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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 2:
I dashed to Carlilse's office, not even pausing to knock in my haste."carlilse," I said, the words flying from my mouth with such speed, they would have been inaudible to human ears."Carlilse, we have to leave. We've been discovered. We have to go.NOW!"
He rose from his chair, fluidly and quickly. Nodding to me, then leaving the room. I heard him call out to the rest of the family. They conveined in the dining room.

Part 3:
I trudged through to the dining room, all my panic evaporated leaving me feeling emotionless, with no energy. I sat beside Edward. he took my hand beneath the table, squeezing my fingers. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I ignored them and slumped my head on the table, closing my eyes. Carlilse spoke then, so i looked up, knowing their atttention would no longer be on me. I gazed around the table, taking in the familiar faces: Esme beside Carlilse, Alice and Jasper-who I was gratefull to for not making me happy and easing this pain. I didn't want false feelings-, Rosalie and Emmett, hi arms around her waist, I saved the most perfect face for last, Edward. Then I realised two were missing. where were Jacob and Renesmee?! Jasper sensed my panic, Edward took it from his mind, and stroked my hair, soothing me. I tried to listen to Carlilse. "So, we must leave, because...?" he trailed off, looking to Edward for a reason for our leaving.
" we've been discovered." He said, distractdly, more concerned by the emotions emminating from me, which he picked from Jasper's mind. He wanted to know what had me so worried. But then another thought struck me, which had me downright scared. Alice saw my plans. She rose quickly from her chair and flitted to my side. "bella," she said."I see what you have to do now. I don't think you should do it alone. I'll be there for you." She offered. I nodded.
"thanks, Alice." I was excpetionally grateful. I needed her there to do what i couldn't but had to: Tell Charlie. I gulped at the thought of his face- angry to hide the true sorrow that my leaving caused him. I stood and left the house, Alice on my heels.
I walked slowly, even by human standards, as we rounded the corner to Charlie's street. I walked to the door, took a deep breath. "go on, Bella," Alice encouraged,"Get it over with." I knocked the door...
"Well the sent was easy enough to catch. By the way, your room reeks."
"I'll buy some air freshener." She replied.
I laughed and silence took over. Guess now is as good of a time as ever.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked taking the plate from her hand.
"That depends on what you want to know."
"I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything-I'm honestly curious." I assured her.
"Fine." She sighed. "Go ahead."
I stalled for a moment deciding if I really wanted to know or not. I finally asked anyway. "What's it like-having a vampire for a boyfried?"
She rolled her eyes. "It's the best."
"I'm serious. The idea...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry its been a while.
Hope you like it.

I woke up in a limo with my boss next to me. “Are we on our way to Volterra?”

“Yes we are” The limo finally stopped. I got out and went to hotel room to clean myself up re-do my hair. I had to walk down a massive stage in a pair of heels. I doubted that I would maintain my balance. I managed to stay standing to my surprise. It all ended at last I expected to be shipped off to a different country now but I wasn’t. I was being taken to the Volturi. Of course they didn’t know that they were called the Volturi and that they were vampires. We...
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posted by Jessie-Louise
Okay it was the next day and I had invited Jacob round for dinner,he actually got along with my parents strangely enough i didnt know why.
Atleast it was better than lots of arguments,we all sat down at the dinner table Mom and Dad didnt eat though,Jacob and I had Spaghetti Bolognaise.It was very tasty,ive never tried it before.
After Dinner we went into the living room where we all sat and played a bored game togeather and watched abit of telly.
About an hour and a half later Jacob had to get home so me and mom dropped him off,
"Thankyou for coming Jacob it was a pleasure"my mom said.
"It was no...
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posted by xroylex
"so tell me about your self your how old now?"
oh damm mum told me this but its just slipped my memorie i mean i carnt remember most things about before i stop aging apart from the things dad and mum and charlie tell me. and then its a little fuzzy.
"im 10" ok i didnt look like a 10 year old really i was 16 but still alice has made me look younger so i have my hairs up and i have allways been small.
"wow 10 you look older and act older hmm... charlisle?" she knew us all to well yes it was him who has given me all this mind space to work with so i just nodded. time to dumben down a little/
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After the little scare we had, it has been confirmed Kellan and Ashley will be in Breaking Dawn.

The actors have reached an agreement with producers and will get an increase of $1.6 million. Both Ashley and Kellan had asked for a whole lot more, but they decided to take a lower amount and be in the movies than refuse and not finish out the saga.

All Twilight fans out there can breathe a sigh of relief because these two important actors will be staying on board. It is hard to lose or change a character so far into the saga, because those who follow Twilight develop a relationship with the actors, especially Alice.

So, with all these money matters settled, the two actors will be ready to promote Eclipse and start filming the rest of the saga later this year.
By Twilight_News has given us a sneak peek at the Most Beautiful list for this year and everyone’s favorite vampire has made the list. Here is what they had to say about Rob:

His pale, otherworldly complexion may make girls swoon, but the British heartthrob, 23, says looking the part of a lovesick vampire in the Twilight series isn’t quite as thrilling: “Having that makeup put on every single day, as soon as you get it taken off it’s like, ‘Oh, you do look normal. You look healthy now
We had just gotten home from a camping trip/ hunting trip when we heard this heart beat and a baby's cry. I looked out the front door and saw nothing. When I looked down there was a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a box.
Carisle! There is a baby by the front door. I said.
Esme was right by me, she picked the baby up.
Esme followed Carisle up stairs. They were going to make sure that the baby was okay.
Why should we name her? I asked as I appeared at the door.
We can't keep her, I am sure she has a family. Carisle said.
I walked out of the room and to the front door. I wanted to check...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thank you for reading and PLEASE comment!!!!!

Rosalie's POV

I walked forward a little farther and gently placed my wounded stranger in front of the porch steps. He moaned again in agony. "Everything will be ok, I promise, my father will help you just hold on." I told him before looking up to Carlisle and the rest of my family.
"Rose, sweetie, who is this?" Esme asked gently.
"Please help him, I found him being attacked by a bear, I couldn't let him die. Please help him." I begged. I began to cry at the thought that no one would help me. I am not strong enough to do it myself.
Carlisle came...
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Kellan’s POV
I put my favorite t-shirt and my new jeans, I was going to meet Ash in a nightclub.
Ash was my girlfriend but I didn’t love her! I was just tired of being alone! I love Nikki, but she loves Taylor! That’s so obviously, I don’t know why they aren’t dating yet! She has a big smile for him! Is she blind? He’s so young! I like Tay but he isn’t the right man for Nikki! I think nobody is good enough for her, except me, of course!
My phone rang. It was Ash.
-Kellan you’re late! – I looked at the clock, I was half an hour late
- I got stuck in traffic!
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If I'd ever feared death before in the presence, it was nothing compared to now.
He streaked through the dark, thick underbrush of the forest like a bullet, like a ghost.
There was no sound, no evidence that his feet touched the earth.
His breathing never changed, never indicated and effort.
But the trees flew by at deadly speeds, always missing by inches.
I was too terrified to close my eyes, though the cool forest air whipped against my face and burned them.
I felt as if I were stupidly sticking my head out the window of an airplane in flight.
And, for the first time in my life, I felt the dizzy...
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posted by lollipopszx3
After we finished shopping, we walked to Tim Hortons. We were going to order lunch there. The place was crowded though! It was really getting sweaty with all those people there, especially while we were carrying so many bags and wearing long-sleeved shirts.

"Oh there are my friends!" said Alice and started to wave at people. A group of girls and one guy were sitting on a big table hunched over ice caps. The people waved back.

Alice walked over to them with her drink. She took a seat beside one of the girls with glasses.

"Guys, this is Rosalie and Bella Swan. Rosalie is my new roommate and Bella...
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"Beautiful house, isn't it?" asked Eliza. She was looking at the new house that she built. It was far away from civilivation. It reminded me a lot like the Cullen's. But of course, I have to forget them.

"Oh my god! Eliza! How'd you get this house?" asked Nathan. He was always amazed to explore new things. Nathan wasn't really into exploring things when he was young. This was actually the first time he was going to school.

"Nathan! Want to go hunting?" asked Johnson. He was really eager to bring my son hunting. It was going to be his first trip. Nathan appears seven years old now. Johnson reminded...
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The two Victorias
The two Victorias
It's been almost eight months since Victoria-gate rocked the "Twilight" universe, but the "Eclipse" trailer refuses to let it fade away. Though Bryce Dallas Howard replaced Rachelle Lefevre as the bad vampire Victoria for "Eclipse" at the end of July '09, today was the first time we got a chance to see her in action.

Back in November when "New Moon" hit theaters, we said seeing Rachelle play out her last few moments as Victoria made the transition harder to bear. Granted, we haven't really had a chance to see Bryce in action and there's a possibility she might be able to pull off the character...
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I dont have much to say today but I hope you enjoy this chapter as I put loads of thought and hardwork into it. once again I hope you enjoy it and chapter 16 is on the way * i promise...*

The wind blowing through my hair was an exhilarating feeling. Jasper had taught me how to ride his bike a couple of months ago; I was surprised when he said yes because he was usually quite responsible. I hadn’t been much good at first but after a few hours I had got the hang of it, no one else knew that I could ride his bike and it was nice to be able to take it out for a private...
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This Chapter is dedicated to a great friend PC, thanks for all of your support...x

There were people rushing about everywhere but I could distinguish the difference between my vampire family and my werewolf family but the almost invisible flashes of light and the more slow galloping thuds of my werewolf’s footsteps. Kate stood in the middle of Alice’s massive bathroom whilst Rose, Alice, Mum, Tanya and I all applied her makeup, pulled her hair up into an elegant bun and literally made every surface of her body look even more beautiful than usual- which is extremely hard with a vampire. Esme...
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posted by kiwi12
part 2

The she-vampire who had grabbed me clamped a hand over my mouth and muttered something about just wanting to talk. Right. A small part of my brain noted that her eyes were not what I expected but I really didn't have time to think about that. I was stronger than the she-vampire expected me to be. She wasn't using any energy in holding me. I broke free for a split second and flung myself wildly. Whether it was because I was dizzy or because she moved I don't know but I flung myself right into her marble hard body. Everything went black.

When I came to I heard the she-vampire gasp. She whispered...
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posted by MadisonAmpt
Not sure how good this one is, sounded good in my head. But i will try to make them as interesting as possible. much love:) Xx

I lied there half dead in pain.
Then this guy with the milky eyes held out his hand. I heaitated but he said "No need to fear me young one" in that creepy voice he has. NO NEED TO FEAR!. i said in my head "Please just kill me i dont think i can stand much more pain" i cryed wile grabbing his hand with my good one. i got into a sittig position but he just stood there with a puzzled expression "How interesting" he said. He pulled me to my feet "im sorry about Demetri he...
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I woke to a loud noise. I jumped into a sitting position to find Rosalie standing at the door. She was glaring at me, showing her teeth and growling. I gasped and curled back in fear. Emmet came through the door behind her, grabbing her hands and wrapping them around her torso, like he was putting her in a straight jacket. A moment later, the rest of them appeared.
"Calm down, Rosalie," Carlisle soothed her. She whipped her head around to look at him.
"Calm down?" she asked in disbelief. "I'm going to be stuck with her for the rest of eternity, and you want me to calm down ?!" she wailed. This...
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posted by Sarah234
Chapter 3

Everything is ready, Charlie thinks I'm going to see my grandma in Florida, and Jacob has told his dad the truth, how easy it is to be a werewolf and have no secrets for your dad. Were taking Jacob’s car as it would make it there quicker and we won’t have to worry about it breaking down, I run down the stairs with my little holdall and throw it into the boot of the car and turn to say bye to Charlie.
“Bye dad, I’ll call you soon” I yell into the house
“Wait Bella! Here’s some money to help you out. Have fun.”
“Dad, you don’t hav-“
“No Bella. I insist” he says...
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"Okay. I'll try." she said reluctently. She muttered something under herbreath that I didn't catch. The only things I hear were "he" and "kill".
"But you need to sleep. You're not immortal yet, so you need it."
"Alice, it's barely even dark out!" I argued. I was suprised that Charlie had not said anythig about the fact I was going to bed in the middle of the afternoon. He must have been really distracted.
"Right." She said sarcastically. "Because you got so much sleep last night."
She had me there. And I was exausted. Sleep would just be very difficult. Never the less, I climbed into bed.
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