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posted by KatiiCullen94
Chapter 7

Coming out the ladies room was the most embarrassing moment of my life. And I have a long record of humiliating moments. I would really hate for Edward to look at me and think I am weird after randomly vomiting at the cinema out the of blue. Not to mention, Alice was frantic all over me, checking my forehead for a temperature, and pulling the hair out of my face. I honestly felt like I was helpless and Alice had to look after me. When her skin touched my face it stung from the cold, just like Edward’s. My stomach pretty much hated me at this point. I felt like yelling after the fifth time I was dry reaching into the bowl of the toilet, I mean by this stage there was literally nothing left in my stomach, my muscles were beginning to ache from all the tensing.

When I finally made my way out, Alice was holding my hand in case I may keel over, I noticed as I passed a mirror cabinet that hung on the wall that I looked like I literally emerged from the toilet itself. My hair dripping of water with chucks of pancakes and my face was a bright scarlet. I would do anything right now for a brown paper bag to put over my head, on second thought, anything I could find to put over my head would do right now, as Edward was now striding over to join us.

I really didn’t want Edward to see me like this, not ever. However as Alice held one arm, Edward automatically joined by snatching my free arm at first sight. Both Alice and Edwards’s ice cold skin on my arm helped with my burning temperature. I felt like the room was so hot, humid and dry, I could feel beads of sweat forming on the back of my neck.

This made me feel even more embarrassed, been dragged out the toilets in a crowed cinema by two supermodels lookalikes.

'Alice, you go fetch the car, I will hold Bella here" He said sternly, but Alice didn’t reply.
She caressed my warm face. My body heat was still continuing to rise; beads of sweat now began to take shape on the tips of my face.
She paced three swift steps then quickly turned to give me one final glance, wishful but grief ridden. I couldn’t make out her face; I could only come to the conclusion that she pities me for I was feeling suddenly ill.
His hand felt amazing on my skin, cooling it as it glided, fetching my inner knee.
It was like a step into him, I flung my arms around his neck, afraid to choke him too tightly but he made no protest..So far. He continued to then lift me up into his chest, honeymoon style. My blush glowed out like a lighthouse.
How embarrassing.
I felt like his baby, his daughter, this position reminded me of when I was little and when Charlie used to carry me up to bed when I was four after visit to his friends for parties. I used to get tired very easily back then, Charlie had to leave early for me and carry me like his with my long curly hair swaying over his elbow.

As Edward and I waited on the sidewalk for Alice, I could feel him pace back and forth, suggesting he was fidgeting, he would break the silence every few seconds with a painful cough, and although I could feel his chest rise and fall on my back I never heard his draw or release a breath. I had a sense he was in pain holding me here, waiting. That or he was extremely anxious.
I only felt sick, nauseas and felt very warm; it wasn’t having a fit or something more serious. It was overly dramatic, I mean people get sick all the time, I could manage this just fine; I just need to go home tis all. It shocked me that Edward and Alice took my spewing as a matter of carrying me and running for the car, next minute they will propose to take me to emergency room.

“Edward I can stand, I’ll be okay to walk, seriously” I said trying to sound as polite as possible, the last thing I wanted was to humiliate him.

“It’s okay Bella, we can’t risk you passing where you stand and fall on that parking meter on your way down, You can relax in the car home.” Edward responded, his eyes glanced over to mine, his eyes were now a dark black beaming, by the sudden closeness of the eye contact I saw his eyes flicker over to the middle region of my neck. His eyes became fiercely focused, within a trance, staring. After the minute passed, Edward blinked his eyes and coughed once again, he turned his head side on, away from and refused to look at me.

It was so bizarre.

"What on earth is going on? Get your hands off my girlfriend” a familiar voice roared over the side of the street.
I knew that voice like the back of my hand, no mistake it was Jacob. And he was mad. Edward remained very still. Jacob stood on the sidewalk opposite to us.

“Jacob calm down, there is a reasonable explanation for all of this. Bella’s very sick; Alice is retrieving our car now so we can take her home immediately.” Edward replied in a calm manner, obviously not trying to start any form of argument.

I could see Jacob accompanied by his two close friends Quil and Embry. Embry appeared to have an expression on his face that yelled concern, but his face was focused on Jacob. Quil on the other hand flanked Jacob ready to take Edward on.

“I’ll take her back. I can look after her thank you very much Edward” He snarled quite rudely. I’ve never Jacob seen like this; he was the jealous type, was it because he was with his buddies?

“No Jacob, She will be fine, we have to get back, walk away, you’re getting all hot-blooded as it is” Embry interfered, grapping his arm pushing him backward. Embry looked scared, as in any moment Jacobs body may explode.
“Put me down Edward, I’ll sort this out” I protested against Edward’s tight grasp holding me up.

“No Bella, you are defiantly not going over there, you will get hurt. No way on this earth are you running after him while he is in that state, he is too close now”

“What are you talking about?! That is my boyfriend, now let me down!” I yelled squirming; I actually began to scratch at his skin to no prevail.

“Hold onto her Edward, don’t let her go. Quil get lost, go home right now! I know this is strange but you need to go straight home.” Embry called over, tightening his grip on Jacob, he was almost his rage away from Edward and onto Embry himself for restraining him. I could see Jacob was trying to fight his way over to me, rescue me. His skin was steaming in night air.

What is going on? It was if Edward and Embry had their own private conversation that only could understand.

At the corner on my eye I saw Quil obeying, he had no idea what was happening like me. He stammered away unsure if Embry was being completely serious. It was hard to comprehend, out of the blue he being told to go home by his friend?
Embry moved his tight grip on Jacob’s arm down to his wrist and began tugging him away from the scene, basically running. Jacob followed sulking, they disappeared down the road.

When I could no longer see them Alice came speeding from the opposite direction, breaking loudly in front of us, similar to a scene from fast and the furious.

“Geez you get held up or something? Could have used your help back there” Edward hissed towards Alice.
“I saw everything, quick we will get her home” Alice snapped back.

“Can someone explain what just happened? Edward I cannot believe you right now” I exclaimed.
But the only reply I got back was silence with a little push into the back seat and a door in my face. I feel like I’ve been kidnapped.
My stomach constricted so tightly I thought I was going to die. All I could do was curl up and scream.
“Ahh! “

This constriction was the biggest one I’ve had all night and probably the biggest I’ve ever had, I wriggled through the incredible pain.

“Edward I smell blood” Alice panicked.
“Pull over right now. Call Carlisle, we haven’t feed in two weeks” Edward replied, I saw his hand reach up for his passenger hand bar, and tighten. He persisted on start coughing.
Why is Rosalie so unpopular in the Twilight fandom?

She seems anything but a Mary Sue, and believe me when I say that. She's vain, shallow, and kind of hostile towards Bella at first. She's not perfect. She's no Disney princess who sings to chipmunks and has little animal friends who cater to her every whim. She has a temper that puts a lion with a bad case of PMS to shame on that count.

Remember that the way she acted to Bella was only because she felt threatened. She thought Bella was going to reveal their secret. That just shows that she cares about the safety of her family, right?

Can you imagine being shown up by someone clearly inferior to you? That might sting.

Rosalie really isn't that bad. Just that after reading a few hundred pages of limited insight about Rosalie, when all of a sudden she goes all soft, the damage done might not be reversible.

So please hear me when I say that Rosalie isn't such a horrible character. She really isn't.
posted by CoolMandyz43
“Let’s go back in the house Alice it’s getting too hot!” Cynthia moaned
“Alright” I said quietly as I picked my head up from being on top of my knees.
“Your going to have to race me again!” I said quickly, not giving my sister a head start.
I do declare that when I run I feel like I'm floating, I'm not sure where all this gracefulness came from, but I do enjoy running more than anything. I reached the door and jumped into our wide open living room. There was my parents and the Middletons; William, his mother Anna, and father James. This cannot be a good thing. Nothing ever...
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posted by patrisha727
I will write Evening Star tommorrow! ^_^

The guy stared at me with his golden eyes. I couldn't recognize, desire? I shuddered mentally. I glared at him back, he was frozen as a statue, and so was I. Then ten he broke away from the gaze and turned around. I frowned. What was that about? Did I have something in between my teeth? Is my outfit messy or something. I turned around to Angela.
"Is there something that makes me stand out?" I asked her.
"Uh, you pretty much stick into the crowd pretty well. The only person that really stands out is Lauren." Angela snickered.
I sighed.
"Is something...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
"we're almost there" i said as we ran through the forest and came to the river at the bottom of the Cullens garden. the burning in my throat was way down my list right now-iwas too worried about seth-but Elena had made me hunt anyway and i was glad if she had no then...

"theres a wolf inside" Antonio said as we reached the house, Elena knocked on the door i was suddenly nervous what would the Cullens think of me i was supposed to be a werewolfs girl now i was with the vampires. Why did fate always have to come along and ruin peoples happiness, had fate decided that my future looked to good to...
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posted by Cullen-wannabe
Okay, so basically, I think that the way Stephenie Meyer finished Breaking Dawn, the story could be carried on. So this the first few pages of the next book in the series, that I wrote last night, Called Crescent light.


Crescent Light


    The past two years had been very; very different to the route my life had decided to take ever since I moved to Forks four and a half years ago. I had to admit, I was getting used to the terrifying, yet some how glorious turn my life had taken. Terrifying due to the many dangers Edward’s...
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posted by rachel-rathbone


chapter one
"oh please mum ellie is my best friend please let here stay" renesmee begged
"nessie this life just isnt a place for a little girl to be"i hated it but it was true i even called her nessie. she looked at the floor her long black eyelashes cating a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"ask our dad" i said sighing pushing the question on to someone else i couldnt stand hurting here.
"nessie you cleaned your room write...
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posted by UchihaYuki
Sorry it took sooo long for me to get up, i had a lot going on.


“So...Jacob...” Alice said as she walked into the living room, Jacob was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, Alice walked over and sat on the floor next to him. Jacob opened his eyes to look down at Alice. “..What kinda ring are you gonna get Nessie.., you haven’t decided yet.. So...” “Wait a minute Alice, I thought you couldn’t see–“ interrupting him Alice got up and sat next to him on the couch. “I have my ways... Edward read your mind, and he told me you where gonna get a ring.. So that’s...
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posted by surfergal
When I was driving home I was well above the speed limit but I didn't
didn’t care. I was thinking about Max the whole time and our kiss. When I
got back it was 1:00am. I walked through the door smiling. Alice,
Jasper and Edward new why but nobody else. I had to tell Rosalie,
Emmet, Carlisle and Esme. They were happy for me. That night me and
Alice went through every detail of that night. I knew she was going to
know the outcome of it but I couldn't help it. She told me that he
really cared for me and that on the night when I was rushed to the
emergency room he was terrified. Every time she...
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posted by wickedwitch2
Personally I read Twilight because kids kept bugging me because I haven't read it yet.

But after reading all four books I feel in love with them. I wasn't a fan of the writing style or the romance. I prefer girl-on-girl. But I fell in love with Edward and Jacob.

The characters are lovable. Now I hated Bella she was annoying but that's the only thing I dislike. I love the ending to Breaking Dawn. And love New Moon.

Edward left in that book I almost skipped it.

As of right now; Meyers is my favorite author.

She is way better then JK Rowling and Stephen King.

I used to love HP until I read Twilight.

Now I used to write before reading Twilight...and just suddenly realized my writing was nothing compared to Twilight. That's why I'm writing a vampire novel that I hope to publish in the near future.
posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 4:
When we opened the door, we were greeted by a shocking sight. A terrible sight. Because it meant that we hadn't left fast enough. We were being exposed to the town. And they believed...

Part 6:
I gasped. It was so quiet that only Alice would have heard. Alice was standing behind me. She stood on her tip-toes to see over my shoulders. "Oh my God." She murmured. Again, only we could here each other. Angela was standing on the doorstep, her face livid. What looked like almost the whole town stood behind her, all their faces the same mask of fury-and a slight hint of fear in some....
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Part 5:
Jacob's POV:
Bella was gonna kill me. I'd forgotten to tell her that I was taking Nessie to La Push today so she could play with Quil and Claire. Bella was probably panicing right now. And I was in for it when I get back to the vamp's pad. Oops.
We were all in Billy's front room-Quil, Claire, Nessie and me. Nessie was playing scrabble with Quil. And she was winning. Well, to be fair, Quil was putting down the words that Claire told him to, so... it wasn't really a shock. I laughed. "Quil, you're 18. And you're getting beaten by a 1 year old girl!"
"She might be 1 according to her birth...
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Heree's the whole interview of Robert Los 40 Principales magazine!!!!!!!!

Los 40 Principales magazine, in their edition for Spain, interviewed Rob on the month of February. We finally got a hold of this edition of the magazine. The interview is completely new and it has never been posted online.
Here’s the complete translation of the interview, which, as usual, features tons of fun Rob quotes :)

“A year ago I couldn’t get a date. Now the world has gone backwards. I can have any 14 year old that I want.” says the British actor Robert Pattinson, who has become overnight, the new It Boy...
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posted by Twilight597
ok im not sure if i should post this on here or not, so if you like it then i'll write more, well either way, i'll write it but just not post it here. just tell me if i should keep posting here. i have chapter 1 done already, but im not sure if i want to post it, just tell me what you think.

Zodiac Pendant


My name is Gabriella Swan, but most people call me Gabby. I live in Forks, Washington with my 16 year old sister, Bella, and my dad Charlie. My mom died when I was born, so Bella has taken care of me since. We are really close, and don’t fight much. The only thing we make fun...
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Sorry! So short....

Jasper's Pov

What is Edward doing here? Is the rest of my family here too? Edward took me
aside and said sternly, "Where's Bella. What have you done with her!?"

"I did nothing of the sort," he replied as quick as he could obviously showing
he's nervous.

"Then why is this guy standing right here asking to join their group?! What are you
doing or planning? Are you going against the Cullen's or something?! What's wrong with

"I want to tell you something," he said nervously, "I loved Bella since you first brought her to
our home. When you told us you were going to marry...
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posted by elinochka
At school..
Rosalie comes in the
principle' office..
Princple-what happened Ms.Hale?
Rosalie-i cant stand that idiot i am leaving and you can give me suspension..
Principle-*laughing* i think you guys like each other..
Jake comes in
Jake-you serious?me liking this girl?
Rosalie rolled her eyes..
Principle-fine you 2 can go..
Jake and Rosalie left office..Jake was walking behind Rosalie..Rosalie was feeling bad.The boy that she liked was walking behind her..The boy that hated her..
Jake-so what are you doing after school blondie?
Rosalie-ummm none of your buiness..Rosalie left Jacob alone..He was watching...
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Jasper's POV

When Bella spoke the nearly impossible words, I can feel that all of us feel pain, anger, and mostly confusion. But Bella's feelings, are cold, hard, and some-what robotic....

I looked at Edward. He had emotions of terror and sadness.
" Bella? What are you thinking!?!?!?" he demanded.
" I'm saying I will join the volturi, if it's a problem to you, come and join me. Then we will always be together."
" But what about your family? Your own daughter?"
" Those things are less than I can think about. Of cource I will let you and my daughter join. That is certainly fine with me. But make...
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posted by Doopey
Here is another one... sorry this one is a bit shorter :) the next one will be longer tho :D Next one shall be loaded up tomorrow :)

Chapter four

I turned around and crouched forward while a growl was building its up up. But the person coming round the corner stopped my growl in its tracks. I stood up straight and looked at the vampire at the end of the room.
"Aro?" I couldnt belive my eyes. How was he here? Why was he here? How did he know about Ilse Esme? Then i remembered that time the Volutri came to destroy my family because of Renesmee. He must have seen it in Edwards thoughts.
"Ahh dear...
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posted by Edward_lover101
I heard a growl comming from the other line. I knew Edward was really made. I wanted to kill James. How could he take my child? I hung up the phone and called Jacob.
"Bella! What is going on?"
"Jacob meet me at the house. Go stright there do you hear me?" Then I hung up the phone and got into Edwards volvo.

When I got to the house Edward was at the car door in a flash. He opend the door and took me into his arms. I was crying, James could kill my baby. My only child.
"Bella We will find her. Don't cry it's ok."
"No Edward it's not ok. James could kill Reneseme with out even trying." Edward picked...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Today was the first day of school for Reneseme, me and Edward too. We packed her backpack.
"Reneseme. Don't let anyone trade lunches with you ok. And don't tell them your a vampire."
"Ok, daddy" Reneseme's school was in the same building as the high school. Edward and I walked her to her first class. Then we saw the jock. He saw Reneseme.
"Hey, cutie. Are these two you aunt and uncle?"
"No." she said in her high toned voise. "This is my mommy and daddy."
"I'm sorry I didn't get your name. What was it?" Edward said to the jock.
"Oh, It's Andy."
"Andy this is Reneseme. Now if you will exuse us we...
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posted by Edward_lover101
I know It's a little shorter than the others, but I'll add onto it later Enjoy

School was finaly out for the summer. I don't know how Edward could keep repating high school. It is the worst thing I could imagan. Just then something kicked me in my stomach. Oww! That one hurt. Ok something is defently moving now. Could I....
"Can vampires get pregnat?"
"Why?" What ever it was, it kicked me so hard that time that I fell to the ground.
"Bella? Bella are you ok?"
"Bella your driving me insane, tell me something." I took his hand and put it on my tourso. There was a kick,...
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