her bed on the right side of the window and Jake hooked a net above her headboard.
I stepped back and admired the finished room. I smiled and turned around to look at Jake. "It looks really good. I think she is going to really like it."
"Me to." He smiled back. "Now let's go get her."
I walked out and leaned over the railing. "Sarah."
She turned around and looked up at me. "What?"
"Come on. Come see your new room." She smiled before jummping up and running up the stairs. Jake was standing beside her closed door. She walked over to him and smiled. "Miss Sarah. Your new room." He smiled to her and opened her door.
She ran in and gasped loudly "Wow!" She ran over and jumped up on her window seat to look out her window and down to the creek.
She giggled and opened her closet before running inside. "It's as big as Aunt Alice's!" She yelled from inside.
Jake and I laughed as she ran and jummped on her bed.
"Do you like it?" I asked as I walked over to Jacob and put my hands around his waist.
"Yes!" She squealed.
"Well make sure you say thank you to Nana Esme and Grandpa Carlisle." Jacob told her.
"I will." She nodded and plopped down on her butt.
Her eyes boggled as she turned to her dresser "Is that T.V. pink?"
"Sure is." Jake smiled. "Wanna' watch it?"
"Yes!" She laughed.
Jacob turned the televison to the channel she wanted and we let her watch t.v. in peace.
"I told you it was perfect." I laughed to Jacob and we sat down on the couch to relax and watch a little televison of our own.
He suddenly went stiff and cocked his head to the right.
"What?" I asked raising up from his chest.
"Shh." He told me putting a finger to his lips.
He sniffed the air and listened one more time before looking at me with dead eyes.
"We have a vistor." He groweled. "And it's not a fimilar one."
posted by surfergal
That night me and Nathen talked all night, and not once did it cross my mind again that Nathen from what I understood had imprinted on me. It did cross my mind that Nathen never told me where he lived in La Push. It was sorta weird at first but then I totally thought about how he was always coming here, never had to be anywhere, he didn't have anywhere to live.
Once I finally thought about it I had to ask him if I was right but I didn't know how to come about it. I didn't want to be all weird or acuse him of something he wasn't. So I went to Carlisle, or I had that planned. That morning I had...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry this is all i have. night.

I had my hand on the door knob when Nikki asked " where are you going?" oh, I'm just going to the living room. I said. Nope, sorry, you have to stay in here until Jackson gets here. Nikki said. Oh okay, I learn somethig new every 5 minutes. I said I we both laughed. We heard the door bell ring. I couldn't tell what Jesse was saying to
Jackson. Okay, are you ready to go on your first date? Nikki asked. No, how about some pointers?I asked. Okay, when you are on a double date, never go to the bathroom alone, never order off the kids menu unless you reay have to,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Is it possible for a vampire to go through the transformation again? I asked myself. I felt so drain for some reason. Everything was blurry
when I opened my eyes but as I blinked more it became clearer. Sawyer was sitting by the bed. How are you feeling? Carisle said as he was coming in the room. I feel drained, empty almost. I told him. That is because, when you transformed into your human form, the animal blood that you drink becomes your human blood, and some how your body makes that blood have you scent in it. Carisle said. Can I try to get back into my vampire form? I asked Carisle. I...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, Nathen was still by my side except this time his head was lying back on the chair. Everyone was still in the same posistion as they were when I woke up the last time except Edward and Bella were there. I was thinking to myself, I wonder if Nathen has even left and Then I looked at Edward and he shook his head no. Poor thing he must be exuasted everyone must be. This is what I was saying before how everyone had to worry about me. I was sad that this happened to me but I was glad that no one else would have to go through it, I mean like I could take the pain but someone else might...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
So what have you been up to? I asked Jackson. Nothing really, wrapped a few sprained ankles and that's it. Jackson said. What about you Taylor? Jackson asked. Nothing, I left her went to go found a friend, got into a fight with him, andthan I ate lunch with Jesse but had no idea that I was going to. I said. You got into a fight with a friend? Jesse said. Not a fight fight but an argument. I said. Oh, what happen. Jackson asked. Well, he said that I shouldn't be getting into fights and a bunch of other crap. It's not like I chose to be in the fight. I told them. Yeah but you could have walked...
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Hey, read this story called Mulletfingers. Its grerat and its turning into a twilight story!!

I rode for two more hours before stopping to get gas for my bike. I drove up into a gas station and pulled off my helmet, and shook out my hair. I found a credit card from Carlisle and Esme and a cell phone Alice had provided me with. I called Alice.
Hey, Alice. I said.
Hey Addi. Alice said.
I'm sorry, I couldn't take it any more and I didn't know what to do. I said.
I know, I saw it coming. There is a credit card in your your jacket with cellphone and your ipod. I figured you could use some music for...
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posted by odegbami
let us all give rob some love shol we for his hot ness ok. got i love rod 'z themsong so mutch omg he is so hot don't you thank he is a hot god we love and you know it .it will stay that way got it you can take jacob and any body else ok don't touch my man i made song for him it is about how hot he is in new moon but sory roselie is kind of plane .


hot hot hot hot hot

he is hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot.
posted by Emmett4ever
I was supposed to post this yesterday but my computer decided to close the internet while i was almost done and i got annoyed and didn't want to write it.But I hope you like this and don't kill me.Don't ask why read and find out.

Bella's POV

After school Edward had the passenger door-of my car- open for me.I bet Alice saw me making an escape.I was quiet the whole ride to the cullens house.When we arrived at the Cullens house I groaned.Everything was Pink."I think Alice went over board" Edward said when he finally got out of the car."You think" I said trying to calm myself.But before I could...
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posted by surfergal
Rose and I talked for the longest and then Alice came in and Alice said that the guy I had met on the beach was going to be at school tomorrow. I got so nervous, I hardly knew this guy and I was liking him already. We picked my outfit out and then Rose told me how she was going to do my make-up and hair for tomorrow. I then had a thought about how it was goi g to look I de I took off my helmet. We thought the best ways to fix it and if it would mess up in anyway. If it did end up looking like help st hair call Rose and she would come down in a hurry to fix it. I was excited there were hardly...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Here is another one, I know there not twilight but it popped in my mind. So if your read this Rate and comment plz!

No Tay, you need some where to live while the big storm to blows through here. I told Tay. No, I can I really should go, there is people looking for me I can't stay here. Tay said. I know the cops are after you that's why you should stay here. Let the cops die down for a couple of days. I told her. Okay, thank you a lot for letting me stay here and everything. Tay said. We look about the same size, here are some clean clothes you can put on. I said as I handed them to Tay.
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posted by surfergal
I surfed for 3 more hours and then I got out and went back to the hotel and took a shower.
Thanks Alice and Jasper that was great. I told them.
No problem, I'm glad you had fun. Jasper said.
Soon we were packing back up so we could head back to Forks. It was great going on spontanous trips. I sleep the whole way back, luckely I got to the couch before Alice or Jasper could but I think Alice saw that I wanted the couch. When I woke up we were landing, which ment I needed to look alive or at least look lik I hadn't sleept the whole 2 hours that it takes to gret back. I came back with an extra suitcase...
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posted by RATHBONE07
**Victorias Life(she wasnt always a mean bitch)**
Water dripped off my blazing red hair and onto the floor.
“Mom? Can I leave now?” Mom had made me go outside, in the freezing rain, and gather all of the wet clothes on the line. I was shaking now in the corner, covered from head to toe with water, I coughed.
“Vic your not dry enough. Just a couple more minutes.” Mary was standing by the edge of the wall, looking at me, a smile on her face. She loved my torture.
“Okay, you can go up now.” Yes, I quickly fled up the stairs and into my room.
    It was warm in here....
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posted by surfergal
A month past and my shoulder healed. It was summer now and it wasn't as warm like I wished it was, but it was great no school, no homework. Life was good. I went back surfing everyday sun up till sun down. Sometimes even Cody came surfing with me but I dont think he liked it as much as I loved it. Cody and I were great, we were close and I was falling in love with him. Sometimes we would just sit together and not talk sometimes it was the aweful silence that I hated. One day I was lounging around the house only beacause the waves were flat and you cant surf when its flat. Anyways Cody came...
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posted by twilightfantic1
hope you like it.This is long.

Me and edward went to go answer the door.You wouldn't believe who was at the door.It was aro,marcus,caius,and jane.what the hell? This is to freakin much.How many vampires is coming here? If the denalis come next im going to go insane.

"what are you doing here?" edward asked.
Before aro could speak emmett said "what the hell?"

"well we came to see if nahuel was here is he?" aro asked

"no he left alittle while ago,what are you looking for him for?" carlisle

"Came come in?" aro asked

"sure" carlisle said

They came in and sat on the couch while carlisle and esme sat in...
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Argentina –—-–——- November 19, 2009
Austria –———––——- January 8, 2010
Australia –—––——- November 19, 2009
Belgium –——–——- November 18, 2009
Bolivia –———––——– January 1, 2010
Brazil –—-–—–——- November 20, 2009
Bulgaria –—––——– November 20, 2009
Canada –——–—— November 20, 2009
Chile –———–——- November 26, 2009
China –—-–—-–—— TBD
Colombia ––—-––——- January 1, 2010
CIS ––—-–—-–—-–– December 3, 2009
Costa Rica ––—-–—-–- November 2009...
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One month later
fist I was save by edward 2 times,he saved me from being hit by a van and when i was in port angels,I had Vicky with me we got lost and people were trying to take my baby she was screaming i was yelling then he came and got vicky and helped us out and took us to diner and we talk

Second,i found out he can read minds but not mine

thrird,him and his family were Vampires he thought once he told me that i would not want to see him anymore i said i dont care what you are

and forth,i think im falling in love with him he's great around Vicky,Vicky loves him,but im scared to meet his...
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posted by kat_hale
It's my second reading of “Breaking dawn”. I`ve somehow always wondered if the second time would feel different. Now I know! But it's different in a good way, because I now see things more clearly. What fascinated, stroke me this time was not only the huge amount and density of emotions. I saw things from a different prospective – Jacob's. I've always considered myself to be Team Edward, but I know all that team stuff seems a bit meaningless – because it was always Edward for Bella. But what struck me the most was Jacob's development – he literary grows up-in his thoughts, in his...
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The Twilight Legend
Book 4 of the Chronicles of Sam Devine

Chapter One: Prologue
If you have been asleep for the last 3 books then I suggest you pick them up and read them but if you have read all the previous books then that’s great. But for all you people who haven’t here is a summary from the Twilight Archives.
On earth 1992, a human was born, His name was Sam but he was no ordinary human, his fate had been decided by a race of aliens who called themselves the Guardian Angels who were the sworn protectors of the galaxy or were they. They had decided to gain trust throughout the Milky Way...
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posted by surfergal
We didn't talk much on the way to school. When we drove up to school before we got out of the car I ask. Is there something wrong Michae?? No. he said. ok. I said. I could tell he was lying. Michael walked me to my first class like always and then I watched him walk to his class. Once he was out of site, I went and called Alice.
Hey, Alice I said.
Hey Addi, why are you not in class? She ask.
i had to ask you something. I said
Okay, well ask away. she said.
Is there something wrong or anything because me and Michael didnt talk mcuh at all this morning? i said.
No. thers nothing wrong. Alice said....
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posted by callejahLUVSed
okay this is a lame chapter and i'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while but i promise the next chapter is TONS better !!!! just sit tight and comment!

CHAPTER SIX- Getting Ready

I slept for about two hours to recover from the sun, then spent the rest of my night rehearsing my ‘human’ habits. As vampires are, we don’t fidget, or move, except for when we’re around humans. We do stuff like, excuse ourselves to go to the bathroom, cough, blink (I know, we are really life-less), bite our nails (gross, but human) or not stare at one place for too long. After a while, I got bored of biting...
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