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Best time of the day: seventh period five minutes left until the bell rings. I sat in my desk next to Edward, tapping my foot nervously. He reached over and put his hand on my leg to stop it.

“ Are you anxious for some reason?” He wondered
His hand lingered on my thigh.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” I said grinning to myself. His eyebrows pushed together, and I laughed out loud.

He grinned-removed his arm from my leg- but remained suspicious.

The final bell rang, and I let out a sigh of relief. He led me to his car where Alice joined us. “We can go shopping next week. Jaz and I have to hunt. You should use those airplane tickets to go see Renee!” She whispered into my ear, Edward didn’t have a hope of hearing. What a random thing to suggest. But I had forgot about those, and what I’d have to go through to get permission from Charlie to go. I grabbed Edward’s right hand while his left was on the wheel. He looked down and his crooked smile flickered across his face as he looked at our hands together.

“ So, Edward, Bella had decided what you both are doing this weekend.” She said

“Oh, really? And what’s that?” He asked. Probably figuring out what I’d meant earlier.

“She decided she wants to go see Renee!” She said thrilled.

“Hmm..well I guess it’s about time.” He said

We wound around the Cullen’s drive and parked in front of the house. Since I had gotten Alice’s question out of the way I could focus on Edward’s . Alice jumped out and headed for the woods.

“ I’ll be back soon. See you guys later!” She said beaming a smile at Edward and then she turned back for the forest.

“I’d better call Charlie and tell him where I’m at. And call Renee and tell her were coming.” I said almost to myself.
I dialed my home number and left him a message. I talked to my mom for almost five minutes. She was excited to finally meet Edward, I was also.

I got nervous about the impending conversation with Edward as soon as I hung up with Renée.

“Why did you want to come here to study today?” He asked.

“Just for a change. And some privacy..” I said blushing. He was immediately suspicious again.

“Hmm…” Was all he said.

He lead me into the house. I started up the stairs and lead the way to his bedroom. I went to sit on the floor in the middle of the room. I pulled out my books, keeping up with the pretense. He sat with me still suspicious—I imagined.

“Ok, would you please tell me what’s going on before I go mad?” He finally asked now that we were alone.

I looked up at him and got up to sit on his lap. I rapped my legs around him while his arms wrapped around me. Not knowing where the rest of the Cullen’s where I made sure I whispered while I ran my fingers through his beautiful bronze hair.

“So I never got an answer to my question last night…” I began.

“And what question was that?” He whispered back in my ear.
My heart was picking up quickly so I had to get my answer before I was incoherent.

“The one about whether you had re-thought your boundaries.” I said, there was a tremble in my whisper.

“Oh, that one. Hmm…” He said relaxing instantly.

His arms loosened around me. I didn’t object because I wanted to see what he was going to do next. Then he laid me down on the plush carpet, and unwrapped my legs. My heart was pounding in my ears, and suddenly I was glad that I hadn’t objected.

“ Close your eyes.” He whispered so low I almost couldn’t hear him over my erratic heartbeat.

I felt his hand on my knee, It curved around my thigh, and went over my waist, glided over my ribs, and over my chest again. He chuckled. His lips moved to the deepest part of my v-neck shirt. He kissed the heart pendent on my necklace and then moved his lips to my skin. He slowly kissed all the way up my neck and along my jaw line. I felt his stone body pressed against mine. He kissed my eyelids before moving to my lips. When he kissed me I parted my lips again; he did the same. Soon I felt his tongue massaging against mine. In that moment I was completely content. He then slowly removed himself from our kiss, and he seemed completely in control of himself. He ran his hand back down my body—following the trail he had made on the way up. I opened my eyes and stared the ceiling for a few seconds. I sat up and re-organized my thoughts. He pulled me back onto his lap re-positioning me so I sat like had before.

“In other words, Yes I have re-thought the boundaries I made. I’ve been waiting along time to gain this much control. It seems we both are more happy about that. But don’t worry I’m still being as careful as ever.” He said smiling. His face was so close our noses were touching.

I smiled hugely and told him the truth, “Yes, extremely happy.”
I kissed him lightly on the lips. His hand was making circles in the small of my back. I shivered and pulled away.

“Well, it has turned out to be a good day.” I said telling the truth again.

“I agree.” He said interrupting what I was about to say, with a kiss.

I hugged him bringing him closer to me. He pressed his face into my hair.

“So, I guess you didn’t really want to study then?” He asked looking at my books.

“Nope, it was just a cover up. I fooled you.” I said pulling out my innocent smile.

He rolled his eyes

“You really did have me worried.” He said a slight seriousness in his tone.

I said nothing and continued to hug him. He began rocking me slowly as he held me. A thought popped into my mind suddenly. Since he was sacrificing so much for me I would do the same for him. I thought about it for a moment, cringing internally. I really didn’t want to but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later so why not now?

“ So I was thinking about something just now, that might make you even more happier.” I began.

“Hmm.. I don’t know if that’s possible but you can sure try.” I felt his lips on my shoulder.

“ I decided that I’d like to accept your marriage proposal.” I wondered why I was being to formal, maybe because I was extremely nervous of his reaction. He wasn’t as shocked at predicted, but to my surprise he looked even happier than before. His was glowing. He didn’t say anything at first. I just assumed he was shocked.

“Edward? Please say something before I change my mind!” I finally said when he still hadn’t said anything.

“I can’t. I’m speechless. You really want to marry me? What changed your mind?” He wondered.

“I really don’t know what changed my mind. I think I’ve gotten over the whole marriage concept. I mean, it’s really all about us. Who cares what other people think. As long as you help me tell Charlie and Renee, I’m absolutely fine. I don’t know why I wasn’t so keen to the idea before. Maybe it’s because I know I have you to support me and help me through it.” I said organizing my thoughts aloud.

“Yes, I will help you through it all. We will tell Charlie and Renee, together. In fact I bet we should tell Renee when we go see her this weekend.” He said softly pressing his face back into my hair.

“That’s a great idea. We should tell Charlie when we get back, so he won’t be the last one to know. Alice with have fun with this I’m sure.” I said.

He chuckled
“Do you mind if I do something?” He asked

“Anything.” I answered. He removed me from his lap again. I didn’t object again— either. He disappeared for a moment and then came back with a little black box. He helped me up and then slid down on one knee. I smiled. He pulled a ring out of the little box and held it, taking my left hand.

“Isabella Marie Swan? Will you marry me?” He asked.

A tear rolled down my cheek, embarrassing me. Saving myself from further embarrassment, I simply answered, “Yes”. And he slid the ring onto my finger.

I pulled my hand up to examine the ring he’d given me. It was old, that much I could tell.

“Edward, it’s beautiful. Where did you get it?” I said breathless.
It was an opal set on a gold band with two rows of diamonds surrounding the stone. It was perfect and I was surprised at my recent taking to the jewelry Edward given me. For some reason everything seemed easier. I didn’t have time-or space in my head- to think why.

“It was my mothers. I inherited it.” He said softly.

“It’s perfect. I love it.” I said telling the truth. I stroked the opal, It was gleaming in the light.

“I agree. But what do you want to do with the ring in the mean time? ” He asked

“I will wear it on a different finger.” I said about to switch fingers. I didn’t want to part with it yet.
He beat me there and slid the ring onto my other finger and kissed it softly.

Then there was a slight knock on the door. Edward rolled his eyes and went to answer it. It was Alice, that must have been why he’d rolled his eyes. She was grinning from ear to ear.

“Congratulations!” She sang and hugged Edward.

“Thank you.” He said hugging her back.

She came and sat down beside me. She noticed my grin matched hers.

“Let me guess. You want to help me with my wedding.” I said some how knowing she was about to ask.

“Can I please?” She begged.

“Fine, but please keep it simple Alice.” I said with a groan. My smile was gone now.

“Fine, fine. You can give me an idea of what you want later.” She said

“So was there reason why you suggested that we go see Renee this weekend?” I asked

“You caught me. I saw you changing your mind at lunch.” She said smiling brightly

I rolled my eyes.
After all the excitement of telling Carlisle and Esme, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett; I felt drained. Alice brought me food so I wouldn’t have to go get anything myself. It was getting dark and Charlie would be getting worried. So I said goodbye to everyone and Edward took me home.

“Do you want me to come in and help with asking Charlie.” He asked.

“I’ll try this one solo.” I said groaning

“Ok. Good Luck. I’ll be waiting.” He said kissing my neck.

I got out of the car and headed for the front door. Charlie was watching a game, it’d just went to commercial and I jumped at my chance.

“Hey Dad can we talk for a sec?” I asked, beginning to get nervous.

“Sure Bells what’s on your mind?” He questioned

“Well first of all please don’t get mad. Ok, so for my birthday last year Esme and Carlisle bought me tickets to go see Mom. I know I didn’t tell you but it was the last thing on my mind at the time. So I was wondering if I could go see her this weekend, and if I could miss school on Monday so I could stay longer.” I said feeling relieve I’d gotten it all out.

“Jeeze Bells you forgot someone bought you plane tickets? Well I guess I can understand, that part. Your so close to finals though, are you sure you won’t miss anything?” He said answering each of my questions.

“I know, I know. No, they won’t be giving us anything new till next week.” I said appeasing him.

“Well, yes then I guess. Have fun.” He said sounding sad that I’d be gone all weekend.

“Thanks Dad! I really appreciate it!” He said.
I kissed the top of his head as I hurried upstairs.

I found my traveling bag and packed for what I’d need for this weekend. Then I grabbed my bag of toiletries and headed to the bathroom. The hot water helped relax me and calm me down. There were so many things that happened today I was still trying to wrap my head around. I was engaged! It still hadn’t sunken in yet, and probably wouldn’t until I told Charlie and Renee. I shut off the shower and decided not think about anything else that I’d done today.

I put my pajamas on and went back to my room. I began to get sad when my window wasn’t already open. I knew I was getting spoiled since Edward had been sneaking in before Charlie was asleep. So I opened the window just waiting. Soon I fell asleep on the floor waiting. I was beginning to dream and in the opening of my of it was coated with worry. But just after my dreams began I felt that I was being lifted. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Edward, he was placing me on my bed.

“Edward, you’re here.” I whispered in relief.

“I am so sorry I’m late love.” He kissing my nose. “I was busy packing, I also did a little bit of hunting.” He explained in a hurry.

“Oh, ok.” I said sighing. I began to search for his face in the dark. He guessed what I was looking for and leaned closer to me. He kissed me enthusiastically for a moment and continued kissing until he was at the base of my throat.

A shaky sigh burst through my lips.
“Thanks.” I said beginning to get tired again.

He chuckled and tightly tucking me in. He hummed my lullaby softly in my ear and I drifted into a wonderful dream.
posted by UchihaYuki
Sorry it took me so extremely long to post this chapter, I've been and still on a trip with my family[ugh] but anyways here it is <3


“Jaake…Wake up” Nessie said sweetly as she kissed his cheek trying to wake him up “mmm, What time is it Ness?” he mumbled into his pillow, she grinned “It’s 7:30am… I’ve been up since 6, Mommy, Alice and I are going shopping, so I just thought I’d wake you up and tell you good morning and that I love you..” Jacob flopped from his side to lay on his back so he could see Nessie, he smiled at the sight of her sweet smiling face and...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
just then Antonio and Elena turned up.

"how did you do that?"Antonio asked looking amazed.

Charro answered him "I think Cora can use other peoples gifts" when he spoke he sounded so sure and confident. I loved the way he said my name in his accent.

"ahh, like a sponge like a sponge i knew her gift would be something good" Elena responded with just a hint of smugness in her tone.

"Did you just call me a sponge?" i asked puzled.

"yes you absorb other people's abilities like a sponge, sorry i'm just so used to categorilizing talents, from when i was with the volturi" she gave out a hushed growl at...
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posted by Emmett4ever
hey all i forgot to post this yesterday.All my friends say its amazing so...Im gonna stop talking and let you read :)


She tried to get passed me but all i did was push her as far away as possible from the people I love. How do you keep the people you love safe? When you have to keep yourself safe first? How do you keep the person you love safe? When that person doesnt love you anymore? How do you keep your love safe when your whole world changes?

So what do you think? Hope ya like it!! :)
posted by edwardlover1231
ok i dont know how many i will write today but plz coment=)

wait,wait,wait edward said confused what is she talking didnt tell him!!!jasmine yelled.tell me what he asked confused.your girlfriends a telapath she answered amused.ENOUGH!!!!then jasmine whent flying back leave NOW!!!!!.I will be sure to tell his masjesty.thank you i said angry.when she left edward just stared at me confused.i was to much of a coward so i broke into a run.i could still here him following me.i sat crying tearless sobs when he came and sat next to know were going to have to talk about it.i nodded and...
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K.Stew and R.Pattz Forced Apart in San Diego?

John Shearer/Getty Images
Is Rob Pattinson's off-camera romance with Kristen Stewart again being quashed by the Twilight studio suits at Summit?
First, there's no doubt the New Moon crew stole the Comic-Con show yesterday. Despite even Johnny Depp making a surprise appearance, he was still no match for R.Pattz and his awkward charm, not to mention the sexy Brit's real-life romantic interest, K.Stew.
There was some unexplained tension going on between Robsten yesterday, since the real-life...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Taylor Lautner Reveals Secrets To Ripped 'New Moon' Bodyby Access Hollywood   

July 17, 2009 LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Taylor Lautner finally transforms into a werewolf in the upcoming second installment of The Twilight Saga, "New Moon," and the actor revealed the work needed to transform his body into something werewolf-worthy started the day after he finished filming the first movie.

"As soon as I finished filming 'Twilight,' I knew I had to get to work right away; there could be no waiting involved. The day I finished 'Twilight,' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon,' I'm 30...
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posted by twilightlowdown
It’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager meets Twilight. See what happens when nessie gets pregnant and someone wants to kill her. come back next week for the begining of a beautiful story

Adrian: Searina Mcbeth

Amy: Renesmee Cullen

Anne: Bella Cullen        

Ashley: Kate Cullen

Ben: Jacob Black

George: Edward Cullen

Leo: Billy black

Ricky: Nate Trent

Madison: Lilly James

Lauren: Jenny Scott

Here’s a preview:
Chapter 6

Renesmee p.o.v

I walked into the living room at the cottage.
“Hey guys” I said.
“Nessie can we talk” my mom said. Uh-oh did they know....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoey's POV
I woke up, happy as can be. The date last night was one of the best nights ever! I never thought I would end up dating Collin. I was wondering when does someone become your boyfriend? I mean we have kissed. Are we going to fast? I don't know anything about relationships. I never been around any one who has been. It's kind of weird now I think about. I guess I should go find Alice or someone. I would feel the most comfortable around hair. She would see me planing this, hopeful come to me. So, I just planned to plan to say " Alice come to my room, I need help". It worked. She knocked...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 8:
I laughed. Edward glanced down at me, confused. I grinned back at him.

"that was fun. We should do that more often."

Edward snorted. "Fun? I thought you might be in serious danger," now it was my turn to snort.

"Honestly, Edward. It was fun, though. Admit it. Once you knew i wasn't going to get killed." I laughed. He joined in.

"yes, i suppose it was kind of funny."

"Did you see his face?" I said, "He was terrified of you!" I immitated what the boy's expression had looked like, and we laughed in unison.

part 9:
Alice skipped to our side.

"Are you ready to go catch our next plane?"...
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posted by surfergal
I got up the stairs and just started crying quietly. I knew everyone could hear me but I didnt feel like talking about it or thinking about it or anything. I put on some sweat pants and I found one of Cody's long sleeved t-shirt in my closet I put it on just smelling his scent on it. I just layed in my bed and cried, soon I feel asleep. When I woke up my face was sticky feeling from dried tears. I couldnt believe what had happened yesterday afternoon. i really thouhgt he was going to be my firend but I guess not. I walked or hobbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Alice and Esme were...
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posted by surfergal
When I finished my homework it was around 11pm. I was tired but I was
understood it unlike usual. I went to sleep and I woke up in the
middle of the night really thirsty and sickish feeling. I went and got
a glass of water and then Carlisle walked down the stairs and I asked
him if he would take my temperature. He said yes and for me to go sit
on the couch while he went to get his bag. When he returned he took my
temperature and said that I had a slight fever and then I just had to
run to the bathroom. I had never puked so much in my life. When I was
done I just layed there in the floor. I...
continue reading...
posted by surfergal
Later that evening one of there sons and daughters dropped by my room
to meet me. They introduce themselves as Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen.
They were so cute they help hands I quickly new that the loved each
other and I didn't think that was weird cause they weren't related.

The next morning well it was more like the afternoon but when I woke
up Jordan and Max were in the room. I was happy to see them cause I
missed them. I told them that I was getting to stay with the Cullen’s
for a little bit they seemed pretty happy too.

They had to leave pretty soon cause they had a curfew during the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The next morning I woke up to the birds chirping and a knocking well a banging on the door. I grabbed my gun out of the side table. I cocked the gun and headed down stairs. I looked out of a window that was over looking the drive way. There was no cars, so that means its probably one of the warwolves. I was happy cause it wouldn't be Jacob, he off hunting with the Cullens. Even though I was part of the family, I wasn't a Cullen yet. I have to be a vampire to become a Cullen. I saw Seth, Collin and Brady. Hey guys. Hey, we didn't mean to scare you. Oh its okay, you didn't, you just never know...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Okaii, I promise to make this one LONGER! i swear, i will make this one long! :D

end of part 7:
I sighed, curling myself into edward, and cleared my mind, trying only think about the way edward's arms felt and how they held me, and how his lips felt brushing against the top my head. I lifted my head, keeping my eyes closed, angling it toward his lips. Edward understand, he kissed me, gently, softly on my lips, and the electricity zinged on my lips like they were plugged into the mains. I let this sensation fill my mind, and we stayed like this for the remainder of the journey......
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This story take place after Nessie is born. Zoey has been in the family since The begining of twilight. Although I don't cover anything from the books. Whatever happen to Bella it happen to Zoey accept getting pregant with a half vampire half human baby. Zoey is in love with Jacob Black but Jake is in love with Nessie. Alice and Jasper are practically her parents. She fill like the outsider because she is not a vampire, warewolf or like Nessie. The Volturi have dicided that she can be a human, until a day after she turns 17. She has her GED so she doesn't have to go to school.
posted by bubble_babe
Ok don't get me wrong I love the Cullens but take a look at what I would do if I was a Cullen

I would hot wire Edwards car and take it for a joy ride

I would go into my life story when ever I'm board

I would never sleep so I would jump all over

I use the saying "oh bite me" alot and I don't normaily get into fights but this is the Cullens we'r talking about

Sometimes I say my thoughts out-loud

I would think about Jakes body

I would be mad that I'm young and no guy would want to date a girl like me

I'd copy Edward

I'd piss off Edward

^^If I did I'd say Bella did it^^

I might crack up when he trys to hold his anger

I would jump off a big tree a yell "I belive I can fly"

And most of all I'm Crazy

So tell me if I should be a Cullen
posted by edwardcullen865
today was the first day after the wedding and i have to say just taking care if Mason is easier than i thought.
Edward's phone started buzzing inside my pocket.the caller id said Nessie .
"hello" it wasn't Nessie it was Jacob.
"Bella Edward is going to kill me "
"why Jacob what happened?"
"Nessie has been kidnapped"he sounded so scared and hurt .i hung up the phone and ran to Edward.
"Edward that was Jake on the phone Nessie has been kidnapped.
he jumped up off the couch and ran to me.
" who kidnapped her ? " he asked." i knew i should've put my foot down to marriage."
"now Edward don't get...
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What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
This is for people who have been reading Esme's Story:

I don't want to call it Esme Cullen story the whole time so I have come up with some ideas for names. please comment and tell me which ones you like. Ones i don't end up using for my story, feel free to use for any of yours:

Forever Awakening
Beyond Starlight
Sudden Dusk
Midnight Glimmer
Dawn of Life
Precious Enchantment

If you can think of any others, please let me know
I want my story to have a more interesting name so it draws more attention than just 'Esme Cullen Story'. I went online to a list of words with 'atmosphere' and I found these words and made different combinations with them.

Bella's Pov.

"ESME!!!!!!!" As I ran over towards her.

"Uh...where am I?" Esme said wearily.



"Hey Bella, I sorry for causing you all this trouble. I didn't mean to.
I did feel sad that, I never got to marry you. That's whay I didn't come to your
party. Then, Esme came. Something really strange happened. She turned
purple and then, she was in a cloak. Then, she put me under a spell to follow'
whatever she says. I tried to stop her, but it was too late. She told me that
I would regret asking you out for the rest of my-"

"MOMMY!!!!!" Renesmee shouted.

"It's always my ple-MOM!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"We have to get her to Carisle. I will explain what I told Bella," Jasper said calmly.

Suddenly, everyone took three steps away from Jasper.

"It's okay guys. He's back to normal," I said.

Edward replied sharply, "Well how can we prove it!?"

"I will show you."

Then, Jasper hugged Edward.