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posted by BellaCullenHale
I gasped. My breath was I placed me right hand on my heart trying to slow it. My eyes blinked hardly and slowly. It was black. I wouldn't see anything. My eyes were blind. I could feel coldness all around me. There was nothing. I streched my arms out hopeing to grasped something...Anything. But there really was nothing. A cold wind blew in my face. I closed my eyes. There wasen't a point of keeping them open, I couldn't see anyway. Then there was a light...Above me...In a circlular shape. It was me...Lieing down on a bed. Austin sat there. Tears coming out of his eyes.
''Austin!'' I screamed. I was amazed at the length and highness of my screeching voice.
My breathing came harder. Shallow.
''Austin!'' I tried to scream again. Then I realized he couldn't hear me. He looked down at me, lieing on the bed.
I couldn't take this. This was torture. I closed my mouth and breathed through my nose. Harshly. I became angry...
''What do you want from me huh?!'' I screamed. I threw my arms out. And looked at the vision above my head.
''You want my life?! Am I even alive?!'' I screamed again. I don't know why I was doing this. I felt too angry to become reasonable. I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I couldn't tell whether I was crying or sweating.
''Send me a sign!-'' I yelled. ''-If I'm alive send me a sign! Prove yourself!'' I stopped. The air around me became warmer. My breathe all of the sudden slowed. I felt safe. Then there was a reflection. Like, a mirror infront of me.
My dark brown hair framed my face. Tears shined of my face. I wore the same clothes I had on earlier this morning when I looked in the mirror. I had a small scratch on my neck. I pressed my left index finger againest the small scratch.
''Ow.'' I whimpered like a small puppy. Then I closed my eyes. When I opened them. I looked up, and opened my mouth to speak.
''What does this mean?'' I whispered, looking at the reflection of myself. Then I woke up...

I screamed, and sat up. Austin rushed back to my side, he grabbed my hand.
''Hey.'' He said using his free hand to remove the hair from my face and pull it behind my ears.
''Are you okay?'' He asked and looked me deeply in the eyes.
''Im alive.'' I whispered. My eyes quickly wandered around me, then my eyes found Austin's. I threw my arms around him.
''I'm alive!'' I choked out at the tears. These tears were really from being so happy. Im alive. I thought.
My fingered intertwined in his hair. He hugged me back. His strong hands layed strongly on my back. My cheek pressed smoothly on his neck. Then I let go. Then I noticed where I was.
''How did I get back home...? I was in the bathroom...with...-'' I said then stopped. Where was she now? ''-Alexis.''
He rolled up his sleeve to his jacket. Two medium sized marked laid on his arm. They had to be at least an inch deep. My eyes were open wide stari ng at the marks.
''Austin...'' I whispered.
''...I stopped her.'' He said looking in my eyes.
I couldn't believe he would take a bite from a vampire for me. How did he even get there? I was alone with her.
''How did you...?'' I didn't finish.
''Simple spell...Tranportation is always good in cases like this...'' He was looking down at my arm. I looked confused. But then I noticed what he was looking at.
Two scratches lied there on my arm. I was suprised to see the scratches. They looked like they were going to be bite marks, but slightly skidded across the skin. I raised my right hand, and gently went over the scratches with my fingertips.
''Ow.'' I whimpered. This 'Whimper' reminded me of when I was out. In the blackness. My mind raced ahead of me to the memory. Then it played the memory in my head...
''Send me a sign!-'' I yelled. ''-If I'm alive send me a sign! Prove yourself!'' I stopped. The air around me became warmer. My breathe all of the sudden slowed. I felt safe. Then there was a reflection. Like, a mirror infront of me.
My dark brown hair framed my face. Tears shined of my face. I wore the same clothes I had on earlier this morning when I looked in the mirror. I had a small scratch on my neck. I pressed my left index finger againest the small scratch.
''Ow.'' I whimpered like a small puppy. Then I closed my eyes. When I opened them. I looked up, and opened my mouth to speak...

I gasped, my hand automaticly came up and felt all around me neck, only to find a small scratch. My eyes looked up and Austin.
''What is this?'' I said my hand still on the scratch.
''Believe it or not, you did that to yourself.'' He laughed half heartedly.
''Huh.'' I said almost insulted, althought I dont even know why.
''Why would I do that to myself?'' I asked confused. I think I would know if I had.
His hand reached out for mine, my hand took his willingly.
''You woke up...Screaming...You didn't know where you were...Or really who I truely was...You automaticly raised your hand and felt of your neck but you raised your hand so fast that it made a small scratch from your fingernail.'' He explained. I tryed to imagine a vision from the details he provided but couldn't quite do it.
He looked up, and bite his lip. He seemed like he was trying to concentrate on something.
''Can I ask you something?'' He asked me.
''Yes. Of course...'' I was suprised to hear my own voice. Small and highpitched. As thought I was crying, but I wasen't.
''Do you remember...-'' He said through barely opened lips. ''-anything from being out... Was it black? Was it like...a dream...?''
I focused hard to find anyway to explain the darkness in a way he could understand but to be honest there was a way to. Because both dream and blackness were in it.
''I wish there was a way to show you...Because I remember it very vividly.'' I said. Tears welded up in my eyes. Suddenly his hand was strong. I looked up his eyes were closed. Then I figured out what he was doing. I closed my eyes and replayed the scene of blackness in my head.
We sat there for at least two mintes. His breath was hard. Like a gasp in every breath. His hand shaking in mine. I knew that this all happened is my mind was way more than two minutes more like three or four hours. I remember standing infront of the mirror, seeing the scratch on my neck. I stopped remembering and stopped the scene from playing in my head. When I opened my eyes his were open too.
''Why'd you stop?'' He asked.
I sighed and free'd one of my hands from his, and gently placed it on his cheek.
''Because, theres no reason why make you suffer of somthing that happened in my mind that wasent even real and something that is over now...A dream of darkness. Which is gone. '' I said simplely and smiled a small smile. He smiled and looked down. I free'd my other and lifted it up to his face, gently I lifted his head and leaned forward to kiss him. My lips pressed lightly on his. He kissed me back adding the slightest pressure. I let go of the kiss and layed my head on his chest. He leaned back againest the headboard and stroked my hair with the back of his hand. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt safe...Warm...feeling his heartbeat, and his breath. He breathed slowly. His heartbeat pacing slow aswell.
''I should go...'' He said slowing getting up.
''Why?'' I asked and stood up with him.
''We have school tomorrow.'' He said smiling at me, though his reply only made me frown. Thinking of tomorrow and having to face...Alexis, again made me feel like a fly behind caught in a spiderweb. Couldn't get out, having no where to go, being tortured to death...
Austin felt my uncomfortableness and took his hand, and lifted it to my chin, and tilted my head up.
''I'll be there...I won't let anything happen to you Ashley.'' He stared me deeply in the eyes, with the most serious look on his face. His gentle eyes then flashed to the necklace he had given to me, on my dresser.
He walked over to the dresser and gentlely picked up the necklace, and simply turned around. He walked over to me, lilted my hair and put the necklace around my neck. It hung around my neck loosely, I shivered when the cold metal touched my chest.
''Always wear this.'' He said. He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. When I opened my eyes he was gone. I sighed and laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and tryed to not think about anything. Hopefully I'll drift to sleep. And So I did...

I screamed to the top of my lungs, not letting my heartbeat slow I took off running down the hallway. Endless doors, I was running past. My breath seemed to become louder and louder. I stopped at the end of the hallway. Dark blue, and navy shadows framed around the end of the hallway. A faint smell of blood filled the air, along with a small scent of roses. I heard someone scream, I jumped and slammed my body againest the end of the hallway. The cold walls hurt my back, but I didn't care. Alexis came out of the closest door, grinning. Her face glowed in the faint light, Her hair perfectly straight, Makeup dark colors, a black liquid dripped slowly from her mouth. The liquid dripped in slow motion, my eyes glued themselves to the small drop of black liquid. My breath let out a slow heavy sigh...Now everything was in slow motion, only making it more scary. As if I could be any more scared then I already was. By the time my sigh stopped the liquid hit the floor. It burst into a bloody red mess, then it filled the entire floor of the hallway. Then blood looked as If it dried and only dyed the floors. When I was finally able to un-glue my eyes from the floor Alexis was looking up at me, grinning. Her sharp fangs shined brightly with her un-humanly white teeth. I was shocked at my own feelings, from frighten to angry. I wanted to rip her throat out. She seemed amused watching my puzzled exspressions. I opened my mouth to speak. Theres no way im letting her win...
''I hope your happy...Thinking you'll win, because your stronger.'' I said, trying to keep my tone casual and act like she wasen't even bothering me. This all reminded me of a school girl standing up to a bully. Instead it was Human VS. Vampire.
Her puzzled exspression was almost fasinating. I couldn't help but laugh. She looked even more puzzled when I laughed, I knew she was trying to think of somthing to say, but then I knew I was so mad I could top anything she throws at me. And so I continued...
''Answer this...Can you do that? I mean we're both here, might aswell.'' I said, knowing that I was winning. Her face looked as if she had just excepted a challenge, a small grin appeared on her face. She crossed her arms across her chest and shifted her weight to her right side. Then she let out a light laugh.
''Sure.'' She said simply. And then continued. ''And uh, by the way. I'm just gonna throw this out there even though I'm sure you already know this. But uh, I can and will break your neck in one swift fluid movement so...'' She said while, she took one of her hands out, and looked at her nails. I rolled my eyes and continued speaking.
''Why do you think you can, so easily?'' I asked honestly. Her eyebrows came together. Her face looked as if I had asked a dumb question.
''Uhh Hello? Human-'' Her hands motioned toward me then herself... ''-Vampire. I can kill you right now if I wanted to.'' She said, thinking she was explaining it to me. But I didn't care. I had no idea where this courage came to me from, but I felt stronger than her. Then I continued.
''True. But what if I could kill you?'' I asked.
She looked at me for about three seconds then burst into laughter.
''In your dreams. Only if you were a vampire could you do that. And even if you were...-'' She paused and laughed, then continued. ''-I doubt that a preppy cheerleader like you could even have a chance with a girl like me.''
''Yes because a girl like you is sooo special right?'' I said sarcasticly, I was now insulting her...
''And what does that mean?'' She said challengingly.
''It means you just look tough...'' I said. Then I began to mock her. ''Ooh look at me Alexis Contante, I'm a Vampire and I'm a gothic freak who acts like a jerk for attention.'' I said in a high voice. She looked astonished at me.
''And I-'' I stepped toward her and lifted my arms to her shoulders...''-Win'' I said and pushed her down. She fell into a black hole. I felt strong. But then reality came to me, and I woke up...

I woke up coughing. Trying to get loose of the dream. Only if I could beat Alexis, even if it was a verbal fight like that. And now just thinking of having to face her made me shiver. Where is all that courage now? , I thought. I wondered about Austin...I wondered what he was doing right about now. Was he thinking of me too?
As I let my mind wonder, my thoughts came right back to Alexis. What was she doing now?
All of this was such a rush that I had almost forgotten all my friends. Well my Ex-Friends. Amanda and I haven't spoken alot at all, Alex and I haven't spoken since that day at the pool, but with that one I was sort of okay with it. Last but not least, Kelsey. Kelsey and I had spoken just a few nights ago, which did make me feel better. When I started to think about it, I hadn't really made any new friends here. Austin and Alexis's rival after ending and saving my life had completely ocupied all of my time and thoughts. Other than Taylor, and his big group of guy friends, I was a loner. I had no Girl-friends at all. Well except Peyton, a girl in my english class, and we didn't even talk that much. Cheerleading practice were on Wednesday. Which gives me a perfect opertunity to make new friends. I stopped my thoughts all together and put them off till after school. Hopefully the teachers won't load me down with too much homework. I walked silently to my dresser. And got dressed...


I sighed as i sat in the car listening to the radio. My mom drove, singing along happily to the music;her hands tapping along with the beat on the steering wheel. I looked down at my lap, my jean shorts looked faded in the sun's rays coming through the window; my white top looked like it had been bleached white. It was a friday afternoon, and it was about 96 or 97 degrees out. I was on my way to Aunt Linda's house for the weekend. Spring break. I sighed at the thought. Nothing but relaxing for 2 weeks, not having to worry about School Work, or Alexis's big ego. Alexis had decreased her attitude ever since her cousin arived. I think his name was Kenneth. I had seen him a little but not alot. He had black hair, like her's, dressed almost similar, had the same scalely white teeth, same pale skin, but however he did not have her ego. Everyone said he was nice. Austin said he was nice but about 10 times as dangerous as Alexis will every get. He said he was basicly the Coltendant of 4 covens. I remembered Austin telling me about the entire Vampire Society, and how Vampire's were actually very civilized creatures, only thrown off by wild ones of their own. He also told me about how family's of Vampires are usually always related. Austin said that all it takes is for 1 human to get biten to start a coven. And how it was basicly a natured tradition for one to bite the members of the family and then reproduce by biting a stranger to keep it all fresh. And how Contendant Vampire's were basicly Royalty, with un-imagineble beauty. And they were also rich, which mean't they would be even more beautiful as if they were drenchen in gold. I laughed at my self silently. I turned and looked at my mom, she was still singing happily to the radio. I listened to the song, and couldn't help but sing along.

''Hun' can you had me that?'' Aunt Linda asked pointing to a red suitcase of my Mom's.
''Yeah sure.'' I said picking it up and lightly handing it to her. She smiled at me, turned around and walked back into the house. Her bleach blonde hair shone lightly underneath her hat. She wore a yellow flower pattern sundress which hung lightly around her shin's as she walked up the stone tiled sidewalk of her house. Her house was huge. Heck, the entire neighborhood was huge. Aunt Linda said there was at least 30 kids living here. But to her I was a kid instead of a teen so she could be talking about 5 year old's. The sun was blazing hot, and so was the wind, making the heat even worse. My mom grabbed 2 suitcases and walked up the sidewalk, leaving me alone with the last bag. I picked it up and followed her into the huge house. When I walked in I let out a huge sigh because the air was so cool in here.
''Man, it's hot out there.'' I said wiping my forhead.
''Haha, wait till' it's Summa time, then you'll sweat like a pig before it rolls in mud.'' She said in her southern accent. I laughed with her. I couldn't help but wonder why my mom didn't have an accent like her's.
''Well Hun', your room is upstairs second door on the left.''She said with a smile.
''Thanks.'' I said as I walked up the stairs. And to my room. This will be a long weekend...
posted by gryffindorgal
A heavy flowery scent wafted under my nostrils, and I felt my eyebrows raise. I cursed under my breath as I remembered Edward's new girlfriend was visiting today. The ground flowed beneath my bare feet as I flew through the forest. I drew in a deep breath, and gently retracted my arms from their wide stretch. My toes gently grasped the edge of the creek bed, and I launched myself over the roaring water. I landed with a light thud and continued on. "I'm sorry, Olliander will be here momentarily. She has a bit of an issue with time." I heard Esme from not too far away. I heard the soft creak...
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posted by Angrykittykj
A/N: I wrote this silly little fic awhile back and I really liked it even though it wasn't very long.

It’s On

“Jake, are you sure you want to do this?”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face at the question. We were lounging around in the living room of the Cullen house and Nessie was staring at me, a laugh hidden in her smile. It should have hurt that she was questioning my judgment, but I couldn’t blame her on this particular subject. If I was her, I would be asking the same question… was I absolutely nuts? Of course, now that I had agreed to this I couldn’t back...
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posted by wbraithw
Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer
In a first new book for almost two years, Stephenie Meyer returns to the world of Eclipse. This story features Stephenie's unbeatable combination of mystery, suspense and romantic intrigue.

To be honest, I was about to give this book 3.5 stars, just barely 4 stars. At first, a lot of it was pointless and I just didn't really care much for the story. Then, I got to the part when the newborn vampires clash with the Cullen family in Eclipse and I loved it, loved seeing how the stories interspersed and loved seeing it from Bree's perspective.

I kinda hoped that because Stephenie was writing from...
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That is a not easy choice for Bella,espically face Edward and Jacob.
Edward is like an antiquated and gentlest brand,such as link.
But Jacob,who is new arisen,just like link.
That is really a difficult choice for Bella.
Feeling?Emotion?What is the measurement?
Woman is very strange,includig Bella.They want to be loved,and want a happy ending with her prince.Eactly,that person should be everyone's prince.
To go along with feeling is not always right.
May be we could know what is her finally choice in the ending.
For reasons as of yet unknown, Fanpop seems to have something against the website b l o g s p o t . c o m -- posting links from this site will cause you to get temporarily suspended.
We first noticed this when I tried to link a blog from that site with my 'main' account, lucius_malloy, and got temporarily suspended. Later this happened with a total of five other accounts: luciusmalloy (my first back-up account), harrypotterbest, Accio_Pandorica, lumiss and Gemonkus.
We have contacted Fanpop about this issue and are hoping for a reply soon, but in the mean time, we are warning you against posting...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 7:

    We all stood still from the shock of thinking someone dangers came inside. Everyone just stood there and looked at the person with a look that said really.
    “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” Jasper said. “Did something happen?” He said sounding more apprehensive by the second. We all just looked at him. “Are you guys going to answer me or just look at me like I’m nuts?” he stated.
    “Honey, were not trying to freak you out or anything. It’s just that Bella just got...
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posted by GothicGirl0525

Enjouy :)

Chapter 6:

    “Hello Daughter” Says my scary excuse for a father responded. His voice always holding that evil glint and never the loving touch I always longed for as a young girl. “Isabella, how have you been?” He asked, trying to sound sweet but failing.
    “Charlie how about you and I get one thing straight shall we?” I asked taking a deep breath and continuing before he could say anything. “I am not your daughter. The right of you calling me your daughter was taken away the day you decided to hit me.” I stated, pausing...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs more attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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Forbes: Highest Earning Actors 2010: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

By Twilight_News |

Forbes has ranked the highest ranked actors in 2010 based on the amount of money that their films made. As you might expect Leo DeCaprio and Johnny Depp are on top of the list; however, after that, the list is heavily represented by actors who are under 30. Robert Pattinson comes in number 7 and Kristen Stewart comes in number 8.

According to Forbes:

Robert Pattinson: $749 million
The Twilight films have been perennial earners, so it’s no surprise to see Pattinson on this list. He ranks above his costar...
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posted by teamalice_0
AN: So soory I havent been on, no internet. Hope this makes it up!

Dr. Cullen froze, probably from shock. But oddly he sounded like he stopped breathing...
He took in a sharp breath and flipped through pages.
"Who else knows?"
Another odd thoing, most people would already assume everyone knew.
"Now you, my friend Angela from school, principal Greene,Cathy the nurse that came in with me, Dr. Smith, mom." I whispered the last part, but I wasnt too sure.
"Only them? No one else?"
"No Dr. Cullen, what if one day you woke...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Bella's POV

Am I in heaven? I remember closing my eyes and thinking good-bye to my beloved Edward. No I can't be dead! I just found out I could live forever. Can't I heal? I am a werewolf. Aren't I? I'm sorry Edward. Really sorry.

I started hearing voices and I could feel wind threw my hair. "Bella can you please wake up it's Carlisle. You aren't dead. But if you don't wake up soon you will be. Come on Bella wake up. For Edward." Edward. Edward. "Edward." I whispered. "Bella!" Esme exclaimed happily.

I tried moving but it was no use. My bones must be broken. There was a sharp pain in my thigh....
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Hey everyone and anyone! I'm a new writer at and have tried my hand at writing some Rated M (Mature) material of a odd I guess you could say couple. I've been writing short drabbles of their love together. If you not into that stuff you don't have to read it. Just putting this out there for the curious people. The link is below and I do accept reviews from people not from the website. So you can still review my chapters anonymously. Hope you do like it!

Tanya & Rosalie

posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Weeks passed. My friendship grew stronger with Edward and nothing could come between us. But sometimes I feel like I want to ask him out by now because so far; nothing really has happened. And it's true. But sometimes, there were these arkward moments leading up to, (where I would've thought); he would ask me out. Every time that happened... dissapointment. I am a big chicken, I can't even ask him out! Why must it be this hard. In my fantasy it's easy, but that is why they call it fantasy!
Today it was free period, so it meant all the dancers could go in the freestyling room to just...
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posted by aMMazing14
"No, no, no. This can't happen to me." I had a raw feeling through out his body. I knew I would never be able to take back those last minutes
of my life, and I'd never really get rid of this feeling without her. Danny was looking at me as if I had gone insane. Maybe I had.

"Are you sure that she's your s...." Danny didn't get to finish his sentence I puched him square in the jaw, hard. That got rid of some of the anger.
"Tyson, what the fuck dude, it's not my fault she's your soul mate." He said while rubbing his jaw. Danny was stil talking, probably trying to calm me
down. "I mean c'mon Ty itleast...
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Edwards POV
I must put the plan in action! The only question is how. School? It's a bit risky because everyone in a town this small knows everyones history. I tried the best to get Bella out of my head; but I couldn't. Somehow my prayes were answered as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I yelled so no one would get up. Slowley, I drew back the door and to my surprise... "Bella? What are you doing here?" I questioned. I didn't mind it but we all realised the trouble we could get in to. "Esme, I am just going for a walk outside. someone from school is here to ask about the spanish homework."...
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Elizabeth Reaser is heading from the big screen to the small screen.

The Twilight star has booked a recurring role on “The Good Wife.”

Reaser, who plays Esme Cullen in the Twilight series, will make her first appearance on the CBS hit on October 19 as a sports journalist named Tammy, who potentially has a romance with Josh Charles’ Will, reports.

The actress is no stranger to TV or CBS. She was the star of “The Ex List” in 2008, which the network canceled after just a few episodes.

Follow @GossipCop on Twitter for accurate celebrity news!

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posted by whatupiloveyou
I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I had morning sickness then my husband went on a business trip and his laptop broke so he had to take mine. I know that you probably hate me, but please don't take it out on my story. I promise to try to update once a week, maybe more. I'm on bed-rest and I'm only 4 months so I am going to have lots of time to update and write. Please forgive me. I am going to try to make it up with a long chapter.

Disclaimer: No I still don't own twilight!


I don't know how much longer I can stay...
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posted by Twiluv
Edward is hot i have to admit but he even admits he's a killer in New moon and he is TOO much of a gentalmen! Bella need some one better than that who wont be tempted to kill her whenever they touch.
Jacob on the othe hand can let loose and have fun, Bella has know him her WHOLE life, hes just better for her. plus who doesnt love a shirtless werewolf with a SIX pack?
Jacob is kind of young for bella but if bella chooses Jake she wont have to completely FREEZE her life before she hits 20!
Edward is Bellas age but to be with him she has to go through TONS and TONS of pain when Edward bites her and freeze her life in its tracks to live for ETERNITY!
Bella always seems soo much mor conferable around jacob, but with edward shes always so stiff and seems so nervous.
Iv'e read every book and seen every movie at least 5 times so far and i started out team Edward then i realized JACOB is SO much better for Bella.