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posted by She_wolf
Long time since I posted on here... feels like it anyway lol. Enjoy! ♥

Chapter Tweleve

I really didn’t want to fight Jake, but the way his whole body was convulsing, it looked like he would be fighting me anyway. I’d never seen him lose his normally steel like self-control. He took a half step towards me, and then rocked back on his heel, like he was undecided.
“I don’t know…” He mumbled. But the decision was made for him. We both heard the sound of light footsteps coming from the hallway, and the quiet thump-thump of a heart. Jake froze, his head tilted sideways, towards the door.
Sam stood there, a sly smile playing on her lips. She took a step forward, not bothered in the slightest by Jake’s fearsome expression; she hardly even looked at him. Her eyes were mine, combing every inch of me; checking out the old faded t-shirt I’d put on and she seemed partially interested in my hair.
“Hi Sam!” I reached my arms out. She grinned, walking briskly over to me. I was about to close my arms around her when Jake grabbed Sam, holding her in place at arms length, like a nasty piece of garbage. His hand closed around her neck, twisting her head so she had too look at him. The he smoothed his e expression ad let his hands drop deciding against what ever he was going to do.
“I’m sorry Samantha.” His voice was unemotional. “But please I know Jared’s secret. Think what this will do to everyone. Think about Embry!”
Sam snorted. “Don’t you think Jared’s done enough to me already!”
Jake muttered something in Quileute, a little fast for me to hear clearly, but it sounded like “Typical girl!”
Jake turned to me then. “I won’t make you choose Embry, but if Sam hears about this we’ll be for it. The whole ‘group’” he said tactfully, before sitting back down to finish his pasta. Sam eyes darted to Jake for an instant, before focusing on me again. A smile, slowly spread across her lips like a blooming flower. I smiled too trying to enjoy this private moment as a couple. Then she was sniggering, her left hand half covering her mouth, her right hand pointing at me. Jake’s eyes darted to Sam then followed her arm to where she was pointing. He chuckled too, his eyes clamped shut and his whole body rippling with laughter. I stared at them for a while, confused.
“Mirror!” Sam chocked, before sniggering again. I went out into the hall, and looked into the large mirror there. I examined myself. No embarrassing zits. Nothing printed on my forehead. My t-shirt was like a second skin on me, which I didn’t like, but even though I wasn’t toned like Jake or Quil I wasn’t fat either, and I hadn’t put on any weight, apart from a few stone, when I’d grown from 5’6’ to 6’1’, then more recently to 6’4’, and got some ok muscles, so that couldn’t have been why they’d been laughing. Then my eyes moved upwards to my hair. I gasped. It had been raining when I’d walked back home, and now my hair was sticking out at odd angles and had gone all fluffy. I chuckled at the sight of myself, and flattened my hair as quickly as I could.
When I came back, Jake and Sam were sat at the table, chatting like old friends. Sam was picking at the leftovers of my pasta, her expression only mildly interested as Jake told her about the Rabbit. I smiled, and then opened our last can of soup. Once it was done heating through, I took it up to Mom in her favourite mug.
Her room was cold, and smelt awful. I put the soup on her bedside table and forced my hand behind the headboard of her bed, until my fingers recoiled against something cold. I forced my fingers to wrap around it and pull it into the light. As I’d thought. Some cheap red wine, which resembled water with food colouring in, as I poured it down the sink.
“What are you DOING?’ my mom’s voice was sharp, like the crack of a whip. Then she recoiled. “Argh! My head feels like crap.” I turned to face her, she looked like a zombie, her eyes had giant dark circles under them and the whites of her eyes were now stained blood red. Her hair was worse than mine!
“Here Mom I got you some soup.” I reached past her and grabbed the mug off the table, then held it out for her to take. She inhaled the steam and then cringed away, her expression on her face disgusted. She turned towards the sink and threw up. I looked away, blocking out the wet splattering sound. I felt empty and washed out. The only thing in my life that was going good was Sam; she was my reason for staying.
“You know I don’t like soup Embry!” My Mom scolded. I shrugged; sure that she’d liked it yesterday.
“Mom you’ve got to eat.” I put my arms round her. She felt like a wisp of air. “You’re too thin.”
She snorted “Have you not noticed that most people in our family are thin. My Mom, my Dad, Aunt Tiffany, me and you Embry. I’m an ideal weight.”
“No Mom. You’re not. You don’t see my bones jutting out do you?” I pushed her gently away.
She rolled her eyes, and went back to bed, wrapped in her white fluffy dressing gown. I stood for awhile in her en suite, breathing deeply and staring into her mirror.
Jake and Sam were still in the kitchen, when I came back downstairs but now they’d given up the conversation, and where sitting not looking at each other, in silence.
As soon as Sam saw me she got up from the table and walked quickly over to where I was hovering in the doorway.
“Can I watch T.V.?” she said, combing her fingertips threw her spiky hair. I nodded and pointed to the living room. She smiled and walked quickly past me, her hand brushing against mine as she passed me.
Jake looked up, one dark eyebrow raised. “You’re right, Embry. She’s a very interesting person.” My heart jumped; maybe everything for once would turn out alright. Then he snorted, and my hope was shattered. “She just insulted the whole of La push!” He growled.
I sighed, letting myself fall into a chair. It was by now gone 10 pm, and I was tired. It seemed like just as today had got better, it had quickly got worse again.
“Can’t you just leave it Jake! Leave us!” I put my head in my hands feeling weary of my life.
I heard Jake breathe out sharply, then he said quietly “Fine, Embry… if you like her so much then I guess we’ll have to put up with it.”
“Thanks Jake” I mumbled, raising my head from my palms. He smiled back at me, then turned and too quickly left the house. As soon as the front clicked shut, I heard the T.V. being turned off, and soon Sam was by my side. I felt whole then, we were like one person and being apart from her drained me.

hope you liked it =]
posted by twilight-7
Kayla's Car. BMW 535XI
Kayla's Car. BMW 535XI
I guess you might want to know what Kayla's car looks like. This took me, like, ages to pick out a good car that didn't look too flashy because the Cullens want to reamin inconspicuous. I know that the car doesn't have a black interior but just imagine that it does. I couldn't find a good pic with black interior.

I loved my car. I loved the black leather interior and the new car smell. I wanted to stay inside this car forever and not leave it alone but all too soon I had to go home. I hated it. I didn’t want to leave it alone in the Cullens’ garage. My car was new. The other cars might pick...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie was downstairs now. I was sitting, legs crossed, on my bed. He had left me alone to think. I couldn’t think though. All these scenarios were running through my head. I was fighting vampires in different ways. Hand to hand combat, weapons, my powers. All of them ended with me dead with a bite mark on my neck that was an eerie red colour. I was trying to think of ways around it but nothing worked. It seemed my life was in danger now. Maybe I shouldn’t have a vampire for a boyfriend. It really wasn’t healthy for me. What if his teeth accidentally slipped and he pierced my skin. His...
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One day in the town of Forks- well you know how it goes, this is what happens if Bella was put in the position where she was forced to pick Jacob over Edward.
The story begins when Edward over hears Bella talking with Angela one day and they were talking about children. He got extremely upset so he decided to argue with her until it came to the point where she would get worn out and pick Jacob over. Obviously though it wasnt going to work so Alice had to lie to Bella about her seeing herself with a family but it was just snapshots so it had to be with Jacob so she gets married to him and Edward...
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posted by bitten_byedward
Ch 5 : Who Am I?

A/N: I own no characters. All belong to Stephine Meyer (excpet for the new doctor, not much of a role but, maybe we'll see more of him in the future.) Plz R&R! Thanks for reading!

I remember waking up. The first thought that popped into my mind, I said aloud. "Who Am I?" I asked. "Bella, what did you just say?" asked a man. He had a mustache and dark black hair. He was wearing a police outfit, so, he must've been a police officer, unless it was Halloween. Was it? Yay, I remembered what Halloween was.

"Well, officer, I asked 'Who Am I?"

"Officer? Did you just call me officer?"...
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Let me start off by saying that I think Dakota Fanning is a fabulous actress. That being said here are my reason why I don't think she would make the best Jane. Their are a bunch a little problems and one big problem with her playing Jane. The big problem for me is her age. Dakota Fanning was born on Febuary 23 1994. That would put her at 15 years old when she starts filming in March. Thats only 4 years younger the Kristen(Bella) who was born in 1990 and only 2 years younger the Taylor(jacob) who was born in 1992. Jane is ONLY surpost be 12-13 years old and NO WHERE near Bella's age.
posted by team_edward_
Tell me if you like this is my first article so tell me the truth.

My name is Isabella(Bella)Marie Swan and two years ago I was faced with the worst desition of my life...I had to pick who I would marry. Edward the love of my life who I had been with through some crazy things or my best friends that I loved and that loved me Jacob.He helped me through some rough times and helped me to be happy when I was in the worst of pain.I know secrets about both of them I could never tell,and what was worse I loved both of them.When I finaly picked everyone was suprised because I pick Jacob Black,and two...
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I appreciate everyone's kind words on my other chapters. I plan to write more; Chapter 6 is in the works!! Enjoy!!

Five days later I finally got the news I had been waiting for.
Ever since Alice's promise to give me up-to-the-second updates on Renesmee, I hadn't even gone home. I followed Alice around on her heels; I even went hunting with her. I ignored the nasty looks Rosalie gave me and the incredulous headshakes Emmett gave me. "You're love sick, bro," he would tell me. I shrugged. He was right anyways.
Alice and I were cutting flowers to put in vases around the house in honor of Valentine's...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
I dozed off for a while on the plane, and woke up with a jarr as the plane wheels hit the ground. I grabbed my bag and started to walk off the plane. It had been a five hour plane ride and all of the other passengers were stretching before leaving. They were uncomfortable, but I wasn't. Anyhow, I set my bag down and wasted a few minutes to stretch before trying to leave again. I was always forgetting to act human.
I took a shuttle to Brenton which dropped me off right on the campus, giving me the full view.
I looked around in awe. The campus seemed to stretch for miles in every direction!...
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In some very reassuring news, Reuters is reporting that Summit Entertainment has acquired the rights to the rest of the saga!

It has hired "Twilight" scribe Melissa Rosenberg, a writer/producer on Showtime's "Dexter," to adapt the first two. "Breaking Dawn," has not attached a writer.

While this does NOT confirm that the rest of the books will be turned into movies, this is certainly very good news for the franchise. We'll keep you updated!

UPDATE: Robert Pattinson has a few comments about New Moon that he made to the Chicago Tribune:

A sequel [aka New Moon] may get the green light this month, he said.

"They will literally decide the next day or the day after" once the movie opens, Pattinson said. "I think they only have plans to do the second one. There's no script for the third one. The script is already done for the second one."
posted by funnyshawna
I've written Maximum Ride and Twilight crossovers before, and i decided it was time to do one with Harry Potter. This is the first chapter. I'll put the second chapter up (then 3rd and so on) when i finish typing them:)    

Chapter 1 – Buses and brooms and wizards….oh my!

     It was a bright and sunny day in Forks, Washington. Edward was very bored, stuck inside all day, hiding from the sun that would blow his human disguise if he let it hit his pale skin. Bella was at school. This was her first time through high school, so she actually had to go,...
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Source: @fatoshleo
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