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The Twilight Legend
Book 4 of the Chronicles of Sam Devine

Chapter One: Prologue
If you have been asleep for the last 3 books then I suggest you pick them up and read them but if you have read all the previous books then that’s great. But for all you people who haven’t here is a summary from the Twilight Archives.
On earth 1992, a human was born, His name was Sam but he was no ordinary human, his fate had been decided by a race of aliens who called themselves the Guardian Angels who were the sworn protectors of the galaxy or were they. They had decided to gain trust throughout the Milky Way just to locate this piece of tablet in Early Egypt. This piece of Tablet was from the Ancients themselves that prophesised an unlimited power source that when in possession of the Crystal, you can alter history and create a new reality from that crystal unfortunately the crystal was injected into a human host and was transformed into what is now known as “The Twilight.”
Now the Twilight was injected into this human by a secret alliance called the Guardian Alliance which consisted of loads of different alien races which were, The Asurans, The Aggronians, The Demons and The Guardian Angels.
The Guardian Alliance then became corrupt as the Guardian Angels and the Demon races made an alliance and began destroying the worlds of the other race, first to go was the world of Aggronia and the Aggronians but Sam after discovering the guardian angels plot saved a Commander of the Aggronians forces called Tridoamon and then they both saved the Earth by Destroying their base of command called Solaris but then a year later they discovered that another world was under attack by another race of the Guardian Alliance the Demons. Who were attacking a world of aura form creatures called the Asurans another one of the GA then Tridoamon and Sam and Becky (Sam’s Girlfriend) flew to Asura and got their just in time to save the Asurans and destroy most of the Demons and then we flew back to Earth with a new guardian called Lucalo.
But then another year later they all received a distress call from the Asurans but it turned out to be a wicked plan, hatched up by the Asurans who changed their alliance from the old GA to the alliance hatched up by the Guardian Angels and the demons.
Then came the arrival of Phoenix and Twicondora and the message they carried was “The Guardian alliance Lives.”
Chapter 2: Twilight Legend
After the destruction of Violet and the Asurans at Asura. We all set the hyperspace co-ordinates back to Earth to figure out a plan to rescue Becky and destroy the Guardian Alliance and figure out the twilight legend once and for all.
While on Earth we had a discussion about the situation and the conversation lasted 4 hours but then Twicondora had an idea about where the Guardian Alliance is keeping Becky, if she is alive but all the guardians were assuring me that she was even if she was just being used as bait then she would be alive.
The thought was from an old legend Twicondora had heard on her home planet of Diamoria. The legend was called Twilight and this is how it was translated “A long time ago , Before the creation of the Universe a group of beings existed called the Astrals who created this unlimited power crystal but it was too powerful to be trusted, so this secret organisation called the “Guardian Alliance,” with all their combined power managed to transform the Crystal into a liquid and they injected it into a human host on the day of his birth. The legend also says that one day the guardians will become powerful and use the Twilight to destroy all evil.”
Then Lucalo suddenly remembered something from his early Aura Lessons about the last known location of the Twilight legend because it had been buried on earth about 600 millennia ago before the Milky Way had even existed, but a small planet, even smaller that of an asteroid had formed what we now know as Egypt.
Then Tridoamon remembered something that was on the news, this morning, something about the 112 pyramids all shooting out a light beam that formed into a giant light pyramid that was bright enough to see from space then it suddenly stuck us that it was a beacon signalling the Guardian Alliance that this is where my nemesis Astral was, this is where Becky was and this is where the Twilight Crystal would activate.
Our destination was Egypt, our mission destroy the Guardian Alliance and to rescue Becky.

Chapter 3: Destination Egypt?
We immediately got the Osiren prepared for Egypt, packed supplies and weapons that were forged from aura and blaze power thanks to Lucalo and Phoenix and then we input the co-ordinates for Egypt and off we went.
We were halfway to Egypt but then something strange happened the space tunnel collapsed and then we were in the void, the nothing space between worlds, but then the space tunnel re-emerged but all our controls were dead we had no choice we being pulled through the tunnel to an unknown destination.
Tridoamon and Lucalo told us to arm ourselves with the weapons which we bought along from Earth and we all did we were ready, to take down the Guardian Alliance, destroy Astral and rescue Becky.
It was a couple of hours before we arrived at our destination, we suddenly noticed when the Osiren beeped and told us we had arrived, it was obvious that someone had remotely controlled the space tunnel and we all guessed who it was who had brought us through by the tractor beam.
When we eventually landed, we had arrived at a great palace surrounded by beautiful lights of all different colours, when our doors opened we were greeted by two strange guards, these weren’t any members of the Guardian Alliance, these were creatures bottom half of a wolf and a top half of a shark.
The guards spoke “You must be the heroes of Earth, are you Sam, Tridoamon, Lucalo and Becky” “Where is Becky,” we replied and told the guards where and how Becky had been captured. “We are sorry for your loss, Have our two agents helped you?” So that’s how you two arrived in our ship” Sorry we couldn’t tell you Sam but we had to keep our lives secret to get back here and to get you here safely”.”
After that conversation we were escorted to the throne room of the palace, which was absolutely majestic, the vast walls were covered with beautiful crystals, which were all multicoloured. I was distracted from the walls because in front of me was a human girl, but not just a human girl, it was Becky.

Chapter 4: Were-sharks
I ran over to her body only to discover it was lifeless, I asked the leader of the Were-Sharks who was called Aquino what was wrong with her and she replied we found her, in the outer rim of Solaria, floating in space we tried saving her life, but we could do nothing to resuscitate her, we are all sorry for your loss.
After that I stormed out the palace and back into the Osiren with Tridoamon racing after me, accompanied by Aquino and then they all rushed into the Osiren together, they tried to comfort me but I only had one thing on my mind. One group of beings and their destruction.
After I exited the Osiren, we all hurried to the Were-Sharks Tactical room, were a bunch of chairs from the original Guardian Alliance, There was one for the Asurans and Aquino from the were sharks but that left two chairs the Aggronians and a earth chair.
So we decided on a name the BA (Becky alliance), which consisted of Aquino of Solaria, Lucalo of Asura, Tridoamon of Aggronia , Phoenix of an unknown Planet and Twicondora of Diamoria.
We were certain that Astral and the GA was hiding in the Pyramids on earth but we needed to have a tactical plan for an assault on the Guardian Alliance, So we decided for a full out tactical assault on the Pyramids.
What we didn’t know is that the Were-Sharks had a secret army, an army of ships far greater than the Osiren; Aquino told us that they were called Aquamerangs, ships that had the nose of a boomerang but can go under water and fly.

Chapter 5: Operation: Aqua Assault Part 1
We waited 2 months, for our assault on Earth as the Alliance needed to make more weapons and train more troops, and get the tactical plan into operation which the Alliance codenamed, Aqua assault which was I was to take the guardians and myself in the Osiren, on our own Hyperspace Tunnel to earth, while in another hyperspace tunnel the Alliance with their ships would be following us and then we would exit on our own and beam down to earth then , deactivate their defence systems and then a full on assault from he BA.
Before we made our assault on earth, the alliance was kind enough to upgrade our ship to an Aquamerang which included our own Were-Sharks Guards, New Weapons and it was basically a whole new ship.
We christened the new ship the Twilight, and then we went activated the Hyperspace drive and entered the co-ordinates to Earth and we then waited for the go ahead to jump into Hyperspace from the Were-Sharks Command Ship. The whole of the planet was fighting for our cause, for the Twilight Legend.
The command ship gave us the go-ahead to go into hyperspace, so Tridoamon pressed the powerful red button that would fire up the engines and send us into hyperspace.

Chapter 6: Hyperspace / Info Chapter

Hyperspace is a wonderful, but rarely eventful thing, when the hyperspace procedure commences, it goes into a control system.
Firstly the ship spins its turbines and fires the ignition which turns on the ships engines and which puts the ship in the air and then the second procedure in the control system is that a special device called the Flexometer which Twicondora explained to me, it is a device which bends space time around an object and then allows the object to travel faster than the speed of light which is hyper speed which lastly powers the hyper drive and thus sends the object to its destination.
Now our hyper drive journey was more interesting than the description that I just gave, we all talked about what was going to or might happen as it might be the last time we would all be together, so we wanted to make it the best experience ever.
We kept in contact constantly over the new transmitter they had inbuilt for us so we were in contact with the BA fleet all the time, I asked them if they had any way we could play any music, and they responded yes, so I plugged my music player into the USB (Universal Serial Port) and I put on a track which was appropriate for this occasion which was the imperial march from the Star Wars.
We were a couple of hours away from Earth, The time was drawing near, and Operation Aqua Assault was in action...


Guardian Logs: Chapter 7
Lucalo Log
Aqua Assault, the name for the final battle between two different alliances, the guardian alliance and the B Alliance, it could possibly be our last ever battle but it was worth the risk to sacrifice my life , for the good of the Asurans, the good of the were-sharks and the good of Sam and the safety of the twilight.
Tridoamon log    
Four years ago, I was a respected General in the Aggronian army, but then in a few minutes my world, my life was gone, blown to dust and ashes but I was saved by a human called Sam and now I’m with the same human to protect his life and avenge my people and others death, Our main mission to destroy the GA and protect the Twilight.
Phoenix Log
I was summoned here, from my home world, for some reason the twilight had picked me to become a guardian, to protect Sam and ensure that the legend of the twilight was completed; the legend from across the stars, bringing about the death of evil but unfortunately one must die to bring about the coming of good.
Twicondora Log
Now I was transported here, from my planet of Diamoria , the home of the twilight , that was where the legend was born and where Sam was first chosen, this was where the Guardian Angels first learnt about Sam , and then the Asurans , some might say it was the birthplace of all the Guardian Alliance but others believe that the Nexus was the birthplace of the Guardian Alliance but that was just a legend. All we knew was that Sam had to sacrifice his life so that the guardian alliance was destroyed. So that the twilight would never have existed.

Chapter 8: The Chronicles of Sam Devine
This next part of the chronicles reveals who has chronicled these adventures and why but it does not reveal what the next legends are about.
I was alone, sitting in a dark dingy room, with a typewriter, my mission was simple, to chronicle the adventures of my partner about how he sacrifices his life for the good of Earth and the whole B.A, The Becky Alliance, a whole alliance dedicated to a wonderful girl who got kidnapped by the Guardian Alliance or so the B.A was led to believe, well most of the B.A, Except the Were-Sharks.
Now as you have probably guessed by now that it was I Becky who is chronicling these Legends, Now let’s recap to when I apparently got abducted by the Guardian Alliance, which was kind of truthful but I actually got kidnapped by a B.A Secret agent, which was surprisingly Violet, the guardian angel, who apparently was good, she told me not to worry and that Sam was all right.
Violet then took me to her ship before the destruction of Asura, the Asurans were actually corrupt by Astral, and then Violet explained that she was an undercover B.A agent, she took me to a remote planet called Aquon which was the head of the B.A, I was told by Aquino the head of the Were-Sharks who had constantly kept in touch with me through a subspace transmitter, to pretend I was dead.
Something I was told to do with Operation Aqua Assault which had been created by Violet and the rest of the B.A, Now I knew something that I forgot to tell the Were-Sharks which I should have told them, which was that Astral and the whole Guardian Alliance had taken over the whole of Earth and was going to turn Earth into a Super Dimensional Cannon.
I then decided to use the communicator that the Were-Sharks had given me to communicate with the Osiren, but there was no answer, I then tried the Aquamerang fleet, after a few tries I got through to a familiar voice which was Lucalo, the Asuran who had been assigned as my Guardian.
I spoke to him quickly, telling him that I was alive and that the Guardian Alliance had taken over Earth and to convey the message across the fleet, but then I think the ship moved out of range before I could say, not to tell Sam.

Chapter 9: Operation Aqua Assault: Part 2
We were a couple of minutes away from exiting hyperspace , When suddenly we dropped out a couple of light years away from Earth , the only reason the ship would do that is if it was receiving a encrypted call, so I told Lucalo to answer it while I relayed our position to Aquino.
Lucalo told me the weirdest story when I came back; he said that the message was from Becky and that Earth was enslaved by the whole Guardian Alliance, I didn’t believe Lucalo was the crazy type so I tried dialling back the signal but it didn’t work because it was encrypted.
So Becky was alive, I believe, so now the only thing left to do was kill the guardian alliance once and for all. So I relayed the message across to the BA Fleet which was still travelling parallel in a hyperspace tunnel.
We were so close to earth that we were initiating the final procedures to jump out of hyperspace, now the plan was ready to be put into action, we were going to jump out of hyperspace first, then beam down onto a very different earth I imagine, Get to the Great pyramids and take down the defence system, and then destroy the Guardian Alliance once and for all.
We were finally out of hyperspace, and below us was earth, we scanned earth and stayed in orbit cloaked, over our former home, which had been taken over by the Guardian Alliance, then the images were beamed back by the scanner, all humans were slaves of the G.A, building some sort of super cannon, which was being constructed at the pyramids.
Tridoamon flew the ship to a concealed bit of dry desert where no one could survive for long except if you had vehicles designed for desert travel, which the B.A had kindly given us, so we got into the land speeders which they had given us and travelled fully armed, to the Great Pyramids, we got there by nightfall, when all the slaves had been sent back to their work camps, but this was a dangerous time as this was the peak of when the guards were protecting the Pyramids.

Chapter 10: Pyramid Peril
Now this is this is one of the most dangerous parts of the mission, we had to take down the guards without sounding their alarm, which would undoubtedly draw attention to the fact that I was still alive and a whole army of were-Sharks was on its way.
The main Command Pyramid was where the defence grid was located, what we had to sabotage before the BA could arrive with back up, the only problem was that as it was, the CP that it was protected by Demons and Guardian Angels. All protecting the head of the Guardian Alliance , Astral.
Luckily the were-guards, had Aqua-Rifles which they used to take out the demons and Guardian angels, then we put Operation Aqua Assault into effect, we advanced towards the Command Pyramid, when we suddenly realised, that the troops the were-guards had shot, were holo-grams from a projector.
We were then frightfully outnumbered, but luckily, Phoenix and Twicondora had flew out of sight of the Guardian Alliance troops, so that they could signal the BA and they could carry out destroying the Defence system without us.
We were taken by two Generals of the G.A presumably taking us to Astral; the generals didn’t at all talk to us while we were being taken hostage, but we didn’t mind, we were just thinking of an escape plan out of here.
We were hoping that Phoenix and Twicondora would have signalled the B.A to land immediately, while we were being escorted a strange thing happened, I saw three glowing lights, in front of me, but they were sending telepathic thoughts to me, telling me to stay in the Pyramid and not to try and escape.
I was most likely going crazy due to the stress of trying to defeat a whole evil organisation, but I didn’t mention it, the Were-Guards handed us all handed to us, a silenced laser pistol each, and they told us just aim and the target sensor would do the rest.
I hadn’t realized but we had gone deep into the Command Pyramid, we were approaching this giant door, the general walked in and grunted as a sign for us to come in, and went in, for a moment I thought I was back on Solaris , It was an exact replica of the Main Hall that Astral once ruled from.
There on her throne, was Astral.

Chapter 11: Astral Revisited/Becky’s return
I decided I couldn’t take the tension anymore; I wanted to be there when Sam sacrificed his life, so I requested that Violet took me there in her GA Light speed ship which she nicked from the Guardian Alliance, she reluctantly agreed as she was helping with Operation Aqua assault.
So we hurried to the ship and then Violet set the co-ordinates for the B.A fleet, then she hit the button, and we were in a hyperspace tunnel, and now we were heading towards the space, where the BA were hiding.
We made it to the Moon, which was where the B.A was hiding with their fleet, and I told Aquino what I wanted to do, and they also reluctantly agreed but they then told me what they had had received from Phoenix and Twicondora which was that Sam and Lucalo and the were-Guards and Tridoamon had all been taken by the Guardian Alliance.
Aquino then told me that he and the rest of the fleet had decided as well as Violet that they were going to execute Operation Aqua Assault now, which meant flying to Earth and destroying the defence turrets, with force.
So the whole fleet descended down from the moon, and one by one they each apart from the command ship went off to different directions of Earth and destroyed the defence system and deployed their troops, so that we could free the rest of the humans, and destroy the Guardian angels in one almighty force.
2 Minutes before OAA Took Place
Astral greeted us with her, sickening, evil voice, She said “Hello Sam and Tridoamon, I assume the Asuran is Lucalo, but you other four, I do not know, I do not recognise your species, introduce your new friends Sam.
Phoenix introduced herself, then the were-sharks and finally Twicondora spoke “I am Twicondora from the planet Diamoria, home of the twilight legend and the crystal, and you are going to be destroyed.”
Astral was about to lunge for Twicondora but then , we heard a loud rumble ahead , I looked up and there were the three lights again but this time in a shape like a bear, but I knew exactly what the noise was ,It was Aquino’s Command ship they had arrived early.

Chapter 12: Astral Defeated
The command ship was hovering, above the Command Pyramid; I could now see that Aquino was deploying Were-Sharks to rescue me and the rest of the guardians and the were-guards.
We took the Were-Sharks being deployed, to start getting some assault action, so we all thought the same things and got the guns that the were-guards had kindly given us and we started to fire at the demons and Guardian Angels inside the pyramid.
Astral being a guardian angel was a coward, while the B.A was rappelling into the pyramid, he ran towards what I was guessing but what he didn’t know was that Lucalo and I were pursuing her, we were determined not to let Astral escape so exhaustedly we ran after Astral, luckily all the Demons and Guardian angels were busy dealing with the B.A to notice us trying to kill their leader.
We ended up at the hangar, where we saw Astral’s cruiser waiting to depart, but Astral was not near the ship, Astral was near a command terminal, activating something, we would never get to the terminal in time we were surely doomed.
But then something came crashing through the ceiling someone’s ship, it was a Guardian Alliance light speed ship, someone had come to help Astral to defeat us but then when the GALSS landed, the rear door opened and out stepped the one person I wanted to come before I died was there, Becky had returned.
Becky wasn’t alone though she was with another organism, she was with Violet, who I had thought died at the battle of Asura, but before any of us did anything Becky shouted out “Violet is with us she is one of the B.A”.
After that Violet quickly shot Astral in his heart but it was too late, Astral before he died had activated the Self-Destruct mechanism of the pyramids, we would surely die , but then Becky came running over to me and gave me the most romantic kiss I had ever had which was amazing even though we were going to die.
But then I saw the bear again more and I saw that this bear was in the form of a polar bear, and that this time he was glowing; he spoke “My name is Polaris protector of the Twilight; I have been brought back to make sure the Twilight Crystal is not brought back to solid form, Sam when you were a child you were injected with the twilight particles to become the host of the twilight particles. I am really sorry but you will have to sacrifice your life to stop the self-destruct system.

Chapter 13: The Final Chapter
Polaris told me that I had to sacrifice my life for the good of the world and the Becky alliance, I was happy for that to happen as it was the right thing to happen so I raced off from Lucalo, Phoenix, Twicondora, Tridoamon and Becky, without telling them what to do but Becky being my previously deceased girlfriend decided to follow me.
Polaris also explained the reason why and how to sacrifice my life he said that it was because the power in the twilight particles would have enough power to contain the power of the Aura Core that the Asurans were forced to build for Astral.
I continued running towards the Core room that Polaris directed me to, with Becky tailing me, I didn’t want to say good bye as I had only just got her back, but then without warning Becky made a run and jump for me which forced me to go down.
Then Becky started crying, and then I knew why the others didn’t run after me, it wasn’t an act of selfishness it was an act that they knew that they had to do, they knew about the sacrifice I had to make, and Becky knew as well she just wouldn’t let me go but I knew all she wanted was a kiss goodbye and that is exactly what I wanted as well so we I gave her what we both wanted.
Then Becky got beamed up by the B.A fleet, and she was crying, but then via the communicator I heard Tridoamon’s voice “Sam thank you for everything you have done for us, you saved my life and the rest of our lives you are just about to save, good bye and good luck. I then heard the sound of all the ships departing the system.
I then ran towards the door to the Core Room, where there were flames and then I saw the core which was pure aura and I chucked myself into the core and then darkness....
Meanwhile back on the Aqua Meringue I was still crying, I’m guessing Sam, had sacrificed his life by now and we were heading back to Earth after we activated the hyper drive, with all the Guardian Alliance destroyed I decided to go in Tridoamon’s ship and go back to earth to tell Sam’s family what had happened and that Sam had sacrificed his life for the good of the universe.

Chapter 14: Epilogue: Coming Soon
This was the final legend in The Chronicles of Sam Devine, but this is not the end of me writing books, there is a whole new legend involving new and old characters.

NB. I did start this book before The Twilight Saga was published...

NBB. The Reverse Chronicles is Now online...
BOOK 1: A Heros Return.
BOOK 2: A Heros Betrayal
Book 3: A Heros Future
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I awoke, chilled to the bone. Part of the reason being that the love of my life was right here beside me. He was a vampire, so of course I would be cold. But the other part was the dream I just awoke from.
Edward and I were at the wedding ceremony, we were reciting our vows. I was wearing a beautiful white gown, of my own design, that Alice created for me. Edward was wearing a black, traditional tux. My bridesmaids were wearing lilac colored floor length dresses, that I also designed. I was holding a bouquet of white roses, freesia, peach blossoms, and little white flowers. Those flowers also...
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My favorite scene in new moon is the breakup. Now, before you say I'm not a TRUE twilight fan, think about it. If Edward didn't leave, Jacob would cease to exist(metaphorically speaking, of course). Then, Bella would be staying human. No Renesmee, no wedding, and no Jacob Black. You might be thinking,well, Edward would change her sooner or later, right? Wrong. I hope I'm not spoiling anything, but remember in eclipse when Edward said he got over his taste for her blood? Do you remember why? If he didn't leave, he would be too afraid to try. New moon is all about the breakup, and Jacob edging his way into Bella's life. Yep, I'm talking to you, Team Jacob. If you really like Jacob, you see things like me.
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i didn't know what to do when i saw Jacob in front of my house, so as soon the car stop i got out but as soon he saw me he took off running to the woods, i follow him for 2 minutes until he stop.

"I came to fix everything, Bella call me to come and talk to you, but now you have things more important" he said very angry and with tears in his eyes, i never saw him like this.
"Jacob I'm sorry, mom never told me anything, and nothing is more important than get all thing straight up with you" i said to him as i try to hug him but he move right away.
"You know what Rennesme, i have to go, go and have...
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Ok this is my first article ever on here so go easy on me.
For my first article I dacided to review Breaking Dawn since I have strong opinions on the book andso do most of you guys.sooo without further or do....

"Breaking Dawn Review"

Good Things:
1.)Personally I thought the wedding was beautifully portrayed and the way I imagined it and Bella finally stopped whining about Jacob long enough tosay "I Do" to Edward.
2.)I like how Stephenie Meyer gave a surprise withthe whole Renesmee thing.I also like how she made it lead up to think that Ness was going to be a boy.
3.)The book was well written and...
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I can’t believe this is Monday already, time to go to school and act human, with all those people “Humans”
“Nessi are you ready honey” my aunt Alice yelled.
“Yes I’m on my way” I graph my backpack and I started walking to the door.
“Rennesme sweetheart can we talk for a minute” my mom asked me
“Sure mom”
“Well honey tell me what’s going on? I see you that you are very sad”
“Mom I feel so bad, I can’t understand what’s going on, I fell so badly with JACOB, I told very horrible stuff and now I need him, he was my best friend and my big brother. He was there for...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I'm having problems posting this...if anyoneis paying attention read this one!!!

Hey guys, I went a day without writing!! I know it doesn't sound like much but it was REALLY hard not to I might put up a few tonight. Here's the next chapter, enjoy and comment please?


"She left me in my room, telling me that someone would let me know when dinner was before closing the door. I heard a lock slide into place. I didn't understand and had so many questions that I just flung myself on the bed and cried until I heard the lock sliding again.

It is time for lights out, I must...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Somebody turn the lights on, Somebody tell me what’s wrong I’d be lying if I told you losing you was something I could handle…” I had been driving for about two and a half hours the highways were clear I had the windows all the way done singing along with my I-pod.
In a matter of seconds I could see cars slowing down on the highway in Kansas and as the cars started to stop I could see a long line of cars in front of me. I can’t believe this I was finally going to make it to the next state before the traffic started happening.
“Whoa” I jumped at the vibrating in my right pants...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” last night I was out to long and by the time I came home I was exhausted so I just slept on my mattress that laid on the floor.
    I woke to the waves crashing onto the shore and the sun light touching my eyes. Not realizing I was on the edge of my bed, I stretched and landed on the cold floor to my two room apartment.
    I got off the floor grabbing my silk bathrobe that was sitting on top of the box next to my mattress. I walked over to my living room windows and opened the shades up to reveal a beautiful ocean. The sky was clear all for...
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posted by Twilight597
ok i know i have very many stories out now but i have writers block on Our Worst Show and chapter 5 and chapter 1 of Dreamnapped and FDLFSP will be up today tho

this is a story about me and my best friend. we are so close that i consider her my sister so thats why she is in the story. its hannah and her screenname is MrsNickJonas97 im not sure if she'll read this right away but i hope u lyk it

Disclaimer: u know it i dont own Twilight. i always forget to put these on my other ones. i feel lyk im going to get sued if i didnt put it on this one

The Supernatural


My sister, Hannah and I,...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Emmett Cullen (born Emmett McCarty[4]) is Rosalie's husband, Carlisle and Esme's adopted son, and Edward, Alice, and Jasper's adoptive brother. Emmett is described as being tall, burly, extremely muscular, and, to most humans, the most intimidating of his adoptive siblings. He has slightly curly dark hair and dimpled cheeks.

Emmett was 20 and living in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 1935 when he was mauled by a bear. The injuries from the attack were severe and he was found by Rosalie, who had been hunting in the area at the time. Rosalie, who was reminded of her friend's baby having the same curls,...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen) was born on June 20, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois, and is frozen in his 17-year-old body. While dying of the Spanish influenza, he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen after Edward's mother, Elizabeth, begged him to save Edward as her dying wish. Edward only drinks animal blood and has the special ability to read minds, with the exception of Bella Swan's. He falls in love with Bella soon after she arrives in Forks. Edward knows that he could kill Bella easily, a fact that torments him so much that, in the book New Moon, he decides to leave Forks with his family so they won't be able to hurt her. He returns, however, because he realizes he cannot live without her. Edward marries Bella in Breaking Dawn and they have a child, Renesmee.
posted by vampirelover17
Jacobs and bellas POV

It has been three days since we saw rachell what if she is dead ' i think it is edward he always looked like he would snap and do somthing' 'now jacob is a nice kid i dont think he would do somthing like this ' ring ring ring ' hello rachell is that u werer are you are u alright who is with you

Rachell's POV

dad iam fine no one is with me iam in alaska and iam not coming back you and mom dont need me you hace jenifer u will all be beter off with out me iam to dangeous to be with you i love you all very much by.

jenifres. POV

what were is rachell i was gone for 2 days and...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I watched Edward's pained expression.
"I just came by to drop off your stuff, I'll leave. But I want to talk to you first."
Edward backed out of the door and onto the porch. I was so angry I could explode. She was going to hurt him more. I couldn't let that happen. The Pain-in-the-Butt followed him out and he shut the door. I just wanted to beat the crap out of her. How could she come back? And why wouldn't she keep the stuff. I guess she didn't want reminders.
I peeked inside. I wanted to know what it was. There was a CD in a jeweled case, a crystal heart pendant, a stereo, and lots of notes,and...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I opened my eyes, feeling the sun on them. I looked around grogily. That was a terrible dream. I dreamt that Edward and his family had shown me what they could do, and Edward told me he could read minds. He knew what I'd done in the past. I remember being very angry, at him for listening to my thoughts, and at me, for ever doing that.
I went over to my suitcase and grabbed my cell. It was a camera phone, I flipped it open to see what time it was. It was shortly after 7 a.m. I dug around in my suitcase for a decent outfit to wear. I picked out my favorite tank top, which was white with rhinestones...
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posted by jamiesue00
We had spent 3 days in the car again, again not my favorite place to be. Jacob had driven all the way down to Miami so he was more than happy to let me take a turn driving my car on the open road. We stopped at a few places to eat along the way, but since we had left the beach house I still wasn’t feeling right. Jake would order a few meals and I would just stick to plain food, like bread and water. I was starting to feel like a prisoner in my own body. We were almost home when I pulled the car over and got out quickly and threw up on the side of the road. “Ness what’s wrong, are you...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I watched as the Cullen's gathered in a circle and I sat down to wait. I watched their mouthes moving, but heard no sound come out. I wondered what they were talking about. I watched intently, trying to read their lips, but I failed.
"Are you ready,"Edward asked as he turned back to me.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
I couldn't wait to see what was myth and what was true.
"First Emmett and Rosalie, they will demonstrate our strength and how impenetrable we are. Only vampire teeth and werewolf teeth can cut through our skin."
Edward sat down beside me. Werewolf teeth? Werewolves exist? That was neat and...
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ALRIGHT, THANKS TO ALL THE FANS OUT THERE WHO just love my two books that I started on here: BLOOD LUST, STORYTELLER, and BLEED IT OUT -STORYTELLER 2-: thanks for all of the WONDERFUL comments and I'll be ready to write again...ONCE I stop this writers block! Its nothing major I can write right now if I want, but I just can't think of ANYTHING else to do with RACHEL, MILE, and KANDICE in STORYTELLER
so comment me giving me ideas that connect with the last part of the recent chapter I published here! And maybe JUST MAYBE I'll...
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posted by qtpievy
I was totally unprepared for what I was about to face. How could I leave my one true love alone so fragile and unprotected, but surly she could stay out of harms way without the vampires in town. I knew that it would be a while before she actually hinted that I was leaving and I knew that she would cling with every thread of hope. But this was for the best, I think.
I pulled into Charlies spot not wanting to look at the empty house so I spent the few minutes it took for Bella's truck to come billowing around the corner, with my love.
Holding her warm hand, I was so attuned to her that I could...
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posted by foreveryours
The moon shines brightly,
But I can’t see it.
I can only see the clouds
That obscure it and smother it
Like a thick woollen blanket.
Let me breathe.

Curl up beside me
And let me whisper softly in your ear
Until the night claims us both.
But you’re so far away
That I cannot see the moon.

Like a golden coin in the sky
I know it is there,
But the clouds kill the light.
The light can’t reach me.
Let me see.

In that time when
Dusk turns to dawn
And the light shatters
The thin line of the horizon,
I think of your smile
But I cannot see the moon.

The connection is gone,
But I still feel its shadow.
It presses down...
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Carlisle: (snoring)

Esme: Wake up!

Carlisle: I was making fake snore.

Esme: Oh....

Carlisle: thought I was asleep?

Esme:Kinda of.

Carlisle: Mmm....

Esme: I'm bored.

Carlisle: Not me. It was kinda fun to make fake snore.

Esme: No, it bothers me.

Carlisle: Oh just try it.

Esme: Okay...(snoring)

Carlisle: Like it?

Esme: YES! (snoring) It was fun!

Carlisle: Shh...Bella's sleeping.

Bella: Haha nope.

Carlisle: WHAT?!

Bella: Edward wanted to watch you both so we came here to watch.

Esme: Oh that's sweet.


Edward: Sorry.

Bella: (snoring) (giggle)

Carlisle: Bella asleep?...
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