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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 24 - AN IMPASSE

I could hear my mother now. She was talking to someone, maybe a nurse, and she sounded tired and upset. I wanted to jump out of the bed and run to her, to calm her, promise that everything was fine. But I wasn't in any sort of shape for jumping, so I waited patiently.
The door opened a crack, and she peeked through.
"Mom!" I whispered, my voice full of love and relief.
She took in Edward's still form on the recliner, and tip-toed to my bedside.
"He never leaves, does he?" she mumbled to herself.
"Mom, I'm so glad to see you!"
She bent down to hug me gently, and I felt warm tears falling on my cheeks.
"Bella, I was so upset!"
"I'm sorry, Mom. But everything's fine now, it's okay." I comforted her.
"I'm just glad to finally see your eyes open." She sat on the edge of my bed.
I suddenly realized I didn't have any idea when it was. "How long have they been closed?"
"It's Friday, hon, you've been out for a while."
"Friday?" I was shocked. I tried to remember what day it had been when... but I didn't want to think about that.
"They had to keep you sedated for a while, honey - you've got a lot of injuries."
"I know." I could feel them.
"You're lucky Dr. Cullen was there. He's such a nice man... very young, though. And he looks more like a model than a doctor...."
"You met Carlisle?"
"And Edward's sister Alice. She's a lovely girl."
"She is," I agreed wholeheartedly.
She glanced over her should at Edward, lying with his eyes closed on the chair. "You didn't tell me you had such good friends in Forks."
I cringed, and then moaned.
"What hurts?" she demanded anxiously, turning back to me. Edward's eyes flashed to my face.
"It's fine," I assured them. "I just have to remember not to move." He lapsed back into his phony slumber.
I took advantage of my mother's momentary distraction to keep the subject from returning to my less-than-cnadid behavior. "Where's Phil?" I asked quickly.
"Forida - oh, Bella! You'll never guess! Just when we were about to leave, the best news!"
"Phil got signed?" I guessed.
"Yes! How did you guess! The Suns, can you believe it?"
"That's great, Mom," I said enthusiastically as I could manage, though I had little idea what that meant.
"And you'll like Jacksonville so much," she gushed while I stared at her vacantly. "I was a little bit worried when Phil started talking about Akron, what with the snow and everything, but you know how I hate the cold, but now Jacksonville! It's always sunny, and the humidity really isn't that bad. We found the cutest house, yellow, with white trim, and a porch just like in an old movie, and this huge oak tree, and it's just a few minutes from the ocean, and you'll have your own bathroom - "
"Wait, Mom!" I interupted. Edward still had his eyes closed, but he looked too tense to pass as asleep. "What are you talking about? I'm not going to Florida. I live in Forks."
"But you don't habve to anymore, silly," she laughed. "Phil will be able to be around so much more now... we've talked about it a lot, and what I'm going to do is trade off on the away games, half the time with you, half the time with him."
"Mom." I hesitated, wondering how best to be diplomatic about this. "I want to live in Forks. I'm already settled in at school, and I have a couple of girlfriends" - she glanced toward Edward again when I reminded her of friends, so I tried another direction - "and Charlie needs me. He's just all alone up there, and he can't cook at all."
"You want to stay in Forks?" she asked, bewildered. The idea was inconceivable to her. And then her eyes flickered back toward Edward. "Why?"
"I told you - school, Charlie - ouch!" I'd shrugged. Not a good idea.
Her hands fluttered helplessly over me, trying to find a safe place to pat. She made due with my forehead; it was unbandaged.
"Bella, honey, you hate Forks," she reminded me.
"It's not so bad."
She frowned and looked back and forth between Edward and me, this time very deliberately.
"Is it this boy?" she whispered.
I opened my mouth to lie, but her eyes were scrutinizing my face, and I knew she would see through that.
"He's part of it," I admitted. No need to confess how big a part. "So, have you had a chance to talk with Edward?" I asked.
"Yes." She hesitated, looking at his perfectly still form. "And I want to talk to you about that."
Uh-oh. "What about?" I asked.
"I think that boy is in love with you," she accused, keeping her voice low.
"I think so, too," I confided.
"And how do you feel about him?" She only poorly concealed the raging curiosity in her voice.
I sighed, lookingg away. As much as I loved my mom, that was not a conversation I wanted to have with her. "I'm pretty crazy for him." There - that sounded like something a teenager with her first boyfriend might say.
"Well, he seems bery nice, and, my goodness, he's incredibly good-looking, but you're so young, Bella..." Her voice was unsure; as far as I could remember, this was the first time since I was eight that she'd come close to trying to could like a parental authority. I recognized the reasonable-but-firm tone of voice frmo talks I'd had with her about men.
"I know that, Mom. Don't worry about it. It's just a crush," I soothed her.
"That's right," she agreed, easily pleased.
Then she sighed and glanced guiltily over her shoulder at the big, round clock on the wall.
"Do you need to go?"
She bit her lip. "Phil's supposed to call in a little while... I didn't know you were going to wake up...."
"No problem, Mom." I tried to tone down the relief so she wouldn't get her feeling's hurt. "I won't be alone."
"I'll be back soon. I've been sleeping here, you know," she announced, proud of herself.
"Oh, Mom, you don't have to so that! You can sleep at home - I'll never notice." The swirl of painkillers in my brain was making it hard to concentrate even now, though, apparently, I'd been sleeping for days.
"I was too nervous," she admitted sheepishly. "There's been some crime in the nrighborhood, and I don't like being there alone."
"Crime?" I asked in alarm.
"Someone broke into that dance studio around the corner from the house and burned it to the ground - there's nothing left at all! And they left a stolen car right out front. Do you remember when you used to dance there, honey?"
"I remember." I shivered and winced.
"I can stay, baby, if you need me."
"No, Mom, I'll be fine. Edward will be with me." She looked like that might be why she wanted to stay. "I'll be back tonight." It sounded as much like a warning as it sounded like a promise, and she glanced at Edward again as she said it.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, Bella. Try to be more careful when you walk, honey, I don't want to lose you."
Edward's eyes stayed close, but a wide grin flashed across his face.
A nurse came bustling in then to check all my tubes and wires. My mother kissed my forehead, patted my gauze-wrapped hand, and left.
posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I haven't posted this in ages.

6 Years later.
I’m now twenty-four years old. I’m married to Edward and we live in Canada together. I still have my job as a fashion designer and I do model. But lately I’ve been asked to do other things. I got a letter through the post a few days ago about being in a film. I didn’t show Edward because I knew he would say no, so I kept it to myself. I really would like to be in the film, but it would mean I would be away from Edward for ages. I was already spending a lot of time away from Edward. He’s at home right now whilst I’m in New Zealand....
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posted by CarlislesLover
We finished shopping finally. “I’m sorry I have to go now”

“Ok, I’ll see you whenever I next wake you”

“Ok bye”


She left me going back to her grave. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t go back and see the faces of my family. Jasper was likely to kill me if I went back. Edward would be like oh Bella I love you so much none of this is your fault and Jasper would be like she knocked my wife unconscious I hate you and I’d be sat there like whatever guys leave me alone. So I decided to go back. I walked in and they were all sat in the living room on the sofa. “I’m...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This may sound like the end but it isn't.

I did what I did with every other country. I saw the Cullen’s in the audience along with Charlie, Jacob and Billy. Jessica, mike, Angela and Eric were all there too. I knew so many people in the audience, but I had to ignore them and carry on. I finished at last and went back stage. My boss was going back early and said I could stay here for as long as I wanted. I got changed in to something else. Then Charlie walked in. He drove me home, the Cullen’s following behind. We all entered the house and sat down on the sofa. “What happened to you?”...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry for the delay.

We got back to my apartment and I got changed back into the clothes I was wearing before I had the piercing. “Now you need to go back to work to see if they have your dress for you”

“Ok” We drove back to where my dress was being made. “Aren’t you coming in Lucy?

“No sorry I have to go”

“Oh ok” I walked in to the large building and back into the lift up to the floor my dress was being made on. “We have finished” The man said happily as I walked in. “Go try it on for me” I went and tried it on. I looked in the mirror it was amazing. “Wow...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Part 11 finaly !!!!

I was then blind folded and knocked out. I woke up in a huge white room. “This is where we’re going to train you to fight. Our way” Edward hadn’t even taught me how to fight yet but when the man said ‘our way’ it was obviously going to be a different way to how my family fight. Vampires started to enter the room. “Now watch us” A woman told me “And if you don’t you’ll be in trouble” She took a man and they started showing me a fight. It looked complicated as each one of them took it in turn fighting each other it looked so hard. “I can’t do...
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Chapter One: All the way from Tennessee
Rosalie POV
    Two short years ago I was turned into a monster. I'm beautiful, yet still a monster. Being a vampire wasn't fun at all. I personally don't like eating animals. Well, their blood that is. But, rather a deer than a human I guess.
    I was hunting in the deep woods of Tennessee. It was far from where we were staying in the Appalachian Mountains, but, once again, Edward had gotten on my last nerve. Sometimes, no most of the time, I just want to rip Edward apart limb from limb....
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posted by a-jforever
No...No he has to be joking right.
“Victoria got away?” I whimpered. She would be back for me and there would be no delay on killing me this time. It would be so quick that Alice and Jacob wouldn’t be able to save me.

“Bella, are you ok?” Alice asked entering the kitchen.

Jacob stiffened. And Alice scrunched up her nose.

“WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL?” she complained.

“It’s me, Leech. And I have to say, you don’t smell that good either.”

“Guys please.” I begged. I couldn’t be dealing with this right now.

“I guess we don’t smell that appealing to each other then.” Alice...
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posted by daja625
Rosalie and Emmett in one car, Alice and Jasper In the other, and me and Edward in mine. They all fallowed me to my house. I told them to park in the back and to be quiet.
“Why are we quiet” Jasper asked. Edward spoke before I did “she doesn’t want her mom to know” Edward giggled. “Shut up” I said then we jumped to my balcony.
When we got to my room they sat and watched TV why’ll I slept? After an hour I woke up at the sound of my mother’s voice. They all just looked at me when they herd my mom’s voice “shh” I told them. Edward started giggled “shh” I said again....
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posted by kiwi12

I followed Carlisle into the living room. Rosalie sat in a rather secluded chair. I knew she didn't trust us. Carlisle and Esme headed toward a couch, so I walked with Jasper to a loveseat across from them. Esme smiled when she saw Jasper wait until the ladies were seated before sitting next to me. I took Jasper's hand and looked at Carlisle. "Well.. I umm... well I saw you and your family I can see the future and I don't want to kill people and neither does Jasper (Jasper and I are mates) so we came here and we're all going to be great friends so can Jasper and I please stay?" I offered...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
We pull up to the house just seconds after my Dad. I leap out of the car and dash towards the front door.

Quickly, I run inside and to the garage.

"Jake!" I try to catch his attention before Dad gets to him. But I know I am too late because I can already hear my Dad talking.

"What's up with you, Edward?" I hear Jake ask from the other room.

"How could you do this to my daughter?" His demands are loud and angry. I can almost hear the frown on his lips.

"What are you talking about?" Jake naturally seems a little joyed by driving him nuts. Even though they have this so called friend ship. Well...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This isn't the end!

I stood there shocked no normal vampire was this skinny and I didn’t think that if a vampire didn’t have blood for a while that it would make them lose weight. He breathed in and turned around to face me. “WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU MONSTER?” I screamed at him. I was so angry that he had threatened to kill my friend and that he’d been following me and my daughter. “I want you” He whispered “WHO ARE YOU?” Alice put her hand on my shoulder wanting me to calm down. Renesmee was sat behind Hannah terrified and Hannah was just beyond shocked and scared. I could...
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posted by xroylex
"nessie are you sure this is what you want ? i mean you only just got here and now you want to leave i wont stop you if thats what you-" i cut him of its not what i wanted but its what i had to do to i dont know why i was leaving but my stomach felt like i had to.
"bye grandad its been great really"
he waved as i got on the plane even thought i knew it was the right thing to do it still hurt saying goodbye like that like i have left a peice of me here..

days weeks months passed and soon enough it was my 17th birthday party nothing could go wrong could it??
well i thought it couldnt

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posted by xroylex
"yeah i guess i am im sorry i lied to you grandma but i really didnt know what mum wanted me to say im so so so sorry"
"oh baby just stop right there of corse you didnt want me to know your mum i mean she will tell me the truth soon enough" she hugged me and said the words i didnt want to hear
"i have to get home to phile baby i will call you soon" she hugged me one last time and kissed me lightly on the cheek
"goodbye" i whispered when she turned her back on me i couldnt help myself from breaking down in to tears.

"charlie? charlie? are you here?" a deep voise asked from the door way i looked...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Heyy guys this is part 4 of break up. And this is mainly just a convo she has wiv her friend hannah at work :)XXX

The next day I was back to work. “Where were you yesterday?” Hannah asked “Long story” I told her. “Ok” she said. This was one of the good points about Hannah, if she asked you what had happened to you or where were you and you replied it doesn’t matter or I don’t want to talk about it. She would leave it and get on with whatever she was doing before. I was really worried about Renesmee after what had happened last night. I guessed it was the man in the black cloak...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hey guys this is part 3 of break up finalyy XXX

I woke up in a hospital bed with Renesmee holding my hand. “Thank God you’re alive”

“Mum why are you so pleased that I’m alive. You should be pleased that you’re alive!”

“What happened? Did a man with a black cloak come into your school? If he did, did he say anything to you?”

“Mum what are you on about. I think you’re seeing things. Let me get the doctor back in here”

“NO!!! I don’t need a doctor. I saw a man in a black cloak on the way to work, he was a vampire. I noticed he was walking towards your school so I turned...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This is the second part of break up and it's 10 years on from before. Enjoy!!XX

It had been ten year’s since I last saw Edward and the rest of the family. I hardly ever thought about them now, I just got on with life. Renesmee and I lived in England now. We had a massive house with gorgeous views. I sat and watched the sun rise over the fields lighting each one of them up. Farmers started putting their animals into the field. It was spring time and all the lambs had just been born. Renesmee liked the lambs they were always a joy to her seeing them play in the field. Occasionally the farmer...
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posted by a-jforever
The idea is hopefully I will get in all the cullen's POV's eventually. Please let me know what you think Xxx

Carlisle POV
I was sat reading in my study, out of boredom more than anything else. I think I had read this book about three times already. “Honey, you’re going to be late to work.” Esme smiled leaning against the door frame. I looked up at her putting the book down. “Thanks” I caught her waist kissing her softly on the lips before grabbing my bag and heading down the stairs. “I’ll see you later.” I called to everyone. Rose peeked her head around the door to wave. I chuckled...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys this is my new fan fiction break up.
I'm writing 4 articles at the moent lol.
So I hope you all like this one.

It was a relief after the Volturi had gone everything was back to normal well almost.

I’d just come back from a new club in Las Vegas it was three o’clock in the morning and I knew Edward wouldn’t be happy. The only reason I went to the club was because I was hunting when a poster blew into my face about it. I hadn’t had fun in ages and I’d never been to a club before so I decided to go. I had a great time anyway, yes I nearly ended up playing strip poker...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I hope you all ike it

I knew she would probably follow me, but if she was clever she would stay at home. I drove faster than usual to my house. I pushed the car as fast as it could go trying to get away from her, not wanting to hurt her. I got home at last parking my car in the drive and went inside. “Edward your back so soon, is everything ok?” Alice asked she quite obviously hadn’t seen the argument Bella and I had just had. “Yes everything is fine Alice, I’m quite sure you would have seen if anything happened” I smiled at her “So where’s my baby sister-to-be then!?”...
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posted by a-jforever
A while since I posted the first bit so i thought maybe I would post another. Hoep you like it XX

8 Years later

“Come on Heidi you going to be late for school.” I rolled lazily out of bed. I was now fourteen years old. Mature and very grown up. I took a shower wrapping my hair in a towel. I dressed into my tight fitted white blouse, short black skirt and fishnet tights. I took off the towel that was on my head, letting my mahogany ringlets hang to my waist. I brushed them smiling to myself. I wasn’t vain, I didn’t think. I was just happy to be pretty. “Heidi, come on Bens at the door...
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