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posted by twilight-7
I stayed upstairs in my bedroom for the remainder of time Tess was here with Charlie. Feeling bored I had lain down on my bed with a vampire mythology book. Okay, it sounds weird that I’m reading up on vampires when my fiancé is a vampire. A majority of the ‘facts’ in this book were not true. I had been in Edward’s room and it did not resemble a crypt. He did not stay in a castle either and the last time I looked Carlisle didn’t impale people’s head and stick them around the house. But it was interesting to read about how people have gotten these ideas and facts and how those facts have set up a vampire stereotype that the Cullens fail to fit into.
“Kayla, you have to help me!”
Charlie burst into my room, causing me to jump and drop my vampire mythology book to the floor. Charlie stood at the bottom of my bed looking distressed.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, thinking of the worst possible scenario. Tess had tried to eat him. Why did I trust her? Of course she wouldn’t be able to handle herself around him. Edward had a trouble around me.
“I’m going out with Tess and I don’t know what to wear. She’s left to change so I thought I should change but I don’t know what to wear. Help me.”
I burst into laughter. Oh my sweet baby Jesus is he messing with me? Is he serious? He can’t be. He is a man. He can’t be upset about not knowing what to wear.
“I’m serious, Kay, you have to help me.” Charlie looked annoyed at my ignorance of the seriousness of the situation.
“Okay,” I said, calming myself down. “Where are you going?”
“We’re going for dinner in Seattle,” he said, sounding quite smug. “It’s a date.”
Dinner? When the woman can’t eat?
“Dad, she’s a vampire. You’ll be having dinner while she sits there and watches.”
“It was her idea,” he said, sounding doubtful. “Should I have said no? Maybe we should go somewhere else.”
It was strange seeing Charlie so…..lost. He was usually in control, he knew what he was doing, what was happening. But now he was confused, lost and unable to do anything like dress himself.
“Don’t worry,” I said, sliding down to the end of the bed. “I’ll dress you.”
Charlie relaxed when I said this and decided he would retell everything that happened between him and Tess. I tried to ignore most of it because he would go on and on about how beautiful she was and how perfect her skin was and how her hair was just the right shade and how her eyes were the gold-est of gold. Yuck.
I went through his wardrobe which wasn’t much. He insisted that he didn’t want to go too formal. I tried to arrange that with some jeans and a shirt.
“Too casual,” Charlie said, sitting on his bed and not helping me at all. I tried more combinations of jeans and different shirts, jeans and t-shirts, t-shirts and pants. I even handed him a pair of shorts. He shook his head to all of them. Annoyed, I put together the last combo I could think of.
“I said not too formal,” he said, exasperated, looking at the black pants and black pin stripped shirt in my hands. “Kayla, I want to look as if I haven’t tried too hard.”
“Go in your underwear then!”
I threw down the clothes and looked at him in a stern way. The way my mum would look at me if I was acting like a complete and utter twat. He just stared back at me like he’d done nothing wrong.
“Charlie,” I said. “Going in black pants and a shirt is not too formal. Going to dinner in a tuxedo is too formal. Now stop acting like a twat and wear these!”
I held out the pants and shirt and a stunned Charlie took them. I walked out of his room and back into my own bedroom. I am never getting involved in his life again. It was too hard. I had to arrange for him to meet her, I had to tell him what to do and say and now I was dressing him. Next I’d be paying for his date too.
But it was worth it to see him happy. The big sap that I am I love happy endings and this was turning out to be one.
I sat at the end of my bed and hoped Charlie would not criticize what he was wearing because I knew he’d look good. I had chosen the clothes and I had learned from the best – Alice. I was looking forward to spending some time where I was not discussing the wedding or homicidal vampires or visions or Charlie’s love life. I just wanted to watch a movie or read a book or talk about nonsense to someone that would totally understand.
Charlie walked in then all dressed in the outfit I had chosen looking just as handsome as I knew he would.
“You look great,” I complimented him, standing up. “Knock her dead…..or undead because she’s already dead.”
Charlie grinned and looked slightly embarrassed.
“Thanks kiddo,” he said. “For everything.”
I walked over to him and hugged him. His arms tightened around me and in this one gesture we were both trying to convey the same thing. I love you.
“It’s okay. It’s something to keep me entertained.”
I stepped back and straightened his shirt where my hug had made little wrinkles. I looked him up and down and when I was satisfied I let him leave for his vampire.
Seconds later my vampire appeared. He used the front door for a change and when I answered it he stood there with bouquet of orchids.
“They’re beautiful, Edward,” I said, taking them.
“Nothing compared to you,” he replied, smiling his crooked smile. “They symbolize rare beauty so I thought it appropriate that I should give them to you.”
“You know how to make me blush, don’t you?” I could feel the heat crawling up my face symbolizing my reddening cheeks. I stepped back to let him in. “Go sit down while I put these in a vase.”
He didn’t go and sit down while I found a vase for the orchids. Instead he followed me into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist as put each orchid into the vase.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured in my ear. “We didn’t get a chance to properly talk last night.”
“No we didn’t,” I replied, remembering what we had spoken about. It was all about Charlie. The premonition where he was killed, the one with him meeting Tess and the idea of him dating Tess. And that was when I remembered something I had to scold him for.
“You bought my wedding dress!” I spun around to face him. His arms remained around my waist bringing me up against his chest. I looked straight into his molten gold eyes and knew I was goner. I wouldn’t be able to tell him off while staring at him.
“I didn’t think you would mind,” he said, his voice velvety. “I just wanted you to have the perfect dress.”
“Thank you,” I said, melting in his arms. “You’re so kind to me.”
His face came closer to mine, his lips touching mine when I realized what he was doing. I pushed him away far enough that he could not distract me.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I am trying to tell you off, Edward Cullen. No distractions.”
He smiled his crooked smile and tried to get close to me but I pushed him away.
“No,” I insisted. “I am trying to be angry and you know I can’t do that when I’m looking directly into your eyes. You shouldn’t have bought my dress because the groom isn’t supposed to see it before the wedding day.”
“I couldn’t help it, Kayla,” he said and his eyes went sad. “It was all you could think about for weeks. The dress you tried on while shopping with Alice the day you were discharged from the hospital. That one simple dress made you so happy I couldn’t not buy it. I tried, of course. But Alice was going to buy another dress because it matched the flowers she wanted and I couldn’t let her do that because I knew you wanted that dress. So I went to the bridal store and bought it.”
How could I be mad at him? He just wanted to make me happy. That was so amazingly kind and sweet and caring of him. Edward made it so difficult to be angry at him.
“Have I upset you?” he asked, rushing to me and kissing my hair. “I can go back to the store and change the dress if you want.”
“You just make it so hard to be mad at you,” I said, kissing him. “Of course I’m not upset. You bought the dress of my dreams. I love you.”
He grinned at me and pulled me close to him so I could not escape. I wrapped my arms around his neck securing him close to me.
“So, my wife-to-be, how was your day?”
“My day?” I repeated. “Where do I begin? Charlie is in love with this vampire and I am so close to slapping him because of how he is now. He’s is so lost and confused and like a little lovesick puppy, it’s gross. And Tess, the vampire, is-”
I stopped. Edward looked at me confused for a second before reading my thoughts which consisted of Edward and Tess being close. Very close and doing what I didn’t want my fiancé to be doing to other girls.
My arms dropped from around his neck and I tried to step away from him but his arms held me.
“Tess and I were never like that.” He instantly denied. “Never. We were friends, Kayla. I was confused and angry and upset about what I had become. I left Carlisle and Esme and travelled when I met Tess. I liked the company of another new vampire so we travelled together. It was strictly platonic.”
He continued to deny any romantic involvement with Contessa Rodriguez and I believed him. Edward would never lie to me. Well, at least I thought he wouldn’t. But this I knew he wouldn’t lie about. He looked absolutely panicked trying to explain to me how platonic their friendship was. I listened to him, let him have his say. He would eventually run out of words. I hoped or else we would be here a long time.
“Okay,” I said, silencing him with a finger to his lips. “I believe you.”
“But you’re still thinking it,” he said against my finger.
“Of course I am,” I said. “She’s an inhumanly beautiful vampire, Edward, and you travelled with her for I don’t know how long. I am only going to think that you and her were more than friends because she is your type.”
“My type?”
“A vampire. You’re suited for each other. It annoys me.”
He kissed my finger that was still against his lips.
“You’re my type,” he said, velvety. He gazed down at me with his molten eyes. “We’re suited for each other. Nothing will change that.”
He smiled seductively and bent his head closer to mine. My mind was wiped. I couldn’t think or speak and my arms instantly snaked around his neck, my hands intertwining in his hair as his mouth touched mine. He pushed me up onto the work-top, knocking the vase off. It shattered to the floor but neither of us cared. Edward had lost himself completely to passion. It was thrilling. He had never let his self-control slip so much before. He traced his fingers down to my calf and then hitched my leg around his hip, holding it there. Edward’s mouth opened and I felt his cold tongue encircling my lips, teasing me. I opened my lips slightly and his tongue was inside my mouth. I was hesitant. Was this going too far? Then I remembered the incident a year ago on my bed with Charlie rudely interrupting. This wasn’t nearly as far as that. Before I could mimic Edward, he was kissing my neck, working his way back up to my mouth. This time I didn’t hesitate. As soon as his lips touched mine I was inside his mouth. I was careful to avoid his teeth and touched his tongue. Something pulled at me but I ignored it, too busy exploring Edward’s mouth. Our tongues danced, touching and then not. Teasing each other. The pulling became insistent but I continued to ignore it. Nothing was ruining this. This feeling was so sensual and intimate that I never wanted it to end. We were finally getting past the fear of me being hurt. Edward was opening up and I was all for it. Again Edward’s tongue darted out of my mouth and he was nuzzling my neck.
“How long will Charlie be away for?” He said, huskily.
“A long time,” I managed to say, knowing what he had in mind. He looked up at me, his eyes burning with intense passion. I smiled and then he blurred. I blinked but he was still blurred. I saw his blurred face move back to my neck and I felt his kisses but I also felt the pulling again. Now that I wasn’t blinded by Edward’s exploring tounge, I knew what was coming.
Oh please, no. I pleaded to the sadistic force that was doing this to me. Not now. Another time. When I’m sleeping, I don’t care, just not now.
The entire kitchen blurred and changed just as I managed to say Edward’s name to warn him.
posted by just_bella
We walked down a path that we had never been down before. We walked for about a mile without seeing anything, when we crested the top of a hill we began to see a large building with many smaller buildings off of it rising over the next hill.

I didn't know what this place was, but I was more the sure that this wasn't going to be somewhere to eat or get ice cream.

I'm sorry, I have to stop now. I hear someone coming down the hall. I have to hide this before it is taken away."

That must have been the end of that entry because Jasper put the book down and kissed the top of my head again, pulling...
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posted by 2bearz
My eyes opened and the first thing I noticed was I had tears running pretty hard down my cheeks. The second thing I noticed was that I was on a couch, still in the Cullens living room. There were no cullens as far as I could tell. I had no vampire warnings, just werewolf. Where had they gone, and what about Alec? Did they kill him?

I turned my head to the left and saw a beautiful native girl that resembled Seth just a tiny bit, and she looked pissed. Seth was scowling, something I've never seen on his perfect face. The girl was telling him something, and he was trying not to yell. I could tell....
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Kellan Lutz with a cigarette in his right hand.
Kellan Lutz with a cigarette in his right hand.
This is more like a rant, but I'd like to hear if you guys feel the same as I do.
So far Kristen, Rob, Kellan, Nikki, and Peter have been caught smoking. Rob is also a well-known drunk, and in almost every picture there's something wrong with Kristen's eyes, like they're bloodshot or out of focus or something creepy like that. I mean, I know they're under pressure, but can't they handle it better than this?
Honestly, I think the whole cast is out of control. I mean, I have read articles that say that Kristen 'makes it no secret that she likes to unwind by smoking pot' and Rob 'is drunk every...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Blood Lust
by: BuffyFaithfan1
I've never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone you loved, seems like a good way to go. Of course I'd miss him. And my dad: Charlie....
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Edward's POV

She lay next to me with her wide eyes staring right back into mine, a light gold because I had satiated my thirst before. Her lips curved into a smile as she lowered her gaze. I leaned in closer to her, no longer to touch my beautiful angel. I no longer needed to fear her touch. Her pale skin glowed a pearly white, and in the moonlight she seemed ethereal.

Finally, her soft voice broke through the silence, “Well, I never expected it to happen quite like that.”

I smiled slowly, a crooked smile that I knew she loved, “Neither...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” I woke up to a little pain in my stomach. I turned to look a Jacob but he wasn’t next to me in my bed. He must be out with the pack. I thought to my self. I got out of bed and headed to the dresser which held the pain killers. Grandpa said that if I take one a day I shouldn’t feel the pain. I walked into the bathroom and got a glass of water from the sink and took the pill. I undressed my self and stepped into the tub. I was still freezing so I put that water in the tub on as hot as it would go. I filled it as high as I was able to with out it spilling out. I took a deep breath...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Charlie’s POV

    I sat watching the game. Red Sox vs. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs were leading by 2 points and they were in the 8th ending. I was trying to keep my mind off of Bella and her boyfriend Edward. Bella is too young to have a boyfriend if you ask me. I didn’t want her to have a boyfriend until she’s at least in college. I must just be talking from a father’s point of view. No father wants to see his little girl grow up.
    Well, I didn’t like Edward Cullen so much anymore. Ever since my little girl went into a depression, I’ve never...
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I was running inside of the forest where i hunted with my family. i sat on the rocks of the river, as i watched the stars i heard footsteps.
Mom i thought. But as i looked beyond the trees i didnt see just mom. i saw Mom, Kate, Tayna, Carmen, Zafrina, Aunt Rose , Aunt Alice, and last of all Leah.
Wait LEAH???! The person that helped stomp on my heart. And she came here to calm me down after she kissed my boyfriend!
Anger boiled up inside me, i stood up and walked to Leah. " How dare you came here and show your face to me after what you've done." I yelled."Nessie, baby calm down ok?" Aunt...
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Okay guys, clam down. I would never let this end badly so don't get too worked up about it yo can relax k?
SO Carlisle just like so dissapointed and so hurt and mad right so this is what happened.
", how could you do this to Bella?"
"Carlisle, CARLISLE, no, no it's not like that no way!
This is the story, well I promised Bella that I wouldn't go back to Italy so I had to get distracted so I went down to Finland and travelled around the world. On my way I ran into a non-vegetarian vampire, she was a friend at first but then she thought more of me. Like Tanya but she isn't...
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posted by twilight-7
The first thing I did was find Jasper. The guy had saved my life, I needed to thank him. I know that he could have just carried on and drained my body of all the blood but he stopped. This was nice of him.
The second thing I would have to do was call Charlie. Since there were no vampires hunting me I had to go home. It had been three days since I had left. I knew what I was going to say. I would leave the immortal thing until I saw him. I wanted to do this face to face.
I found Jasper in the living-room, sitting on the sofa with Alice. They were just watching TV but I could see that they weren’t...
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posted by twilight-7
I went to go see Charlie the day after his ‘accident’. Carlisle had told the other doctors that Charlie had tripped while cooking and hit his head off the corner of the kitchen table. Charlie didn’t disagree with that. I was surprised. I thought that he would turn me in, tell the police that I had tried to murder him. But he didn’t. When he saw he smiled widely. This shocked me. I know I wouldn’t be smiling at the person who had tried to kill me.
“Kayla,” he welcomed me, his voice full of warmth. His head was wrapped in a white bandage. “How are you?”
I sat down on the chair...
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posted by serenacullen93
*this starts with me in another world in forks i don't know how i got there but i in the forest with all the cullen and bella the day of twilight opening*

carlisle seeing me jump around on one leg he helped me on to a rock as. as he tended to my leg i could feel someones eyes on my back i didn't think of it as being around vampire. i heard a gasp then edward was at my side "how do you know this?" "know what?" the other were coming in "what we are ?" the other all let out one gasp all at once from behind "who told you?" "no one told me"carlisle looked at me "child we will not hurt you but how...
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Okey... I edited this article already.. I screwed up the first one...There were a few questions involving whether Jasper was actually right or left-handed. A few said that he was left-handed and some said right. So I went to 'investigate' and took a few pics of the movie.

Results? (ok this is where i screwed up)

In the 1st round, when it was Rosalie's turn to bat, Jasper was seen 'showing-off' when he twirled the bat with his left hand.

When his turn came to bat, he was seen holding and twirling the bat with his right hand. But he BATTED with his LEFT hand (this was the part that i was totally...
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posted by Twilight_F
This is chapter 5. I hope you like it. I got my ideas from the Twilight Books [For those of you that don't know] and so there are connections. Please read, rate and comment. Soryr this one is not very long. But there are loads more to come. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

“Look at me Edward, I will never leave you, ever. Words can’t hurt me. And what’s in the past stays in the past.” I said to him in a stern voice.
“Yes, I know, but this thing is so terrible, I can’t face it now. Its hurts so bad” he said to me in barely more than a whisper.
“We need to go back to the house” I thought to myself....
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posted by team_edward_
I sat a cross from her at the table.I put my hand on hers"2 more days then you tell Jacob.Are you sure thats what you want to do?"She looked at me and said"I love you, I want you, and I need you.Not him."The look in her eyes was one of pain and love you could easily tell she was longing for the 2 days to be over so she could just get her feelings out."Do you want me to come?"She looked at me again this time with hopefulness"I would love for you to come but are you sure you want to?I dont want there to be a fight or anything because your there." I chucked at this"Nothing I can`t handle,so do...
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2.Bella james really loves u
3.James can have your too disracting
4.Jacob can have bella i'll take my chances with a werewolf!
5.Rosalie is acually my girlfriend
6.I hate humans
7.Lets find a bear
7. go away bella!
8.lets go see jake and die today!
9. die die die
10. i perfer humans
11.Ihate you bella giong to kill me
13.I'm best friends with laurent
14.James is my friend
15 Jazz calm me down or i'll killl bella!
Ohh scary
or ekse
I love jacob
hiiii james
I love u jacob black
I hate you bella
I love britney spears
Stupid bella
oh my golly gosh
Like whatever!
posted by odd-duck
I don't know how true this is but I found this and thought that I would post this to let you all know. Please comment if with what you know.

Only 344 Days Until the Next Twilight Movie
If you've got anything planned for November 20, 2009, cancel it -- that's the day Summit Entertainment plans to release Twilight sequel New Moon. Which means there are only 344 days left to obsess over whether or not the script is ready, who will direct, and will they keep or replace actor Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob, a werewolf-friend of Bella Swan's who gets elevated from minor character to potential love...
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posted by Twilight_Lilly
Okay, i started reading twilight-in like-july or june-i got hooked.then i got new moon, eclipse, ect. ect. but main thing is, why the hell are we soooo attached? i mean last month i read this book "The lightning theif" which by the way is pretty good, but i couldnt stop comparing the charactors to the ones in twilight! like Annabeth in the lightning theif has long blonde curly hair and grey eyes-(daughter of Athena)so i think of Tanya- so i put the book down get up and get breaking dawn-what im saying here is, is twilight ruining our reading experience? or making it better? you decide.

Lilly sage.
posted by Leightonfan
How can I decide what's right
When you're clouding up my mind?
I can't win your losing fight
All the time.

How can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides?
But you won't take away my pride.
No, not this time.
Not this time.

How did we get here?
I used to know you so well.
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue.
Just boiling in my blood.
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are,
If you're a man at all.
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own.
(I'm screaming, "I love you so.")
On my own.
(My thoughts you can't...
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I’m just so shocked, there are no words to describe it. When I finished reading “Breaking Dawn” I was super excited and I thought it was the best ending ever it all just seemed perfect. But all of that changed as soon as I turned on my computer, every web page that I entered was saying stupid comments about “Breaking Dawn” and more shocking about Stephanie Meyer. I had to stop reading those comments cause it upset me so much, How can people be that cruel?? Its ok not to like the book but its one thing to hate on Stephanie. Hello People!!! She has given us so much, she has written...
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