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posted by ABDCFan-
Hey there, i'm a bit bored at the moment, as i'm stuck at home all day, due to snow, and school being closed. So i thought i'd come and write a movie review on Twilight. I'm sure many have done this before, but still. After you've read it, don't forget to rate!(And comment, if you would like) Thankss! (BTW. Sorry It's a So Long, but it is a review, :))

Twilight Review
Okay, so Twilight. A movie about romance, vampires, and it also involves some action. A movie for everyone. But it seems like it's mostly aimed at teenagers/young adults. Well, actually, that's because it (mostly)is, but still. I read the books(Twilight-Eclipse(Breaking Dawn came out about 3 months before Twilight had hit the cinemas)), about a year before the Twilight movie had come out. Hoping that the movie was going to live up to what I had pictured in my mind, I went to the see it the day it came out, with a couple of friends from school, after we'd been into town. I have to say, it was a good movie to watch. I know alot of people had been saying, before the movie, that RPattz wouldn't be a good Edward, so I was wondering how well he would portray him. But after seeing the movie, I know that they had made an excellent choice. Actually, the people behind the whole movie, did an amazing job on picking the characters, as they definitely all did a wonderful job. I think the detail had been captured perfectly, and the ballet studio scene, the apple scene, and the baseball scene, are just three of my favourite, yes, you guessed it, scenes.
After i'd seen Twilight, a couple of months later, my head of year, arranged to take the year i'm in to see it. Now being a Twilighter, and having many friends who are fans, we all clapped and wooped. Then sat quietly, and watched the film(as you do), and much to my surprise, and others, for that matter, people behind us, and in front, had fallen asleep! It was mostly boys that did, but i was still shocked. Now, because I hadn't seen the film for a couple of months(4, to be precise), I decided to focus more on the detail. As mentioned earlier, the apple scene really caught my eye, as i thought it was very skillful. Also, the ballet studio scene, also mentioned earlier, had parts that i hadn't noticed before, like the part where Edward is sucking the venom out of Bella, RPattz's song is playing, and also, in the background, we can see Jasper and Emmett holding on to both of James' arms, and Alice jumping on top of his legs, and ripping his head off, and chucking it into a fire. That, I thought, was a totally awesome scene! There's also another scene, the one where Bella goes to Edwards house for the first time, and we see Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie, and Emmett preparing food for Bella, and when Edward introduces Emmett, Emmett waves, holding a knife. Also, watching it for the second time, I decided to focus more on the characters. And I really do think they portray the characters they're playing really well. I think my favourite characters have to be Alice, Jasper, Rosalie + Emmett.
Right, so to conclude this short, but informative(perhaps not so informative) review. I think that Twilight is a great film, that is suitable for teens/young adults. I would seriously recommend it to anyone, as it is great, and very thrilling to watch. Also, it has introduced me to the world of Vampires(this includes the book as well).

Hope you enjoyed reading, and that you also enjoyed reading the books, and watching the movies as much as i did/do. :)

RPattz's song used in the ballet studio scene- Let Me Sign
posted by KatiiCullen94
dedicated to ItsCherenne. for her kind comments.

i rolled towards the voice, it was a instant recreation, a reflex, something my body always did for taht voice.
i fluttered my eyes to open, to see a fuzzy black shadow kneeled before me. I groaned, i was soo tired, i that i swear i could jsut crash in front of them.
"Bella" he whispered. i felt his cool breath on my face. oh the smell. I swear the smell was jsut intoxicating, the smell that i remembered anywhere no matter how long i had been without it.
It was somthing no matter how much to lenght of time, this habit never died out.
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posted by twilight-7
Two weeks later.

Edward’s POV

I watched over Kayla, waiting for another scream. Bad dreams, she was having. I couldn’t make them out, just flashes and flashes of colour and people’s faces. Always the same colour though, blood red. Her mouth opened in a whimper and then her eyes flew open. She wasn’t awake, still dreaming. Her hands reached out in front of her as she cried out.
“No, take me! Take me!”
I didn’t like seeing her like this. I couldn’t do anything for her. It wasn’t like I could chase the big bad monster away. It was a nightmare.
“Still having those nightmares?”...
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posted by twilight-7
Everything was ready. Rosalie had styled my hair in lovely cascading curls with silver pins holding them away from my face. Alice had given me a natural look with the make-up. Light foundation, no blusher, long dark eyelashes and a nice pale pink lips. Esme and Sarah helped me into my dress and Rosalie rushed to get my bouquet.
“Is everything sorted?” I asked Esme for the umpteenth time.
“Yes,” she assured me as patient as ever. “Stop worrying.”
I nodded as Sarah tightened the corset of my dress. Esme was crouched down at my feet sorting the many layers of the skirt of the dress....
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His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
I felt an arm stretch across my shoulders. I sighed and turned away from the touch. My face dropped into my hands and I clenched my teeth. If I didn't have this stupid attraction to Vince, nothing would've gone wrong! This is all my fault. I never want to hurt Rachel like this again. Emotionally, the most malicious way to hurt a person. I cried, pinkish tears welled down my face. I squinted as I craned my neck to look at the sparkling sun.
Soon the tears dried and I bit my lip, a habit I'd picked up fom my mother.
"This is so wrong.." I murmered to myself.
"How so?" He questioned numbly....
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Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
`Come on let's go, let's go, let's go!` I thought silently.
I dragged Rachel across the marble school floors. Her forearm in my grasp. She was flailing her bag around and almost tripping over her own feet. I smiled then pushed open heavy glass paned doors. I saw the boy standing by the edge of the forest. Leaning against a tree that seemed to be suffocated in moss and vines. He flipped his brown hair to one side then gave a slight little smile and wave.
I mentally whispered to Rachel `Care full. Hey-Rachel, I think he really likes you`
She rolled her eyes at me then causiously took a big step...
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posted by Kronous
"I hate them so much... Arrgh" "calm down man you cant do any thing about it" "whatever you know im not like the rest of you".

lost? thought you might be. see i am a diferent Werrewolf... im half vampire too... its so horrible fighting for you life. no wonder i the only one alive. The cool thing is i dont have to take ordes. we think its because im not full werewolf. so id be alpha of my own pack. oh i guess people who think they saw a blood red bear run through the woods... well they're not crazy... thats me. red im red oh yeah some think its funny they say things like"You Over Sized Elmo"....
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Nightfall Chapter 24: An Unlikely Alliance (Jake's POV)

I felt my body trembling with fury and just as I was about to phase Edward called out to me from the stairs of the garage.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if you would find another course of action in order to pursue your vendetta against my brother.” I was momentarily distracted as I turned towards him in irritation.

“You know, you should really try speaking in plain old English sometime Edward.” He chuckled as he took a step towards me. Bella’ s head popped into the doorway her brow furrowed in worry, just the same as it always...
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Nightfall Chapter 23: Anger Management (Jake's POV)

The crisp autumn air whirled the leaves around us as I dragged my struggling children out back. I placed them on the ground in front of me staring them down. I couldn’t help but notice how similar they appeared from a distance but up close there was a sharp contrast. They were both the same russet color as my wolf, but Sarah held herself differently than my quick-tempered son who was beginning to remind me a bit of his Uncle Paul although I was reluctant to admit it. Sarah sat perfectly poised, head held high with wisdom emanating from the...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 10
“Neisse, I was thinking that your father and I would tell you how we meet. What do you think?” I asked. She looked really truly happy and Edward looked confused but happy that we were going to tell her.
    “Mommy, daddy I think it’s awesome!” She said jumping up and down.
    “Okay. I was think we will go to the meadow. Where you father and I went to a lot.” I said. Edward nodded his head and Neisse was just too excited.
    “YAY!” She screamed.
    Okay then we better get going....
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posted by Alex_XcullenX
“Wow.” Bella whispered.

I got up from the piano and ran to her side. I placed my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulders. It felt so incredible to have her in my arms. “You took the word right out of my mouth.”

“Edward, I did it!”

“You did. You were unbelievable. All that worrying over being a newborn, and then you skip it altogether.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. I knew how worried she was about being consumed with thirst in the beginning, but I had to admit myself that I was worried that she wouldn’t feel as strongly as she did for me when she was a human. Now...
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posted by twilight-7
I couldn’t believe this. He’d only just met her. They hadn’t even conversed for more than fifteen minutes. How can this be true?! Well, I wasn’t letting him make some moronic mistake and actually date her. No way. Not a chance. No –
I couldn’t do that. I would be a hypocrite. I would contradict everything I was trying to prove to Charlie by refusing to let him see the vampire again. But it was.... I couldn’t explain it but it wasn’t right for Charlie to date her. What if she hurt him? What if she broke his heart like in my dream? What if he was killed?
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posted by cici1264
I promise to remember Bella Each time I trip for no reason.
And I promise to remember Edward Whenever I covet something.
I promise to obey traffic laws For Charlies sake of course

And I promise to remember Jacob When I see a smile that lights up my whole day
I promise to remember Carlisle

Whenever I am in the Emergency Room

And I promise to remember Emmett Every time there's a huge boom

I promise to to remember Rose Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty

And I promise to remember Alice When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me

I promise to remember Nessie When I see my child for the first time and tell it i love it

And I promise to remember Esme When someone tells me they care

I promise to remember Jasper Whenever I see someone constantly in pain =)

And I promise to remember the Volturi When someone speaks of dominating the world

I swear i will love Twilight everyday of my life for the rest of my life
On her website, Stephenie Meyer said that this is the music playlist that she envisioned for Twilight. She also said that she would always listen to these songs WHILE writing Twilight!=

1.    "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" — Travis
2.    "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" [video edit] — My Chemical Romance
3.    "Creep" [radio edit] — Radiohead
4.    "In My Place" — Coldplay
5.    "By Myself" — Linkin Park
6.    "Dreaming" — OMD
7.    "Please Forgive Me" — David Gray
8.    "Here With Me" — Dido
9.    "With You" [reanimation remix] — Linkin Park
10.    "Time is Running Out" — Muse
11.    "Dreams" — The Cranberries
12.    "Tremble for My Beloved" — Collective Soul
13.    "Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)" — Billy Joel

There you have it! :D
Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
I spent the whole night thinking about the note warning me about the Volturi and who could have sent it. And who was in my room. But I came up with nothing. I read the note again to see if I recognized the handwriting but I didn't. One thing was for sure that who ever it was knew me way to well. Specially now that they had all my stuff from the future. "What are you thinking about?" I jumped off my bed ready to run if it was the Volturi and gasped.

Out of no where Aunt Alice shows up in my room. "Sorry. Did I scare you Taylor? she asked "Ya you did. But it's fine. I thought you were Edward...
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2 Avoiding

When I saw postive on the test , I didn't know what to think. So many fellings crossed in my mind .Happiness, surprise,and Hopefulnees.Still there was was one still question ,what would Edward think ??

There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Alice" "Come in"
"So what did the test say?"
"I'm gonna be a aunt!!!!" She started jumping up and down.

I sighed
"what's wrong?" she asked. "I don't know what Edward will think".
"Bella he will be just happy as the baby's aunt"
then she left .

Well I didnt know if Alice was right about Edward. So I avoided him . LIke when we go to bed....
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posted by bella01
[while unpacking]

I am absentmindedly arranging my books.I have many books,i love reading.actually it takes 4 bib boxes for all of my books.

"you have many books" edward said.that brought me back to reality.

"what?" i asked

"i said you have so many books and it looks like you have a beautiful book collection"he said

"ahhhh......ok" i said

"bella,bella you have so many clothes ,ten boxes so far"alice said while jumping up and down.

"what?!"i asked confused,i told mrs. meyer before i leave not to send all of my clothes.

"we will be best friends ,because you are like me i can see it now we will go shopping...
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Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
Nessie comes back from the future and pretends to be Bella's sister. But she can't tell anyone that she is from the future, and that she is Bella's and Edward's daughter. But it will be hard because Edward can read her mind and find out who she is. Alice can't see her and might think that Nessie is a werewolf. And Nessie also looks like Bella and Edward and that might give the secret away. Jacob might see her and imprint on her. And she acts like a vampire.

"Taylor come on hurry up we are going to be late for school!" mom shouted while I was sneaking back into my window after a full night...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
Hey everyone... Thnx so much for your comments! And I'm sorry for being super late! Sorry... I was upset and... So,here's the 11th chapter! Don't forget 2 rate and comment!

“He’ll wake in one minute”

Alice said with sad eyes. So, He had attacked me but it was nothing for me. Really, NOTHING!


He called my name with his perfect lips. And then when his eyes saw me, he jumped.

“What did I do to you?”

He analyzed me and then he took his face in his hands. I hadn’t seen him this upset till that moment. I tried to touch his hand but he took it out of mine and looked at Carlisle....
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posted by bella01
"I think she is hiding something from us"Esme said
"What do you mean?"Carlisle asked
"When I lead her to her room and i ask her if she is hungry and we have food downstairs she just laughed"she said confused
"It's like that she didn't believe that there is food here?"Emmett asked,laughing
"Why are we talking about this stupid human?"Rosalie said
"Shut up"Alice said angrily 'who is stupid here?maybe you are talking about yourself'Alice thought
""And she don't want touching her"I said
"And when someone touch her she's always in pain"Jasper said
We stopped talking when we heard a scream from upstairs."She's...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 4)
    I ran as fast as I could deep into the jungle and to my surprise I didn’t even tripped once I continued running when I saw a boy he was 16 or 17 with blond hair he came closer when I noticed his red eyes I gasped and took a step back
-hello I'm matt
He said with a musical voice he took a step closer I didn’t know what to do I just stood still and looked at him I didn’t want to die I wanted to face edward someday and take my……………………..
-you don’t look scared ,now why is that?
Does always vamps want their victims to be scared? I shuddered...
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