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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Four: And I Push Aside
I gasped sitting up right in bed, wondering what the hell was going on.
"Hayley, you okay!?" Zo's voice asked, coming from the end of the shelter hall.
"What's wrong?" Jake asked, jumping out of the room, beads of water running down his skin, his waist down covered with the towel.
"It's okay...I was laying here, and I had a's fine." I said, rubbing my head.
"You sure?" Jake asked, by my side.
"Yes, way sure! Now go back into the room where no one can see you half naked man!" I said, and he laughed, and disappeared once more in the back room.
"Thank goodness," Zo said, sitting by me on the bed. "I thought a Ramen was in here or something."
"Nope..." I replied. "Just us."
"Alright, well I gotta fix the rest of the food...will you be okay till then?" Zo asked.
"Yeah." I assured and she smiled, and walked back into the far room she came out of.
I ran my fingers through my hair, and sighed heavily. I then grabbed Jake's glass of water and chugged it down.
"Hey, Hayley!" Jakes voice called.
"Yeah?" I said, by the door now.
"I need to talk to you." He said and I leaned against the wall.
"Well, I'll be outside waiting fo-" I began, but he interupted me.
"No! I need to speak to you alone...come on in real quick." Jake said and I had a puzzeled look on my face. "Don't worry," He said. "I'm not naked!"
"Oh," I then walked through without hesitation. "So what do you need to talk about?"
"About...things." He said, drying off his hair, shirt in his right hand.
"Okay...what is it?" I asked closing the door.
"Come sit." He beckoned towards the chair by the wall where he stood. So I walked over and sat. And then he joined me on a different chair. He pulled his arms through the shirt, and brought the rest on.
"Everything okay?" I said.
"'s just that...we've been friends for how long?" Jake asked.
"Ten years! Why?" I replied.
"'s just...every time I look at you...I feel..."
"Jake!" I said, knowing it was my turn to interupt. "Now's not the time."
"But when will that be?" He said, on his feet now. "Look at Rick and Zo, they've been here for twenty years but there all boyfriend-girlfriend just fine! I just want you, Hayley."
"Jake," I got to my feet then. "Jake, I just dont want to get together, over the fact of fear! Of not out living this stupid game and living normal lives together-"
"But what if we never win this?" He asked.
"I don't know."
"Then how come you won't take a chance?"
"I..." I sighed, not knowing what to say...but just as I was about to say what I really wanted to say, I found myself saying, "I don't know."
He looked at me and laughed nervously. "Wow!"
" 'Wow' what?" I asked.
"I never knew you'd be this way!"
"Jake! Again, I dont wanna' hook-up over fe-" I started.
"But its not fear, Hayley! It is most certainly not fear! I have loved you ever since the day we were truly friends! And it hurts every day, waking up in this shit-filled world, knowing that when every day goes by-"
"Knowing that when every day goes by there's a good chance I'll lose you and never get to see you ever again!" He finished which shut us both up really good. Until I found some words that I needed to say.
"Jake...the truth is...I love you too, but I wanna wait and have this special moment on a normal person's day. Not waking up in your arms, making sure were still alive and not dead and not in the clutches of Ramens! I never asked for this! I never asked for this danger were all in! For this risky chance! I never expected to be betrayed by my best friend, or to almost kill you! And I, sure as hell never expected to fall in love with you, Jake!" I finished, tears now streaming down my cheeks.
"What did you say?" He asked, looking choked up.
"I never expected to fall in love with you...Jake." I re said, and he pulled me into a kiss.
And just as I started to feel the kiss too, he pulled his lips away. "Wait," He said, letting go of me. "I just wanna know one thing."
"What?" I asked.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He answered.
(This part of the chapter is in Derek's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
"Well okay. But wont they find Bobby and the others?" I asked which made Rick stop.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, the fight was right by the tree, so wouldn't other Ramens find them up in the tree?" I said and Rick threw the bags down the stairs, and put the boulders back where he removed them.
"Your right," He looked around, then stared at me. "Lets go!"
We ran back towards the tree, and as we got there, we heard Bobby talking to the others.
"Alright," Bobby said. "I can see some Ramens coming about a mile from us from there cool expensive binoculars, but there are too many."
"So come with us!" I said and they leaves and branches rusteled. I scared them. "Come on! Hurry!"
"Shh!" Rick ordered and I saw two large object fall from the tree. They were three trunks tied together with rope that way they couldn't lose there stuff. Then Sam and Bobby emerged from the tree to the ground.
"Hello, again, Rick!" Bobby said, and they hugged. "Long time, no see!" He said sarcastically.
"Yeah, but tell your other man to get the hell out of there before he gets killed! We need to go now if were leaving to my shelter!" Rick replied and Bobby knocked on the tree's bark.
"Come on now, Stan! Time to go." Bobby then backed up just as Stan jumped down to the ground, two back-packs in hand.
"Had to get the food!" Stan said with a smile, and we headed back towards shelter.
"Oh no!" Rick said, he was leading the way with Bobby, catching up from the years they missed. "Ramens!"
"Then let's go!" I said and we all dashed towards shelter.
(Now its back into Hayley's P.O.V.-Point Of View-Enjoy!)
"I just wanna know one thing."
"What?" I asked.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He answered.
I just stood there, thinking. To myself and to him, even though he couldn't hear what I was thinking, he acted as if he did. His face went from romantic, to serious, to hurt.
"Oh," He said and walked towards the door. "I get it. Your in love with me, but you don't wanna be my girlfriend...I get it!"
"Jake!" I said but it was too late, he slammed the door behind him as he stormed away from me.
The truth is, I would be his girlfriend in a heart-beat! I just didn't know what to say. I wanted to be his girlfriend, I really did, beleive me I did, but...I just didn't know if the was the perfect time.
I ran outside into the room where Jake's hospital bed thing laid. Zo was still in the other room down the shelter hall, and I wasn't gonna disturb her.
"Jake," I said, catching up with him by the stairs. "Where are you going?"
"To find the others!" He said and I grabbed his arm.
"No your not!" I pulled him back away from the stairs, and stood in front of him. "You could get hurt...or killed! Then you'll lead them straight to us with your trail or something!"
"This isn't your choice." He said, trying to push me out of the way, but I planted my foot down hard.
"Your my friend and I have a say in!" I protested, which made him try harder, but my foot was pressed down really hard.
"You can't stop me!" He said.
"Oh yes I can!" I then grabbed his arms, trying to pull him back into the back room so we could talk privatley, but he pushed me to the ground and went up the stairs.
"If you take on foot out of this place...dont even think I'll forgive you." I said calmly, rising to my feet.
He looked at me, then the entrance/exit, and took one more step up. Then he walked back down and put his finger over his mouth.
"Shh!" He whispered.
"What?" I mouthed.
"Someone's coming!" He mouthed back.
"Zo!" I whispered, and he pointed a finger down the shelter hall towards the door where she was.
I walked down there and walked inside.
"Oh, hey Hay-" Zo started.
"SHH!" I ordered and a look of concern was on her face. "Follow me." I whispered, and she put her food on the table, making sure nothing would burn if Ramens were coming in.
We joined Jake by his hospital bed thing, looking back at the entrance/exit, watching each boulder get removed one by one. And then feet started down.
"Get ready!" Jake whispered to us, and we got ready.
And down the stairs came Rick, Derrek and three other people that we have never seen before. Rick went back up the stairs to replace the boulders.
"Everyone quiet!" Rick said. "Derek and I got in a fight with Ramens, we met some old friends-Bobby, Sam, and Stan," Rick introduced, pointing to each person. "and they helped us win-but that's not the point! The point is, Ramens are on our trail and-honey hand me that sand covered board, thanks-and as we were on our way back Derek said if Ramens are like Hornets...then they'll find Sam, Stan, and Bobby so we ran back, got them, and here we are. So shh!"
"Got it!" I said hugging Derek, knowing he was safe.
We all stood still by the back door, hoping Ramens didn't find us. We could the Ramens talking right above us, which made us freeze like statues.
Five minutes went by, which seemed to take longer then expected. Each second grew into a minute, a minute grew into an hour, an hour into a more hours. Until finally we heard the Ramens disappear.
"Whew!" I said, letting out a huge sigh.
"Alright, everyone stay quite still just in case. We can get back to normal in the morning." Derek whispered.
"Bobby, Sam, Stan, let me show you to the gues room where Derek, Hayley and Jake are staying for now." Rick said, leading Sam, Stan, Bobby, Jake, Derek, and I into a room in between the front and back rooms. We walked into a room full of beds. Each bed was placed around the room like a long narrow border, outlining the room with beds instead of lines. Each one looked the same, properly made, night side table on the left side of the bed, pillows, and covers. Plus a flashlight, and other stuff that is useful on camping, which is one way to look at this sick game!
"Here we are." Rick said, and we all walked to our own beds. Bobby took the bed by the door, and then it was Sam, then Stan, then Derek, then me, then Jake. We all sat down and commerced for a while when Zo walked in with a smile on her face.
"Took me a while to cut each meal into eight plates...but I did it just fine! Food's ready, come on!" Zo took us into, what seemed like a kitchen, but it had two beds in it also. Obviously for Zo and Rick. We all were cramped at the table, it was Zo, Rick, Bobby, Sam, Stan, Derek, Jake, then me. I sat right next to Zo, too. We all ate, and had conversations in whispers, laughing and having a good time...till a huge rumble shook the table, making the beverages tip over, breaking plates and glasses.
We all stood in silence, wondering what just happened. When a huge noise filled the air, making it all clear. Up above we heard words: "EIGHT BOUNTY ARE MISSING! I REPEAT, EIGHT BOUNTY ARE MISSING! WE NEED MORE RAMENS! I REPEAT, WE NEED MORE RAMENS!"
"Uh-oh!" We all said at different moments, and thats when the panicking started!
I know that Will will come here. He is going to want all the truth, but I can't give it to him.

Jacob and Micah fell asleep in the hammock last night, but they still haven't come in.

At this instant I hear the doorbell ring. I hesitate and finally walk to the door.

Will's shadow is on the other side.

I open the door and see his solemn face.

"Will," I pause. "what are you doing here." I look at his face and notice the lines creasing his forehead.

"What was that call all about?" He stares into my eyes with anger.

"I told you. I can't." I start to close the door, but he pushes it back open...
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Chapter 9

So Its the last day of school for the Seniors and you get your last report card. You and Emmett get all A's. but there is still one matter to be one before Graduation. You had to get your wedding dress.

You and Emmett go back home and You Alice Rosalie and Esme go to 1 last store to try to find the PERFECT dresses.

You guys walk into the Bridal shop and you Intantly see the dress you want.

Alice-___ that would look so pretty on you! (she messes with your hair) if you did your hair up in curls with a little tiara, ooohh you need to get it ___.

You-Alice, I havent even tried it on yet.

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You went through the rest of the school week like a ghost. You couldn't get that dream out of your mind. Mike, Angela, Jessica, Erik, Ben, Lauren, and Tyler kept on making sure that you couldn't go and you told them. That it was a family deal. You was in your last class on Friday and the bell rang. You got out of the class and went to your locker seeing that your sibbling were waiting for you by your locker. You almost made it when Mike stopped and started talking to you.
Mike: Are you okay?
You: What do you mean?
Mike: I mean you have been quiet for the rest of the week.
You: Yeah I am fine. Just...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    When we woke up a few hours later, we were ready for our gig. But, we had a slight problem. Tabra was the one who woke us up.
    "You guys are...a thing now?" He asked as our eyes opened.
    "What?" He said, and I sat up.
    "We'll talk later," I said, jumped out of bed and threw Jerek his clothes. He went to his closet to retrieve his coat.
    "Let's go." Tabra sighed and left us to it.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    Jerek, Tabra and I entered the house-like headquarters, and I was amazed how nice it looked on the inside compared to the size of it on the outside.
    "This way," Jerek directed us.
    "Alright." Tabra followed Jerek down some steps and I followed him.
    "Shropee!" Jerek called in front of him, and a girl a few inches shorter than me came up to Tabra and took him to the medical couch she talked to him about.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    It was time. I could visit Tabra now. I went into room 10, and saw he was awake, but looked like he was hurting a bit.
    "Hey," I said, sitting in a chair by his bed.
    "Hello, Cyd."
    "Yea, about that..." I said and he looked confused, it was a good think they didn't put him on meds to make him all loopy right now. That would be bad.
    "What is it?" He asked.
    "Hau...Haus is alive..."...
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[2 days have past since Alice and Emmet have kissed]OH MY GOD Bella need to talk to you know something 2 days ago that I should have told you about.
"what what is the imerjecny."
alice says "erm...maybe you should sit down."
bella says "why.."
Alice says "Ok I...Kissed Emmet"
Bella Says "what what when where how why and is he a good kisser"
Alice says "Yea hes a good kisser and I like him too what should i do my mind is going everywhere help me Bell please."
Bella says well if you ask me you are talking to the wrong person go and talk to Emmet."
Alice says "ok then I will I`ll Go and see him right...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I may have left you on a bit of a cliff hanger last time. So here's part 3.

I woke up lying on my stomach. Jasper was sat with Rosalie in front of me holding me hand, which I found incredibly odd. I couldn’t see anybody else in the room. There could have been somebody behind me but because I had my head to one side I couldn’t see if there was. I couldn’t feel my back, legs or arms and I felt dizzy. “Where am I?” My voice sounded croaky, like someone had just shoved ad knife down my throat. “You’re in hospital Bella everything’s going to be ok” Ok that was strange...
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posted by Jessie-Louise
It was time to set off to go to school,i said bye to mom and dad and then i walked out the door ,I was so excited i couldnt wait to see Jacob tonight,i was round the corner from School and my cell phone rang it was him Ring* Ring*
"Hello" i said down the phone.
"Hey its me,are you still up for tonight?"He asked me.
"yeah i sure am,icant wait it will be great."
"Good,me either anyways i gotta go love you"
"Haha Okay Love you to bye"
I put the phone down i still had a huge cheesy grin on my face.
I walked into the school gates and Lucy came running up to me as usual.
"Hey,did you understand the science...
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posted by Tatti
Alice's past, Alice POV

1913, October 14

- Mary Alice, where are are you? Come here, young lady!- my mother's voice interrupted my thoughts. I was daydreaming about tomorrow, about one of the most happiest days of my life. That gorgeous dress and the jewelery will look simply perfect...
- Mary Alice, I am not going to shout anymore, if you would not come here...
- I'm coming, mom! - I was already at the the door. My intuitinion told me that if I wouldn't come downstairs, I would have problems. And one thing I truly learned during 12 years of my life was to trust my intuition. My intuition was the...
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posted by lollipopszx3
There sitting on the bed was a girl. She was stripped down in her panties and bra. There was a guy on top of her, stripped down to his boxers. I didn't take a good look at either of their faces.

The girl screeched at me. "Get out of my room!" she said. I heard some movement. Maybe they were getting dressed or they were looking for something to throw at me.

"It's kind of my room too! I'm your new roommate! Now get dressed!" I screeched back. I don't like looking at people almost naked. Especially if I didn't even know that person!

"What are you fricken kidding me?" I looked out of the corner of...
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Orginal title was meant to be :Chris Weitz Talks About The New Moon DVD-The Missing Deleted Scenes & Why There Is No Cast Commentary but it was too long

Chris Weitz recently spoke to Collider where he discussed the New Moon DVD and his next project…

Collider: Yes. How are you doing today, sir?

Chris Weitz: I’m very well thank you. How are you?

I’m doing very well actually. Thank you for giving me some time today.

Chris: It’s my pleasure.

So have you been doing a lot of press today?

Chris: Well you are the 5th on my list, so not so much that my brain has turned to Jell-o yet.

So I will...
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Perhaps the world’s most famous wax museum is adding Robert Pattinson to their Hollywood stars collection in their flagship, London museum. The price for this in American dollars is roughly $225,000. According to the museum’s site:

“We expect to spark fan frenzy today as we’ve just confirmed the next actor to be admitted into our attraction is the hottest celebrity of the moment, Brit born A-lister and star of the phenomenally successful Twilight saga, Robert Pattinson. The wax figure of the British heartthrob will be revealed in March, ahead of the release of his latest film, Remember...
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posted by Kellykoo1
I walk along a moonlit road,
alone without a friend;
and then the darkness grabs my hand,
and seeks to pull me in.

I begin to see what disappears,
and feel with no arms there.
I attempt to walk but do not move,
for black water grasps my hair.

The black turns to red,
that is all I see.
I try to pull away,
but it flows into me.

I walk along a nightime road,
alone without a friend;
but thats because I grabbed his arm,
and killed him once again.
-Kelly R. Koontz (read the rest of the article for explaination)

To explain this poem, i will say basically,a person is walking alone down a street when a vampire attacks...
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posted by twillightgeek24
life without you
Topaz eyes so soft and sweet

Life without you is incomplete.

You left me there in the wood

You said it was for my own damn good.

You swore that you loved me with all of your heart

But then you just went and tore it apart.

You might as well have sucked me dry

For thanks to you I slowly die.

Who do I turn to, you or the dog?

The one who caused or pulled me from fog?

And if by chance you one day come back

Do I just leave or cut you some slack?

You sent my life spiraling down

My reaction was more than I simple frown.

My heart was broken beyond repair

It’s as if you didn’t even...
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Auditions for 'Twilight' film are scams, says Portland casting agent Lana Veenker
By Margie Boule, The Oregonian
January 05, 2010, 12:57AM

The possibility of sharing a set with "Twilight" stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart might lead many a teen into a scammer's arms. All your teenager wanted for Christmas was a part in the next "Twilight" movie.

Since the first two films in the "Twilight Saga" series, "Twilight" and "New Moon," have been released and the third, "Eclipse," has been shot, teens all over the world are getting desperate. Their last chance to be the kid sitting in the back...
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By Twilight_News | 6 January 2010

It is being reported that Taylor Lautner snagged an amazing 7.5 million to star in Northern Lights opposite Tom Cruise. Nikki Finki has deduced that with this sum of money Lautner has sky rocketed to being the highest paid teenaged actor in Hollywood over Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus. Fans of Twilight might think he’s worth the price tag, but as Cinema Blend points out, Lautner hasn’t carried a film on his own yet which makes the paycheck that much more impressive.

“Given that Lautner hasn’t carried a single movie without the word Twilight in the title, that’s a pretty significant gamble. Robert Pattinson’s projects beyond Twilight haven’t really gone anywhere, though granted, he hasn’t been groomed as a new star by a studio in the same way. But can the Twilight effect carry on without Bella lurking somewhere in the frame?”
‘Twilight’ Crash Scene Makes Moviefone’s List of Top Movie Moments of the Decade

January 2, 2010 ·

Coming in at number 4 the infamous crash scene from Twilight, on Moviefones top 25 Movie Moments of the Decade.

How could anyone ever forget that scene? When I first read Twilight, and read that part, the hair was standing up on my arms and I held my breath. To actually see that on the big screen was amazing. That one scene set all future events for the Twilight Saga in place, and marked the beginning of Bella and Edward’s journey. Even though it was not exactly like the book — it was dead on in all the important aspects. I was quite pleased with how that scene turned out.
posted by Hellohoudini
Breaking Dawn Casting Scam
By Twilight_News

There is a casting scam going on regarding Breaking Dawn that has caught a couple of people. Lana Veenker, who cast several of the roles in Twilight, explains how the scam works and how not to get caught up in something like that!

“If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you know how much we hate, HATE, HATE scam artists who prey on aspiring actors and movie fans (especially kids) with fake casting calls.

A new one involving Breaking Dawn, the final installment in the Twilight series, has come to my attention. BE WARNED! As I’ve done in the past, I’m going to dissect it, show you all the red flags and demonstrate how I did the research to uncover the scam artist behind it all.

So next time you get an email like the one below or see something online that sounds too good to be true, you’ll know how to dissect it yourself to find out if it’s bogus or for real. Take note!
edward forever
edward forever
ok so i'm all cool with jake right but edward loves bella and jake could ruin everything. I'v read all the books so i know he does't but still. all around edward is better for bella so why does jake try so hard. if i were edward jake would be dead already. but if jake ever did get bella i'd give edward a sholder to cry on :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))<3 anyway why don't they just bella down at a table and be like jake:ok bella..
edward:bella love what the dog was gonna say is that he want to know who you love more.
and bella would be like :well...
jake:DOg!DOG! don't get me upset!!!
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