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posted by twilight-7
When I opened my eyes I found myself staring into Edward’s eyes. He was lying on his side, watching me worriedly. He reached out with one pale hand and touched my cheek lightly.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“I’m great.” I grinned at him. He seemed to relax so I shuffled closer to him.
“I didn’t hurt you?”
I thought for a moment. I couldn’t remember a moment when he’d held me too tightly or his touch too strong but there wasn’t a time when I didn’t want him close to me. I didn’t want him to let me go last night. I made a quick assessment of my body but I couldn’t feel any pain anywhere.
“Even if you did, I would have healed before I noticed,” I said. He turned onto his back and I rested my head on his bare chest. He rested his chin on the top of my head. “Are you okay?”
“Rosalie called,” he said, casually stroking my hair. “She wanted to know if you had survived.”
“Rosalie?” I said in disbelief.
“She said she was calling for Esme, but I think she likes you.”
“That’s a scary thought,” I laughed.
He chuckled and continued to stroke my hair. I was content, lying here in his arms. I hadn’t died last night as so many people thought. I wasn’t even hurt. We’d fit together so perfectly it was like we were made for each other. Only more proof we belonged together.
“You enjoyed last night?” he asked, a smile in his voice.
“Words could not describe it, Edward,” I said, sighing happily. “Did you?”
He didn’t answer straight away and I began to worry I was truly bad in bed. And my husband couldn’t even tell me. Then he chuckled.
“You are right,” he said and he kissed the top of my head. “Words cannot describe last night.”
Panic over. I wasn’t bad in bed. Just so amazing he can’t find words for it. Well, there was no doubt about it, I am just truly amazing.
“And I get no credit at all in our enjoyment of last night?”
“You’ll have to jog my memory,” I replied.
“By a repeat of last night’s events,” I giggled. I traced my fingers across his chest and turned my head to face him. He look incredulous.
“Kayla, do you realise what you are covered in?”
“Oh my God,” I said and sat up straight. “Did you hurt me last night? Am I covered in bruises? Oh, that won’t look good when I go see Charlie.”
I looked down and saw nothing but my own pale naked body. And white feathers.
“Feathers?” I said, picking one up. “Why am I covered in feathers?”
“You said I didn’t hurt you,” Edward sat up and watched me, hurt on his face. “Why would you think that I had?”
“It was the way you spoke I thought that maybe…” I shook my head, realising I’d screwed up and more feathers drifted down like white snow. “Not that I would have thought you’d hurt me because I knew you wouldn’t...I trust you…and…and…you can read my mind, figure out what I’m trying to say!”
Edward sat quiet for a moment and then he laughed as he tried to decipher my thoughts.
“Look, I’m sorry,” I said, brushing feathers off my body. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know,” he said, kissing my lips lightly.
“Why am I covered in feathers?”
“I bit a pillow or two,” he said, smiling.
“It was either them or you.” He looked away, obviously feeling ashamed of his primal nature. It wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t help it.
“You always try to erase my guilt,” he said and he stroked my cheek. “You are too understanding.”
My skin tingled under his touch and I grabbed his hand.
“How many pillows are left?” I asked him.
“Four and we had six to begin with.”
I leaned towards him, kissing his slowly.
“Is that enough to satisfy you?”
“Oh no,” he said, trying to push me away but his hands pulled me closer. “We can’t.”
“You know what to expect,” I said against his lips. “You’ll know how to channel that.”
Before he could say anything I pulled him under the blankets. Practice makes perfect.

Giggling, I threw another handful of feathers at Edward. He narrowed his eyes and sent nearly a pillow’s worth at me.
“We’re supposed to be cleaning up,” he said, while throwing even more at me. “Now get to work.”
I laughed.
“Aren’t you going to threaten me with the whip?” I asked him. I picked up more feathers.
“Would you like me to?” I watched as his lips took on a wicked smile and I squealed as he picked me and threw me gently onto the bed. He was on top of my, his chest inches from mine.
“We still have two pillows left,” he said, his eyes smouldering. His lips touched mine and my arms wound around his neck pulling him closer. His hands found the buttons on the thin cotton shirt I wore and he began to undo them quickly. I just felt the coldness of his chest when someone let out a high pitched giggle.
“No wonder Jasper left in a hurry.”
Edward and I both turned around to see my new sister in law watching us a wide smile on her face.
“Hi,” she waved before running away.
Passion gone, I lay back on the bed.
“Some psychic she is,” I said, while he tried not to laugh. He rolled over onto his side while I buttoned up my shirt.
“Let’s see the damage,” Emmett called out loudly. He walked straight into Edward’s bedroom without knocking. I stared at him shocked, my top still half open. Emmett winked at me and I thought I heard a low snarl come from Edward. I didn’t want to know what Emmett was thinking. Edward sat up and pulled me onto his lap before I could move onto the next button.
“Don’t worry,” Emmett sighed. “I’m not going to touch her.”
“You better not,” Rosalie snarled walking in. She clasped onto Emmett’s hand possessively. “The pillows are ruined.”
“Yeah, lucky they didn’t have a headboard or they would need a new bed,” Emmett laughed. He bent down and kissed Rosalie very noisily while Edward buttoned the rest of my shirt up very quickly.
“Do you mind?” Edward almost shouted when Emmett’s hand grabbed Rosalie’s butt.
They backed out of the room, still kissing, leaving Edward and I alone. Not that we were in the mood for anything now.
“Do you want to go see Charlie today?” Edward asked. “Prove to him you’re still alive.”
I laughed half heartedly.
“I’ll do anything if it means I won’t hear Rosalie and Emmett at it,” I said, sliding off his lap. I was halfway to the door when I realised he wasn’t next to me.
I looked back to see him still sitting on the bed, amongst the many feathers.
“Are you not coming with me?” I asked him.
“I’ll leave you and Charlie alone,” he said, gathering up feathers in his hands. “And George hasn’t been out in a while.”
He blew the feathers in my direction and a few landed in my hair.
“Okay,” I said, picking them out. “I’ll call you?”
“Yeah,” he replied.
Down in the garage I found my black BMW and stroked the cold metal gently.
“Hello George,” I cooed like he was my newborn baby. I looked in the window and saw the keys already sitting in the ignition. Something told me Edward had planned ahead.
I opened the door and slid into the seat. I turned the key and George sprang to life, humming quietly. I knew what Edward was doing. He would have heard my silent conversation with Charlie and knew that Charlie would be missing me. We both knew Charlie thought that as soon as I was married he’d never see me again. And with the impending threat of my early death it made it seem even worse because there was no chance to say ‘oh, I’ll see you tomorrow’ because what if I didn’t survive to the next day?
I left George in the driveway while I went inside.
“Hello?” I called out. “Is anyone here?”
It was mid afternoon. Sarah and Darren would be on a plane so there was no chance of blowing my cover. Charlie should be here as I didn’t think he would be at work.
I walked through to the kitchen, annoyed that no one was here. Or they could just be ignoring me. Ignorant persons. I dropped my keys on the kitchen table and switched the kettle on. This was still my home so I could make myself a cup of tea if I wanted to. I opened the cupboard door and picked up a cup when I suddenly everything changed. My kitchen was no longer my surroundings. It was the Cullens’ house. The front room to be exact. Only it was a little bit more messy. Almost everything was destroyed. Mitchell was there. He stood facing me with stupid evil, sadistic smile on his face.
“Two for the price of one,” he said and laughed horribly.
Then a dagger rose up, thin with a ragged edge and pretty blue gems encrusted on the handle. It floated there and I knew someone must be holding it there with an ability.
“Do you think that will kill me?” Mitchell snorted. “I can heal.”
I didn’t hear a reply. I saw the dagger fly forward and pierce Mitchell’s chest. Right where his heart was. He looked down and blood began to seep from the wound.
“I’ll heal,” he said, though sounding weak. “Just you see.”
But he continued to bleed and when he tried to remove the dagger it seemed he had no strength because it stayed there. He fell to the ground, still trying to get the dagger out. Then so suddenly, his hand went limp and his eyes closed. The dagger shot up into the air and a hand stretched out to catch it, a familiar crescent shaped scar on their wrist.
The kitchen came back into focus and I groaned, feeling dizzy. I stumbled back, something breaking under my feet as I reached for the table to support myself. I looked down and saw the shattered remains of the cup I’d picked up. I didn’t even hear it break. Damn vision. What the hell did that mean anyway? Mitchell dying? Who killed him? What was with the dagger and the way he’d died? Why didn’t he heal? So many questions and I had no way to answer them! Where was Charlie because I was sure I recognised that dagger.
Where though?

I was sat at the table, still mulling over my vision when I heard Charlie’s cruiser stop outside.
“Who’s car is that?” I heard Tess say.
I didn’t hear a reply but running footsteps instead.
“In the kitchen, Dad,” I called back. He walked into the kitchen, a grin on his face. Tess was just behind him and she squealed when she saw me.
“You’re alive!” she screamed and ran to me. She picked me off the chair and spun me around. Jeesh, that girl needed chill pills. She put me down, sensing I wasn’t in the mood. I stood there, Charlie still grinning at me.
“Hi,” I said, smiling. I still had a little headache but it was fading.
“I think I heard a deer run by,” Tess said, backing out of the room. “I’ll go see if I can catch it.”
Charlie and I stood awkwardly for a moment. We were both silent.
“So, I didn’t die,” I said, trying to break the silence.
“Yeah and I see no bruises,” he replied. “I didn’t think he would hurt you.”
Yeah, I thought. He was one of the first people to say he’d kill me on my wedding night.
“I have something for you,” he said and disappeared so fast I thought he was a vampire. I waited, wondering how best to tell him about my vision. He would be overjoyed at the fact Mitchell would die. But would it be before or after he killed me? It must be after because what had changed in the past three weeks that Mitchell would die instead of me? Nothing, other than that I’d gotten married but that could hardly change anything.
Where had I seen that dagger before? In a dream, maybe?
Charlie was back and holding something wrapped up in black silk. He handed it to me and it wasn’t heavy but it felt cold.
“What is it?” I asked him.
I peeled back the black silk and I found my answer. Here was the dagger I’d seen in my vision. Charlie owned it! Then it all came back to me. I’d seen the dagger in one of my fist visions! He’d killed Loren with it!
“It was your great-grandmother’s,” he said, watching my reaction. “It’s very special.”
I picked up the dagger, feeling the weight of it. It was incredibly light. Didn’t look all too powerful.
“It’s enchanted,” Charlie continued. “It was dipped in a potion, decades ago. It kills whoever it’s skin it pierces. Even if they have their only healing ability.”
“And you’re giving it to me?” I looked at him, incredulous. “What if I accidentally cut my finger? I’ll die!”
“It can’t harm us. Alexandra made sure of that.”
That was good or else I’d be sure to prick my finger with it. I stared at the dagger, knowing this would kill Mitchell one day. Should I really be in possession of it? Didn’t whoever was going to kill my murderer need it?
“Oh, that reminds me,” I told Charlie. “I had a vision of Mitchell being killed.”
Charlie went pale. His mouth opened and closed for a few seconds as his thoughts filled with grief. Despite his want to kill Mitchell, he was still a friend. Unexpected grief. Great, my heart went out to the poor person that killed Mitchell. Now they’d have Charlie on their back.
“With this dagger.” I held up the dagger, the black silk between the blade and my skin, just to be on the safe side.
“Really?” Charlie recovered. “I killed Loren with that.”
“I know,” I said. “I had a vision about it.”
Charlie’s face went suddenly serious. He came closer to me and took the dagger in his hand.
“I want you to practice with that dagger,” he said, showing it to me. “I want you to learn how to throw it properly, I want you to learn how to aim. I also want you to learn how to use it with your abilities. Do you understand?”
Wow. He wanted me to learn to assassinate someone. Good parenting.
“I’m serious, Kayla.”
“Right, okay,” I said, looking down. “I’m just not the killing type, Dad. I don’t think I’d be able to use it against someone.”
“You just have to if you want to live.”
I nodded but I knew that in my vision, it wasn’t me killing Mitchell.
(Notes: this piece was cut from the original epilogue. Though I briefly explained Emmett's back story in Chapter 14 "Mind over Matter," I really miss not having it detailed in his own words.)

Emmett and the Bear

I was surprised to find a strange kinship growing between myself and Emmett, especially since he had once been the most frightening to me of them all. It had to do with how we had both been chosen to join the family; we'd both been loved—and loved in return—while we were human, though very briefly for him. Only Emmett remembered—he alone really understood the miracle that Edward...
continue reading...
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