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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 17 - THE GAME

He threw mw across his back as he had before, and I could see the extra effort ot tok for him to be as gentle as he was. I locked my legs around his waist and secured my arms in a choke hold around his neck.
"Don't forget to close your eyes," he warned severely.
I quickly tucked my face into his shoulder blade, under my own arm, and squeezed my eyes shut.
And I could hardly tell we were moving. I could feel him gliding along beneath me, but he could have been strolling down the sidewalk, the movement was so smooth. I was tempted to peek, just to see if he was really flying through the forest like before, but I resisted. It wasn't worth that awful dizziness. I contented myself with listening to his breath come and go evenly.
I wasn't quite sure we had stopped until he reached back and touched my hair.
"It's over, Bella."
I dared to open my eyes, and, sure enough, we were at a standstill. I stiffly unlocked my stranglehold on his body and slipped to the ground, landing on my backside.
"Oh!" I huffed as I hit the wet ground.
He stared at me incredulously, evidently not sure whether he was still too mad to fing me funny. But my bewildered expression pushed him over the edge, and he broke into a roar of laughter.
I picked myself up, ignoring him as I brushed the mud and bracken off the back of my jacket. That only made him laugh harder. Annoyed, I began to stride off into the forest.
I felt his arm around my waist.
"Where are you going, Bella?"
"To watch a baseball game. You don't seem to be interested in playing anymore, but I'm sure the others will have fun without you.
"You're going the wrong way."
I turned around without looking at him, and stalked off in the opposite direction. He caught me again.
"Don't be mad, I couldn't help myself. You should have seen your face." He chuckled before he could stop himself.
"Oh, you're the only one who's allowed to get mad?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"I wasn't mad at you."
"'Bella, you'll be the death of me'?" I quoted sourly.
"That was simply a statement of fact."
I tried to turn away from him again, but he held me fast.
"You were mad," I insisted.
"But you just said - "
"That I wasn't mad at you. Can't you see that, Bella?" He was suddenly intense, all trace of teasing gone. "Don't you understand?"
"See what?" I demanded, confused by his sudden mood swing as much as his words.
"I'm never angry with you - how could I be? Brave, trusting... warm as you are."
"Then why?" I whispered, remembering the black moods that pulled him away from me, that I'd always interpreted as well-justified frustration - frustration at my weakness, my slowness, my unruly human reactions....
He put his hands carefully on both sides of my face. "I infuriate myself," he said gently. "The way I can't seem to keep from putting you in danger. My very existance puts you at risk. Sometimes I truly hate myself. I should be stronger, I should be able to - "
I placed my hand over his mouth. "Don't."
He took my hand, moving it from his lips, but holding it to his face.
"I love you," he said. "It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing, but it's still true."
It was the first time he'd said he loved me - in so many words. He might not realize it, but I certainly did.
"Now please try to behave yourself," he continued, and he bent softly to brush his lips against mine.
I held properly still. Then I sighed.
"You promised Chief Swan that you would have me home early, remember? We'd better get going."
"Yes, ma'am."
He smiled wistfully and released all of me but one hand. He led me a few feet through the tall, wet ferns and draping moss, around a massive hemlock tree, and we were there, on the edge of an enormous open field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. It was twice the size of any baseball stadium.
I could see the others all there: Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie, sitting on a bare outcropping of rock, were the closest to us, maybe a hundred yards away. Much farther out I could see Jasper and Alice, at least a quarter of a mile apart, appearing to throw something back and forth, but I never saw any ball. It looked like Carlisle was marking the bases, but could they really be that far apart?
When we came into view, the three on the rocks rose.Esme started toward us. Emmett followed after a long look at Rosalie's back; Rosalie had risen gracefully and strode off toward the field without a glance in our direction. My stomach quivered uneasily in response.
"Was that you we heard, Edward?" Esme asked as she approached.
"It sounded like a bear choking," Emmett clarified.
I smiled hesitantly at Esme. "That was him."
"Bella was being unintentionally funny," Edward explained, quickly settling the score.
Alice had left her position and was running, or dancing, toward us. She hurtled to a fluid stop at our feet. "It's time," she announced.
As soon as she spoke, a deep rumble of thunder shook the forest beyond us, and then crashed westward toward town.
"Eerie, isn't it?" Emmett said with easy familiarity, winking at me.
"Let's go." Alice reached for Emmett's hand and they darted toward the oversized field; she ran like a gazelle. He was nearly as graceful and jsut as fast - yet Emmett could never be compared to a gazelle.
"Are you ready for some ball?" Edward asked, his eyes eager, bright.
I tried to sound appropriately, enthusiastic. "Go team!"
He snickered and, and mussing my hair, bounded off after the other two. His run was more aggressive, a cheetah rather than a gazelle, and he quickly overtook them. The grace and power took my breath away.
"Shall we go down?" Esme asked in her soft, melodic voice, and I realized I was staring openmouthed after him. I quickly reassembled my expression and nodded. Esme kept a few feet between us, and I wondered if she was still being careful not to frighten me. She matched her stride to mine without seeming impatient at the pace.
"You don't play with them?" I asked shyly.
"No, I prefer to referee - I like keeping them honest," she explained.
"Do they like to cheat, then?"
"Oh yes - you should hear the arguments they get into! Actually, I hope you don't, you would think they were raised by a pack of wolves."
"You sound like my mom," I laughed, surprised.
She laughed, too. "Well, I do think of them as my children in most ways. I never could get over my mothering instincts - did Edward tell you I had lost a child?"
"No," I murmured, stunned, scrambling to understand what lifetime she was remembering.
"Yes, my first and only baby. He died just a few days after he was born, the poor tiny thing," she sighed. "It broke my heart - that's why I jumped off the cliff, you know," she added matter-of-factly.
"Edward just said you f-fell," I stammered.
"Always the gentleman." She smiled. "Edward was the first of my new sons. I've always thought of him that way, aven though he's older than I am, in one way at least." She smiled at me warmly. "That's why I'm so happy that he's found you, dear." The endearment sounded very natural on her lips. "He's been the odd man out for far too long; it's hurt me to see him alone."
"You don't mind, then?" I asked, hesitant again. "That I'm... all wrong for him?"
"No." She was thoughtful. "You're what he wants. It will work out, somehow," she said, thought her forehead creased with worry. Another peal of thunder began.
Esme stopped then; apparently, we'd reached the edge of the field. It looked as if they had formed teams. Edward was far out in left field, Carlisle stood between the first and second bases, and Alice held the ball, positioned on the spot that must be the pitcher's mound.
Emmett was swinging an aluminum bat; it whistled almost untraceably through the air. I waited for him to approach home plate, but then I realized, as he took his stance, that he was already there - farther from the pitcher's mound than I would have thought possible. Jasper stood several feet behind him, catching for the other team. Of course, none of them had gloves.
Ok, so it like anyother day. Rainy. When all of a sudden Edward pops though my window. He had rain drops in his hair. Edward was at my side in a second, he picked me up and we flew out the window. I didn't know what was happing. I knew it was raining, but I felt nothing, not one drop. I looked up at Edwards face, he looked angry. Before I knew it we where in the middle of the forest. We where at our medow.
"What was that all about. Edward what's wrong?"
"It's nothing you need to worry about, love." He must have saw the worry in my eyes. He took my hand and pulled it to his face. I didn't know...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
After she was safely asleep, I went back to talk with my family.
"Can you guys just all go on a hunting trip for now. I need to talk to Liz and I don't want interuptions. I'm sure we can talk through this, but it would be most helpful if we were alone. I'm not trying to exclude you. Please let us alone until Monday, if we're don't get through this, she can stay, I will go."
"No, Edward, we don't want you to go,"Esme complained.
"I will, I already made her leave her apartment. She has no where else to go."
"Where will you go?"
"I will head up to Denali."
"Then we will go with you, we will let her...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I opened my eyes, feeling the sun on them. I looked around grogily. That was a terrible dream. I dreamt that Edward and his family had shown me what they could do, and Edward told me he could read minds. He knew what I'd done in the past. I remember being very angry, at him for listening to my thoughts, and at me, for ever doing that.
I went over to my suitcase and grabbed my cell. It was a camera phone, I flipped it open to see what time it was. It was shortly after 7 a.m. I dug around in my suitcase for a decent outfit to wear. I picked out my favorite tank top, which was white with rhinestones...
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    Chapter 8 - Complicated
    That night, after Stefan drove me home, I felt extremely alone and afraid. I decided to call him. He picked up on the first ring and when I told him a was afraid, he said he would be right there. It was only two minutes before I heard a knock on my window and I ran to open it. He stepped in, threw his arms around my waist and leapt out the third story window.
    He ran and ran, much faster than your average car, until we came to a large lake that I had never known was...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
As we waited to get on the plane, I couldn't help but notice the distracted look on Edward's face. He looked like he was thinking about something important, but also something painful.
His expression changed as we boarded the plane. He looked excited. But after we sat down he looked down and had that same distracted expression on his face.
"What's the matter?"
He looked at me. Deliberating.
"Just thinking about some things that are unimportant."
Unimportant? More like taking your thoughts and hiding them. He pulled the blind close.
"Why are you closing the blind?"
"One of things I want to...
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Chapter 7 - Different
    “Never mind. Its not important.” he said regretfully.
    I was slightly crushed that something so unimportant is something he wouldn’t share with me. If it wasn’t important then why be so secretive?
“ Please tell me. You can trust me.” I said convincingly, or so I thought.
“ I know that I can trust you but I am still not sure if I should tell you or not. I don’t know if it is the right time but I don’t know any better time, either.” he said seeming torn between something that was way more than what he was telling...
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Carlisle: Hello Miss.Swan.

Bella: Oh hello...I didn't notice you there.

Carlisle: Oh that's okay.

Bella: Were you running?

Carlisle: Maybe. I thought I heard noises.

Bella: Sorry about that I just needed to go to the bathroom.


Bella: Yeah...sorry. I'll see you in morning.

Carlisle:...yes dear.

Bella: Good night. I hope you will get any sleep.

Carlisle: Well thank you. I don't know if I would get any sleep in cause I am vampire. You already know that. Right?

Bella: What? You're vampire too?!

Carlisle: Didn't Edward tell you? Oh no...

Bella: Haha that's okay I already know. I am just...
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10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the heart with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles..

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”

Source: link
10. Ask about Mike.

9. Ask about Eric.

8. Ask about Jacob.

7. Ask about Edward.

6. After asking about all these boys, inquire as to how much she is paying them, and where in the White Pages she looked for fake fan-boys.

5. When she complains about not being a vampire, throw glitter on her and claim she sparkles just like a vampire in the sun.

4. Ask if the thought of Edward biting her makes her… happy.

3. Say that since Edward is technically dead, she is into necrophilia. Tell her that is sick and wrong, and she should stop with her weird fetishes.

2. Tell her we all know about the real reason she married Edward – the honeymoon.

And the Number One way to annoy Bella Swan?

1. Tell her that you and Jacob imprinted on each other, and are getting married. Tell her you are pregnant, and will be with him forever. Videotape the reaction.

Source: link
Chapter 4 - Discoveries

    When the final bell rang and I drove home, I thought about my day. Wow. It had to be the strangest day in the history of weird days. First, my angel from my dreams shows up at my school the next day. Plus, he has all my classes and sits near me in every one. And, he asks me on a date when I’ve only known him for a day. Oh, I almost forgot about his mind reading sister. I am SO taking a bubble bath tonight.
    I got home and did the little homework I had before starting dinner. I made fried venison and when my mother got home...
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This is my story. It doesnt have a title yet. Give me some suggestions. I hope u like it. Chapter 2 and 3 will be posted soon. Please comment!!!!!!!!

I could see my breathe as I stepped out into the frigid night. I tiptoed down the stairs of my back porch and headed towards the woods behind my house. They were dark and there was no moon tonight. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods until I couldn’t see any lights from my house anymore. It was well below freezing and I was wearing booty shorts and a tank top. Violent tremors shook through my body and my chattering teeth echoed in the silent...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
-------------------BLEED IT OUT----------------->
<----by: BuffyFaithfan1--------------------------

It has been a year since Kandice's death. A lot has happened since then. Like I found Rachel, and she ran away from her mom and dad to help me out with myself and the loss of Kandice. I cried like a baby for a week. Maybe two I lost track. Rachel doesn't know Kandice, but she tries to comfert me in SO many ways. And I cant help but refuse it. I try sooo hard to make the pain go away, and I never got to tell her what I was. But that doesn't matter now does it?
I loved Kandice. And now everything...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
The Wind Beneath My Wings PART ONE...
I walked across the sand, and then stood in silence for the longest of time. I watched the waves roll off eachother, and then devour eachother till more waves came and splashed against rocks. And then repeating there first move. As if they didnt have a life to live. Or a brain to use. I crossed my arms, and held me tight as the chilly wind blew in. I then noticed something different. My eyesight was different. Not like Vampire eye sight, but human. I ran to the edge of the water washing in and out of the sand...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
There is this lyric from this song by Fall Out Boy. The song is I'VE GOT A DARK ALLEY OUT BACK, AND A GOOD IDEA THAT YOU SHOUOLD SHUT YOUR MOTUH (SUMMER SONG) the lyric is: "joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends" we're the kids who feel like dead ends and I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses I took a shot and didn't even come close at trust and love and hope and the poets are just kids who didn't make it and never had it at all."...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I sat down on the dresser as I watched her sleep. Listening to her dreams. She was dreaming about me, I mused. I remember that Bella used to dream about me, she talked in her sleep. It was interesting, the things she said, but she said my name too often. Now I was glad she didn't choose me. If she had, I would have never met Liz.
She was dreaming that I was a vampire. That would certainly make it easier, the sooner she figured it out the better, she already had the slightest inkling that I was one. And I would follow through with my promise. I would show her, and she would still love me, hopefully....
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posted by sasie_katje88
hello fanfiction writers

I feeling really bored right now, so i guess i thought about all of you guys/girls :D

I want to congratulate you all for making such awesome and great fanfiction. So it must be said, so everyone can read about you're fanfiction :-)

I read most of the fanfiction (allot actually) myself and i just adore them i sometimes print them out and start reading them like a book, it's really amazing that people are still so broad-minded :o)

*****To all fanfiction writers out there continue the great job and don't ever stop :D LOL and to the people who want to start a fanfiction on there own, good luck and enjoy what you write :D*****
posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope yOu like it!!!

i didn't know how my life will be has vampire, how things should work with Charlie and Mom, keeping my self away from then is torturing my self.
i felt like i'm trapped without a exit
the only thing thatr keep me strong is my family
Edward and Rennesme, nOw that they are not in mOre danger i feel more in peace.
But what will i shOuld tell charlie when the time to move arrive?
hoe he react to this, i think that he already know what we really are, but he is too scared to said it or just think about it.
But what i really know right now is that we are safe and will start our Happy Ever After.
I think!!!!
posted by Twilight597
I know i am currently writing a lot of stories at the time! but im not sure when they will come out. dreamnapped is finished in a notebook because i write it in school but its not online yet i think instead of my slow typing i might get a friend to type it for me. the second one i am working on but have writers block and i figued 'why not write 2 at a time since im stuck on one'
im going to put an introduction to this one up today. it has to do with twilight and a band called Paramore(my two fav things-paramore and twilight)most of my friends like my writing but when i do post i would like some criticizing comments for me to improve with.

<3 Danie
Awesomeness x2
Awesomeness x2
Ch 7
A/N: I own no characters. Plz R&R!

I climbed out of my rusty truck and stared into the eyes of 7 people. Laurn, Angela, Ben, Mike, Jessica, Eric, and Tyler.

"Bella!" cryed Angela, as she flung herself at me. "Sorry, you probaly don't remember me....I'm..."

"Angela!" I gave her a hug back. "I remember, all of you. Wow. News travels fast in this town, doesn't it."

"Yeah, that's the perks of livin' in a small town." Mike cheered. What was he so happy about?

The bell rang.

"Well, I see you guys later." I hollered. They were already leaving for class.

"Later." they replied.

"Um...."I called...
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Watch out, Robert Pattinson!
It sounds like Paris Hilton wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into you.
"I just saw Twilight last night for the first time, and I have to say that I think Rob is a beautiful man and an amazing actor," Hilton gushed to us at Cash Money Records' Lil Wayne party. "He's fabulous!"
Yes, Hilton realizes she's a little a late to the Twilight game...
"Now I understand all the hype," she explained. "I just didn't get it before, but now it all makes sense. I really enjoyed the movie and loved watching Rob in it."
In other celebs-loving-other-celebs news, we're told Paul McCartney...
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