Twilight Series Club
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"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason… and then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."
―Edward Cullen to Bella[src]

Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan (later Bella Cullen, born to Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer on September 13, 1987) is the protagonist of the Twilight series. In the first book, Twilight, she is a 17-year-old girl who falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. In the last novel of the series, Breaking Dawn, she marries Edward and becomes a vampire and member of the Olympic Coven. She is transformed into a vampire by Edward after nearly dying giving birth to their daughter, Renesmee Cullen. Bella is the daughter-in-law of Edward and Elizabeth Masen, as well as the adoptive daughter-in-law of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. She is the adoptive sister-in-law of Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale and Jasper Hale.

As a vampire, Bella has the ability to project a mental shield that can protect herself, and others, from the mental powers possessed by other vampires.


Early life
A front view of Bella.

Bella was born on 09/13/87 to Renee and Charlie Swan,a young couple living in the small town of Forks,Washington.Bella's parents divorced when Bella was 6 months old,and Renée took Bella with her to Riverside,California,before moving to Phoenix,Arizona when Bella was 5.Very little of Bella's life in Phoenix is mentioned,although she does allude to not fitting in very well at her old school,never having any romantic relationships or many friends,and that she spent a lot of time with her mother.She mentions briefly taking piano lessons,which she complained about until her mother let her discontinue her lessons,and having a few pet fish. It is also known that she used to take ballet lessons in a studio near her house,and that she wasn't very good; she was always placed,to Bella's relief,in the back at recitals.The dance studio is the site of a future fight between Bella, Edward, and James.[1][2]

New Moon

The events of New Moon begin on Bella's 18th birthday.Bella is especially upset because it is the day that she becomes older, physically,than Edward,who will always be 17.It didn't help that she also had a nightmare,where she was with,what she thought to be her Grandma Marie,after whom she was partly named,turned out to be her.Edward came to her side in the dream and was just as young and flawless as always.Edward persuades her to come to his house on the evening of her birthday for a party thrown by his sister,Alice.Bella receives a paper cut while opening one of her gifts,drawing a single drop of blood and causing Edward's brother,Jasper,to try to attack her.Edward,in the process of defending Bella from Jasper,throws her into a table filled with crystal,which results in Bella getting a deep cut from her wrist to her elbow.Although Bella's injuries are not life-threatening, Edward later decides that she would be safer without him,his family,and his dangerous style of life,so he deceives Bella into thinking that he does not love her any longer and leaves Forks with his family.

Bella sinks into a deep depression for 4 months,until she is awoken by Charlie,her dad.He threatens to send her back to live with her mother in Florida because he is worried about her behavior.To appease her father,she tries to engage in normal,teenage-like behavior.She invites her friend Jessica to go to Port Angeles with her for dinner and a movie. While there,she carelessly approaches 4 men standing outside a bar.This results in her hearing Edward's voice inside her head,warning her to turn around.Bella soon realizes that whenever she puts herself in a dangerous situation,she can hear Edward's voice with perfect clarity.With this discovery in mind,Bella seeks out Jacob and convinces him to fix a motorcycle for her and teach her how to ride.Jacob and Bella become friends,when suddenly Jacob refuses to answer any of her calls and asks her not to come to his house anymore.It is not until 2 weeks later that Bella learns what has happened to her friend:he has become a wolf and is avoiding Bella for her own safety.She also learns that Victoria has returned to kill her, out of revenge for Edward killing Victoria's mate, James,in Twilight.Bella and Jacob reconcile,and she assists his wolf pack of brothers in hunting down Victoria.

To hear Edward's voice again,Bella attempts cliff-diving and nearly drowns.When Alice,who has the power to see the future,sees Bella jump,she believes Bella had committed suicide and subsequently returns to Forks.Edward,isolated from his family by his own volition,is told by Rosalie,his other adopted sister,that Bella is dead.Alice finds Bella and tells her that Edward is going to Italy to ask the Volturi to kill him,because he believes Bella to be dead. Bella and Alice quickly pursue Edward to Italy,and stop him from being killed.Afterward they are brought to speak with the Volturi,where they make a promise to change Bella into a vampire so that they can be let free.

Back in Forks,Edward explains why he had to leave and begs her forgiveness.He tells her that he loves her and had always loved her,and promises to never leave her again.She forgives him,and they continue their relationship as if Edward never left.When Edward once again refuses to transform Bella into a monster,she decides to let his family decide whether she should become a vampire and thus join their family.All except Edward and Rosalie vote affirmatively for her to be changed.Although initially outraged by his family's decision,Edward later agrees to change her himself if she agrees to marry him first.Later,Jacob meets with Edward and Bella to remind Edward and his family of the treaty made between the Cullens and the La Push wolves,which states that no Cullen may bite a human.Bella is thus left in a difficult position:if she does not become a vampire,the Volturi will come to kill her.However,if the Cullens do make her into a vampire,they will have broken their treaty with the La Push wolves,which would start a war with the Cullens.


Eclipse begins with Bella reading a letter from Jacob that says that they can't be friends anymore.She is upset about this,but her mood greatly improves when Edward comes to visit her.Edward is trying to convince Bella to fill out more application forms for Dartmouth after getting accepted to the University of Alaska,but Bella thinks that college is pointless since she will be turning into a vampire soon anyway.Edward then sees an article in the newspaper about a series of mysterious killings in Seattle and explains to Bella that these killings are most likely a newborn,unable to control its thirst.Bella tells Edward that she needs to make things right with Jacob,to which Edward strongly objects,stating that wolves are unstable and that they could hurt her if something bad happened.Later on that day in school,Bella witnesses Alice having a vision:Victoria is coming back to Forks to hunt Bella.

Ultimately,Edward must go hunting and leave Bella.For fear of Bella putting herself in danger,he bribes Alice with a yellow 911 Porsche Turbo to watch over Bella while he's gone and keep her away from Jacob.Bella is furious at Edward's presumption and manages to slip away to see Jacob.Upon returning to the Cullens' house,she encounters Edward.He is not upset that Bella ran away,and realizes that he has been overprotective.Bella thanks Edward,and he begins occasionally taking her to the La Push line for regular visits with Jacob.During one of the visits,Jacob admits that he is in love with Bella and forcefully kisses her.Bella is furious and punches him in the face,succeeding only in breaking her hand.Edward later threatens to break Jacob's jaw for Bella if he ever kisses her without her permission again.

Meanwhile,Bella still has her heart set on joining Edward and his family as a vampire.But,after consideration,she decides that there is one thing she would like to do while human:she wants to make love with Edward.Edward immediately refuses this demand,explaining that although he wants her as much as she wants him,he could easily kill her if he lost control.Bella insists that he would never allow himself to let that happen.Eventually,Edward agrees that they can try,but she must marry him first. Bella reluctantly agrees and becomes Edward's fiancée.

Moments before Bella's graduation,she realizes that the army of newborn vampires are under the control of Victoria and therefore will be coming after herself.Having no other allies since the Denali coven has refused to get involved in the fight,the Cullens and the La Push pack of wolves join forces to battle Victoria and her army.Before the battle,Jacob overhears Bella and Edward discussing their engagement and becomes very upset.He tells Bella that he will go in battle with the intentions of dying because she won't love him back.Bella tells him to kiss her so he will think she loves him back,but as she kisses him,she realizes that she loves Jacob as well.She feels terrible after doing so,but Edward isn't angry.Despite realizing her feelings for Jacob,Bella knows that those feelings could never compare to the intense love she has for Edward.

Soon after this,Victoria and Riley,a newborn vampire,find their hiding spot.With Edward outnumbered,it at first looks like Victoria will be successful in killing Bella.But Seth,another wolf, arrives to assist them.Seth kills Riley,and Edward beheads Victoria seconds later.After a brief confrontation with several Volturi soldiers,Bella goes to visit Jacob,who was wounded in the battle. She tells him that,while she does feel for him,she loves Edward far more,and has chosen to marry him.Jacob reluctantly agrees to stop trying to come between Edward and her,and assures her he'll be there if she ever needs him.Bella then goes back to Edward,and they agree to tell Charlie about their engagement.[3]

Breaking Dawn

In the first chapter of Breaking Dawn, it is revealed that Bella and Edward have told both of her parents about their engagement and both given their blessing, though Charlie is still slightly resistant to the thought of their marriage. Alice is busy making preparations for the wedding, which is only a few days away. Meanwhile, Edward has bought her a super-strength safety car, which she sees as either a sign of compassion and caring or as over-protectiveness and worry about her safety. This car is for temporary use until she is changed into a vampire, when she will not need the protection. Meanwhile, Bella feels guilty about Jacob, believing that her rejecting him caused him to run away.

The wedding goes smoothly, and Jacob arrives at the party despite her rejection of him, and Bella is so relieved that Jacob has decided to come after all. However he gets into an argument with Bella about her wanting to make love with Edward while she is still human (luckily, only the werewolves and Cullens hear the argument). Edward and Bella leave for their honeymoon to Isle Esme. After the wedding, Edward agrees to make love with Bella, but is horrified when he sees that he bruised Bella while doing so. He vows not to make love with her again until she has been turned, but Bella succeeds in getting him to do so. Bella notices that she is getting unusual illnesses and changes of appetite, but does not make anything of it. After, once more, making love she notices that she is pregnant.

Her baby develops at an extremely fast rate, and she becomes very sick. She can't keep food down, and is dying. Also, the baby inside of her is so strong it has been breaking her ribs by accident. Edward had asked Jacob to try to convince her to kill the baby that was killing her, but Bella couldn't, because she loved it. Through Jacob's joking Edward then suggests for Bella to drink blood, and she quickly becomes stronger. Soon after, Edward realizes that he can hear the baby's thoughts, and starts to love the baby when he hears that it "absolutely adores Bella." Jacob remarks that Edward could never hate anyone who loved Bella, which is why Edward did not hate him.

After having a typical Bella moment, which included dropping a cup full of blood, the hardened placenta detaches, and Edward, Rosalie, and Jacob are forced to perform an emergency birthing since Carlisle is hunting with Esme. Bella's body is nearly destroyed in the process - several ribs are broken, she loses vast amounts of blood, and her spinal cord is snapped. She names her child Renesmee, but then her heart stops beating. Edward injects her heart with some of his own venom and bites her body in several places, turning Bella into a vampire. Jacob goes to kill Renesmee after she is born, because Renesmee almost killed Bella while she was giving birth to Renesmee, but imprints on her instead.
Bella as a vampire in Alice's vision

Bella wakes up two days later, now a vampire. She claims that she can notice how everything is different when she became a newborn. Her senses were improved by great lengths. She explains her new eyesight, laying her new eyes first on a light on the ceiling, claiming to see another, "eighth," color illuminating from it—UV light. Shortly after her creation, Edward takes her out on her first hunt, where she proves to have incredible self control when she runs away from the scent of human blood (something newborns aren't supposed to be able to do). Bella later finds out Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, which makes her very angry, and she calms down quickly, but not before trying to kill Jacob. Later, Jacob, aware that the Cullens are planning to move, phases into his wolf form in front of Charlie (he thought Charlie was the reason they were leaving). Charlie was shocked to discover Bella knew about the mythical world for years, and tells her to tell him only what is absolutely necessary for him to know. This allows Bella to keep her father in her new life without putting him in danger. Bella adjusts to her new life extremely well, going as far as to think she was destined to be a vampire.

Later, Bella is with Jacob and Renesmee in the forest when a vampire, Irina, sees her daughter and mistakes her for an immortal child, a heinous crime of the vampire world. When Alice learns that the Volturi Coven and the entire guard is coming to destroy the Cullens, she flees with Jasper on a secret mission which she doesn't tell anyone about. The Cullens look for other vampires to be witnesses, including nomads and other covens, such as the Irish coven and Amazon coven. In the meantime, Kate, a member of Tanya's coven, tries to teach Bella to project her power, so she could protect others from the Volturi's powers. The Cullens and their allies manage to convince the Volturi that Renesmee really is growing (with the help of the werewolves, Alice's research, and Bella's gift), though Irina pays for her mistake with her life. After the confrontation Bella, Edward and Renesmee return to their cottage; where Bella drops her shield and allows Edward to read her mind for the first time, showing him just how much she really loves him. Edward, Bella, and Renesmee feel free to live their lives in peace forever. Jacob and Bella remain best friends.
Personality and traits
Bella is described as having a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair and wide chocolate brown eyes. She also has full lips but her upper lip is fuller than the other, making them uneven. Beyond this information, a detailed description of Bella's appearance is never given in the series . Stephenie Meyer explains that this is because she wanted her readers to "step into Bella's shoes" more easily. However, she has provided a more detailed description of her own interpretation of Bella on her website: she has a heart-shaped face, a widow's peak, a thin nose, and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin and full lips. Her fingernails are stubby, as she has a nervous habit of biting them. She stands at 5'4" and weighs about 110 pounds.

Bella also has a small crescent-shaped scar on her hand where she was bitten by James, a tracker vampire, in Twilight. The scar is described as being pale, always a few degrees colder than the rest of her body, and shines like a vampire's skin when in the sunlight. After Bella is changed into a vampire by Edward Cullen, she becomes even more pale, with blood-red eyes and waist-length hair. Her hair appears to darken in tone when offset by her pale complexion. She is also described to be extremely beautiful.[4][5]
Bella is described as being exceptionally clumsy, dropping and tripping over everything in sight; however this changes once she is transformed into a vampire. She is deeply in love with Edward Cullen. She also cares for the rest of the Cullen family, her father Charlie and mother Renée, and her friend Jacob Black. She hates dressing up, saying that makeup "is a pain" and that she feels uncomfortable in impractical, elegant clothes. She doesn't like spending money on luxurious items, stating in New Moon to Edward 'not to spend a dime on my birthday', and that fast cars are unnecessary, saying that Edward gave her himself and anything else he gives her would throw their relationship too off balance. She has a very private mind, which is thought to be why Edward is unable to hear her thoughts, and she is determined to become a vampire. She is also said to be a terrible liar, but demonstrates good acting ability in "Twilight" when she makes her father believe that she has dumped Edward and is leaving Forks. Bella also becomes faint at the sight or smell of blood, as demonstrated in Twilight.

Bella has a dry sense of humor, and is understanding and caring. She's also been described as stubborn, and able to block painful thoughts and memories (hence her special vampire ability). She puts Edward before herself, but several 'selfish' tendencies emerge (as when Bella asked Edward to stay with her instead of fighting the vampires in Eclipse). Stephenie Meyer has stated that Bella's "tragic flaw" in Eclipse is her lack of self-knowledge. This is most obviously illustrated in her consistent denial of any romantic feelings for Jacob Black, despite the fact that she later realizes she is, indeed, in love with him.

Bella, according to Edward on Midnight Sun, has no sense of fear when she finds out Edward is a vampire. Instead of running away, like she should have, she decides to ask lots of questions with extreme curiosity. This makes Edward believe that it is not bad luck that follows her around, but that she has no sense of self-preservation.
Powers and abilities

After being turned into a vampire, Bella explains that she has a more clear view of the world. Also, like other vampires, she has superhuman senses, strength, speed, and granite-hard skin. She is also very self-controlled as a vampire, being able to run away from the smell of human blood on her first hunting trip. She also has a special gift, which is to shield her and those around her from other vampires' special talents that affect the mind (such as Edward, Jane, Alec, Eleazer, Kate, Zafrina and Aro). Bella appears to have a gift for being a vampire, even saying that she felt like she was born to be one. Ironically, Bella is very graceful — even for a vampire. In Breaking Dawn Bella uses her shielding power as a giant dome to protect her family and friends. Bella also learns that she can lower her shield and let vampires' mental powers work on her if she so chooses. In Breaking Dawn, Bella can detect minor changes in Renesmee's physical appearance, such as her hair growing a couple of millimeters.

Aro, the leader of the Volturi who "collects" vampires with powerful talents, was so intrigued that Bella could block out mental powers (even as a human) that he twice offered her a place among his guard. She refused both times.

Bella is the wife of Edward Cullen and the mother of Renesmee Cullen, as well as the daughter of Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer and the stepdaughter of Phil Dwyer and the daughter-in-law of Edward and Elizabeth Masen. She is the adoptive daughter-in-law of Carlisle and Esme Cullen and the adoptive sister-in-law of Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, and Jasper Hale.

Bella is very close to her mother, though she sometimes feels like she is the mother and Renée is the child. Her mother has always put her relationships with men first, although has been very clear that she wants Bella to remain independent. Bella was born in Forks but raised in Phoenix with her mother, as Renée left Charlie soon after Bella was born.

Bella's relationship with her father is also very odd. After Renée took her away to Phoenix, the only time Bella would see Charlie was in the summer. Even at a young age it became clear Bella hated Forks, and when she visited Charlie would take her fishing, which Bella also hated. Bella moved to Forks to live with her father in Twilight to give her mother space with her new husband. She finds it much easier to live with her father, since he respects her privacy, even though he has shown to be protective of her since he is the chief of police. Her father is very protective and therefore very suspicious of Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen

Bella's mate is Edward Cullen, a vampire who has renounced drinking the blood of humans. When they first realize their feelings for each other, Bella loves him unconditionally, believing Edward to be absolutely perfect, and does not consider herself worthy of his love. She often describes him as god-like in appearance, like the Greek hero Adonis, and hopes that by becoming a vampire she will become beautiful and graceful like him and his family, the Cullens. Edward disapproves of this and always reassures her that she is more than worthy, and has his heart. Bella sometimes thinks of Edward as an angel. Edward proposes to Bella in New Moon and she eventually accepts in Eclipse, looking down on the prospect of marriage but not entirely opposed to it. As part of a deal with Edward, she promises to marry him if he promises to make love with her and then change her into a vampire. She sees this as the only part of the marriage to look forward to.

In Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the series, Bella overcomes her fear of marriage and happily marries Edward, becoming Bella Cullen. During their honeymoon on a private island, Edward and Bella consummate their marriage and conceive a child—a vampire hybrid child. During the birth, complications occur and Edward, after delivering their baby via caesarian section, is forced to inject Bella with his venom, thereby changing her into a vampire, to save her life.

After Bella's transformation, she and Edward become equals and can experience a vastly easier life, though they find it very hard to satisfy their sexual desire for each other. At series end, Bella and Edward live happily together, presumably forever, as husband and wife with their daughter, Renesmee.
Jacob Black

Jacob Black

Jacob Black, a Quileute and the son of Charlie Swan's friend, Billy Black, also loves Bella and spends a lot of time with her during the period of Edward's absence. While Edward was away, Bella found that Jacob's presence soothed the "hole" in her chest that resulted from Edward leaving her. Being around Jacob brought a measure of happiness back to Bella's life, though he was unable to replace Edward. Bella felt that Jacob was a good friend, and that he was her own "personal little sun" which would beam happiness in every direction wherever he went. When Jacob underwent his transformation into a werewolf, it put a distance in their friendship.

In Eclipse, Jacob acts upon his romantic feelings for Bella, and tries to convince her to leave Edward for him. Jacob thinks that, since he is more human than Edward, he will be safer for Bella to have a relationship with. Edward sees this, but is still willing to fight for her. Jacob forcefully kisses Bella, resulting in her punching him, breaking her hand and almost ending their friendship. Sometime later, Jacob overhears that Bella and Edward are engaged and makes Bella kiss him, saying that if she doesn't he will get himself killed. She does so, and realizes that she is in love with Jacob. But Bella soon realizes that her love for Jacob is not as strong as her love for Edward. She later tells Jacob that she has chosen Edward over him, breaking his heart.

A devastated Jacob remains at odds with Edward and Bella after this. Eventually, Jacob imprints on Edward and Bella's daughter, Renesmee, ridding him of his heartache for Bella. Bella and Edward were furious and, after hearing that he nicknamed her after the Loch Ness Monster, Bella lost control of her anger and tried to kill Jacob. But she soon regained self-control, and Bella, Edward, and Jacob made peace. She comes to accept Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee, and they remain close friends.
Renesmee Cullen

Renesmee Cullen

Renesmee is Bella and Edward's biological daughter. After making love on Isle Esme with Edward in Breaking Dawn, they conceive a child. The mothers of these particular kinds of children never survive. Knowing this, Edward tries to convince Bella to save her life by having an abortion. Bella refuses to do so, as she has come to love the child. Edward's hatred towards the child ceases when he hears the child's thoughts to find that the child already loves her parents. Now with communication, the child tries harder not to hurt her mother. After a painful childbirth and transformation, Bella learns that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee, angering her at first, but later accepts it when she learns Jacob's imprinting is involuntary, and that Renesmee loves Jacob as well. Before the Volturi could come and pass judgment Bella gave Renesmee a gold locket (inscribed with the words "plus que ma propre vie" which means More than my own life in French). Bella and Renesmee love each other instantly.
Angela Weber

Angela Weber

Angela Weber, kind and shy yet insightful, was among the friends Bella made after moving to Forks. Although she is a minor character in the books, she becomes Bella's best friend, comforting Bella in her depression in New Moon and attending Bella's wedding in Breaking Dawn.
Mike Newton

Mike Newton

Mike Newton is a generically popular boy at Bella's new high school who is instantly attracted to Bella. He is friendly and Bella thinks he possesses traits like a golden retriever: his happiness and loyalty in walking her to class and speaking with her every day. Mike frequently tries to ask Bella out, but she always declines. He becomes jealous when he realizes that Bella and Edward Cullen are dating.

In New Moon, after a movie date with Bella, Jacob and Mike, Mike has seemingly given up on Bella, and tells her that "girls are cruel". Mike develops a new romantic relationship with Jessica Stanley when he accepts that Edward is Bella's boyfriend. In "New Moon", Bella tries to rekindle their friendship after four months of "being a zombie" after the Cullens leave Forks. Mike becomes her friend again, although not with the same enthusiasm and also never forgets his fondness of Bella.

Mike apparently never got over his infatuation for Bella. At Edward and Bella's wedding reception, Edward commented that Mike was having improper thoughts about her again.
Tyler Crowley

Tyler Crowley

After nearly killing Bella in a car accident, Tyler feels obligated to make things even. He unsuccessfully asks Bella out to the turnabout dance. After Bella declines, insisting that she must go to Seattle that day, he insists on taking her to prom. He tells the whole school and convinces most of the students that he is taking Bella to prom, much to her annoyance. He shows up at Bella's house on prom night, only to be told over the phone by Edward that she would be unavailable every night as far as anyone but himself was concerned.
Eric Yorkie

Eric Yorkie

Eric, like Mike Newton, immediately took an interest in Bella when she arrived in Forks. Bella described him as being the "overly eager" chess club type, and he was one of the three boys (Mike, Tyler and himself) who asked Bella to the spring dance, though she declined all three. He develops a rivalry with Mike Newton, and later a dislike for Tyler as well. His friendship sways and mostly falls after Bella goes through a depression in the absence of Edward and the rest of the Cullen family.
Jessica Stanley

Jessica Stanley

Jessica has an on and off friendship with Bella, particularly since Edward and Bella started dating. She was 'practically' the first person Bella had a full conversation with in school as well as being her first friend, although Bella initially disregarded her as "superficial". Jessica sometimes hangs out with Lauren, and gets overly excited, such as on graduation day. She was a guest at Bella and Edward's wedding. Jessica has an on and off relationship with Mike, though seemingly jealous of Mike's affection towards Bella.

Kirkus Reviews stated that during Twilight, "Bella's appeal is based on magic rather than character"[6] and that during New Moon, Bella's personality is "flat and obsessive".[7] Laura Miller of said, in regards to Bella and Edward, that "neither of them has much personality to speak of."[8] In an article for the National Review website, Gina Dalfonzo said the Bella goes from being "self deprecating" as a human to "insufferably vain" as a vampire.[9] She also stated that Bella gets what she wants and discovers her worth "by giving up her identity and throwing away nearly everything in life that matters."[9] Natalie Pompilio of The Philadelphia Inquirer noted Bella as selfish for "putting aside friendships and family for her Edward obsession."[10]

Bella is a short form of Isabella. Bella means "beautiful" and Isabella means "My God is a vow". Bella also means "pretty" in Italian. Stephenie Meyer said on her website that Isabella is the name she had planned to name her daughter, if she had one.
Behind the scenes

On November 16, 2007 it was announced that Kristen Stewart was to play the role of Bella in the Twilight film. Meyer stated that she was "very excited" to see Stewart play the part.[11][12]
posted by LexisFaith
"Alice! Hurry!" Bella grabbed for her sister's hand as they raced across the lawn.

"Bella! My feet hurt!" Alice complined behind her.

"We can't stop running Alice. We have to get as far away as possible. Unless you want the weight of the kingdom on your shoulders in a fortnight we must hurry!" Bella reminided her.

Twins, Isabella Marie and Mary Alice Swan were to be crowed queens on their eighteenth birthday. Nither one wanted to resposibility at such a young age. They were running from their problems which they knew never to do, but this was unavoidale any other way.

"How far do we have to run?"...
continue reading...
posted by LexisFaith
If you know the song "Whiskey Lullaby" you all might recgonize some lyrics in here :)

Whiskey Lullaby
Edward POV

She took intake of a breath and stared at me.

"You don't have to say it back." I quickly asured her. "I just wanted you to know that I love you and that if you want to talk...I'm always here."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're welcome."

"Would you like to hear the story?" She asked.

"Only if you want me to." I told her.

"I do." She nodded. She sat up and placed her hands in her lap and took a deep breath. "Renesmee was the girl of his dreams....
continue reading...
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I heard something, but I didn't know what. All I knew, was that whatever I heard, had awoken me at 11:56 a.m. I lightly pushed Jerek's arm off of me, wanting to wake him up, but knowing that he couldn't protect me, I had to protect myself. I walked out of the room quietly, tip-toeing to the weapons room, wanting to grab something for a defense mechanism besides my fists and feet. I grabbed a gun, knowing that this would do the best damage. I then started my way towards to the stairs,...
continue reading...
I heard the jingling of the bell.
"I'll be just a minute." I yelled through the doorway. I worked at the tourist shop since school let put, I've been working here. I walked out into the hot room and looked at a man who was wearing a baseball cap.
"How can I help you?" I asked him with a smile on my face. He walked up to the desk and took off his hat.
"Hello Tala." He said and smiled at me.
"Jason." I shuddered."What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well,I'm here on vacation and wanted a learn how to surf, Is there any way you can arrange that?"He asked and leaned over the counter. I shook my head...
continue reading...
*the other one was chapter one i forgot to put it on*

Bella's Pov:
i am sorry happy that i have a wonderful life with my husband and my Renesmee. though i miss my human life i miss my father and my mother we try as much as we can to see them both but it is hard. When Nisse start school i was really happy for he. its very hard for me and Edward to keep her away for Jake but i never did want to keep them apart Edward doesn't want him around her. Edward told me that one time he read Jake's mind and he want to ask her out but he didn't know if Edward would a prove of it. i said to Edward why didn't...
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posted by beachchick
It burned so badly, but not bad enough that i would let anyone see me in pain. I walk quickly to a bathroom at the end of the hall. I knew that no one would be in here because this is the bathroom that the Cullens used. I looked in and it was empty right now. I walked in and went straight to the mirror. I pulled up the sleave of my sweater silently prassing the cold weather so that i could wear this shirt. The claw marks were still there and as bright red as ever. There were four claw marks straight to my elbow and I painfully remembered how i got them.

Two Days Ago

"Love you guys see you tomorrow"...
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Hey guys. Here is the next part of the honeymoon. I hope you like it. I'm sorry if there are some mistakes. Thanks for reading

“Thorough” she murmured breathless.
I chuckled. I couldn’t hide my nerves any more.
“I tried to think of everything, that would make this… easier”. She swallowed aloud and still didn’t face me. We both definitely needed some time to relax. I got no idea, what to do.
“I was wondering…” I couldn’t come up with anything. Maybe we could swim or something…
”…if….first…maybe you’d like to take a midnight swim with me?” I took a deep unnecessary...
continue reading...
posted by rubytuesday101
I woke up the next morning feeling very comfortable,this bed is like heaven and the smell coming from down stairs is just as good.I smell eggs and toast,i get out of bed and go down to the kitchen edward is cooking breakfast for me.
"Good morning"he says smiling while surving the food onto my plate.
"Good morning"i say back to him while sitting at the table.
"How did you sleep?"he asked while i put a piece of egg in my mouth.
"Great that bed is really nice"i answered back smiling he smiled too happy with my answer.
"What do you want to do today?"he asks after i take a couple of bites.
"Well we could...
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posted by LexisFaith
I normally drove my Volvo, but tonight Rosalie was behind the wheel. I had my headphones to my ipod tight in my ears, so I could hear nothing but the music. I knew what song was playing on the radio by whatching Alice's and Rosalie's mouths moving. Swimming by Florence + the Machine.
I could see Emmett's head appear then dissapear behind the headrest as he head banged to his ipod. Jasper was staring out the window tuning out everything around him.
Emmett was in the passenger seat infront of me. Alice was sitting in between me and Jasper, bouncing up and down to the song.
I rested my head against...
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I haven't seen Jacob in a week.It feels like my insides have been shredded into a million pieces.I think about him all the time. Even my Aunt Rose thinks my father is harsh and she hates Jacob.
School is easy. I've already learnt all ready.I was sitting at lunch when a group of people came to sit with me.I noticed it was Jackson and two other people I didn't know.
"Hey Ness"Jackson said"Umm.. I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party?"I smiled at him and told him yes. He gave me all the info i needed to get to his house.
When i got home My Aunt Alice Dragged me into her bathroom.
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posted by rubytuesday101
2 Days later:
Edward and everyone has gone hunting,i have to stay with charlie all day incase Victoria comes again.Edward didnt want to go but i made him because his eyes were pitch black,he said he was fine but i told him if he doesnt go hunting he would end up hurting me and that would hurt Renesmee,that made him agree to go.Charlie was filling out some papers and i was just sitting there then my phone started ringing.I took my phone out and looked at the caller ID it was mum.
"Hello"i said to her wondering why she is calling me.
"Oh bella where are you?"she asked worried.
"I am at the ploice...
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Chapter 16-Beginning of Eternity

^^Yours and Emmett's twin boys^^

Carlisle has 4 huge coolers stocked up fwith animal blood. You are feeding on it with 1 glass 3 times a day. Emmett is by your side at all times. Alice and Rosalie are helping you in anyway they can and Esme is there for you as well. Edward and Jasper and Carlise hunt the blood for you but Edward and Jasper always find a way to make you laugh when they play fight with Emmett. Your belly has gotten big. you looked like you were 9 months and ready to pop.

As you were waiting for your last glass of the night before you "try" to sleep...
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After they left you closed the door and closed your eyes. You couldn't believe it. The wedding is a month away and yet you can't wait. Your mind was racing on the thought of being Emmett's wife and then Sabrina your daughter. You happened to look up and see your family staring at you with worry written all over their faces.
You: What?
Emmett: Your glowing.
You looked at your hands and sure enough you were. You froze in shock and tried slapping the light off of you. But, it wouldn't leave.
Sabrina: Mommy's glowing.
Emmett: Yes she is.

*note from the author*
this is the end of this story. Tell me if u want me to write about justin bieber love stories or one more emmett cullen love story?
“Summer…Summer…” Alice tapped on Summer’s shoulder, attempting to wake her, “SUMMER!” Summer pulled the pillow over her head, “Go away, Alice,” she mumbled. A few seconds passed by; Alice bent over and murmured into Summer’s ear, “I’m still here.” Summer groaned and rolled over to face her smirking sister, “What?” Alice clapped her hands together in delight, “Finally! C’mon, today you and I are going shopping. After all, you seriously need a girl’s day out.” Summer impassively peered at already dressed up Alice, “No thank you, Alice. Goodnight.” Alice...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 2 - STITCHES

“How can you do this?” I demanded. “Even Alice and Esme…” I trailed off, shaking my head in wonder. Thought the rest of them had given up the traditional diet of vampires jtsu as absolutely as Carlisle had, he was the only one who could bear the smell of my blood without suffering from the intense temptation. Clearly, this was much more difficult than he made it seem.
“Years and years of practice,” he told me. “I barely notice the scent anymore.”
“Do you think it would be harder if you took a vacation from the hospital...
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posted by xroylex
as i aprouched the car i could hear jacob mutter to himself
"should of stayed, what would sam think? i am the worst excuse for werewolf"
"jacob are you ok?" i asked as i climbed in
"are you ok? dont ask me i should of stayed its my job to protect humans humans like you from them" he spat the word. best tell him now before he hates me.
"jacob i can handle my self i am not what you think i am"
"no your more your smart funny and beautiful nessie and i love you" he leaned in and i couldnt stop him onse he started when he did start so before his lips could touch mine
"i am half vampire" he stopped...
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Hey everyone!
I would like to dedicate this article to groovychicklisa! She gave me the wonderful idea, so thank you!
Everything is quotes were said in the book.

I hope youe enjoy!

As I drove closer to the school, I could start hearing eveyone's thoughts. As of now it was at a soft roar of confused and ainxous voices, but as we edged closer they became louder. Jessica Stanly's thought cought my attetion almost imedietly. Woah. He's huge. I could see Jacob Black standing against his motorcycle. Waiting.
My grip on the steering wheel tightened and...
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The Dress Bella Wore To The Wedding
The Dress Bella Wore To The Wedding
This story will be in Bella and Edwards point of view.I hope you like it.

It is January 25th 1919 i am 18 years old and i have no husband yet.My parents are always looking for men i can marry but i dont love them.You cant make love it just happenes but my parents say it will happen and we will help you find him.I woke up at 6 am i went into mother who was cooking brekfast.
"Good morning"i said to her.
"Good morning Isabella"mum said.i Hate it when people call me Isabella.
"mother please call me Bella"i said to her a little annoyed.
"You are Isabella Swan and that is what i will call...
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posted by rubytuesday101
3 days past so fast mum is coming home today and i dont know what to do.I finally get out of bed its ten o'clock in the morning and jake has already gone out to the pack.I got dressed and went down stairs and cooked egges again.It is now half ten and mum gets in at eleven i better go now then.I go out to the garage and got in my car and drove to the airport.When i got there i had 10 minutes before mum came so i was good for time.I walked into the aiport and saw all my family waiting for mum i walked up to them
"Hiya"i said and everyone looked at me and dad looked at me with pleading eyes i looked...
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posted by daja625
My name is Bella Swan. I’ve lived on this earth for a very long time. I left my family to fine my older bother Jasper Swan. To Day I was moving out of my Adopted father John Smith house in Phoenix because I thought I didn’t belong in his world and because he didn’t share the same secret as me and my adopted mother Renee Dale who was similar to me. So I moved with my adopted mother in forks. It was hard saying goodbye to my father and step mother. When I got to forks it was different instead of seeing the sun I saw clouds.
When I got settled in my old room I went to the garage to ask...
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