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Maria, tired of tripping over the same entanglement of brambles every single time she walked through the front gate, reached down and forcefully ripped the twisted plant from the soil. It came loose reluctantly and left Maria with numerous cuts and scratches on her palm. She wasn’t worried- she was used to that kind of thing.
Brushing her hands, Maria made her way up the path and opened the peeling front door.
“Grandma?” she called. There was no answer. It was likely that her grandmother was working in the garden. Maria wondered if it was something all old people did. Her grandmother, certainly, spent her days among the hyacinths and Lucida, pruning and planting until she complained that her back was aching too dreadfully to continue. Maria had grown up with wildlife and had become accustomed to various types of soil being dragged through the house, but she didn’t plan to take it up as a career.
Tossing her bag into her room as she past it, Maria sought her grandmother in the garden, and sure enough, spotted her bending over a cane sporting a tall, twisting plant covered in numerous dainty yellow flowers. A honeysuckle.
Maria’s grandmother turned as Maria approached from behind.
“Oh, hello, dear, you’re a bit late today,” she commented, brushing soil off her hands. “Must have been because of the rain, was it? I’m glad it’s eased off now.” She nodded and suddenly pointed towards the honeysuckle. “Do you like it, dear? That young man, Seamus, from next door gave it to me this morning. He’s such a nice young lad. I know it’s your favourite…”
Maria wasn’t really listening. Conversations with her grandmother often went this way. She could prattle for England.
“…so I bought the soil cheap and he gave me sixpence change, which I’m sure was wrong, but there you go.” She paused momentarily and Maria sought an opportunity.
“That’s great, Grandma, really great. Listen, I’m going to my room. If you need me, just holler, okay?”
“Ah, homework, dear? Yes, yes, you go. In fact, I remember once when I had to write a long essay about the Spanish Amada, I…” Maria left quickly, her grandmother continuing to talk to herself as she weeded the soil.
Maria often craved the sanctuary of her own room, away from the flat, non-existence she felt she lived. She found it a haven for her imagination- she dreamed constantly, wishing to plunge into the stories she created, always half-believing them to be true. She read books a lot, too, devouring one after the other in an attempt to break the boredom and tediousness of everyday life.
Maria stood dithering in the centre of her room, sifting through the possibilities of her afternoon. She realised that she had an essay to complete, but decided against her better judgement that she would do it tomorrow. Finally coming to a decision, Maria lifted a familiar, well-read paperback from her bookshelf and carried it to the window, peering out at the fields. It was quiet and peaceful out there, revealing no secrets, so Maria opened a random page in the book and began to read.
It wasn’t long before some sixth sense made Maria glance up from the page. It was raining again, but being absorbed in the fantasy worlds of her literature, Maria hadn’t noticed. On her first glance, nothing seemed to be different- just trees and endless fields, muffled by the rainy mist. However, when Maria shrugged and looked down, something made her do a double-take.
There was someone out there.
Tall and broad, a man stood silently in the pouring rain, his black hair plastered to his forehead. He was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, just casually standing as if the freezing rain had no affect on his pale skin. He suddenly turned, so fast that it seemed impossible, and then he was staring at Maria, his eyes bright with what looked like hunger.
Wild, ferocious, scarlet eyes.
Maria shrieked and dropped the book in fright. She leapt back from the window and slammed the curtains closed, trying to calm her breathing. Once she had herself under control, and with the man safely out of sight, Maria began to think.
No-one could have that colour eyes, it wasn’t humanly possible. And how could he be standing like that in the freezing rain with so little coverage? It was an absurd mystery and Maria was intrigued. Fascinated. And yet also terrified. She couldn’t help dwell on his face, the contours of his skin. It was like trying to remember a face or a name and match it with someone you knew. It was déjà vu, when you had no idea what it was you remembered. Frustrating.
By the time Maria’s grandmother had called her for her tea, Maria couldn’t even be sure if he had been real, or a figment of her wild imagination.

Maria ate her tea in a thoughtful silence that evening, listening to her grandmother chatter on about spring beans and rhubarbs. However much she complained about her, Maria had to admit that her grandmother’s cooking was amazing, and as everything was home-grown, it tasted that much better. Maria couldn’t remember having ever eaten supermarket ready-meals in her home. It was--
Maria suddenly looked up. Something her grandmother had said had caught her drifting attention and dragged it down to earth mercilessly.
“What did you say?” demanded Maria. Her grandmother looked slightly taken aback.
“That I saw a young man with the most extraordinarily pale skin walking past the garden this morning, dear.” She stabbed a potato with a fork. “Wearing very large sunglasses. Silly things.”
Maria was frozen, her heart in her throat. So she hadn’t imagined him. It definitely wasn’t her mind running amok with her as it usually did. Her grandmother had seen him too. And sunglasses? A disguise, maybe, to cover the blood-like irises? It was very curious.
Maria washed up quickly after dinner, wished her grandmother a good-night and set about preparing for bed. Her school-work was unfinished, but she wasn’t interested in that. She had something she wanted to find before turning in. Something that might help to confirm her thoughts, and possibly… possibly realise her fears.
posted by Edward_Bella234
I hope you like this part. Dragging this part on and on is no fun. Vampirization will be the fun part to write!!! :P


When we entered the house, I went straight for my room. My leg was killing me.
    “Esme,” my father called my name from the doorway. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
    “Of course father” I replied as I moved my way onto the sofa.
    He came and sat across from me in the rocking chair never looking at my face.
    “What’s wrong?”...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I had no idea what Jacob and Renesmee were doing until they were close enough that I could smell new clothes. I had skipped out of the window and grabbed the clothes and Renesmee.

In no time, I was loading clothes into her closet.

Renesmee was way easier to live with than Bella.

I paused on a pair of shoes. They supported my above statement nicely.

I sighed in anticipation. I could see I'd be doing more shopping (yay!) in the future, but how far into the future?

I decided that since that seemed too irritatingly far-off to wait for, that Rosalie and I were going shopping again. Tomorrow....
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posted by Edward_Bella234
No copyright intended. These aren't mine but they apply to me, and admit it, probably you to!!

1. I jumped off a cliff to hear Edward's voice

2. I taught Alice how to steal a yellow Porche 911 Turbo

3. I tried imprinting on someone, but he thought I was psychotic

4. Edward tried to kidnap me but I was already in his room tying myself to the bed

5. I was blonde until Edward said he prefered Brunettes

6. I jumped infront of a moving van so Edward would come save me

7. When I see a silver Volvo I squeel and point

8.Halfway through New Moon I started screaming "Where's Edward?!?"

9. I'd become a newborn...
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My face sank into my hands as i thought about my Bella, Why did i leave her? Why? How? How could i? i couldn't believe it, i was practically a murderer. Pain shot through my heart as i realised i would never see her sweet blush again. I would never feel her soft lips against mine again. I had to be with her, There was only one way. Thats why i was on my way to Volterra.
I groaned as i read my neighbours thoughts in mine, "IM SO EXCITED, I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN MONTHS, LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS AINT MY THING... BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE" she had thought, before visualising a long,...
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posted by iluvtwilight123
Yeah i get it its short Chibimoongirl leave the suspends

Renesmee's POV

I was walking to my parents meadow but i was wasnt paying attention to the beauty i was writing a poem:

A winter night,
Cold and harsh
He only holds me in his too hot hands
Our love is like a blooming rose
Only ten times faster
And more sweeter
He disolves in darkness,
My handsome knight is gone
But he doesnt come back
LIke i thought he would
Back to the meadow
Here I am
Flowers growing so vibrantly
But my meadow is gone
And so is he.

I was so deep inside this poem like it was worth everything to me. But at the same time i was listening to my Ipod the song was My Immortal by Evanescence and it just reminded me of him. I heard noises even with the music on full blast but i didnt care i just sat there waiting for sleepiness take over me. But the pain of staining in my heart was just to much and i saw bare feet in front of me.
    The reception was alright. I can't get over how it was official now. Bella and Edward were married. And soon, she would be one of us. Living in this place I call hell. She was stupid, very stupid. It wasn't that I completely hated Bella. I just hated the decision she made.
    Everyone danced and laughed. We'll except me. But soon I could hear Bella talking to someone in the darkness of the trees. Then I smelt it. Ugh, the dog. How dare he come here. It was their wedding for christ sake!

    "May I have this dance?" Edward asked....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I knew Rosalie'd be mad when Edward 'suggested' the idea of taking a camping trip. She hated those things. Dunno why, I liked them, but that probably just meant that Rosalie wouldn't.

Anyway, I thought Rose got over it, but she apparently hadn't, 'cause when we were running there, she must've been thinking some really angry thoughts, because Edward started laughing.

Rosalie was apparently not in the mood for that, because she caught up with him and hit him across the chest with her arm. She hit him so hard he flew back a couple of meters before he fell to the ground. He didn't see it coming, she must've not been thinking much.

Now THAT someone shoulda caught on camera. It was REALLY funny, everyone was laughing, even Ed.

I had a feeling Rosalie would never let him forget this.
ok here i go i hope you enjoy again sorry for the typos i hope its readable

1. Friends

I’VE LIVED FOR MANY YEAR AND I HAVE SEEN MANY THINGS BUT I NEVER SAW myself back here in forks well I guess 80 years is a long enough wait and I’m doing this for Renesmee. I guess I'm doing it for every one well Carlisle has his job at the new hospital. Esme has already started designing all of our houses. Emmett can’t wait to go to school with his niece. Rosalie is debating this, she loves Nessie but she isn’t so big on the repeating high school again. Alice is so excited for Nessie and jasper doesn’t...
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Renesmee just froze there. We finally told her and good timing to because Trenotn was off hunting and so he couldn't hear. I waved my hand around in front of her face. " Hello? Honey are you ok?" I shook her gently.
" Mom, um how much time do we have until I can do the change?" Nessie finally asked. I hadn't thought of that but Edward knew that answer because he said," You have to make your decision 2 days from now or else the deals over." KNOCK....KNOCK...KNOCK. There Jacob stood when I open the door. " Hey guys I heard about what happened and I want to let you guys know if you need anything...
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posted by just_bella
This is the last one I will put up tonight, I think I write too much..well maybe ;) Ok here it goes :)

End of Chapter 22

When she was in he room, Jacob Black turned to face me. The look on his face was far from friendly, he stalked towards me..his whole body beginning to tremble.

"Get it off your chest boy." I said as I stood my ground.

"BOY!! Don't call me boy!" He said as he got right next to me and bent town so his face was closer to mine.

"Back off, I don't have time for this! Say what you have to say so I can get going to save my brother." I said between my teeth, the beginnings of a growl...
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posted by just_bella
Alright...I wasn't going to write another one but people were confused so I figured I would clear it up...well try. Hope this explains things and isn't dumb, I had this part planned for a while. :)

End of Part 29

"Aaron...did you see Emmett again?" Father asked as he moved to sit beside him on the tree.

Aaron took a deep breath and looked around at the trees before he could answer. I began to wonder if he saw me because he stopped and stared at my tree for a long time before continuing.

"I thought I did..but I got out here and realized I must have been wrong." He said sadly.

"Should we go look...
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Chapter 29: The Pain of His Heartbreak is Unfathomable
He was sitting in the exact same corner that he had been sitting in since yesterday. I walked over to Leah, “Has he even moved?” she shook her head to confirm my suspicion. I walked up to him, “Seth?” It was so weird he was looking in my general direction but it was like he looked right through me. “Seth, c’mon, we are going to go see Sienna now.” I said, wondering if he even heard me. Suddenly he snapped out of it and looked at me, “Sienna? How is she?” Jake walked up behind me, “She’s starting to wake up Seth, Come...
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I'm doing overtime :D the sun will come up in 3 hours and I didn't even slept yet :-)

Bella's pov

I grabbed my suitcase in my hand and walked out of the door into my after car. I drove off to the airport and then to Isle Esme. It wasn’t exactly the place I wanted to be right now, but I could call Leann and Daniel. It’s been so long I’ve heard them.
Suddenly my phone started ringing and I grabbed it from my bag while I was still driving. I looked at the screen to see who it was.
“Edward” I said. I just laid the phone back on the seat, I wasn’t ready yet to talk to him. I couldn’t right...
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posted by just_bella
Story #2 for the night :) I might be crazy for writing all these tonight but what the heck!?

End of Chapter 16

She came over and sat next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder taking in a deep breath. I wrapped my arm around her and held her close.

"Bella. What are we going to do with you?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I don't know, I really have been trying my hardest." She said sadly.

"I believe you." I said as I reassured her again.

She took another deep breath, and closed her eyes. I was beginning to think she was falling asleep when she asked. "Does...Does he..." She had to take a deep breath,...
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posted by just_bella
WHOOOOO this one was FUN to write...hope people are happy...I tried to make it happier again :)

Recap Part 25

I could see my brothers Phillip, Michael and John, they were all moving hay from one building to another. I saw my sister Patricia and Carol come out of the house, wringing their hands in their aprons.

I smiled at them all, I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw their faces. I felt myself starting to stand when I felt two strong hands come down on my shoulders and push me back down.

"Emmett, please remember. They don't know you anymore, you aren't the same person. We can...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I wasn't sure where to take this...I've asked a few people and here's what I've decided. Please comment and ENJOY!!

Ok Last Time on Emmett:

"In the beginning it was just Carlisle, I will tell you that story another day. He was alone for a very long time, he needed someone. He came across Edward in a Hospital in Chicago. Edward was dying of Spanish Influenza and had his family ha died before him. Carlisle changed him, I'm not sure how but Edward has a special thing." She said as she grinned evilly.

I had a feeling that those two were close, but still there was something between them that they...
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Chapter 20: “Who Needs A Werewolf for a Boyfriend When You Have a Vampire for a Best Friend…?

“Please turn to page 31 in your textbook,” Mr. Banner droned on, I couldn’t pay attention to another boring lecture. Although I had to absorb myself in something otherwise Nessie would give me that concerned look again. I really hated being the source of everyone’s concern especially when they were putting themselves in such grave danger to keep me safe. “I am going to go get the video that we will be watching today, so starting reading this chapter and make sure that you all behave while...
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i'm sorry to say this, but this will be the last one for a couple days, because i'm having a block down :S Enjoy, it's a long one :D

Bella's pov

“Let me see first” Alice said and Renesmee walked towards her and I took place in the couch were Leann and Daniel still were. Edward took place right next to me.
“I told you, coming with us, would be hectical” I said to Leann now.
“yeah, but I like it better than being alone all the time” she answered back “you are the most luckiest person I know” and she smiled at me
“Oh, on what grounds” I said amused
“Well, you’re a vampire, you...
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I took a deep breath. What would happen to her now? What would Aro or Cauis do to her if they found out I’m helping the Cullens? Do they know already? Is that the reason they took Nessie without telling me? Is Nessie’s safety more important than my very own twin’s welfare?

They seemed to be waiting for the rest of my story so I continued.

“Being half-human and half-vampire and having no gifts, Vivienne was useless to them. You know Aro very well. He only has eyes for the gifted. She was treated like a mere servant. My father and Jane ignored her…” I squeezed my eyes tight and balled...
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posted by hermoine
They break apart from their kiss, foreheads touching and then stare deep into each others eyes.
"So, um, how do you like prom?” Edward asks his ember eyes twinkle in the moon light.
"I like that I’m here with you. I just wish I wasn't so tired” Bella replies yawning

"I, um, well, kind of wanted to ask you something” Edward says as he takes Bella's hands into his own
"Just say it Edward its ok"
"Comelivewithme" Edward rambles out quietly
"Come live with me?” he says slower this time and with more confidence
"Why?” stumbles Bella taken aback with surprise. They stop dancing and...
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