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Hey...This is like some sort of twilight fiction...yeah. For those who read my Kayla series this is what I was talking about...For those who didn't...yeah just read it...and my Kayla series if you want lol...Woo.. Enjoy!

11 years ago….

All of the furniture was pushed against the walls and my mom sat in a chalk circle she had drawn on the wooden floor. I sat at the edge, watching her. She was writing on a piece of parchment with a quill and ink. In front of her was a cauldron that she had brewed a simple protection potion in. Next to the cauldron was a lighter. She finished writing her spell and was now going to say it aloud. She looked over and smiled at me. It was fascinating to watch my mother cast her weekly protection spell and she loved to see me sitting there watching her. She wanted me to learn as much as possible. She had already written five books for me to study from when I was older. I was only five now but that was beside the point. I understood more than what most five year olds did. It was because of what I was.
My mother’s smile faltered and her head whipped to the front door. She turned back and I saw the fear in her eyes.
“Russell!” she shouted. “Russell!”
My dad ran in from the kitchen. He never did the protection spell as he said my mother was better at it than he. He looked at her and read her expression before gathering me up.
“Quick, Alondra!” my dad said. “Say the spell! Before they reach the path!”
I heard my mom chanting the spell as my dad ran up the stairs still carrying me.
“Daddy,” I whispered. “I need to hide, don’t I?”
“Yes,” he whispered back. We were in my room. My walls were a calm Amazon jungle green with various pictures of Disney princesses and Winnie the Pooh characters. My father dove under my bed where there was a box filled with the books my mother had written and various other Wiccan objects.
“Take this,” he placed the box carefully in my short arms. “Over to your drawers, love.”
I walked over and watched as he moved the heavy, wooden eight stack drawers without touching them. Behind the drawers was a small cubby hole big enough to fit me and my box. My mom and dad had made sure of it. He opened the door for me and I crawled inside.
“Stay here,” he said to me. His eyes were bright behind his square glasses. “Don’t come out until we get you.”
“Yes daddy,” I said, nodding my head fast. “I won’t come until you and mommy get me.”
He smiled warmly and kissed my forehead.
“We love you, Adelaide,” he said, a tear silently sliding down his cheek. “Never forget that.”
I sensed something wasn’t right. This sounded like a goodbye. Like I said before, I knew more than the average five year old. I wasn’t stupid.
“Daddy, where are you going?” I asked but he shut the cubby hole door. “Daddy?”
I heard the heavy wooden drawers slid back into place in front of the door.
“Daddy!” I banged on the door with my fists. “Daddy, don’t leave me!”
I heard nothing after that. The drawers blocked out all sound. I wasn’t particularly bothered about the drawers being in front of the door, I could just move them myself. I was bothered about how my dad had said goodbye to me, as if he or my mom wouldn’t ever see me again. Would I see them again?

“Sarah, is this really the time to take on another kid?”
“Another kid? Billy, this is your friend’s child!”
“Come on, we don’t have the space.”
“She can share with Jacob.”
“And when she’s older?”
“You never know what might happen in the future. We might have a bigger house in a different place…”
“I’m not leaving the reservation.”
“We’re not having this discussion again. We’re talking about Adelaide now. She needs a home. Ally and Russ left her in our care.”
I listened to Sarah and Billy arguing about me. They were in the small kitchen while I sat on the sofa in the living room. I had my suitcase next to me while I clutched at the box my dad had given me. My mom and dad had written in their will that if anything happened to them when I was still a kid I had to live with their trusted friends, Sarah and Billy Black.
I heard Billy sigh.
“Does she know how they died?” he asked Sarah. His voice sounded heavy and I could feel his grief and exhaustion mingling with my own pain.
“She found them,” Sarah said softly. There were so many emotions she was feeling it was hard to distinguish them. They were all jumbled up together.
I had waited hours for my parents to come get me. I sat there in total silence, just sitting. I didn’t think or talk or move. And when they didn’t come I got scared. So I crept out of my little cubby hole and tip-toed downstairs.
Downstairs was carnage.
Everything was broken. Wood, glass, metal, cushion stuffing was strewn all over the floor. Ornaments my mom had worked so hard to collect were in pieces, my dad’s favourite chair was no longer useable and the picture of me that hung above the fire place – well lets just say you couldn’t see my face owing to the burnt hole.
My parents were lain in the circle my mother had drawn to cast her spell. They were face down on the floor so I couldn’t see their faces. I didn’t want to see their faces. I knew they were dead. There was a pool of blood around their heads and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.
But I did see their faces. When the police came and the evidence was collected they took my mom and dad away. They turned them on their backs and my eyes were drawn to the single hole on each of their heads. But then I saw their eyes. Their cold, unstaring eyes. They didn’t even look my mom and dad anymore. I think I screamed then.
“Billy, you can’t turn her out,” Sarah said, bringing me back. “They’ll send her to a kid’s home when she really needs someone she knows.”
“I wasn’t going to turn her out,” Billy grumbled. “She can stay.”
“Oh Billy!”
“I guess Rachel, Rebecca and Jacob have a new sister.”

Seven months later…..

But things didn’t quite turn out as expected. Seven months after I had moved in with the Blacks, Sarah died. She was involved with a car accident. I thought that after Sarah was gone that I would have to leave but Billy didn’t turn me out. I grieved like my adoptive siblings and Billy. Sarah became my second mother and I loved her. I thought that I would have known she would have been involved in a fatal car accident but I guess I didn’t have that gift. I also felt everyone else’s pain as well as my own. It hurt so much more but I learned to block it out. Jacob was my age and he didn’t quite understand but he got what Billy was saying to him. His mom was gone just like Adelaide’s. Rachel and Rebecca, the twins, took it so much harder than Jacob. They stayed in their room all day and didn’t come out. I heard they crying and felt their pain. It was so deep in their chest, something they couldn’t block out as easily as I could. It was like someone had twisted a knife in their stomach and the feeling was mutual for Billy too. He was lost without Sarah. She was his other half, his soulmate. He had worshipped the ground Sarah walked on and he loved her so much. And now she was gone.
But days went by, then weeks, months, years. Then things skidded to a halt after Jacob and I had both turned sixteen.
added by mandapanda
they will some more tomorrow as well :D
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