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One LONG one for today! ^_^

I stared at Bella with surprise as the dominant feature on my face. I didn't expect theory like this. When I didn't answer, Bella spoke again, she explained.
"Jacob told me that your family being here set things in motion. I thought you would already know...." she trailed off when my eyes narrowed.
Is she blaming us for the existence of werewolves.
"Is that what they think?" I asked.
"Edward, look at the facts. Seventy years ago, you came here, and the werewolves showed up. You come back now, and the werewolves showed up again. Do you think that's a coincidence?"
she reasoned.

I blinked. I thought about it. So the if we are here, the werewolves are always going to be here. I suppressed a groan. I should tell this to Carlisle this might interest him.
"Carlisle will be interested in that theory." I said, reflecting my thoughts.
"Theory." Bella repeated.

We were silent for a moment, while I looked out the window. Like I thought about before, if Bella's theory is correct, then we are the cause of the werewolves around here. They may be protectors, but they aren't safe to be around. This is the exact reason why I can't let Bella be around them.

"Interesting, but not exactly relevant. The situation remains the same." I concluded.
I looked at Bella. In her deep chocolate colored eyes, I see desperation, peading, and agony. It broke my silent heart to see her this way, especially if it's about someone like Jacob Black. I couldn't take any chances. But, I have to admit, I still owe Jacob my graditude for saving the reason of my existence... when I didn't. I also owe him for helping Bella heal while I was absent. I sighed, too low for Bella to hear. I can see a little reason to why Bella have to go and see Jacob. But her safety is clearly a priority.

Bella frowned. She stood up, and she walked around the table towards me. I opened my arms, inviting her to sit. She sat on my lap, as expected.
She stared into my eyes with the same pleading expression.
"Please just listen for a minute. This is so much more important than some whim to drop in on an old friend. Jacob is in pain. I can't not try to help him - I can't give up on him now, when he needs me. Just because he's not human all the time.... well, he was there for me when I was... not so human myself. You don't know what it was like..." she trailed off.

My arms were tighter now, yes, she was right, I didn't know the pain I caused her when I left her, and I already have a feeling of how it might have been for her. I can't ever find out... unless I read the minds of the witnesses of her and my torture, of loss. My eyes closed, and my hands were in fists, at how much I must I have hurted Bella like this.

I felt Bella take a deep breath, and she continued.
"If Jacob hadn't helped me... I'm not sure what you would have come home to. I owe him better than this, Edward."
She was right, again. If Bella didn't jump off the cliff, and if Alice didn't see her come out of the water, and if I didn't think Bella was dead... I might have problably still be suffering, looking for Victoria. Thinking about her name caused me to growl, but I suppressed it. Then I felt Bella's head turning to look at me. My eyes were still closed.

"I'll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years." I whispered, though, I could still feel the agony in my voice, and in my eyes. I was glad that they were closed. Then Bella put one of her hands on my face. I sighed, and opened my eyes slowly, looking at her beautiful face. I still regretted leaving this beautiful face behind. I was cruel and caused my love's suffering for months.
"You were trying to do the right thing. And I'm sure it would have worked with someone less mental than me. Besides, you're here now. That's the part that matters."

Bella does have a very unique personallity. This is just one of the many million reasons why I love her so much. I sighed.
"If I'd never left, you wouldn't feel the need to go risk your life to comfort a dog."
She flinched, as if I insulter her. But it wasn't true. I would never bring harm to Bella, ever again, as long as I live. That's an oath I'm willing to give.... to keep her safe.

"I don't know how to praise this properly. It's going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I've gone too close in losing you in the past. I know what it feels like to think I have. I am not going to tolerate anything dangerous." I argued. I stared at Bella. If I could never see this image ever again, I don't know what else to do, except to kill myself and to see her again.
"You have to trust me on this. I'll be fine." she pleaded.
I couldn't take any chances... from losing her.
"Please, Bella." I whispered.
"Please what?

"Please, for me. Please make a conscious effort to keep yourself safe. I'll do everything I can, but I would appreciate a little help." I pleaded, but still whispering.
"I'll work on it." she murmured.
She didn't sound like she meant it. I took a deep breath, and tried to convince her further.
"Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all how much I love you?" I asked, pulling her closer to my chest. I breathe in her human scent. I love her so much, and I can't risk anything. It's so hard... it seemed to be a mystery now how I could even stand to leave her for one day. I realized now that it won't do any good to leave her again, it would just cause us more pain to be apart. I want us to be together forever...

Bella kissed me on the throat.
"I know how much I love you." she whispered.
I had to smile.
"You compare one small tree to the entire forest."
I kissed the top of her head.
"No werewolves."
I could sense that she would argue again.
"I'm not going along with that. I have to see Jacob."
"Then I'll have to stop you." I said confidently. Beyond doubt, I could cage her right now.
"We'll see about that. He's still my friend."
I sighed. I knew that this wasn't the end of this conversation. I might as well prepare myself.
Okay guys, so I had a great idea, I'm still gonna continue writing this story, but I always seem to never be able to make up my mind on whats going to happen..

So, what I want to do, is ask you guys, I posted a question under "Picks" about who is behind Bella.

You guys are going to help me continue my story, and have some imput in how the story works, I'm really excited for this and think its gonna be fun!

If you're just reading anything from me for the first time, I would suggest going back to read all three chapters and then going under picks and selecting an option...

I think i'm gonna resort...
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posted by doyouknow
This is my first fanfiction so I need you to be honest and tell me what you think!

I dont own Twilight or any of it's characters.

My mother kissed my forehead softly, “You know sweetie, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Her eyes bored into mine and for a second I actually considered staying in Phoenix. But I knew Phil would be going on the road soon, and I also knew how hard it was for Renee to be away from her new husband. I didn’t want that.
“Mom for the last time I want to!” I replied, putting on the best brave smile I could manage, smiling was just so much effort...
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posted by dinosteph
Chapter two guys.

I opened my eyes slowly, noticing the time was 5:34. Early. I closed my eyes again rolling over to my other side. I could sleep for another hour before I had to get up and start my morning routine for school. I could hear Charlie moving around the house downstairs, probably making himself breakfast, and then I smelled burnt toast. Yup. Definitely making himself breakfast. I turned a few times trying to get comfortable when I heard the rocking chair in the corner creak. I peeked through my eyelashes holding my hand over my eyes, shielding the daylight coming in through the window....
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posted by team_edward_
Chapter One-Hunting

I pulled into the school parking lot. Most of the cars were old so my old truck didn`t stand out to much. “Oh my gosh you must be Isabella Swan right? I`m like Jessica and this is Angela, Mike, Eric, and Tyler. I`m so glad you’re coming here what’s your first class?” A girl about 5 foot 5 has wild, curly, dark brown hair and blue eyes was introducing me to her friends. “Hey please call me Bella not Isabella. Nice to meet yous. I have English first. What do you guys have?” The guys just stared at me. Jessica said she and Mike had English too. The other three had...
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posted by twerdx24x1
Edward comes into the house and says” What the hell is all my stuff doing in the garage?” Then i stood and looked Edward in the face and said “we have company who is living with us now. Don’t be rude come join us.” In my head i was thinking to him. ‘They just showed up and knew our names and everything about us. It was awkward at first and then i gave them a tour and Alice saw your room and wanted it. So I helped her with your stuff. Paybacks a pain in the butt, you shouldn’t have of been mean to me while i was being transformed. Oh yeah, I heard every word you said about me.’...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
"Alice,what did you see?" I asked her in a soft tone.
"I saw us fighting newborns," she started, "there was only 25 of them and we finished them off in an instance." Alice started to sob again. "After we killed all of them, we started a bonfire and burned all their bodies." She paused. "We split up into groups. Well, actually couples- you and Edward, me and Jasper, you and Emmett, and you and Carlisle." Me, Rosalie, and Esme immediately knew who was with who. In her premonition, I was paired up with Edward, Alice was with Jasper, Rose was with Emmett, and Esme was with Carlisle. Alice went...
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Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Ugh...I can't even LOOK at this!!
Okay so I saw the movie and Taylor was PERFECT!!! I was a little iffy at first about him being my favorite character, but he really surprised me! He's SUCH a good actor it nearly made me fall out of my seat. He didn't have a big role, of course, but I'm looking forward to him in New Moon. He's just so GREAT!!! I mean, he has the smile, the voice, the body, the eyes, the hair, the height...why does Summit want to replace him so badly??? Yes, I understand that in New Moon he grows a lot and gets more muscle, but who cares? Taylor can work out and he'll grow, too. And if it's not enough, I say...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Here it is: The long awaited, demanded Chapter 10!! Chapter 11 will follow shortly.

Jacob and I kept planning for hours in the cottage.
I decided that Mom, Aunt Rosalie, Aunt Alice, Grandma, Leah, and Emily would be my bridesmaids, and Jacob wanted Billy as a best man, and Dad, Uncle Emmett, Sam, Quil, Embry, and Seth as groomsmen. Uncle Jasper would read the vows. We wanted a house in Forks, in the woods, like Mom's and Dad's, but with a different design. Our interrests differed from theirs. We went to go see Grandma to tell her our plans for a house.
She and Aunt Alice were upstairs in Aunt...
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"You know, I am going to miss this place," I noted as Jacob took my packed suitcase.
"You'd rather stay here than be with me?" he pouted.
"Of course not! I'm just saying..." Oh. He was teasing. He grinned at me and I laced my fingers through his.
I was leaving Brenton. Today was the last day of my first semester. It had been a great experiance, but Jacob was more important than anything in my life right now. On the night of the dance, we had fallen asleep in the silvery moonlight, curled up by each other, under the tree. The next morning he was going to catch a flight back to Washington; he...
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it is just MY opinion...
i think it was very well done thinking of it just as a movie you know it wont ever be exactly like the book ... or with such many detailz
things i loved:
*the humor they use (for example bella: if things end bad like i would become the meal) haha
*alice ! the character is very well portrayed
*the end ( victoria watching)
*the baseball game!
*men cast haha =P
*stephenie meyer appearing wooow!
things that dissapointed me:
* the clearing ! i dont liked the sparkling effect ...
*it was really fast everything
*alice's story was missing ...
things that were wrong: (i didnt noticed until the third time i saw it)
*billy was driving !
*when edward is playing th e piano for bella he didnt sparkle
*victoria appears in the prom in the crowd (edward would read her thoughtz)

but i like it anyway ! it ir TWILIGHT !
posted by mandapanda
Well, as most of you know, the Twilight Score is coming out December 9th, and I can't wait for that day! The track listing has been released and I decided to match up the track listings with the movie scenes, and the book. (My guesses are in parantheses) Movie scores usually list the songs in the order that they are played in the movie. And, if my guessing is right, the movie is following the book chronologically. The tracks that don't have my guesses is because I'm not sure about where they fit. But anyways, please comment, either disagreeing or agreeing, both are welcome. :)

Track Listings...
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okay, so, all these people are complaining about Bella's Lullaby. I heard, "Bella's Lullaby sucked in my opinion" or "The strings and the orchestra weren't supposed to be in the song" or "They need to cut out the orchestra cuz it sucked with that in it". Just stuff like that which is disrespectful to Summit, Carter Burwell, and all the people associated with the project. People don't need to say such rude comments about it.

and in my opinion, this is the soundtrack. obviously they are gonna put the score they have that goes with the movie's music. It can't just be a random piece that doesn't fit in with the rest of the score. that's just what pisses me off. when people judge something too quickly without laying down all the facts.
no i did not write this, its from entertainment weekly @, when i read this i was SO EXCIDED can't wait till saturday!!!!!

With the understanding that this spoiler will send the blogosphere into either a tizzy of celebration or outrage, hereby reveals a major plot point from Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final installment to her Twilight series. And no, the forthcoming information is not from a fever dream or a filched copy of the book found in the dusty stock room of a Barnes & Noble. This exclusive spoiler comes straight from Meyer herself, with her explicit...
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Hi people. I don't know if you heard the song White houses by Vanessa Carlton. But, I found this on a site and she gave me permission to post it other places!

Here are the original lyrics::

Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's 'til the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day

Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke...
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Here is an excerpt from an article written by A. De Witt, a professional counselor, discussing infatuation and true love. I read several other articles on this topic (written by psychologists, medical professionals, and theological experts)and many say much of the same thing (except those who are more medical in their approach and tend to talk about dopamine, adrenaline, and brain activities as related to infatuation and love). I found it fascinating as it related to the relationships found in the Twilight series:

"Infatuation is like a drug, or a form of madness. You are taken over by a whirlwind,...
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So we, as Twilighters, all know that even IF we both like Jacob and Edward, we're secertely more devoted to one than the other. Come on, addmitt it! You can't help but love that crooked smile of Edward's just a little bit more than Jacob's big grin. And what's so great about a white body? I want my man tall (prefrably 6'7 around there) and dark.
So here, on this soapbox of happiness, we're going to go over the amazing traits, that Edward and Jake DON'T have in common. If I leave something out that you think one has, leave it in your comment! Shout out your Jake or Edward support!

-He may...
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added by Miley_Mehak
posted by ToKo
Renesmee's name derives from an amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and her mother-in-law, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of Bella's father-in-law, Carlisle, and Charlie, Bella's biological father. Jacob Black gives her the nickname "Nessie" because he says her full name is a "mouthful." At first, Bella refuses to use this nickname because of the obvious allusion to the Loch-Ness Monster, but eventually warms to this name along with everyone else by the end of the story. This nickname, in addition to Jacob's imprinting upon Renesmee, made Bella furious enough...
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added by RoseLovesJack
added by jlhfan624
Source: megan-fox @ tumblr