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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys, Thank you all for your support!!! Sorry it took me so long to write. I had a lot of homework. And sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger for so long. This is dedicated to 3434girl, Thank you for all your support! Love ya!

Bella's POV

As I walked over too the single bed I woke up in, I wasn't feeling well, it must have been from hitting my head twice, why did I have to be such a Klutz? The Vampire sat down, I sat crossed legged next to her.
"So bella, I know you probably want to ask me a thousand questions right now but before you do i just want to say something first, if that's okay?" She said. I was so scared now, I onder what is going to happen. I think I might pass out any second now, so she better mke this quick.
"Ummm Okay." I replied quickly.
"Cool. My name is Tash, and I know you are missing you're boyfriend right now, but don't worry you'll see him in no time. I have you here because I need you're help."
WHAT!!! I was screaming in my head. The vampire needs my help?! A week, fragile human, not to mention the biggest Klutz to ever walk the universe! What would she need my help for?
"Huh?" Was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.
"I need you're help." She said again.
I just stared at her dumbfounded, I realised my mouth was hanging open I took me a few seconds to remember how to close it again. Finally I got some sense back into me.
"You need my help?" I asked stupidly.
"Yes, thats right I need you're help." She answered me.
"What do you need my help for?" I asked, there was too much stuff to handle, I was so confused, not to mention feeling sick, I hit my head pretty hard.
"That's a long story, right now don't you first want to ask me some questions?" Tash replied.
"Umm... Yes." As soon as she said that the questions I had in my head before all flooded back too me. What question should I start with?
"Well go on." She said, after waiting a few seconds.
"How long have I been here?" I asked. My head was spinning badly now.
"Getting close to 19 hours, you've been out for a while. Sorry about that, I shouldn't have hit you so hard." She replied with a little smile.
"Where's Edward? Is he okay? Does he- She cut me off then.
"Please just one question at a time."
"Oh... Ummm... okay, Where's Edward?" I said, wanting these answers soon.
"He's... Ummm... Well its hard to explain that right now, before going into the whole story of why you're here, and why I need you're help. But what I can tell you is that. He's okay, He doesn't know where you are, but he does know you're missing... kind of." she replied (I didn't want to admit I had already forgotten her name) KIND OF?...WHAT DOES SHE MEAN BY KIND OF!!!
"What do you mean whem you say kind of?" I tried to ask her as calmly as possible.
"Like I said before, it's hard to explain. But before I start with the story, I bet you're hungry, do you want something to eat or drink?" She asked. Now that she said that, I realised I was STARVING!!! Just when I thought that, my stomach started to rumble to my great embarrassment.
"I'll take that as a yes" She said with a smile on her face.
"Yes please" I said eagerly. "I'm sorry I forgot you're name" I said.
"My name is Tash. Let's go get you some food now" Tash said. When a sudden thought popped into my head.
"WAIT! What about Charlie, Is he okay? Does he know i'm gone?!" I said worried.
"Charlie is okay, but he doesn't know you're missing."
"What? How could I be gone for almost 19 hours, without him not know i'm missing?" I said, even more confused now.
"This will all come together, in a little while." Tash said calmly. I went to brush my hair with my finger's but when I touched my head, I could feel a big bump.
"Ouch" I said
"Sorry I forgot about you're head. How is it? What happened?" Tash said concerned
"Well I was running to the exit, but forgot about how clumsy I am" I said embarrassed again. "When I tripped and went head first into the stone floor." Tash couldn't help but let out a little giggle.
"I'm sorry, it just sounded funny. But that must of hurt, do want something for it, maybe ice?" She said, still not able to keep a smile off her face.
"Yes please maybe some ice, and do you have any aspirin?" I said stupidly, why would a vampire have aspirin? Let alone food, water and ice.
"Surprisingly I do have aspirin, they actually help with my head aches that I get." Tash replied. I got confused again, do Vampires get head aches?
"Come on let's get you some food, water, ice and aspirin."

We walked through the white door that I was trying to run too before all this happened, when I thought what if this is a trap? What if i'm never going to see Edward again? What about all the other Cullen's Alice, Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, Jasper and even Rosalie, What if I never see them again? That means I'll never become like them!
I stopped my train of thought and looked around, here was nothing like the white room I was in. We first walked through a small hall way, which had yellow walls with black and white photos framed up on the wall. What was with this Vampire? Why was she in old fashioned clothes, and had old fashion pictures?
We came out of the hall way and into a small, cozy room, it had a open fire place too. You could see there were windows, but they were coered up, by frilly curtians which were i'm possible to see out of, I couldn't even tell if it was night or day time.
"Hey Bella, the kitchen is over here" Tash called out.
I followed, the sound of her voice, through a door and into a big modern kitchen, which seemed strange because it didn't match, most of this house.
"Here is a cup of water and aspirin. Now what would you like to eat?" She asked. I took the water and swallowed the aspirin, while I was thinking of what to have. For some weird reason I felt like having eggs, humm... I wonder why I feel like them now?
"Do you have any eggs?" I asked
"I sure do, how do you want me to cook them?" Tash asked.
"Sunny side up, please" I replied.
The whole time Tash was cooking I was wondering, What was going to happen to me? What does Tash need my help for? Could it be something to do with Edward? And one thing that I hadn't haqve thought of yet was, How did she know me? Tash interrupted my thoughts-
"Here you go, eggs sunny side up" She handed me the plate of eggs it was massive, I wondered how I was going to get through them all.
"thank you" I told her.
I took one bite of the eggs, they were delicious! I quickly finished the whole plate full in no time. Tash had gotten me another drink, this time it was orange juice, I quickly finished that.
"Wow!" Tash said "You must have been hungry, do you want any more?"
"No thank you, it was very nice though." I told her.
"Thank you. OH! I forgot something. Do you want some ice for you're head?" She said quickly.
"Oh yeah, yes please" She handed me over an ice pack rapped around it was a tea towel. I held the ice pack softly on my head.

"Okay now that you're done, I think it is time that I told you the story of why you are here" About time I thought, I was starting to think she would never tell me, making me go insane. I just nodded, trying to get to the point.
"Well I kidnapped you because I needed you're help, as you already know." Tash started. I noddd again.
"See I need you're help because... the existence of all Vampire's are in danger. She said slowly. WHAT! What did she mean by that? How could I help her? Like I said before i'm just a week human. I knew I couldn't take anything on right now, my head was spinning so fast.
That's when everything went black, last thing I remember was I fell off my chair, and hit my head again!
Chapter 5: Embracing Your Inner Succubus

When we got back to our villa, it was pitch black out. Jake carefully laid me down on the bed. “Nessie, I think that we should go home, you really don’t look well at all.” I tried to sit up but the dizziness overtook me and I lay back down. “I’m fine,” I croaked. “I just need to eat something I will be all right.” Jake stood up, “I am giving you until tomorrow if you are not better we are out of here. I am going to get you something to eat.” I held my hand out and stopped him. “I didn’t want anything from the fridge. “I want...
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"Edward" I heard a faint voice yell, it was very...BELLA, but i believed it was Jane,another of the Volturi, i completely ignored it, keeping my eyes tight shut.
I heard the slooshing sound of the fountain, as though it was a paddling pool.
I took a step towards the clock tower, my foot almost in the sunlight, but not before...
A body crashed into me and i lifted it up in my arms. Bella. I slowly opened my black, hungry eyes and the clock tolled, I looked at Bella.
"Amazing i said" my voice full of wonder "Carlisle was right."
She mouthed my name, and finally caught her breath "You've got...
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I plugged in my headphones, hoping it would help to pass the next ten to fifteen minutes of the flight, and listened to the lullaby i had composed for my sweetheart. My heart was already broken - might as well break it some more.
I hummed the tune of Bella's lullaby, and felt eyes passangers on my face, as my lips trembled and my eyelids twitched to a close. I imagined Bella and I dancing at the prom last year. I managed a bare smile as i noticed Bellas feet lifted from the floor. But the smile faded as she collapsed to the ground and her heartbeat came to a halt, That was NOT supposed to happen....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I wasn't sure she'd make it 10 feet before she fell asleep, and I was right. I caught her before she hit the ground, and carried her towards the Cullen's house.

Edward most likely would want proof I'd brought her back. The fact that she was practically catatonic right now was not helping; he'd probably bite my head off (I'm not sure if that's a metaphor or not) the second before he realised I was not carrying her corpse.

I was met by Bella almost as soon as I'd caught Renesmee.

She wordlessly took Renesmee from my arms, and we walked to my and Renesmee's house.

Bella walked up the stairs....
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posted by Doopey
Here is another chapter :D

Chapter seven

Before i even turned around i knew who it was. A growl burst through my lips before i could stop it. The only reason i left was to protect them but they come here anyway.
"What are you doing here?" I hissed at them through my teeth. My anger was slowly building up.
"Do you really think i would miss out on a fight!" Of course Emmett was amused by the situation. I growled at him.
Then Edwards hands ran down my arms. I knew it was him because of how my body reacted to his touch. I turn round slowly but i couldnt look into his eyes. I couldnt look and see...
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posted by renesmeblack

I felt like screaming. Jacob was running too fast. I clung to his fur, eyes closed tight. I think I DID shriek. I heard Emmett laugh in front of us. Ugh. Why does everyone ruin my moment? I was crazy enough to open my eyes. Emmett ran up a tree and Jacob stood on his hind legs, barking like a real dog does to a cat. I fell off and landed on my backside. Ow. Jacob was still barking like mad. I aimed a kick at his right leg, but he didn't notice. Going to the other side of the tree, I inspected the branches. One was low enough for me to get on top of. As soon as I was next to Emmett,...
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posted by _madz_
wow, two in two days! i've discovered that i study better when i have writing breaks in the middle so your in luck :)
i might be able to write tomorrow, but I'll have to wait and see. enjoy!

“I’m not as strong as you give me credit for.” I said. Right and wrong have ceased to mean much to me; I was coming back anyway. Before Rosalie told me the news, I was already past trying to live through one week at a time, or even one day. I was fighting to make it through a single hour. It was only a matter of time—and not much of it—before I showed up at your window and begged you to take me...
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posted by _madz_
hey guys, i was sooooo bored with study, that i wrote some more :) its still short but i was starting to feel guilty for ignoring my studies.

If she wanted me to leave, I would have no choice but to. I couldn’t deny anything to the beautiful creature in my arms. Even if it killed me to leave I still would, if that was what she wanted.
It was time to confront her. I needed to know, but I was dreading the answer.
“Yesterday, when I would touch you, you were so... hesitant, so careful, and yet still the same.” Still perfect in every way, I wanted to add, but I resisted, wary of what...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
“Renesmee Carlie Cullen,” my mom used my full name. I glanced up at her with no idea of what expression was on my face. “I will never let anything happen to you. Do you understand? You mean more to me than my own life.” As she said these last words she came to look me strait in the eyes. “I love you, honey” she whispered in my ear and held me tight in her arms. Then she released me, but didn’t move from my side.
    “What do we do?” Esme asked.
    “What else can we do? We fight!” Uncle Emmett answered her question while a grin stretched...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
*I know it may confuse you that Alice can see Renesmee, but in my version Alice has always been able to*

Renesmee’s Point Of View

    My mind was conjuring up so many possibilities as a bounded up the front porch steps to my house. I had been at Jacob’s the whole day and then my mom called and told me to come over with Jacob as soon as possible.        I was reaching for the door handle, but the door flew open before I had the chance to open the door.
    “Surprise!” A chorus of voices shouted around me. Everyone...
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Renesmee Cullen’s Story, Chapter 9


Renesmee was outside, waiting to surprise me for a reason I don’t know. I watched tv to kill the time, not really paying attention to the flashing colors that should be The Simpsons. I wish she was still in my arms, right now. Hard to believe she was yelling at me last night. She was excited this morning, which made me a little suspicious. But all she did was kiss me with a lot of force, as though she will cease to exist if she didn’t, and whisper, “Not now. Later.” When I asked. Now I’m just sitting here.
“Oh, Jacob!” came Renesmee’s...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Renee almost touched me, then seemed to think better of it.

"Sit down," Renee whispered again, gesturing towards the porch swing. I sat, she sat.

"But Bella... died... " Renee whispered.

Lovely. So THAT was what this woman believed.

"She died. I saw her. Dead. Almost eighteen years ago. She was a victim of hit and run," Renee said, sounding panicked, as if she were only trying to convince herself.

I decided to play along, it was convenient. For my family.

"I was born a few months before that. She didn't want you to know," I lied easily.

"And the rest of the Cullens?" Renee whispered,...
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I will try to write as much as I can today because tommorow I will be going to Orlando and will not have alot to write. But I will try to wrie at night and the day after that if I have time.
Bella's POV

"Alice?" I said will searching around the room looking for her. No one answered.
"Alice!!!" I said with more volume. Still, no one answered.
"I don't think Alice is home. I bet she went hunting." Edward whispered.
I sighed. I walked back upstairs and decided to take a shower. So did Edward. Afterwards, I tried to give myself a makeover. But, it didn't turn out so well. My hair looked normal again...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Jacksonville?" I asked Jake.
"Bella wants you to meet Renee," Jake said.
"Who's that?" I had no idea who this Renee person was.
"Bella's mother. Your grandmother. Up till now, she had no idea you even existed."

I was speechless.

"Why am I meeting her then?" I managed to say. "She'll get mad at Bella for leaving her out of the life of her grandchild."

"Bella didn't want to leave her out of your life any longer." Jake said, pulling into the driveway of a small white house with faded yellow trimming and pale green shutters.

* * *

I was nervously biting my lip, my hands were clasped in...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

It didn't really bother me that a werewolf imprinted on Renesmee, it irritated the hell out of me that a werewolf imprinted on Renesmee.

Bella told me, on precisely 274 occasions, that, Jacob loves her, she loves him, be a good sport for their sake, etcetera. So I started ignoring the canine when it become "official" that we would be related soon.

By "official", I mean, they were getting hitched, I could no longer believe my own lie. (that someday, I would "La Push" Jacob of a cliff. Best fantasy EVER.)

Jacob was one of those irritating things in life, like, the fact that there was absolutely NO plug outlet for my hairdryer whenever we went on "camping" trips for long periods of time.

But, imagine that irritating crisis multiplied by 864. That's how much I resented the whole "Renesmee is going to marry a werewolf" idea.

In some ways, I didn't mind the dog. I knew he'd never hurt her, but that was the extent of my compassinon for werewolves.
posted by demilovatirocks
This takes place after Edward and the rest of the Cullens leaves Bella in New Moon.Here are the characters.They have a lot of different names.Some of the names i mixed up.There are some vampires.Some names are my friends and family but that is the person's real name in the story.You can use these people as you or people you know.

Bella Swan a.k.a Demi Lovato,Alex Russo,and Alana Azel
Nicknames:Aly,Dems and some more
Bella is half vampire and half wizard.

Ashley Tisdale a.k.a Sharpay Russo
Ashley is a wizard.

Kevin Jonas is a vampire along with his three brothers.His brothers are Joe,Nick,and Frankie.

Selena Gomez a.k.a Emily Russo
Selena is a wizard.

Sonny Monroe is Demi Lovato in real life.
Sonny is a wizard.

There are going to be a few more parts.
posted by Bella_Swan3

I'd walked along the shore of Isle Renesmee, when I saw the perfect spot. I spread the towel I'd brought out, and, slinging the net shoulder bag I had brought along, I started hunting seashells. It was weird, but I liked doing it.

I picked up a large cowrie and held it to my ear. I closed my eyes, and suddenly felt Jacob's warm arms around my waist. He whispered in my free ear, "I love you."

I didn't usually like gooey moments, and I know this sounds cliche`, but I wanted to live in this moment for eternity.

I lowered the seashell, turned, and said, "I love you, too."

We spent the rest...
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this is her most of the time on the floor crying
this is her most of the time on the floor crying
Book Two
~ ~


1.    Lifeless Days
2.    Who Am I Fooling
3.    A Good Distraction
4.    I Hate This Part
5.    Flirting with fire
6.    A Hope For Peace
7.    No Where To Run
8.    A Long Open Road
9.    Walking On Another Thin Line
10.    Look At This Photograph
11.    In Another Life
12.    Washington’s Next Top Model
13.    Fly...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"It will be fine," Bella says again.

I don't answer. I don't need to.

Renesmee turns, as if sensing my thoughts, and, gathering from her own, she has.
"Dad, I am not going to cease to exist."
"I know."
"So please stop worrying." Her brow creases slightly, just as Bella's used to.

Drifting up the stairs slowly, the sound of the piano playing the particular song I had composed for Renesmee, sounded.

"Ready to go?" Bella asks Renesmee.
"Almost," she replies. "Just give me a second to stop hyperventilating."
"Great," Bella says, giving Renesmee one last hug before she hurries downstairs. Rosalie...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 35: Fork’s Most Wanted
When Jake and I walked into the room the first thing that I noticed was that Seth was holding a sobbing girl. I didn’t recognize her, until she held her head up. I gasped. It was the girl that Sienna always drew. She looked at me, “Nessie?” She asked. I had to look closely but I knew it was Sienna there was something about the shape of her eyes that had remained the same even though absolutely everything else about her appearance had been radically altered. I ran up to her and hugged her. “The girl in your drawings-” I stuttered, she smiled slightly...
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