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"We may consider that It's almost Impossible to get what we are asking from God Since Long.. But Its NOT always Impossible.. You got to Believe it, you Never know that You can Actually get what You desire.."

It was a Typical Sunday Morning for Me.. though It was the Valentine's Day for all Others. I was still in my Bed as always as I was working late last night.. My Alarm rang so Loud & I stretched in My Bed. I knew I got to Endure this Day because we may say all the Time that We're Happy for our Friends & everyone that they are so Truly in Love, But somewhere Deep inside ourself, We'll find ourself MORE alone when We see them together Hugging & Kissing..Today I was Happy for all of My Friends & even Foes. I was Happy for My Sister Alice & James, Her wanna be Husband. My Head preoccupied with all Different thoughts at one time.. Agony, Pain, Joy at the other hand .... and a WAIT.. Wait for My Own Love.. !!

I remained in Bed for next 10 Minutes, Staring at the Blank walls of my Room, Painted Pink with White Flowers & Wall Textures.

I painted my Room like this ages ago when I was a Teen. I was so Desperate to Fall in Love.. I was always Good at arts so I've made my Room more of a Fantasy Hub, Where you can See a wall Full of Trees & Birds with Blue Sky & River flowing where... Ugh..but Now, The faith in myself was Fading & I really Hate this Color Pink Now.. I wanted to Paint is something more Dull like a Gray or may be BLACK.. or just to keep it White.. !! Keep it Real.. As Simple as Possible..As Actually My Life was..

I wondered if I could do anything about this at all but realized that Alice adored my Room a lot. She always wanted a Room like this..but due to her Lack of Choice of Colors & Not-so-interesting Attitude towards ARTS left her with No Choice but just a Room with Plain Walls painted Teal with Some Glass Work done.

I decided to Handover the Keys of My Room to Her & to Say a GOODBYE to My Room.. May Be for NOW or May Be for Ever.. Whatever it is.. but I can get my Room back as Alice would be getting Married soon.. IF I I ever WANTED this Room Back..

I slipped out from my Bed & got ready. I knew I was Late but still was Creeping on the Floor, SLOWLY.. My Cab Driver was honking in the Parking. I grabbed My Phone & Bag & ran towards him but I realized that I haven't applied the Perfume. Its a thing for sure that I can't manage to live without. So just to Escape a Bad Hair day too, I checked my Hair again & set them with the help of the Hair Dryer & applied a Perfume.. A Lot than I usually Do.

I saw Alice staring at me through the Mirror.

"PC, Don't you think you can Survive the day if You don't put on the Perfume for one Day ??" Alice asked warily.

" I may get my Romeo today, You never know.. " I replied with a Sarcastic Grin as I knew this was Surely NOT the reason behind this.

I ran through the Door & boarded the Cab. As I was reading the Book "Who will Cry when You Die", these Days were at the Worst Day for Me to Endure. I enjoyed Suffering Myself actually.. The Roads were full of Couples, Holding Hand in Hand, they Ran into each other that they were not at all cognizant about the World around them. Somehow I managed to reach Office.. I was before Time so I decided to walk down to the "Landmark Book Store" to get some New Books for Me.. Books have always been My Best Friends.. They Never ask Questions & I can CLOSE then whenever I want them to SHUT UP..

As I was walking down cross the Road, Ignoring the Color RED.. though It was So hard to Ignore as I saw the Heart-shaped balloons, Girls wearing RED with a the RED Stuff.. Yikes.. It Sucks...!! I didn't wanna think about it.

I walked though the Doors & entered the Bookstore.
Helping myself with the Search, I actually didn't know what I was actually Looking for.. I skipped all the Book Shelves & reached the Fiction Section. I searched for the Book "Wuthering Heights" I Loved Hatred Love Stories. While I was Busy in Myself, I never realized People around Me.. but Suddenly I realized one of'em Staring at Me & then they fell Down before we could Meet the Gaze. I didn't finish My Search yet, I was reaching Close to that Stranger Body. I Shuddered while I managed to Cross him. I kept my Head Down & Glanced up under my Lashes.

"Hey" A Manly Voice called from behind.

"Hi" I turned to Face him & Lifted My head a Little.

"Can I help you with your Search" His voice was more Gentle than before.

"Oh, I'm just.. I was .. Ummm... Nothing . Thanks though.." My Eyes flickering on the Books, I kept my eyes Down Bewildered by the antagonistic Stare He'd given Me..

I couldn't stop myself peeking from the corner of my eyes occasionally. The Phase "If LOOKS could Kill" ran through My Mind.

"You okay ?" He asked worriedly as If he had Noticed Me behaving Weird..

"Yeah" I whispered.

"I Guess I should Leave, I gotta Go Office" I decided to Play Dumb and added in order to Escape.

"You sure?" He asked Flatly.

"Not really, What YOU were Looking for ?" I lifted my chin with a Half Smile & answered.

"I'm actually New to this Country, So was trying to Search More about it..You see, Its a Historical Place and... "

"Where are you from ??" I asked cutting him in between.

"Somewhere from Europe" As I saw him replying to whatever I was asking.. I couldn't control myself admiring the Beauty.

His skin was like marble White, a God like Creature. A Beauty I never saw. Shirt folded to half of his sleeves. His Eyes were set as deep as BLUE, just like the Sea, strong jawline. I focused on his Lips Painted Perfect Pink & realized he was talking to Me..

"Ehem Ehem..Well, I'm Sorry. I din't Introduce Myself. I'm Jake and You are.. ?? " He crooked Smile.

He held his Hand Stretched Out for a while waiting for Mine to Shake Hands.

My Mind was spinning with all different thoughts. I had to speak, He was waiting but I couldn't think anything conversational to say.

"I'm ... Call me PC.. "

As his Hand caught Mine, I jerked my hand away so Quickly. When He touched Me, it stung my hand as if an Electric current had passed through Us.

"Oh.. Nice to Meet you PC..So you really gotta Go Office or can skip for a while??"


"I was wondering if You could tell Me more about this Place, as you Look familiar. We can Sit here in the Bookstore or else can Go to the Coffee Shop, Its just next to the Bookstore." He Grimaced as if He knew what the Answer would Be..

"Yeah, I wish I could but.. Well, I was actually Planning to Call my Manager & ask for an Escape" I can't ever be better at this, as I was actually NOT-AT-ALL in a mood to mark my Absent in Office. I had a lot pending work.

I Shuddered in my Jacket & Pulled out the Cell Phone.

"What is your Number? I will check & will call you accordingly " I answered as I lifted my Chin & bit.

He smoothly took the Cell Phone and saved his Number.

"Okay, Here's My number. Call me once you're done. Okay ??

I nodded.

"See you around then.." He replied biting his Lower lip.

As I pretended to concentrate on My Search, before I could manage to speak, he was out of My Sight.

"Bye" I mumbled to myself. I wondered while I watch the Way where he No longer exist, If I would ever be able to see that Amazing God-like Creature in my Life..

I ran my eyes through the Books & finally got My Book. "The Wuthering Heights"

I couldn't deny the Fact that I was actually in a Hurry, May be I just didn't want to Admit that I really wanted to see that FACE again..!!

As soon as I paid for the Book, I escaped the Bookstore. I looked for a Place bit silent to make a Call as It was very Noisy in the Mall.

I managed to Dial his number but disconnected the call before the Ring. "Why would I even Care.. to Call.." I muttered to myself.

Before I could apply my Excuses, My Fingers were fighting to Dial the Number.

"Okay" I sighed..

"Hola Girl.. " The Beautiful Voice answered enthusiastically.

"Hey, I'm done with the Search. I got the Book.. Where are You" My Face burned with a sudden flash of Heat across my face.

"Um.. Well.. Ugh.. I thought You'll never gonna call Me.. You took the Number just for the heck of it.. I'm So Sorry.. I misunderstood"

"Oh.. Well. no problem.. You would've told me if you were planning to leave.. I mean, I informed my manager about my Escape from Office" I was really Feeling Dumb Now & wishing I would've not Called.

"I'm Coming, Gimme 2 Minutes.. I'm near... "

"You may very well be, But I'm Not waiting.." I answered in a Sarcastic & Rude tone.

"No Problem, I'll catch you.."

"Humph" I disconnected the Call.

As soon as I returned, I saw him making his way through the Crowd.

I couldn't help myself smiling. I smiled a Grin & walked towards him.

"Hey Again.. I'm So Sorry.."

As I found him Hovering, I decided to route the Conversation so something Else.

"Coffee ??"

"Sure.. " He laughed

We took the Corner Seat right next to the Window, from where we could see the Busy Road.

As we sat in Silence, He was the One who decided to brake it.

"So, tell me about Yourself.."

"Mmm.. Well,... " I mouthed but couldn't Speak. As I never knew What I am.. or I find it really Difficult to Describe myself.. I was Bad at it.

"Well, you tell me something about You. Since when you're here ?? How long you're Planning to Stay ?? How did you find this Place ??" I shot Questions.

"Whoa Girl.. too many Questions.. I'm gonna answer everything You ask, anyway.." He continued.

"Well, I'm here since Last November & Planning to stay till Next November.. I'm here for some Official Work.. I've visited Few Places but Not all yet.. I hope You could help me with Site seeing ?? " He mused

"Oh Well, I'm surely not the right Person then, I'm sort of Sufferer-in-Silence kinda Person"


As we ran into each other talking, I didn't realize that It was too Hard to Listen to his Melodious Voice..

"Can We just Move Out, Its getting Noisy here.."

"Sure Girl" Jake answered.

As I forwarded myself out of the Door wondering what Next could be. Is that It ?? Letting him Go.. ??

"We can go for a Movie or else we can walk up to My place, Its near.. If you won't take it to some other way ." Jake Suggested..

"Yeah.. Movie is a Good Idea.. but Hey, Wait.. Its all in Local Language. You're not gonna understand a Word.." I played around him with a Grin.
I was suddenly Happy with the thought that I know his Language.

"You're Place will be a Good Idea.. & Don't worry I'm not taking it in ANY other way" I agreed.

As we both walked Down his Street, Jake was Cracking Humorous Jokes about the Roads, The people, the Place while I noticed Myself enjoying Every word he said.

"Okay, We're here.. I'm not sure If you're gonna like it.."

"Its beautiful, Much more than I imagined it to be.. " I interrupted his words as we entered.

As I adjusted myself in the Couch, He grabbed me a Glass of Water. I was amazed with this Gesture. He was learning the Local Rituals & Traditions instantly.

I thanked him with a Huge Grin.

He took my Hand & stretched me to the Window. My heart responded with a Thud. We stood both next to it Watching the View. It was beautiful & so Quiet. His House, facing towards the Northern Woods. I've never seen the Greenery so closely. I've never actually Admired it. This was the Time.

While I was still enjoying the View, He slipped in the Bed with his Laptop.

"Hey, Come here, Let me show you some of the Picture I've made.. If you want to.." He bit his tongue wondering if I would consider him "SHOW OFF"

"Yeah, Definitely" I replied positively.

While I saw the Pictures, He kept an Eye at my Face checking my Expressions with every new Picture. I noticed him too from the Corner of My eyes.

As he described the Pictures, I enjoyed the Music he Played along. "Chris Brown" was always My Favorite.

"You've gotta Good Taste in Music" I appreciated

"Thanks, I Love playing Guitar with My friends, & they all Enjoy it.. We are planning to Introduce a Band soon..Hey, Can I kiss You?? " Jake stared my Face while he pressed My Hands to his Face gently.

My heart stopped responding. My Face turned Red with a Sudden Heat. I turned to Face him with My Mouth Hung Open.

"What?? " I asked him as if I didn't hear what he said, with my Eyes wide Open.

Before I could respond, Jake stomped on his Feet.

"I'm So sorry... I'm So Sorry.. I didn't mean that.. I'm so sorry.. " Jake Sighed heavily..

"Where is that coming from ?? How did You.. Why did ..." I couldn't manage to speak.

"Okay, forget about that.. I'm sorry okay ??" Jake sounded more apologetic now.

I shrugged.

"Okay, May be we should go out for a Movie.. now.. Seriously.. I messed it up all.. or May be I should go sit with My Friend in the other Room & You could watch the Movie on the Computer.." Jake started to lean away from Me towards the Door..

"No, you need not to go" I snapped & stood in his Way. Not letting him Escape.

"As you say, But I'm really Sorry.." Jake responded with a Dull Voice

"Cum'on Lets watch a Movie together" I suggested

"Sure Girl.." Jake Agreed & crooked the Smile I've been waiting for.

As we Adjusted ourselves, No one really seem really interested in the Movie..

Jake maintained Small Talk in the Movie. I was More interested in whatever he was talking about.

"Okay, I'm not here to see movies, Lets talk about something.." I suggested as I Paused the Movie.

"Like what ?" Jake asked with a Grin..

"Anything" I replied Absent mindedly as I just wanted to Listen to Him.. AS long as Possible..

"PC, this is not what I usually Do, I don't know what happened to Me.. I'm loosing My Mind.. I don't know what I'm talking about.. but you're So Special & I've never felt this before.. Is this Possible to Fall in Love at First Site ?? You changed everything around me.."Jake touched My Feet as he was sitting just opposite to Me.

I opened my Mouth to say something but couldn't speak. I decided to let him Say, while I watched his face with my eyes Wide Open. No one ever said these words to Me.. I was struggling to make Sense to his Words.. Is he really saying all this to Me or Am I Dreaming ??

He leaned forward. I could feel his breathe like a Cool Breeze at my face. He came closer to Kiss & waited if I was going to Stop him but I froze like a Statue.

My Heart was beating as fast as it would rip my chest off & will fall on the Floor. I fought myself to stay still but after half a Second my lips were Moving on his. He held me Close with a Tight hug & kissed smooth more passionatley. He grabbed Me in his Strong Arms & leaned backward.

I Clinched my Palm as My head started Spinning. I managed to Open My eyes to peek into his. His Deep Blue eyes flickered at my face for a While and then he let them shut down. I moved one Hand to his Bare Chest & left the other behind his Neck.

I was Running short of Time, I realized that I got to go but I can't Push him away from Myself. the More I try to Push, the more my Hands pulled him Close & Closer to Me..

"I Love You" He breathed as He leaned Away..

I stared & Adored the Beauty.. & wondered If I could keep this for ever..

"Yeah.. We just met few hours ago.." I smiled

"Still.. I Love You.." His face was Serious now.

I gestured a Hug & He leaned into my arms that I held open for him.

"Okay Sweetie, I gotta go.. " I Ignored what he said..

"Sure, Let's Go" He muttered.

"Can we walk to My Place.. " I requested

"Whatever makes You happy" Jake touched my face & leaned down to kiss me again.

Before I could Utter a Word, He held me in his Strong Arms.I snuggled in his Chest while We left the House.

"You are so deserved to be ADORED & LOVED.."

I Sighed heavily.

We walked in Silence.
I was overflowing with My thoughts. We din't know when we will ever get a Chance to see each other. I din't know who he is.. but I still I wanted him to take me somewhere We can be Alone.. FOREVER...
But at the same moment, I realized that He is here only for a While & then, He'll be Gone..

We reached at my Place in Silence. It was the Time to say bye.. or will it be a good bye ??
I just wanted him to stay.


"This is for You..but unwrap it Once I'm Gone" He slid a Book Quickly.. & Kissed up on My cheek.

"Oh" I mouthed..

"I think I must Leave.. Its getting Late.. FOR YOU.." He grinned.

I grabbed his Hand to Stretched up on my Toes so that I could press My lips to His.

"Take care honey.. & remember that I Love You.. This outside world holds no interest for Me without you " He whispered at my Lips.

I nodded robotically.

I couldn't open My eyes as I knew I won't be able to See him Go..

I couldn't speak as I knew I won't be able to say Goodbye..

But as I opened My Eyes.. He was gone..

I stared blankly after him & wished If he is gonna Come back..

"Jake, Please Don't Go.. " I whispered to myself.

I flickered with wet Eyes to the Present he gave me.. It was a Book..

"Romeo & Juliet"

As I turned the First Page, I saw something Handwritten...

" So, Today a miracle took Me to another level..!! The Second that I met you changed the Whole World around me. I will always remember this Day as the Day that I met You..!! "

With Love,

14 of feb, 2010

" I Love You too " I Sighed..

For You Jake :

I'm standin' on the bridge
I'm waitin' in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
I'm tryin' to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I'm with you...
`ill run the primeter with seth if i get to far for you to hear my thoughts listern for my howl` jacob told me
"i will"
we went back inside eyes darting everywhere if anyone atacked we would know about it.
jacob was allready darting and sooner i lost his thoughts. i walked back over to were bella was and she was looking worse then when i left her she looked a little more hollow i dont care what rose did i needed to get that thing out of her and soon
"dont you even think about it edward not evern when bella is asleep you carnt get to m- i mean her baby" rose spat i didnt notice that i had allready...
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posted by LexisFaith
3 months later...

"Come on." I whispered as i listened to Jacob's phone ring on the other end. "Pick up."
I whiped down the kitchen counters to give myself something to do. "Pick up, pick up, pick up."
"Hey it's Jake. Leave a message." His voicemail picked up.
I rolled my eyes. "Jake. What good does it do to have a phone if you never answer. I could be dying!" I huffed and hung up.
I set the house phone back on the hook and went into our room. I made the bed and grabbed the dirty towels from our bathroom. I pick up Jake's jeans and his cell phone fell out of his back pocket. "Ugh." I groaned...
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Rosalie’s P.O.V:
Hanging out with Bell and Ali was fun. Of course, Alice had to drag Bella and me to Victoria’s secret because she wanted us to look sexy for the men. We went to Victoria’s Secret and bought red, pink, and lacy white bras. Alice bugged Bella to buy a pair of green and white bras that Bella objected looked like hooker panties. I laughed under my breath. But eventually Alice wore Bella down. And the next thing Bella and I knew we were holding langeray in line rolling our eyes at Ali’s giddiness. Then we took Bella to a pretzel place to get her a pretzel to settle her hunger...
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The Nightmare

I carried Rensemee, we ran to a hill and watched the castle being swallowed up by the flames… Renesmee woke up, “What’s going on?” she whispered, she was still very weak. I felt even closer to her now, now that MY blood ran through her veins, I was literally part of her. “We’re burning the Volturi, go back to sleep.” I whispered, she looked confused, but then sank back to asleep again. Bella came over to stroke her hair,
“She’s been through so much, even more than I, in one month, I think. I don’t remember much of my human life.” Bella murmured , I agree....
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I had closed my eyes. I couldn’t watch. My heart was aching and my feet were frozen in place. I forced my eyes open. “I had to save Renesmee. I had to fight the pain. Her pain is my pain. If I save her, the pain will stop.” Images were flashing in my mind. My worst nightmares were coming true. I suddenly found the strength to move my feet. I leaped towards the possessed Jasper that was stuck on Renesmee and bit his skin clean off of his neck. That felt good. I heard Alice groan and scream. I hadn’t realised I had kept whipping and ripping him, but I had. As the limp body of Jasper lie...
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posted by whatupiloveyou
Sorry that it has been so long…me and my husband went on a ‘electrical diet’…which is were we couldn’t use anything electric like cell phones or computers for a week.

Disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer, I don’t own twilight!

Chapter 4: Bella’s POV

The look on my mom’s face told me I should have asked later. Renee was muttering incoherent things. Phil was trying to calm her down. She looked like she was going into shock. “Mom?” I asked. I look over at Edward who was just telling me to relax and stay calm. “Why do...
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posted by LilyCullen108

My eyes snap open. The room is streamed with sun rays, their warmth burning my skin; caressing my skin. I stretch my fingers, watching the light catching at my diamond studded hands.
After a moment, I silently let my held breath loose; oxygen flooded my lungs and nose, the scent of the strangers in the streets below painfully strong in the air around me. I gulped in a breath before holding it, the scent instantly vanishing – thankfully.
I close my eyes again for a moment, listening. Aro and Marcus have a game of hearty chess in the room beneath and chat meaninglessly, whilst Alec is currently...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
Hope you enjoy. P.s The whole story is called Lifetime. I just Thought you might like to Know.


“GET AWAY FROM HER!” I shouted to Cynddylan, Aro and Caius. I desperately wanted them to get away from her. If anything happened to Renesmee, Edward and Bella in fact everyone in the Cullen family will be distraught. I thought urgently. I need to do something. NOW! I shifted my eyes to Felix. He was watching Cynddylan, Aro and Nessie. I decided to seize his chance. I kicked Felix in the shin leaving him in shock. I had just fed, before I had been kidnapped by Felix, and I was much younger...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
I was warm. To warm. And something was pressing on my chest. I try to open my eyes, but something is covering them. I reach up to remove the blockage, but a cool hand grabs mine.
“Not too fast,” the voice attached to the hand says in an amused voice, as it gets placed beside me again.
“Carlisle?” I groan, trying to figure out where I am.
“Yes Bella, it’s me. You hit your head awfully hard, so try not to move, okay?”
I mutter something unintelligible, and sit up anyway. Carlisle sighs.
“Where am I?” I ask as I take the wash cloth off my face.
“Your in La Push, Jacobs house.”
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Ok I said about Heidi's past being the first time I'd tryed something like it but I hadn't. This is the first thing I wrote and hadn't decided to post it until my friend encouraged me to. Please ignore the mistakes. This is (like some other fan fictions) a character that has been made and included's the twilight series characters. Please read and comment and let me know what you think up's or downs. (I wrote this ages ago by the way) thank you!!! :)
Intro of Travel
Leaving my friends and coming to find my sister, was a massive step for me, and rather terrifying. But I’d spent the last couple...
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Would You Accept a 'Twilight' Engagement Ring?
by Lindsay Robertson · April 27, 2009

Last week, breathless fans of "The Twilight Saga" were treated to a glimpse of Bella Swan's engagement ring in the final trailer for "Eclipse." Now they can own a replica of the diamond-encrusted oval ring co-designed by "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer and Infinite Jewelry Co. The ring matches the one described in the books, and is already available in three prices: "fashion" for $35, "fine" for $479, and "genuine," for a real diamond ring priced at $1979 -- and presumably intended to serve as a real engagement...
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posted by decullen
If been a vampire for almost 90 years and my heart still wont move on.My name is Isabella Marie Swan

I have just moved to Forks Washington it never is sunny so I wont get exposed.I in rolled in Forks high school. I don't know why I go to even bother going to school is it because I my cant stay at home in my room thinking what if I wasn't a vampire.What if his parents didn't get Spanish influenza he wouldn't of went to see them and court the stupid thing.We could of been married and had kids.We would of be in our graves not just him.

Flash Back

"Bella you have a letter."Charlie my dad said.I...
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posted by Andressa_Weld
*Your hair looks like hay!
*You're a little fat!
*Every boy in the school prefer Bella than you!
*If you look in the mirror it breaks!
*Emmett is cheating you with Jessica!
*Emmett told me that you're so worthless that! doesn't serve either to have a child!
*Carlisle told me that he saved you because you were ruining the beauty of the streets!
*Edward prefer Bella because she's human!
*Emmett said he is dating you because he feels sorry for you!
*I think you love Jacob Black!
*I think emmett is too beautiful for you!
*You look like a transvestite!
*You are the worse baseball player in the world!
*You are smelling like a dog! I think you had sex with jacob!
*You are just a pretty face, but you are so dumb!
Once again here i another list of 22 things emmett cullen is never allowed to do
1. emmett is not allowed to tell bella that the reason edward never had a boyfriend before her was he was gay
2. emmett is not allowed to dress as rosalie then tell the schools principle that hes family urges him to be more like rosalie
3. emmett is not allowed to run through the house dressed as superman then jump out the window
4.emmett is not allowed to tie jacob up and hold a sign saying free dog
5.emmett is not allowed to wear a cape to school that says i stole this from Aro Volturi on the back
6. shout free burgers...
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posted by Andressa_Weld
*This clothes are ridiculous
*You need bigger hight heels
*I Put all your new clothes on the roof
*Jasper told me that you are not good at sex
*you would be perfect for the role of the dwarf in Snow White
*Jasper told me he thinks I'm hot
*Esme told me that I'm her favorite daughter
*Your power is useless, the visions change
*I think Jane is taller than you
*Your hair looks like a broom
*Bella hates you
*What was your human mother name?
*I donated your new clothes to Jacob and Sam
*Edward told me that when Charlie first saw you he thought that you were Bella's 8 years old cousin
*Last night Emmett and I had sex in your car and broke it
New Victoria
New Victoria
The first official trailer for this summer’s The Twilight Saga: Eclipse debuted today (and is embedded at the end of this article), which means one thing: June 30 can’t come fast enough. After careful deliberation (read: re-watching the trailer over and over again), we’re more curious than ever to see genre director David Slade’s take on the teen vamp franchise. Here’s why you should be, too.
Fans were spoiled with a bounty of sneak peeks at both Twilight and last year’s New Moon, but since Summit’s playing this one close to the chest we haven’t seen much of the David Slade-directed...
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Hello Everyone! I'm bringing another story that I'm writing called Bedroom Confessions! I'm posting the link, hoping you will take a look at it. This story is for mature audiences only as it contains violence and murder. 9 chapters & 487 reviews!

Summary: Edward was investigating the perfect murder. Part of his job was to protect the only witness's identity from the murderer. But can he control his feelings for her, and can he handle the secrets she hides? AH/AU;E/B

If you like this one, make sure to check out the other stories listed on my profile! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!

Link---> link
posted by _madz_
okay, to answer the question posted by tayandkris4evr....i have no idea if Jake will make an apperence in this story. At the moment i don't think he will just because Bella is already a vampire, and it wouldn't flow with the story.
so, this update is quicker, a fair bit shorter though. hope you enjoy anyway.

part 5
Bella's POV
“Hey! Your Bella right?” Edward said loud enough for everyone to hear. He caught my arm and gently pulled me to a stop.
“Um, yeah. Your...”I paused for dramatic effect. “Edward?” Man, this acting thing was fun.
“Yeah. Do you mind if I walk with you?” he asked...
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posted by xroylex
sorry i didnt finish this but here is some more of the first book of breaking dawn sorry bought the wait...

i threw my arm over my face i didnt wwont her to see the pain in my eyes. it was quite for a long aganizing moment.
there was a light touche on my arm i didnt move i didnt wont to move. she wrapped her fingers around my wriste and tried to pull but it was worthless she was so weak so fragile. that brought it all back. everything i have done to her.
i didnt move
"edward?" she tried again
"im not sorry i carnt even tell you. im so happy. that doesnt even cover it....
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


The muted light of yet another cloudy day eventually woke me. I lay with my arm across my eyes, groggy and dazed. Something, a dream trying to be remembered, struggled to break into my consciousness. I moaned and rolled on my side, hoping more sleep would come. And then the previous day flooded back into my awareness.
"Oh!" I sat up so fast it made my head spin.
"Your hair looks like a haystack... but I like it." His unruffled voice came from the rocking chair in the corner.
"Edward! You stayed!" I rejoiced and thoughtlessly threw myself...
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