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posted by Bella_Cullen
Charlie’s POV
    As I stood watching my little girl, I felt overwhelmingly angry. I knew it was unfounded,
Bella loved Edward more then I’d ever seen anyone love anyone, and it was obvious from the way he looked at her now that he loved her back, possibly even more. No, I was angry because I didn’t want to see her hurt and, and… oh who was I kidding. I was going to miss my little girl. I’d always loved her, it broke my heart when her mother took her away, but I had to stay and take care of my parents, and by the time they passed away, it was too late. And then only a year and a half ago, she called and said that she had decided to live with me. It was the happiest I’d ever been.
And now, after only a year and a half later, she was getting married and leaving me again. I mean I knew deep down that it was unreasonable, She would be leaving for college anyway, but this way, she wasn’t my little girl anymore. She belonged to someone else as of 10 minutes ago.
As I sat, seething in my chair, I watched my Bella step on to the dance floor with Edward. The way he looked at her, and the way she looked at him, I knew they were meant for each other. How could they not be? I couldn’t even accept the idea that this would turn out the same way as Renee’s and my marriage had. Other wise, the tears that had been threatening to spill over since they had told me they were engaged would finally come. I could feel them, just beneath the surface, just waiting for the opportune moment.
Then I heard a song come on and I watched Bella and Edward dance. I never knew that Bella could do it.      Granted, I’m sure Edward was helping to hold her up, but still, she was just so beautiful, and so young, I didn’t want to see her hurt.
So hard to see myself without him,
I felt a piece of my heart break,
But when you're standing at a crossroad,
There's a choice you gotta make.
I vaguely recognized the song from somewhere, and as I started to listen to the lyrics, a dread somewhere deep inside me started to form.
Suddenly, I sensed someone standing behind me. I turned around to see Alice staring at Edward and Bella. When she looked down at me, I saw tears were welling up in her eyes.
“You know Charlie, this is your dance if you want it.” She looked at me pityingly, as if she knew something I didn’t.
“Oh, I don’t dance, and besides, I’m sure she’d rather dance with Edward anyway.
“Your wrong.” She was looking back at Edward and Bella. “Bella loves you so much more than you know, and it would make her so happy to get to dance with you, Trust me.” And with that, she pushed me out of my chair and into the middle of the dance floor with surprising strength for someone so tiny.

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,
And let go of some things I've loved,
To get to the other side,
I guess it's gonna break me down,
Like falling when you try to fly,
It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye

As I almost walked into Bella and Edward, I heard more of the same song, and the feeling of dread increased slightly.
“May I have this dance?” I tapped Edward lightly on the shoulder he turned quickly to me, and offered me Bella’s hand. As I gingerly took it, I murmured a quick thanks to Edward then turned to face Bella.
“How are you?” I asked Bella, looking at her innocent loving face, and felt the tears rise just a bit higher towards my eyes.
“I’m so happy dad. I love him and this is what I want. Will you please try to understand that?
“I’m trying Bella, and I can see that you love him, and that he loves you back. I just don’t want to see you hurt the same way I was.” I stumbled over the words as I tried to get them out.
“I know dad, you’re just being a dad, and I love you. I always will. I promise.” She said the words with such sincerity, that I knew I could believe them, and suddenly, I truly knew that everything was going to work out between her and Edward.
I know there's a blue horizon,
Somewhere up ahead, just waiting for me,
Getting there means leaving things behind,
Sometimes life's so bitter sweet.
“Honey, I believe you, you always did know what you wanted. “ I chuckled slightly. Then suddenly, Bella threw her arms around me, and I could feel the tears staining my jacket. I didn’t care though. I just held her. We weren’t really dancing anymore. Just standing there rocking back and forth.

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,
And let go of some things I've loved,
To get to the other side,
I guess it's gonna break me down,
Like falling when you try to fly,
It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye.

Suddenly, a realization hit so hard, I almost fell, but I caught myself just in time.
“You’re not coming back, are you?” I looked at Bella, but she looked away, fresh tears streaming down her face.
“Of course dad. Don’t be silly. I’m just going away to college. I visit as often as I can.” She hastily replied, still not looking at me. But it didn’t matter, she always had been such a bad liar, and her reaction told me everything.
“It’s OK sweetie, I’ll try to understand. Just promise me you’ll always remember me. And know that I’ll always, always love you. No matter what happens.” And with that, we completely stopped dancing. We just stood there, holding each other. Bella sobbing.
“Oh dad, you have no idea what that means to me. You truly don’t. And I’ll always love you. Every single day of forever.” And with that, I felt the single tear slowly roll down my cheek, as I held my baby girl for the last time.
“I love you, now and forever.” I said as I kissed the top of her head.
“I love you to dad. I always will.”

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,
And let go of some things I've loved,
To get to the other side,
I guess it's gonna break me down,
Like falling when you try to fly,
It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye.
posted by twilightGGlost
THIS IS NOT PART 5!!!! Just wanted to tell you guys whats going on with TOF…I have exams this week so the next few parts will be few and far between but I will try to write soon..the next part will be out tomorrow afternoon so don’t worry…I wanna thank my biggest fan just_bella…and special thanx to _madz_ and mcclare34 and patrisha727

I wanna thank EVERYONE who commented:


Ur comments REALLLLY help..the positivity and saying ur fave part...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter Two:
First Writings

“Okay, everyone’s chosen a pen pal, you have the next two session’s to write about yourself, and with any luck you’ll have a reply by Friday” Mrs. Anderson announced.

Immediately, everyone started writing, quickly. I took another deep breath, and began.

Dear Edward Cullen, Hmm Edward, that’s a weird old fashioned name, but I guess, these days if you can call a child Apple, than Edward is plain, normal.

My name is Bella Swan.

I'm 17 years old and my birthday is September 13. I live in Phoenix, with my mother Renee and her boyfriend Phil. He doesn’t need to...
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posted by renesmeblack
I ran as fast as I could towards Bella's scream. Alice was left behind. I ran faster and faster until I was a couple of yards away from HER.
"Hold it, EDWARD," sneered Victoria. Her teeth were glistening as she opened her mouth and put it dangerously close to Bella's throat. Bella was in pure terror. She was breathing reggedly, her heart was trying to break free, and I saw tears flowing down.
"Bella, don't move," I said. Victoria put her mouth closer.
"I wouldn't talk, pretty boy. It'll kill her faster, and that would be less fun."
Bella struggled. Then she cringed as Victoria tightened her grip...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Carlisle was running tests on me. I had apparently "going to go through pregnancy at an accelerated speed, twice as quickly as the normal human scenario, and I must have gotten pregnant at some point on Isle Renesmee."

* * *

I wasn't sure how to feel about this. At the moment it had fully dawned on me that I was pregnant, my hand had drifted to my stomach, and I hadn't felt any different, but I'd felt as if I just had more reason to live.

It all made a lot more sense to me. Why I'd slept to much. Why I'd felt I was missing something on the plane. Why I'd gotten sick over seeing animal...
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posted by AdaLove
Esme was born sometime in 1895. Little is known about her very early life, but that she lived near the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio. She met Dr. Carlisle Cullen for the first time when she was 16 and had just broken her leg climbing a tree. He soon moved out of town, but Esme never forgot the experience. While she initially wanted to move West to become a school teacher, she was pressured by her parents to remain and marry. At the age of 22, she married Charles Evenson, hoping to please her parents and willing to attempt to be happy, but soon realized her husband was an abusive man. Charles...
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posted by twilightGGlost
Ok this the part u’ve all been waiting for! No explanation need! Thanks everyone for the support and positive feedback! RATE AND COMMENT!! And spread the word!

As I was heading to the second flight of stairs I noticed a sheet over something on the wall. I pulled it off carefully and saw Carlisle’s cross. I became numb and quickly shuffled to the stairs. This was a huge mistake. I should never have come. I would never be able to return from this blackness but I was too far now and couldn’t stop. I tripped up the stairs and then crossed the short hallway in 3 unbalanced strides...
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posted by twilightGGlost
Heyy all! I’m so glad u all like Twist of Fate! It is sooo much to write! Thank u for all ur comments! I really appreciate them! Now before u all *freak* out I’m going to reveal what is in the shirt in part 3 which I will try to post today! I was planning on writing this way so I hope u like it! Special shout out to just_bella for her support!...when u comment say what ur fave part is and ur fave part in TOF part 1. Ok this is not Bella but u'll be able to figure it out…if I tell u the POV it will give it away…but the first line will give it away ok now I’m rambling lmao ok now I’m...
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posted by elinochka
Hey people!
So i decided to write a fan fiction dedicated to Jacob/Rosalie..Both are my favorite characters..Also i think they will be hilarious and hot together..
Enjoy :)

Main Characters:Jacob Black,Rosalie Hale,Bella Swan,Edward Culled,Alice Cullen,Jasper Hale and lots more..
Rosalie and Bella are best friends..(both are vampires)
Bella is dating Edward,who is human.Rosalie dont like him.Jacob is Edward's best friend and he is warewolf..Jacob and Rosalie cant stand each other,because of vampire/warewolf cold war..You probably will want to know how Bella and Rosalie became a vampires..Well...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Jacob and I spent the rest of the day with my family. Alice played 'Barbie' on me, until my mom rescued me from torture by volunteering herself.

Alice squealed so hard it hurt my ears.

She said, "Oh my god! I knew you'd see the light someday!" before dragging my long-suffering mom off to the endless chamber that is known primarily as Alice's closet.

This was probably paining me less than it would her, still; I was grateful for an escape.

I flopped down on the couch beside Jacob.

At this point, I guess it's worth mentioning that I was still wearing a poofy ice-blue satin dress. So,...
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posted by Isabellaashley

Knowing all eyes would be on Bella's prom look, Chuck had to choose carefully. The bolero was a vintage piece that she cut, restyled, and re-sequined. The dress was a little more serendipitous: ''It was miracle find!'' exclaims Chuck, who picked up the Max and Cleo silk dress at discount store Ross — and for $20. (Fun fact: Chuck also purchased the only other one left in the store so she could use the extra material to create one long dress. But, in the end, she left the dress as-is, using the second for a photo double.) ''I always say I channel clothes, I don't necessarily design them — it's divine sometimes the way it happens!''
posted by renesmeblack
Okay, you know that extensive trip my dad told me about? Well, I found out from Alice that it wasn't France at all! It's this area called Isle Esme. Whatever that means. Jasper had to come over last night to calm Jacob down enough to sleep. Talk about embarrassing! I called renesmeblack to come over tomorrow, because she was on an Australia expidition or something. She's coming back home tonight. Here's what she'l probably talk about:

1. The totally hot surfers she saw
2. The food she tried there
3. The totally hot lifeguard that saved her when she "drowned"
4. The service at the hotels
5. The totally hot boy that stayed in the suite across from her
6. My Uncle Emmett (He and Rosalie are there for a "honeymoon.")
7.The totally hot surfers she saw the next day
8. The toilets flush backwards.
9. Blabbity Blab Blah... Did I mention the surfers?!!!

Okay, the phone's ringing and I bet that's her. Later!
posted by Bella_Swan3

I was NOT thrilled when Carlisle announced that we were going on a "camping" trip. Ew. I prefer to eat on hunting trips, then IMMEDIATELY return home. It meant that we had to "rough it" for potentially three days. Emphasis on the "EW".

I didn't really have problem with camping, just the lack of running water, civilisation, my walk-in closet, laptop, and various other technology.

Therefore, I HATE CAMPING.

Edward, who was a few strides ahead of me, began laughing, and, clearing my head of thoughts, I sped up to him, and knocked him flat before he knew what I was doing.

It wasn't every...
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Bella's POV

During our search Edward and I are getting very worried. There aren't any tracks or blood in our usual hunting area. Both of us are not hungry since we went hunting a few hours ago. So we decided to pick up Renesmee at the border line at La Push and come back to our cottage. I'm also starting to miss Jacob. It's been awhile since we talked to each other.

I told Edward to stay at our cottage and I will go to La Push myself. I went about 120 mph getting to La Push using my Ferrari. I guess I am use to Edward's crazy driving. Once I slamed the door and saw the red house, I see Jacob...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Jacob and Reneseme: reunited
Jacob and Reneseme: reunited
I was a train reck. My daughter was missing, I still had to plan my wedding. All of a sudden the phone rang.
"Listen to me. If you want to see your daughter alive you will follow these instrotions. Do you under stand?"
"Yes, tell me what I need to do and I'll do it."
" 1: You must go to 1234 Lake blv. In Mishicn.
2: Only you and Edward may be at these location.
3: If you bring anyone but Edward. You will not see Reneseme alive." How did he know my daughters name?
"Do you understand?"
"I'll see you in a few days, or you will never see your daughter again." The line went dead. I made...
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posted by just_bella
I know I said the call would be in the last one but I couldn't make it it's in this one instead!! Thanks everyone!! Please comment :)

End Of Chapter 20

I finally focused on her eyes, the fear showing everywhere on my face. "Edward," was all I could get out.

I watched as Bella's face tried to figure out what was going on. She took a few gasping breaths before she started to fall, Jacob swearing loudly as he tried to catch her.

He growled quietly at me and started screaming. "What the hell! What did you do to her? Bella!!" He said as he ran her over to the couch.

"Bella? Bella, snap out...
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it's a long story, I couldn't split this up in 2 :D so enjoy

Bella's pov

I saw Aro sitting in the couch with Caius, Demetri and Felix next to him. Where are Jane and Alec I wondered. Suddenly I heard Mason screaming. I looked up and saw Jane and Alec holding Mason tight.
I felt Edward squeezing my hand very tight but didn’t let go. I realised my breathing was increased. I had a hard time controlling myself.
I squeezed his hand very hard and he looked at me. I moved my lips
“What are you done” I said without giving a tone.
“Trust me” he said back in a whisper
“I do trust you, but do you...
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posted by just_bella
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads these. The comments are so much fun to read!!

End of Part 23

"I heard everyone talking about leaving, and I was wondering do you think I could go see my family before we left..if we have to leave?" I asked.

"Emmett, this is the hardest part of being one of us. I'm sorry, you can't go back. Not now...not ever. Unfortunately your family thinks you are dead." He said quietly.

"They..They think I'm dead?" I whispered.

"Yes, Edward went to them and told them that your body was in town. That you were mauled by a bear and the body had been brought...
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Last one for today, because i'm going to bed it was a very exhausted day/week :-) Enjoy and i'll be back tomorrow :D

Bella's pov

It felt so long. I was just laying here, hearing different things. Till I heard something familiar, it was Edward’s voice.
“Bella, my love, I know you can hear me, please don’t leave me, please keep fighting for me, for Mason, for Renesmee and for everyone else. Please, you need to wake up.” I could hear his pain, his snobs.
I kind of panicked but still Edward’s voice worked soothing. I wanted to open my eyes but I still couldn’t, was I afraid to open my eyes,...
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I'll put another one later today, because me and my family are celebrating a birthday :D

Bella's pov

“Stop struggling, your not going to get away from me” He said determined
I didn’t say anything I just looked at him with disgusted. But I started to see a smile on his face.
“I’m being impolite, my name is Franco” he said calm but I still didn’t say anything. I still couldn’t move from the pain I was feeling, what did he do to me to cause so much pain.
“You know, I think there would be a possibility that you’re stronger than me if you use magic” he said amused.
“Magic, how...
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posted by just_bella
Hi!!! Ok here's a recap from what happened last time:

It's time." Father said.

He came over and hugged me roughly, it was very awkward. It was like he didn't want to touch me but felt it was what I needed.

Mother came over next and knelt down in front of me. "We will be back soon, don't be scared. Dr. Gordon said that they will take very good care of you and he will watch out for you personally." She said as she hugged me tightly.

Cynthia came over last. The tears flowing down her face. We hadn't been apart for more then one day and both of us...
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