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The Brightest Days Form the Darkest Shadows- Chapter 1b. A Monotonous Existence

Not far from the spot where Maria had stood under the canopy of arching trees to shield herself from the steady rain, was a little abandoned farmhouse. It was a crusted old thing, with an overgrown garden and soot-blackened windows. Nobody bothered with the place anymore- it was almost worthless; ancient and crumbling, it stood silent, defending itself from the pouring rain. Only the mice and other forest-creature inhabitants appreciated the house for its shelter and solitude.
A particularly young mouse-buck, tired of being cooped up in the house and hungry for food, emerged from a small gap in the crumbling wall. He shivered at the freezing rain, skittered to the ground and paused under an upturned crate, before dashing towards the overgrown foliage that surrounded the abandoned cottage.
He didn’t get far.
Sudden, lightening fast foot-falls behind him caused the mouse to shoot off in an entirely new direction, blind panic clouding his senses. Like a blanket of night, a huge shadow dropped over him and he found himself scooped up in iron-hard hands and swept through the air, squeaking in distress.
“Gotcha!” cried a voice, high, harsh and triumphant. A single pinch of the little mouse’s throat followed by a high pitch call of laughter and the alabaster-skinned man dropped the limp corpse onto the muddy track.
“Daeht, will you quit messing around and do something useful!” A second man suddenly stood behind the first. On first glance, the two appeared to be brothers; their skin was exactly the same bland white, their faces perfect, poised and defiantly beautiful. They even had the same eye colour, a colour that no human could possibly have: deep scarlet. However, subtle differences lined their features: slightly raised cheekbones or a more prominent jaw. The second was slightly taller than the first, his hair jet black as opposed to the lustrous brown silk of the first.
“Just a bit of fun-“ the one named Daeht protested, but the black-haired one shook his head.
“We know why we’re here, now help me search.” Daeht grumbled under his breath, but followed his kin-brother up the dirt track.
Eyran, for that was the second man’s name, pushed on the wood of the low door set in the stone wall of the cottage. It was soggy and splintering with age; some of the edges had been nibbled away by the woodland inhabitants, and yet it would not budge. Eyran sighed, reached up and forcefully yanked the top of the door. It splintered savagely, spraying the two men with numerous chunks of rotted wood.
Daeht casually flicked a splinter of his shoulder.
“You had to do that, didn’t you?”
Eyran merely responded with a low growl and entered the cottage. Daeht snickered and followed him.
Both men shot a quick glance at their surroundings in a nonchalant manner as if raiding abandoned cottages was something ordinary and uninteresting. The musty smell stung their nostrils, and the scuttling sounds of hundreds of creatures within the dank walls filled their powerful ears.
“I can smell her,” Daeht suddenly whispered. Eyran nodded.
“Yes, she was here. Let’s split up and search.”
Both nodded once and vanished in different directions within the cottage, ransacking furniture and upsetting nests made by refuge-seeking animals, that quickly darted off into the further darkness to escape this sudden intrude into their home.
After an hour of furious hunting, Daeht and Eyran returned to the dim hallway. Daeht was seething.
“We were so close,” he spat and punched a wall. He pulled his fist back to reveal a small, cracking dent in the stone. Eyran laid a calming hand on his shoulder, which he shrugged off.
“At least we know she was here.” Daeht wasn’t having it.
“She could’ve hidden the damn thing anywhere,” he shrieked. “We could search every single damn place on this god-forsaken island and still never find it.” He began to pace. “I don’t know whether she thought she was being clever- hiding it away where no-one could find it! I. Want. It. Now!”
With an almighty swing of his arm, Daeht slammed his fist into the wall for the second time that afternoon. This time the wall shook with the blow and a dark crack formed up the stone, splitting and dividing like ice on a frozen pond. Eyran clapped a hand onto Daeht’s shoulder. Daeht ignored it, too stunned to speak.
“Well done, my brother,” said Eyran sarcastically. He gripped Daeht’s arm and yanked him out of the wrecked front door seconds before the entire building collapsed with an enormous rumble and creak of timber.

Random blah #1: Death
As I was writing this, I came to realise that the word 'death' can actually be an anagram of the word 'hated'. I don't know whether death is something to be hated and feared. To me, death is not so, death is the next step on each our own paths to our eternal homes. But don't think me superstitious, I don't follow nonsense about black cats and four-leaf clovers. However, I feel that we all must accept our fates and do our utmost to excel in this life before we step to the next. ♥

If you would like to read the next 'chapter' in Brayarsha, then you will have to access it from my page -> activity. For some reason, 1c cannot be searched, and I have no idea why. Lina xx
You can also click this:
posted by AnonymousXXX
Chapter 7! Hope you like it. Please comment!

The darkness surrounding me made me feel defenseless. I was still able to hear and feel the rain but defenseless all the same.
I heard sniffing than hot breath on my skin. The next thing I heard surprised me the most. It was a soft gentle wine. Than it disappeared altogether I know I should be feeling scarred out of my wits right but I wasn’t. I felt calm oddly and … safe.
Next I heard footsteps great now that scares me.
“Alana can you hear me? You’re okay you’re safe now I’m going to get you out of here.” I was thankful to hear Ethan’s...
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Alice’s P.O.V:
When I called Bella’s cell it rang and rang. Finally she picked up, “Hello?” “Bella. It’s Ali, what’s taking so long?” “Remember Jessica Stanley? Well she’s in here.” “Cool. What’s taking so long?” “I just told you, ‘m talking to Jessica.” I snarled, “Well hurry up, we have to get home before the guys….” I grinned. “Remember?” “Yeah, I remember. I’ll be right out, Alice.” She hung up and Rosalie looked over at me, “What?” I shrugged.
Bella’s P.O.V:
“Well, Jess, It was nice talking to you, thanks for talking to me, I have...
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posted by a-jforever
Heres part two. Hope you like it.

I fell over, catching my hand on something sharp. I knew I was being sort of silly, but they weren’t going to let me see Jacob! I pulled my knees to my chest burying my face on them. This wasn’t fair.

Pretty soon it began to get cold and dark. I wondered if I should be heading home or if they were just going to leave me out here. I didn’t want to talk to dad anyway. I heard a low whining in my left ear and a wet nose brush across my cheek. I looked into his big black eyes.
“What?” I asked.
He whined again. I buried my head back onto my knees. He curled...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Part 3 is finaly here

I got in to her car and we drove to the shopping centre. It was huge! Everything here was huge. It was six stories high. “Do they have a big children’s section here or something?”

“No this shop is all for women”

“REALLY” I said in shock “Yeah. Don’t you have anything like this where you come from?”

“How do you live!?”

“I don’t actually like shopping” She sat looking at me with her mouth hung open. “Well that will soon change” Well she sounded pretty sure about that. “She parked her car in the multi story which was connected...
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posted by KATYrebekah
Carlisle's P.O.V.

"QUICK!" Renesmee shouted, "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Everyone stared at her until she realised. "Right.. well what can we do?" She panted - rushing to be by her fathers feet. Now everyone's eyes were on me. "To be honest.. nothing. We can't do anything! Jane has chosen to do this, she shall continue until she has gotten revenge." I said, sadly. Esme's eyes were wet. Almost as if she had been crying. Impossible. Renesmee opened her mobile I got her for Christmas and opened it. She started dialling. "You can't ring an ambulance!" I said. "I'm not going to!" She replied, "I'm just...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys this is part 3 of conversation EPOV at last!!!!

I was dragged off by Alice and Emmett. “Where do you think you’re taking me” I growled at them pulling away. “You’re going hunting” Alice replied “I don’t think so!” Emmett had his hands around my arm really tightly so I couldn’t go anywhere. “EMMETT LET GO” I shouted at him. “Edward you nearly just killed Bella. We have to take you hunting” Alice said softly “WELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION MY FIANCE JUST GOT THROWN THROUGH A WINDOW BY YOU HUSBAND!” Alice just looked at me. If she could cry right now I bet she...
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It was after I heard her scream that I started running. There wasn't a part of my body that didn't sting and burn. I saw her laying on the ground, Seth kneeling over her.
"What happened?!" I yelled. I scooped her up in my arms as she screamed in pain. The blood was dripping off her heel and onto my shoe.
"Paul got mad, really mad. We told her to back away but he phased sooner than we thought he would. He caught her leg." Seth took off his shirt and started to dab at her wounds.
"I got to get her to the Cullen's." I told him.
"Let me have her untill you phase." He reached out her arms where...
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posted by a-jforever
This is a little before twilight. Plz comment and tell me what you think XX

Jasper’s POV
“I don’t know Alice” I said for about the thousandth time this morning. “You could go hunt again if it makes you feel better?” I shook my head but smiled at her. I had been hunting about four times in the last two days, so if she thought I was going hunting again now, she had another thought coming. “I don’t get it Jazz. Why are you so worried?”I sighed. “This will be my first time of going through school. It’s a little different to the rest of the family who have gone through before....
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Two whole days have past and no nightmares, even though it was two in the morning. In fact sleep didn’t even ‘summon’ me!
I suddenly felt the urge to go into the forest, it was so powerful. Even my instinct told me to go. I hopped down the stairs and right into the wonderful nature, I felt like in some sort drama film where the girl start to sing about how happy they are. But of course I’m not going to sing. I wondered around the forest that I knew better than the back of my hand. I walked into the field I knew so well, and all my happiness just melted and the fear grew inside me, taller...
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posted by KATYrebekah

"WHAT!?" Emmett exclaimed, "Me and Rose go away for what.. 2 weeks, and Bella has gone off with Renesmee and Jacob? WITHOUT EDWARD!?" It was hard to believe it for myself once it was spoken aloud. "Emmett, calm down," Rosalie said, "Carlisle will tell us everything, won't you Carlisle?" I nodded. How could I get out of this one?

"Okay, so here it is," I began, "Renesmee decided that she wanted to move abroad with Jacob to Spain, as I suspected you already knew. Bella was having none of it. She agreed they could go, so long as she could come to. Edward, on the other hand, believed...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"Oh bella, look at me!" i heard edwards voice throught fuzzy ears.
I felt a massive pain buring within my womb. i clutched my unborn baby.
"Hold on Bella,"
"Can we come in to see Edward?" Alice whimpered
"I will tell you when ok?" His voice stressed...

i felt a quick rush of wind blow by me ,speed.
"where do i put her? on your table father?"
"yep, Edward, She is still in a blackout,, bite her.. to heal just a tad,,, you know when its enought to turn her"
"DO IT!"
i felt a burn on the inside of my neck, i screamed, trying to make it stop, it was scorcing, fire, .
But it was...
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posted by decullen
Its been a week since I found out I was pregnant, Alice said she had told Carlisle and I had to go and see him right away.We were getting out of my truck to go in to the Cullen house.When we entered they were all looking at me except Edward he was know were to be seen .Esme came over and hugged me, she lead me to Carlisle he was in his office he had the baby monitor all ready.
"Bella could you lye down for me."He said and I was lying on the table. Carlisle came over to me and pulled my top up so my belly was showing then put some jelly stuff on it.He started to rub the monitor on my belly.On...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
“So? It’s just another thing you can use against m-us.” I scoffed at the black-robed vampire. He had shown a slight irritation in his eyes. Good. Jasper glanced at me confused from my smugness.
“Look, I don’t want to see you upset.” He said sarcastically then added. “Well lying won’t help. It might just slip out and Aro will hear…Yes…lying won’t help you at all. Not one little bit. So until you join the Volturi truthfully, we are going to toy with you and every single one of your family members until we make you join us. So I would be very wise with your decision. We already...
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posted by Darktimes104
I hope you enjoy, please comment!!!

Emmett's POV:
We have been driving for a few days now, I don't know how much longer till we get there. I'm now riding with Carlisle and Edward, and Esme with Rose. Carlisle was pulling to the side of the road, I knew we weren't there yet so, we must be hunting. We all got out of the car and Carlisle said, "Everyone meet back here in one hour. He took Esme's hand and ran straight into the forest, Edward followed to the right, and Rose and I followed to the left. We hunted a few bears and dear. We were going back to the cars when I realized now will be the perfect...
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posted by Darktimes104
Both Emmett's and Rosalie's POV. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks 4 reading. :)

Emmett's POV:

We Continued to run until the large house came into view. We must have went a different way home because when we left we past a street of people and now we didn't. I just shook it off a followed her inside. Carlisle and Esme were sitting together on the couch watching television, I didn't see Edward anywhere, I guess he was upstairs in his room.
"Goodnight Carlisle and Esme." I said.
"Goodnight Emmett, Rose" They said in unison.
Rose took me upstairs, we entered another room that I wasn't in earlier, it was...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Bells crest
Bells crest
Bells crest
"Bella" Alice whispered on the other side of the door, only a vampire could hear.
i Know the cullens may look and be shocked right now and want them to ask questions that carlisle adn i jsut have answers for right now, but i dont know want anyone to ask me..
After seeing rose so torn up over the fact that what she wants is possible but she just have it herself, and then asking me to do it for her. I couldnt even generate that, i still havent really understood.
Never in a thousand years, or in imortality that i'd think that i could ease rosalies Pain, and desire for a child of...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
i couldn't let myself even think for a second that i could ease Rosalies Pain.
i never thought that anyone could, not even Emmett at his full best, and here i sit with everything she ever wanted, and i dont even want it. how could i be so selfish to tie the knot and give up the chance that i might regret for a long time adn might risk a wonderful friendship.
What about Alice, and esme? They may not have asked but i know they would pass up the oppurtunitie.
And what about myself. I've already had a baby, ive got a daughter, but i will regret this later too.
I have the most precious gift for a vampire in my grasp and idont want it, if only i could give it away.
What would Happen to me, if i did use this. would i die, really truely die,
and jacob, his pack wouldnt not agree. i cant please anyone.
"Bella" i tunefull voice whispered outside.
posted by KatiiCullen94
i light knock broke the silence, thank goodness, anymore of this silent treatment, and the quite whispers, some angry, obvious from edward.
"Bella?" Rosalies voice sounded outside.
"Yes Rose, come in"
Her blonde locks now up in a tight scraffy bun, looks more a birds rest compared to what is expected of the Rosalie Hale.
Her face was dull and blemished, distressed, like she has been crying all afternoon.
She wore what appeared to bea old pair of sweats that most likely that been stuffed down her cupbaords.
"Do you know what this means bella?" her voice broken.
"Ummm no, its jsut means my vampire...
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posted by megan-ox123
As soon as the
wolf was completely out of sight I shakily stood up and brushed myself off. When I got home everything was a little foggy I felt dazed but like
it never happened, did it happen? was it real? was it a dream? why didn't the wolf kill me? was there even a wolf there? was I going insane?
I know I couldn't tell anyone ,so I didn't. I knew my mom would think I was crazy, was I crazy? The rest of the night I kept on asking myself
these questions, knowing I wouldn't get any awnsers.

I entered the geometry room and took off my wet coat, which was moist from the rain, my long dark brown...
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EXCLUSIVE: Add this name to the list of high-end auteurs who are being considered for the director's chair on "Breaking Dawn:" Stephen Daldry. Yep, that Stephen Daldry, the man who directed such Oscar fare as "Billy Elliot," "The Reader" and "The Hours."

Daldry joins a list that includes Sofia Coppola, Bill Condon and Gus Van Sant, all of whom have been approached about taking on the fourth film in the "Twilight" franchise. Like those three, there are not yet indications Daldry would actually take the gig, but the fact that Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the films, has reached out to...
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