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posted by funnyshawna
I've written Maximum Ride and Twilight crossovers before, and i decided it was time to do one with Harry Potter. This is the first chapter. I'll put the second chapter up (then 3rd and so on) when i finish typing them:)    

Chapter 1 – Buses and brooms and wizards….oh my!

     It was a bright and sunny day in Forks, Washington. Edward was very bored, stuck inside all day, hiding from the sun that would blow his human disguise if he let it hit his pale skin. Bella was at school. This was her first time through high school, so she actually had to go, unlike him, who, being almost a hundred and ten years old had been through high school countless times.
    Edward sighed. He didn’t like being stuck inside. He wanted to go somewhere. Somewhere exotic, far away. Like Europe. He ran through a list of European countries in his mind. France…been there, done that. Germany…blah. He wasn’t in a German mood today. England…that sounded interesting. Edward decided he would go to England. London. London sounded fun. There was some family history there, too. Carlisle was born in London. Edward was off to London.
    Edward took off running, fast, through the woods in London’s general direction. He ran until he hit water. Then he pulled out his small umbrella (he didn’t want to get wet) and swam across oceans, lakes, and rivers, until he hit land that smelled like England. Then he ran to London. He decided he liked London the minute he got inside the city walls. There were lots and lots of lights, making the city sparkle, just like him. It was raining in London, so he could walk around inconspicuously through the crowded streets (or somewhat inconspicuously, as most of the people he passed stared dazedly up at him. Even some of the girls fainted).
    He was walking innocently down the middle of the street when suddenly, out of nowhere, came a bright purple, triple Decker but, going about ninety miles an hour, and weaving in and out of cars as if cops didn’t exist. The bus didn’t seem to be watching out for people, either, so Edward stuck out his right hand and waved at the bus to let it know that he was there, and that he didn’t really want to get run over today. To his surprise the bus pulled over with a squeak, almost hitting him. He jumped out of the way smartly, and the bus pulled to a jerky stop in front of him. A young guy, human by the looks of him, opened the doors of the bus and hopped down the set of steps leading down to the sidewalk.
    He looked at Edward and said, “Hello my name is Stan Shunpike, conductor of the Knight Bus, transportation for the stranded witch or wizard.”
    Edward stared at him; think that he was crazy and that he should probably run away before someone got hurt. But Stan spoke again, interrupting his thoughts.
    “Well, are you getting on or not?” he asked, giving Edward the same kind of look that Edward was giving him.
    Edward thought it best not to anger the crazy man, so he stepped forward. “Uh…I guess so,” he said cautiously.
    “Well come on then,” said Stan Shunpike, stepping up into the strange purple bus.
    Edward followed tensely, ready to run or defend himself at the slightest sign of a trap.
    “First stop, The Leaky Cauldron,” Stan said loudly. “Is that where you’re headed?”
    “Uh,” Edward thought that it was probably a good idea to get off this strange bus full of crazy people as soon as possible. “Yeah, sure.”
    Stan nodded and the bus jerked forward so fast that Edward nearly lost his balance. The bus, The Knight Bus, rocketed off along the London streets, weaving through cars and people. The strange thing was that nobody seemed to notice the triple Decker, bright purple bus driven by crazy people that came inches away from them before shooting forward again.
    “Uh…” Edward said slowly, addressing the conductor, Stan Shunpike. “Sorry, but why does it seem that no one notices a purple bus speeding down the streets?”
    Stan looked at him like he was extremely stupid. “They’re Muggles. They can’t see us,” he said in a “duh” kind of voice.
    “Okay…” said Edward, more confused now than ever. “What are Muggles?”
    “Non magic folk,” said Stan. “Everyone knows that! Except for you, apparently. But you don’t look young enough to be a first year.”
    First year? Non magic? So many different questions popped into Edwards mind then, but all of them seemed like they would just lead to more questions if he asked them. So he stayed quiet.
    A few minutes later the bus came to a jerky fast stop in front of a shabby looking pub with a sign out front that read “The Leaky Cauldron”. Alongside of the writing was a picture of a cauldron full of bubbling green potion. Edward did a double take. The potion was bubbling! Not just painted on, either, but moving, bubbles rising to the surface and then popping, steam billowing from the top of the liquid.
    Then Edward got very, very curious. All f his instincts were telling him to get out of there, to go back to Forks. But he ignored them, he figured that he was a vampire, and he could protect himself, no matter what kind of situation he got into.
    Edward approached the entrance to the pub cautiously, coiled up in a defensive position, should he need to fight anyone or anything.
     He got to the door and reached out a hand to open it. But the door swung open before his fingers touched the knob. He stepped inside. As soon as he crossed the threshold the door banged shut in a cloud of dust. Not breathing, Edward walked into the small, dark, crowded room. At first sight the room could have been an ordinary London bar. But then Edward looked closer. And then it was not so ordinary. First were the people. Everyone there was wearing long robes and tall, pointed hats or varying colors. Also more than one person was holding a long, thin stick of wood in his or her hand. As Edward looked around more and more things out of the ordinary jumped out at him. Several mugs of coffee at the small tables had spoons in them, slowly revolving, as though an invisible hand was stirring them. At the bar bottles of champagne rose unsupported into the air and tipped, pouring liquid into a number of dirty-looking goblets lined up on the counter. Further along, a dirty rag hovered in the air, scrubbing out used glasses, to no apparent effect. In a corner of the room a broom was sweeping the floor with no human holding it. Along the same wall a fire was smoldering. As Edward watched, the fire suddenly burst into green flames, and a tall man in long, purple robes and a hat straightened up out of the fireplace, dusted soot off of himself, and walked into the pub. The green flames disappeared, leaving only smoldering coals like before. No one looked twice as this scene unfolded.
    No one was looking at him, either, which was weird. People always looked at him. Well, why wouldn’t they? He was dazzling.
    A man in a bright green cloak and hat got up from his table and made his way towards a door at the back of the room. Edward followed him. The man in green opened the door, and walked through. Edward caught the door before it shut and slipped in behind him. He watched as the man in green walked up to a brick wall, took out a stick form the inside of his cloak and tapped on three different bricks. The bricks began to move, opening up a tall arch in the wall, which the man stepped through, Edward followed, thinking that he could break the wall if he needed to get out.
    He stepped out of the arch way into bright sunlight. Oh crap he thought, and turned around fast. But the brick wall was gone. Instead, as far as he could see was a bright alleyway crowded by; people in strange clothes and lined by buildings of all different colors and sizes.
    He looked down at his arm, which was sparkling like a thousand tiny diamonds were imbedded in his pale skin. People were definitely staring at him now, no doubt about that. But not as much as you would think. Edward looked around at the people surrounding him and saw why. Just in one small group he saw a small child with bright blue hair that shifted into green as he watched, a woman with a pelican’s beak instead of a nose, and a man with about ten owls perched on his arms, shoulders, even head.
    The more he observed the people around him, the more normal his sparkly skin seemed.
    As Edward was looking around the thick crowd around him suddenly parted. A black haired boy, a redhead, and a girl with curly brown hair came walking through the gap in the crowd. Edward wondered why the crowd would part for these three, seemingly normal, teenagers.
    “Um,” the red haired boy had reached Edward now and was speaking to him. “We’re famous. Why arent you moving?”
    “Ron!’ the girl elbowed him in the stomach.
    “Uh,” Edward had no clue that they were, so he decided to find out. “Who are you, and why are you famous?”
    The black haired boy gave Edward an “are you kidding” look and said, “im harry potter, duh, everyone knows that.”
    “Well, actually, not everyone knows that,” Edward pointed out. “I didn’t know that.”
    Harry Potter looked stumped. “Huh,” he said. “How did that happen?”
    “I don’t know. Ive never actually been here before,” Edward looked around him again. “ what is this place?” he asked.
    “diagon Alley,” the girl with the curly hair said. “wizard shops, obviously.”
    “wizard?” Edward was confused. “whats a wizard? I thought they weren’t real.”
    “of course theyre real!” said harry, sounding exasperated. “if youre not a wizard then how come you are here?”
    “I don’t know,” said Edward. “there was a big purple bus…and a moving picture…green hat…”
    “but non-wizards cant get on the Knight Bus,” said ron. “or see it. Or see the Leaky Cauldron…”
    All four of them looked thoughtful.
    “this is quite a pickle.” Said the girl finally. “ speaking of pickles, do you wanna go get something to eat?”
    “not thinks,” Edward made a face. “not unless there is a forest nearby with plenty of mountain lions. I am kind of thirsty.”
    “er…no,” said harry. “sorry, no mountain lions. Would you like a butterbeer? Or some firewhisky?”
    “eew,” Edward exclaimed. “what’s that? Im not that thirsty. Ill go hunting in a couple of weeks.”
    “well, were going to go get some butterbeer, wanna come? You don’t have to drink it.” Said the girl. “oh, and by the way, im Hermione Granger.”
    “ron Weasley,” said the redhead.
    “harry potter,” said Harry Potter. “oh, wait, you already knew that.”
    “Edward Cullen,” said Edward, sticking out his very shiny hand.
    Harry shook it, then screamed. “whoa! You are really extremely cold!”
    “oh yeah,” said Edward apologeticaslly. “ sorry about that.”
    “oh, by the way, why aren’t you dazzled by my sparkly skin?”
    “well, we just figured you were a metamorphagus or something.” Hermione explained. “ weve already seen two people with sparkly skin today.”
    “oh ok,” said Edward, nodding his head. “well, just so you know, I always sparkle in the sun.”
    “ok,” said Hermione, and they walked off down the bright street together. The crowd parted to let them through.
Extra one for you today!

Edward's POV

Once we were released, I glanced back at Bella before they shut the door. Bella wasn't even showing a sign of sadness or pleading. She was lifeless, a goddess with a hard, cold, unhappy heart.

Once I got back to the vacation house, I couldn't bear it. I can't remember the time at the honeymoon or what happened a couple days ago. I miss her too much. I feel worse than when I left Bella. It was almost as bad as when I thought she was dead. I still can't understand why Bella acted like this. I need some answer.

I decided to go back and see Carlisle. We are...
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For a special treat, I'll add one more here for today. I wrote until part 18 in my spot. So if you are eager for more, check it out!

Edward's POV

Bella? Why does she have a blank face? It reminds me of Alice when she gets a vision. But Bella can't see visions!

Then Bella startled me by saying " Rosalie and Alice are near our vacation house. I heard Rosalie SCREAM!"

Once she said that, everyone got off from the couch and we all ran full speed to our vacation house. Oh crap, PLEASE tell me no one is going to go inside, we didn't cover the damage.....

Well thank GOD we aren't going inside. Most...
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posted by AdaLove
Apart from the physiological differences with blood between a vampire and a human, blood is also important as the sole diet of a vampire. Whether animal or human blood it is important to consume it regularly; without it, they will weaken mentally and be less capable of rational thought and action.

We are told that blood varies massively in flavour. Emmett’s preference for "grizzly" and Edward’s for "mountain lion" (TW10) may be indicative of their hunting styles and personalities, but animals don’t really appeal to vampires. The "bigger the animal, usually the better it tastes. Predators...
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'Twilight': Which 'New Moon' scene should debut on the MTV Movie Awards?

May 18, 2009, 07:00 PM | by Mandi Bierly
Categories: Film, Twilight, Waiting

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner will be on hand at May 31's MTV Movie Awards to introduce a never-before-seen clip from the The Twilight Saga: New Moon. The question is: Which one do you most want to see? If you haven't read the second book in Stephenie Meyer's series, STOP NOW. We're obviously talking SPOILERS here....
I vote for Bella jumping off the cliff -- that way we'll get to see how they handle her hearing Edward's voice, while they give us a visual because they want to put Pattinson on screen whenever possible -- or Bella running to stop Edward from stepping into the sun. I bet those will be too F/X-driven to be ready to screen in May, since the film doesn't open until November. (Ditto any scenes involving the Wolf Pack transforming....) Your pick? Bonus points if it's practical.
posted by Edward_lover101
When I woke up again, I was in Edwards room. Still on the bed. Where was Edward? He was here when I fell asleep. There was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" I said still half asleep.
"Come in."
"Hey Bella. Wow it looks like you come back from the dead."
"It fells that way."
"How is your arm? Carlisel told me to come see if you are ok."
"It still hurts. A lot."
"Want me to talk to Jacob?" Said Emmet with a big grin on his face. Emmet was probly going to kill Jacob before he even blinked.
"No, Emmet. But thanks anyway."
"Sure no problm." I screamed. The pain was getting worse.
"Bella! Whats...?"...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 22: Firewood, Anybody??

I was so angry that I was even starting to scare myself. I couldn’t believe that my mother had blamed me for this whole insane scenario. All I was trying to do was to defend my friend; if I was a normal kid I bet it wouldn’t have been this big of a deal. Sometimes being a Cullen is a curse. I was still shaking violently when my father walked up, “Renesmee, please try to calm down I want to talk to you.” I turned my fury upon him, “Leave me alone, I can’t deal with any of his anymore, all I have wanted is to just be normal and here I am an even bigger...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Esme Cullen (born Esme Platt and later Esme Evenson) is Carlisle Cullen's wife and the adoptive mother of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. She enjoys restoring old houses and her physical age is 26. She has no special power, but has a strong ability to love passionately. Esme is described as being 5 ft 6 in (1.7 m) with caramel-colored hair; she also has a heart-shaped face with dimples, and her figure is slender, but rounded and soft. Esme was born in 1895 in Columbus, Ohio, where she was treated at the age of 16 by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married...
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~~~~~~Yep! It's true! the Erin series has its own official fanspot! if u haventr read the series, u should they are about my best friend and thay are really good!~~~~~~omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~omgomgomgomgomogomogomgnhjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
posted by kladida_22
Listen up all you twilight fan's!! Today's the last day of the "wanna be in new moon" contest the contest where you can win a visit to the set of the new twilight movie "New Moon" its the second book of the saga of the author Stephenie Meyer and wait this is the great parte you also get to appear in the filme!! Soo all thoses Kristen ,Rob and Taylor fan's get your 1-minute video saying why you should be in new moon, ready and upload it in the official Twilight website soo can can have a chance to meet the actors from the coolest book saga ever!!
You can read more about the rules and conditiones of the contest in the main website as mention before soo remember act now and who knows mayby it wonnt be your last movie you do!!
Can anybody say¡¡¡HOLLYWOOD!!!
Good Luck everyone!!
I dont know what i would call this that im typing but i just felt the need to express my feelings twords the twilight books, the movie now, and up coming movies. Im the type of person who you would see as a reader or would get into something as much . I said how call all theses fams be obsessing over booksbut i was very wrong for thinking that because over the last two weeks ive got my hands ont hese books. when i finished twilight that was it for me i was in love with that book and i knew i would love the others. i read all four books in a time soan of 2 weeks it was encredible because i didint...
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Edward or Jacob?
Best friend, or eternal love?
That is the question

Nessie is a girl.
Her father is Edward, her
soulmate is Jacob.

Leah Clearwater
is a loner it is true.
You ticked her off? Bye.

The lion, and the
lamb, Edward and Bella. But
what about the wolf?

Edward fans unite.
Jacob fans unite. Can't
we all just get along?

An apple on the
cover, adventure inside.
Now it is over.

He runs like a cat.
A cheetah to be exact.
He catches the ball.

The Nomads are here.
James, Victoria, Laurent.
Bella's in danger

I have been tricked.
He lured me here. But at
least Renee is safe.

Edward and Emmett.
continue reading...
LOS ANGELES -- The screaming was enough to wake the dead. Or the undead.

And receiving the brunt of it? Angular, immaculately-coifed Brit Robert Pattinson, on stage in front of thousands of shrieking females at this past July's Comic-Con in San Diego.

Yes, his fellow Twilight cast members were there too, but it was the 22-year-old who had the throngs swooning. After all, for devotees of Stephenie Meyer's novels, Pattinson is Edward Cullen sprung to life.

Edward who? Don't worry. Even if you don't know him, you probably know a 'tweener or teenager who squeals at the mention of the virtuous vampire's...
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posted by gileygirl
I've been fanpopping since september if I am correct. At first I was a stranger to this site, and spot. But, soon enough I have grown fond you ladies here. I think it is awesome that I found girls who are exactly like me. OBESSESED with the Twilight Series! Everyone gets exciting when the thought, or mentioned anything that has to do with the series! I love it, and it makes me happy that I am not alone when it comes to being obssesd with these series of books, being I've been reading the series since 2005 it was hard to find girls like me. Everyone one of you ladies are amazing, smart, funny, and just really neat to talk about Twilight because you girls are awesome, and wouldn't trade any other fans on any other fansite for you ladies! I just love you all! you're awesome!
sometimes it can get a little cold hearted, but then again everyone is no great and nice!

You ladies are great!!!

love you all!!!

Gileygirl =D
added by kitkat211
added by Laura90
Source: Ashley Greene's Myspace
added by kitkat211
added by littlevamp93
added by Irina92
added by gaby1310
added by princessbella