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“I miss you already.” Bella whispered.

“I don’t need to leave. I can stay. . .” I don’t want to leave. I want to stay.


I pulled her face to mine and kissed her slowly, carefully. There was nothing in the world compared to the wonderful feeling of her soft, warm lips on mine. The warmth from her lips was spreading through my entire body. She pressed herself closer to me as I ran my fingers through her soft hair. And quite abruptly, she broke off. Of course, she had to breathe, I should allow that.

I stared into her beautiful face as she tried so catch her breath. Her eyes were closed. I listened to her ragged breath and uneven heart, beating louder than ever. It was the most beautiful, most significant sound in the world for me. It was the sole purpose of my existence. Sweeter than any symphony, if I had my way, I would just press my ears to her chest & listen to it forever.

I considered myself the luckiest person in the world, to be holding this angel in my arms and to think that she was mine… I wonder what I ever did, to deserve my precious Bella. She opened her eyes and our gazes locked for a moment. I love looking into her deep brown, beautiful eyes. I felt I could see all the way into her soul. And as usual, I started wondering what she was thinking.
She pulled my face towards hers.

“Definitely staying,” I murmured after a moment and then pressed my lips to her cheeks.

“No, no. It’s your bachelor party. You have to go.” But as she said that, she tightened her hold on me.

“Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I couldn’t be more eager to have mine behind me. So there’s really no point.” Except that Emmett and Jasper wouldn’t mind breaking into Bella’s house to take me away.

“True.” She breathed. The feel of her warm breath on my neck was amazing. I inhaled & her scent hit me, stronger than ever. Though the thought of loosing her, had made me completely immune to the addictive scent of her blood, my throat still burnt as bad as the first time I met her. But it hardly mattered. It was nothing, compared to what she was going to do, what she was going to sacrifice, for me.

She ran her warm hand down my chest, tracing patterns on my stomach. I shuddered lightly and kissed her again. Slowly, she let the tip of her tongue press against my lips. So soft… so tempting… I sighed and started to pull away from her. She scowled. She had no idea how difficult it was for me to respond this way when I desperately wanted her to go on. She thought I had some supernatural self-control. Though, I had tried to explain to her that, it was not the case, she did not seem to register that fact at all.

“Wait,” she said, hugging me closer. She wrapped her leg around my waist. “Practice makes perfect.”

I laughed softly. “Well, we should be fairly close to perfection by this point, then, shouldn’t we? Have you slept at all in the last month?”

“But this is the dress rehearsal,” she reminded me, “and we’ve only practiced certain scenes. It’s no time for playing safe.”

I froze. Her life was at risk but she didn’t care. Will I ever be able to explain to her exactly what danger I will be putting her through? She was so fragile, so breakable, so delicate…Was she ever going to take this seriously? She was a magnet for danger, magnet for trouble… How else did she end up with the only single vampire in the area?

I had spoken to Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett about our “bargain” as soon as I got back from Charlie’s after announcing our engagement. Alice has spread the news to the whole house by then. Carlisle was elated. Jasper & Emmett were out hunting. I decided to speak to Carlisle before they come back home.

“Congratulations Edward. This is really wonderful.” He thought, as soon as he heard me.

“Carlisle, there’s something I want to ask you” I said as I got into his study.

Yes, Edward?
He noticed my hesitation. You look nervous.

“Yes.” I said.

“You can ask me anything, son.” He was worried but curious.

“Bella wants to…I mean we were thinking…” I hesitated.

Does…does she want to become one of us before the marriage?

“No, no! She will be human when I marry her…its not that…she had a condition…we made a bargain…” I couldn’t continue. I was at a total loss of words… I remembered smirking at Bella when Charlie had attempted to do the “sex talk”. I remembered their embarrassment. She had told Charlie that I was "old-fashioned”. I took a deep breath & continued.

“She wants to… consummate our relationship while she’s human.”

He was only mildly surprised. It might be possible, you know.

“How can it be possible?” I asked desperately. I was putting her in mortal danger. “I will hurt her— “

“You will not, Edward or maybe… its better to say you cannot.“

I sighed.

“Of course, you know that this will be …dangerous for Bella, if… you loose control. But…” He smiled. “I have complete faith in you.”

“You always trust me more than I deserve” I muttered.

Do I?

“Carlisle, she is a human, I don’t know what to expect, how will it be possible—“

“Edward, physical love is a very powerful thing, like…like nothing else. You should not take it lightly.”

“I don’t take anything lightly when it comes to Bella” I said.

“With our rarely changing temperaments, strong emotions can alter us in permanent ways. But you need not worry about this part. Bella has already altered you so much…almost entirely. You know it yourself. You are not the person you were before you knew her. You are much more human than you think you are, son.”

He was right about that. Bella was a turning point in my life. The rare and permanent change which happened to my existence. She was the light, the rising Sun in my life which was a dark, unending, unchanging midnight. Now she had risen completely and made my life bright and warm and beautiful…

“But you have to be very careful. I am sure if you exercise some amount of self-control—“

“What if I cannot—“

“I have faith in you, Edward.” He repeated. “You have proved your self-control to all of us.” He smiled thinking about me resisting her blood, saving her from becoming a vampire when James bit her. I shuddered. “I am sure everything will be fine. When you can resist such potent human blood…I am sure you can… do nothing wrong.”

I could hear Emmett’s & Jasper’s thoughts now… They must be getting close.

Why isn’t Alice answering her phone…

I better be quick with what I wanted to say. “You know, I was thinking… about the pain I might cause her… do you think morphine will help?”

“I really don’t think so, Edward” his mind was filled with the disadvantages of morphine…highly addictive, decreases hunger, impairs mental and physical performance, in women it may interfere with the menstrual cycle...

I just nodded. Ok, so I have to depend completely on my way-too-easy-to-waver self-control now. Fantastic.
My brothers were here. End of discussion. I would tell them of course, but I would prefer them, not to overhear my personal conversation. Thank you very much.

“I’d better tell Emmett and Jasper about the wedding...” and I went downstairs.

Emmett heard this and got very excited. Wedding? Aha! Did we hear right? Are you getting married? About time! Thats fantastic, Bro!

Jasper was pleased too. Wow, Edward. Congrats!

“Congrats, Edward” said Jasper. “We are really happy for you” Alice had called... But we kept our phones in the car as usual...guess she too immeresed in shopping to answer our lines now...
He grinned.

I am sooo ready to welcome a sweet-smelling human in our family.

“Emmett..!!” I growled. Haha Edward, i love my little would-be-sister-in-law too...Don’t you think the age differnece is a little too much though...around 90 years... maybe its a teeny bit too much...

I growled again and He winked at me. Sorry bro... chill...

They chatted delightedly about it. After sometime, Emmett asked me hesitantly “Edward, if you marry her, wouldn’t you want to, well...”

I was glad I did not have to start it. Emmett was not a tactful person. Delicate discussions were not his forte. He and Rosalie shared an intensely physical love. He had a hard time understanding how anyone could love without that aspect.

“I spoke to Carlisle about it” I muttered. I told them what Carlisle said.

“But I am still worried... because i don’t...know what to expect and i dont want to put her in any risk...” But i always end up doing it, of course.

“Ah, my little bro Eddie!” Emmett said. “Sex is something extremely pleasurable. Second only to drinking human blood.” He too, thought of James, Bella & me. Somebody please delete this memory from all their heads! “I am sure everything will work out fine. Better than fine, actually.” He winked.

“Don’t worry, Edward.” said Jasper. You’ll be ok

“And Bella has been in much more dangerous scenarios than this.” Emmett added slyly. This must be a joke for her. She runs around with vampires and werewolves!

Bella hugged me closer.

“Bella…” I whispered.

“Don’t start this again,” she snapped. “A deal’s a deal.”

“I don’t know. It’s too hard to concentrate when you’re with me like this. I—I can’t think straight. I won’t be able to control myself. You’ll get hurt.” I had to make her understand, I couldn’t put her at risk knowingly.

“I’ll be fine.” Why does she always have to be overly optimistic?

“Bella…” I pleaded.

“Shh!” She pressed her lips to mine and I tried to kiss her back, but couldn’t.

“How are your feet?” I asked.

“Toasty warm.” I realized, too late, that she did not want this. She was doing this just for her parents and friends…and maybe…for me. There was no limit to her selflessness after all…

“Really? No second thoughts? It’s not too late to change your mind.”

“Are you trying to ditch me?” she accused.

I chuckled. “Just making sure. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not sure about.”

“I’m sure about you. The rest I can live through.”

“Can you?” I asked her hesitantly. “I don’t mean the wedding—which I am positive you will survive despite your qualms—but afterward… what about Renée, what about Charlie?”

She sighed. “I’ll miss them.” I knew she would miss them. A lot.

“Angela and Ben and Jessica and Mike?” I reminded.

“I’ll miss my friends, too.” She gave me a sly grin. “Especially Mike. Oh, Mike! How will I go on?”

I growled. The old jealousy flared.

She laughed but then said seriously “Edward, we’ve been through this and through this. I know it will be hard, but this is what I want. I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.”

“Frozen forever at eighteen,” I whispered.

“Every woman’s dream come true,” She joked. She was not taking it seriously enough, I have to explain to her… exactly what she was giving up on.

“Never changing… never moving forward.” I hinted.

“What does that mean?”

“Do you remember when we told Charlie we were getting married? And he thought you were… pregnant?” I started slowly.

“And he thought about shooting you,” she guessed with a laugh. “Admit it—for one second, he honestly considered it.”

I waited for her to become a little serious. I cannot explain it to her if she wasn’t going to listen.

“What, Edward?”

“I just wish… well, I wish that he’d been right.”

“Gah,” she gasped.

I saw her expression, realized what I just said and laughed to myself. “More that there was some way he could have been.” I corrected myself. “That we had that kind of potential. I hate taking that away from you, too.”

She thought for a minute. “I know what I’m doing.”

She didn’t. “How could you know that, Bella? Look at my mother, look at my sister. It’s not as easy a sacrifice as you imagine.”

“Esme and Rosalie get by just fine. If it’s a problem later, we can do what Esme did—we’ll adopt.”

Will she stop being so selfless, I didn’t not deserve her. I did not deserve any of her sacrifices. I was such a monster to do this to her. I told her fiercely “It’s not right! I don’t want you to have to make sacrifices for me.” There was no reason for her to do this. None at all. “I want to give you things, not take things away from you. I don’t want to steal your future.” I wished I was human, I wished there was some way I could become human for her. “If I were human—”

She suddenly put my hand over my lips & I stopped. “You are my future. Now stop. No moping, or I’m calling your brothers to come and get you. Maybe you need a bachelor party.”

She was right, I was getting married to her tomorrow and here I was explaining to her so late, why she shouldn’t be doing what she was completely decided on. “I’m sorry. I am moping, aren’t I? Must be the nerves.”

“Are your feet cold?”

“Not in that sense. I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding ceremony is the one thing I can’t wait—”

“Come on Edward, you are going to be away from us for weeks starting tomorrow, you promised you would go hunting with us tonight” Jasper was thinking.

“Are you coming out yourself or should we break in?” Emmett thought.

“Oh, for the love of all that’s holy!” I swore loudly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, startled.

“I promise I will break in, I really will”

“You don’t have to call my brothers. Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let me bow out tonight.”

She hugged me closer for a second and then let go.
“Have fun.” She said, half-heartedly.

There was a squeal against the window—Emmett was deliberately scraping his nails across the glass to make a horrible noise and Bella shuddered.

“Stop it, I am coming” I said in a low voice to Emmett.

“If you don’t send Edward out,” Emmett hissed menacingly to Bella, “we’re coming in after him!”

“Go,” She laughed. “Before they break my house.”
Since when did Bella start reading minds?

Jasper was getting impatient too. Edward, you come on here, now!

I rolled my eyes, got to my leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Get to sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.” I was sorry that I had to leave her alone.

“Thanks! That’s sure to help me wind down.”

“I’ll meet you at the altar.”

“I’ll be the one in white.” She smiled.

I chuckled “Very convincing,”

Don’t be so lovey-dovey, just come out.

I jumped out of the window and landed on Emmett. I pushed him to the ground and punched him as hard as I could.

“You’d better not make him late,” Bella murmured.

“Don’t worry, Bella. We’ll get him home in plenty of time.” Jasper told her, calming her down.

“Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club, are you?” she accused.

“Don’t tell her anything!” Emmett growled. Let her think that.

I punched him again.

“Relax,” Jasper said “We Cullens have our own version. Just a few mountain lions, a couple of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary night out.”

“Thanks, Jasper.” She said and I heard her get into bed. Good night Bella, I thought. This will be thee last night you will spend away from me.

Stop feeling so romantic, Edward. You are getting on my nerves.

“Alice has everything perfectly done, Edward” Emmett said happily as we drove up to the mountains.

I know what you are worrying about Edward Jasper thought as her felt me. Don’t worry, just be careful, there’s nothing to worry about.

“What if I hurt her” I whispered.

“You wont, Carlisle trusts you. We trust you.” said Emmett and I nodded as Jasper calmed me down.

“So what first? Grizzlies or lions?” he asked cheerfully. Come on Edward, don’t be so upset. You’ve bored us with this behavior for quite some time now. You know everything will work out fine.

Jasper was getting worried. Please, Edward. Calm down. You’ve thought about this so many times. This isn’t the time to change your mind anyway, Bella wouldn’t let you.

Bella definitely wouldn’t let me change her decision at any rate. I decided to keep my worries aside for now, for their sake.

“Lions, of course” I said as we got down from the car and started running towards the mountains.
Chapter 1
The Story So far
Sam Devine is a Human living on the Planet Earth he met a race of Guardian angels who turned out to be an evil race who destroys planets and races and nearly destroyed Earth if it wasn’t for the help of Tridoamon a part of a Jurassic race whose planet got destroyed along with the Guardian Angels and unfortunately the Whole race of Aggronians. Now Sam is looking for a race called the Asurans for more information along with Tridoamon to figure out Sam’s Destiny

Chapter 2
Old + New friends

After the Assault on Solaris Tridoamon and Sam went back to his home to start a...
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posted by Cullen-wannabe
Okay, so basically, I think that the way Stephenie Meyer finished Breaking Dawn, the story could be carried on. So this the first few pages of the next book in the series, that I wrote last night, Called Crescent light.


Crescent Light


    The past two years had been very; very different to the route my life had decided to take ever since I moved to Forks four and a half years ago. I had to admit, I was getting used to the terrifying, yet some how glorious turn my life had taken. Terrifying due to the many dangers Edward’s...
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posted by rachel-rathbone


chapter one
"oh please mum ellie is my best friend please let here stay" renesmee begged
"nessie this life just isnt a place for a little girl to be"i hated it but it was true i even called her nessie. she looked at the floor her long black eyelashes cating a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"ask our dad" i said sighing pushing the question on to someone else i couldnt stand hurting here.
"nessie you cleaned your room write...
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posted by UchihaYuki
Sorry it took sooo long for me to get up, i had a lot going on.


“So...Jacob...” Alice said as she walked into the living room, Jacob was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, Alice walked over and sat on the floor next to him. Jacob opened his eyes to look down at Alice. “..What kinda ring are you gonna get Nessie.., you haven’t decided yet.. So...” “Wait a minute Alice, I thought you couldn’t see–“ interrupting him Alice got up and sat next to him on the couch. “I have my ways... Edward read your mind, and he told me you where gonna get a ring.. So that’s...
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posted by surfergal
When I was driving home I was well above the speed limit but I didn't
didn’t care. I was thinking about Max the whole time and our kiss. When I
got back it was 1:00am. I walked through the door smiling. Alice,
Jasper and Edward new why but nobody else. I had to tell Rosalie,
Emmet, Carlisle and Esme. They were happy for me. That night me and
Alice went through every detail of that night. I knew she was going to
know the outcome of it but I couldn't help it. She told me that he
really cared for me and that on the night when I was rushed to the
emergency room he was terrified. Every time she...
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posted by surfergal
Max's POV

When we rushed in Sergeant Ray office and I saw Addi lying there on
the floor anger just rushed over me. Sergeant Ray quickly tried to
fight us but between the both of us we had him pinned down on the
floor within seconds. As Jordan was holding Sergeant Ray on floor I
rushed over to Addi. I checked to see if she was breathing and that
made me a little calmer but not enough. So I grabbed the phone on the
desk and called 911. When the police and ambulance arrived I was happy
cause I knew that she was going to be okay and Sergeant Ray was going
to jail. Jordan and I had to stay on campus we weren't allowed to
posted by wickedwitch2
Personally I read Twilight because kids kept bugging me because I haven't read it yet.

But after reading all four books I feel in love with them. I wasn't a fan of the writing style or the romance. I prefer girl-on-girl. But I fell in love with Edward and Jacob.

The characters are lovable. Now I hated Bella she was annoying but that's the only thing I dislike. I love the ending to Breaking Dawn. And love New Moon.

Edward left in that book I almost skipped it.

As of right now; Meyers is my favorite author.

She is way better then JK Rowling and Stephen King.

I used to love HP until I read Twilight.

Now I used to write before reading Twilight...and just suddenly realized my writing was nothing compared to Twilight. That's why I'm writing a vampire novel that I hope to publish in the near future.
"Mike Welch who plays Mike Newton in Twilight and New Moon recently gave an interview to MTV. He talked with them about Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) scene where she attempts to get over Edward Cullen by going on a three way date with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Mike Newton. He stated , “I really should’ve checked with someone if this is information I can give away or not.” He said Bella,Mike,and Jacob are going to be watching a horror film at the movie theater,and that Chris Weitz is inserting his own mini “movie within a movie” into the mix.

Mike revealed that the film is...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 4:
When we opened the door, we were greeted by a shocking sight. A terrible sight. Because it meant that we hadn't left fast enough. We were being exposed to the town. And they believed...

Part 6:
I gasped. It was so quiet that only Alice would have heard. Alice was standing behind me. She stood on her tip-toes to see over my shoulders. "Oh my God." She murmured. Again, only we could here each other. Angela was standing on the doorstep, her face livid. What looked like almost the whole town stood behind her, all their faces the same mask of fury-and a slight hint of fear in some....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 5:
Jacob's POV:
Bella was gonna kill me. I'd forgotten to tell her that I was taking Nessie to La Push today so she could play with Quil and Claire. Bella was probably panicing right now. And I was in for it when I get back to the vamp's pad. Oops.
We were all in Billy's front room-Quil, Claire, Nessie and me. Nessie was playing scrabble with Quil. And she was winning. Well, to be fair, Quil was putting down the words that Claire told him to, so... it wasn't really a shock. I laughed. "Quil, you're 18. And you're getting beaten by a 1 year old girl!"
"She might be 1 according to her birth...
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Heree's the whole interview of Robert Los 40 Principales magazine!!!!!!!!

Los 40 Principales magazine, in their edition for Spain, interviewed Rob on the month of February. We finally got a hold of this edition of the magazine. The interview is completely new and it has never been posted online.
Here’s the complete translation of the interview, which, as usual, features tons of fun Rob quotes :)

“A year ago I couldn’t get a date. Now the world has gone backwards. I can have any 14 year old that I want.” says the British actor Robert Pattinson, who has become overnight, the new It Boy...
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Chapter 11- Carmen
    “Are you okay, Wendi?” Colleen asked and I noticed that my whole body was shuddering. I focused on calming down, not wanting to feel weak. It helped some and the shuddering slowed slightly. Colleen figured out that I needed some help and once again, she calmed me down with her curious talent. I often wondered how it worked. It seemed so impossible. I was still a little upset so Stefan scooped me up into his arms and hugged me to his strong chest.
    We walked into the kitchen and Stefan sat me down in a chair at the long, mahogany...
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posted by Twilight597
ok im not sure if i should post this on here or not, so if you like it then i'll write more, well either way, i'll write it but just not post it here. just tell me if i should keep posting here. i have chapter 1 done already, but im not sure if i want to post it, just tell me what you think.

Zodiac Pendant


My name is Gabriella Swan, but most people call me Gabby. I live in Forks, Washington with my 16 year old sister, Bella, and my dad Charlie. My mom died when I was born, so Bella has taken care of me since. We are really close, and don’t fight much. The only thing we make fun...
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New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
As the New Moon Movie is getting closer, and seeing all the set pictures from Italy and Vancouver, and seeing the trailer, alot of people are speculating the differences of the movie and the book.

And, not that I have anything wrong with that, but what I do have a slight problem with is the negativity. The movie has not even reached theatres yet, but there is so much doubt. The minor changes such as: the wardrobe, the gift wrappers not being silver, the kiss in Italy and not in her bedroom, etc. Those are a few examples, but the point is, the movie has not come out yet, so why all the judgments....
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Carlisle Cullen was the son of an Anglican pastor, born in 1640's London, England during a time of religious and political upheaval. Carlisle's father and other pastors led hunts for werewolves, witches, and vampires, saying that they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin, but many a time, these groups would end up killing innocent citizens. As his father aged, Carlisle was put in charge of the raids after these creatures. He was less at ease about killing as his father was, but he was intelligent enough to find a real coven of vampires inhabiting the sewers of London. Carlisle led...
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Sorry! So short....

Jasper's Pov

What is Edward doing here? Is the rest of my family here too? Edward took me
aside and said sternly, "Where's Bella. What have you done with her!?"

"I did nothing of the sort," he replied as quick as he could obviously showing
he's nervous.

"Then why is this guy standing right here asking to join their group?! What are you
doing or planning? Are you going against the Cullen's or something?! What's wrong with

"I want to tell you something," he said nervously, "I loved Bella since you first brought her to
our home. When you told us you were going to marry...
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posted by elinochka
At school..
Rosalie comes in the
principle' office..
Princple-what happened Ms.Hale?
Rosalie-i cant stand that idiot i am leaving and you can give me suspension..
Principle-*laughing* i think you guys like each other..
Jake comes in
Jake-you serious?me liking this girl?
Rosalie rolled her eyes..
Principle-fine you 2 can go..
Jake and Rosalie left office..Jake was walking behind Rosalie..Rosalie was feeling bad.The boy that she liked was walking behind her..The boy that hated her..
Jake-so what are you doing after school blondie?
Rosalie-ummm none of your buiness..Rosalie left Jacob alone..He was watching...
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posted by patrisha727
Sorry! I forgot to post the last confessions. I was busy writting my story! I don't own these, these are just for people's enjoyments. ^_^

Breaking Dawn Confessions

No Charlie, Bella's not pregnant with Edward's baby, I am.

I'm in Edward's happy (pretend the word happy is crossed out) naughty place.

Forget Jacob, I want Seth to be my puppy.

I told my parents I was going to marry Edward, my fictional vampire boyfriend.

Jacob's not missing, I keep him locked up in my basement.

Read the first chapter? Yeah... I died and went to Heaven but I came back because Edward wasn't there....
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Jasper's POV

When Bella spoke the nearly impossible words, I can feel that all of us feel pain, anger, and mostly confusion. But Bella's feelings, are cold, hard, and some-what robotic....

I looked at Edward. He had emotions of terror and sadness.
" Bella? What are you thinking!?!?!?" he demanded.
" I'm saying I will join the volturi, if it's a problem to you, come and join me. Then we will always be together."
" But what about your family? Your own daughter?"
" Those things are less than I can think about. Of cource I will let you and my daughter join. That is certainly fine with me. But make...
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posted by Doopey
Here is another one... sorry this one is a bit shorter :) the next one will be longer tho :D Next one shall be loaded up tomorrow :)

Chapter four

I turned around and crouched forward while a growl was building its up up. But the person coming round the corner stopped my growl in its tracks. I stood up straight and looked at the vampire at the end of the room.
"Aro?" I couldnt belive my eyes. How was he here? Why was he here? How did he know about Ilse Esme? Then i remembered that time the Volutri came to destroy my family because of Renesmee. He must have seen it in Edwards thoughts.
"Ahh dear...
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