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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Seven: Let The Flames Begin...Oh Glory
~PART THREE: This Battle Must Be Won~
Previously on Ignorance:
I watched as Jake was pulled to his feet, mouth duck-taped shut, hands tied behind his back.
I felt my hand be tugged behind my back, tied together with rope.
I watched as Jake was pushed out the door first, and then I was pushed next.
I was pulled up the stone stairs, and just as I saw a black van in front of the shelter's grounds, I felt
something heavy crack the back of my head, making me fall to the ground.
Along the side of a knocked out Jake...
I'm dead, I thought. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, oh GOD, I'm dead!
"We are vampyres! We live on the blood, the fear, and the adrenaline rush that runs through your veins."
"Blah, blah, bity blah! We get it, you're creatures of the night. Are we done?" I said, and the Ramen's face went from calm to furious.
"You bitch!" He bellowed.
"GET THEM!" A different Ramen by the door howled.
"JAKE!" I yelled and the Ramen turned, and came after me.
"SAM!" I yelled and she gave a Ramen a punch, looked at me, and leapt to rescue me, eyes wide.
"I got you!" She said, grabbing onto my wrists.
"Don't let go." I said and we were both being pulled on the floor through the door.
I turned just in time to see the fourth Ramen thrown to the ground by Bobby, kneeing the Ramen in the neck. A crack filled the air again, and the fourth and final Ramen was dead.
We need to move!" Derek said.
"But where?" Stan asked.
"The cave!" I whispered.
"What?" Everyone asked. "Speak up!"
"Just follow Jake and I," I looked at Jake who nodded, rubbed his head, and off we went towards the Cave where the dead lovers lay.
And now...
"We need to hurry!" Sam said calmly.
"I know that." I replied. "Jake, where is the cave!?"
"It should have been right over..." He pointed over to a huge rock. "...there...oh!" He pulled us all into the bushes with some OW'S and sighs.
"Wha-" Bobby began.
"SHH!" He hissed.
"What was that about!?" Bobby asked.
"Ramens. Were here at the Cave, but the Ramens are all over our previous shelter. The only way to get there is to cross over there part of the land there searching."
"Which means..." I stated.
"Bad news, no new shelter!" Stan said with a worried sigh.
I looked around, and saw a group of Ramen on brake, drinking blood from blood-bags. I then looked back towards the Cave's enterence. I looked back at our previus shelter, and back towards the Cave's entrance, then back to the Ramens. An idea flashed in my head like a light-house's light flicking on at dawn.
"Guys!" I whispered. "I gotta' plan!"
"Yeah, there all like 'Oh no, come save me! Come save me from my death!' " A Ramen joked, flailing his arms like a helpless little girl.
"I can't beleive they were a challenge!" A voice boomed. "Why!? Why were they a challenge?" A Ramen broke up the group, which there laughs and smiles died. "Get back...TO WORK!"
"Yes boss!" All five Ramens said.
"Actually," I said popping out of the bushes.
"It's time for you to share the fun time!" Jake growled and all six of us charged the six Ramens.
"That was easy!" Stan said, slipping the Ramens flack-jacket on.
"Too easy..." I thought outloud.
"What do you mean?" Derek asked me.
"Where there's one, or a few, there's more. If these are the people on brake..."
"Where are the ones that aren't on brake to do the job?" Jake finished.
"Bait?" Stan said, slipping the back-pack on.
"No, not bait." I said.
"More like a trap..." Everyone looked at eachother and smiled.
"Then let's go take what's ours." Bobby suggested, and off we went to grab our stuff right under the Ramens' noses.
We walked into the Cave, and looked around.
"Where's the blood, the smell, the bodies!? What happened to them?" I asked.
"Guess they had the bodies drained, and threw the carcasses away!" Jake said.
"Well, home sweet home!" Stan said, dropping all of the stuff he could grab down onto the ground.
"Roomy," Sam said, placing her stuff in her space of the Cave. "Could use some furniture but I think we'll deal."
"Were going back for the beds after we unload everything." Derek answered.
"Okay, but until then, how will we make sure the Ramens dont get us?" Sam asked.
"See that rock?" I asked.
"Yeah." Sam walked up to see where I was pointing.
"Were gonna move it from there, to there." I made a straight line to the entrance of the Cave. "Then when we wanna leave or come in, we just crawl out. Were gonna trim a hole at the corner, and cover the whole with leaves. Then when that person is gone, or comes back, we'll clog it with the chunk we took out. Were safe, were not being hunted, and they won't even notice!"
"Good plan!" Sam said and went to un-rolling her sleeping bag.
"How are we gonna move that thing?" Jake asked me in a hushed tone.
"Oh we aren't," I said and pointed to him, Bobby, Stan, and Derek. "You are!"
I handed the pillows, covers, and sheets to Sam to give to Stan to give to Derek to put back into the Cave. Then Jake and Stan came down to get the mattresses while Sam and I took the bed frames. We were ready for the last one, and were walking out of the Cave, just when a Ramen truck pulled up.
"HEY YOU!" One of the Ramens said.
I looked down, thinking this was our doom, and realized that we were wearing Ramen uniforms.
"What are you doing!?" The same Ramen asked.
"Uh..." I began. "We were making a camp site in"
"Really? Good idea! If you need us, you know where we'll be." He started to walk off, but I laughed nervously.
"Actually, you told someone else. So where would that be exactly?"
"At the Front Gate." He replied, looking around to make sure no one heard him.
"The Front Gate?" I asked.
"Yeah." He walked up towards us and whispered. "In between the Twin Waterfalls."
"Yeah, I know where it is! Alright, will do!" I said and he waved, and drove off towards the Twin Falls.
"The Front Gate!?" Jake said. "Do you know how fast we could leave this place?"
"Yeah, but don't you think it'll be kind of risky. Eight Bounty go missing, eight Ramen leave this place. Kind of too quick. Good plan though." I said looking at Derek who was about to speak.
"Then what do we do?" Derek asked.
"We wait at least a day or two." I looked around, counted the beds, and we were one short.
"We still need one more bed." Sam noticed.
"No! Were fine. I'll sleep with Jake." I looked at Jake who turned around so he could blush.
"You sure?" Sam asked. "Cause we can go get tha-"
"It's fine, Sam. Why don't we make a fire, and start some dinner! I'm so starving!" I interupted.
"No!" Jake turned, cheeks normal color again. "Girls, make fire, and dinner, after boys get big rock!"
"Good thinking!" Sam said wrapping herself in Stan's arms.
"Alright boys," Bobby said. "Stretch out!"
Jake and the other boys got all stretched out and ready to move the rock in part of our safety. Stan was finishing his stretches just as the others took off there shirts so they didn't ruin a perfectly good one. Stan ripped his off in one quick motion, and they all went towards the rock, stretching there arms and legs one last time before moving it. They then placed there hands on the rock, and began to push. They kept pushing and pushing and pushing until finally another Ramen truck pulled up.
"Hey guys," It was a different Ramen, probably headed for the Front Gate. "What up with the rock?"
"Oh, we need to block our shelter so no Bounty jump us, kill us, and take our shelter." Stan answered.
"Oh, let me help you! I know that you're new Ramens and all," The Ramen pushed the men aside, placed his hand on the rock, gave it a thrusted shove, and the rock ran straight into the wall of the Cave. It was a few feet away from covering the whole thing up. "But your strength will come in soon. Should I move it some more?"
"Yeah, cover the place completly, please." Jake said, taking this guy as an advantage.
"Okay." The Ramen went to the other side of the rock, and gave it another thrusted push. The rock slid the last few feet and covered the whole Cave. "Anything else?"
"Uh..." I began, walking to an end corner of the rock that was covered by moss and green plants. "We need a crawl space hole big enough for someone to crawl in and out. We need a chunk gone so we can place it back and make the Cave look like a huge rock. Do you get it?" I asked.
"Yeah, you want a crawl space that isn't in pieces so you can place it back in there so no one can crawl in and kill you in your sleep! Got it," The Ramen walked to the place I specified, looked at us all, and kicked a huge chunk of the wall straight through and into the Cave.
"Wow!" I said, amazed.
"Don't know why it stayed that way, so thick and all, but it looks good. You like it?" He turned to see our smiles of appreciation. This Ramen may have been bad, but he helped us out alot.
"Alright, see you at the Front Gate if you need me or...something!" He hopped back into his truck.
"Thanks," We all said.
"Buy girls, buy hot shirtless guys." The Ramen then drove off.
"Weird." I said.
"Scary." Sam added.
"There's gay vampyres too?" Derek asked, shocked.
"Apparantly." We all laughed, went back inside and started the fire.
Later that night...
Bobby and Derek were alseep. The rest of us sat around the warm fire, letting it heat up our bodies. Plus we found some marshmellows in one bag, chocolate in the other, and ghram crackers in another. We made Smore's. They were good. They had everything a Smore should have: Marshmellow goodness, choclate galore, ghram cracker crunchies, and it came with a good depressing aftertaste! Yay! But they held off the hunger that still surged in my stomach.
"You tired, honey?" Stan asked Sam.
"A little." Sam then let out a huge yawn.
"Go to bed." I said and they both looked at me.
"What? No, it's my job to watch for tonight. I can't jus-"
"Sleep!" Jake pointed to the two beds they pushed together to make one big one. "We'll cover tonight, you just take our shift tomorrow night."
"Okay, come on honey." Sam grabbed Stan and pulled him off to bed where they instantly fell asleep.
"Jake," I said as we laid down by the fire. "Can we talk?"
"Yeah, but whisper, don't wanna' wake the others." He answered.
"Got it..." I said in a quiet voice. "Jake, I wanna' talk about those kisses..."
"They were..."
"No! No! No they were great! But...they made me feel different. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time."
"What did you feel?" He asked.
"I" I laughed.
"Why are you laughing?" Jake wondered.
"Cause...that sounded silly."
"No it didn't. The kisses made me feel as if we were living natural and normal lives. I felt that it was another day that we were together in bed. And then the whole Ramen attack..."
We both laughed nervously.
"So...about your question..." I began, and he let out a huge moaning sigh that told me two things: He knew what question I was talking about (the 'Will You Be My Girlfriend' question). And he was scared of what I was gonna' say.
"So..." He looked at me through his worried eyes. "What's your answer?"
"My answer..." I rethought my thought on this. I did do alot of thinking. And I came up with my final answer. I was pretty sure he'd like this answer, too. "is yes! I will be your girlfriend Jake."
"What?" He asked sitting up right.
"My answer is yes!" I said, sitting up too.
"Oh..." Was all he said.
"Oh? Is that a good 'Oh' or a bad 'Oh'?" I asked.
"I don't know..." He said slowly.
"Jake?" I grabbed him by his shoulder, and pulled him into a kiss. Everything, the tension, the pressure, the fear, all of it, just slipped out from under us like a rug being under us one minute, then POOF! gone the next. Our lips departed and he smiled. "Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Hell yes!" He said and he kissed me once more.
I woke up wrapped in Jake's arms in our bed that we were sharing. I looked around to see the fire was almost out. It had a very tiny flame that was on a burnt log, licking it's way to finish the log off. And then it did. A low sizzle was now able to hear, and then smoke rose from it. I watched as the spark of life died too. And when it did, that's when Jake rolled over to the other side, letting me go from his clutches. I didn't wanna' wake him, let alone the others, so I got up to my feet slowly, making sure the bed didn't creak and groan or move to fast with movement. I looked around, looking to see anyone else awake or not. I then walked over to the man crawl space, pulled the cube out of its space, and put it to the side. I went to my bed, reached under it for the matches, found them and placed them by the dead fire place. I crawled out of the crawl space very carefully, making sure my Ramen clothes didn't get dirty, and went to find some wood. Fifteen minutes later, I shoved twenty wood bricks into the crawl space. If we were gonna' out live this, we needed to stock up on wood and not go out as much.
I crawled back into the Cave, closed the crawl space, and put two more logs of wood onto the fire pit. I then lit a match and held it on the wood for a minute to two minutes before it ignited. I then looked over and saw Jake sitting up in bed.
"Hey," I whispered.
"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"Lighting fire for light in our Cave-y shelter." I answered and he got to his feet.
"We need food." He said randomly.
"Yeah, breakfast at least." I looked around at the food stash by the wall, lying by the fridgeratore that took an hour to lug in here. There was nothing for breakfast except bacon and...eggs. "We need more breakfast, but bacon and egg bagels are for today!" I said and he smiled.
"Want help?"
"No thanks, you wash up and get ready. Breakfast is in bed!" I walked over to the fridge and took out the eggs and bacon.
"Alright, I'll go find a lake or something to wash up in..." He grabbed a towel, and a bar of soap from the bag of soap, that had string through it so you didn't lose it while bathing, under our bed, then removed the crawl space, and then he was gone.
I know he'll be safe and all cause we were all in our stolen Ramen gear, but still...hope he's careful.
(Alright...this part is in Jake's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
I walked away from the Cave, thinking about where a lake is. I then stumbeled upon one, and saw that it was surrounded by walls of trees and bushes. You had to stand up on the hill to see it, get too close and the greenery would block it from your view.
I pushed through the leaves and twigs, and made my way to the edge of the lake. I then looked around to see if anyone else was here. Nothing. I then took off my shoe and sock, and dipped my foot into the water. It was warm. The sun was being nice enough to not let it be too hot, or too cold. I then took off my other shoe and sock, and rolled up the pants to my knees. I then put one entire foot into the water, and felt all the water was the same temperature. I removed my foot, un-buckeled my belt, and pushed down my pants. I then took off my shirt, and slid my underwear down to the ground. I put the bar of soap and towel by the clothes, and then got in. I made sure nothing got wet as I stepped into the water. I grabbed the bar of soap, put it around my neck, and started into the water to find a deep enough part to bathe in.
I waded all the way till I got stomach deep. The water felt good, really good against my naked body. I then sank under the water level, letting my whole body get wet and soaked before washing. I looked down and saw wet sand around my feet. I picked up a handful, and rose out of the water. I watched as the sand dripped through my fingers, making a plunk and a splish noise when hitting the water. I then took the soap off my neck, and masauged it with my hands under the water till it got soapy. I started to rub my self down with the soap, covering every inch I could reach. I watched as the suds floated away and dissolved in the water. I then rinsed my whole body off, and soaped up my hair using the remaining soap in my hands and fingers. Once my hair was all sudsy, I dipped down into the water and ran my fingers through and through the strands of hair until it was sudsy-free!
I walked onto the shore of the lake, put the soap by my shoes, and dried off with the towel. I made sure I was dry enough to not get the clothes wet. I then pulled on my underwear, pulled up my pants, put the belt on, slipped into my socks and shoes, and tugged on the shirt. I clutched the towel in one hand while the bar of soap was buried beneath the cloth. I then smoothed out my hair, and walked through the bushes again. I made my way up the hill and back to the Cave. I crawled back into the Cave just to see everyone moving around, grabbing plates full of bacon and egg bagels.
"Hey, Jake!" Hayley said waving. "Your just in time for breakfast."
I smiled, put the chunk of rock back into it's place, grabbed my plate of food, and sat down on my bed along side Hayley for breakfast amongst our friends.
(This goes back to Hayley's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
Jake came back just as breakfast was served. His hair was wet, and he smelled clean like the bar of soap he took. He placed the towel by the log seat next to the fire, and left the bar of soap on it too. Knowing I'd use them both later tonight. We all grabbed plates, sat down in bed, and ate together. We all conversed on a plan to escape through the Front Gate, while eating our bacon and egg bagels.
Everything seemed far.
posted by decullen
As we left the music room.Edward held my hand and stopped suddenly in font of a fire exit .

"Where are we going" I muttered
"You'll soon find out."He gently kissed my hand a shock of excitement shot through my spine.We burst out of fire exit.Then he stopped at a car.He opened the door for me,I was wondering why he just went inside a random car without permission,unless it was his own,i just wasn't sure, I didn't dare ask him.

Soon after we set off ,we ended up stopping at this amazing,enormous house with a balcony.

"Where are we?" I said in a shaky voice .

"This is my home,I live here."He replied...
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This is a response to the link. If you disagree with this article, instead of leaving pointless hate-spam, which is just a waste of time, please explain why you don’t like it, or any points I got wrong.

“The story is written compellingly enough that a wide body of readers is able to fit into the persona of Bella and love Edward.”
I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t a result of good writing. It’s quite the opposite, actually. Bella is a very one-dimensional character. She has no real hobbies, defining character traits, or even any specific physical appearance, and because of the...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

As the day progressed, I considered ways to get out of whatever was going down at the Cullen house tonight. It would be bad enough to have to celebrate when I was in the mood to mourn. But, worse than that, this was sure to involve attention and gifts.
Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone klutz would agree. No one wants a spotlight when they're likely to fall on their face.
And I'd very pointedly asked - well, ordered really - that no one give me any presents this year. It looked like Charlie and Renee weren't the only...
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Nikki’s POV
I was in my house alone, when the door bell rang, it was Kristen she’s my bff, since we were in a movie together.
-Hi Kris!
Kris is really shy! She doesn’t speak too much, but she’s also really friendly, she’s always there for her friends!
I love talking to her! She’s a good listener!
-Why did you call me, dear? - She sat in my bed
-I wanna talk to you…
-Is about him again, right?
-Nikki, forget this fucking boy!! – I have a crush on Kellan, and it isn’t healthy for me because I know he would never love me!
-Kristen you fell for Rob and I supported...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

The sight of Alice there - her tawny eyes brilliant with excitement, and a smel silver-wrapped quare in her hands - made me frown. I'd told Alice I didn't want anything, anything, not gifts or even attention, for my birthday. Obviously, my wishes were being ignored.
I slammed the door of my '53 Chevy truck - a shower of rust specks fluttered down to the wet blacktop - and walked slowly toward where they waited. Alice skipped forward to me, her pixie face glowing under her spiky black hair.
"Happy birthday, Bella!"
"Shh!" I hissed, glancing around...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 24 - AN IMPASSE

I could hear my mother now. She was talking to someone, maybe a nurse, and she sounded tired and upset. I wanted to jump out of the bed and run to her, to calm her, promise that everything was fine. But I wasn't in any sort of shape for jumping, so I waited patiently.
The door opened a crack, and she peeked through.
"Mom!" I whispered, my voice full of love and relief.
She took in Edward's still form on the recliner, and tip-toed to my bedside.
"He never leaves, does he?" she mumbled to herself.
"Mom, I'm so glad to see you!"
She bent down...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"Would you mind, very much, if I left a little letter of my own for your Edward?"
He took a step back and touchd a palm-sized digital video camera balanced carefully on top of the stereo. A small red light indicated that it was already running. He adjusted it a few times, widened the frame. I stared at him in horror.
"I'm sorry, but I just don't think he'll be able to resist hunting me after he watches this. And I wouldn't want him to miss anything. It was all for him, of course. You're simply a human, who unfortunately was in the wrong...
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Jacob Black
Jacob Black
10. “He’s brave. Brave as you are. Didn’t pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should’ve seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless.” (Page 495)

9. “How much blood would it take to keep her going? At some point, would they start trotting in the neighbors?” (Page 271)

8. “He was right – she was beating herself up about hurting his feelings. The girl was a classic martyr. She’d totally been born in the wrong century. She should have lived back when she could have gotten herself fed to some lions for a good cause.” (Page...
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Hey this is the l;atest chapter to the story, it is set when Nessie isfive months pregnant...x Hope you enjoy and keep your eys peeled for the next chapter...x

I slipped mums wedding dress over my head, it fitted perfectly. Mum smiled and sighed as she wiped a joyous tear from my eye.
“Don’t cry baby, Alice will kill us if you ruin your makeup she has spent all morning getting you ready.” She laughed looking at me with a delighted expression on her face,
“Oh mum! I am so happy; Jake is waiting down there for me isn’t he?” I asked nervously. I had felt a little queasy...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"So what was Carlisle telling you before?"
His eyebrows pulled together. "You noticed that, did you?"
I shrugged. "Of course."
He looked at me thoughtfully for a few seconds before answering. "He wanted to tell me some news - he didn't know if it was something I would share with you."
"Will you?"
"I have to, because I'm going to be a little... overbearingly protective over the next few days - or weeks - and I wouldn't want you to think I'm naturally a tyrant."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, exactly. Alice just sees some visitors coming...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was hard to decide what to wear. I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family. It was a relief to think the word to myself. I knew I shied away from it intentionally.
I ended up in my old skirt - long, khaki-colored, still casual. I put on the dark blue blouse he's once complimented. A quick glance in the mirror told me my hair was entirely impossible, so I pulled it back into a ponytail.
"Okay." I bounced down the stairs. "I'm decent."
He was...
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posted by joe-edwardfan

I was playing with my pizza when edward sat across me
“hello”i raised my head and smiled at him then I realized rose was taking a sit beside me my mouth was hanging open and I heard edward chuckle, what was she doing?
“rose wants to apologies to you” edward answered my unspoken question I was still confused what did she wanted to apologies to me about? rose was looking the table and said
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


"But I resisted. I don't know how. I forced myself not to wait for you, not/ to follow you from the school. It was easier outside, when I couldn't smell you anymore, to think clearly, to make the right decision. I left the others near home - I was too ashamed to tell them how weak I was, they only knew something was very wrong - and then I went straight to Carlisle, at the hospital, to tell him I was leaving."
I stared in surprise.
"I traded cars with him - he had a full tank of gas and I didn't want to stop. I didn't dare to go home,...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


I was sorely tempted to ditch the rest of the day, at the very least Gym, but a warning instinct stopped me. I knew that if I disappeared now, Mike and others would assume I was with Edward. And Edward was worried about the time we'd spent together publicly... if things went wrong. I refused to dwell on the last thought, concentrating instead on making things safer for him.
I intuitively knew - and sensed he did, too - that tomorrow would be pivotal. Our relationship couldn't continue to balance, as it did, on the point of a knife. We would...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


Everyone watched us as we walked together to our lab table. I noticed that he no longer angled the chair to sit as far from me as the desk would allow. Instead, he sat quite close beside me, our arms almost touching.
Mr. Banner backed into the room then - what superb timing the man had - pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking, outdated TV and VCR. A movie day - the lift in the class atmosphere was almost tangible.
Mr. Banner shoved the tape into the reluctant VCR and walked to the wall to turn off the lights.
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Bella's POV

I had the best dream, The sweetest dream, one a little girl would have, where the prince actaully came and rescued her. I dreamed of him. I think im becoming a addict, Edward was my fix to keep me surviving, Was the only thing that made my heart to beat one after another.
But i diddnt mind that now, edward was worth the addiction. I wasn't scared anymore, for the first time in a LONG time i diddnt have something missing within me, i couldn't blame something or someone why this was, but why should i? THE only thing i was scared of, was waking from this perfect dream, for it changes,...
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posted by darkfairy97
A Poem About Edward Cullen

I read this on the internet, and thought it was pretty cool. Please type in your comments, curious what other people think about it. Thanks! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I want a guy that sparkles in the sun
I want a guy thats been pretty much alive since 1901
I want a guy that doesn't sleep at night
I want a guy that will hold me tight
I want a guy with topaz eyes
I want a guy that speaks no lies
I want a guy who will only be mine
I want a guy that is hard as rock
I want a guy who has lived a every hour of the clock
I want a guy whos smile dazzles and shocks
(ps i have trouble dealing with the fact he is a fictional character)
*by Stephenie Meyer*


Jess drove faster than the Chief, so we made it to Port Angeles by four. It had been a while since I'd had a girls' night out, and the estrogen rush was invigorating. We listened to whiny rock songs while Jessica jabbered on about the boys we hung out with. Jessica's dinner with Mike had gone very well, and she was hoping that by Saturday night they would have progressed to the first-kiss stage. I smiled to myself, pleased. Angela was passively happy to be going to the dance, but not really interested in Eric. Jess tried to get her to...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 14:
“Your right love I would do anything in my power to keep you two alive. You shouldn’t be sorry you’re doing what’s best. Just be careful please. Anything my love.” He said. I could tell he knows already what I’m going to ask but I’m going to do it anyway.
    “If I do die I want you to take of Neisse. Move on. I don’t want you to soak or anything I want you to be there for her. She is going to understand everything but she want understand that it’s not her fought I want you to be able to live with her forever. I don’t want you to do...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


When we entered the classroom, Angela went to sit at a black-topped lab table exactly like the ones I was used to. She already had a neighbor. In fact, all the tables were filled but one. Next to the center aisle, I recognized Edward Cullen by his unusual hair, sitting next to that single open seat.
As I walked down the aisle to introduce myself to the teacher and get my slip signed, I was watching him surreptitiously. Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat. He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression...
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