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*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is some pics from when Bella enters the Ballet studio. :)
I shook as the driver pulled up to the sidewalk next to the Ballet Studio. I nodded to the driver, then he took off. The yellow chipped taxi zooming off into the pitch black darkness. I glanced at the doors to the ballet studio. Rigid, old wood framed delicate paned glass. I grasped the rusty old handle and heaved with all my might to open it, expecting it to be heavy. Which it wasn't and I flew backwards. I fell into the door but kept half my balance. I quietly stepped into the studio.
"Bella.. Bella, Bella where are you?"
I ran towards her voice in frantic movements. The sound was coming from the swinging door closet. I flung it open as hard as I could. I saw infront of me a plasma screen T.V surounding by boxes. A video of me and my mother talking were playing.. I was six years old in this video..
"See.. now that's my favorite part.."
I turned around quickly to see who was speaking but I really didn't need to.
James. He was standing somewhere I couldn't see him. Though mirror images of him reflected off the walls. His head was cocked and he was wearing a worn greenish jacket and torn jeans. No shoes.
"She's not even here.."
He shoved me up against the wall and engluffed my scent with a huge breath. His neck crooked to the ceiling and his eyes closed. Seems he was enjoying himself. He let a loose smile escape his controlled features.
He stepped away from me and I pinned myself to the wall, not wanting to touch him. He pulled something from behind his back with the hand that hadn't held me to the wall. It was silver and had a side flipping screen. A video camera?
"I borrowed this from your house. Hope you don't mind."
My brow pulled together and I grimaced at him. I felt for the pepper spray in my jacket pocket. I got the feel of the nozzle then started to walk away from him, in the direction of his right shoulder. As I did. I brang the pepper spray can in front of his face and pressed down hard on the nozzle. It sprayed directly into his right eye, the right side of his nose and his mouth. Bingo.
Well.. Not really. I'd almost forgotten that James was also a vampire. Pepper spray didn't effect him at all. He let go of a loose growl and jumped maybe 9 feet in the air and flew.. like literaly flew over me and landed gracefully on his bare feet. He gave me a stern dissapointed look and grabbed me by my arm and made me crash to the ground. Sliding across the smooth wood and slicing my head open on a square pillar.
I put my ivory hand up to my punctured head and when it came down it was covered in scarlet. Blood leaked immensely from my head. I began to feel light headed. James walked over to me in the process he grinned widely and said
He came over with the video camera in my face again.
"Tell Edward how much it hurts.."
I looked away from him and leaned on my right forearm covered with blood. He then kneeled down and snapped my shin bone. I heard the raw splintering of the ivory inside of me. I screamed in pain my face contorted and my eyes wide with emotion that couldn't be placed on my features.
"Tell him! Tell him to avenge you!" he spat in my face baring all of his sparkling, razor sharp teeth.
"No, Edward! Don't!" I writhed. Spreading scarlet with my forearm across the soft honey wood.
At that moment a light flash of blue came into focus. Edward. He rammed James away from me with effort I'd never seen him use before. I became hopeful, yet it did not show on my face. He ran back over to me with insane speed and picked me up carefully. He paused and said
"I'm so sorry.."
Then lifted straight into the air. We almost got to the balcony where he'd come from but James was back on his feet. He lashed Edward's ankle and pulled him down with unnesessary force. Edward's grip went from strong and gentle to loose and regretful. A pang of sadness went through me as I flew through the air. I knew he wouldn't get hurt.. but..
Then from sadness, I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my left hand. My jaw dropped with the sudden afliction, I couldn't find my voice. I reached slowly with my right hand to the now gushing rustic smelling liquid. I grasped the glass shard that was there and yanked it out. My face again contorted with agony. My leg throbbed. I'd been slashed there with a larger piece of glass that'd fallen. James had thrown Edward into the window above and I bet that's where the glass came from. James then walked over to me in angry and unsatifaction. He glared into my eyes and whispered
"Don't worry it'll only hurt a bit.."
He brang my right forearm to his mouth then bit down, hard. I screamed in agony. My hand now burning like it was being charred and smoked in a fire. It was unbearable, I didn't think I'd live. Yet, I was loosing a lot of blood.. The world became a blur, and I lay there trying to make out the fight between James and Edward. I hear a thud, but it did not come from either of the two boys fighting. They did not seem to reconize it. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Emmett and Jasper holding James to a pillar and Edward growling deeply, it didn't sound like him at all.
"It's going to be okay, Bella, Hang in there."
It was Alice. I was very greatful she'd been there for me. Invisibly engulffed in flames, my hand was scorching, like it'd hit the surface of the sun.
"Carlisle!" He rushed over.
I saw Jasper and Emmett take James over to the orange yellow glow on the floor.. I identified it as fire even though it started to look like a fruit. I'd lost more blood than I'd thought. Edward walked over to Carlisle, Alice, and I.
"She's loosing too much blood. Alice give me your belt." He pushed hard on the wound, though the fiery burn in my hand throbbed with pain much worse than that wound.
"Tie it above my hands." Alice did as she was told.
"There's too much blood.. I'm sorry Carlisle.." She walked over to where Emmett and Jasper were holding James. The amazingly sweet and kind hearted Alice that'd I'd known changed for a split second. She almost became rabid.. She jumped up onto James's thighs and took hold of his head, cracked it in three places and then broke it off. After, she threw the head into the burning glow like a small object she was bored with.
"She only has minutes left Edward make a choice."
"What are my options?" He asked staring blankly into my pain smothered eyes. No response. Carlisle was busy tightning the belt so blood would no longer flow to the gouged area.
"Carlisle..." Edward said impatiently. Carlisle turned to him and said
"You have to suck the venom out or let the change happen." He said bluntly.
"You know I won't be able to stop.."
"Find the will to stop. Remember who you are." Edward turned his head to me slowly and said in pain
"I'm gonna make it go away, Bella..
I'm gonna make it go away..."
He lifted my arm gently and put his mouth where the intensity of the fire burned with an angry, immortal passion. He swept away the pain that'd been crippling my nerves..
Soon after though, my vision faded and I had no control over my body. My eyes clacked to into each other and my tense muscles loosened and my body became dead weight. Everything around me began to fade..
"Edward, stop, her blood is clean your killing her."
Yet Edward kept his mouth where it was but a pained looked overcame his features, he looked like he wanted to stop, but also, had no control over his body. I had hope though. And, after that thought, I let myself slip away to the blackness waiting for me.
*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is when Edward is saving Bella. I apoligize for the little gold bar at the bottom.
*Disclaimer-I own nothing* This is when Edward is saving Bella. I apoligize for the little gold bar at the bottom.
posted by LexisFaith
"Momma. I want to go back down stairs." Sarah was sitting on her bed, her back against the wall.
"I know." I sighed. "But Daddy is talking to Seth right now so we are going to stay up here untill they are done."
She sighed and leaned her head against the wall.
I listened to Jacob and Seth down stairs.
"So that's how it works?" Seth asked.
"Yea." Jacob sighed.
"Cool." I could hear the smile in Seth's voice.
"Look, I'm really sorry if you're mad at me but you know, I couldn't controll it. I didn't even know what was going on."
"Yea, I know. I'm not mad at you, though." I heard Jacob settle back down...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    THE NEXT MORNING, Jerek woke me up with a light kiss to the cheek. I never was a deep sleeper, and the slightest sounds would wake me up. But, lately it seems, that I've been sleeping more deeply then I ever have before. It was already noon, and I wasn't surprised everyone slept that long. In fact, half of the other people here were still sleeping. I ate lunch with Jerek and Tabra in Jerek's room, while Jerek told Tabra and I the story of what happened the night of the Final Fight.    ...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    I didn't bite him, oh no, not my Jerek. I kissed his neck, and then his lips.
    "Get off of me!" He said, and spat more blood my way. This time, I licked it off of his lips. "Seriously! You're sick!"
    "I'm thirsty, get over it." I said, and sat close enough to him to where if he tried to make a run for it, I could sustain him....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    LATER THAT NIGHT: I was exhausted, and I was ready to shower and go to bed. It was already ten p.m., and some people were still training. I couldn't take it anymore. We started at nine a.m., too.
    Anyways, I went to Jerek's shower, and saw he had a tub. I decided to use the tub this time so I could relax.
    I ran the hot water, and made it all bubbley and sudsey. I went to the sink while the tub filled with warm water, and I washed my...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Umm..." I said, and began my story. "I went to Haus when I was seventeen."
    "How old are you now?" Shropee asked me.
    "I'm nineteen. So, two years go." I said and continued. "I was talking to Haus, and I provoked him by trying to kill him. I told him to meet me at Starbucks, and when he got out I had people grab him from behind. I then went up to him with a stake, but he kicked it out of my hands, pushed them away, got into his car...
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"nessie? ness? its al changing there all comming tomorrow i am comming too and i am not staying with htem ness i am staying with you. i have to go im sorry i love you renesme"
and he was gone
"MUM!!! DAD!!!!! EVERYONE!!!" i was sat up in my bed i had to warn them.
as soon as i called there names they were threw the door.
"nessie ? whats the matter?" mum asked she was sat next to me on my bedd stroking jy sweaty hair out of my eyes.
"its all changed there comming tomorrow." was all i could get ouyt but thats all it took to keep them in silence.
jasper was the first to break it
"are you sure nessie?...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
We sat on in the living room waiting for everyone else, and plan how are we goinq to save Julius from Jane, and find the way to destroy the Voltury.
“Carlisle, Nessi is back but we have problems, we need to act as soon is possible”My dad tOld grandpa as everyone froze
“Edward do you really think, we can kill the whole voltury?. With jane on their side?, they are more powerfull they can destroy all of us” Uncle Jasper yelled.
“Look listen carefully, I was thinnking, if we talk to the werewolfs, we can fight with them, and besides that Julius is a very powerfull crature, if he can controll...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Tabra and I followed Jerek into his room, we closed the door and talked this out.
    "We're the spies?" Tabra asked.
    "Yupp." Jerek said and removed his shirt, and went to his closet. "Why?"
    "I'm good with it, but I don't think Cyd is."
    "No, not really! For one, if he catches us, it'll be Tabra and I who get toasted first. Well no, scratch that, Jerek will be toasted first. We'll be tortured...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
i was very sure what i really want in this life, and if the only way to be with the person i love is leaving my family and join the Volturi is my only one choice, well my decision is made will go with them.

"Rennesme you don't know what are you doing, he is controlling your actions, you can fight this, you can do it please Rennesme" my dad started screaming in panic, as he try to run to my side but, Jane push him away with so much strength.
"Jane no, don't hurt him"
"well Edward, Rennesme made her decision already, she is coming with us, you know that she is the perfect weapon, in couple of days...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Once I finished filing, Shropee went to bed. It was getting kinda' late. Wait, it was almost midnight. The only people up were Jerek, Tabra and I.
    "I'm going to bed," Tabra told me.
    "Alright." I said and hugged him goodnight.
    Tabra is such a good friend, I'd loose my shit if anything happened to him.
    "Follow me, I'll show you the bunkers." Jerek said, and he was looking at me too. I followed....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Alright," The doctor's voice said, floating up to us from the floor. "Untie me, now."
    "You tied him up?" Tabra asked, and I was just as surprised.
    "Yea. I always carry supplies with me at all times. So, when I saw him aim a gun at Cyd, but thought it was Tabra, I ran into the room, tackeled him, made him shoot the wall behind Cyd, and then I tied him up with the rope I carry on my belt."
    I looked down and saw there was...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "What?" I said, and then he pulled the trigger.
    I yelped and ducked as fast as I could, and heard something hit me. I then realized I was fine, no bullet holes in me. Oh my god, I'm fine! TABRA! I jumped up to my feet and saw Tabra staring at me.
    "Are you shot?" I asked him.
    "No, you?"
    "No. Where is the doctor?" I said and saw someone else in the corner of my eyes.
    I turned and...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Hi, my name is Cyd, short for Cydnee, and one day while I was grocery shopping, a former member of the Death Clan of the Fallen threw a knife at my head. I ducked behind my cart, and ran out of the store once I saw the knife fly into a bunch of egg cartons. I went home, told my friend Tabra about it, and he came rushing over. He helped me get out of the aftershock feeling, and when we were eating chicken sandwhiches, mine was coated in poison. We then went to his apartment, knowing...
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As I started walking to my Dad’s room I heard my parents talking.
“ But you don’t understand, she will be immortal in 2 weeks and besides that, the dog want to tell her what he really feel about her, that’s why I want her to meet new people, before the dog tell he that he imprinted on her. Bella I don’t want to lose her, I just have spend 6 years of my 133 years of life, I’m not ready for this” my dad said to mom, we sounds very upset, I never thought that my dad felt the way, besides that JACOB BLACK imprinted on me? Gross!!!!! How he do that, I’m like his little sister.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
    And then she dropped to the floor. I heard a gunshot and saw Tabra standing behind her lifeless body.
    That's when the others marched in. I grabbed my gun, and we started shooting at the people that came in.
    Finally, in the end, they were all gone.
    "You really think you can kill me!?" A voice said, and we turned to see Haus holding a sword from the wall. He was drooling blood, and he looked . "You can't kill me!" He then thrusted...
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"then whats wrong?" i asked there was something about his eyes that had me worrying.
"well i`be been wanting to do something all night" he stepped even closer.
"one sec its going to start getting cold i can feel it the weathers changing" i quickly placed him on my back again and began to run back to his house. in a matter of time we were there.
"so what was you saying?" i asked as soon as i set him on his feet.
"well i wanted to do this" he stepped towards me and before i knew it i was in his arms with his lips pressed softly againest mine. i could feel my self melt into the kiss.
what was happerening?...
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"wait stop" i pleaded
i felt the air shake as if something starang and out of the ordanary was happerning
"who are you? turn slowly we need to see something" this dark but some how fimiliar voice oreded so i did i turned very slowly not giving them reason to kill me.

there he was. paul.
"omg! paul! its been ages" i started to move toward him but he stepped back and did what jake onse did. he shook.
"hey calm down paul geez if jake was here he would be laughing" i sighed as he tensed at the sound of his best friends name.
"how do you know jake?" he asked he wasnt so violent anymore so that must...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I'm realy sorry I haven't posted this in ages.
Hope you like this.

The next day we all decided to visit the grave yard where Bella was buried. I didn’t go to the funeral so I hadn’t seen her grave before. We walked past all the others, the graves stone were faded with age. Most of them went back to beyond fifty years ago. The most recent one before Bella was over one hundred years ago. Bella’s grave stone was next to it sparkling like a diamond. It was white marble and all kind of flowers were placed around it. I read the grave stone.

Isabella Marie Swan
Born 1987- Died 2005
Aged 18...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
When Renesmee is taken away once more, her kidnapper isn’t the person she thinks it is. Her enemy, Cynddylan, is now developing feelings for Renesmee he has never thought a heartless, soulless monster could feel. Renesmee goes on another epic journey and the Cullens race to save her. Who we she choose, who will be lonely forever more? Renesmee decides…

Please comment and read the story!!! Thanks

posted by ocd_sylar
i am a fan of all things fantasy so it made me really ticked to hear that legend of the seeker (a fantasy tv series that just finished its 2nd season) might b cancelled. heres why: the main character, richard cypher, is a mix of jacob black, edward,& all the other twilight good guys. mainly hes like jasper, he tries to behave, but because of his amazing fighting talents its extremely hard for him. the main female character, kahlan amnell, is a strong independent woman. shes the kind of person id imagine renesme growing up to be. cara, introduced at the end of season 1, is so similiar to...
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