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posted by LexisFaith
The next morning I woke up and gripped the sheets beside of me. Hoping for Jacob all my hand swept across was a small peice of paper. I forced my eyes open and unfolded the paper.

Happy Birthday! I thought we would do something just me and you for your birthday before your party tonight. Put on your swim suit and meet me at First Beach. Don't forget your sunscreen; it's kind of hot out today.
I love you,

I quickly got up and brushed my teeth. I put on my pink ruffled bikini, the one Alice had insisted I get for those "you and jake" days.
I laughed to my self at how right she was as I slipped on my white loose haulter dress. I did as he said and threw my sunscreen into my bag.
"I'm going to the beach!" I yelled to Mom. She was in the living room reading.
"When will you be home?" She asked as she put the book down after looking up at me.
I shrugged. "I dunno'. Jake has something planned for just us untill my party."
She looked at me questioningly. "Relax." I sighed. "It's not like that. Just because I'm going to be alone with him doesn't mean were going to do anything." I slipped on my flip flops and opened the door. "Tell Dad where I am so he doesn't worry. Bye!" I yelled before closing the door behind me.

I parked my car beside Jake's rabbit and got out. I locked my car and threw my key in my bag.
I walked out onto cool sand and started toward Jacob. His hands were in the pocket of his trunks, which made his back muscles stand out. He heard me comming and turned around to smile at me.
I smiled back and he came jogging toward me. "Hi." He smiled and kissed me.
"Hi." I smiled back and blew a curl out from infront of my face. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked has he took my hand and started leading me to the other side of the beach.
"Well first I thought we could go back to your place, pack you things concidering I already packed mine, and head to Canada." He looked straight ahead not a sliver of scarcasum on his face.
I didn't speak. I stared at him wide eyed. "Jake....," I whipsered.
"Relax." He laughed. "I was kidding."
"Jacob Black!" I laughed and punched his shoulder.
"Dang girl." He held his arm. "You're strong."
"Yea, so don't mess with me." I smirked.
"Oh yea?" He grined.
"No, no." I giggled and started to back away. "Jake, please. I'm begging you."
He headed for me slowly, grining, his eyes full to the brim with laughter.
I took off running dropping my bag on the ground. I could hear him right behind me and felt the wind off his arm trying to grab me. I took off into the woods darting trees and watching the squirrels dart into there holes.
I could still hear Jakes feet behind me. "Renesmee!"
"No!" I laughed. I started back out for the beach and came to a complete stop. He ran straght passed me and stopped putting his hands on his knees.
"Okay." He huffed. "You win."
"Really?" I smiled.
"No." He grined and wrestled me to the ground. He had my arms pinned to the ground and was sitting on my legs so I was trapped.
"Okay, okay." I laughed breathlessly. "You win."
He smiled and bent down to kiss me. It was soft and warm. He said so many things with his kiss without even having to talk. He pulled back for a breath and kissed me again, his grip on my arms giving way. He let go of me and placed his hands on either side of my head. I reached up and placed my hands on his chest.
I could feel his heart beating fast. Like it was about to flutter out of his chest. His tongue lightly traced my bottom lip and I did the same. He pulled back and smiled at me. "I love you."
"I love you, too." I smiled back. He kissed me on the head before getting to his feet then helping me to mine.
The rest of the day flew by faster than I wanted it to. A, because I was having fun just spending time with Jake. And B, because I was dredding this party. No telling what Alice was up to right now. She had probably pulled every item of clothing I owned and replaced it with things she had bought today.
I said goodbye to my favorite pair of jeans in my head as I drove back home. I reached the drive way and groaned. The trees were lite up with pink twinkling lights. I reached the house and groaned louder and longer than the last.
Every light in the house was on. Every window was veiled in white mesh to cover up at busy activity inside. I sat in the car a sulked before I got out and put on a happy face for Alice.
"I'm home." I walked in and Alice was at my side in an instent.
"Don't you love it?!" she squealed and walked out into the middle of the room, her arms open wide.
It was different inside. The same white mesh that hug on the windows, drooped and looped from the celing. Twinkling lights were hidden in the fabric, making only the flash appear.
I walked slowly making sure I soaked everything in. White. The room described in one word isi white. And as girly as it was, i suprisingly loved it.
"Alice, this is amazing." I smiled to her.
"This isn't it." She grined and went up stairs.
"I hope you like it." She was back with a dress bag. She handed it over to me. I started to unzip the bag when she stopped me. "We only have one hour to get you ready!"
"And?" I asked.
"That's not long enough!" she paniced.
"That's not long enough?!" My voice cracked on the last word.
"Of course not!" She grabbed my hand. "Rose. Help me." And with that us three were up stairs and in my Alice's bathroom in under a second.
Rosalie worked on my hair while Alice plucked, buffed, and painted my face. Their hands worked light and fast and they were done in thirty minutes. "Don't look at yourself yet." She told me as I rose up from my chair. "I want you to have your dress on. I want you to see the finished you." I smiled and shook my head at her.
She made me close my eyes while she put it on. She made sure every little nick was fixed and perfect before I was able to walk out of the room. "Okay, watch your step." she towed me into where I was guessing was her room for the full length mirror. "Turn, take three more steps, your eyes."
I was nervous to see what she had done to me.
Slowly I opened my eyes and was speachless at what I saw. I didn't see me. The girl in the mirror wasn't me, it was Bella. I didn't look like this. Did I?
My hair was pulled back and up. A few curls were down shaping my face. My eyes were brightened with light pink and my lips were a soft pink.
My dress was white with a flower laced bottom. and my shoes were somthing out of Alice's closet.
"Do you like it?" Her tone was worried. I looked at her and she put on a nervous smile. I snatched her in may arms and hugged her.
"Alice. This is amazing." I whispered in her ear. "Thank you." I pulled back and smiled at her.
"I'm glad you like it. Oh, and before you go down stairs, everyone is already here. You and Jake are the only one's in white. Everyone else is in black." It wasn't untill then I notcied her black dress and strappy heels. I nodded and turned toward the door.
"Wait!" She grabbed my hand. "Happy Birthday." She smiled adn fascened amd neckless around my neck. It was the neckless I had loved and played with since I was born. It was a thick silver chain with a black pendent set in the middle.
I traced it with my fingers before looking up to tell her thank you, but she was already gone. I sucked in a breath and made my way to the top of the stairs. Here goes nothing. I thought to myself before decending down the stairs hearing nothing but aw's and whispers. And saw nothing but Jacob at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me, just as he always will be.

this pic is nessie's dress and neckless. not the hair and stuff.
nessie's dress
nessie's dress
posted by karpach_13
Chapter 4
At the airport Carlisle came to pick us up this time. Aunt alice ran to Carlisle and came his a hug. Me Emmett and Rosalie were walking slowly just to get on alice’s nerves. Carlisle came up to me.
“how was ur vacation nessie?” carlisel aske me before I could answer alice answered first.
“she looked sick to me all the time, the only thing she did was sit in the house and do her work, Carlisle I think you need to check her” alice said
“really?” Carlisle aske me
“grandpa Carlisle I feel fine” I lied, I got a huge headache, I felt dizzy and everything went black. Then the...
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Chapter 15 The Results.
You and Emmett are waiting in Carlisles office and Emmett looks at the clock.

Emmett-He should be back by now, its been an hour and a half.
You-He'll be back soon Emm.

Right after you say that you get a pain that throws you out of your chair. You start screaming in pain and Emmett comes over to you.

Emmett-BABE!!! ___, you ok?!?

Just then Carlisle comes through the doors and sees you and gets next to you.

Carlisle-___, you are indeed pregnant.

You are crying because it hurts.

Emmett-I knew she was. (pause) But Carlisle, why is it so bad?

Carlisle looks at him.

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Chapter 10 Graduation.

Graduation day:

You are putting your cap and gown on in the bathroom at school. You come out and Emmett is waiting for you in his cap and gown. He smiles and grabs your hand.

Emmett-You ready?

You-Yeah, I am.

He kisses your forhead and you guys line up for the ceremony. You are in the middle of the girls line. You guys go into the Gymnasium. You guys are being cheered by parents and siblings. You get to your seat and you guys are announced to sit down.

Your class Valedictorian makes their speech. They start handing out diplomas and You hear Emmett's name be called and you...
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Chapter 5.
You felt someone nudging your arm and you hear someone say "___, ___, wake up, you're home." You open your eyes to see Emmett smiling at you. "Oh, I'm sorry I fell asleep Emmett, I was just so tired." you say smiling a little. "it's no problem ___, but I hope you had fun." he said looking at you. "I did, I really did except..." "except what" he asked. "Except Rosalie kept giving me a cold stare all day, and I dont know why." Emmett started to laugh a little bit. "What's so funny?" you ask. "Forget about Rosalie, we used to date and I broke up with her because she's too damn up-tight....
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posted by groovychicklisa
Hello (: This is my new fanfic! It’s my first Twilight Fanfic but I hope you like it. I should mention that all characters are human and that this story circulates around Edward and Bella, however other characters such as the Cullen’s, Charlie and the Blacks will also make an appearance along with possible characters I create. Here is the ‘blurb’ so to speak. Please comment and give me your opinion on if I should continue you or not. It is also nameless, so after you read the blurb if you have any ideas feels free to share them! Thank You!

Bella and Edward have been friends for...
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You saw Jane and Brittany Volturi. You froze.
Emmett: Babe who is it?
Jane: Evening __________ and Emmett we are doing our rounds and checking on everything may we come in?
You: Yeah I will be right back.
You ran upstairs and checke on Sabrina and then wrote her a little letter and she nodded. You ran back out the door and downstairs and saw the whole Cullen family.
Jane: Is everything okay ________?
You: Yes it is Jane.
Brittany: Okay so we are glad to inform you that the masters will be visiting in about a month or so for the wedding.
Emmett: That is good to know.
Alice: The More the merrier.
Carlisle: We can't wait to see old friends.
Jane: Thank you. I will let Master Aro know. *walks off with Brittny.*

im sorry u guys im just have to much things on my mind right now so the next couple of chapters aren't going to be long. again im very very sorry.
Alice’s P.O.V:
I looked at my photo album sitting beside Bella-it had all our memories: Bella and Edward at prom, Bella and I at graduation, Edward holding Bella, Us playing baseball, Bella, me, and Rosalie playing all sorts of games, Bella and Rosalie doing their nails, Bella dancing, Me and Jazz, Rosalie and Em…all of them. The good times, the bad times. Bella let a tear slip from her big, brown eyes. Edward picked her up, and rocked her slowly. “We’re all gonna go to…j-j-jail…” she cried into Edward’s chest. I patted her back, “Bella…we are not going to jail forever. We...
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The staircase Cydnee goes up
The staircase Cydnee goes up
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    The next room I went to was bigger then the last, and I drew quickly, drawing in as much detail as I could make out with the torch light above me while still hiding in the shadows of the room I was in. I drew quickly, and made sure I got everything into the note-pad before leaving. I did. I left. That's when I bumped into a hulky guard.
    Once I...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
We sat on in the living room waiting for everyone else, and plan how are we goinq to save Julius from Jane, and find the way to destroy the Voltury.
“Carlisle, Nessi is back but we have problems, we need to act as soon is possible”My dad tOld grandpa as everyone froze
“Edward do you really think, we can kill the whole voltury?. With jane on their side?, they are more powerfull they can destroy all of us” Uncle Jasper yelled.
“Look listen carefully, I was thinnking, if we talk to the werewolfs, we can fight with them, and besides that Julius is a very powerfull crature, if he can controll...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Oh.." I said and he nodded in agreement on how bad that truely was.
    "Tabra didn' was just me. I was Haus's favorite." He spat Haus's name as if he was spitting on his face for a final goodbye.
    "I'm so sorry." I said and he looked at me, and I could have sworn he was a bit teary-eyed.
    "Don't be. It's not your fault. I went to them in my time of need, and I agreed to killing them. I was blinded by love from...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
To the Readers of my Fan Fictions:

Alright listen...I know I promised I will post but I can't post anything right now...I just got home from the beach and I have to go to the hospital for my sister and myself...she got really hurt and I hit my head on the beach floor and on a boogie board so now I am really dizzy! Plus I am worn out from almost drowning!! Sorry I will try to post tomorrow and I will try to make it long! Hope I am feeling better by tomorrow...And I pray to God I don't have a concussion

Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
Hi, my name is Cyd, short for Cydnee, and one day while I was grocery shopping, a former member of the Death Clan of the Fallen threw a knife at my head. I ducked behind my cart, and ran out of the store once I saw the knife fly into a bunch of egg cartons. I went home, told my friend Tabra about it, and he came rushing over. He helped me get out of the aftershock feeling, and when we were eating chicken sandwhiches, mine was coated in poison. We then went to his apartment, knowing that if one little sandwhich was...
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posted by Tatti
As the fight started again I realized that Volturi was much more careful than before, I guess it was related to the fact that I could use my physical shield and turn Jane's and others' abilities against them. I just wonder if they suspect how much strength it requires - I already felt pretty tired. I broke some of their relationships using Chelsea and saw how dozen of guards retreated more than necessary. Battle was getting more and more intensive and advantage was on our side, Volturi lost five or six soldiers while we didn't lose a single person. I hated the smell of lilac smokes, it made...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Hi again everyone! Thank you so much for commenting on my last post, and being fans of it, too!! I appreciate every thing you all have to say, and I'm so so SO excited to know that you guys are enjoying it. Ultimately, it all boils down to the happiness of the readers ^.^ Here's an update! Enjoy! Much love from me to all of you!
“Watched? By who?” Rosalie placed her hands on her tiny waist and grimaced, “Are you positive about that, Summer?” Summer used her excellent vision to search the dense forest that encompassed them, “Yes Rose,”...
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posted by LexisFaith
I opened the door and Jake came up behind me putting his hand on my mouth.
"Shhhh!" He whispered. "Sarah just went to sleep."
I removed his hand from my mouth and kissed him. "Good job." I smiled and started up stairs.
"So?" He followed behind me. "What's the verdict?"
I walked into our room and took off my shoes and put my things away.
I walked over and stood infront of him. I put my hands on my hips and sighed.
"This baby has the wolf gene. That's why it is growing faster." I ran my hair threw my curls and walked around him.
"So what does that mean?"
"It means..." I turned to make sure he was behind...
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posted by Saritaswims
I woke up gasping my lungs on fire and feeling as if bricks were in my chest preventing me from btreathing properly i felt cold sweat run down my forehead into my eyes making my vision blurry i took a long shivery gasp and started breathing short sharp and shaky breaths i looked at the clock 3:15am. I clutched onto my charm necklace and kissed it softly rubbing each charm softly with my thumb.I then noticed the space next to me was empty but i noticed a small note i grabbed it with a pale hand and read

Scar, Im sorry for leaving my family was going hunting i havent had blood in months, needed...
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posted by LexisFaith
Hey guys! Since so many of you wanted teh next one so soon, I decided I would go ahead a do it.
As you can see this one is in Renesmee's point of view for those team edwards out there. Hope you enjoy!

Drive faster was not in order when Dad was driving. His speedometer needle couldn't go any further but Mom continued to tell him to hurry.
"Bella, I'm going as fast as I can. I quite frankly can't go any faster."
Mom sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

When we reach the hospital Jake carried me in with all the rest of my family behind me. We...
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posted by Tatti
When I woke up it was hard to believe that everything I've been through these past three months was real. But me lying in a king size bed in a beautiful room was a prove I couldn't deny. I sat up in the bed and tried to come up with a plan but my head simply didn't work. And I felt hungry. When I got of the bed I remembered that I left my motel wearing only pajamas and a jacket. What am I going to do now? Show myself dressed like this? On the other hand why I should feel embarrassed? They kidnaped me after all - I didn't get a chance to pack my things. I sighed and went to a glass wall. I gazed...
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"Well the sent was easy enough to catch. By the way, your room reeks."
"I'll buy some air freshener." She replied.
I laughed and silence took over. Guess now is as good of a time as ever.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked taking the plate from her hand.
"That depends on what you want to know."
"I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything-I'm honestly curious." I assured her.
"Fine." She sighed. "Go ahead."
I stalled for a moment deciding if I really wanted to know or not. I finally asked anyway. "What's it like-having a vampire for a boyfried?"
She rolled her eyes. "It's the best."
"I'm serious. The idea...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry its been a while.
Hope you like it.

I woke up in a limo with my boss next to me. “Are we on our way to Volterra?”

“Yes we are” The limo finally stopped. I got out and went to hotel room to clean myself up re-do my hair. I had to walk down a massive stage in a pair of heels. I doubted that I would maintain my balance. I managed to stay standing to my surprise. It all ended at last I expected to be shipped off to a different country now but I wasn’t. I was being taken to the Volturi. Of course they didn’t know that they were called the Volturi and that they were vampires. We...
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