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This is my first Fanfic I hope you like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in writing apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part or whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because fans were writing stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in question published first it was the original author who had to change.

All that being said Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story by Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first year with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused By Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain more once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing more to hide (done as little side naratives by the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck by her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of love mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the love that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the top if I didn't love them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward said she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face said "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a kiss that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment or two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away by a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. You sip from a sippy cup. Vampires don't think logicly when hunting or drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the next she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was more lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a more important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampires there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and said "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one said anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella said in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on top of me.

"please" alice said "not now we cant protect the baby if you do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone singing quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide comment to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape or the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run or somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own source of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes or by running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are you going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No more peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my love and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me more than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice said dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was day one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn vampires before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all you have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I said it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now or let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was day one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after reading this Stephanies original ending might be more preferable.
As I said at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the next installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The question is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.


This is my first Fanfic I hope you like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in writing apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part or whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because fans were writing stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in question published first it was the original author who had to change.

All that being said Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story by Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first year with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused By Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain more once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing more to hide (done as little side naratives by the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck by her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of love mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the love that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the top if I didn't love them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward said she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face said "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a kiss that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment or two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away by a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. You sip from a sippy cup. Vampires don't think logicly when hunting or drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the next she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was more lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a more important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampires there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and said "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one said anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella said in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on top of me.

"please" alice said "not now we cant protect the baby if you do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone singing quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide comment to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape or the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run or somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own source of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes or by running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are you going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No more peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my love and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me more than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice said dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was day one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn vampires before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all you have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I said it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now or let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was day one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after reading this Stephanies original ending might be more preferable.
As I said at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the next installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The question is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.
posted by karpach_14
emily's dress
emily's dress
Chapter 18
I looked at Emily in shock.
“”oh , my , gosh, Emily you’re so skinny” I told her.
“sam why aren’t you feeding your wife?” I asked sam..
“renesme I don’t know how to cook” sam complained.. i shook my head. And them me and Emily laughed.. the guys looked at us in confusion.
“amily one more thing why aren’t you wearing any make-up or u want to look natural for sam?” I asked her.
“I don’t really know how to put make-up on” she toold me embarrassed.. I looked at her shocked.
“I got an idea , jake give me my bags” I told him. He gave me the bags and I took...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 17

“my mother couldn’t unleash the powers but I did” I said quietly not even a vampire could have heard me..
“ivan y did u guys have thefight?” I asked him calmly.
“I actually don’t know he started it, I was defending myself” Ivan answered.
“and that’s y I love u u don’t get into fights so I don’t have to worry u getting killed or anything, like this
“ I said.
“but the good this is that im okay” Ivan said. everyone went back to what they were doing.
“nessie y didn’t u show me that?” my father asked me I swallowed.
“because u really didn’t know who my...
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posted by karpach_14
they looked at me like i was saying something that they didnt understand. i felt bad, but i didnt know why. maybe my father was right that me and jake will never be together. but maybe i would be better off being just friends. i still didnt understand what love really feels thats what hurts me. my parents felt love in high school too but still.
"you guys okay?" i asked them. i was worried, because they froze.
"you guys!!!" i shouted. and this time they unfroze.
"what?" they asked at the same time.
"so do you guys want to hang out?" i asked them.
"not with him" jake said.
"jake you chose be friends...
continue reading...
posted by karpach_14
"uncle emmett when i said i can keep an eye on everybody i meant, i can keep an eye on everybody except my parents" i told him, and my parents relaxed.
"how can you have two powers?" my grandma esme asked me.
"three" i corrected her. her eyes widened. then i got an idea.
"uncle emmett wanna fight?" i asked him. and he turned to me with a great big smile.
"nessie no" my mom said.
"this is the best part of my power, relax mom" i told her.
"i'd love to fight, and i'd love to warn u watch your back," uncle emmett told me. i nodded. we went into the backyard to fight.
"you start" i told uncle emmett. he...
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posted by karpach_14
"nessie" my mom said in shock. wow i couldnt believe i told my father to get out of my life.i was disappointed in myself.i was so sorry for everything but i couldnt say anything. i ran in the bedroom and slammed the door. i began crying then i heard my dad come in.
"dad im really sorry i didnt mean anything that i said, im just really tired of u pretending that im a little girls still" i told him. his eyes softened a little.
"nessie,... its my fault i didnt want to let go the baby u i just cant believe ur getting as old as me" he laughed at that thought.
"haha wow technically ur 18 and im 16 wow...
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MTV Asks: Which 2011 Pattinson Film Do You Most Want to See?

With three films coming out in 2011, Rob Pattinson is set to have a very busy year. Water for Elephants is scheduled to be in theatres on April 15. Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be out on Nov. 18. Bel Ami’s release date is currently set for sometime in August. Each role is very different and should show some diversity from the actor most famous for being Edward Cullen. So head over to MTV and let them know which film you are most excited about. Leave a comment below telling us which film you think will push Rob the furthest as an actor.
posted by SarBear1579

I woke up at 6 am,it was Saturday.I had planned to go to the mall with Elizabeth and Sophie today.I found these normal things in my life strange since I had become a werewolf.Out of place.But it was nice to go out once in awhile since the vampire hype lately.Jay had been training us for nights on end.Training us for what was coming.He kept repeating the same thing,
“Watch each others backs”
“Look out for each other”
“Work as a team”
It was good my little brother,Michel had just joined us,the more the better.Because we all new that we needed as many people possible to do this.

I was...
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posted by SarBear1579

When I reached the pack that night all they guys were pinching and punching each other and chanting it was the first day of the month.As soon as they saw me they all stopped and their attention was on me,serious now.
“Ok,guys we wer-” I stopped short. “Where is Lisa?”
“She's with Jay,she is recovering from last night's little brawl with Rick” John replied as he walked from out from the darkness of the trees.We where just out of town a few kilometers from the shack.Good thing werewolves are fast we will make it home in time for Jay to not get concerned.

We did a lot better tonight.John,and...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
I can't believe the biggest jerk in school is my dance partenar. To make matters worse: it's tango! Tango is normally done by couples. I hate him and he hates me. It all started when he secrectly made a bet with his friend, that we would go out and be a couple, to prove he can go out with any girl. When I found out; I was livid, that I never knew spoke to him again. I thought he liked me; I was a fool for making that mistake.
It started in Gym. We all gathered for the announcement Mrs Kane made. "Now in gym, we will be doing something different. Each semester we wil be learning different...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Ad Age: Twilight Saga Rocks Viral Marketing

By Twilight_News | 11 December 2010

According to their press release:
Every week, the Ad Age Viral Video Chart presents the top 10 most-viewed brand-driven videos on the web with one major caveat: There are no movie or video-game trailers included in the findings. Why? Well, it’s not really a fair fight. Put it this way: Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa — even with all his talent and outstanding physique — would barely have a chance.
Movie and video-game trailers are very different in the way they’re shared on the web. For one, both game and movie...
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posted by Hellohoudini
EW: 2011 a Year Packed With Movies
By Twilight_News |

Unlike 2010, that was not filled with tons of blockbusters, 2011 is filled with heavy hitting films. Granted those powerhouses still have to deliver, but EW points out just in in sheer volume how intense it is. It’s a good thing we are back to a November release on Breaking Dawn, because there is an awful lot coming out this summer.

EW points to three of what they think will be the biggest:

“Capt. Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (May 20), the beginning of the end of The Twilight Saga with Breaking Dawn Part 1 (Nov. 18), and the end of the end of the Harry Potter saga with The Deathly Hallows — Part 2 (July 15). So many movies! But which, dear readers, can you simply not wait a single second more to see?”

Head over to EW and tell them what you want them to cover.
posted by Hellohoudini
Stephenie Meyer Number 76 on THR’s Women in Entertainment List
By Twilight_News |

According to THR:

“Not since Judy Blume has an author so adeptly captured — and profited from — teen angst as Meyer. Her four-book Twilight series has sold more than 100 million copies and has been printed in 37 languages. In 2008, her net worth was $125 million, and Forbes estimates her annual income at $40 million. It’s hard to believe the Cave Creek, Ariz., housewife never had written so much as a short story before publishing her first book. According to Amazon, she ranks as the second-best-selling author of the decade, beaten only by Harry Potter’s J.K. Rowling. “Twihards” can enjoy Bella and Edward’s tormented love affair in a movie franchise that has grossed more than $1.7 billion worldwide, with two films yet to come.”

The list covers their top 100 names and is an annual item
posted by uniquezandy
Meet, Bella and Edward. They both Attend Forks high school, but have very different personalities. And another thing: they can't stand eachother. Nobody, knew why they hated eachother. In Forks, it's a small town and gossip can spread fast. When they were younger, they were the best of friends. They told eachother everything. But then... all that changed and they grew up. They started seeing new people and stopped seeing eachother. How sad. They did have the same friends though. There was, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. All of them knew, deep down that they should be together. So they descided...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Per Twilight Lexicon:

Tis the season where people start shopping! We will be coming out with our Christmas Twilight Saga buying guide later this week. We usually get bombarded at Christmas time with people emailing and asking “what do I get my daughter, girlfriend, wife, etc. This year we are going to do a list.

The official product description reads “Ashley Greene Head Sculpt w/ 16″ Ballerina Bust Tyler Convertible Body; Amber Eyes with Wigged Hair and Cameo Skintone

ALICE CULLEN is the latest member of the CULLEN clan to join Tonner®’s line of TWILIGHT TCF™s. ALICE arrives wearing a costume reproduction from NEW MOON, and includes a striped blouse with bow tie collar, slim cut twill pants, plush corduroy vest, knit socks, and faux leather ballet flat. ALICE’s CULLEN crest necklace is also included. Includes display stand.”
posted by uniquezandy
Bellas Pov
I was scared to think where Jane was taking me. She is nice, (despite her kidnapping me; but I guess shes doing a favour; to meet my true love.) We walked up a grand amount of staircases till we came to a room. "Welcome to my room." She said. Wow. I've never been in her room before; because I've always been busy working. It was massive. I guess she was like a head maid to deserve this special treatment. I have a good room aswell, but I'd be lying if I said it was better. I was still staring until she gestured, "you can sit on the bed you know. Make yourself comfortable considering;...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas pov
Why must he do this to me? Torture me one minute; then acts like he is in love with me and treats me nice and speaks gentle. It just doesn't make sense. I hope it wasn't an act. He is hard to figure out.I just wish he could tell me how he feels. But he is my master and I have to keep it strictly proffesional.

Today; (after the chores,) I decided to roam around the gardens. It was beautiful. There were roses, fountains and a lot of greenery. I found a copie of a book to read, as I sat upon a stone bench. It was comfortable and I was happy; but not for long. "Hello Isabella." I looked...
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>1. Who is your favourite male character and why?
Hmm, it's got to be Jasper! I started loving Jasper properly in the Twilight movie, when I saw how Jackson played the part, and then when I re-read the books, I was surprised that I hadn't noticed him as much before. I think he's a great character because he has a whole past that you don't know about until Eclipse, and it's brilliant to find out how he met Alice! To be honest, there's not really anything I don't love about him!

>2. Who is your favourite female character and why?
Well, that's quite a difficult question, because there are...
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posted by teamalice_0
Its Wednesday! And that means a post from me :) hope ya like it

I opened the GYM doors and sounds of coaches flipping through papers, people breathing hard while dribbeling a basketball. When I was noticed all that stopped and I do mean all. everybody froze. Ever since I went blind I didnt have a PE class. They didnt know so they hated me cause I 'got off easy'. If they only knew the truth.

The coaches knew who I was and they would check me as here, I walked over by the bleachers but didnt sit on them. Someone might lose control of...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
Closer and closer, the thing was lurking around. I started to panick, so I quickly jumped on the branch; of the tree. But as I turned around, the she devil, (with orange hair,) suddenly appeared. "You are playing games with me Edward, where is the human?" Victoria asked mysteriously. "I don't know." I yelled. "Well, give me what I want, or it's Bellas life that would pay." She warned. I felt so mad when she said it. "Harm her and I will kill you." I warned back. The thing she wants, is a family herloom, what she can do with it, could be lethal. She vanished finally. What could I...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 19
    Everyone exploded with questions. One after another, I can’t take it. I was about to run back up stairs and stay in Edward ad I’s room but someone grabbed me by the arms pulling me back downstairs.
    “Bella, you need to do this sooner or later. Though I think sooner would be a better option. So how about we go back down with our family. I will be their every step of the way. I promise.” He said.
    “Edward, I …I… I just can’t. I’m sorry” I said begging with my eyes for him to not make me do this....
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