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posted by _madz_
part 4
“Maybe that’s why Edward can’t hear you.” Carlisle mused, his eyes alight with excitement. “Like some kind of shield.” He started talking with Jasper and Alice about this new possibility while Emmett and Rosalie made out on the couch across the room.
“We’ll have to come up with an excuse as to why you guys aren’t at school...” Esme started, but tactfully moved away when she realised that Edward and I were not really paying attention.
“Oh, Bella. I had no idea.” He muttered, leaning in to kiss my nose.
“Don’t blame yourself, please. It was my stupid idea.”
He smiled light-heartedly. “I thought I would never see you again.”
“Me too.”
“You do realise I’m never going to let you out of my sight?” He asked, completely serious.
“Good.” I whispered, leaning in even closer to his face.

part 5
I saw Carlisle nudge Esme, gesturing in our direction, but I didn’t care. I ran my fingers through his hair, noticing all the colours that were not visible to me before. I looked into his eyes, noting that desire was foremost in the golden depths. I smiled boldly, egging him on.
He grinned devilishly in response, pulling my face to his. His lips come down on mine and I twisted his hair in my fingers. I loved him with my whole heart. Everything I had been deprived of the last 90 years was forgotten. All I was, was here in his arms, surrounded by his heavenly scent, his unforgettable touch. Undoubtedly we would have continued, but Emmett decided to intervene.
“Get a room! Man, you’re worse than me and Rose.” He muttered.
I pulled away giggling. Edward just growled quietly. I put my finger to his lips again, silencing him.
“I just remembered something.” I said quietly, trying to ignore the rest of the family.
Edward looked at me curiously, tilting his head slightly to one side.
I reached for the chain that hung around my neck, unclasping it but hiding the ring in my fingers.
“It hurt too much to wear, but I kept it with me.” I whispered, pulling his hand so that it was under mine. I let go, sending the ring and the still attached chain falling into his hands.
He opened his hand, a dazzling smile appearing when he realised what it was.
I wiggled my fingers at him, showing him what I wanted. He complied instantly, placing the ring on my finger in front of his watching family, much to my embarrassment. After he made sure it was sitting snugly on my finger he pulled my hand to his mouth, kissing each of my knuckles before kissing the ring, exactly like he did when he proposed.
A chorus of aww’s rang out through the room, the girls all giggling slightly and Emmett making a stupid face. If I had been human my face would have flushed brilliant red.
I noticed Alice looking toward Edward with a pleading expression. I was confused, until I remembered the mind reading thing.
“No, Alice.” Edward said firmly and Alice’s expression turned heartbreaking in response. The whole family was looking between Alice and Edward, almost like a tennis match, all with varying degrees of amusement.
“What?” I whispered softly turning to stare at Edward as well.
Before he had the chance to reply, Alice cut him off. I was starting to notice she did that a lot.
“Bellaaaa...” Alice whined, drawing my name out.
Reluctantly I turned away from the love of my existence to see Alice get up and kneel in front of us.
“Bella, I just know we are going to best friends, sisters.” She began. “So I want to ask you for a favour.” Alice must have practiced in the mirror or something because her expression made me want to do anything for her. When I said nothing she continued, looking hopeful.
“Bella, please, please, please can I plan your wedding? Please?” she whispered, batting her eye lashes. I was helpless, unable to deny her.
I turned to Edward again, my mouth slightly open. He smiled at me with his crooked grin before my knight in shining armour came to my rescue.
“We haven’t decided on anything yet, Alice. We’ve been together again all of an hour and alone together all of five minutes.” He tightened his grip on my waist.
Alice made another heartbreaking face and I felt my resolve wavering.
Suddenly Alice’s eyes glazed over, a faraway look appearing on her face. I tried to work out what was happening. Then it hit me. I forgot she was physic.
Almost as soon as it started, Alice came back to reality, her face lighting up in a breathtaking smile.
“Alice,” Edward reprimanded. “She hasn’t said yes, yet”
“But she will! Thankyou Bella!” she jumped up, kissed me on the cheek, then danced back to Jasper’s open arms.
I turned back to Edward’s face, a guilty smile on my face. Edward surprised me by bursting into laughter.
“I missed that expression so much.” He murmured after he recovered slightly.
“Well I’m glad you think it’s funny.” I replied, a little irked.
“Aw, My Bella.” He said, running his finger down my cheek. The trail he left behind tingled, and I leaned in closer.
It was all too good to be true. I was expecting to realise I was hallucinating at any moment, but until then I was going to take all I could get.
I inhaled his scent, the mouth watering aroma that I had been deprived of for almost a century, and sighed with pleasure.
His crooked grin appeared again, making my heart melt. He began trailing kisses up and down my throat and desire swelled up within me. Oh, how I had missed him.
“Am I forgiven, Miss Swan?” he asked in a deceptively innocent tone.
“I’m still deciding.” I whispered back, a smile making its way on to my face. I hadn’t smiled so much in such a long time.
“Is there anything I can do to convince you?” Edward asked seductively, tickling my ear with his breath.
“Hmm...” I pretended to think about it for a minute before turning and planting a chaste kiss on his lips. “I think that about covers it.” I said giggling slightly.
He smile grew but I couldn’t help but notice his slightly put out expression.
“What?” I asked, curious again.
“You have no idea what I would give to be able to hear your thoughts. It’s so strange for me, to have to guess what might be going through your head.” He said, looking amused but frustrated at the same time.
“It would just be weird if you could hear what I was thinking.” I answered, wrinkling my nose.
Edward’s laugh was like music to my ears. I could never tire of it.
“What an adorable expression.” He murmured, pressing his finger to my nose.
I closed my eyes leaning into his shoulder, completely content.
~    ~    ~    ~    ~

Edward’s new family was very welcoming. I instantly knew that Alice and I were going to be extremely close. She was very excitable and so full of energy. I couldn’t help but smile around her. Esme and Carlisle welcomed me with open arms and I was amazed by Carlisle’s immunity to blood lust and Esme’s huge heart. They held the family together with their compassion and love. Emmett was just like a huge teddy bear beneath his huge exterior. I found out about his immaturity almost instantly by the use of innuendoes in every sentence. Jasper turned out to be very likable. He was extremely laid back in comparison to the pixie named Alice, and I found him easy to talk to. Rosalie became like an older sister to me almost instantly, fuelled by an interest in cars. I found out she was a master mechanic and she even showed me her baby, a shiny red BMW M3 convertible.
Edward never left my side, for which I was glad. It hurt when he was out of sight and I still thought he would disappear at any second. We finally had our alone time when Alice announced the family was going hunting without us. We exchanged stories of our past, his being much more eventful than mine. He told me the stories of the rest of the family, editing out details he thought they should tell me themselves. Everything was so interesting in comparison the dull existence I had been living.
I learn about their cover story for school. Rosalie and Jasper were twins and Carlisle’s niece and nephew. Alice, Edward and Emmett were unrelated and were adopted at various stages by Carlisle and Esme.
And I learnt all of this in less than 48 hours. It’s so useful not to sleep sometimes.
“I’ve thought of a cover story for why we weren’t at school.” Alice’s soprano voice cut in just as I was about to deepen the kiss I was currently engaged in with Edward.
Edward pulled back and I couldn’t help that my face slipped into a pout.
He laughed at my expression, kissing my nose, then turned to Alice.
“You might have to repeat it because I wasn’t really paying attention.” Edward said mildly while his hold on my waist tightened. We were currently in his bedroom, comfortably sitting on the black leather couch that was the only piece of furniture available.
Alice rolled her eyes. “Then only time I actually want you to listen...”
“Sorry, Ali.” I cut in quickly, smiling as angelically as I could manage. “My fault.”
She glared at me for a couple of seconds before breaking into a smile. “That’s fine. Anyway, back to the cover story. Esme has already rung the school to say that our grandmother, Carlisle’s mother, died, so that’s why we left school. And Bella, everyone thought you looked unwell on Monday, so we can just say you were sick. Any questions?” Alice looked like she might hurt anyone who dared to mock her perfect plan.
“Uh, yeah. What are we going to do about this?” I asked, holding up Edward and my hands intertwined as an example of us, together.
She pondered my response for a second, resting a perfectly manicured nail against her chin.
“Well...” she began, drawing the word out. “You’re going to have to take off that ring, Bella, which is a shame because it’s so pretty. And I guess you’ll have to pretend you’ve never met then get together like a normal couple would.”
Edward nodded. “I think we can manage that.” He grinned mischievously. “It’ll give us a chance to work on our acting skills.”
I giggled, sounding ridiculously like the infatuated schoolgirl I was to become.
“Perfect, Bella. Now we need to leave in an hour, so Bella’s coming with me so I can get her ready.” Alice grinned as I looked at her in horror. Another thing I had learnt about Alice, she absolutely adored shopping and anything to do with fashion.
Exactly the opposite of me.
I managed to kiss Edward once more before the evil little pixie grabbed my arm and dragged me from the room.
After half an hour of pushing and prodding, Alice declared me perfect in simple but expensive pair of dark skinny jeans, a designer tank top, a gorgeous dark blue jacket and strappy high heels. I only had the barest amount of makeup on and my hair was down and slightly curled. My ring had been placed back on the chain around my neck but it was no longer a reminder of what I had lost. It was reminder of the wonderful future still to come.
I walked into the lounge with Alice at my heels and I couldn’t help but laugh at Edward as his jaw hit the floor.
“I guess I’ll see you all soon then.” I said sadly. Already I felt like I was a part of the family and I didn’t want to have to leave. The only thing that brought me comfort was the fact that I would see them all again very soon.
“Be sure to come over tonight, Bella.” Esme said wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug.
“Of course.” I answered quickly, touched that she cared.
Everyone said goodbye before Edward captured my lips with his, giving me just a taste of his hidden desires.
I sighed quietly before waving goodbye and heading to my car parked in the front yard.
The trip to school was quiet. I kept the radio tuned to the local oldies station, but even that couldn’t calm my nerves. Being away from Edward was doing my head in.
I drove the long way to school, cutting back past my house so I would come from the same direction I always did.
I tried to seem as normal as possible, parking where I normally did and sitting in the car for a couple of minutes like usual.
I got out after exactly 4 minutes, 37.9 seconds, just in time to see the Cullen’s pull up in Edward’s silver Volvo.
I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face as I was Edward again. It felt like an invisible weight had been lifted from my chest.
“Hey, Bella!” I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned just in time to see Mike come up behind me, Jessica, Erik, Tyler and Angela in tow.
“Hi, Mike.” I answered dryly, hoping he would take the hint, but he was much too thick for that.
“So, are you feeling better?” he continued, leaning against my car.
“Um, yeah.” I muttered quickly. “Listen, Mike, I have to go to the front office to explain why I wasn’t here, so if you’ll excuse me.” I pushed past him, unable to contain my annoyance.
I looked over at Edward who was leaning against his car alone. Everyone else must have gone inside already.
I rolled my eyes at him, showing my feelings about Mike.
His cocky grin looked oddly triumphant and I couldn’t help but smirk.
He raised one eyebrow, a silent question. I shrugged my shoulders in response. I was ready when he was.
He pushed off his car and walked over...well more like strutted. He looked exactly like every other teenager that thought they could get everything they wanted and I had to hold back a laugh.
I pretended to ignore him and kept walking. This would be so much fun.
I listened as Mike started talking to Tyler, complaining about Edward. “Bloody Cullen. Who the hell does he think he is? Everyone here knows that Bella’s mine. I swear if he tries to come onto her...”
I tuned him out. I was unable to completely smother my laughter, a small giggle managing to escape.
“Hey! Your Bella right?” Edward said loud enough for everyone to hear. He caught my arm and gently pulled me to a stop.
“Um, yeah. Your...”I paused for dramatic effect. “Edward?” Man, this acting thing was fun.
“Yeah. Do you mind if I walk with you?” he asked looking as genuine as he sounded. He was good.
“Okay.” I said, biting my lip shyly.
His grin made my heart swell and mine grew to match it.
He leaned down to whisper in my ear, casting a fugitive glance around.
“You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now.” He said quietly and I couldn’t help but giggle.
“I wish.” I said back at the same volume.
We continued on our path to the front office, trying to ignore the whispers behind us and we made small talk like anyone who hadn’t met before would.

sorry it took so least i made it up to you in length :P
I will try to write as much as I can today because tommorow I will be going to Orlando and will not have alot to write. But I will try to wrie at night and the day after that if I have time.
Bella's POV

"Alice?" I said will searching around the room looking for her. No one answered.
"Alice!!!" I said with more volume. Still, no one answered.
"I don't think Alice is home. I bet she went hunting." Edward whispered.
I sighed. I walked back upstairs and decided to take a shower. So did Edward. Afterwards, I tried to give myself a makeover. But, it didn't turn out so well. My hair looked normal again...
continue reading...
posted by Bella_Swan3

"Jacksonville?" I asked Jake.
"Bella wants you to meet Renee," Jake said.
"Who's that?" I had no idea who this Renee person was.
"Bella's mother. Your grandmother. Up till now, she had no idea you even existed."

I was speechless.

"Why am I meeting her then?" I managed to say. "She'll get mad at Bella for leaving her out of the life of her grandchild."

"Bella didn't want to leave her out of your life any longer." Jake said, pulling into the driveway of a small white house with faded yellow trimming and pale green shutters.

* * *

I was nervously biting my lip, my hands were clasped in...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

It didn't really bother me that a werewolf imprinted on Renesmee, it irritated the hell out of me that a werewolf imprinted on Renesmee.

Bella told me, on precisely 274 occasions, that, Jacob loves her, she loves him, be a good sport for their sake, etcetera. So I started ignoring the canine when it become "official" that we would be related soon.

By "official", I mean, they were getting hitched, I could no longer believe my own lie. (that someday, I would "La Push" Jacob of a cliff. Best fantasy EVER.)

Jacob was one of those irritating things in life, like, the fact that there was absolutely NO plug outlet for my hairdryer whenever we went on "camping" trips for long periods of time.

But, imagine that irritating crisis multiplied by 864. That's how much I resented the whole "Renesmee is going to marry a werewolf" idea.

In some ways, I didn't mind the dog. I knew he'd never hurt her, but that was the extent of my compassinon for werewolves.
posted by demilovatirocks
This takes place after Edward and the rest of the Cullens leaves Bella in New Moon.Here are the characters.They have a lot of different names.Some of the names i mixed up.There are some vampires.Some names are my friends and family but that is the person's real name in the story.You can use these people as you or people you know.

Bella Swan a.k.a Demi Lovato,Alex Russo,and Alana Azel
Nicknames:Aly,Dems and some more
Bella is half vampire and half wizard.

Ashley Tisdale a.k.a Sharpay Russo
Ashley is a wizard.

Kevin Jonas is a vampire along with his three brothers.His brothers are Joe,Nick,and Frankie.

Selena Gomez a.k.a Emily Russo
Selena is a wizard.

Sonny Monroe is Demi Lovato in real life.
Sonny is a wizard.

There are going to be a few more parts.
posted by Bella_Swan3

I'd walked along the shore of Isle Renesmee, when I saw the perfect spot. I spread the towel I'd brought out, and, slinging the net shoulder bag I had brought along, I started hunting seashells. It was weird, but I liked doing it.

I picked up a large cowrie and held it to my ear. I closed my eyes, and suddenly felt Jacob's warm arms around my waist. He whispered in my free ear, "I love you."

I didn't usually like gooey moments, and I know this sounds cliche`, but I wanted to live in this moment for eternity.

I lowered the seashell, turned, and said, "I love you, too."

We spent the rest...
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this is her most of the time on the floor crying
this is her most of the time on the floor crying
Book Two
~ ~


1.    Lifeless Days
2.    Who Am I Fooling
3.    A Good Distraction
4.    I Hate This Part
5.    Flirting with fire
6.    A Hope For Peace
7.    No Where To Run
8.    A Long Open Road
9.    Walking On Another Thin Line
10.    Look At This Photograph
11.    In Another Life
12.    Washington’s Next Top Model
13.    Fly...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"It will be fine," Bella says again.

I don't answer. I don't need to.

Renesmee turns, as if sensing my thoughts, and, gathering from her own, she has.
"Dad, I am not going to cease to exist."
"I know."
"So please stop worrying." Her brow creases slightly, just as Bella's used to.

Drifting up the stairs slowly, the sound of the piano playing the particular song I had composed for Renesmee, sounded.

"Ready to go?" Bella asks Renesmee.
"Almost," she replies. "Just give me a second to stop hyperventilating."
"Great," Bella says, giving Renesmee one last hug before she hurries downstairs. Rosalie...
continue reading...
posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 35: Fork’s Most Wanted
When Jake and I walked into the room the first thing that I noticed was that Seth was holding a sobbing girl. I didn’t recognize her, until she held her head up. I gasped. It was the girl that Sienna always drew. She looked at me, “Nessie?” She asked. I had to look closely but I knew it was Sienna there was something about the shape of her eyes that had remained the same even though absolutely everything else about her appearance had been radically altered. I ran up to her and hugged her. “The girl in your drawings-” I stuttered, she smiled slightly...
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posted by 2bearz
hey ppls! this is my last chapter, sorry its so short, but i found that writing doesnt really suit me. so here it is!

Seth is taking me out tonight to this really expensive chinese restaurant, because I love chinese! Anyways, life is pretty much perfect. When the Volturi finally came I found out about Alec's talent, and it's awesome! I mean he froze all the guard, except for Caius, Marcus, and Aro, so they were completely defenseless. We made them promise to not bother us, or our friends, and they agreed! When we let them go. They were completely shaken, discouraged, and went home with absolutely...
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posted by Renesmee-C-C
I drew this on the computer:D
I drew this on the computer:D
I know and you know that Vampires and Werewolves are not real. But there are a select few who truly believe that Vamps and Werewolves are real and even some who believe they ARE Vampires and Werewolves. Many people on the internet say that they are Vampires and less that say they are Werewolves, but the thing is that the way these people actually start believing that they are Vampires is they say it so many times they convince themselves that they really are. Many of them start looking for signs of supernatural behavior like running faster and being stronger and even being able to have a power.......
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When a day is said and done,
In the middle of the night and youre fast asleep, my love.
Stay awake looking at your beauty,
Telling myself im the luckiest man alive.
Cause so many times i was certain you was gonna walk out of my life.
Why you take such a hold of me girl,
When im still trying to get my act right.

What is the reason, when you really could have any man you want,
I dont see, what i have to offer.
I shouldve been a [season], guess you could see i had potential.
Do you know youre my miracle?

Im like a statue, stuck staring right at you,
Got me...
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posted by just_bella
Ok for some reason everything I write tonight is really long....not complaining just making the point. Ok a few of you will be REALLY happy about where I took this, enjoy!!

End of Part 26
Rosalie shook her head as I started to rise again. I was hurting my family, they were hurt because I had to go find the bear alone. Now they all thought I was dead and even though I wasn't I wasn't allowed to have any interaction with them.

"Emmett, I think we should go. This is too much, please come with me." She begged.

I looked down at her, her eyes pleading with me to go with her. She ran her hand up my...
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posted by just_bella
Hey!! Just got home from playing beach volleyball in the rain...wet sand + cold= no fun!! So I've decided to warm up by writing...hope people enjoy :)

End of Chapter 15

I watched her closely as she tried to gain control of herself. I noticed that her eyes were more sunken, she obviously hadn't slept in a while. That her whole being was different, she seemed like a broken person, someone who hadn't seen anything good or happy in quite some time. That broke my heart more then anything, knowing that I had something to do with the reason that who Bella was at this point is my fault.

"You look like...
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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

Time passed for me mostly in sleep. There was nothing for me to do in this darkness. I couldn’t see to do anything and shouting and screaming did nothing. I attempted to escape several times but it seemed I wasn’t strong enough to break the simple chain that kept me prisoner. I was given food and it was strangers who gave it to me. They placed it right in front of me which was kind of them. If they didn’t I wouldn’t have been able to find it. The man who had come to me my first time here visited me often. He would come into my cell, as I called it, and sit next to me. He...
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it's the last one today :D don't know if I'm going to put one up tomorrow because I have to work again from 10 am till 10 pm. So it's pretty long hours but I'll try otherwise it will be definitely Saturday ^_^

Bella's pov

I opened my eyes again and noticed I fell asleep again. I still felt Edward’s arms around me and I took a deep breath.
“Hey sleepy head” he said with a little joy in his voice now.
“How long did I sleep this time” I asked him curious
“Just an hour” he answered back and he got up from the table.
“Where are you going” I asked him while I got up too”
“Going to...
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posted by just_bella
Hey girls/guys, here's the next chapter. This is really hard to write, hope people enjoy :)

End of Chapter 9
I turned around and slammed the door in his face, the look in his eyes was heart breaking. I just hurt my brother when he was already hurting. I turned so that my back was against the door, my body shaking.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered through the door.

"I have to, we can not go together this time. Please understand, I will call when I'm ready and you will be the one to come get me ok?" Edward said directly to the door.

"Promise me you will call me, we've not been apart since...
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posted by just_bella
This is the last one for tonight, thanks to EVERYONE who reads these regularly.

End of Part 21

"Why aren't you mad at me, or anyone else? I mean, well when it happened to me I hated the whole family. When you woke up it seemed like you were happy to see me." She wondered.

"I explained that earlier, but, well...I thought you were an angel. I thought I had died and you were there to take me to heaven, and when I woke up and you were still there I realized that I just wanted to be with you. Also, the way that you spoke of Carlisle, and the way he looked I thought maybe he was God and you were...
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posted by _madz_
okay, this is only the start of the conversation but its gona be long so im splitting it up, enjoy :)

The day passed quickly, the grey of the clouds abruptly giving way to an even darker twilight. The black night followed slowly after and every minute Bella slept seemed like seconds. I was dreading the time she would wake, in fear of what she would say, how she would react to my presence.
If my heart were still beating, it would have been racing. As it was, my breathing was shallow and quick. The only thing keeping me relatively calm was Bella. I tried to time my breathing with hers, to make...
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I'll put another one later today, because me and my family are celebrating a birthday :D

Bella's pov

“Stop struggling, your not going to get away from me” He said determined
I didn’t say anything I just looked at him with disgusted. But I started to see a smile on his face.
“I’m being impolite, my name is Franco” he said calm but I still didn’t say anything. I still couldn’t move from the pain I was feeling, what did he do to me to cause so much pain.
“You know, I think there would be a possibility that you’re stronger than me if you use magic” he said amused.
“Magic, how...
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posted by just_bella
We came up over a hill when I heard something crashing around in the trees. I looked around, noticing that Carlisle and Esme were staying a bit back for some reason. I wanted to ask why but the sound was getting closer.

Suddenly the smell hit me, it wasn't as good as the family I had just seen but this was a close second. It smelt like honey, clover, dirt, pine and something I couldn't name. I looked back at Edward and Rosalie, wonder in my eyes.

"Follow your instincts, it's not people this time. Just do what your body tells you." Edward said as he motioned for me to continue.

Rosalie looked...
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