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My name is Edward Mason Juinor i am 18 and have no wife.My parents are constantly asking me to talk to this woman and this woman.They dont understand love.My dad Edward is the town lawer and is rich.All the girls in town fall all over me but i dont like any of them you should not have to changer yourself or show off to get a man to like you they should like you no matter what you are like.I decided today i will go to the book store and buy a new book.I went into the kitchen and mother was in there.
"Good morning mother i am off to the book store i will be home later"i said and gave her a kiss on the cheek as i left.
I got to the book store in a matter of minutes,i opened the door and went in.I didnt see anyone then i heard:
"I will be with you in a minute i just have to put these books on the shelf"it was a girl i laughed she must not know who she was talking to if she did she would drop the books and come running.
"That's okay i'll have a look around then"i said back to her.
I started walking down the different rows of books,i got to the rown that the girl was on.She was standing on a ladder on her tippy toes then she fell backwards.I ran forward and caught her in my arms.She looked up at me,she had beautiful brown eyes and she looked beautiful then she said:
"Thank you"her voice was so beautiful that it made me smile.
"Your welcome are you okay?"i asked her as i put her on her feet.
"Ya just a bit shocked,um when did you get here?"she asked sounding cautious.I laughed a bit she didnt remember i came in.
"I was the person who came in a minute ago"i said and laughed again.
"Oh ya i remember,did you find a book?"she asked as she went behind the till.
"Yes i did"i said i found it before i caught her so i handed her the book.
"What is your name anyway?"i asked i am interested in this girl she is different to all the other girls.
"Isabella Swan but call me bella"she said a bit shy that made me smile girls are normally the oppisite.
"I'm Edward Mason"i said and smiled at her.
"How much is the book"i asked her.
"I'll give it to you for free seens as you saved me"she said and smiled,that is very kind.
"Thank you,so your dad owns the store "i said
"Ya his father owd this store too so now he has it"she said.
"Thats good,well i better go home see you around bella"i said and smiled and i left.
That girl is so beautiful and nice and nice as in polite and manners.She wont like me she probebly thinks i am a snob.That night i was reading my book but i was thinking about Bella her beautiful brown eyes and brown wavy hair i have never seen anyone like her before.
I woke up the next day feeling confused,why am i thiking about this girl so much we only just met.I got dressed and went down stairs,i went into my kitchen mother was making breakfast.I was about to sit at the table when i saw Rosalie Hale sitting there.
"Hello"she said.
"Hello,what are you doing here"i asked.
"Your mother and father invited me breakfast"she said trying to sound polite.
"I'm sorry but i am going swimming"i said.
"Thats alright maybe another time then"she said then i left with my swimming stuff in one hand and walked to the pool.
When i got there i got changed and went over to the pool,i dived in and stared swimming.About 10 minutes later i saw that girl Bella walking towards the pool.When she got to the pool she dived in,it was an eligant and graceful dive but i dont think she ment to do it like that.Then she started swimming she was really fast.When she stopped swimming i went over to her.
"Hello again"she said in a cheerful voice.
"Hi,your a really good swimmer"i said to her a but amazed.
"Thank you i swim alot to get away from my parents"she said i'm confused why would she want to get away from her parents?
"Why do you want to get away from your parents?"i asked her she is really interesting.
"Every day they bring a new man for me to see if i want to marry them"she said now sounding annoyed.
"Why dont you marry one"i asked i really wanted to know i bet lots of men want to be with her she is the most beautiful person i have ever met.
"Well i dont love them,my parents say they can help me make love them but you cant forse love it just happens"she said,she feels the same way i do.
"I know what you mean my father keeps saying you have to find a wife they will all be gone before you know it.He says love does not excist umtil you marry and live with someone,but he is wrong"i said i was annoyed now why am i telling her this i never tell anyone this.
"Well i guess we are both in the same situation then"she said.
"Do you want to race?"i asked her she might not win that thought made me smile.
"Okay 1.2.3"she said then we started swimming as fast as we could we got to the end.
"I won"she said while smiling.
"You must have cheated"i said to her i cant belives she beat me.
"No i have lots of practice i told you i swim alot"she said then started smiling.Her smile is so beautiful     
"Well i better get going"she said as she got out but i stayed in i wasnt ready to go back home yet.
She stood up and before she started walking a group of children and she fell into the pool.When she got up from under the water her face was inches away from mine.Her scent was beautiful her beautiful fsce just inches from mine i couldnt help it.I kissed her,her lips were so soft agains mine it was the best feeling ever then we stoped i looked at her she looked shocked and so was i.
"I have to go home now"she said then she rushed out of the pool.
I only swan a little while longer then i got out and went home.Mother was in the kitchen cleaning.
"Hello mother"i said to her.
"Hello Edward oh we are going to a wedding i have your suit out you better get changed now we have to go soon"she said the smiled.
"Alright thank you mother"i said as i went into my bedroom.
I got changed and we went to the wedding.
"You know edward that Isabella Swan is going to be there"mum said,i was shocked how did she know.
We got to the wedding the ceremony was short i was thinking about bella the whole time.We went into the hotel for dinner we sat down i looked at who was at the table it was Bella and her mother and father.
"Good evening charlie"my father said to bellas father.
"Good evening Edward how are you?"charlie asked it can get very annoying to have the same name as my father.
"We have been very busy finding edward here a wife but still he refuses everyone he meets"father said now i am getting annoyed.
"Yes it has been the same her for Isabella she refuses every man she meets,maybe they would be a perfect match to get married"charlie said,i would have shouted at him but it would be very rude.
"Father!"bella hissed at him i laughed she looks angry.
"Maybe,we have been looking at Rosalie Hale she looks like a good wife"father said,that did it .
"I will not marry Rosalie Hale and this is to be the end of marriage tonight"i said sounding angry.
"I agree"Bella said.
"Yes you two would be a good couple you both have short tempers"mother said but we ignored her.
"Well i heard about you two at the pool today"rene said i could see that really made bella angry it made me angry too i wish everyone would mind there own buisness.Then bella droped her knife and fork on her plate and said:
"Excuse me i have to use the rest room"she sounded annoyed then she walked off.
After a minute mother said:
"I will go see if she is alright"then she walked off to the bathroom.
It was quite at our table until we saw mother and bella walking towards us.Then i realized bella was wearing a small black dress she looked even more beautiful.They both sat down again and we started eating again.
"So Isabella do you want to tell us what happened today?"rene asked,i looked at bella she was giving one of the most evil looks i ever saw to her mum.rene just looked away i laughed bella looked really angry.
"Yes bella what did happen today?"charlie asked her.
"No disrespect father but i do believe that is my buisness not yours"she said to him.She was predending to be polite but you could still hear anger in her voice i looked at her and smiled.
We started eating our dinner again but a couple of minutes later bella went dancing with her friend,then a new slow song started so i went over to bella and said:
"Can i dance with you please"
"Yes"she said then i took her hand and put my other hand on her waist.
"Why did you kiss me earlier?"she asked that made me smile she doent think i like her.
"Why do people normally kiss?"i asked her still smiling.
"I kissed you because i like you"i said.
"But you just met me yesterday"she said sounding shocked.
"I know but ever since i saw you i cant stop thinking about you,why dont you like me?"i asked.if she doesnt like me i will feel so stupid.
"Yes i do,but if we are together our parents will think we are getting married"she said to me she sounded upset.
"I know but what does it matter what they think"i said to her smiling then i leaned down to kiss her.
"Wait should we be doing this i thought your wanted you to be with Rosalie Hale"she asked.
"I want to be with you not Rosalie stuff our parents"i said then i kissed her.It was great even better than before because we both wanted to.
Then someone tapped on her shoulder it was rosalie,a perfect moment ruined by someone that i hated.
"Can i dance with him now"she said in a stuck up voice,it made me angry for sommeone to talk to bella like that.
"Sorry bella is going home now and i am walking her "i said before bella said anything and we walked away.
"I am going home?"bella asked.
"Yes your parents are outside waiting for me and you"i said.
We went outside and i was right they were outside waiting for us.They saw us holding hands and smiled and they started walking .When we got to her house i said:
"I will see you soon"then i kissed her and walked home.
I went to bed thinking about bella,how beautiful she was and graceful.Even the little things she does look beautiful,now she is my girlfriend.I am happy to have a beautiful,nice person in my life.
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
Source: twifans
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Melissa93
added by Melissa93
added by Melissa93
added by sunrise_90
Source: justjared