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posted by twilight-7
I followed Jacob as he sniffed out the vampire. Was I doing the right thing? Should I really go charging after the seemingly harmless golden-eyed vampire? Maybe she was a friend of the Cullens or of the Denali Coven. I’d met with them briefly once. Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen and Eleazar. Tanya with her strawberry blonde locks had her eyes set on Edward. When we first met I thought I saw disappointment in Tanya’s eyes. Her chance with Edward was gone but when she found out I was only human a sudden hope bloomed in her. I had a little wander in her mind. I wanted to know if she was planning a steal-and-run with my fiancé. Kate and Irina were not so much in love with Edward and were very nice to me. We got on quite well. Carmen was not in anyway related to Tanya, Kate and Irina who were sisters. Carmen was dark haired unlike the various forms of blondes the other girls were. She had a hint of olive to her pale complexion as did Eleazar whereas the sisters were all just pale. Carmen and Eleazar were just as welcoming and Eleazar had a freaky power were he could sort of sense or know what power another possessed.
I really didn’t fancy getting in trouble with the Denali Coven because Kate had a very offensive power. She can shock you. Apparently it’s like a human being tasered. I’m human. I do not want to be tasered. By police or vampire. But it wasn’t just because of Kate though. The Denalis were like the extended family of the Cullens. I wouldn’t want to be a cause of a fall out between them. It was just stupid. And soon they would be my extended family and I did not want to enter into a feud started by me. I would get some serious cold shoulders and not just because they’re vampires.
I heard a laugh that sounded like wind chimes and knew we were nearing the vampire. Jacob slowed down and we crept over so as not to alert our presence.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” I heard Charlie say, trying to sound serious. “There are very dangerous creatures in these woods.”
“Oh Police Chief,” the vampire purred. “I think you may have to escort me home.”
NO! I silently screamed in my head. Don’t take her home!
We stopped and hid behind a tree. There was no one else there except for Charlie and the vampire. I could see the back of him and saw how close he was to the vampire. She looked exactly as I had seen her in my vision. The vampire was twirling a curl of dark hair around her finger and looking up at Charlie, her big golden eyes drawing him in.
What do we do? Jacob asked me, watching the vampire carefully.
“I don’t know,” I whispered. I wanted to grab Charlie and run as fast and as far as possible from her but I couldn’t. I couldn’t keep doing this. Every time a hint of danger came within a sixty mile radius I jumped and tried to exterminate it. Jacob was right. I had to stop this. And this vampire was nice anyway. She had the golden eyes that marked vegetarianism. She wouldn’t eat Charlie. Relationships between humans and vampires were possible. Maybe she liked his voice and his smell and decided to see if she liked all of him too. It could happen.
I turned around and waited for Charlie’s answer. I would leave it to him. Charlie was a big boy and could handle himself. He could read her mind and wrestle her if need be and I would wait in the sidelines until I was needed. I would not interfere.
Kayla! What are you doing? Jacob hissed his thoughts at me. He nudged my head with his. Aren’t you going to do anything?
“Jacob, you said it yourself, I have to stop being so paranoid. It probably wasn’t even her in my dream. She is a vegetarian.”
I heard Charlie clear his throat and turned around to see the vampire draping her arms around Charlie. I felt like walking over there and ripping her arms off and seeing how she’d manage then.
“I would love to escort you home but I have to get back to the station and fill in a report,” Charlie said, delicately peeling her arms off his shoulders. “And then I have to get home to my daughter.”
“You have a child?” The vampire looked stunned momentarily. “How old is she?”
“Eighteen,” Charlie answered. “But she is alone and I worry for her. She’s going through some tough issues at the moment. I don’t like to leave her alone for very long.”
She looked very thoughtful and I considered making a visiting to her mind and see what was brewing in there.
“Is she as special as you?” she asked Charlie.
“Even more so. She’s quite dangerous too, you know.”
“Is that a threat?” She smiled, flashing her pointed teeth.
“If it was a threat it would include me and her vampire fiancé,” Charlie smiled, his face changing into one of a hunter.
The vampire threw her head back and laughed. When her head came back forward she looked much more feline, ready for a fight. Her eyes glittered wickedly and her teeth looked sharper.
“Vampire fiancé?” she laughed again.
“I am not joking,” Charlie said, still smiling. “Every thing I say is true.”
Her hand moved fast, appearing at Charlie’s face, level with his eyes. She caressed his face, her fingers whispering across his skin. Her face slowly softened back to the vampire we’d first encountered.
“I would love to meet your daughter and her vampire fiancé,” she whispered, her face moving closer to his. “And I would love to get to know you more.”
Her lips touched his very lightly. Charlie stumbled backwards, completely shocked by it. She smiled shyly and then ran off at lightening speed.

My dreams were tormented by this vampire.
She danced in front of my eyes with a human heart beating in her hands. Charlie’s heart. She threw it up in the air and caught it. She did it again and again. She was playing with it. Charlie stood off to the side staring at her adoringly. I was trying to get his heart back because she was breaking it. I could see a crack in the heart, right in the centre. I had to get it and fix it so he wasn’t hurt but it was going too high up for me to reach and then she would push me away and Charlie would scowl at me. He pointed at the corner sending me away and I begged him to let me stay with him but he shook his head. I felt so confused and hurt that I didn’t know what to do after that. So I sat in the corner and stayed there until I felt something cold on my cheek and opened my eyes.
Edward was touching my cheek with his hand. He gazed down at me, his eyes full of concern that I didn’t understand.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him, sitting up.
He was standing next to my bed
“You were crying,” he said, tilting his head to the side. “In your sleep.”
I touched my cheek and felt the wetness that meant tears. I didn’t know that the emotions I had felt in my dream would make me actually cry.
“I’ve only just got here,” Edward said, sitting next to me. “What’s wrong? Is it about Rosalie?”
“No,” I said, wiping my cheeks with my hands and snuggling into Edward. “It has nothing to do with Rosalie.”
“Really? Because she did say some awful things.”
“Rosalie has nothing to do with this,” I confirmed. “It’s about Charlie.”
And before he could ask I told him everything. About the dream, the vision I had with Jacob and the forest. I lied to him on the phone, I knew I had, but that was because I thought I could handle it without him needing to join in. I was just going to send her on her way without any messing. But that changed when I actually thought about things. I couldn’t stand there and tell Charlie he couldn’t have a relationship with the vampire because then I would be the biggest hypocrite known to civilisation. But now I knew I needed his help. If Charlie did become romantically involved with this vampire I needed Edward to help her control her bloodlust. Edward had been there with me and he could help her control the thirst. Also maybe he could bring up some dirt on her. There weren’t very many vegetarian vampires so finding out about her wouldn’t be too difficult. The Cullens and the Denalis were the only two covens of vegetarians that I knew about.
Edward sat in silence for a few minutes before speaking.
“So the dream was actually a premonition?” he asked.
I nodded.
“And you’re sure?”
I nodded.
“Positive? Absolutely no doubts?”
“Edward. There was nothing for me to feel guilty about to have that exact same dream again. And I knew it was a premonition because I felt how I usually feel after a vision. Tired, eyes hurting and I also felt the whole being dropped inside my body thing. Trust me.”
We remained silent. Both of us thinking.
“Would you be bothered about Charlie dating a vampire?” Edward asked, a slight smile in his voice.
“Yes,” I answered. “Do you know the dangers that come with a vampire?”
I looked up to see a genuine smile on his face.
“You think I’m a hypocrite,” I said.
“No, I think you finally understand how Charlie feels now,” he corrected. “Everything you are thinking now is what has been going through Charlie’s head for the past two years. Have you any idea of the amount of suffering he has been enduring?”
I shook my head.
“You soon will.”
posted by AnonymousXXX
Hey! Sorry I have not writtin for awhile. I have been so busy. Thank you for reading let me know if its bad or good.
Chapter 10

The dream…

I was running fast. Running from something I didn’t know what. I did know that it could kill me whatever it was. The woods were still slightly dark like dawn was coming. The woods looked blue instead of the usual dark green. The air was cold and crisp. I stumbled and fell I quickly looked back they were gaining I could sense it. I stood and tried to run again, but my foot I was caught. I couldn’t get free. Two figures walked toward me. I let out a scream…...
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posted by renesmee567
bella pov
"humans humans don't know when to stop talking" jane said looking a the 3 girls screaming for help but no one bothered because jane said they were crazy and runaways too.then were in the lobbey of the clocktower were jane's humans that were so stuiped to work there were,then asoon a s we walk into the doors in the doors i never want to go in, there the leaders sat looking at the waiting for me to come then smiled when i walked in frowning.

wat will happen next? will bella live or die?
posted by KatiiCullen94
The voice of an offical worker brought me back to live from feels like an awaking.
My leg was grinnign inn ache and wrist was thrubbing. Looking up with drugged vision, i managed to define and remember the flawless features of Charisle Cullen.
"Bella, your ok, you just had a little accident yesterday. broke your wrist and ancle, i will let you out tomorrow, but i will have you on crunches, rekon you survive on those ? or those weapons for you?" He said smile, shaking off his serious tone that spoke the bad news. i was releived as i was shocked.
i dont even remember an accident, nor do i even...
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A Youtube Script:
*episode twenty-two*
*Lost…never found*
~With Edward and Jasper~
Edward: Why would she do that?
Jasper: I have a million reasons…none of them make much sense…
Edward: *thoughtful* Like what? I’m curious.
Jasper: Well…1. She was having an affair-and the guy was bad in bed-so she got pregnant so she wouldn’t have to EXACTLY tell him about the bed sitch…
Edward: That could be…anything else?
Jasper: ok….2. The baby isn’t yours and she didn’t actually…and I have no idea where I’m going with this.
Edward: Ok…well. We better get to Emmett.
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Robert Pattinson nearly crushed by elephant on set
By BUZZ BRADY , Show Biz Writer

Robert Pattinson was nearly crushed on the set of his new movie “Water for Elephants,” which also stars Reese Witherspoon.

Rosie the elephant got her signals confused, and instead of stepping forward, she sat down and rolled over with Pattinson on her back.

The mix-up could have resulted in a Pattinson pancake, but the quick-thinking actor just slid off the four-ton elephant’s back and landed in the mud, much to the amusement of the cast and crew.
posted by moolah
M- REALLY?!? OMFG, how r u? how’s Seth? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? CONGRATS!
M- REALLY?!? OMFG, how r u? how’s Seth? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? CONGRATS!
Chapter Nine:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
After Carlos left we ‘partied’! And yeah, our parties are pretty lame.
We spent four hours just trying to figure out why ‘Twenty Bridges’ with Landon Liborion in it and we couldn’t figure out why it was playing, ‘Wizard of Oz’. Labeled wrong. I ended up getting the easy job. Sit around and text Renesmee’s old pen pal from Pennsylvania. Her name was Mallory. She had golden brown hair, blue/green eyes, and wore fake Harry Potter glasses around. She and Renesmee were friends and we all met whenever Zoë was here. We all became friends instantly.

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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
(Attention: This chapter goes back to Cyd's Point Of View. Enjoy!)
    "Great" I muttered, and ran back to catch up with Shropee and Tabra.
    But I stopped as I heard a bump come from the inside of Jerek's car. I opened the back door, and I gasped.
    "SHROPEE!" I called. "TABRA!"
    In two minutes they came around the car, and I backed up against Shropee's.
    "What is it?" They asked.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I waited for Jerek's return, not wanting to walk into her room and feel awkward and not say anything. And when Jerek did return, Shropee and Tabra trudged down the stairs behind him, just as shocked as I was. We all walked into the room together, and we stopped at the sight of Verona's eyes that were open, looking at us at the doorway.
    "Hi." She whispered.
    "Welcome back." Shropee smiled, and we all laughed nervously except for her.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Are you sure?" Jerek asked. "I mean, that sounds a bit-"
    "Weak." Tabra said, filling in the blank.
    "Yes. But, Cyd's right. We have no idea when the fight is, nor where. If this fight happens, they'll spring on us. Not the otherway around. Which means, we wait. We wait for them to bring the fight to us. It doesn't sound brave, but it's smart." Shropee was leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest. "It's only three in the afternoon,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Shropee left the room, going upstairs to file Verona's paperwork that Ethan and his friend gave her and told her about. Tabra and I stayed where we were, up against the wall, Jerek sat by the bed, looking at Verona. Her bruised face, her stitches and scars that would soon fade blotched her face, making her look like something that came out of a halloween catalog. But the difference was, it wasn't fake, she was in a hospital bed, and she was unconcious.
    "Does Shropee know...
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Bellas POV
Well the day finally came. Alice helped me with my costume after school, and she gave me a necklace to wear for confidence. She is the sweetest! I gave her a massive hug to say thanks. To me; Alice is a great sis through everything, and she always helps me.(Or tries!) Edward then arrived at my house in his costume. He looks like Romeo, but it is a really weird costume. He found it funny as well, so I giggled at it as a joke.
Then he asked "Ready to go Juilet?" So I played along and curtursed and said, "Why of course Romeo." So we got in his shiny volo and he drove to school. We...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
The last thing I remember, was bad . Before I got to class; Mike (suprise, suprise,) grabbed my hand willing to say something threating... These were his words. "Enjoy it while you can Cullen, and stop showing off you have Bella. I am drawing the line and if I see you lovey-dovey again, your face will be gone." There was going to be no holding back where once and for all I pumble him into a pulp. But my Bella stopped me; "hey Edward, is everything ok?" I had to reply because I hate keeping secrets. "Mike is being an idiot. He was threating me because I was showing off I had you....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Whatever Jacob had said about Imprinting,, made no sense to me. Was it a new hip word that i haddnt tuned into .
Was it a word the boys use as something else. I now flash back to recall if he has said this to me. But nothing came possitive.

"Just go home bella, before Leah gets here." He tone both hard adn soft.
Leah? Like Leah clearwater?
"Why? is she your new Girlfriend or something? Jacob please, what happened. This isnt you getting back at me from the baby is it?"
He stopped, finally. But i knew the my words stopped him. His face went from anger to identical to mine. Confused.
"What are...
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Hello female fans of the Twilight book series! We are inviting you to take part in an online study that investigates your general attitudes and beliefs about the characters in the book and about your own life and relationships. The survey will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You are female
2. You are currently romantically attached (i.e. you are dating someone, in a relationship, or married).
3. You have read all four Twilight series books at least once.
4. You have proficiency in the English language.

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Hello female fans of the Twilight book series! We are inviting you to take part in an online study that investigates your general attitudes and beliefs about the characters in the book and about your own life and relationships. The survey will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You are female
2. You are currently romantically attached (i.e. you are dating someone, in a relationship, or married).
3. You have read all four Twilight series books at least once.
4. You have proficiency in the English language.

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posted by KatiiCullen94
i sat in my chevy, the gift from my boyfriend that no longer wanted that title. Was jacob seriously that angry at me, that i allowed edward hold while i was sick?
He still diddnt even know, about.
i was debating about saying hello to billy inside, i knew knew i was outside awaiting his sons arrival, but a sense of unwelcome , kept me away.
i sat fusuing over whiether to take jacob with i am woman here me roar, or just start crying now. i have alot to cry about, at least he wont think its fake.
But i interuppted by a bang on my window. Jacob. He had cut his hair to a short do, and his bare chest...
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*Comment/Review and recieve a prop!Thanks...enjoy!*

A Youtube Script:
*episode eighteen*
*1 Week Later*
*Bella’s P.O.V*
Bella: *lying on the couch, sick*
Edward: *stroking her hair* Are you sure you don’t want anything? *worried*
Bella: *hoarse* I’m sure…but please leave me alone…I don’t want you to see me like this.
Edward: Fine, but I’m having Carlisle check you out.
Bella: No! I’m f- *pukes on Edward’s couch*
Edward: Oh, Bella! *runs over to her and picks her up*
Bella: *starts crying; leans head on his shoulder*
Edward: *swaying with her in his arms*
Bella: *still crying…throws...
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Anna Kendrick, co-star of the upcoming film ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” has a unique perspective on the hullabaloo surrounding the “Twilight” movies and book series. Kendrick has had a role in the first three films of the franchise (playing Bella’s friend, Jessica Stanley), but because she’s not a main character, the 25-year-old actress isn’t the focus of intense media or fan attention, like Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are.

During a recent conversation with Kendrick, Speakeasy asked the actress about her insider-outsider status. “I just feel really...
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*Props for reviews &comments! Comment/Review and u will get a prop! Thanks for the support and all the nice reviews...thanks and bye,moolah!*

A Youtube Script:
*episode sixteen*
*Emmett’s Dog*
--Emmett’s P.O.V:--
Once upon a time
There was a dog named cat
The “cat” wanted another “cat”
The owners left Cat on the street while they moved
Cat was all alone…
*done thinking*
Edward: *sucking blood out of deer*
Emmett: *sitting on the ground* I’m dead bored, Edward.
Edward: *puts finger up to shut him up while he feeds*
Emmett: No, I’m serious. C’mon. Let’s go to the...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
I'm sorry I know it's short. I'll try and write more soon. I hope you lke it!

Chapter 9


I felt self conscious when my father and sister came to the Cullen’s. I had hoped I wouldn’t show my embarrassment to Emmett when he made a joke about me and Ethan kissing the other day. Let’s just say I failed miserably. Ethan slipped his muscular, arm around me in almost a protective state. Trying to reassure me he gave a light squeeze. He was probably making a mental note like I was to return the favor.
I noticed my sister was glued to Seth. I wanted to talk to her to see if I could find out...
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